Cowardice in the work and the dawns here are quiet. What is real courage? Death of Liza Brichkina



Reflection of the events of the war years in literature.

2. The main part.

2.1 Depiction of the war in the story.

2.2 Gallery of female images.

2.3 Sergeant Major Vaskov is the main character of the story.

2.4 The image of the enemy in the story.

3. Conclusion.

True patriotism.

I've only seen melee once.

Once - in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary,

He knows nothing about the war.

Yu.V. Drunina

The Great Patriotic War is one of the defining events in the history of our country. There is practically no family that has not been affected by this tragedy. The theme of the Great Patriotic War has become one of the main themes not only in literature, but also in cinematography and fine arts of the 20th century. In the very first days of the war, essays by war correspondents appeared, as well as works by writers and poets who found themselves on the battlefields. It was written huge

number of stories, novellas and novels about the war. The story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “The dawns here are quiet ...” is one of the most lyrical works about the war. The events of the story unfold in 1942 in the north of Russia, in a battalion where fate, after being wounded, threw the protagonist, foreman Vaskov, the Hero is appointed to command a "female" platoon of anti-aircraft gunners. The author draws different women, not similar to each other, but united by one goal - the fight against the enemy of the Motherland. By the will of fate, the heroines ended up in a war, where a woman does not belong. Each of the girls has already faced death, the pain of loss. Hatred of enemies is what drives them, what gives them the strength to fight.

Rita Osyanina - commander of the first section of the platoon. Her husband, a border guard, died on the second day of the war "in the morning counterattack", and her son lives with his parents. Rita hates enemies "quietly and mercilessly". She is harsh, reserved, strict with herself and other fighters.

Zhenya Komelnova is a bright beauty, tall, red-haired. Zhenya, like Rita, also has a "personal score" with the Nazis. The whole family was shot in front of her eyes. After this tragedy, Zhenya ended up at the front. Despite this, the heroine retained her natural cheerfulness. She is sociable and mischievous, funny and flirtatious.

Liza Brichkina is the daughter of a forester. She matured early, took care of her sick mother for five years, managed the household, and managed to work on a collective farm. The war prevented the heroine from entering a technical school. Liza is thorough in a peasant way, she knows and loves the forest, she is not afraid of any work, she is always ready to help her friends.

Sonya Gurvich is a girl from a "very large and very friendly" family. Her father was a doctor in Minsk. The girl studied for a year at the university, but the war began, her lover went to the front, and Sonya also could not stay at home.

Sonya does not know anything about the fate of the family that ended up in Nazi-occupied Minsk. She lives in the hope that they managed to survive, although she understands that this hope is illusory. Sonya is smart and educated, "an excellent student at school and university", speaks German perfectly, loves poetry.

Galya Chetvertak was brought up in an orphanage, she is a foundling. Maybe that's why she lives in an imaginary world, invents a mother for herself - a "medical worker", she can lie. In fact, this is not a lie, the author says, but "desires masquerading as reality." Dreamy by nature

the girl entered the library technical school. And when she was in her third year, the war began. Galya was denied entry to the military registration and enlistment office, as she did not fit either in height or age, but she showed remarkable perseverance and “It’s okay

exceptions "she was sent to the anti-aircraft unit.

The characters don't look alike. It is these girls that Sergeant Major Vaskov takes with him to follow the Germans. But there are not two enemies, but much more. As a result, all the girls die, only

foreman. Death overtakes the heroines in different situations: both through negligence in the swamp, and in an unequal battle with enemies. Vasiliev admires their heroism. This is not to say that girls are unfamiliar with the feeling of fear. The impressionable Galya Chetvertak is very frightened by the death of Sonya Gurvich. But the girl manages to overcome fear, and this is her strength and courage. At the moment of death, none of the girls complains about their fate, does not blame anyone. They understand that their lives have been sacrificed in the name of saving the Motherland. The author emphasizes the unnaturalness of what is happening when a woman, whose mission is to love, give birth and raise children, is forced to kill. War is an abnormal state for a person.

The protagonist of the story is foreman Fedot Vaskov. He comes from a simple family, finished his studies up to the fourth grade and was forced to drop out of school, as his father died. Nevertheless, he later graduated from the regimental school. Personal life

Vaskova failed: his wife ran away with the regimental veterinarian, and the little son died. Vaskov has already fought, was wounded, has awards. The female fighters at first laughed at their rustic commander, but soon appreciated his courage, directness, and warmth. He tries his best to help the girls who first come face to face with the enemy. Rita Osyanina asks Vaskov to take care of her son. Many years later, an elderly foreman and Rita's adult son will install a marble slab at the site of her death. The images of enemies are drawn by the author schematically and concisely. Before us are not specific people, their characters and feelings are not described by the author. These are fascists, invaders who encroached on the freedom of another country. They are cruel and merciless. Such

the depiction of enemies was characteristic of early writings about the war. The reader feels neither pity nor sympathy for them. In B. L. Vasiliev’s story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” we will not find descriptions of battles, we will not get acquainted with the images of outstanding military leaders, we will not meet descriptions of pretentious self-sacrifice in the name of the Motherland. This is a story about another feat, unknown to the general public, not marked by high awards. This is a feat of beautiful young women who sacrificed themselves, fulfilled their duty to the Motherland to the end, in the struggle for the freedom of their country, for the happy life of future generations.

