Volovnik Alexander Davidovich biography family. Cash search of Oleksandr Volovnik

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1. Alexandra Volovnik tried to try. Among their own, they chose two people who, in terms of physique, resembled Alexander Volovnik and his bodyguard.
Date: 08/22/2013 2. Our godfathers. From the Interior Ministry. Mr. Volovnik HELL. ( Volovnik Alexander Davidovich.
Date: 04/29/2010 3. The debtor of "Roskosmos" got into the police. Alexandra Volovnik was taken for interrogation to the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose employees, according to Kommersant's sources close to the investigation, eventually issued a decision to bring the ex-banker as a suspect in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 UK).
Date: 04/27/2017 4. The banker issued six billion. As part of the deal, he testified about how and to which companies exactly 6 billion rubles were withdrawn from the bank on behalf of its former owner. A Kommersant source close to the investigation notes that after studying the testimony of Mr. Ladonshchikov, the owners of the companies involved in the scam can be held criminally liable, Volovnik faces a more serious charge - in organizing a criminal community. Unlike the former owner and president of Fundservisbank Alexander Volovnik, which the...
Date: 05/30/2017 5. Criminal functions were specified to Eduard Chesnov. According to the Investigation Department (SD) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, arrested, being a confidant of the former owner of Alexander Fondservisbank Volovnik, led a separate group of specialists who managed the assets withdrawn from the bank.
Date: 09/03/2018 6. "Desk of orders" in the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Volovnik Volovnik
Date: 04/28/2014 7. Unsinkable general. According to people familiar with the situation, Alexander, the head of Fundservisbank, stands out among such regular customers. Volovnik. With his participation, the GSU at various times sent to jail a lot of people who were inconvenient for the banker. The latest from this list are Oleg Belkov, president of the advertising agency Renalt Media, and his deputy Andrey Pylinsky. They came into conflict with one of the relatives Volovnik Igor Vainshtok, whose enterprise CJSC Partner produces drugs based on bifidobacteria.
Date: 12/17/2013 8. Jap offended by the culture of service. In addition to Yaponchik, the arrest warrant included: Leonid Abelis, also known under the nicknames Shater and Lenya, Sergey Ilgner, Yuri Gladun, Rustam Sadykov, Maxim Korostyshevsky, Valery Novak, Vladimir Topko and Yakov Volovnik. Conventionally, they could be divided into two groups: the Yaponchik team and the Sadykov team. The first included Abelis (considered the right hand of Yaponchik in his Brooklyn residence), Ilgner, Volovnik, as well as Gladun (a waiter at the Russian Samovar restaurant, whose regular customers were ...
Date: 06/04/2000 9. "A cheerful and bright life" for Russian spies exposed in the USA is organized "at the highest level". At the same time, in October, Ms. Chapman became an adviser to the President of Alexander Fundservicebank Volovnik with a free visiting schedule.
Date: 01/14/2011 10. "Black sheep" in the herd of bankers. ... 14.7 51.8% 132.5% Arsamakov family (24.47%) MinB 11.6 18.7% 122.2% Leonid Fedun (79.39%) Petrocommerce 10.4 10, 4% 32.7% Kirill Minovalov (94.98%) Avangard 8.9 22.8% 86.8% Vladimir Evtushenkov (50.25%) MBRD 8.5 7.5% 53.9% Alexander Volovnik(96.41%) Fondservicebank** 7.4 55.3% 331.6% Sergey Bazhanov (98.63%) MBSP 6.9 31.3% 130.5% Anatoly Sedykh (13.7%) , Yuri Ivantsov and Marina Stepanova (17.8% each) Metallinvestbank 3.8 25.2% 75.3%v Viktor Vekselberg (more than 50%) METCOMBANK*** 2.1 33.3% 31, 6...
Date: 10/11/2010 11. Personnel "resolve the issue". There were many rumors that Volynsky was receiving large bribes from Alexander, the head of Fondservisbank Volovnik, a friend of the late Badri Patarkatsishvili.
Date: 05/31/2010 12. Troika again. Allegedly, for a bribe of $ 250 thousand, Alekseev contributed to the termination of the criminal case against the president of Alexander Fundservisbank Volovnik.
Date: 05/25/2010 13. Relatives in the porthole. When the changes were being made, we met more than once with the President of Fondservisbank, Alexander Volovnik.
Date: 01.10.2012 14. Top 100 richest bankers in Russia - 2014. ... 2.73 30 Sergey Belyaev Member of the Board of Directors of NB Trust 2.71 31 Nikolay Fetisov Member of the Board of Directors of NB Trust 2.71 32 Viktor Budarin (with family) Chairman of the Supervisory Board Bank Kuban Credit 2.61 33 Alexander Volovnik President of Fundservicebank 2.34 34 Anatoly Motylev Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank Rossiyskiy Kredit Bank, M-Bank, AMB-Bank, Tula Industrialist Bank 2.33 35 Sergey Leontyev President of FG Life 2.06 36 Otar Margania Member of the Board of Directors...
Date: 02.09.2014

