What would the fourth spatial dimension look like? What is four-dimensional space (“4D”)?

See also: http://akotlin.com/index.php?sec=1&lnk=3_11

1. The principle of increasing dimensions
2. The principle of analogies
3. The principle of multidimensional arrays
4. The principle of entities
5. Principle of composition
6. Collapse principle
7. The principle of infinite recursion
^Notes (at the end of the article)

Attracted with enviable constancy
We are multidimensional spaces.
We endow them with miracles,
We dream about them for hours.
We are looking everywhere day after day...
At the same time, we live in them ourselves. ©


Why have people been trying to understand and explain four-dimensional space for centuries? Why do they need this? What pushes them to search for the mysterious four-dimensional world? There appear to be several reasons for this.

Firstly, people are pushed to search for invisible space by their unconscious sense of consciousness, in other words, by faith in the Higher Foundations of the Universe, as a memory of being in that world even before the moment of their birth.

Secondly, all world religions and esoteric teachings directly indicate the existence of the Upper World. This fact cannot be discounted or declared a random coincidence. Moreover, randomness is just a mathematical abstraction and therefore fundamentally unrealizable in the real world, in which all events are strictly determined by cause-and-effect relationships.

Thirdly, this is indicated by the experience accumulated by a huge number of psychics and mystics of all times and peoples, in most cases in no way connected with each other and not familiar with the experience of their “colleagues”, but testifying, in fact, to the same thing. Moreover, every person spends a third of his life in that world; this happens during sleep.

So what then is the problem of understanding four-dimensional space?


On the one hand, it would seem that there should be no problem of understanding four-dimensional space at all, since there is a modern Teaching - Agni Yoga, most of the books of which are almost entirely devoted to worlds of higher dimension. There are also detailed explanations of the basic provisions of this Teaching and, in particular, all the main features of multidimensional worlds.

On the other hand, the problem is obvious, since in science there are not even definitions^1 of such important components of space as a point, a straight line, a plane, and the concept of dimension does not accurately^2 reflect the fundamental property of the dimension of space. All this, together with the belief in zero, continuity and infinity^3, contributes to the emergence of various misconceptions and contradictions, for example, such as:

Operating with the concept of space of infinitely large dimension;
denial of the possibility of the existence of even four-dimensional space only on the grounds that it is impossible to draw a fourth perpendicular coordinate axis;
misunderstanding of the essence of the multidimensionality of space;
ignoring really existing^4 spaces of higher dimension;
development of “multidimensional” models of the Universe^5 that have nothing to do with reality.

Many attempts have been made to substantiate the existence of a higher, four-dimensional space. Among them there are known mathematical, physical, geometric, psychological and other attempts. However, all of them can be considered unsuccessful, since they never gave a clear and correct answer to the main question: what is the “axis” of the 4th dimension and where is it directed.

Let us now consider the main approaches to constructing a 4-dimensional space in more detail.


This approach or principle is based on the following simple reasoning. Let, for example, there be a 3D object – a lined school notebook. Here the letter “D” stands for “dimension” (from the English word Dimension). Being a three-dimensional object, a notebook has three dimensions: length, width and thickness.

Having opened the notebook, we can clearly see that the zero-dimensional “space” (ruler points) is embedded in a one-dimensional “space” (horizontal lines), and this, in turn, is embedded in a two-dimensional “space” (page). Two-dimensional “space”, or pages are nested in three-dimensional (notebook).

Simple induction suggests that three-dimensional space must be nested within four-dimensional space, and so on.

First of all, it should be noted here that the increase in the dimension of space at the stages 0D ––> 1D, 1D ––> 2D, 2D ––> 3D was always carried out in a direction PERPENDICULAR to the previous directions. During the transition to 4D space, this principle was violated, which calls into question both the admissibility of such a technique and the fairness of the results obtained.

In addition, since a mathematical point does not have dimensions, “spaces” with dimensions 0, 1 and 2 are (as well as the point itself) only mathematical abstractions, that is, they cannot really exist. Thus, the minimum dimension of real space is equal to three: Dmin = 3. Consequently, the principle of induction, derived for ABSTRACT objects, cannot be used as the basis for constructing a REAL 4-dimensional space, and 4-dimensional space itself cannot be explained by the considered above method.

Conclusions 1:

1.1. Four-dimensional space, obtained by increasing dimensions, is nothing more than a mathematical abstraction, that is, a game of imagination.
1.2. Using the principle of increasing dimensions to justify 4D space is fraught with the formation of false ideas about multidimensional spaces (Fig. 1.2).
1.3. Our 3-dimensional world, which we see, feel and understand, fundamentally cannot be embedded in any other world with a number of dimensions other than three.

However, let's note in our example with the notebook and remember two very important points:

1. LOWER space has always been mentally “embedded” INTO HIGHER, that is, into space with a larger number of dimensions.
2. ALL spaces considered are filled with matter of the SAME type, that is, three-dimensional atomic matter. In the example, these were the atoms that make up notebook paper and paint.


This method of creating “four-dimensional” figures is close to that discussed in the previous section. Unlike their predecessors, supporters of this method honestly admit the fact that it is impossible to draw the fourth perpendicular axis, but they assure that simple analogies are necessary and sufficient to obtain the fourth dimension (Table 2.1). However, evidence of the four-dimensionality of the resulting figures, unfortunately, is not provided.

Looking at Figure 2.1 from left to right and fixing the properties of geometric objects, we arrive at a table of properties.

Table 2.1

1D: Line | 2D: Triangle | 3D: Tetrahedron | 4D: Simplex
2 peaks | 3 peaks | 4 peaks | 5 peaks
1 rib | 3 ribs | 6 ribs | 10 ribs
--- | 1 face | 3 faces | 10 faces
--- | --- | 1 tetrahedron | 5 tetrahedrons
--- | --- | --- | 1 simplex face

As can be seen from the figure and table, the basis of the “principle of analogies” is the idea that a simple increase in the number of vertices of a geometric figure and pairwise connection of all vertices with edges is sufficient for the transition to a new dimension.
A more clear idea of ​​the principle of analogies can be obtained by watching a fragment of the video.

To summarize, let us formulate conclusions.

Conclusions 2:

2.1. “Multidimensional” constructions based on the principle of analogies are mathematical abstractions and exist exclusively in the imagination.
2.2. The developed virtual (computer) implementations of “four-dimensional” geometric polyhedra cannot serve as a substantiation of the reality of such objects, since the very concept of “virtual” is synonymous with the concept of “not existing in reality.”
2.3. Transferring these abstractions to the real world requires preliminary proof of their multidimensionality.


In the previous sections, we were convinced that understanding and describing real (not abstract) 4-dimensional space turned out to be quite difficult. However, mathematics, as we know, easily operates with so-called multidimensional objects, for example, “multidimensional” arrays and vectors.

In connection with this circumstance, the idea arises of using supposedly multidimensional mathematical structures, for example, arrays, to describe multidimensional spaces and objects. You can define a multidimensional array by giving a definition, but you can also introduce it into consideration step by step, that is, through sequential reasoning similar to that done in the example with the school notebook. Let's go the second way:

The position of point x on a straight line segment is given by one coordinate, in other words, by a one-component one-dimensional array: A1 = (x1);
The position of point x on the plane is determined by two coordinates, that is, a two-component one-dimensional array: A2 = (x1, x2);
The position of point x in three-dimensional space will be described by three coordinates, or a three-component one-dimensional array: A3 = (x1, x2, x3);
Continuing induction, we arrive at a four-component one-dimensional array describing the position of point x in four-dimensional hyperspace: A4 = (x1, x2, x3, x4).