“Not all soldiers will meet the day of victory, Not everyone will come to the festive parade. Soldiers are mortal. Feats are immortal. The courage of the soldiers does not die. B. Serman "The Poetry of Feat and Heroism" is the basis of Boris Vasiliev's entire story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." Probably, it is thanks to this poetry that the reader's interest in the story has not faded to this day. Until now, with unflagging attention, we have been following the movement of the small detachment of foreman Vaskov, we almost physically feel the danger, we breathe a sigh of relief when we manage to avoid it, we rejoice at the courage of the girls and, together with Vaskov, are hard at their death. No one could have known that, given the task of going and capturing two German intelligence officers, a small detachment of six people would stumble upon sixteen Nazi soldiers. Forces are incomparable, but neither the foreman nor the five girls even think of retreating, They do not choose. All five young anti-aircraft gunners are destined to die in this forest. And not everyone will be overtaken by a heroic death. But in the story everything is measured by the same measure. As they said in the war, one life and one death. And all the girls can equally be called the true heroines of the war. The writer presented us with five completely different characters. Rita Osyanina, strong-willed and gentle, rich in spiritual beauty. She is the most courageous, fearless, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is cheerful, funny, beautiful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, desperate and tired of the war, of pain and love, long and painful, for a married man. Sonya Gurevich is the embodiment of an excellent student and a poetic nature - a "beautiful stranger" who came out of a volume of poetry by A. Blok. Liza Brichkina ... “Oh, Lisa-Lizaveta, you should study!” I would like to study, to see a big city with its theaters and concert halls, its libraries and art galleries… The war got in the way. You can’t find your happiness, you can’t listen to lectures: Galya didn’t have time to see everything that she dreamed about, she didn’t mature, funny and childishly clumsy orphanage girl. Notes, escape from the orphanage and also dreams ... to become the new Lyubov Orlova. At first glance, what can the responsible, strict Rita Osyanina, the insecure dreamer Galia Chetvertak, the throwing Sonya Gurvich, the silent Liza Brichkina and the mischievous, daring beauty Zhenya Komelkova have in common? But, oddly enough, not even a shadow of misunderstanding arises between them. This is due in no small part to the fact that they were brought together by exceptional circumstances. It is not for nothing that Fedot Evgrafych will later call himself the brother of the girls, it is not without reason that he will take care of the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina. There are still in these six, despite the difference in age, upbringing, education, unity of attitude to life, people, war, devotion to the Motherland and readiness to give their lives for it. The six of them need, by all means, to hold their positions, as if it was for them that "all of Russia came together." And they keep. Galya Chetvertak dies stupidly, but we do not condemn her. Maybe she was too weak and insecure, but a woman should not be at war at all. But Galya still tried her best: she carried a heavy load of things, walked along the icy ground in one birch bark. Although she did not accomplish a feat, she did not enter into a direct battle with the enemy, but she did not retreat, stubbornly going forward and following the orders of the foreman. The death of Sonya Gurvich seems to be an accident, but it is connected with self-sacrifice. After all, when she ran towards her death, she was led by a natural spiritual movement to do something pleasant for the kind and caring foreman - to bring the left pouch. Liza Brichkina also sacrifices herself. Her death is terrible and painful. Let her not fall on the battlefield, but at the same time she died in the line of her duty, hurrying to quickly cross the swamp and bring help. In the end, the two most brave and persistent girls remained with the foreman - Rita Osyanina and Zhenya Komelkova. Zhenya, saving the foreman, killed a German soldier, crushing his head with a rifle butt. She fearlessly bathes in front of her enemies, portraying a simple village girl. And she takes the enemies behind her into the forest, away from the wounded Rita Osyanina. Rita is wounded by a shrapnel while she was shooting back from the enemies. This was not the first shootout where the girls showed themselves. Alas, the forces were unequal, and Rita and Zhenya were destined to die a painful death: one was wounded in the stomach and fired a bullet into her forehead, the other was finished off point-blank by the Germans. Severe trials fell on the share of foreman Vaskov. He was destined to bury all his fighters, overcome grief, wounds and inhuman fatigue, and in the last frenzied fight, cruelly take revenge on the enemies, and then, until the end of his days, carry the burden in his soul because he did not save the girls. Each of the girls paid her "personal account" to the invaders. Rita Osyanina's husband died on the second day of the war, Zhenya's entire family was shot in front of her eyes, Sonya Gurvich's parents died. This "personal account" of each is linked to the account of the whole country. After all, how many women and children remained widows and orphans. Therefore, taking revenge on the Germans for themselves, the girls took revenge for the whole country, for all its inhabitants. The heroines of the story, young girls, were born for love and motherhood, but instead they picked up rifles and engaged in an unfeminine business - war. Even this already consists of considerable heroism, because all of them voluntarily went to the front. The origins of their heroism are in love for the Motherland. From here begins the path to achievement. Genuine poetry of feat and heroism requires simplicity, naturalness, realism. This is precisely the story of B. Vasiliev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” This is a pure and bright work about the fact that in exceptional circumstances a person who is devoted to the Motherland and ready to sacrifice himself becomes a hero.

