Riddles of antiquity: Slavic amulets for home and family. Choosing the location of the protective embroidery

For many centuries, our ancestors were accompanied by amulets that protect them from failures, illnesses, the evil eye and various misfortunes. They were placed in the house and carried with them, they were made before significant events. For a modern person, amulets are rather purely decorative. However, they can be an excellent symbolic gift or interior decoration. If you are interested in the history of our ancestors, the life and traditions of the Slavs, or you just love needlework, why not try to make Slavic amulets quickly and simply with your own hands? Our step-by-step master class with a description of all stages of work will help you with this.

Learning to weave Slavic charms with our own hands: a bird of happiness

One of the most popular charms for good luck is the Bird of Happiness. Most often it was made of wood, but nothing prevents us from making a bird out of twine and woolen threads.

Necessary materials:
  • leg-split;
  • woolen threads of bright colors;
  • beads.
Operating procedure.

To form the head and beak, cut the twine into pieces of 30 cm, fold them in half and tie in the middle. The resulting loop is tightly wrapped with red thread, first in one direction, then in the other. Tie a neat knot and cut the thread.

We decorate the bird's neck by wrapping a fairly wide section of twine with red thread. We make the wings by inserting another bunch of twine segments perpendicular to the body. We fix the future wings crosswise with a red thread. By analogy with the neck, we form the waist.

Stepping back from the waist a few centimeters, we begin to braid the tail with colored threads in a checkerboard pattern, dividing the twine into several equal bundles, as shown in the photo below.

Similarly, we braid the wings as close to the body as possible. Then we give the bird a round shape, cutting off the excess twine using the template.

At the end of the work, we sew on the eyes-beads, we make legs from beads, if desired, we sew a loop. The bird of happiness is ready!


The Slavs attached great importance to their dwelling and protected it with the so-called amulets "at home". One of the symbols of well-being and comfort is a decorative broom, richly decorated with various objects that have a certain meaning and bring family happiness.

Operating procedure.

To work, you will need a small broom, duster or similar blank made from natural materials. You can make an impromptu broom yourself from twine, rope, thread, jute or thin branches.

If a real broom is used, its handle must be carefully trimmed. We tie the handle and the working surface of the broom with a wide braid and woolen threads. It is best to use threads of black, white, red, blue, yellow and green, because according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, these colors bring good luck.

We proceed to the most important part of the work - decorating the broom. Depending on what action you expect from this amulet, you need to choose various items:

  • a bag of coins - financial well-being;
  • sunflower seeds - rich offspring;
  • garlic - protection from the evil eye;
  • nuts - good luck in business;
  • rose hips - the beauty and energy of the hostess;
  • wheat ears - the health of all family members.

By attaching the necessary items to the broom and additionally decorating it with flowers and silk ribbon bows, we get a very powerful home amulet.

Charm doll for a child.

Since ancient times, the Slavs hung a doll amulet over the cradle of a child, which protected him from evil spirits and the evil eye. Such an amulet will not interfere with a modern baby, and it will not be difficult to make it at all.

Necessary materials:
  • bright patches of cotton fabrics;
  • cotton threads;
  • filler optional.
Operating procedure:
  1. Cut out a long rectangle from white material. Having bent its edges, we roll it up with a roll and tie it with threads close to the edges. These will be the doll's hands.
  2. From a colored patch (traditionally used blue fabric for a boy and red fabric for a girl), we cut out a larger rectangle. Roll it up and fold it in half.
  3. Between the halves of the colored fabric we place the blanks for the pens and fasten them with threads from the bottom and top, thus forming the head and skirt of the doll.
  4. At the end, we make a loop for which the amulet can be hung over the crib.

Optionally, you can additionally decorate the doll with embroidery, ribbons, beads. So, amulets for girls were often decorated with bows and beads.

Very often, a small canvas bag with a small amount of dried herbs was placed in the doll. Plants were selected depending on the purpose:

  • rose petals gave the baby beauty and docile character;
  • the thistle protected from the evil eye and people with bad intentions;
  • periwinkle warded off evil spirits;
  • thyme protected from spoilage.

