Sports dances for children from 3 years. Dance studio for children

MBDOU Child Development Center -

Kindergarten No. 10 "Tullukchaan" GO "city of Yakutsk",

Yakutsk Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

teacher - choreographer, Illarionova Olga Semyonovna

Features of staging dances

for children 3-4 years old

Dance is an element that gives a person a sense of freedom, flight, pleasure. Teaching dance to preschool children is quite difficult, especially for children 3-4 years old. Movements must reveal the content of the music, correspond to the nature, form, dynamics, tempo and rhythm of the musical work. At the same time, movements encourage conscious perception of a piece of music. And the music becomes more understandable and easier to digest, giving the movements a special expressiveness, clarity, rhythm. It is known that both in singing and in movement it is necessary to achieve full compliance with the music. Vivid examples of the relationship between music and movements are demonstrated by such sports as rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, and synchronized swimming. A significant place in the musical and rhythmic education of preschoolers is given to dancing. . To teach a child to convey the nature of a piece of music, its figurative content through the plasticity of movements to the music - this is precisely what work on the dance is aimed at. Children are known to love to dance. In dancing, they satisfy their natural need for movement. In the expressive, rhythmic movements of the dance, feelings, thoughts, mood are revealed, the character of children is manifested.

Dance- this is art. It aims to solve musical-rhythmic, physical, aesthetic and mental development of children. Movements to music accustom them to collective actions, contribute to the development of a sense of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie, and mutual respect. Movement to music strengthens the child's body. The satisfaction received by the child in the process of motor actions is accompanied by significant physiological changes in his body, breathing and blood circulation improve. Cheerful music excites the nervous system, causes increased activity of the higher parts of the brain associated with associative, intellectual and volitional processes. The activity of skeletal muscles in preschool age is important, since in a growing organism the restoration of expended energy is characterized not only by a return to the initial level, but also by its excess. Therefore, as a result of dancing, there is not a waste, but an acquisition of energy. Musical and rhythmic movements contribute to the formation of motor skills, improves posture. Systematic dance classes are very useful for the physical development of children: posture improves, body proportions improve, muscles become stronger. Gradually, children begin to move more easily, more gracefully, and become relaxed. Children develop such qualities of movements as lightness, flexibility, elasticity, dexterity, speed and energy. Thanks to music, the movements of preschoolers become more clear, expressive and beautiful.

It has been noticed: if they like music, the guys have a desire to move, it is difficult for them to sit still, they literally “splash out” their emotions. Rhythm can be “experienced”. And it is easier for children to convey their understanding of music not in words, but through movements. And this is a good prerequisite for the creative process. Acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of dance art, children begin to understand that each dance has its own content, character, and image. To convey the expressiveness of dance images, the child must remember not only the movements themselves, but also their sequence (which in itself has a positive effect on the development of memory and attention), but also mobilize imagination, observation, and creative activity. Dance teaches children to the norms of cultural communication. Modesty, goodwill, friendliness are brought up in children. Boys begin to take care of their partner. Dance becomes one of the means of moral education of the child.

Developing dance lessons for children at the tender age of kindergarten have their own characteristics. You should know that dancing for children in the younger group should be different from the process of teaching children to dance in the preparatory group. It depends on the development of the kids, their age characteristics.

Dances for the youngest children (3-4 years old)

At this age, children still have little developed coordination. While walking, they roll over like ducklings, stretch their legs even when this is not necessary, and often let their heads go down. Jumping and running are difficult for them. In a 3-4-year-old child, the nervous system is constantly excited, as a result of which the feeling of psychological "inhibition" is not sufficiently developed. This causes a slow response to the music being played.
But it is at this age that kids are very interested in dancing for children, so a competent teacher-choreographer will be able to gradually teach young children to dance to rhythmic music. It is necessary to choose only a bright and very expressive melody that the kids will like. If there are song lyrics, then the children will be happy to sing them while dancing at the same time! The most important skill in the younger group should be the ability of kids to hear the beginning and conclusion of a piece of music. This will help them start their movements on time and finish them on time.

Consistency in teaching children 3-4 years old to dance.
It should be the following:
1. Toddlers listen to a piece of music.
2. The teacher-choreographer tells them about the form and character of this music.
3. Children watch a dance performed by the choreographer himself (together with a teacher or an older child).
4. The kids start dancing all together. The teacher and educator help them find their left arm or right leg ... Spins the children in the right direction, etc.

The purpose of developing dances for children in the younger group of kindergarten.
Little dancers need to learn skills such as:
rhythmically march, walk and even run to the rhythm of the music, which they must "catch";
performing dance sequences with various attributes (toys, sultans, umbrellas, etc.);
alternately tapping one or the other leg, circling in pairs and independently, clapping to the rhythm of the music.