Tomorrow, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow will consider the petition of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to arrest the former president of Fondservisbank Alexander Volovnik. According to investigators, the banker detained the day before may be involved in the theft of part of the 47 billion rubles placed in this bank by the state corporation "Roskosmos". The bank had to be saved by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), which is now the injured party in the criminal case.

Employees of the Main Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained the former owner and president Fundservicebank on the morning of April 26, immediately after the search, which was carried out at his home in the west of Moscow. Oleksandr Volovnik was taken for interrogation to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose employees, according to sources close to the investigation, eventually issued a decision to bring the ex-banker as a suspect in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code ). It was assumed that the detainee would spend the night of Thursday in a temporary detention center at 38 Petrovka, and tomorrow the Tverskoy District Court would consider the investigation's petition for his arrest for two months.

The initiator of the investigation, in which the ex-owner of Fonservisbank was detained, according to sources, is the Deposit Insurance Agency. Initially, the criminal case, in which a well-known banker became a defendant in the recent past, was conducted against "unidentified persons." Perhaps, the interlocutor notes, the investigation would not even have developed, but after a change in the leadership of the investigative department (at the end of December last year, Alexander Romanov was appointed deputy minister of internal affairs, head of the department), they decided to give it a new move.

In the criminal case, according to sources, we are talking about the events of 2015, when Fundservicebank, which was the backbone for the rocket and space industry (it served almost all the largest industry enterprises, their payroll projects, as well as the currency accounts of the state corporation itself), "hung" about 47 billion rubles owned by Roscosmos.

At the same time, when the state corporation demanded to return the funds placed in the bank, representatives of its management, according to sources, explained that they could not do this, since they were invested in various projects, which is why a full return is possible only after three years.

Who wants to steal a millionaire

To kidnap a billionaire, get a ransom and become a billionaire yourself - such simple thoughts visited, probably, every second criminal. Indeed, there are at least a dime a dozen oligarchs in Russia, and when you see the forbidden fruit (foreign wealth), it seems - just reach out your hand, and it is yours. But the vast majority of such insidious plans fail. Let us recall the examples of high-profile abductions of LUKOIL Vice President Kukura or the son of computer genius Ivan Kaspersky. As a result, the criminals ended up where they were supposed to be - on the bunk. The loudest recent example was the kidnapping of the head of the Fundservicebank Alexander Volovnik. "MK" got a unique opportunity to find out how the special services work in such cases, how negotiations are conducted and why the bandits fail to complete their plans.

On one of the warm days of August 2013, a middle-aged man entered the premises of the Fundservicebank. After looking around, he went to the guard and demanded that the director of security be called to him. Everything in his tone and look said that he possessed some extremely important information.

- The director of your bank, Alexander Volovnik, is going to be kidnapped and possibly killed, - the stranger said to the head of security who came out to him.

- How do you know?

“Because I and my people were hired for this purpose.

Song about a merchant and Kalashnikov

The customer of the crime was 30-year-old native of Moscow Ilya Kalashnikov. According to relatives, a kind-hearted man with a legal education, worked as an economist. True, everyone noted: Kalashnikov did not like being an ordinary clerk, he always loved excitement. Probably, this explains the fact that he fed his family (Kalashnikov was married, his daughter was growing up) not only with a salary, but also with proceeds from very specific operations. For example, Ilya had his share of the fact that through various banks he helped regional entrepreneurs with dubious business to launder money.

Once he received a serious order: he was to transfer 100 million rubles from Ukraine to the accounts of one-day firms in Moscow. Why Ilya Kalashnikov chose Fonservisbank for this purpose, history is silent, but it is possible that someone misled the economist, saying that the director of the bank, Alexander Volovnik, regularly carried out such operations in the past.