One or more dolls were hung over a bed or cradle and never removed.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you to watch other video tutorials on making various amulets in detail with your own hands.

At all times, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from evil, problems, slander, illness and mental anxiety with the help of amulets. If we touch on history, then the ancient Slavs worshiped the cult of the Sun, therefore Slavic amulets were always with solar signs, the main task of which is to protect the person wearing them.

You should not think that any amulet can protect a person, because there are no universal options, as, for example, in Christianity. In order for the amulet to serve as reliable protection, it must be properly selected. One of the clearest examples of Slavic amulets (individual) can be considered the solar sign of the Valkyrie, which was worn only by Slavic women who cared about protecting their kind and family. The charms of the Slavs have long been intended to create a kind of protective screen for a person, home, family from all sorts of troubles, illnesses and troubles.

Each Slavic amulet is individual, so it is important to select it not only for its beauty, but also for its value. Choosing a talisman is a complex process, requiring not only the definition of beauty criteria, but also basic knowledge about a particular type that will become a real helper, and not just another fashion accessory.

Each culture is characterized not only by its own epic and traditions, but also by its own system of esoteric images, in which, on the basis of the most elementary geometric figures, the foundations of being and worldview of representatives of a particular nationality are laid. We can safely say that symbols and emblems are an obligatory component of all religious denominations, communities and cultures.

Our Slavic ancestors had enough knowledge to compose their own

model of the device of the surrounding world. the brightest

the same shape as DNA. If we turn to the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish, then it clearly traces the connection between the Vedas of Ancient India, the basis of which can be safely considered Slavic traditions. This epic describes in sufficient detail the processes of the emergence of the solar system. Don't forget about
Mahabharata, which is written on the basis of the Perun Vedas. The history of the Slavs is full of secrets and mysteries, and anyone who wants to comprehend them should not just look at the pictures with Perun or Dazhbog, but really study the records and testimonies that have survived to our times in the epics of various countries. Unfortunately, some people, having seen and bought Slavic amulets, consider themselves descendants of the great Aryans, but this is not entirely true, because for them they are nothing more than a trinket, and such people have nothing to do with Slavic history.

These are far from all examples of the fact that the ancient Slavs had knowledge that modern mankind does not yet have. To maximize the preservation of the knowledge gained over the centuries, symbols were used - simple images that are much more understandable to a knowledgeable person than numerous volumes of libraries. By the way, paper media can easily be destroyed (just remember the Library of Alexandria), and a symbol applied to a talisman or just a stone will not be distorted by a certain vision and will retain its original meaning. Every descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know and understand the meaning of the foundations of ancient Slavic mythology, runes and amulets, because this is our history, no matter how hard they try to hide it behind Christian canons, it will remain a real story.

How to choose the right Slavic amulet

Slavic amulets and their meanings are a whole section of history, despite all simplicity and clarity at first glance. Everyone who decides to buy a Slavic amulet should know that it only benefits if it is charged on time and according to all the rules. In ancient times, this mission was undertaken by the Magi, who specialized in concentrating energy in the amulet. Today it is almost impossible to meet them, but this is not a reason to be upset - the amulet can be charged on its own if you follow a simple set of actions. You should not think that the process of loading the amulet resembles some kind of satanic actions with obligatory sacrifices, in most cases the forces of nature are used, unity with which for the Slavs has always been the most important magical ritual. In order for Slavic amulets to work to protect their owner, it is important to choose them correctly. Below are the main tips for choosing and using Slavic symbols in everyday life:

Male and female amulets

All Slavic amulets are divided into two main categories - for men and for women. The basis of any amulet is the symbol depicted on it, associated with certain forces of nature. Despite the fact that faith in higher powers and gods today is not as great as it was before, amulets are closely connected with higher powers that constantly affect a person. That is why it is important not only to choose the right amulet, but also to charge it with pure thoughts, constantly wear it and believe in its magical power. It just so happened that in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs there was a clear division into male and female patrons, therefore, amulets should be chosen in accordance not only with the month of birth, but also with gender. Silver is considered a traditional material for the manufacture of Slavic amulets, since this metal has unique properties of purification and durability.

