Yana Churikova: Since childhood, I have been asked to say hello to my mother Inna. Actress Inna Churikova: biography, family and path to success Autobiography of Yana Churikova

Inna Churikova is a brilliant actress, loving wife and caring mother. She has more than 40 roles in TV series and feature films. Do you want to know the details of the biography and personal life of the artist? You will find all the necessary information in the article.


Inna Churikova was born on October 5, 1943. She is a native of the city of Belebey, located on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In what kind of family was the future theater and film star raised? Her father, Mikhail Kuzmich, worked at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. At one time he participated in two wars - the Soviet-Finnish and the Great Patriotic War. Mother, Elizaveta Zakharovna, was a Doctor of Biological Sciences. The woman worked for several decades in the Botanical Garden operating at Moscow State University.

From an early age, our heroine demonstrated creative abilities. The girl loved to sing, dance and imitate pop stars. At school she got B's and A's. Parents never had to blush for their daughter.

Student years

By the time she graduated from high school, Inna had already decided on her profession. She wanted to become a famous actress. From the 9th grade, the girl attended the youth studio at the Drama Theater. Stanislavsky. Leaders L. Elagin and A. Aronov predicted a brilliant future for it.

In 1960, Inna entered the VTU named after. Shchepkina. She was considered one of the best students on the course. The girl always passed her tests on time, helped lagging students and took an active part in the life of the group. In 1965, Inna Churikova was awarded


The “Sliver” graduate was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Youth Theater. Over the course of several years of work in this institution, our heroine managed to try on dozens of images. She played the fox, Baba Yaga, and the bunny.

At some point, the actress realized that she was marking time. She wanted career development. In the period from 1968 to 1975 she worked under contracts. Inna Mikhailovna starred in films and commercials. And in 1975, the woman decided to return to the stage. This is how she became an actress at the Lenkom Theater.

Inna Churikova: films

For the first time our heroine starred in a big movie in 1960. She was approved for the role of Raika in the film “Clouds over Borsk”. The aspiring actress liked the filming process. The girl decided to continue developing her film career.

The second film with her participation was presented to viewers in 1963. It was called “I am walking around Moscow.” Inna had a small role. But the beauty did not despair. After all, she gained invaluable experience working in the frame.

In subsequent years, the actress starred in films directed by her husband Gleb Panfilov. For example, in 1970 the film “Inception” was released. Inna Churikova played two roles there at once. She brilliantly got used to the image of the Maid of Orleans and the provincial Pasha Stroganova. It must be said that this picture brought worldwide fame to both the actress and the director.

In the period from 1979 to 2014, Churikova collaborated with such masters as Mark Zakharov, V. Bortko, S. Govorukhin and others. She has established herself as a true professional with a responsible approach to her work.

Today, many of us know who Inna Churikova is. Films with the participation of this artist are regularly shown on various TV channels. Let's list her most striking and interesting works in cinema:

  • “The Cook” (1965) - Varvara.
  • "Big Sister" (1966) - Nellie.
  • “Theme” (1979) - Sasha Nikolaeva.
  • "Vassa" (1983) - main role.
  • “Courier” (1986) - Lidia Alekseevna.
  • “Mother” (1989) - Nilovna.
  • “Shirley-myrli” (1995) - Praskovya Krolikova.
  • “Bless the Woman” (2003) - Kunina.
  • “Moscow Saga” (2004) - Mary Gradova.
  • “In the First Circle” (2005) - Gerasimovich’s wife.
  • “Burnt by the Sun-2” (2011) - old woman.
  • “The Best Day” (2015) - Lyubov Vasyutina.

Personal life

Many people think that the famous TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter of Inna Churikova. But that's not true. They are just namesakes. The actress raised a son. Inna Mikhailovna and her husband dreamed of a daughter. However, fate decreed differently.