Courage and cowardice

B. Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet...

Tale Boris Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..."- one of the most poignant in its lyricism and tragedy of works about the war.
Five female anti-aircraft gunners, led by foreman Vaskov, in May 1942, at a distant junction, confront a detachment of selected German paratroopers - fragile girls enter into a deadly battle with strong, trained to kill men. The bright images of girls, their dreams and memories of loved ones, create a striking contrast with the inhuman face of the war, which did not spare them - young, loving, tender. But even through death they continue to affirm life and mercy.
Young girls are torn out of peaceful life and thrown into the horrors of war. They are feminine, childishly defenseless, inept, inexperienced. Here, during the raid of the "Messers", a carrier was killed, at the funeral, "the girls roared out loud." The meeting with death does not fit into their joyful youth!
Easily and naively they perceive tests. “They giggled, fools,” the sergeant-major Vaskov notes to himself, without malice, teaching them how to give signals in the forest like a duck.
Going on a responsible task, the foreman is forced to teach his squad to use footcloths: after all, "footcloths are wound like scarves."
They go into their first battle, not knowing about it and thinking about it, not even suspecting the danger. Although the first meeting with the war behind the fragile shoulders of many of them has already been. Rita Osyanina lost her husband in the first days of the war: "Senior Lieutenant Osyanin died on the second day of the war in the morning counterattack." And she learned to hate “quietly and mercilessly” the enemies who destroyed her short-lived happiness. Zhenya Komelkova's mother, sister and brother were killed with a machine gun - this is how the families of the command staff were shot. Sonya Gurevich is from an intelligent Jewish family. The family remained in occupied Minsk. Only the hope that they could hide saved her from severe anguish. “Ah, you are a sparrow, you are a sparrow, by the strength of grief on your hump,” Vaskov regrets her.
Can grief be enough for them all? Are these fragile girls capable of a soldier's share? The war did not ask about it.
There are five anti-aircraft gunners in Vaskov's team. Among them, Zhenya Komelkova stands out with special charm. She is a beauty. Girls admire: “Mermaid! Your skin is transparent! The museum needs you! Under glass on black velvet!” and she was thrown into the war. Sociable, mischievous, artistic, bold, truly heroic. She more than once rescued her friends, foreman Vaskov. The scene of swimming in the lake under the barrels of German machine guns is a real heroism. After all, she understands that at any moment they can shoot at her, but to the end she boldly and desperately plays her role. Only Vaskov, who looked into her face, saw that "she was smiling, and her eyes, wide open, were full of horror, like tears."
Then she will help Vaskov defeat the German, finishing him off with the butt of her rifle.
No, it's not a woman's job to kill! Then “she was sick, throwing up, and she sobbed, she kept calling someone. Mom or something ... ". So she experiences her feat. Like her friend, Rita Osyanina, who for the first time prudently and skillfully killed a German paratrooper, did not sleep all night - “she was shaking!”
But the world turned so that death was near. I had to kill, I had to tear up my friends, I had to die myself. Junior Sergeant Rita Osyanina was wounded by a grenade fragment in the stomach. She understands that the wound is hopeless, and courageously chooses death.
And the desperate Zhenya does not believe in death - neither in her own, nor in Rita. Zhenya was not afraid of anything even in a happy carefree time: “she rode horses, shot at a shooting range, sat with her father in an ambush for wild boars, drove her father’s motorcycle around a military camp ...”. And in his last battle, he boldly and desperately leads the Germans into the forest - away from the wounded Rita. “She believed in herself even now, not for a moment doubting that everything would end well. It’s so stupid, so absurd and improbable to die at nineteen…”
Liza Brichkina dies terribly - she drowns in a swamp without fulfilling Vaskov's instructions. It is a pity for this girl from a deaf corner of Bryansk. Her youth was spent in solitude. All 19 years she lived in anticipation of tomorrow. She so wanted affection, care, love. How sincerely she fell in love with foreman Vaskov. And this dream did not come true.
Can Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak be considered heroes? The author's sympathy for them is undeniable. “An excellent student, an excellent student both at school and at the institute,” her friends remember her after her death. A clever little girl reads Blok by heart and knows German. There is no physical strength in it: it bends like a reed, its voice is squeaky. But how much female kindness, human sensitivity is in her. When he eats from the same pot with foreman Vaskov, he strives to give him "the most brew." And she dies when she runs after the foreman's forgotten pouch.
In a special way, the author also regrets Galya Chetvertak. All of her is so “thin, sharp-nosed, pigtails made of tow and her chest is flat, like a boy’s”, “a little bitch”. And clumsy. I lost my boot in the swamp, I caught a cold. She is a dreamer and even lying. She lies that her mother is a nurse, and she herself is from an orphanage, a foundling. In the first battle, I was so scared that I couldn’t shoot even once. ” Her friends were even going to judge her for it. But she could not stand her second fight either - she simply could not stand the presence of the Germans nearby!
But the wise foreman Vaskov also defends her: “There was no cowardice.”, “Our comrades died a heroic death. A quarter - in a shootout, and Liza Brichkina drowned in a swamp ... "
The rest of the Germans were captivated by Vaskov, an outstanding, generous, heroic personality. With a difficult personal fate. A man "almost without education", but so wise in everyday life, of great human kindness. Caring, attentive to his anti-aircraft gunners, notices and maintains their mood. The sick Chetvertak gave his overcoat, stands up for her when the girls are going to judge her for cowardice. Everyone understands, everyone regrets.
He is an experienced warrior: he calculated everything correctly, managed to overcome the swamp with a detachment, and take the blow. He only did not foresee that instead of two saboteurs, as Rita reported, the detachment would stumble upon 16 machine gunners - hefty men. But Vaskov was not going to retreat.
“Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: do not retreat. Do not give the Germans a single piece on this shore. No matter how hard, no matter how hopeless - to hold on ... And he had such a feeling, as if it was behind his back that all of Russia had converged, it was he, Fedot Evgrafych Vaskov, who was now her last son and defender. And there was no one else in the whole world: only he, the enemy and Russia.
One captures the remaining four Germans. Together with five girls, he, himself seriously wounded, defeated an armed fascist detachment. After the war, he will become a father to the son of the deceased Rita Osyanina.
And the dawns here are quiet... So the fishermen admire the silence of the lake. But for this silence to come, what a price our people had to pay.