Often we grab onto some little thing in which we were lucky, say, on an exam, interview, or first date with the words: “This is my lucky amulet.” Alas, it is not. Rather, it is your lucky talisman. The meaning of the amulet is somewhat different: it protects its owner, the carrier, directs his energy in one direction or another, helps to put protection from evil and negative influences, protects from obvious and hidden enemies, puts a barrier to all sorts of troubles.

Those amulets that you can feel, or to create which hands are attached, are sometimes called amulets. But not if it is, say, a house twisted under the visor of your house by swift-winged swallows. This, by the way, is a very powerful amulet of the house, bringing happiness, peace and good luck to the people living in it, putting a barrier against troubles that bring bitter tears. Among the Slavs, the ancestors of those who today speak Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak, Serbian, it was believed that the nest of the first messenger of spring would also protect the house from the fires (lightning) of Perun and everything that destroys the fire.

There are other charms given to us by Mother Nature. By the way, they were powerful sources of strength for our forefathers - the Slavs. Such natural defenders of vital energy - Slavic amulets can be attributed to all well-known trees and plants. For example:

Protect the Slavs - we do it ourselves

Perhaps the most powerful Slavic amulets, invariably helping their owners, can be considered self-embroidered patterns. And these are not only traditional towels and shirts - not everyone will wear them in the modern urbanized world. How to proceed? You can embroider a belt, eyeglass case, a cube in the car, a handcuff, or what we today call a bracelet, a necklace(bandage-hoop that supports the hair) ... The main thing:

  • The right attitude;
  • Material;
  • The choice of the sign of the amulet, the protection and power of which you want to receive.

For example, here is such a eyeglass case, made of linen and natural threads, which can easily be turned into a nauz with a pendant if, instead of glasses, you put a mixture of thistle, St. John's wort and wormwood into it.

  • Thistle(chamber) drives away all sorts of slander, spells, witchcraft damage, protects from evil spirits. It also quenches girlish yearning for the unknown, protects travelers;
  • Sagebrush protects from the evil eye, misfortunes, drives away evil spirits;
  • St. John's wort, an opponent of witchcraft and an intercessor from a bad word.

The embroidery depicts the strongest Slavic solar signs:

  • Charovrat that will not allow envious people to impose the evil eye and damage, dark forces to penetrate your souls;
  • Rysich, a universal "borderline" amulet that protects not only from anxiety and danger, but also from the twilight edge of the meeting of the known and unknown worlds;
  • fireman, setting you and your interlocutors to the purity of thoughts, and the righteousness of deeds, giving, if necessary, the light of illumination;
  • Molvinets, reflecting all the evil thoughts of the ill-wisher and increasing your strength a hundredfold;
  • 12-pointed cross giving you vital energy;
  • sologne, containing the strongest concentration of goodness, light power, which does not allow anger and negativity to reach its carrier.

On the other side are:

  • Charovrat, which was mentioned above;
  • Thunderbolt flying, keeping your soul from all kinds of evil attacks and slander.

You need to wear such a eyeglass case or pendant when you have to communicate with strangers, or with those whom you have already observed the ability to absorb your vital energy. It is also good to take it with you to an important meeting, where there are many, for example, your competitors.

A very stylish bracelet made with your own hands from coarse linen (canvas) and natural (better than cotton or linen threads).

Its main symbol is Slavic sign of Veles, protecting and protecting its carrier from the ill-wisher and evil thoughts. He is especially disposed to those who are now far from home, earning food or defending the honor of the family.

You can also embroider another bracelet with your own hands for a loved one or a loved one, with protective amulets revered by the Slavs. Like the one in this photo:

Material for its manufacture:

  • Rough linen or canvas, which themselves are an excellent conductor of good energy, and, in addition, protect from the evil eye and malicious damage;
  • Wood beads:
  • Cotton or linen threads.