By using the concept of an array recursively, that is, nesting some arrays within others, you can introduce a hierarchical system of arrays to describe larger spatial objects:

Point – an array of coordinates in the current space;
Line – array of points (matrix);
Page – an array of lines (“cube”);
A book is an array of pages (“hypercube”);
Bookshelf – an array of books (5th order array);
Bookcase – array of shelves (6th order array);
Book depository – an array of cabinets (7th order array).

Let's give another example of using space models based on nested multidimensional arrays:

Atom – (one-dimensional) array of coordinates;
Molecule – (two-dimensional) array of atoms;
Body – (three-dimensional) array of molecules;
A celestial body is a (four-dimensional) array of bodies;
A star system is a (five-dimensional) array of celestial bodies;
Galaxy – (six-dimensional) array of star systems;
The Universe is a (seven-dimensional) array of Galaxies.

Conclusions 3:

3.1. All objects in the considered hierarchical model have the SAME spatial dimension, which is determined by the number of components of the original one-dimensional array. However, these components can be given not only spatial, but also arbitrary interpretation.
3.2. Neither the number of nested arrays nor their dimension (more correctly, order!) are in any way related to the dimension of the simulated space.
3.3. Thus, by using “multidimensional” (more correctly, multicomponent!) arrays, we again did not get one step closer to our goal - understanding the meaning of multidimensional space.


Let’s now try to move from the idea of ​​constructing mythical supposedly “four-dimensional” objects to real entities in order to look at the world as if from the inside, that is, through their “eyes.” Let us also assume that in a space of any dimension (for example, in three-dimensional space) creatures of different levels of development, with different capabilities for moving in space, that is, with a different number of dimensions, can simultaneously reside.

Let's start with the stones. This group also includes “tesseracts”, “simplexes” and all other polyhedra. These are all passive objects, incapable of movement in any direction. Therefore, we classify them as “creatures” of zero^6 dimension.

One-dimensional entities include plants that have the ability to “move” only in one direction (in the “direction” of increasing their size) with a rigid connection to one specific point in space.

Let's call two-dimensional beings those who will be able to move in two directions, that is, within the surface. Even if this surface has complex contours and passes, for example, from the surface of the soil to the surface of a tree trunk.

A simple analogy suggests that 3D beings should be able to move in 3 different directions. For example, they must be able not only to crawl, but also to walk, jump or fly.

The same analogy leads us to the conclusion that four-dimensional entities must have a fourth super ability to move in the 4th direction. This direction can be the movement INSIDE three-dimensional objects.

For example, ether (radio waves), radioactive helium nuclei (alpha particles), viruses, and so on have properties of 4-dimensional entities.

Conclusions 4:

4.1. Fourth dimensional entities are invisible. For example, the size of a virus is only two orders of magnitude larger than the size of an atom. The tip of a needle can easily accommodate 100,000 influenza viruses.
4.2. It is logical to assume that invisible four-dimensional entities live in invisible four-dimensional space.
4.3. Four-dimensional space must have a very fine structure. For example, the habitat of a virus is a biological cell, the dimensions of which are measured in nanometers (1 nm = 1/1000000000 m).
4.4. The coordinate “axis” of the fourth dimension is directed inside three-dimensional space.
4.5. In itself, four-dimensional space and four-dimensional entities are three-dimensional. However, RELATIVE to three-dimensional space, they have the properties of the 4th dimension.


With the advent of the Theory of Relativity, the idea of ​​time as the fourth spatial coordinate took root in the minds of the general public. The reconciliation of the mind with such a strange point of view, obviously, was also facilitated by various time graphs, trends and charts. The only surprising thing is that the creative imagination of adherents of this view of MULTI-DIMENSIONAL space for some reason always mysteriously completely dries up at the number “four”.

It is known from physics that there are various systems of physical units, in particular, the CGS system (centimeter-gram-second), where length, mass and time are used as independent physical quantities. All other quantities are derived from the three main ones. Thus, the role of the three “pillars” of the Universe in the GHS is Space, Matter and Time.

In modern physics, space and time are artificially combined into a single four-dimensional “continuum” called Minkowski space. Many sincerely believe that it is that same four-dimensional space. However, such a view of multidimensional space is fraught with the emergence of a number of illogicalities and absurdities.

Firstly, time, being an independent quantity, cannot act as a property (spatial characteristic) of another INDEPENDENT quantity - space.

Secondly, if we seriously consider time as the fourth spatial coordinate, then in this case four-dimensional entities (that is, all of us, as inhabitants of “four-dimensional” space-time) should have the ability to move not only in space, but also in time! However, we know that this is not the case. Thus, one of the supposed spatial coordinates does not have the properties that are inherent in real spatial coordinates.

Thirdly, real space cannot by itself move relative to its motionless inhabitants in any of its directions. However, space-time has such a fantastic ability. Moreover, it moves in the fourth (temporal) direction exclusively selectively: at different speeds in relation to stones, plants, animals and people.

Fourthly, it can be assumed that, according to the logic of relativists, 5-dimensional space should become a composition of space-time with the third “whale” of the Universe – matter.

Fifthly, a reasonable question arises: which system of units (SGSE or SGSM) will the 6D space be associated with?

However, the most paradoxical thing in the relativistic vision of 4D space is that on a typical relativistic 3-dimensional graphic image of supposedly 4-dimensional space (Fig. 5.1), the 4th coordinate (time) axis is absent as such (!); but the result of the presence of matter (mass), which is not even mentioned in the four-dimensional “space-time”, is clearly visible. :)

This is probably why the phrase “space-time” so often evokes skepticism and is associated with a bearded anecdote about how the army found its own way of composing space and time, expressed in the order to dig a ditch from the fence to dinner.

Conclusions 5:

5.1. A joint consideration of space and time is quite acceptable.
5.2. Endowing time with the properties of space is an artificial technique, far from reality.
5.3. The relativistic “four-dimensional” space-time “continuum” has not the slightest relation to real four-dimensional space, especially to spaces whose dimensions exceed 4, and is another example of mathematical fantasies on the topic of multidimensionality.


Since the central issue of any model of 4-dimensional space is the question of choosing the direction of the 4th spatial coordinate, various approaches to solving this problem were considered in sections 1 – 5.

Thus, the authors of “four-dimensional” polyhedra directed the fourth axis wherever they wanted. The authors of multidimensional arrays are going nowhere. Viruses and other four-dimensional entities could move into three-dimensional space. Relativists endowed the inhabitants of 4-dimensional space (to which they included all of us) with the ability to move in time, as in ordinary space, which means in any direction in time.

