The oldest photographic portraits of Russian celebrities. The most beautiful portraits in the world

I started drawing portraits of celebrities back in early childhood, at that time I really liked to draw from magazine pictures. At that time, naturally, it was the magazine “Soviet Screen”, unfortunately there were no others at hand, where photographs of mainly our domestic actors were shown, most of these were stills from our films.

Mostly then I drew in the usual way with a simple pencil, sometimes I drew with colored pencils, of course I didn’t keep all these drawings.

I can say with confidence that many artists often or rarely turn to the topic of drawing famous people. It would seem, what’s wrong with this and why is it needed?

When I was street artist and painted, for example, on Arbat, each artist always exhibited his work in order to attract those who wanted to paint their own portrait. This is where portraits of celebrities were just necessary. Visitors even chose the artist based on best likeness portraits of stars and of course the quality and realism of the work.

There are commissioned portraits for celebrities, but they are rare. Since I'm in Lately I draw portraits from photographs to order for everyone, and portraits famous people on my website they tell my potential customers the level of my work.

I still have a craving for drawing famous people today, thanks to the Internet where I exhibit my works not only on this site but also in in social networks like Facebook, Devianart and Instagram, I get a lot positive feedback, from time to time, and customers who, as we know, inspire to continue drawing famous actresses, actors, singers and other popular personalities.

On this page I present portraits of famous people that I have painted from time to time over the past 15 years, most of them using dry brush techniques.

Among the works are portraits of singer Britney Spears, Natalia Oreiro, actresses Emma Watson, Megan Fox, and actors Vladimir Vysotsky, Johnny Depp, Richard Gere, Monica Bellucci, Emilia Clarke, Charlize Theron, Eliza Taylor, Brittney Karbowski, cosmonaut German Titov, Cardinal Ratzinger , Benedict XVI, Top Models: Valeria Matza, Josie Maran and others.

Lately, often walking on the Internet, I sometimes notice images of various famous personalities inspiring me as an artist to the idea of ​​drawing a portrait of a celebrity.

Also, the inspiration to draw a particular actor or actress has recently been revealed after watching films and TV series. For example, Game of Thrones or Lost. In the series Game of Thrones, I was attracted by the image of the beautiful actress Emilia Clarke, where she played Khalissi, the Mother of Dragons, resulting in six portraits and it was also difficult not to notice a very striking figure in this film, this is the dwarf actor Peter Dinklage in the role of Tyrion Lannister and the young actress Maisie Williams as Arya Stark. In the film Lost or Staying Alive there is the incomparable beauty Evangeline Lilly in the role of Kate Austen, 3 portraits, one of them in oil on canvas.

In most cases, I try to change a lot in the portraits of my idols, for example, light and shadow shades, sometimes volume, background, hairstyle, etc. Subsequently, this helps to increase the perception of the star’s portrait to the proper level. For example, I had to change a lot, add in the portraits of Peter Dinklage, Evangeline Lilly, Emilia Clarke, young Charlize Theron, Maisie Williams, Nina Dobrev and Chloë Grace Moretz and others.

There are photographs where the actress, in my opinion, does not look like high level in understanding female beauty, the task becomes how to somehow correct it, make it just like candy, flatter it a little without going beyond and, of course, add some charm. Perhaps someday, my work will be seen on the Internet by the owner herself this image will cheer her up :). If you would like to order a portrait from a photograph of any celebrity, or for someone you know, just let me know.

Hi all! This vanilla week there were a lot of wonderful posts about love in all its forms: for family, for homeland, for nature, for work, for sports, and so on. But most of us first came to Gossip Cop because of our love of celebrities. Then we found out that there is a whole community of versatile people, posts various topics, were delighted, and fell in love with Gossip Man even more passionately. But, nevertheless, on Gossip the lion's share of content and even on blogs are stars various fields activities and different scales.