The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" written by Vasiliev Boris Lvovich (years of life - 1924-2013), was first born in 1969. The work, according to the author himself, is based on a real military episode, when, after being wounded, seven soldiers serving on the railway prevented a German sabotage group from blowing it up. After the battle, only one sergeant, the commander of the Soviet fighters, managed to survive. In this article, we will analyze "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", and describe a brief summary of this story.

War is tears and grief, destruction and horror, madness and extermination of all life. She brought trouble to everyone, knocking on every house: wives lost their husbands, mothers - sons, children were forced to be left without fathers. Many people went through it, experienced all these horrors, but they managed to survive and win in the hardest of all wars ever endured by mankind. Let's start the analysis of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" with a brief description of the events, commenting on them along the way.

Boris Vasiliev served as a young lieutenant at the beginning of the war. In 1941, he went to the front while still a schoolboy, and two years later he was forced to leave the army due to a severe shell shock. Thus, this writer knew the war firsthand. Therefore, his best works are about her, about the fact that a person manages to remain a person only by fulfilling his duty to the end.

In the work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", the content of which is war, it is felt especially sharply, since it is turned by an unusual facet for us. We are all used to associate men with her, but here the main characters are girls and women. They stood up against the enemy alone in the middle of the Russian land: lakes, swamps. The enemy - hardy, strong, merciless, well-armed, greatly outnumbers them.

Events unfold in May 1942. Depicted is a railway siding and its commander - Fedor Evgrafych Vaskov, a 32-year-old man. Soldiers arrive here, but then they start to walk and drink. Therefore, Vaskov writes reports, and in the end they send him anti-aircraft gunners under the command of Rita Osyanina, a widow (her husband died at the front). Then Zhenya Komelkova arrives, instead of the carrier killed by the Germans. All five girls had their own character.

Five different characters: analysis

"The Dawns Here Are Quiet" is a work that describes interesting female characters. Sonya, Galya, Lisa, Zhenya, Rita - five different, but in some ways very similar girls. Rita Osyanina is gentle and strong-willed, distinguished by spiritual beauty. She is the most fearless, courageous, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is white-skinned, red-haired, tall, with childish eyes, always laughing, cheerful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, tired of pain, war and painful and long love for a married and distant person. Sonya Gurvich is an excellent student, a refined poetic nature, as if she had come out of a book of poems by Alexander Blok. she always knew how to wait, she knew that she was destined for life, and it was impossible to escape her. The latter, Galya, always lived more actively in the imaginary world than in the real one, therefore she was very afraid of this merciless terrible phenomenon, which is war. "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" depicts this heroine as a funny, never matured, clumsy, childish orphanage girl. Escape from the orphanage, notes and dreams ... about long dresses, solo parts and universal worship. She wanted to become the new Lyubov Orlova.

The analysis of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" allows us to say that none of the girls was able to fulfill their desires, because they did not have time to live their lives.