It would seem that all options have already been exhausted, and the time has come to decide on the choice of one of the known directions for the fourth axis. Ah, no! The authors of the now fashionable “String Theory” have found another “direction” that is not occupied by anyone. Looking at the coiled watering hose, they came up with the idea of ​​twisting all the “extra” coordinate axes into rings, tubes and donuts. And to explain why we don’t see them, they endowed the rings with sizes that are “infinitely small even on the scale of subatomic particles.” Proponents of string theory believe that all higher spatial dimensions spontaneously collapsed, or scientifically “compactified,” immediately after the formation of the Universe.

Anticipating another question: Why did they collapse? – String theory also put forward the “landscape” hypothesis, according to which there was no “collapse” at all, all the axes of higher dimensions are intact, and they are invisible to us for the reason that our 3-dimensional space, being a hypersurface (br `any) of the multidimensional space of the Universe, supposedly does not allow us to look beyond this very brane. Unfortunately, the invisible coordinate axes are oriented in directions unknown to anyone.

In addition to the above, one cannot help but touch upon other “merits” of String Theory.

This theory was created to describe physical laws that manifest themselves at the lowest level of consideration of matter, that is, at the level of subatomic particles, as well as their interactions. However, the situation when one hypothesis (String Theory) tries to describe other hypotheses (guesses about the structure and number of elementary particles) seems very doubtful. The complete lack of consensus on the question of the real number of dimensions of the multidimensional Universe is also alarming.

There are many ways to reduce high-dimensional string models to observable 3-dimensional space. However, there is no criterion for determining the optimal reduction path. At the same time, the number of such options is truly enormous. According to some estimates, their number is generally infinite.

In addition, “the mathematical apparatus of string theory is so complex that today no one even knows the exact equations of this theory. Instead, physicists use only approximate versions of these equations, and even these approximate equations are so complex that they can only be partially solved." At the same time, it is well known that the more complex the theory, the further it is from the Truth.

Being purely a product of the imagination, String Theory is in dire need of experimental confirmation and verification, however, most likely, in the foreseeable future it will neither be confirmed nor verified due to very serious technological limitations. In this regard, some scientists doubt whether such a theory deserves scientific status at all.

Conclusions 6:

6.1. Having focused all its attention on describing the smallest particles, String Theory has lost sight of the explanation of such manifestations of the worlds of the Higher Dimension as prophetic dreams, astral exits, possession, telepathy, prophecies, etc.
6.2. The fact that String Theory well describes a whole range of phenomena without resorting to old physical theories confirms the hypothesis about the real multidimensionality of the Universe.


The principle of infinite recursion or fractality of the World is based on the hypothesis of the infinite divisibility of matter and originates from the works of the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras (5th century BC), who argued that in every particle, no matter how small it is, “there is cities inhabited by people, cultivated fields, and the sun, moon and other stars shining, like ours.”

In philosophical terms, this idea was shared, for example, by V.I. Lenin (1908), who believed that “the electron is as inexhaustible as the atom, nature is infinite...”. In literature - Jonathan Swift with his famous Gulliver (1727). In poetry - Valery Bryusov (1922):

Perhaps these electrons
Worlds with five continents
Arts, knowledge, wars, thrones
And the memory of forty centuries!
Also, perhaps, every atom -
A universe with a hundred planets;
There is everything that is here, in a compressed volume,
But also what is not here.
Their measures are small, but still the same
They are endless, just like here;
There is sorrow and passion, as here, and even
There is the same world arrogance...

Proponents of the recursive approach among modern scientists believe that the Universe consists of an infinite number of nested fractal levels of matter with characteristics similar to each other. In this case, space has a FRACTIONAL dimension tending to three. The exact value of the dimension depends on the structure of matter and its distribution in space.

Thus, there are two fundamental points here that, in fact, devalue the undoubtedly productive idea of ​​​​the nesting of matter and the plans of the Universe into each other. Firstly, this is a completely meaningless investment of the gigantic Universe in every microparticle of its own matter. Secondly, an extremely free handling of the concept of dimension.

Since the topic of the article is to understand the principles of multidimensionality of space, we will dwell on the second point in more detail.

For example, S.I. Sukhonos, agreeing that even a spider’s web is three-dimensional, seriously substantiates the zero-dimensionality of the Universe... for an “external observer.” However, being inside the closed space of the Universe, we have no right to make any conclusions about what is beyond its outer boundary. Thus, any discussion about the thoughts of an “external observer” belongs, at best, to the genre of science fiction.

Galaxies, in terms of dimension, are somewhat luckier than the Universe: the author recognizes their clusters as one-dimensional, considers “irregular” Galaxies to be two-dimensional, “regular” (spherical in shape) – three-dimensional, and assigns the status of four-dimensional space to spiral Galaxies.

Unfortunately, the concept of “dimension” of space in these arguments is associated, first of all, with the concept of “size”, then “shape”, and least of all the dimension depends on the number of dimensions of matter.

Conclusions 7:

7.1. Infinity, being a product of imagination, is not realizable in the real world, therefore the idea of ​​​​infinite recursion is nothing more than a myth.
7.2. The idea that a part (for example, an atom) can contain a whole (the Universe) is absurd.
7.3. Spaces with fractional dimensions do not exist by definition, and the view of the supporters of the recursive approach to dimension contradicts generally accepted ideas and common sense.


1. No more than just one of the 4-dimensional space models discussed above can claim to adequately reflect the real picture of the world, since all of them are not compatible with each other.

2. All problems with understanding multidimensional space exist exclusively within science, mainly in mathematics.

3. Basic mathematical abstractions, first of all, “infinity”, “continuity” and “zero” do not allow us to understand and describe spaces with dimensions higher than three, therefore all existing ideas about supposedly multidimensional space look ridiculous and naive.

4. The development of mathematical models of higher-dimensional spaces is impossible without revising the ancient (2500-year-old) tenets of three-dimensional (that is, modern) mathematics.


1. Agni Yoga. – 15 books in 3 volumes. – Samara, 1992.
2. Klizovsky A.I. Fundamentals of the worldview of the New Epoch. In 3 volumes. – Riga: Vieda, 1990.
3. Mikisha A. M., Orlov V. B. Explanatory mathematical dictionary: Basic terms. M.: Rus. lang., 1989. – 244 p.
4. Davis. P. Superpower: Searches for a unified theory of nature. – M.: Mir, 1989. – 272 p.
5. Tesseract: Material from Wikipedia. – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract
6. Dimensions: video, part 3 of 9 / Authors: Jos Leys, Etienne Gis, Orellan Alvarez. – 14 min (fragment – ​​2 min).
7. Alexander Kotlin. Space-matter. Concept. –
8. Special theory of relativity. – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Special_theory_of_relativity
9. Uspensky P. D. Tertium organum: The key to the mysteries of the world. – Printing house of St. Petersburg. T-va Pech. and Ed. cases "Trud", 1911.
10. GHS: Material from Wikipedia. – http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GHS
11. Four-dimensional space: Material from Wikipedia. – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-dimensional_space
12. Space-time: Material from Wikipedia. – https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-time
13. Brian Greene. Elegant Universe. Superstrings, hidden dimensions and the search for the final theory: Transl. from English / General ed. V. O. Malyshenko. – M.: Editorial URSS, 2004. – 288 p.
14. Sukhonos S. I. Large-scale harmony of the Universe. – M.: New Center, 2002. – 312 p.
15. Alexander Kotlin. How to understand 10-dimensional space? –


1. Here is what the great mathematician Hilbert says about this: “let us imagine three systems of things, which we will call points, lines and planes. We don’t know what these “things” are, and we don’t need to know. It would even be sinful to try to find out.”