Celebrity images inspire creative people. Probably everyone who knows how to draw at least a little has tried to portray their idol. And those lacking the ability to draw have probably tried it too. In general, even if you draw a person as a cephalopod, there are a lot of lessons on the Internet that promise to teach you how to draw, if not like a professional, then at least to achieve a portrait resemblance. For example, this application.

Choose, for example, Tom Hiddleston and step by step...

In the meantime, we are painting ugly likenesses of star favorites with an unfaithful hand, I suggest you enjoy the creativity professional artists drawing portraits of celebrities. Talented artists achieve portrait likeness using various techniques in a wide variety of, often very unexpected, means and materials.

Let's start with the usual visual arts- pencils and paints.

1. MITSUO2 – talented artist from Japan, which creates very realistic portraits celebrities in pencil. He draws with colored pencils.

2. Talented Russian artist Natasha Kinaru from Voronezh creates incredibly realistic portraits of celebrities. In her drawings, she uses pencils to convey the emotions and character of a person.

Future Jared Leto

3. A young illustrator from Great Britain named Innes McDougall. The drawing technique is so realistic that you get the feeling that this is a photograph. The artist seems to love Adrian Lima with the most tender love

4. Pencil drawings Kelvin Okafor. The prototypes of the young artist’s paintings are indeed photographs, but it is unlikely that anyone would dare call his works simple reproductions. Due to the virtuosity of performance British critics Kelvin is already called a worthy follower of da Vinci and Caravaggio. This technique is called photorealism. The artist is recognized, prices for his works reach up to 9,000 pounds (~430,000 rubles)

5. Laura Modamio - Spanish artist, draws portraits of celebrities using a simple ballpoint pen

6. Malaysian artist Vince Low, drawing technique - many lines, strokes and curls, which together form complete images. Title drawing of Audrey Hepburn by him.

7. Polish artist Christoph Lukasiewicz. Pencil. Surely you highlighted postcards with his drawings.
It’s impossible to include all his works, but if you’re interested, google them, just like other artists.

8. My favorite is British artist Ileana Hunter, her portraits of famous beauties are minimalist, with an emphasis on eyes and lips.

Computer graphics

9. Graphic designer George Chamoun, a series of collages in which the author brought together actors and actresses different eras– golden and modern. The name of the series “Iconatomy” arose from combining the words “icon” and “anatomy”.
Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Taylor
Scarlett Johansson and Marilyn Monroe
George Clooney and Cary Grant
Natalie Portman and Audrey Hepburn

10. Jan Nagra (Jan Nagra) Canadian artist. Every day he draws one portrait of a celebrity. I couldn’t find a description of the work, but it looks like it’s computer vector graphics

11. Belgian artist Ben Heine. Portraits from circles different color and diameter. My original equipment he calls it Digital Circlism.

12. "Madonnari" - ordinary drawings on the asphalt. I don’t know the authors, just a photo from a competition in Lake Worth (Florida, USA)

This post is already long, so portraits of celebrities made from unusual materials are in the second part. I hope you liked it)))

Updated 26/04/14 03:10:

Once again I’ll try to post Calvin Okafor:

And about Vince Lowe was from the blogger pushilina

Here we present a list of 25 amazingly talented photographers in this wonderful portrait genre. Get some inspiration and an extra dose of love for art from this post.

Adrian Blachut

Super sensitive and practically tangible portraits that touch on the classical visual arts. Adrina Blachut's photographs show the importance of fine art, and are distinguished by subtle artistic expression. This author has an excellent portfolio with which to start our selection.


The diversity and versatility of Aleksandra's work continues to captivate us with every portrait she takes. Her works have a sensational light and a special mood. They can serve as inspiration and a source of new ideas for a huge number of viewers. One cannot remain indifferent to the works of this photographer.