Further developments

The heroes of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" fought for their Motherland like no one else had ever fought anywhere. They hated the enemy with all their heart. The girls always carried out orders clearly, as young soldiers should. They experienced everything: losses, worries, tears. Right before the eyes of these fighters, their good friends were dying, but the girls held on. They stood to the death to the very end, they did not let anyone through, and there were hundreds and thousands of such patriots. Thanks to them, it was possible to defend the freedom of the motherland.

Death of heroines

These girls had different deaths, just as the life paths followed by the heroes of "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" were different. Rita was wounded by a grenade. She understood that she could not survive, that the wound was fatal, and that she would have to die painfully and for a long time. Therefore, gathering the rest of her strength, she shot herself in the temple. Gali's death was as reckless and painful as she herself - the girl could have hidden and saved her life, but did not. It remains only to speculate what motivated her then. Perhaps just a moment of confusion, perhaps cowardice. Sony's death was cruel. She didn't even know how the dagger blade had pierced her cheerful young heart. Zhenya is a little reckless, desperate. She believed in herself until the very end, even when she led the Germans away from Osyanina, she never doubted for a moment that everything would end well. Therefore, even after the first bullet hit her in the side, she was only surprised. After all, it was so improbable, absurd and stupid to die when you were only nineteen years old. Lisa's death happened unexpectedly. It was a very stupid surprise - the girl was dragged into the swamp. The author writes that until the last moment the heroine believed that "tomorrow will be for her."

Petty Officer Vaskov

Sergeant Major Vaskov, whom we have already mentioned in the summary "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", is left alone in the midst of torment, misfortune, alone with death and three prisoners. But now he has five times more strength. What was in this fighter of the human, the best, but hidden deep in the soul, was suddenly revealed. He felt and experienced both for himself and for his "sister" girls. The foreman laments, he does not understand why this happened, because they need to give birth to children, and not die.

So, according to the plot, all the girls died. What guided them when they went into battle, not sparing their own lives, defending their land? Perhaps just a duty to the Fatherland, his people, perhaps patriotism? Everything was mixed up at that moment.

Sergeant Major Vaskov ultimately blames himself for everything, and not the Nazis he hates. As a tragic requiem, his words that he "put down all five" are perceived.


Reading the work "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" one involuntarily becomes an observer of the everyday life of anti-aircraft gunners at a bombed-out junction in Karelia. This story is based on an episode that is insignificant in the vast scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told in such a way that all its horrors stand before your eyes in all their ugly, terrible inconsistency with the essence of man. It is emphasized by the fact that the work is called "The Dawns Here Are Quiet", and by the fact that its heroes are girls who are forced to participate in the war.

People act differently in different life situations. Someone is ready for decisive actions, while fear wakes up in someone. The true essence of a person is revealed only when he is faced with problems and dangers. One demonstrates the courage of character, the other in a similar situation seems like a coward. But this does not mean that a brave person is not afraid of anything.

Everyone has their own fears. Much more important to overcome them. Not everyone can boldly face danger and fight their fears.

They say women have no place in war. But the girls-heroines of Boris Vasiliev's immortal story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" cross out this belief. Undoubtedly, the death of each of them is terrible, but not one of them for a minute allowed herself to be afraid, to hide, to leave the side. The girls were not afraid to accept an unequal battle, knowing in advance that they were unlikely to survive. There was no place for cowardice in this story - after all, not everyone can find in themselves such courage, such courage as these girls. It is important that they cannot be compared with each other: neither the desperate Zhenya with Galya who lost her head from fear or the careless Sonya, nor Liza, who died in a hurry to convey new information about the Germans, with Rita, who died in agony - each showed unparalleled courage in the name of victory for your country.

The state in which you live undoubtedly influences your destiny.

And if the heroines of Boris Vasiliev gave their lives for their country, then the inhabitants of the United State, described in the dystopian novel by E. Zamyatin "We", were in the grip of totalitarianism. In the first case, the reader is struck by the courage of the heroes; in the second, we are surprised by the fear of the heroes to go against the state. But at the same time, heroes are shown here who go against the laws and rules: these are d-503, and i-330, and o-90, who, knowing that she will be executed, nevertheless decides to give birth to a child. The characters change noticeably over the course of the novel. These people make history.

There have been many examples of brave people in history. But a brave person in one situation in other conditions may behave differently, not cope with fear. True courage is shown when we try to impress someone, to appear brave in the eyes of others. Courage is the ability to control yourself, soberly assess the situation and turn a blind eye to your fears, because, as Bernard Shaw said, "being a slave to fear is the worst kind of slavery."

Updated: 2018-08-29

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Useful material on the topic

Courage is a great property of the soul. People who had been through the war knew what it meant to be brave and work together. Among them were front-line essayists. So, for example, Boris Vasiliev, having gone through the Great Patriotic War, like many other Soviet writers, devoted a whole work to the theme of courage and patriotism. The story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" was filmed four times, theatricalized many times, and even mentioned in an opera production.