2. In fact, the dimension of space is determined not by the number of mythical, in other words abstract, “axes”, but by the number of permissible (for a given space) directions of movement, for example: forward-backward, left-right, up-down for a 3-dimensional space.

3. The use of ancient (2500 years old) mathematical abstractions of continuity, infinity and zero (as the generation of infinity) in problems of studying multidimensional spaces can be compared to the use of an ax to split atomic nuclei in physics.

4. What science calls fields (for example, the electromagnetic field) or does not call at all (for example, the world of feelings, the world of thoughts, ...) are actually really existing spaces of the highest dimension.

5. First of all, this concerns models of multidimensional spaces with coordinate axes twisted into rings, tubes and donuts, which are considered within the framework of the so-called “String Theory”.

6. Strictly speaking, stones can move in 3 directions: moved by glaciers, submerged under water, emerging from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the land, and destroyed by waves or the atmosphere. However, these movements occur very slowly by our standards, with the speed of changing geological eras. That is, entities of “zero” dimension live in a different time frame, or at a different speed, not comparable to that which is familiar to us.

7. To be objective, we must admit that plants are not one-dimensional, but three-dimensional, since they are capable of moving not only upward, but also within the surface: as a result of reproduction (roots or seeds). However, such a movement will appear only after a year (in unfavorable circumstances - after several years), that is, at a speed significantly lower than the growth rate of the plant.

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

  • then they would grow into two circles, as we “descended” through their universe,
  • the circles would grow until they united into an oval,
  • then other circles (fingers) would appear next to them,
  • would grow into two large circles (hands, arms), together with an oval,
  • then everything would merge into one large part of our shoulders,
  • then it would shrink, grow and dissolve into our necks and heads.

Fortunately, there are no four-dimensional beings living in our Universe, since they would seem to us to be divine beings who ignore physical laws. But what if we turn out to be not the most multidimensional creatures in the Universe, and the Universe itself has more dimensions than it does now? It's worth noting that this is entirely possible; it has been proven that in the past the Universe could have had more dimensions.

In the context of general relativity, it is quite simple to construct a space-time framework in which the number of “large” (that is, macroscopic) dimensions would change over time. Not only have you been able to have more dimensions in the past, but you may well have the chance to do so in the future; you could actually construct a space-time in which this number would fluctuate, changing up and down over time, over and over again.

For starters, everything is cool: we can have a Universe with a fourth - additional - spatial dimension.

So that's cool, but what will it look like? We don't usually think about this, but the four fundamental forces - gravity, electromagnetism and the two nuclear forces - have these properties and forces because they exist in the dimensions that our Universe has. If we were to decrease or increase the number of dimensions, we would change the way force field lines propagate, for example.

If this affected electromagnetism or nuclear forces, there would be a catastrophe.

Imagine that you are looking at an atom, or inside an atom, looking at the atomic nucleus. Nuclei and atoms are the building blocks of all the matter that makes up our world, and are measured in the smallest distances: angstroms for atoms (10^-10 meters), femtometers for nuclei (10^-15 meters). If you were to allow these forces to "flow" into another spatial dimension, which they could only do if that dimension became large enough, the laws of interaction that govern the operation of these forces would change.

In general, these forces will have more "room" to run away, and therefore will become weaker faster over a distance if there are more dimensions. For nuclei, this change will not be so bad: the size of the nuclei will be larger, some nuclei will change their stability, become radioactive, or, on the contrary, get rid of radioactivity. That's okay. But with electromagnetism it will be more difficult.

Imagine what would happen if suddenly the forces binding electrons to nuclei became weaker. If there were a change in the strength of this interaction. You don't think about it, but at the molecular level the only thing holding you back are the relatively weak bonds between electrons and nuclei. If you change this force, you change the configurations of everything else. Enzymes denature, proteins change shape, ligands separate; The DNA will not be encoded into the molecules it should be.

In other words, if the electromagnetic force changes as it begins to spread into a large fourth spatial dimension that reaches the size of an angstrom, people's bodies will instantly fall apart and we will die.

But all is not lost. There are many models - mostly developed within string theory - where these forces, electromagnetic and nuclear, are limited to three dimensions. Only gravity can pass through the fourth dimension. What this means to us is that if the fourth dimension grows in size (and therefore in consequences), gravity will "bleed" into the extra dimension. Consequently, objects will experience less attraction than what we are used to.

All this will lead to the manifestation of “strange” behavior in various things.

Asteroids, for example, that are stuck together will fly apart because their gravity is not strong enough to hold the rocks together. Comets approaching the Sun will evaporate faster and show even more beautiful tails. If the fourth dimension grows large enough, gravitational forces on Earth will be greatly reduced, causing our planet to grow larger, especially along the equator.

People living near the poles will feel as if they are in a reduced-gravity environment, while people at the equator will be in danger of flying into space. At the macro level, Newton's famous law of gravity - the inverse square law - will suddenly become an inverse cube law, greatly decreasing the force of gravity with distance.

If the measurement reaches the distance from the Earth to the Sun, everything in the solar system will be untied. Even if it lasts only a couple of days a year - and if gravity is normal every three months - ours will completely fall apart in just a hundred years.

There would come a time on Earth when we would not only be able to move in an “additional” way through space, when we would have not only an additional “direction” beyond up-down, left-right, and back-and-forth, but also when the properties of gravity would change for the worse. We would jump higher and further, but the consequences for the now stable Universe would be apocalyptic.

Therefore, it’s definitely not worth dreaming about the appearance of the fourth dimension. However, there is also a positive note. We wouldn't have to worry about global warming, since increasing distance from the Sun would greatly cool our world, faster than rising atmospheric carbon dioxide warms it.

  • Translation

Surely you know that the planets move around the sun in elliptical orbits. But why? In fact, they move in circles in four-dimensional space. And if you project these circles onto three-dimensional space, they turn into ellipses.

In the figure, the plane represents 2 of the 3 dimensions of our space. The vertical direction is the fourth dimension. The planet moves in a circle in four-dimensional space, and its “shadow” in three-dimensional space moves in an ellipse.

What is this 4th dimension? It looks like time, but it's not really time. This is such a special time that flows at a speed inversely proportional to the distance between the planet and the sun. And relative to this time, the planet moves at a constant speed in a circle in 4 dimensions. And in ordinary time, its shadow in three dimensions moves faster when it is closer to the sun.

It sounds strange - but it's just an unusual way of representing ordinary Newtonian physics. This method has been known since at least 1980, thanks to the work of mathematical physicist Jürgen Moser. And I found out about this when I received an email from a work authored by Jesper Goranson entitled “Symmetries in the Kepler Problem” (March 8, 2015).

The most interesting thing about this work is that this approach explains one interesting fact. If we take any elliptical orbit and rotate it in 4-dimensional space, we get another valid orbit.

Of course, it is possible to rotate an elliptical orbit around the sun in ordinary space, obtaining a permissible orbit. The interesting thing is that this can be done in 4-dimensional space, for example, by narrowing or expanding the ellipse.