Alex Stoddard

Alex began taking self-portraits when he was not yet sixteen years old. He did this in the woods behind his home in Georgia. The photographer's work focuses on man as an object and the process of merging him with the natural environment. In addition, he strives to create whimsical and surreal portraits. His portrait photography is filled with mysticism and drama. Alex Stoddard has brilliant photographs with some wild ideas. This author at a very young age managed to reach professional level in photography.

Alexandra Sophie

For Alexandra Sophie, it's not enough to just capture adorable moments; her ambitions have grown and become even stronger and bigger. Skillfully wielding her humble camera, she creates paintings that strangely transport us to another world. They are beautiful, surreal and fascinating.

Anastasia Volkova

Anastasia Volkova is one of the best portrait photographers in Russia. Artistic photos This author's photographs are captivating and capricious, and each of her photographs is full of surprises. Be it the light, the model or the mood - it all exists like a living dream in each of her paintings. Anastasia's self-portraits are distinguished by incident light and extraordinary beauty. Her photographs come to life, although the subjects are at rest. Anastasia Volkova is a magnificent Russian portrait photographer.

Andrea Hübner

Andrea Hübner is an amazing and wonderful portrait photographer from Germany. She believes that it is this direction in photography that captivates her soul and makes her do more and more. In portrait photography she finds an inexhaustible source of inspiration and energy.

Anka Zhuravleva

Having tried many different professions from an artist in a tattoo parlor to participating in a rock band, Anka Zhuravleva appeared in fine arts, where she has already managed to reach average heights. Her paintings are a classic take on absolutely stunning colors and light.

Brian Oldham

Inspired by famous artistic and fairy tales, Brian Oldham began taking photographs at the age of 16. While he experimented with self-portraits and surrealism, his love for photography blossomed. He taught himself. Brian still retains his passion for all things beautiful and something unusual is always present in his work. He creates surreal and conceptual images that transport viewers to new worlds.

David Talley

David Tall is a 19-year-old self-taught photographer born and residing in Los Angeles, California. His work consists of the fusion of surrealist concept and composition with romantic emotions, suffering and adventure, from the desire to create new impressions of painful emotions and beautiful objects. He loves to connect with viewers, showing them that these emotions are universal and that the viewer is not alone, even in the most difficult periods.

Dmitry Ageev

We find ourselves face to face with portraits and objects that seem surprisingly real. They stand right in front of us with a huge amount of emotions and with their own mood. Russian photographer Dmitry Ageev spoils viewers with his outstanding portraits, where every look speaks of artistic excellence.

Ekaterina Grigorieva

Surrealism and dramatic mood are distinguished by monochrome photographs by Ekaterina Grigorieva. Composition seems to be a key factor in these paintings. They are distinguished by the right mood within the frame. Great work that captivates.

Hannes Caspar

Sentimental portraits, brilliant models, emotions in every frame are characteristic of the works of Hannes Kaspar. Unique compositions in an enclosed space, where the author plays with available light, filling wonderful dramatic pictures. This is a classic art in which touching people's faces occurs through natural portraits. Life and love itself find expression in them. You can feel these beautiful souls right here and now. This individual approach to the art of portrait photography.

Jan Scholz

Jan Scholz has an outstanding portfolio that could last a lifetime. His works carry the inspiration accumulated throughout his life. They surprise with the subjects and the lighting he chose for the shot. It is unlikely that you will find anything in his photographs that would not be in harmony with the subject in the photograph. For his work, Ian uses bulky cameras with film of various sizes.

Kyle Thompson

Kyle Thompson was born on January 11, 1992 in Chicago. He began taking photographs at the age of nineteen, when he became interested in the abandoned houses nearby. His work consists primarily of surreal and unusual self-portraits, often set in deep forests and abandoned houses. Special Education Kyle has not yet received his degree in photography.

Magdalena Berny

These are portraits that bring out the mood and character of the subjects through a certain sublime artistic lighting and color balance. Magdalena Berni is one of the best contemporary photographers portrait painters. She creates photographs with stunning visual effects. Children, as a rule, feel in their comfort zone in front of her camera, which makes the picture even more attractive to our eyes and hearts.