Our heroine met her future husband on the set of the film “There is No Ford in Fire.” The aspiring director captivated her with his magnificent appearance and gallantry. He also liked the slender and cheerful girl. Soon the lovers got married. The celebration was attended by friends, relatives and colleagues of the bride and groom.

In 1978, Inna Churikova gave birth to a son. The boy was named with a beautiful Russian name - Ivan. The new father tried to spend as much time as possible with the baby. Gleb Anatolyevich himself bathed and swaddled his son.

The couple did not want Ivan to follow in their footsteps. After graduating from school, he entered a university, where he studied to become a diplomat. However, in 2008 he managed to feel like an actor. Ivan Panfilov and his mother starred in the film “Guilty Without Guilt.” And the director of the film was his father, Gleb Anatolyevich. After this, the guy decided to continue the family business.


Now you know where Inna Churikova was born, studied and how she built her film career. We also talked about how her personal life is shaping up. Let's wish this wonderful artist creative success, good health and family well-being!

TV presenter Date of birth November 6 (Scorpio) 1978 (41) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @yana_chu

TV presenter Yana Churikova gained wide popularity in 2002, when the music program “Star Factory” started on Russian TV. Producers fought for talented performers, young singers staged shows on stage and in the Star House, and Yana brilliantly hosted all this action.

Biography of Yana Churikova

Yana Alekseevna was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow, USSR. The father of the future television star Alexey Churikov was a military man and often moved due to his duty. In the early 80s, he, his wife Elena and daughter moved to Hungary. In this country in 1985, Yana went to first grade.

The Churikov family returned to their homeland after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In Moscow, the girl entered the gymnasium and at the same time began studying at a music school. She graduated from this school with honors in piano.

At a young age, the future TV presenter was attracted to several activities at once. At different times, Yana wanted to become an opera singer, researcher, and biologist. One day she realized that all her hobbies were combined into one interesting profession - journalism.

In 1995, Churikova entered Moscow State University, where she began to learn the basics of television and radio broadcasting at the Faculty of Journalism. Yana graduated from Moscow State University in 2000, after which she entered graduate school. The topic of the thesis was related to the MTV channel, it was called “The influence of music TV on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel.”

Yana's debut as a correspondent took place in 1996. She worked in the “Vremechko” program of the ATV television company. Two years later, Churikova joined the team of the MTV Russia entertainment channel as the host of the programs “Big Cinema” and “12 Evil Spectators.”

The journalist’s collaboration with MTV ended in 2002, when she went to Channel One. Her debut work in a new place was the “Lens” program. This was followed by several more entertainment programs, but the song project “Star Factory” received the greatest fame among them.

Yana Churikova is the presenter of several Golden Gramophone awards, the general director of MTV Russia and other related channels, a participant in the Circus with the Stars project and the winner of the Together with Dolphins show. In 2006, Churikova’s voice could be heard in the Russian dubbing of the cartoon “Get Away!”, where she voiced one of the main characters, Rita Malone.

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Yana Churikova is a Russian TV presenter and producer. During her career, she grew from a TV presenter on the Russian channel MTV to the head of the youth and music broadcasting channels of the Viacom holding (MTV Russia, MTV Live HD, MTV Rocks, MTV Hits, MTV Dance, VH1 and VH1 Classic). Permanent host of the Star Factory project for ten years.

Yana Alekseevna Churikova was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. Yana spent her childhood in Hungary, where her father served in the military. Mom Elena Churikova is an economist by training.

In 1985, her parents sent the girl to primary school in the city of Tököl, in the center of Hungary. Yana’s childhood memories are connected with these places: together with her friends, she looked for shell casings and cartridges, explored trenches from the Second World War, an airfield, and a radar. At the beginning of the 2000s, already a popular TV presenter, Yana made a pilgrimage to the places of her childhood, but found the remains of a garrison that had fallen into disrepair.

