Advice on preliminary ngondro practices. Prostrations: tips and tricks of the practice

Not For Happiness [A Guide to the So-Called Preliminary Practices of Tibetan Buddhism] Khyentse Dzongsar Jamyang

Performing Prostrations

Performing Prostrations

Why do prostrations at all?

Why do we need to stretch to our full height on an often not very clean floor, and then get up and repeat this hundreds and thousands of times? Prostrations are the most direct method of taking refuge and one of the best methods available for releasing pride.

They are an outward gesture of accepting Dharma truth and an expression of our intention to expose and let go of our pride. So, when we take refuge, we prostrate ourselves on the floor to demonstrate our complete humility by throwing ourselves at the feet of our guru and touching the floor with the five points of our body—forehead, palms, and knees—as many times as possible. (In the Tibetan tradition, there are two ways to do prostrations: full-length and half-length; but in Ngöndro, we usually do full-length prostrations.)

Prostrations are believed to bring many benefits, such as that in the next life we ​​may be born with an attractive appearance, our words will be weighty and appreciated, we will have a beneficial effect on our friends and employees, or we will be able to manage those who work for us. It is said that practitioners who perform prostrations will someday enjoy the company of exalted beings and become noble, wealthy, attain a high birth, and eventually achieve liberation.

For ordinary worldly beings, however, contemplating the spiritual benefits of prostrations and the amount of merit they can bring is not necessarily the most effective way to gain motivation. On the other hand, the fact that prostrations are good for health is often sufficient incentive to start the practice. Of course, doing prostrations for the purpose of improving health is a worldly motivation, but I would by no means condemn it. In this degenerate age, every factor that motivates you to practice the Dharma has its value, so please don't be embarrassed and start doing your prostrations, even if only as a useful physical exercise for now. In doing so, you will not only save money that you would otherwise spend on going to the gym, but you will also gain muscle and a considerable amount of spiritual merit!

Stretch Counting: Just Do It!

Traditionally, the goal is to repeat one hundred thousand prostrations in this life, or even more if your health permits and is available at the time. You should make every effort to achieve this goal, but how quickly you reach your goal is not so important. The fact that you are ahead of other members of your sangha in this practice does not mean that you will be the first to achieve enlightenment! Much more important than speed is your motivation and attitude to practice. At the same time, do not forget that one hundred and fifty prostrations take about half an hour of time, and doing them daily, in less than two years, you will effortlessly complete the hundred thousandth cycle.

For many of us it is indeed very helpful to have a clearly defined goal. Some argue that the number doesn't matter, but many practitioners find that keeping track of how many practices are done is both good discipline and rewarding. To tell the truth, those who claim to prefer not to count prostrations are often too lazy to bother themselves - even just to buy a rosary for counting is a lot of work for them. By giving in to their laziness, they completely miss the point, because it is to make efforts by doing prostrations that is the most important thing in this practice. There are those who worry that by writing down the number of prostrations, they will become too proud of their achievements. They argue that Dharma practice is meant to destroy self-importance and pride, so why risk inflating them even more? There are even those for whom the whole idea of ​​"accumulating" merit, like accumulating money, implies selfishness, and they consider themselves above it.

In practice, if you have a strong reluctance to count your prostrations and you are absolutely convinced that this activity will not inspire you in the least, then you will undoubtedly should consider. However, unless you happen to be a hidden buddha, ignorant beings like us usually achieve more when they are driven by the desire to achieve a clear goal. Therefore, write down your score daily, even if you only manage to do ten reps. And remember that since doing prostrations is more difficult than saying words, you should count the prostrations done, not how many times you have repeated the words of the refuge prayer.

However, when making prostrations, it is necessary to read the lines of taking refuge continuously when you go down and when you go up, but it is not necessary to synchronize the words with bows. If you need to rest, sit quietly in a meditation posture while continuing to recite the prayer. Try to refresh your motivation every twenty-five prostrations, or ten if you prefer; this is really helpful. Constantly remind yourself that you are practicing for the benefit of all sentient beings with full confidence that your guru is actually watching you, and awaken bodhichitta.

Inevitably, there are times when you find yourself doing prostrations mechanically without "feeling" anything. When this happens, just keep prostrating. It is better to continue them than to waste time waiting for the right feeling to visit you again. I myself hardly feel anything when I do prostrations.

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III. POSTURE AND PERFORMANCE OF SOUNDS A. Sit on the edge of a chair. The genitals should not be on the chair; they are an important energy center. B. The distance between the feet should be equal to the length of the thigh, the feet should be firmly on the floor.B. The back is straightened, the shoulders are relaxed;

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Short ones are made to symbolize respect. Long ones are already a Buddhist practice. In long prostrations, it is obligatory to touch the floor with five points of the body: palms, knees and forehead, which in turn means the destruction of 5 poisons of consciousness: anger, ignorance, passion, envy and pride.