In general, any elliptical orbit can be transformed into any other. All orbits with the same energy are circular orbits on the same sphere in 4-dimensional space.

Kepler problem

Let's say we have a particle that moves according to the inverse square law. The equation of its motion will be

Where r- position as a function of time, r is the distance from the center, m is the mass, and k determines the force. From this we can derive the law of conservation of energy

For a certain constant E, depending on the orbit, but not changing with time. If this force is attraction, then k > 0, and on an elliptical orbit E< 0. Будем звать частицу планетой. Планета двигается вокруг солнца, которое настолько тяжело, что его колебаниями можно пренебречь.

We will study orbits with one energy E. Therefore, the units of mass, length and time can be taken in any way. Let's put

M = 1, k = 1, E = -1/2

This will save us from unnecessary letters. Now the equation of motion looks like

And the law of conservation says

Now, following Moser’s idea, let’s move from ordinary time to new time. Let's call it s and require that

This time passes more slowly as you move away from the sun. Therefore, the speed of the planet increases as it moves away from the sun. This compensates for the tendency of planets to move more slowly as they move away from the sun in normal time.

Now let's rewrite the conservation law using new time. Since I used a dot for derivatives with respect to ordinary time, let's use a prime for derivatives with respect to time s. Then for example:

Using this derivative, Goranson shows that conservation of energy can be written as

And this is nothing more than the equation of a four-dimensional sphere. The proof will come later. Now let's talk about what this means for us. To do this, we need to combine the coordinates of ordinary time t and spatial coordinates (x,y,z). Dot

Moves in four-dimensional space as the parameter s changes. That is, the speed of this point, namely

Moves along a four-dimensional sphere. It is a sphere of radius 1 centered at

Additional calculations show other interesting facts:

T""" = -(t" - 1)

These are the usual harmonic oscillator equations, but with an additional derivative. The proof will come later, but for now let’s think about what this means. In words it can be described as follows: 4-dimensional speed v performs simple harmonic oscillations around the point (1,0,0,0).

But since v at the same time remains on the sphere with the center at this point, then we can conclude that v moves at a constant speed in a circle on this sphere. This implies that the average value of the spatial components of the 4-dimensional velocity is 0, and the average t is 1.

The first part is clear: our planet, on average, does not fly away from the Sun, so its average speed is zero. The second part is more complicated: the usual time t moves forward with an average speed of 1 relative to the new time s, but the rate of change fluctuates sinusoidally.

Integrating both sides

We will get

a. The equation says that position r oscillates harmoniously around a point a. Because the a does not change over time, it is a conserved value. This is called the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector.

Often people start with the inverse square law, show that angular momentum and the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector are conserved, and use these conserved quantities and Noether's theorem to show that there is a 6-dimensional symmetry group. For solutions with negative energy, this becomes a group of rotations in 4 dimensions, SO(4). With a little more work, you can see how Kepler's problem is coupled to a harmonic oscillator in 4 dimensions. This is done through time reparameterization.

I liked Gorasnon's approach better because it starts with reparameterizing time. This allows us to effectively show that the elliptical orbit of a planet is a projection of a circular orbit in four-dimensional space onto three-dimensional space. Thus, 4-dimensional rotational symmetry becomes apparent.

Goranson extends this approach to the inverse square law in n-dimensional space. It turns out that elliptical orbits in n dimensions are projections of circular orbits in n+1 dimensions.

He also applies this approach to positive energy orbits, which are hyperbolas, and to zero energy orbits (parabolas). Hyperbolas have the symmetry of Lorentz groups, and parabolas have the symmetry of Euclidean groups. This is a known fact, but it is remarkable how simply it can be deduced using the new approach.

Mathematical details

Due to the abundance of equations, I will put boxes around the important equations. The basic equations are conservation of energy, force and change of variables, which give:

Let's start with energy conservation:

Then we use

To obtain

A little algebra and we get

This shows that 4-dimensional speed

Remains on a sphere of unit radius with center at (1,0,0,0).

The next step is to take the equation of motion

And rewrite it using strokes (derivatives with respect to s), rather than dots (derivatives with respect to t). Let's start with

And differentiate to get

Now we use another equation for

And we get

Now it would be nice to get a formula for r"". Let's count first

And then we differentiate

Let's plug in the formula for r", some things will cancel out, and we'll get

Let us remember what the conservation law says

And we know that t" = r. Therefore,

We get

Since t" = r, it turns out

Just as we need.

Now we get a similar formula for r""". Let's start with

And let's differentiate

Let's connect the formulas for r"" and r""". Some things are reduced and remain

We integrate both sides and get

For some constant vector a. It means that r oscillates harmoniously with respect to a. It’s interesting that the vector r and its norm r oscillate harmoniously.

The quantum version of the planetary orbit is the hydrogen atom. Everything we calculated can be used in the quantum version. See Greg Egan for details.

  • Translation

Surely you know that the planets move around the sun in elliptical orbits. But why? In fact, they move in circles in four-dimensional space. And if you project these circles onto three-dimensional space, they turn into ellipses.

In the figure, the plane represents 2 of the 3 dimensions of our space. The vertical direction is the fourth dimension. The planet moves in a circle in four-dimensional space, and its “shadow” in three-dimensional space moves in an ellipse.

What is this 4th dimension? It looks like time, but it's not really time. This is such a special time that flows at a speed inversely proportional to the distance between the planet and the sun. And relative to this time, the planet moves at a constant speed in a circle in 4 dimensions. And in ordinary time, its shadow in three dimensions moves faster when it is closer to the sun.

It sounds strange - but it's just an unusual way of representing ordinary Newtonian physics. This method has been known since at least 1980, thanks to the work of mathematical physicist Jürgen Moser. And I found out about this when I received an email from a work authored by Jesper Goranson entitled “Symmetries in the Kepler Problem” (March 8, 2015).

The most interesting thing about this work is that this approach explains one interesting fact. If we take any elliptical orbit and rotate it in 4-dimensional space, we get another valid orbit.

Of course, it is possible to rotate an elliptical orbit around the sun in ordinary space, obtaining a permissible orbit. The interesting thing is that this can be done in 4-dimensional space, for example, by narrowing or expanding the ellipse.

In general, any elliptical orbit can be transformed into any other. All orbits with the same energy are circular orbits on the same sphere in 4-dimensional space.

Kepler problem

Let's say we have a particle that moves according to the inverse square law. The equation of its motion will be

Where r- position as a function of time, r is the distance from the center, m is the mass, and k determines the force. From this we can derive the law of conservation of energy

For a certain constant E, depending on the orbit, but not changing with time. If this force is attraction, then k > 0, and on an elliptical orbit E< 0. Будем звать частицу планетой. Планета двигается вокруг солнца, которое настолько тяжело, что его колебаниями можно пренебречь.

We will study orbits with one energy E. Therefore, the units of mass, length and time can be taken in any way. Let's put

M = 1, k = 1, E = -1/2

This will save us from unnecessary letters. Now the equation of motion looks like

And the law of conservation says

Now, following Moser’s idea, let’s move from ordinary time to new time. Let's call it s and require that

This time passes more slowly as you move away from the sun. Therefore, the speed of the planet increases as it moves away from the sun. This compensates for the tendency of planets to move more slowly as they move away from the sun in normal time.