Main indicators of the level:
1. The baby's steady interest in the process of learning dance movements to music.
2. A figurative expression of a particular melody in accordance with its character.

It is on how you present choreographic material to young children that their desire to participate in productions and go on stage during performances depends.
- Method of direct display.
When starting a dance lesson for children, the choreographer teacher can show the children the movements. So little dancers get the opportunity to visually see the embodiment of the desired artistic image. At the very beginning of working on a dance for young child dancers, try to perform each movement simultaneously with them. You will notice that such a technique will captivate them and increase the children's desire to dance just like you. They will strive to quickly master such skills.
- Method of verbal narration
Movement and plasticity are interconnected with music. And colloquial speech in teaching children's dances can become a connecting component for complete perception. You need to use short and specific explanations with precise figurative turns. The intonation of your voice plays an important role, just like the strength of the accent on a particular word or phrase that you want to convey to the kids.
- Method of improvisation
In dance lessons for children, try to lead students to a movement that is easy in plastic - free and liberated. There is no need to let children listen to music first, let them choose the movements that it dictates. It is not necessary to single out someone during improvisation, just keep a close eye on the kids so that they do not perform movements that are not related to the rhythm or style of the music.
- Visual illustration method
Stories about the history of the emergence of a particular style of dance, its diversity, can complement the classes, providing a full-fledged training for children in dancing in your team. You can use photos, illustrations, videos of dancers, both famous and not so famous. Show the children recordings of their performances: let them look at themselves from the outside ...
- Game method
Such a method in dancing for children is to use toys in the classroom that can help in learning. Such attributes can have a profound impact on the plasticity of each child and decorate the choreographic composition. Passion for the proposed toy will allow the little dancer to become liberated, he will stop focusing on the technique and open up completely. If you offer children a game of reincarnation, they will learn expressiveness and begin to fully use their imagination and children's fantasy.
- Concentration method
In this method of learning dances for children, a return to the mastered material prevails. You repeat with the children those movements of the choreographic production that they already know well, but with some complication of the variation.

The skill of the choreographer is the key to the successful creativity of children! A teacher-choreographer who can apply all these methods in synthesis in dance lessons for children is a real master in his work! Treat your children with all responsibility, make your classes interesting and exciting.
Modern dances for children are an excellent and indispensable educational and aesthetic tool in the development of a child's personality. It ennobles the inner world of every baby and allows you to achieve great success!

Each of us wants his child to be healthy, active and successful. Dance classes for children will help you with this - an excellent combination of physical activity and art, which will ensure the harmonious development of your child. At the dance school, children learn to understand their body, reveal their personal creative potential. In addition, this is an excellent compensation for physical inactivity, relaxation after intense hours spent at home.

The atmosphere in which classes are held is of great importance. Daria Sagalova's children's dance studio creates the most comfortable conditions for children of all ages. Our team includes only professional teachers with vast experience who love their work and their students. Our dance school for children not only regularly holds reporting concerts with bright performances, but also in the future provides an opportunity to work in major projects with the participation of Russian stars. If successful, your child will be able to perform at venues such as Crocus City Hall, the State Kremlin Palace, the Olympic and others.

Dance lessons for children

The dance school of Daria Sagalova offers classes for children from 3 years old.

  • Children's choreography 3-5 years old. Many kids love music, love to move, trying to repeat its rhythm. The teachers of our dance school in Moscow will help children discover their potential, teach them to control movements and perceive music. In the course of classes, musical-dynamic skills, coordination and balance are improved. Such a young age is the best time for the development of plasticity and flexibility. In addition, learning movements develops memory, and the dances themselves provide an opportunity to express emotions and get a good psychological release.
  • Children's choreography 5-7 years old. In our children's dance school, classes are adapted for the age category and take place in an incendiary rhythm. Easy-to-remember movements give vivacity and a huge charge of positive. Such activities increase stamina, allow you to strengthen muscles, and also give the child the opportunity to have fun from the heart in the warm atmosphere of a holiday workout.
  • Children's choreography 7-9 years old. Dance lessons will help children direct their energy in the right direction. Our teachers will help you become graceful and dexterous. Setting up collective performances will teach you how to move in sync, work harmoniously in a team and be more organized. And from all this, children will receive tremendous pleasure! In addition, in the classroom they will be able to make new friends with common useful interests.
  • Children's choreography 10-13 years old. In our dance studio, children will not only learn beautiful, aesthetic movements, but will also be able to express feelings in choreography. Our professional teachers will help teenagers to liberate themselves, open up, throw out their emotions. In the process of training, your child will gain a sporty, fit figure, become more dexterous and resilient. Another significant result of classes with our teachers is flexibility and correct posture.
  • Choreography 13-16 years and older. For this age category, we offer not only children's choreography, but also other directions. Already from the age of 13, almost all directions are available, including hip-hop, club dancing, stretching and much more.