As a child, Yana was attracted to many professions, but, in her own words, for the most part this was due to their external attributes. Among his childhood hobbies were paleontology, zoology, music and much more, including the profession of a dentist. And one of the brightest impressions in her life was a visit to the opera house, where the girl was amazed not only by the music and scenery, but also by the solemn, luxurious outfits of the audience. Later, Yana decided that she could learn more about all professions at once if she herself became a journalist.

Yana Churikova's family returned to Moscow in the late eighties, when Soviet troops were leaving Hungary. At first, the girl had no friends, and the capital itself left a painful impression - a dark, scary city, where evil people walk the streets, as Churikova comments on her memories of this time.

The girl’s life changed when she began studying at the youth newspaper “Glagol,” which was an alternative to “Pionerskaya Pravda.” Children with a penchant for writing came to this newspaper, where they were taught the basics of the journalistic profession. There Yana made new friends and the work of her life. In 1994, the girl took second place at the Literary Olympiad in Moscow. Also, while working in “Verb”, Yana sang for some time in the rock group “Fairy Tales for Adults”, which, after playing several concerts, broke up.

In 1995, Yana Churikova entered the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University. Her graduation project was called “The influence of music television on mass consciousness using the example of the MTV channel.” After completing her studies, she entered graduate school, where her area of ​​scientific interest was the process of socialization of youth audiences under the influence of television.


During the 1996 election debates, young journalists were invited to the “We” program, including Yana Churikova. Yana’s short speech attracted the attention of an experienced journalist and producer of the ATV channel, who invited Churikova to practice. The first project of the aspiring journalist was the “Vremechko” program under the leadership of Lev Novozhenov. For some time, Yana was not allowed on the air because, according to the managers, her voice was too childish. But three months later, Yana Churikova nevertheless released her debut report.

A year later, the young journalist gets a job at the MTV Russia television company, first as an editor and then as a TV presenter. According to Yana, she even had to credit herself with several years in the application form in order to receive an invitation to this job. Later, when this circumstance was revealed, the girl had already established herself as a conscientious employee.

In the early stages of her work, Yana Churikova gained experience in many specialties related to television, which gave her the opportunity to later become the leader of her own team. In an interview on the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Yana Churikova notes that she understands what needs to be achieved from people, how to organize the team’s work in such a way that each participant feels comfortable.

Yana Churikova at the "Star Factory"

Among the projects that brought popularity to Yana Churikova, a special place is occupied by the program “12 Evil Spectators,” which she hosted from July 1999 to January 2002. The concept of the program was that invited participants watched the clip and tried to objectively evaluate the video. Since the evaluation was often negative, a star was invited to defend the video. Based on the results of the program, a vote was held for the worst clip.

Yana Churikova’s professionalism as the host of this show was noticed, and she was invited to work on Channel One. At first, Yana hosted the youth television program “Objective”, then for some time she worked in the “Good Morning” program.

Sergei Zverev, Yana Churikova and Dan Balan at the Golden Gramophone award

The most successful project in the TV presenter’s creative biography is the musical show “Star Factory,” which Yana Churikova hosted for eight seasons. Working on “Star Factory” cannot be called easy. In one interview, Yana Churikova admits that this project takes up 90% of her time, and sometimes she even has to spend the night at work. But all these difficult circumstances only emphasize the popularity of the show among the viewing audience, and, therefore, all the difficulties of production will not be in vain.

Yana Churikova is considered one of the most sought-after presenters in Russia. Her projects include “Golden Gramophone,” which Yana co-hosted with the popular TV presenter, “The Story of a Song,” and the extreme show “Cruel Intentions,” which viewers remember, in which participants undergo difficult tests on an obstacle course in order to win.

Since 2007, the television journalist has been working in the Red Square studio, which exists on the basis of the Vid television company. Twice she acts as the host of the musical hit parade of the best songs of the year “Red Star”. Also, Yana Churikova, together with the producer, was a commentator for the Eurovision 2015 song contest.