Matthieu Soudet

And here is another young photographer. His name is Mathieu Soudet, and this gifted photographer is from Paris. He creates bold images with a strong and sensitive sense of art and fashion. His paintings evoke a special mood in viewers, which tends to grow.

Michael Magin

Michael Magin is from Germany. He has been producing stunning photographs for many years, and his portfolio demonstrates his constant desire to find new faces. Overall, his photographs are brilliant, artistic portraits.

Oleg Oprisco

Oprisco's emotional portraits are paintings that vividly demonstrate master class in all aspects of photography. He uses film to capture the essence of portraits and bring out emotions through art. The photographer conveys surrealism and beauty in everything. The special visual pleasure of this author's art form will remain in our hearts for a long time.

Patrick Shaw

This artist's portraits are filled with darkness and light, which balance each other to create a sense of sudden surprise and draw attention away from the subject's face. Patrick Shaw's photographs contain artistic origin in every aspect.

Rosie Hardy

The feeling of airy space and elements of nature, led by a beautiful girl. Rosie Hardy continues to create images by layering fictional factors on top of beauty to create dramatic meaning and evoke a mood that is a wonderful surprise every time we see her self-portraits.

Sarah Ann Loreth

Sarah Ann Loreth doesn't just take photographs, she creates scenes that are deeply rooted in her soul. Sarah is a wonderful fine art photographer from New Hampshire. She specializes in portrait photography and creates distinctive, conceptual portraits. In her work she tries to convey silence, calm, emotions combined with the natural environment. She explores the gap between darkness and light, unafraid dark side, which many may find uncomfortable.

As you know, the first photographs in Russian Empire were made back in October 1839, and already in 1840 the first photographic studio opened in Moscow. Fortunately, the metal plates of daguerreotypes are quite well preserved, and many of the portraits were printed before the originals disappeared without a trace. Thanks to this, we can see the faces of our compatriots who lived (!) 170-150 years ago. Today we will look at some celebrities.

Gogol surrounded by representatives of the Russian community of Rome, 1845, photo by Levitsky:

Another version of the same reproduction:

And here is the portrait of Gogol close-up, also during his life in Rome, 1845:

This is an excerpt from a group portrait, which indicates the good resolution of the original.

Lermontov could also theoretically have time to take a photo, but, alas...

In 1845, the Frenchman A. Davignon went on his first photographic trip to Russia. In Irkutsk he captured the Decembrists. For some reason, the authorities didn’t like this, they arrested the photographer and confiscated the records, as if they were even going to destroy them. But apparently not everything was destroyed.

Decembrist Panov Nikolai Alekseevich, 1803-1850. Daguerreotype by A. Davignon Irkutsk, 1845:

Decembrist S.G. Volkonsky. Daguerreotype by A. Davignon Irkutsk, 1845:

As we see, the shackles had already been removed from them by that time, but Tsar Nicholas I never allowed the former rebels to return to St. Petersburg.

Variant of the portrait of S.G. Volkonsky:

Learned? Leo Tolstoy in 1848, very young:

Looking at this face, for some reason you believe the confession of this “seasoned man”, made in old age: “there is no crime that I did not commit in my youth.”

Young Turgenev in Bisson's photo, between 1841 and 1855:

Russian religious philosopher, literary critic and publicist, one of the main theorists of Slavophilism I.V. Kireyevsky (1806-1856), photo from the 1840s:

The founder of all Russian liberal oppositionists Alexander Herzen in 1851:

P.A. Vyazemsky in Levitsky’s photo:

F.I. Tyutchev in Levitsky’s photo, 1860-61:

The young Mendeleev looks almost like the old one in Levitsky’s 1861 photo:

If anyone knows of similar portraits from the same period, please send me a link.

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