The meaning of embroidery of Slavic protective signs is the extension of the family, the preservation of bodily and spiritual health and family well-being.

The strength of the amulet, encrypted in embroidery, is enhanced by the selected colors. So brown, personifying - mother earth, a symbol of fertility and the successful growth of fruits; blue - reveals your creativity and helps to conduct business, gives hope.

Such a cube, embroidered with your own hands on a coarse linen canvas (canvas) with cotton threads “Women's happiness”, can become an excellent amulet for your home, your car.

On it are several of the strongest amulets of our ancestors - the Slavs:

Doll - protecting babies

All of the above Slavic amulets are best used to protect the home, adult family members. But there are also amulets that can be hung over the cradle of babies so that they drive away disturbing sleep, uninvited evil spirits, and the evil eye from him. To do this, everyone can easily make kuvado dolls with their own hands.

All they need is:

  • Bright and white flaps made of natural fabric;
  • Cotton or linen threads;
  • Good mood, with which, when making a doll, you will turn to her with a request to protect the little successor of the family.

If, when twisting the flap, you add amulets to the base of the doll (preferably in the head area), which have been revered by the Slavs since ancient times, the strength of the doll will only increase. What can be used when making a Slavic amulet for a baby with your own hands? For example:

Any will bring strength to your loved ones. The main thing is to do it with love and pure thoughts.

Our article will talk about how to create and use amulets for home and family.

Each person considers his home a fortress that can protect from all troubles and troubles. But as practice shows, evil has more power than good, therefore it always tries to penetrate a person’s home and bring something bad to him.

If you do not want your family's life to be overshadowed by hardships and troubles, then try to protect your home with a hand-made amulet.

Why do we need amulets for the home, how do they work, their meaning?

The meaning of amulets and symbols in the house

A hand-made amulet has a fairly powerful energy that can neutralize all the worst. But for it to be so, a person must, during the manufacture of such a protector, have the purest thoughts and think exclusively about something good.

A positive atmosphere permeated with kindness, love and light will make a simple, at first glance, thing strong enough, and in the end it will take on all the bad things that they wish for the house and its household.

The value of the elements of the amulet:

  • Needles and pins (protect against damage and the evil eye)
  • Slavic symbols (will help to attract good luck)
  • Icons (needed to attract heavenly patrons)
  • Various seeds (needed for the health of loved ones)
  • Herbs (help to scare away evil spirits)
  • Coins and banknotes (capable of attracting good luck and wealth)
  • Linen and burlap (needed to attract happiness and good luck)
  • Round objects (are a symbol of continuous happiness)

What amulet for the house to do with your own hands at the entrance?

Dried flowers wreath

If you want to protect your home from everything bad, then make a wreath amulet with your own hands. Such a protective talisman can be placed either directly on the front door, or somewhere near it. For its manufacture, it is best to use a maximum of natural materials and preferably hand-made.

Remember, your wreath must have herbs, seeds, flowers, and pins (the latter must be so well camouflaged that they cannot be seen by strangers). In addition, be sure to decorate the finished wreath with bright satin ribbons. The red ribbon will help to establish harmonious relations between households, the yellow one will contribute to the accumulation of financial wealth, and the white one will save all your relatives from anger and envy.

  • To start, take a piece of vine and tie it into a circle
  • Next, decorate the blank with herbs (they should cover it as tightly as possible)
  • In the next step, attach flowers, corn seeds and beans
  • When all the details are set, wrap the wreath with satin ribbons and hang it on the door or on the wall near the entrance.

Do-it-yourself Slavic amulet for the home

Making a Beregini doll

The most popular Slavic amulet is the Bereginya doll. It is believed that it is she who is able to protect the family from the envy of strangers and from the actions that they are trying to take to harm all family members. In principle, you can make such a doll yourself. But it will be better if you make this amulet together with all family members.

If you wish, you can hide thistles, thyme and garden rose petals inside such a Beregini. Our ancestors believed that this natural material protects very well from damage and the evil eye, and at the same time attracts the positive energy of nature. You can see how to make such a Bereginya doll in the figure located a little higher.