Now let's rewrite the conservation law using new time. Since I used a dot for derivatives with respect to ordinary time, let's use a prime for derivatives with respect to time s. Then for example:

Using this derivative, Goranson shows that conservation of energy can be written as

And this is nothing more than the equation of a four-dimensional sphere. The proof will come later. Now let's talk about what this means for us. To do this, we need to combine the coordinates of ordinary time t and spatial coordinates (x,y,z). Dot

Moves in four-dimensional space as the parameter s changes. That is, the speed of this point, namely

Moves along a four-dimensional sphere. It is a sphere of radius 1 centered at

Additional calculations show other interesting facts:

T""" = -(t" - 1)

These are the usual harmonic oscillator equations, but with an additional derivative. The proof will come later, but for now let’s think about what this means. In words it can be described as follows: 4-dimensional speed v performs simple harmonic oscillations around the point (1,0,0,0).

But since v at the same time remains on the sphere with the center at this point, then we can conclude that v moves at a constant speed in a circle on this sphere. This implies that the average value of the spatial components of the 4-dimensional velocity is 0, and the average t is 1.

The first part is clear: our planet, on average, does not fly away from the Sun, so its average speed is zero. The second part is more complicated: the usual time t moves forward with an average speed of 1 relative to the new time s, but the rate of change fluctuates sinusoidally.

Integrating both sides

We will get

a. The equation says that position r oscillates harmoniously around a point a. Because the a does not change over time, it is a conserved value. This is called the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector.

Often people start with the inverse square law, show that angular momentum and the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector are conserved, and use these conserved quantities and Noether's theorem to show that there is a 6-dimensional symmetry group. For solutions with negative energy, this becomes a group of rotations in 4 dimensions, SO(4). With a little more work, you can see how Kepler's problem is coupled to a harmonic oscillator in 4 dimensions. This is done through time reparameterization.

I liked Gorasnon's approach better because it starts with reparameterizing time. This allows us to effectively show that the elliptical orbit of a planet is a projection of a circular orbit in four-dimensional space onto three-dimensional space. Thus, 4-dimensional rotational symmetry becomes apparent.

Goranson extends this approach to the inverse square law in n-dimensional space. It turns out that elliptical orbits in n dimensions are projections of circular orbits in n+1 dimensions.

He also applies this approach to positive energy orbits, which are hyperbolas, and to zero energy orbits (parabolas). Hyperbolas have the symmetry of Lorentz groups, and parabolas have the symmetry of Euclidean groups. This is a known fact, but it is remarkable how simply it can be deduced using the new approach.

Mathematical details

Due to the abundance of equations, I will put boxes around the important equations. The basic equations are conservation of energy, force and change of variables, which give:

Let's start with energy conservation:

Then we use

To obtain

A little algebra and we get

This shows that 4-dimensional speed

Remains on a sphere of unit radius with center at (1,0,0,0).

The next step is to take the equation of motion

And rewrite it using strokes (derivatives with respect to s), rather than dots (derivatives with respect to t). Let's start with

And differentiate to get

Now we use another equation for

And we get

Now it would be nice to get a formula for r"". Let's count first

And then we differentiate

Let's plug in the formula for r", some things will cancel out, and we'll get

Let us remember what the conservation law says

And we know that t" = r. Therefore,

We get

Since t" = r, it turns out

Just as we need.

Now we get a similar formula for r""". Let's start with

And let's differentiate

Let's connect the formulas for r"" and r""". Some things are reduced and remain

We integrate both sides and get

For some constant vector a. It means that r oscillates harmoniously with respect to a. It’s interesting that the vector r and its norm r oscillate harmoniously.

The quantum version of the planetary orbit is the hydrogen atom. Everything we calculated can be used in the quantum version. See Greg Egan for details.

What awaits humanity upon the transition to the fourth dimension? How and when will this event happen? We present to you an interview with metaphysician and esotericist Drunvalo Melchizedek

Question: Do you feel that our society is on the verge of imminent destruction... or can the impending transition to the fourth dimension happen smoothly?

Drunvalo: I feel like this is all a mirage. It's all an illusion. And everything that exists is what we think about it, whether we are aware of it or not. If we can unite enough in our hearts, we can change this mirage and reduce the chaos and suffering that can arise during the transition. If we were to merge together as a planet of love, it would be a transition of great beauty. It would be the most wonderful event imaginable. We are about to begin a program to cleanse the world... if the secret government allows us, and they promise they will.

Question: Yes? Are you in contact with them?

Drunvalo: They are doing great work, but are going through an era of change.

Question: Tell us about your cleansing program.

Drunvalo: Yes, the program is wonderful. We have figured out how to clean up the planet's pollution... restoring it to the health it was a thousand years ago, and we can accomplish this cleanup in less than one year.

Question: It is fantastic!

Drunvalo: I hope that people, when they see the planet regaining its pristine purity, will not react by wanting to continue doing what they were doing and causing so much trouble again. We will be able to keep the Earth clean. We know how. A little later I will talk about this in more detail.

Question: Fine. Could you please bring us up to date on the upcoming transition to the fourth dimension that awaits us?

Drunvalo: What is happening now is that souls will be mixed throughout the Universe into a geographic area that is more in tune with the one in which they are located vibrationally. Therefore, when they make the transition, everything will become much more convenient and clearer.

Question: When such a shift occurs, will this three-dimensional world still exist, at least for those people who wish to remain in three dimensions? How do you see this?

Drunvalo: My angels (Drunvalo's Higher Self - “L.E.”) are telling me that this planet, if things continue as they are now and no changes occur, will become uninhabitable. Something happens in the third dimension that pushes the light upward (in the dimensional sense). The Earth has many levels of measurement. There are many worlds here. And not just one.

Question: So you know that when this shift occurs, the third dimension (the three-dimensional world) as we understand it will disappear.

Drunvalo: In reality, there is no big difference in whether it will be preserved or not. What will happen? Consciousness is pushed to move to higher levels. Who does this? God. God motivates us to change, no matter what the reason. The shift is being stimulated outside the (solar) system and this, from our point of view, is coming from God.

Question: Will each of us initially end up in the same position in the fourth dimension?

Drunvalo: You can enter various overtones of the fourth dimension, but only for a short time. Eventually everyone will emerge into the twelfth overtone, and from there we will take another giant leap of consciousness. From there, according to the Ascended Masters, we will begin to evolve very quickly and will never be the same.

Question: Toward the fifth dimension?

Drunvalo: We will enter the fifth dimension, and it is formless. There is no form in the fifth dimension. Although the fourth dimension has form, even there it almost does not exist.

Question: Do you know when this will happen, what is the time frame for this event?

Drunvalo: Any person who really wants to know can look into the depths of himself and find out everything. I don’t know if it’s right to talk about any time intervals at all... although I know that this will happen quite soon. It's dangerous to tell the time, especially to some people. This is the same as telling a person the exact date of his death. From now on, your whole life changes completely, you will not be able to live as before. Therefore, as soon as you know the day of the transition to another dimension, it will switch all your thoughts to the future, taking you away from the state of here and now, which is the only thing that will change. So I don't like to make predictions about when and what will happen.

Question: How can spouses or friends stay together during these dimensional transitions?