In my opinion, she gained such popularity precisely because of the theme of courage, in this case, the courage of five brave anti-aircraft gunners. The main characters, for various reasons, decided to fight for their homeland. Each of them had their own story, and each in their hearts wished only a peaceful sky for their loved ones. Rita Osyanina, a brave twenty-year-old anti-aircraft gunner with a stern look, was forced to protect her family, her little son, who was left without a father due to the war.

Rita's courage manifested itself not only in her voluntary choice to serve for the good of the Motherland, but also in her attitude towards her friends, associates and just people around her. During the operation to capture German saboteurs, she defended the interests of the girls of her detachment until the last minute, as well as the mischievous, self-confident, lively Zhenya Komelkova. Zhenya was very young when the Nazis shot her loved ones. She managed to escape, but life was no longer the same as before.

Since Zhenya was always cheerful and artistic, those around her thought that nothing bothered the girl. In fact, in the depths of her soul she was wounded, and only the desire to avenge her relatives gave her courage. Zhenya steadfastly went through the entire operation to capture the Nazis at the 171st railway siding. She died a hero's death, leading the saboteurs away from her wounded friend. Three other girls in Rita's detachment showed themselves no less heroically - Sonya Gurvich, Galya Chetvertak and Liza Brichkina. All of them went to their death voluntarily, realizing that their goal was to defeat the enemy and not to offend a friend.

Courage was a hallmark of another hero of the work - foreman Vaskov. In ordinary life, Fedot Evgrafych did not differ in anything outstanding, but for the sake of the girls of his detachment he was ready to kill anyone. At the end of the story, he did just that. Vaskov killed one of the German saboteurs hiding in the forest, and captured the rest. Until the last days, he did not forget the feat of five brave anti-aircraft gunners, who in a short time became almost family for him.

The writing

The best and worst traits, properties of the character of a person and the people as a whole are revealed in extreme situations. This is a well known truth. First of all, wars belong to such situations.

The Great Patriotic War became a terrible test for our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But she helped to understand, once again realize how strong the Russian people are, rich not only materially, physically, but also spiritually. Rich and beautiful with the strength of the spirit and soul of its people.

The literature devoted to the Great Patriotic War is a confirmation of this. So, the story of B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." tells about the events of 1942. German saboteurs are thrown into the location of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battery, commanded by foreman Vaskov, and the commander has only six young fragile girls under his command. The author tells us about their fates.

Rita Osyanina immediately after graduation married a lieutenant-border guard. A year later they had a son, and a year later the war began. Already on the second day of the war, Rita became a widow. The Great Patriotic War turned a weak housewife into a fearless soldier.

Quiet, afraid of everything, Galya Chetvertak, whose childhood was spent in an orphanage, is used to living dreams mixed with what she saw in the movies. Lisa Brichkina lived in the forest before the war and also did not know life at all. The girl dreamed of love, city life. The life of a student girl Sonya Gurvich was calm and purposeful. Ordinary student life: a session, a library, a familiar student boy caring for her ... The war made its terrible amendments to all these destinies, making soldiers out of women. But they fulfilled this role with honor, did everything they could to protect their homeland, their children, their people.

Sergeant Major Vaskov decides to destroy the German invaders. Bykov shows how the characters of all the characters are revealed in a dangerous situation. So, at first, the girls had a very low opinion of their commander: “A mossy stump, there are twenty words in reserve, and even those from the Charter.” But the danger brought all six together, changing the opinion of the foreman.

Vaskov absorbed the best qualities of a warrior, ready to expose himself to bullets, but save the girls and fulfill his duty: “Vaskov knew one thing in this battle: do not retreat. Do not give the Germans a single piece on this coast ... And there was no one else in the whole world: only he, the enemy, and Russia. Only the girls still listened with some third ear: whether they were still hitting rifles or not. Beat means alive. It means that they keep their front, their Russia. Hold!”

And they held on to their last breath. Their deaths were different: Lisa Brichkina drowned in a swamp when she was in a hurry to bring help. Galya Chetvertak was mowed down by machine gun fire. Sonya Gurvich was killed by a paratrooper with one blow of a knife when she ran after the foreman's pouch. Zhenya Komelkova died trying to lead the Germans away from the mortally wounded Rita Osyanina.

The story of V. Bykov "Sotnikov" also reveals truly Russian courage, a real Russian character. He (the image of Sotnikov) is especially bright in comparison with another hero of the story - Rybak. These heroes under normal conditions, perhaps, would not have shown their true nature. But during the war, Sotnikov goes through difficult trials with honor and accepts death without renouncing his beliefs, and Rybak, in the face of death, changes his beliefs, betrays his homeland, saving his life. On the example of these people, we are once again convinced that in the face of death a person remains as he really is. And it is here that the depth of his convictions, his civic fortitude, are tested.