Volovnik Alexander Davidovich was born in 1961 in Tbilisi. In the 90s he met Badri Patarkatsishvili, who introduced Volovnik into the circle of influential figures: Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Givi Targamadze and others. In 1994 he created Fundservisbank, in 1995 he headed the management company STK Soyuz and got along with Oleg Kiselev, financial director of RUSNANO. In 1998, Volovnik, as the head of Fondservisbank, repeatedly came to the attention of law enforcement agencies on suspicion of large-scale criminal activity. In the spring of 2008, Fonservisbank was searched by police officers of the Moscow Region. But the criminal case was eventually closed.

But when the money came from Ukraine, the bank's economic security service saw a clear catch and returned all the funds back to Nezalezhnaya.

The next day, an outraged Kalashnikov rushed to an appointment with the general director of the bank, saying that he owed him for the disruption of the money transfer. Explanations of Volovnik and his employees that the bank does not deal with such matters did not convince Ilya, he believed that the head of the bank was simply "breaking a comedy." Kalashnikov did not calm down, called, wrote letters, and once ambushed the head of a financial institution near the doors of the bank. True, the quarrel was quickly stopped by the driver of the head of the financial institution, who worked part-time as a bodyguard.

Offended, Ilya Kalashnikov decided that he would make Alexander Volovnik pay both for the tarnished reputation (the transfer was never completed) and for the spent nerves. For help, he turned to his friend - an old thief in law from Rostov, who had long retired.

"I'll get my revenge on him, and we'll make good money." Let's kill the guard, and kidnap Volovnik himself, he will give us as much as we need.

"Do you have any idea who you've swung at?" He did serious business in the 90s, do you think you can just keep your bank in Moscow? His friends are people you've only seen on TV! Think about it, if he travels without security, then he is not afraid of anything at all. And who are you? Who is behind you? You are alone! - an elderly thief tried to stop the novice kidnapper.

However, the exhortations were useless, Ilya insisted on his own, declared that his plan with the abduction was flawless, only an executor was needed. The old thief got rid of Kalashnikov by handing him a business card of "a person necessary for the cause."

The “right person” lived in Sochi, was not used to refusing good money, and although he had more than one prison term behind his back, he considered that they were not throwing away offers of 160 million rubles. True, having learned who exactly he was to kidnap, the bandit was a little depressed.

- The Volovnik always moves around the city only with his driver, there is no security, there is no support service, you only need to kill the driver and steal the banker. And I’ll make him give everything he owes me,” Ilya Kalashnikov told the bandit, “we will get 800 million, 20 percent are yours.

How do you know you'll get exactly that much?

“He is weak, he will see the pincers, and he will provide any amount we ask.

- Too vague prospects, no guarantees. Come on, you pay now 20 percent of the 800 million I do. Or later, when we have the money, we divide 50 by 50.

- We will receive 800 million and not a ruble less! I have good guarantees.

— And what are they?

- Deputy Volovnik really wants the boss to disappear, so that he himself takes the reins of government into his own hands.

The sochinets thought hard. The plan of Ilya Kalashnikov had many white spots, and therefore risks. Firstly, the prospect of receiving funds was too vague, but the deadline was quite specific. Secondly, Kalashnikov clearly did not fully decide what to do when Volovnik was kidnapped. At first he said that he would torture him and shake off the entire amount, then he said about some third party that would guarantee the payment of funds. The criminal past suggested to the Sochi citizen that after completing the work, all this could end for him with a bullet in the back of the head from the notorious third party.

Meanwhile, the bandit had almost no time to think. Ilya Kalashnikov demanded an urgent answer. The bandit understood: if he refuses the offer, it is unlikely that he, initiated into such a crime, will be left alive. Perhaps that is why the above-described meeting with the head of the security service of Fondservisbank took place.

For the sake of the well-being of his family, Ilya Kalashnikov was ready to commit any crime.

Murder plan "under supervision"

After the Sochi authority came to the security service, he was invited to Petrovka. He explained his decision to hand over Kalashnikov to the police with moral considerations. However, the security service believed that the Sochi citizen was guided by much more prosaic reasons. He tritely needed money, Kalashnikov did not have it, but Volovnik and his guards had it for sure, the gangster was counting on gratitude. Therefore, he chose a deliberately win-win option with the ability to save life and freedom.

The next day, the Sochi citizen went to a meeting with Ilya, accompanied by a MUR operative, whom he introduced as his driver, who knows Moscow well.