Charm for the bedroom, living room, children's room

Charm bottle

If you want to make an amulet that looks like an ordinary decor, then make the so-called witch's bottle. To make it, you will need herbs, sharp objects, salt and cereals. All these items will need to be laid out in layers in a bottle, thereby creating a beautiful pattern.

If in the future you will drape the amulet with a bright cloth, then you can additionally fill its neck with church candle wax. By such actions, you will forever seal the negative inside the container and thereby prevent it from re-affecting your loved ones.

The value of bottle filling materials:

  • Pins, pushpins and broken glass - scare away all the bad
  • Salt - cleans energy from negativity
  • Herbs - take away damage and the evil eye
  • Cereals - attract good luck and health

Charm for the kitchen with their own hands

Wreath of garlic pepper

Recommendations for making garlic

The most ideal amulet for the kitchen is a wreath of garlic and pepper. If you wish, you can make it from natural materials or make an imitation of these vegetable crops, and then make a charm out of them. When making such a protective amulet, you must remember that it is not friendly with coniferous trees, reeds and plants that climb like vines.

If you connect them together, then in the end you will get a talisman with dual energy. Garlic and pepper will try to protect you from everything bad, and reeds and coniferous branches, on the contrary, will attract trouble to you. Therefore, it will be better if you attach them to a piece of ordinary rope and decorate with mint and rosemary.

You can see how to make garlic a little higher, and as for the pepper, it is best to make it from salt dough, bake it and paint it in the desired color. For those who do not know, the dough for making crafts is made in the following proportions: 200 g of flour, 200 g of salt and 50-70 ml of water.

Thistle, burdock, bay leaf, herbs, as a talisman for the home

Bouquet of dried flowers

As mentioned above, herbs are the most powerful talisman for the home. They absorb negativity quite well and, most importantly, under no circumstances give it back. The only thing you should consider if you use them to protect your home is that they still need to be changed periodically.

As practice shows, after about six months they begin to gradually lose their strength and, as a result, part of the negative begins to fall on people living in the house. As for how to make amulets from such materials, then everything is simple. All that will be required of you is to collect a bouquet from them, tie it with a red thread and place it in the room closer to the windows or doors.

Herbs for home and family protection:

  • Ivan da Marya
  • Ararat grass
  • Fern
  • Clover
  • Henbane
  • Sagebrush
  • Thistle
  • Nettle
  • Oregano

Indoor flowers, plants, as a talisman for the home

Indoor flowers amulets

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, but ordinary indoor flowers are also able to purify the energy of the house. No wonder our ancestors always put them on the windows, thereby blocking the flow of negative energy from the outside. If you also want to protect your home in this way, then check out the list of indoor plants with strong protective energy.


  • Azalea (protects from envy)
  • Scarlet (attracts health)
  • Begonia (attracts positive energy)
  • Geranium (cuts off aggression and quarrels)
  • Callas (fill the house with calmness)
  • Cacti (block the path of negativity)
  • Violets (clear thoughts of everything bad)

Cross stitch: schemes with descriptions

pattern for love

pattern for happiness health pattern Pattern for protection from the evil eye

money pattern

Pattern #1

Our great-grandmothers considered embroideries to be quite a strong amulet, so they never threw away things decorated with such man-made patterns, but tried to save them for future generations. If your family does not yet have such a talisman, then try to make it yourself. All you have to do is embroider the correct symbols and then simply frame them and hang them on the wall.

But remember, since you are making a protective amulet, it is undesirable to use standard flowers or figures to create it. It will be better if you draw Slavic symbols on the canvas with threads that will attract health, good luck and wealth to you and your family. Above you can see pictures that show which symbol will help you get what you want. If you wish, you can arrange them on one canvas and then happiness will always reign in your house.

What icons protect the house?

Icons of amulets for the home

Probably, it’s not even worth saying that an Orthodox icon consecrated in a church is a powerful amulet capable of not only protecting, but also healing. In view of this, if you want your house to have an amulet capable of conveying your requests to the Almighty, then be sure to hang several icons in the house. In case you want the protection to be as powerful as possible, then place them in every room.