Going to complete the task, the characters react differently to the impending danger. It seems that the strong and quick-witted Rybak is more prepared for a feat than the frail, sick Sotnikov. But if Rybak, who “managed to find some way out” all his life, is internally ready to commit betrayal, then Sotnikov remains true to the duty of a person and citizen to the last breath: “Well, it was necessary to gather the last strength in oneself in order to to face death with dignity... Otherwise, why then life? It is too difficult for a person to be carefree about its end.

In Bykov's story, everyone took his place among the victims. Everyone, except Rybak, went through his deadly path to the end. During the torture, Sotnikov lost consciousness several times, but did not say anything. This hero has come to terms with death. He would like to die in battle, but it became impossible for him. The only thing left for him was to decide on the attitude towards the people who happened to be nearby.

Before the execution, Sotnikov demanded an investigator and said: "I am a partisan, the rest have nothing to do with it." The investigator ordered Rybak to be brought in, and he agreed to join the police. The fisherman tried to convince himself that he was not a traitor, that he would run away.

In the last moments of his life, Sotnikov suddenly lost his confidence in the right to demand from others the same as from himself. He did not seek sympathy in the crowd surrounding the place of execution, did not want to be talked badly about him, and got angry only at Rybak, who was performing the duties of the executioner. The fisherman apologizes: "I'm sorry, brother." - "Go to hell!" - follows the answer.

What happened to Rybak? He did not overcome the fate of a man entangled in the war. He sincerely wanted to hang himself. But circumstances interfered, and there was a chance to survive. It is unlikely that the chief of police saw what was going on in the soul of this man. The writer left him the possibility of a different path: the continuation of the fight against the enemy, the atonement of guilt before the people. But Rybak chose the path of betrayal.

“Courage is a great property of the soul; the people marked by him should be proud of themselves, ”said one of the greats. The works dedicated to the Great Patriotic War fully confirm that the Russian people have true courage. It was it that helped to survive in this war, win and preserve itself as a nation.

When I read the book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…”, it seemed to me that I completely moved into the world of this book, I empathized with the characters so much. Still, what brave girls! To be honest, I cried at the end when they all died! I would love for everyone to read this book. She deserves it. This is the memory of all the young soldiers of that terrible war...

Anya Gorgoma, 12 years old

Tuapse district, Krasnodar Territory

Boris Vasiliev's story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet..." tells about the heroism of Soviet girls at the front during the Great Patriotic War. Reading this story, I cried. It was a pity for the girls, almost my age, who, risking their lives, are trying to help the front. I mentally asked myself the question: “Am I capable of such actions?”. After all, you only have one life, you just want to be happy. And I realized: the girls were happy that they were able to protect what is dearest to them: children, loved ones, mothers, and the Motherland. I really liked this work, because it is such books that help to become real people.

Yulia Kolesnikova, 16 years old

Ventsovskaya Children's Library, Branch No. 4

MKU "VBS s / n "Ventsy-Zarya"" MO Gulkevichsky district

Once in the library I saw B. Vasiliev's book "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...". I read the book in one breath, but what a deep impression it left in my soul! Fragile young girls kept the Nazis in the forest. You need to have great courage to defend your homeland like this.

Natalia, 17 years old

Krasnodar city

The work of Boris Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet ..." tells about the Great Patriotic War. Reading page after page, I thought about a lot, because the book is based on real events and it tells about young girls who participated in the battles for their homeland. Now we live in peacetime, and in those years, eighteen-year-old girls died, each with her own fate. The war cut short their lives, their dreams... If not for the war, then the lives of Rita, Zhenya, Lisa, Sonya, Gali would have turned out differently.

We are familiar with many books about the war, but I advise everyone to read this particular book - a book about the contribution of women to the Victory for Peace, because this Victory came at a high and heavy price.

Ayan Syrymov

8th "B" class, gymnasium No. 45

Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan

I recently read Boris Vasiliev's book "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". The book tells about the heroism and courage of girls during the Great Patriotic War. The main characters: five young girls who stood up for the defense of the Motherland and foreman Vaskov. Each of them had plans, dreams, but the war crossed everything out.

What will happen to them? What trials will they have on their way?.. You can find out by reading this wonderful book. I think this story will be remembered by all readers for a long time.

Katygorokh Lada, 13 years old

Crimean Central Children's Library of A. A. Likhanov

Krasnodar region

The story of B. Vasilyev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” is one of the many works of literature dedicated to the feat of Russian soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. But this story is not just about the soldiers who fought for victory, but about the fate of very young girls who defended the Fatherland.

The action of the story takes place at the 171st railway siding in May 1942. The author of the story thus showed that victory in battles of "local" significance was paid for with the same blood as in large-scale battles. This is the idea behind the piece.

There are six main characters in the story: five anti-aircraft gunners and foreman Vaskov.

Fedot Vaskov is thirty-two years old. At the end of four classes of the regimental school, he rose to the rank of foreman in ten years. After the Finnish war, his wife left him, and he demanded his son through the court and sent him to his mother in the village, where he was killed by the Germans. This grief has aged the foreman, he seems harsh, callous.