Since October 2013, Yana Churikova has held the post of General Director of the MTV Russia channel. In addition to her leadership position, Yana continues to demonstrate creative abilities in other areas. In the same 2013, the musical project “Universal Artist” was released on Channel One with the participation of Churikova; she also hosted the opening ceremony at the Universiade in Kazan and some events of the Olympics in Sochi. In 2014, the journalist became the voice of the Friday! TV channel.

Personal life

Yana’s first husband is director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin, whom the girl was introduced to by her mother. Yana liked Ivan’s professionalism and his personal qualities. The couple lived in marriage for four years, after which Yana initiated the divorce, as she began an affair with businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev.

In May 2009, the couple had a daughter, Taisiya Lazareva. In an interview, Yana Churikova reveals the secret of successful motherhood: you just need to shift your own ego to the background and not interfere with your children finding their own path in life. In 2016, there were changes in the personal life of the TV presenter: it became known that the couple had separated.

From the first years of working on television, Yana Churikova was faced with the question of whether she was a relative. As the TV presenter clarifies, the resemblance to the star of the Soviet and Russian screen impressed her, and Yana even calls the actress her “metaphysical mother,” but there is no true relationship between the women. Yana and Inna are only namesakes. In 2017, the first meeting between the TV presenter and actress took place after Inna Churikova’s performance at the Theater of Nations. Yana posted the photo in “ Instagram ».

Now Yana Churikova is in ideal physical shape, which is noted by her subscribers. According to Yana, with a height of 175 cm, her weight now fluctuates around 67-73 kg, depending on the time of year. But Yana did not always have such parameters. As a 20-year-old student who was just starting to work on television, Yana gained up to 95 kg of weight. This build did not bother the girl until she got into the picture, where she appeared as a co-host in the MTV channel program. Compared to the slender young man, Yana looked, according to her, four times bigger.

The girl began the fight against extra pounds in a simple way - she refused to eat, drank only water with lemon and achieved the desired result: her clothing size began to rapidly decrease. After a while, Churikova began to have health problems: hand tremors appeared and memory loss affected her. Soon the help of an endocrinologist was needed.

The girl overcame difficulties and eventually found harmony. She prefers to use meat, fish and vegetables in her diet, excludes refined foods, and does Pilates and yoga to help maintain her physical shape. A new haircut adds freshness to Yana Churikova’s appearance.

Yana Churikova now

In 2018, a number of significant events occurred in the professional life of Yana Churikova. The TV presenter became the federal ambassador of the World Cup. The Moscow metro launched a thematic composition dedicated to the upcoming event, in which stations are announced in the voice of Yana Churikova.

At the beginning of the year, with her participation on the Yandex. Music" began broadcasting a weekly music talk show. The co-host of the broadcast was the son of a television journalist.

In May 2018, Yana Churikova acted as a commentator for the international music competition "". On her Instagram page, Yana, at the request of her fans, compiled a list of her favorite performances.


  • "Big Cinema"
  • "12 Evil Spectators"
  • "Lens"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Star Factory"
  • "Golden Gramophone Award"
  • "Song Story"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "A red star"
  • "Universal artist"
  • "Eurovision"

TV presenter Yana Churikova is called a holiday person. When she appears, it really does seem to become a little lighter and sunnier. And few people know what is hidden behind this shining facade - after all, Yana’s personal life, which she carefully hides from prying eyes, is not going well...

This spring, literally all the media reported “sensational” news: Yana Churikova divorced her husband. In reality, everything turned out to be not entirely true. Yes, indeed, the famous TV presenter is now in the status of a single lady. However, the separation from my husband did not happen yesterday or even a month ago. It turns out that the couple have not lived together for more than a year. They just managed to keep this information secret for the time being. Yana didn’t even tell her close friends and colleagues what was really going on in her family...


Yana Churikova met her husband Denis Lazarev, a PR specialist, eight years ago. Their love story looked somewhat exotic from the outside. After all, at the time she met Denis, Yana was married.