Drunvalo: Remember that your partner, without exaggeration, has the Christ Consciousness. Look into the eyes of another person, penetrate beyond his personality until you find that special place in him where you see the Christ Consciousness. If you both see the Christ Consciousness in each other, then your connection is so strong that it will overcome anything. I think this is one of the most powerful connections that exists. You look at someone else not only as a person, but you understand and see their divine side.

This is how it was in Lemuria. They reached such heights in their meditations when they saw Christ in each other. When they made love and a child was born, they saw that this child was God. Truly... by doing this in reality... by actually making him alive, they became immortal. This form of tantra leads to immortality. You don't have to have a child. It is enough to know that God lives in every person... That God, in fact, lives in each of us. Live with this faith and you will overcome anything. I would like to continue the conversation on a topic that I spoke about a little earlier.

Question: Please, we are listening.

Drunvalo: My angels asked me to see what was happening on Sirius V. On that planet of his where dolphins and whales live. Until recently, dolphins and whales were engaged in external technology. The Dogon tribe has written evidence of what happened when they came from outer space, landed in spaceships, created water there and entered it. If you don't know about this, read Robert Temple's book “The Sirius Mystery”.

Question: Necessarily.

Drunvalo: In one of the African caves there is an ancient inscription that reports that dolphins and whales had spaceships, at least until the last seven hundred years. My angels told me that about two hundred years ago, dolphins and whales began the process of disconnecting from external technology and they managed to completely come out of it and undergo complete internalization. So now they don't need anything anymore. Everything is completely internalized. On another planet of Sirius B there live humanoids who, like us, are still connected to external technology. They created right-hemisphere psychotronic technology. It has no moving elements. She looks like a sculpture. They can do whatever they want with her. The use of this technology transforms the user to a great extent and he begins to realize that he can do anything by gaining knowledge from within. Very quickly, the civilization of humanoids turns into a civilization of cetaceans. The psychotronic technology itself actually disconnects them from external technology.

Question: What a miracle!

Drunvalo: As I began to tell you a little earlier, we are on the eve of launching a similar process here on Earth. Now we have received permission, and we have done a lot to make sure that permission is received at all levels (of spirit). I'm talking about the beginning of the cleansing of the planet. We have simple technology. To activate it, only 20 milliwatts of power is enough, which is almost nothing. It only requires a tiny battery, but with this simple device we recently completed cleaning up the entire city of Denver. Denver was the most polluted city in the United States. And now it is one of the cleanest cities. You can go there and you’ll even see a bug on the horizon... It’s so clean! Two years ago, a team of scientists from the Key Research Corporation mounted a tiny device that created a torus-shaped vortex thirty-five miles in diameter. What they do: They reproduce the waveforms of a rain cloud in the air. But as a result, the sky is cleared of all pollution. It's starting to rain. The water level in reservoirs is rising. The crime rate is reduced by 31%. It's quite complicated and I can't go into detail here. But there is one important circumstance. This is all connected to geopathic lines that run through Denver. There are six of them. I had to put them on the map.

Question: So are you planning to send people to different cities with this technology?

Drunvalo: We plan to train people to do this and clean different areas. We are negotiating with Egypt to clean up Giza and Cairo - both cities are extremely polluted. We believe that if this event is carried out in correctly selected zones, then almost “with a wave of the hand” (in fact, carrying out the main work will take a little less than three months) the entire sky over the world will become clear. Then we will turn our attention to the oceans and begin to clean up the world's oceans. Next, we will enter the ozone and “cure” the ozone. Then we'll go into the earth and turn the poisonous toxins and uranium and everything else into useful earth elements, and return the Earth to the way it was before. We know how to do it.

Question: Did your angels give you information on how to construct such a device?

Drunvalo: No. It was designed by one of the people I worked with. He extracted this information from sacred geometry and put it into a tiny coil.

Question: We understand that you spend quite a lot of time in the fourth dimension. Could you describe it to us in more detail?

Drunvalo: It is completely different from the third one. Each level of measurement is completely different from the others. Every time we take another step, there is a difference...

Question: The difference... like between water and earth?

Drunvalo: Even more. Everything... with which the spirit is connected is different. In the 4D world you have bodies, but you can fly. You don't need food. Lots of differences. Completely different colors. You interact not as an individual, but as a device, like a cell in a single organism. Therefore, everything you do is carried out in synchronicity with another life. Although some of the lower realms of the fourth dimension are unhealthy. They are rather distorted, like our lower kingdom, filled with bizarre thought forms. But the higher realms are very developed. The angelic spheres are located in the seventh, eighth and ninth overtones. Right next to it, in the tenth, eleventh and twelfth overtones, the highest levels of human consciousness live. Other levels of consciousness, not just human ones, flow through them.

Question: Earlier you said that in the four-dimensional world you can change the shape of the body. Apparently, you won't get bored there.

Drunvalo: It's a thousand times more interesting there than here. Every breath is like eternity; it is incomparable to anything. Here we have lost our connection with God and do not remember what it means to have God in us and to live with God whose spirit passes through us, and to be closely connected with God when everything you think or feel immediately manifests itself in reality. You can enter the fourth dimension and, oddly enough, update the third dimension. These are just children's toys from their (beings from the fourth dimension - “LE”) point of view. There we are considered babies. So, as babies, we can create a more or less three-dimensional world, but it won't last long because you quickly realize that whatever you think about starts to come true, and the idea that we are separate from each other is quite soon becomes meaningless.

Question: What is our next step in evolution?

Drunvalo: I really can't say anything except that we will go into a formless state. We will not have bodies, and we will lose most of the localized energy. We will become much more “expanded,” but the understanding of “extended” will continue to evolve. Every time we enter another dimension, awareness reaches higher and higher levels. It seems to be constantly unfolding.

Question: When we find ourselves in the fourth dimension, how long will it take, in earthly terms, until we rise into the twelfth overtone and break out beyond it? Can you appreciate this?

Drunvalo: Everything is energy. It's all light. This is a thought in the mind of God. It will happen that in our memory the previous life in earthly three-dimensionality will take the place of the distant past. You can enter the fourth dimension for hundreds of thousands of years and return to Earth, and only a few seconds will pass. In the four-dimensional world everything is different. Now we are gradually beginning to interact with the fourth dimension. Many people believe that we are already in the fourth dimension. But that's not true. Although the effects of the 4D world are starting to affect time. Time is speeding up. Events in reality begin to replace each other very quickly.

Question: From your perspective, is this movement between dimensions limited to our Solar System, the Galaxy, or does it encompass the entire Universe?

Drunvalo: We are now convinced that it affects all life, everywhere.

Question: Many people are very concerned about the state of our economy. Could you comment on this in the context of what we are discussing?

Drunvalo: We are entering times when everything may fall apart. Anything is possible. Mormons are ordered to stockpile supplies that allow them to lead an autonomous lifestyle for two years. I think when everything starts to fall apart, we will have very little time left before the transition begins. Maybe just two months. And it is possible that we will make it (transition - “L.E.”) without any warning at all. We (Drunvalo's group - “L.E.”) are now working on how to make this transition as easy as possible. The longer we manage to stay in the three-dimensional world on Earth, the easier this transition will be because we will have enough time to simplify many things. So far the secret government is not stopping us.