The new man, surrounded by the Sochi resident, did not arouse Kalashnikov's suspicions. It didn’t matter to him at all what forces he plans to use to carry out his plans. On the same day, they went to the garage cooperative, where Ilya's father had a garage.

— There is a good basement, the place is quiet. Bring Volovnik, put him on a chair, I will come and talk with him, - Kalashnikov told the bandit, smiling unkindly.

“I need time to prepare, I need to keep an eye on the goal and think everything through.

- Nothing to think about, he travels alone! Every day at five in the evening he leaves the office, gets into his huge Mercedes and drives home. Don't pull the rubber! Kalashnikov got angry.

However, the Sochi resident still convinced the attacker to give him a few days.

We needed this time to document all the words of the suspect regarding his plans. In addition, in the process of observing Kalashnikov, we learned that he also communicates with certain persons from the underworld. Periodically, he secretly met with them, and, as we understood, this was connected with our case, ”Dmitry Buzan, head of the second department of the MUR, told MK. - We immediately had several versions regarding his plans. The first option: he expected that we would bring Volovnik to him, he would shake off money from him, and then shoot us with his people, the second option - he was just insured. And finally, the third option - Kalashnikov and Volovnik's deputy, whom he mentioned, simply wanted to kill the head of Fundservicebank with the hands of bandits, who were then planned to be liquidated. The deputy would become the chairman of the bank and pay Kalashnikov money for a successful operation.

However, the third version was dropped after several days of observation of Alexander Volovnik's deputy. He did not have any contacts with people from the underworld and did not intersect with Ilya Kalashnikov in any way. He led a very quiet life. It became clear: speaking about the deputy, Kalashnikov was bluffing.

Convinced that all the threads of this crime lead only to Kalashnikov, the Murovites decided to start the operation. Ilya got a call and was told to be ready and waiting for a call.

Life is a theater and the people in it are actors

In order to catch Kalashnikov red-handed, the operatives decided to take him on live bait. The police went to meet with Alexander Volovnik.

He was not surprised when he found out what Kalashnikov was up to. There was a feeling that he was expecting something similar from Ilya, - operative Ruslan Utkin recalls, - we told him our plan, which was to ensure that everything was played the way the customer wanted.

But the head of a large financial institution denied the policemen their request. He did not want to see Kalashnikov, perhaps fearing for his life, or perhaps he was afraid that during the conversation, which would be recorded, the kidnapper would ask him some uncomfortable question, which would then have unpleasant consequences.

However, the operatives were not upset. Someone came up with a good idea - to replace the real Volovnik and his driver with similar-looking criminal investigation officers. The police conducted a real theatrical casting to find the right people. But no matter how similar the police officers were, it was clear that Kalashnikov, who saw the banker in the face, would immediately recognize the substitution. However, the operatives quickly found a solution to this problem - since anything can happen during an abduction, it was decided to present the false Volovnik as badly beaten and rumpled.

But here another difficulty arose - Volovnik and Kalashnikov were well versed in the affairs of the bank. It is unlikely that the operative would have been able to correctly answer Kalashnikov's financial demands or questions without arousing suspicion.

Then the police again turned to the head of the bank for help with a request to provide the right person in their place. After thinking, Volovnik offered to play the role of himself to his assistant. He not only was similar in physique to the CEO, but also looked a little like him in appearance and, most importantly, was savvy in financial matters.

- Hi, Ilya, I have everything ready, we are doing it today! You do not mind? the bandit asked Kalashnikov in the early August morning.

- It's high time, I already began to worry, I thought you decided to jump off. It's good that I was wrong. I'm leaving right now with the keys to the garage. Say the address!

In one of the cafes in the city center, Ilya, in addition to the Sochi resident and his “driver”, was expected by another criminal investigation officer, with a stern appearance, who was introduced to him as Sasha the militant.

- Meet Sasha, my trusted person, he will do everything beautifully. But look, the fact that Volovnik will remain intact after the capture, I can not guarantee.

“It’s okay, he won’t need health anyway.

- Well, then I would like to get 10 thousand rubles for the trunk. Sanya will buy an unlit Makar. And we will wait for him here. When everything is ready, he will return, and together we will go to your garage.

Ilya gave the money to the militant without objection. In the meantime, the second part of the performance took place outside the bank building. Immediately after receiving a message from the police that the operation had begun, the "actor" disguised as the chairman, together with the driver, went to the car. She was followed closely by the police. It was necessary to be the first to notice Ilya's accomplices, if they were here and watched how the capture of the director was going.