Churikova met her first husband, producer and director Ivan Tsybin, thanks to her mother. She persistently advised her daughter to pay attention to a pleasant young man (they worked together in the editorial office of music programs). However, Ivan was not very impressed with Yana at first. And only when they began to work together on the program “Idols + Idols,” directed by Tsybin, did she take a closer look and suddenly saw a bunch of positive qualities.

The couple lived together for just over three years. From time to time, the press assured that Yana was finally pregnant and would soon become a mother. But it soon turned out that these were just more rumors. Until the spring of 2009, Churikova’s colleagues confirmed: yes, indeed, this time Yana is definitely expecting a child.

When journalists rushed to congratulate the TV presenter and her husband on such a long-awaited event in their life together, an unexpected piquant detail suddenly became clear: Yana is really pregnant, only the father of her unborn child is not Ivan at all, but a completely different man.


This is how Denis Lazarev entered the arena, the details of his acquaintance were found out quite soon. A fateful meeting occurred when Yana was offered the post of editor-in-chief of VIVA magazine. Denis was on the board of directors of this publication, and almost immediately they began an office romance. But since Yana was married, and Denis was - formally - her boss, the lovers hid their relationship very carefully. Until it became clear: Churikova was expecting a child. It was then that we had to “open our cards”: Yana left the apartment she shared with Ivan and moved in with Denis.

Their daughter Taisiya was born in May 2009. Two years later, on the girl’s birthday, Churikova and Lazarev officially legalized their relationship. All these years that have passed since their meeting, the couple looked like a very harmonious couple. Only close families noticed that as Yana Churikova climbed the career ladder (now she is not only a popular TV presenter, but also a big boss - the general director of the MTV channel), the more tense the situation in the family became. And Yana, being a smart girl, understood that sometimes she went too far.

Sometimes I come home and start bossing around. And it’s absolutely terrible,” she said. - Moreover, if a couple of years ago I was being smart about how I was such a strong woman and leaving the “boss” at the door, now I understand: it’s not working out. What can you do, somehow we come to an agreement with the family. Marital balance is the same field for showing flexibility in some places and applying pressure in others. With my daughter, by the way, it’s easier for me in this regard: with Tasya, I turn off the boss almost immediately.


About a couple of years ago, family relations deteriorated so much that it became noticeable even from the outside. Although Yana continued to put on a “good face on a bad game.” Soon, even strangers, but well-known people in party circles, began to say that something was not working out in Churikova’s personal life. Too often she appeared at various events absolutely alone, citing the fact that her husband had a lot of work. However, when Yana came to the filming of the Channel One show “Without Insurance” without a wedding ring, they began to talk quite loudly about serious problems in the family.

Only when the secret became clear did Churikova’s husband decide to give at least some comments - in order to finally dot the i’s. He confirmed that he and Yana broke up. And this happened a year ago, when he packed his things and left home. Since then, the couple have lived separately, meeting only when necessary. Denis did not expand on the reasons for the separation. He also refused to disclose any details - according to him, he “sees no point in commenting on the obvious.”

What about Yana? She still remains silent, pretending that all this fuss has nothing to do with her personally. While journalists are trying to “talk” her husband, Churikova publishes photos from her vacation at a ski resort in Sochi on her microblog. And in every photo, as usual, we see a cheerful girl with a wide smile and sparkling eyes...

Photo by V. Goryachev,

A. Lomokhova.

As a young woman (TV presenter, 37 years old, born in 1978), she achieved significant success - she hosted popular shows on the main channels of Russia (“Star Factory”, “Universal Artist”, “Golden Gramophone”), counted votes at the most famous music competition “ Eurovision". Today she herself participates in programs as a contestant, which does not prevent her from occupying the chair of the general director of the MTV Russia channel and the editor of the celebrity magazine Viva! A beautiful girl with an inquisitive character is often called the child of the actress and screenwriter - Inna Churikova. But the young celebrity has nothing to do with the artist, except that she interviewed her before the unveiling of her star on the Walk of Fame.