Question: Tell us about it. How aware is the secret government of your activities?

Drunvalo: Fully aware. Some of them help us in every possible way. However, the biggest problem now is the military. There are people among the military who are out of control. They are gripped by such great fear. The fact is that this understanding (of the impending dimensional shift - “L.E.”) is now seeping down to the lower levels of government. For a long time, only the secret government, and only privileged government officials, knew about this. Now this is known to many people in the government.

Question: So, someone in the secret government not only does not interfere with you, but, on the contrary, works with you in harmony and cooperation?

Drunvalo: Hmm, it's not that simple. In 1985 or 1986, the secret government came to the conclusion that there was no point in returning to Mars. They allowed the fall of the Berlin Wall, then the collapse of the USSR, and then the gradual leakage of information to many levels, as they began to understand that everything is One. Of course they didn't like it. All of this is alien to their nature, and they fought with all their might to try to stop it, but now it is clear to them: they are just a part of something, although they never wanted to be this part... this already happened in Atlantis when they were there . They did not agree to become part of the feminine path. So one group broke away and truly put the whole system to the test.

It was planned (in September 1995 - “L.E.”) to detonate eight atomic bombs on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific Ocean.

(On May 5, 1995, an article appeared in the Papiete (Tahiti) newspaper, citing the Associated Press news agency, which reported: “At 12:30-5:30 an explosion occurred in a tunnel drilled at a depth of 1800 feet on Mururoa. The explosion was equivalent to an explosion 20,000 tons of TNT... The explosion of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima was equivalent in power to an explosion of approximately 15,000 tons of TNT... Planned tests were reported in June, ostensibly necessary so that France could subsequently carry out computer simulations of explosions, abandoning further underground tests. programs are necessary to ensure that we occupy a position that guarantees the viability and power of our nuclear forces for a long time,” the government, represented by the Minister of Defense, said.” – L.E. editor’s note). Did you know about this?

Question: No.

Drunvalo: Six bombs were detonated. This was carried out by the hands of France, but it was not the French who did it. There were several governments there. The secret government wanted to blow up the axis of the coordinate network of the Christ Consciousness, which passes through the center of the Earth. At the same time - the day before and the day after the bomb exploded - the entrance to the Great Pyramid was blocked. They installed their equipment in Egypt to assess the extent of the damage they caused. They wanted to see how strong the consciousness of the people of Earth was. Oddly enough, during the explosion of the fifth bomb, the Earth began to awaken. Before that, she was unconscious, she was sleeping. During the explosion of the sixth bomb in January of this year, the Earth woke up. Now she is awake. Now that she is conscious, although not fully conscious, she will begin changes that no one can stop.

Question: Have they damaged the net of Christ?

Drunvalo: No. During the explosion of the sixth bomb, representatives of the secret intelligence services were in the pyramids and monitored what was happening. Suddenly a man appeared in the center, appearing out of nowhere. It was the Ascended Master. He didn't say a single word. He just opened the ethereal book and gave them one passage to read. After this, they revised their plans and abandoned the last two explosions, although they did not inform the world about this. But they still continue to conduct HAARP research. (A little-known radiophysics project funded by the Pentagon, the full name is the “High-Frequency Auroral Activity Research Program.” The magazine Popular Science wrote that the goal of this research is “to transform the zones of the upper atmosphere into the equivalent of huge lenses, mirrors and antennas.” - Note . editor “L.E.”).

Question: Yes. In Alaska. Is it really as bad as Popular Science says?

Drunvalo: This is even worse. The power of this weapon is thousands of times greater than that of an atomic bomb. Compared to these weapons, the atomic bomb is nothing more than fireworks. Once such a weapon is created, they can target a country like England and destroy it in a matter of seconds.

Question: They generate different types of radio waves.

Drunvalo: HAARP antennas can transmit trillions of watts of energy into the atmosphere. In fact, in this case, the ionosphere “boils” and it turns into a kind of mirror that can be used as a reflector. In this way, gigantic amounts of energy can be transferred at any given time. This could cause colossal destruction. With the help of such weapons, you can change the nature of the weather, control people’s mood, their thoughts and feelings. And this goes into effect in the spring of 1997. When the first atomic bomb was detonated (although it is never talked about), no one knew whether the detonation would cause the entire world to explode. But that didn't stop it from blowing up. There are historical documents. The government was so desperate to win the war that it agreed to take the risk. Who can predict what might happen when HAARP reaches full capacity in the spring of 1997! After all, this way you can completely destroy the ionosphere. They don't know what will happen, but they are willing to take the risk.

Question: You say that there are certain levels within the secret government - not just splinter groups from the main core - that wish you luck.

Drunvalo: Yes, they understand that we are the only ones (among them known) who have a plan that they are able to understand, so they want us to succeed. But the highest levels of the military are scared to death. They fear that with their time machines they stand on the edge of the Great Void. They can travel to the past and future thanks to their understanding of the Montauk experiments (Montauk is a US military base where highly secret scientific experiments are carried out) and remote viewing (there are two different systems). And now, when they peer into the Great Emptiness, they are told that they must go there. This is very real for them. They discovered the Great Void, sent people there, and they never returned. So they are scared to death.

Question: Do they know that you, one way or another, have clues to the mystery of the Great Void?

Drunvalo: Yes. At some higher levels of the secret government they know. We are currently having problems with the lower levels. Therefore, if the need arises, we will enter their cars and go into the Great Emptiness (under the protection of the Mer-Ka-Ba - “L.E.”), and then return back, showing them that everything is in order, that life is not disappears, and then they will have hope, because we want no one to be harmed during the transition, not even the military. We will show them that everything is okay. Whatever it costs us.

Question: Are groups working together with their Mer-Ka-Ba fields?

Drunvalo: Yes. If you are familiar with advanced techniques, you know that two or more people can connect their energy fields. The three-phase Mer-Ka-Ba, which is what we call it, is a serious thing. It measures 1.6 million miles across. It completely covers the planet. Two people in a three-phase Mer-Ka-Ba, if their love is great enough, can completely change the world. It just depends on how much you can tolerate and how deep their faith in the presence of God is!

Editor's Choice
Sometimes you want to surprise your other half in the morning, remind them of yourself, and please them. In this case, tender...

A friend is a close person who will always come to the rescue. And words of gratitude and compliments are also important to her. In this article...

How many years! But it seems like yesterday we met. And the memory is so fresh. I keep our first kiss inside me, And my heart says: “I love you! I love you!” And...

The theme of this collection is Good morning wishes in your own words to a friend, only the best parting words from the bottom of my heart!...
There is no family without fidelity and love, This is the most valuable gift of fate, Let happiness knock on every home today, Let everyone bypass...
A party for crazy rockers and true connoisseurs of rock music. At the Rock Party there are motorcycles, guitars, drums and the best...
Kyiv University. The recognizable red with black trim main building, painted in the colors of the Order of St. Prince Vladimir, named...
Games and entertainment for children for the Autumn Ball Games and entertainment for organizing autumn events at an elementary school Tatyana Tolstikova...
Friends, the New Year is already on the threshold, it has come to our favorite game. Everyone already knows that the New Year's Offensive is underway in World of Tanks...