How to quickly clean up when the child is at home?

Every young mother asks herself the question “how to clean when there is a small child in the house?”. Of course, cleanliness and order are not just important, but essential for the health of the baby and his safety. However, how to do everything - and look after the crumbs, and create comfort and coziness in the home?

The ideal option is to call on relatives for help, for example, ask your grandmother, husband or older child to look after the fidget while you put things in order. But not all mothers have this opportunity. What to do when there is no one to rely on?

So here are some ideas to make things easier.

Try to maintain order in the house constantly. If there is no time to carry out a grandiose cleaning, you can agree with your household members so that everyone takes on some kind of “responsibility area”. For example, even elementary, waking up in the morning, you can make the bed yourself, and not leave it to your mother or wife, who is on maternity leave and “does nothing”. Let everyone hang their own clothes in their place and make sure that there is always order on the desk and shelves, put away their toys. You just need to introduce such a rule. Of course, loving people will always meet you.

Of course, cleanliness, as a habit, is excellent. But no one canceled wet cleaning, which should be done at least once a week. Some mothers choose a compromise solution - they carry out a “big” washing and cleaning of the whole house not during the day, but gradually. For example, no more than one room per day. It is quite realistic to do this within 30-40 minutes, and daily wipe the furniture with a damp sponge with a disinfectant, at least in places accessible to the baby, will take only 10-15 minutes of your time. This can be done in the "quiet hour" of the baby.

It is worth paying attention to the chemicals that are used for surface treatment. If the child is in the house when you clean, it is better to use safer substances. For example, you can prepare an aqueous solution of vinegar and wipe furniture with it. It has an antimicrobial effect and is not as harmful as many other modern gels. At the same time, be sure to ventilate the room so that the smell disappears.

If your child is already 2-3 years old, then this is the most suitable age to teach him to order. In a playful way, of course. Give him his own bucket and a cleaning cloth for this, show him where the toys “go to bed”. Whatever help you get, be sure to praise him and give him a small reward, like a treat, or read your favorite fairy tale.

If for some reason you have no time to clean the house or you finally want to take a break from routine obligations, you can contact the Taidirum company, whose line of business is high-quality apartment cleaning. We can clean the apartment completely, or we can take on only part of the things you do not like. We clean, and you manage your free time as you wish.

Specially for
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