All photos 11


Yana Alekseevna was born in Moscow on November 6, in the family of an economist and a military man. The nomadic life of the officer father brought the young family to Hungary, where the little girl spent her childhood. But she went to the first grade of a general education gymnasium in her homeland, in 1985. At the same time, the girl studied at a music school. She mastered the piano “excellent”. The future multimedia personality had unusual dreams about professions. As a teenager, Yana Churikova wanted to study the remains of extinct animals. But the desire to become a paleontologist was replaced by the idea of ​​singing.

With the curiosity of a teenager, she tried to take in everything at once. The girl realized that this could become her profession. So, she joined the editorial office of the publication “Glagol” in 1992 and worked there for four years. At the same time, he received silver at the Literature Olympiad. Next, the future celebrity will receive professional education at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Yana chooses journalism to be closer to television (1995). It is his influence on the consciousness of the masses that the journalist will choose as a topic for her thesis (2000). For example, let’s take the activities of the Russian music channel – MTV. To grow her professionalism, she takes up practice from the first days of training. At this time, Yana Churikova is working in a program on author’s television – “Vremechko”. Here the young correspondent begins to learn the basics of creating a talk show. Then on MTV Russia she becomes the face of the programs “12 Evil Spectators”, which brings her recognition, and “Big Cinema”. The girl got a job here, “embellishing” her age a little. The revelation was not followed by dismissal - Yana had a positive impact on the growth of TV ratings. She also combines her postgraduate studies with work in the media - this is cooperation with the ViD television company, programs on Channel One - Lens and Good Morning.

Since 2002, a program began to search for artistic musical performers in a project that combined daily living in a reality show format, as well as performances at weekly concerts. “Star Factory” needed a lively and educated presenter. Yana was invited to play this role. The producers appreciated her work, so she did it for all 6 seasons.

The project occupied all the free time of the journalist, who practically lived in the studio, but by force of will returned home to at least get a little rest. Fatigue does not have the best effect on her appearance. And for public figures this is important.

The role of the “all-time leading” celebrity was cemented after working in the “Universal Artist” project (where singers performed compositions of different musical genres). She also voiced and commentated for Russian TV viewers at Eurovision. The talk show star was then in the last trimester of pregnancy.

The list of events hosted by Yana Churikova includes such well-known projects as the “Golden Gramophone” (awarding performers for the best songs), the opening of the Anzhi Arena in Kaspiysk, the show before the opening and closing of the main sporting event of the beginning of the third millennium - the Olympics. 2014 in winter Sochi.

The flexibility and professional growth of the star lies in the fact that she is not afraid to participate in competitive programs as a participant - this is “Two Stars” (with Prokhor Chaliapin), the extreme show “Circus with the Stars”. At the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016, viewers saw the popular presenter in a swimsuit in the show “Together with Dolphins” and the dangerous television project “Without Insurance.”

Now Yana Churikova is the editor-in-chief of the “best magazine about stars” called “Viva!”, the director of “MTV Russia” and the head of the “Viacom” music channels in the Russian Federation. With such a busy family, the journalist has practically no time.

Personal life

The popular multimedia personality never has a free day. In March 2016, she divorced her official husband, businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev. In their marriage they had a daughter, who was given the name Taisiya, meaning “wise, late, fertile.” The girl was born in 2009.

Before this union, the celebrity had been in a relationship for three years with Ivan Tsybin, a talented director, as she says about him. Despite her full employment and being in demand, the journalist does not suffer from star fever. She adjusts her character and Scorpio inclinations (according to her horoscope) by listening to the classics. This is the only way, according to the journalist, that one can understand the true essence of a person - he is a small creature in the vast Universe, so you should not put yourself above others.

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