Junior Sergeant Rita Osyanina became the wife of a red commander at the age of less than eighteen. Her son Alik was sent to his parents, and Rita took her place in the ranks after her husband's heroic death on the second day of the war, which she learned about a month after his death.

Sonya Gurevich is an orphan. Her parents, most likely, died in Minsk, captured by the Germans. At this time, Sonya was studying in Moscow, preparing for the session. In the detachment, she was a translator.

Galya Chetvertak was brought up in an orphanage and did not know her parents.

Liza Brichkina grew up in a forester's family. She was going to study at a technical school, but her plans were disrupted by the war.

The most beautiful and carefree of the heroines of the story is Zhenya Komelkova. She, the daughter of the commander of the Red Army, fell in love with Colonel Luzhin, who was married. For communication with him, she was transferred to serve at the 171st junction.

Before the war, each girl had her own destiny, they dreamed of a happy future, but their common destiny was war and tragic death. At the cost of their lives, they carried out the order.

“War has an unfeminine face”, the concepts of “woman” and “war” are incompatible and unnatural. The author of the story, describing the life of the heroines, somehow contrasts their harsh military service and rare hours of rest, when the soldiers appear as young girls who want to be beautiful, happy, despite the hardships of war.

The war in B. Vasiliev's story is not represented by high-profile battles, complex military operations, but by everyday service carried out by fragile, still very young girls. This is also emphasized by the simple colloquial language in which the author describes the injustice and cruelty of the war.

One of the features of the work is an inserted short story. The author tells about the past peaceful life of the heroines. There they are happy and carefree. The description of nature in the work in the form of beautiful landscapes is opposed to the horror and dirt of war. As if all living nature appeals to the mind of people: "Stop the war, stop!".

The story strikes with the depth of the tragedy of the fate of the main characters. The work makes you think in a new way about the consequences that war brings with it. In an instant, a peaceful life, dreams of the future turned into blood and death. Our world is just as fragile as the heroines of the story, and just as incompatible with murder and war. But the girls were able to resist the cruelty of the war, they emerged victorious in an unequal battle against the enemy, who was superior in numbers, strength, and training.

This story makes us, who do not know wars, think about what needs to be done so that this horror never repeats itself, so that our girls will never know how heavy rough soldier's boots are, how ugly gray overcoats are.

The author of the story cruelly disposed of the fate of the heroines. But after reading the work, there is still a bright feeling, because the death of the girls was not meaningless. They, young, just starting to live, are the real heroes of the war and its winners.

Valeria Rangayeva, 15 years old


How to explain that many years have passed since we won, and writers again and again turn to the military theme? Apparently, there is some kind of social, moral need that makes us return to this difficult time.

In ethics, there is a thesis about the binding meaning of death: human death is the final, exhaustive test of personality; in the face of death, a person is not able to lie. The Great Patriotic War became such a final exhaustive test for every nation and every Russian citizen.

The story of B. Vasiliev, unlike many other works about the war, is written in a soft, lyrical manner. What is this story about? About how five girls, under the leadership of foreman Vaskov, took the fight with a group of fascist saboteurs, with sixteen thugs armed to the teeth. About the shock experienced by the Siberian scout, hunter, foreman Vaskov, who had seen everyone in his lifetime, but never thought that he would fight next to the girls, that there was so much inhuman, that beyond the line, these girls would be able to survive, that they would have to after another to see them off on a long, indefinite journey.

And this, like many other things, was written down by Fedot Evgrafovich Vaskov at the expense of the enemy, who transgressed human laws and placed himself outside the law.

It may seem that this situation is beyond the realm of possibility. But beyond human capabilities there was a war in which we nonetheless survived and won. From the collision of the impossible and the actually realized, the illumination of the feat of the Great Patriotic War, comprehended by our literature, is born.

What could be more tragic than the situation when five expectant mothers die one after another in an unequal battle with saboteurs. “I put you down, I put all five of you,” says Fedor Evgrafovich. - For what? For a dozen Fritz? ... While the war

It's clear. And then when will there be peace? Will it be clear? What to answer when they ask: what is it you, men, couldn’t save our mothers from bullets?!” - “No need,” the mortally wounded Rita Osyanina answers him. - We defended the Motherland, her. Don't torture yourself."

The theme of continuity, inheritance, addressed to the generations that will come to life after the war, is organic for the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet...". What bitterness sounds in the words of Vaskov: “I read poetry, and most importantly, I could give birth to children, and they would have grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and the thread would not have broken. And they are on this thread with a knife ... "The charm of femininity, insecurity, purity and fearlessness with an unusual sharpness - to a lump in the throat - reveals all the unfair, unbearable, blind cruelty of war. And at the same time brightens, tempers the soul.

Empathizing with Vaskov's torment, we mourn with him, we are horrified by the death of future mothers, we are amazed at the strength of the spirit, patience, endurance and human courage.

And we clearly understand that we knew for sure why these girls from the “roaring forties” went to their deaths.

They defended the Motherland!
That says it all.

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