  • Living room - Kazan and the Lord Almighty
  • Entrance hall - Burning Bush and the Seven-Arrowed Icon of the Mother of God
  • Kitchen - images of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of God or Christ the Savior
  • Bedroom - the image of the Guardian Angel, the Blessed Virgin Mary or Jesus

Pictures protecting the house

Painting amulet of flowers

Painting amulet made of natural materials

Picture of cereals and seeds

The house is exactly the place where all household members most often spend time together. That is why you must do everything so that it has the purest energy. Help you to do this original painting. Such amulets are made exclusively from natural materials and always on some big church holiday.

Therefore, it would be better if you buy all the necessary materials in advance, carry out preparatory work, and on the appointed day just sit down and assemble the picture. Yes, and remember that it is best to do this after visiting the church, as it is during this period that your soul will be filled with warmth and light as much as possible.

Pictures can be made from:

  • Colors
  • Kamushkov
  • wooden figurines
  • Threads of red, green and yellow

Salt - a talisman for the home: how to apply?

Salt amulet

We all know that salt has a fairly strong energy and if you know how to use it, then with its help you can get rid of many troubles. For example, if you do not want bad energy to enter your house, then simply make a strip of this product near the door (it should be parallel to the entrance), while reading the Our Father prayer.

If you want to make an amulet out of salt, then simply sew a bag out of any natural material and pour Thursday salt into it (it is made before Easter). If you place such a talisman in the living room, then it will take away all the negativity that ill-wishers will bring to your house.

Bast shoes, figurines: where to put or hang a charm in the house?

Figurines amulets for home

As for bast shoes, it is best to place them in the kitchen, or rather, hang them near a door or window. Since the negative will enter this room through them, in this way you can at least minimize its negative impact. But figurines are best placed in the house, taking into account what you want to get from them in the end.


  • Eastern part of the house (helps attract wealth and success)
  • The western part of the house (will help to ensure that your household does not get sick)
  • The southern part of the house (attracts positive energy to the home)
  • The northern part of the house (protects from damage and the evil eye)

How to make a homemade horseshoe amulet with your own hands?

Recommendations for making a horseshoe

You can see how to make a horseshoe with your own hands in the master class posted a little higher, so now we will tell you in more detail how to properly place such a talisman.


  • Ends up (the amulet will help save money)
  • Ends down (the amulet will take away negativity and envy from you)
  • Tips to the right side (the amulet will give you health)
  • Tips to the left side (the amulet will attract love)

How to make a home amulet from salt dough with your own hands?

Salt dough horseshoe

Salt dough sunshine Figure #1

If you are making a salt dough amulet for the first time in your life, then give preference to the simplest figures that you can simply cut out of dough and then color. At the beginning of our article, we already told you how to prepare the dough for such a talisman, so now we will teach you how to bake it correctly.

  • Cut out the shape you want from the dough
  • Apply special runes to it (see pic number 1)
  • Put everything on a silicone mat and transfer to a baking sheet
  • Preheat the oven to 120 degrees and place a baking sheet with blanks in it
  • When they become firm, turn off the oven and wait for it to cool completely.

Figurines for amulets:

  • Sun
  • Birds
  • Loaf
  • Woman
  • The male
  • Child
  • Flowers
  • Trees
  • wreaths
  • horseshoes
  • coins

How to crochet a charm?

Crochet bast shoes

crochet brownie

If you know how to crochet, then you can try to make crafts from threads. But keep in mind, if you want such a talisman to have an extremely positive effect on you and your family members, then use red, white, green, yellow and blue threads to create it.

It is best not to use black yarn at all, as it will slightly weaken the positive energy of the finished product. Yes, and if you want to make such talismans more powerful, then be sure to put the right items inside them. These can be herbs, flowers, salt and various cereals or legumes.

How to draw a charm?