Dancing is a step towards a healthy lifestyle for a child, and the task of parents is to help him take this step. Our dance school for children offers different directions for different age categories, which means that you can easily find the right one for your child. The first lesson in our school is free!

We accept boys and girls from 3 years old to the "Dancing for Kids" group in Novogireevo, Perovo

Our children take part in all concerts of our studio on a par with adult participants!

And this is how we perform at the concert! dancing for kids

Classes for children from 4 years old are held
Wednesday-Sunday 18.00
Classes for children from 3 years old are held in the morning, Tuesday-Friday 10.30
registration by tel. 8-917-505-1566

Dances for kids - what are they for?

Many parents think that dancing- this is one of the entertaining types of pastime for their child. Sometimes you can hear such a saying, they say, “let it be better to do something more useful for the mind ..” But this is a completely erroneous opinion, and all leading teachers who deal with systems of general development of children speak and write about this. We will try, bypassing long theories, to briefly explain why and how dance classes will help your child grow up as a harmoniously developed person, and how they will help to make a “leap” in all other areas of his development.

  1. Dancing develops good coordination, gives the skill of orientation in space. The child somehow begins to include logical thinking.

2. The child forms the initial mathematical representation (crushing in eights, a clear and logical calculation of rhythms)

3. In order to memorize dance sequences, you also have to constantly work with your “head” - during the lesson, active mental activity and memory training take place.

4. Such qualities as organization, diligence, discipline develop. Your child will show these qualities in any other classes in the future, and you will be proud of him!

5. The correct posture, gait is being formed, the child will gradually begin to beautifully pull the “socks”, hold his back, will not stoop and clubfoot!

6. The skill of "emancipation" is being formed - your baby will not have to face the problem of shyness and "tightness" in the future

7. Your child will be more open and communicative, for example, participating in a group dance, to cheerful music, together with the same group of peers, will form his ability to “adapt” and understand others without any negative reactions, and therefore in the future will save him from many psychological problems!

Every parent wants to be the child grew up a comprehensively developed, happy person. But you are laying the foundation and skills already now, in early childhood, his advancement in life depends on it! And even though you will not see the results immediately, but some time will pass, and successes and achievements Your children will be the best proof of your parental love!

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Do you want your child to be active and sociable, develop physically and creatively, have a useful and interesting hobby? Give it to the modern dance studio for children in Moscow Madison!

Our children's dance studio accepts children for training in groups from 2.5-5 years old, 6-7 years old, 8-11 years old and. The level of physical fitness does not matter - we have programs for both beginners and those who have been involved in choreography for more than one year and plan to make dancing their profession.


  • Compassionate and professional mentors. All our teachers have diplomas in the specialty "Teacher-choreographer" and have at least 7 years of experience working with children. They are well aware of children's anatomy and psychology, so they know how to find an approach to each student.
  • Programs adapted to the age of the kids. Classes for kids 2.5-5 years old are held in a playful way with learning simple, but interesting and diverse choreographic elements. Children learn to hear music, move beautifully, work in a team. Dancing improves memory and thinking, enriches the emotional world of the baby. For children aged 6-11 years, classes are held 3 times a week and include elements of general physical training, gymnastics, classical choreography, hip-hop, jazz funk, dancehall, jazz dance. Regular classes ensure the formation of the correct posture and gait in the child, the development of coordination of movements, plasticity, flexibility, strengthening of bones and muscles.
  • An opportunity to show off your talents. We regularly hold concerts and holidays where our students perform, we participate in various events in Moscow and the Moscow region. Your child's success will not go unnoticed!


Girls 2.5-5 years old are engaged in swimsuits and tight tights or leggings and tops. Boys of the same age - in T-shirts and shorts. Ideal shoes for babies are socks, Czech shoes or ballet flats.

For older children, we recommend wearing a T-shirt or top with leggings, shorts or sweatpants. Jazz shoes, sneakers, soft sneakers are suitable as shoes. For classical dance, you will need a leotard with tight tights or leggings with a top for girls, a T-shirt and shorts for boys. On the feet are ballet flats.

Don't forget that dancewear and shoes should be comfortable, easy to move in and made from breathable materials.


One of the important criteria when choosing a modern dance school for children is a convenient location. The Madison school is located in the VEGAS shopping center Crocus City and will be an excellent choice for those who will take their children to dances from Moscow, or. In addition, it is convenient to get to us from the city.

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