In the meantime, the real Volovnik, wrapped in the simplest raincoat, went out through the back door of his bank and for the first time in many years got into a bus filled with people.

A conspicuous black Mercedes drove along the usual route for a businessman. At some point, a car blocked his way, shots were fired - it was Sasha who started the performance. From the outside, everything looked like a scene from action movies: shooting, screaming, blood on the pavement. Jumping into Volovnik's car, Sasha rushed to the garage, where the police hung up cameras and sound recording equipment, and make-up artists from Mosfilm were waiting for them there. They had to do everything to make Ilya believe in the reality of what had happened. First of all, they put the driver Volovnik in the back seat of the Mercedes and drew a bullet wound in his heart. When everything was ready, Sasha took a photo of the allegedly killed driver and rushed to the cafe where the customer was waiting for him, leaving the "actor" who portrayed Volovnik to the make-up artists. Here it was necessary to sweat: to fit a wig, draw bruises and - most importantly - to make sure that Ilya did not have any questions about the voice of the “victim”. To do this, they simulated a broken jaw by stuffing the actor's mouth with cotton.

The "killed" driver of Volovnik, bleeding fake blood.

The make-up of the assistant to the head of the bank was entrusted to Mosfilm specialists.

Meanwhile, in the cafe, the customer was actively pumped up with alcohol.

“I might even kill him right away, destroy this bastard!” We still get money! Ilya kept repeating more and more insistently. For several hours they had been waiting for the militant's return. The Sochi resident, who had been recording such speeches on a dictaphone for more than an hour, tried to maintain his composure, periodically glancing at the phone in anticipation of the treasured text message. But instead of a text message, Sasha the militant himself appeared. After taking a drink of cold beer from the customer's glass, he silently handed Ilya a phone with a photo of the murdered driver Volovnik.

- It is done! I did my part, I hope you will not let me down too? The fighter chuckled.

- Not a question at all! Oh well done! And for the driver of this special thanks! That damned Chekist almost broke my arm! Ilya got excited. - Come on, take me to this moneybag, it's time to shake his carcass.

- Everything is in place! - commanded Colonel Dmitry Buzan, who led the operation. The car with the Kalashnikov was already nearby. The commandos hid behind the garages, waiting for Ilya's team or cover group.

Kalashnikov hurried to the basement. Sasha, who was following him, clutched a prepared pistol in his hands. Kalashnikov talked so much about the assassination of the director that it could not be ruled out that he himself would want to shoot him. To do this, a blank cartridge was inserted into the pistol in advance.

Going down to the dark basement and turning on the light, Kalashnikov smiled ominously and nodded, as he thought, to Volovnik, whose face looked like one big bruise. The “actor”, whose mouth was stuffed with cotton, mumbled something uncertainly to better simulate a broken jaw.

- How are you feeling? I guess the evening didn't go well? The kidnapper chuckled. The actor mumbled something indistinctly again. Coming closer, Kalashnikov grew gloomy. There was silence for a few seconds.

- What kind of divorce, who did you bring me ?! I ordered to bring Volovnik, but it's not him, he looks like him, but he's not, and actually, he doesn't really look like him! Where is he?! Where is Volovnik?!

The Sochi resident was silent, looking into the drunken eyes of a man who wanted to become a millionaire in no time. The next moment, special forces rushed at Kalashnikov.

Delivered to the police, he quickly lost his temper. He was no longer the tough thief and bandit he felt he was. He shouted that the Sochi citizen had forced him to kidnap Volovnik, that he was just a pawn in someone else's game. He swore by mom, dad, children, begging to let him go and promising to hand over everyone. What was his surprise when he learned that the story of his scam was known to MUR operatives from the very beginning. Today, Ilya is awaiting trial in a pre-trial detention center in Moscow.

The story of Ilya Kalashnikov, a man who decided in a moment to cash in on someone else's life, is not the last of its kind. If earlier the kidnapping of the powerful was only the lot of special services and militants from hot spots, today people who are not burdened with great criminal experience try themselves in the role of kidnappers of living souls. But neither one nor the other is immune from mistakes - therefore, such stories, as a rule, have one end - close bunk beds for many years.