Draw an Angel

Draw Brownie

We draw Beregin

Draw birds

Draw trees

As you probably already understood, any thing can become a talisman, the main thing is that during its manufacture a person thinks only about the good. That is why, if you wish, you can make a protective talisman even from your own drawing. If you depict a brownie, a Breginya doll, or even the same bast shoes in the drawing, and speak everything correctly, you can get a fairly strong amulet.

The best part is that you can quite easily hang such a picture even in a child’s room, without fear of unnecessary questions from your child. Above we bring to your attention a few sketches that you can use to create a painted amulet.

How to make a charm for the house from bad, evil and envious people?

Making a charm from evil people

In our article, we have already introduced you to many different amulets that protect a person’s home very well from everything bad. The amulet, a master class for the manufacture of which you can see a little higher, is also able to cope with human problems no worse than others. Moreover, it is the eye of God that can provide protection for decades.

According to people who know, the longer you use it, the more protective energy it begins to possess. As for where to place it, there are no surprises here. If desired, you can decorate doors, windows, walls and even furniture with it.

How to make a charm for the house from enemies?

Amulet pouch

If you want to protect your home from enemies, then make a special protective amulet that will not let bad energy do its job. So, sew a small bag out of white linen and fill it with mint, lavender, Easter salt and pushpins.

Be sure to tie the bag with red woolen thread and mark it on the wall above the door on the outside of the dwelling. But keep in mind, you need to place it in such a way that your enemies do not see it. Therefore, it would be better if you prudently hang in this place, for example, a flower pot or some other decorative element.

How to make a talisman for the house from thieves?

Prayer for a conspiracy

If you need to make a talisman against thieves, then go to church, pray to God, and then buy a church candle. Bring it home, pray again in front of the icons, and then light it and start going around your home.

Do it slowly and be sure to read the plot located a little higher. After going around the whole house, put a candle in the hallway and wait until it almost burns out. Then take all that is left of it, wrap it in red cloth and bury it at the threshold of the house.

How to make a charm for the house from adversity?

Pillow amulet Symbols for embroidery

The simplest craft that protects against adversity is a small pillow amulet. As a rule, it is made of linen and necessarily decorated with Slavic embroidery. It is believed that it is these ancient symbols that endow simple material with the power to protect against everything bad. Such a pillow can have completely different sizes.

If you need such a charm to be taken with you, then make a palm-sized product and carry it with you in your bag. If you need a pillow amulet solely to protect your home, then it can have quite standard sizes.

Just so that she can protect you from all adversity, be sure to put thistle, mint, nettle and oregano in her filler. These herbs will enhance the action of the Slavic tower, thereby making your amulet almost omnipotent.

How to make a charm for the house from damage and the evil eye?

Amulet from Pochi

If you want to protect the house from damage, then the same Easter salt and dried nettle will help you do this. The latter will need to be collected on a full moon, and then dried in daylight. After the nettle is ready, it will need to be transferred to a wooden chest and be sure to sprinkle it with salt.

After the chest is full, close it with a lock, the key from which you throw into the river. Thus, you will help to ensure that all the negativity that the nettle and salt will subsequently absorb will never break out.

Signs and amulets during the construction of a house, a project of a house from a log of the amulet type: reviews

Slavic amulet for the home

Alexei: My parents are very superstitious, so they started building our family nest in early spring as they believed that it would bring them happiness. As time has shown, our home really turned out to be very happy. Neither the parents, nor we, their children have experienced even a minimum of negativity during all this time.

Natalia: So far, I am only planning to build my own house, but I already know for sure that when laying the first crown, I will definitely put money under it for wealth and natural wool for warmth.

How to properly place the amulets-talismans in the house?

Brownie on the wall

I would immediately like to say that in order for the amulets to protect you as effectively as possible, you need to stir them in such a way that the person who has just entered cannot see them directly from the threshold. If it is a hostile guest, then he will make your talisman weaker, which means that some of the negativity will still get into your home.

In addition, you must remember that there are amulets that, in general, need to be hidden from the eyes of your guests. These include talismans that protect against damage, the evil eye and thieves. This category also includes amulets made for the children's room. They are best hidden under the child's pillow or hung on the bed, so that only you know about its presence.

What items should not be in your home?

Broken dishes bring bad luck

If you want your home to bypass all the troubles and troubles, then do a general cleaning and throw out of it all the things that attract negativity.

These things include:

  • climbing plants
  • Dishes covered with cracks and chips
  • torn clothes
  • old shoes
  • cracked mirrors
  • Paintings depicting scary scenes

What to do with purchased, donated amulets?

Cleansing amulets with fire

As a rule, purchased and donated amulets take over part of the energy of the one who made or donated them. Therefore, in no case should such a talisman be placed in your home without first cleaning the energy.

An ordinary church candle will help you do this. All you have to do is just light it and hold the gift or purchased item over it for 7 minutes. This procedure will need to be repeated 3 times and after that you can safely use the amulet for its intended purpose.

Video: Broom-amulet. Handmade/Charm

Slavic amulets are considered one of the most powerful, as they are associated with ancient knowledge. Such a hand-made amulet will become a strong defense and protect you and your loved ones from enemies and envious people.

In the manufacture of amulets, the Slavs used the power of nature, so it was almost impossible to remove such protection. Symbols and figurines of animals were used as talismans, which symbolized strength and wealth. The bear, deer, hare and other totem animals were endowed with protective powers, because it was thanks to them that our ancestors could satisfy their hunger, warm themselves with skins and adopt the ability to survive and defend themselves. Later, wolves began to be attributed to such animals, since they had developed all the necessary qualities that made them strong and hardy, causing an involuntary desire in a person to possess the same abilities.

The Slavs also worshiped mystical creatures. Goblin, brownies, courtyards, kikimors, water and other mythical entities were used as protection. At first, it was customary to give gifts to such evil spirits in order to appease them and avoid trouble. Later, our ancestors began to use their magical power for their protection. As a rule, amulets consisted of an image of an object of worship and were activated by the same appeasing ritual, during which people asked to be endowed with certain abilities and protected from evil influences in exchange for some kind of donation.

Features of the manufacture of amulets

Having made such a charm at home, you will not only endow it with strength, but also charge it with your positive energy. By doing so, you will be protected at all times.

To make an amulet, you first need to decide on the material and decide what exactly this item will protect. If you want to protect your home from any evil, the Bereginya creature is suitable for such purposes. Until now, it is not known what she looked like and whether she had a human appearance. It is only known for certain that Bereginya is filled with female power, which protects the comfort in the house and maintains the hearth. Having made an amulet dedicated to Beregina and hung it over the front door, you can ward off misfortune and poverty from your home.

In the matter of manufacturing, everything depends on your imagination: how and from what to make Bereginya is up to you. It can be a doll dressed up in traditional Slavic clothes, with a basket filled with bread in her hand. Or you can sew a regular bag, put protective herbs in it and tie it with red thread.

For a personal protective amulet, jewelry with the image of animal figurines is perfect. It can be bracelets, earrings or pendants. The main condition in such amulets was that when moving, such products would begin to make noise or ring. By making a certain sound or noise, the amulets thus frightened off evil spirits and ill-wishers. That is why, in addition to protective figurines, beads or bells were used, which hit each other and made a ringing sound.

Do-it-yourself Slavic amulet

When you have decided what you will protect and what kind of amulet suits you, you can proceed to the most important thing. It is best to use natural materials: natural fabric, wool, spikelets or seeds. Avoid plastic and synthetics.

During the manufacture of the protective talisman, you need to pronounce the following words: “ Surround me (or my house) with protection, take enemies and all evil spirits away from me. Hide from envious people and ill-wishers. May it be so". Repeat this phrase until the Slavic talisman is ready.

This method of protection does not require recharging, and its effect becomes stronger every year. You can strengthen the protective power of amulets with the help of white magic or the power of runes. However, do not be too suspicious of everyone you meet. Believe that you are under the protection of the Higher Forces, and offenders will bypass you. Trust the world and it will reciprocate and of course don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2015 00:30

Many people think that making amulets at home is a long and difficult task. But on...

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