Volovnik Alexander Vladimirovich(born September 13, 1961, Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR) is a Russian manager, scientist and banker. President (JSC "Fondservicebank") in 2001-2015. Defendant in a criminal case on embezzlement of funds in Fondservisbank.

In 1983 he graduated with honors from Tbilisi State University with a degree in solid state physics, in 2001 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Business at the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade. Doctor of Economics, the topic of the dissertation is “Dynamic Models for the Production of a Banking Product to Support the Strategic Management of a Credit Organization”.

He combined research work with work in the system of the military-industrial complex of the USSR. Since 1987, he has held senior positions in economic structures. In 1995, he headed the holding company STK Soyuz. Since 2001 - President of Fundservicebank, the financial center of the group of companies of the STK Soyuz holding. Roskosmos projects were financed through this bank, officially Volovnik owned 81.74% of the bank's shares.

In February 2015, at the request of Roskosmos, a temporary administration was introduced into Fundservisbank to examine its financial situation. About 800 million dollars of Roskosmos “hung” in the bank (at that time it was about 49 billion rubles). After checking in the bank, the reorganization procedure began, and Oleksandr Volovnik left his post. In 2016, the media reported that Volovnik is a co-owner of the satellite television operator Orion Express (Orion Group of Companies, Telekarta trademark).

In April 2017, Alexander Volovnik was arrested by decision of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow on suspicion of embezzlement of 1.3 billion rubles. In December 2017, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared Volovnik bankrupt: the total amount of his debt was 7.8 billion rubles to VTB Bank and 162 million rubles to Sberbank.

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    After the Zamoskvoretsky Court delivered a verdict in the case of the illegal withdrawal of billions of rubles abroad, Roman Nedyalkov, who was found guilty of the withdrawal of assets, was sentenced to three and a half years in a penal colony.

For a whole ten years, the FSB was the backbone bank for Roskosmos, the state corporation kept $800 million in its accounts, entrusting it with servicing almost all the largest industry enterprises, salary projects and its foreign exchange earnings earned from commercial launches.

The scandal around the bank broke out after the new leadership of Roskosmos in 2015 demanded the return of the placed funds, but in response they received an offer to wait three years, since the money was allegedly invested in various projects.

Then the Federal Security Service passed an audit of the Central Bank, which revealed facts of a significant overestimation of the value of assets, the bank was reorganized first by the DIA, and then by Novikombank. Roskosmos agreed to freeze some of its funds placed in the disgraced institution.

The investigation, having accumulated about 200 volumes, estimated the machinations in the FSB at 7.5 billion rubles, which, in general, is rather modest.

Among the 12 defendants are the former owner and head of the bank Alexander Volovnik and First Vice President Petr Ladonshchikov. They are accused of organizing a criminal community and participating in it (Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as of especially large-scale fraud (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code).

According to investigators, the criminal group was formed by the owner and first president of the bank back in 2013; a number of controlled companies and one-day firms actively participated in the commission of crimes.

Only through 31 one-day companies from May 1, 2013 to February 24, 2015, 6.7 billion rubles were withdrawn through 216 loan agreements, which then did not return to the bank. Another 800 million rubles were withdrawn through Capital Trust Company Soyuz LLC, whose co-founder and CEO, Edward Chesnov, put on the wanted list.

The company was founded in 1995, it is engaged in leasing real estate, its authorized capital is 438 million rubles, of which almost the entire amount was given by someone Irina Aleksandrovna Volovnik. And Alexander Davidovich Volovnik, the full namesake of the ex-president of Fondservisbank, appears as the general director in a number of databases.

By the way, in the Saratov region, the less pretentious Soyuz, which received loans from the FSB for 1.7 billion rubles. JSC TPK "Soyuz" was registered in 2008 in Moscow, the authorized capital of the company exceeds 15 million rubles, of which a small share was given by someone Alexander Shatsky.

According to open data, the company was engaged in the production of steel pipes, hollow profiles and fittings, as well as the construction of roads and buildings, crop production, sawing wood and forging.

The change of the company's legal address from Moscow to the city of Atkarsk, Saratov Region, took place on November 23, 2015, and already on November 30, the Arbitration Court of the Saratov Region accepted for consideration a claim from Fundservicebank, from which the bankruptcy procedure started.

At the moment, the volume of creditors' claims against the company has exceeded 2 billion rubles, and only the receivables of the capital LLC "Streamline" in the amount of 6 million rubles could be considered liquid property, and even then conditionally.

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