The prostrations originated from the Tibetan Yantra Yoga (tsalun tulhor in Tibetan. The very first handwritten descriptions of Buddhist prostrations belong to the pen of Sakya Pandita. The main goal of Yantra Yoga is to straighten the channels and improve the circulation of energy in them. It is believed that 72,000 channels circulate in the human body. In technical terms, Yantra Yoga differs in traditions and schools. However, the goal and the main stages are the same for everyone. Previously, tsalun tulhor in Tibet was a big secret. Prostrations are the essence of Yantra Yoga. This is a simplified, accessible exercise, nevertheless, it embodies the whole essence of this complex yogic system.In Yantra Yoga there are also preliminary practices that are the basis of this system.The essence of these preliminary practices is the development of 5 members of the body (arms, legs and head), called "Matana" in Sanskrit. , in fact, does the “Matana.” When the channels are straightened, then the energy circulates unhindered, and the “Tigle” are relaxed and with Accordingly, consciousness is pacified. The mind is stable, calm and clear. The goal of shamatha is stability and peace of mind, and clarity of mind is vipashyana. Which together are the main means on the path of the sutra.
Tantra is divided into the stage of generation of the deity and the stage of completion. The essence of tantric practices is again stability, calmness and clarity of mind. When tranquility is achieved, the deities of visualization appear, when stability is achieved, the visualized objects are stable. When mental clarity is achieved, we clearly see each deity in detail. For example, we will see the yamandaga in detail: each hand, each leg, attributes, etc. the paths of sutra and tantra are different, however, the fruit is one. It can be said that the control of the mind is needed here and there. Curbing, taming the mind is possible only with calmness, stability and clarity. It is much more difficult to work on than doing physical exercises, so prostrations are the best way to achieve mind control or prepare for practices in achieving calmness, stability and clarity. All problems, not only in Buddhist practices, but also in life, stem from the unbridled mind. After all, all human problems originate in the uncontrollability of desires, anger, etc. with a large number of prostrations, problems with the lower back and knees can arise. In this case, do not overdo it, you need to be more careful. Thus, if there are no problems, then you can do a lot. For example, Lama Tsongkhapa performed several million prostrations. In Lhasa, the stone on which he stretched is still kept, from which the stone was worn away, and traces remained. And this is not the result of magical, supernatural manifestations, but the result of physical actions. All the great lamas of the past and present took prostrations very seriously and did them in great numbers. This is a powerful practice in harnessing the mind, in purifying negative karma and in acquiring many positive merit. As in.

In all Buddhist practices, motivation is of great importance here. It is very important during prostrations to keep the sacred object (buddha, suburgan, etc.) in mind and recite the mantra in a half whisper or silently. Then all three components of a person (body, speech and mind) will be one, which will allow one to perform one of the most effective spiritual practices. Prostrations are the most powerful means of cleansing the sins committed by our body. The second most effective is bypassing the salting around Dugans, suburgans. It is also the best remedy for reducing pride. The more pride a person has, the less blessings he receives from the buddhas and bodysattvas.
From a medical point of view, thanks to prostrations, blood circulation improves, and this reduces various pains, improves metabolism. Through sweat, toxins leave the body, metabolism improves. The leading cause of death is cardiovascular diseases. Such, for example, as a heart attack, stroke, etc. this exercise improves blood circulation, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels. Which in turn reduces the risk of these diseases. One of the causes of these diseases is a sedentary lifestyle. Especially the risk of cardiovascular disease increases many times over in people over 40 years of age. Therefore, prostrations and detours are a very good prophylactic in the prevention of these diseases. Cancer is the second leading cause of death. One of the causes of cancer is a sedentary lifestyle. Daily prostrations remove this cause. The 14th Dalai Lama, for example, does 108 prostrations and many rounds every day. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, various tumors appear. Many people, because of ignorance and laziness, being Buddhists, refuse prostrations and detours, because of which they subsequently replenish the army of sick people. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the accumulation of mucus, and this leads to excess weight. Prostrations and detours destroy mucus, burn fat, reduce cholesterol and strengthen the immune system. Being physical exercises, they improve the metabolic fire, which helps to digest food many times over. Therefore, it is a very effective tool in the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When walking around, the load is less than with prostrations, so you need to approach the number of repetitions individually. When performing these practices, it is very effective to purify karma by visualizing all living beings who do them together with you. Especially those beings with whom there is a karmic connection. From such a visualization, the blessing of the buddhas increases many times, respectively, karma is cleared more strongly. In all Buddhist traditions, Sakya, Nigma, Kagyu and Geluk have preliminary practices that include 100,000 prostrations. It is very helpful to do 21, 50 or 108 prostrations daily. In case of illness, with high blood pressure, you need to be careful, you can limit yourself to 7 prostrations.
For patients with other diseases, prostrations and detours are recommended. It is possible for non-Buddhists to do this, taking into account only the therapeutic effect, because all the main muscle groups work.
Prostrations can be done on planed boards or on a carpet, after placing something soft under the knees, for example, an ottoman. You need to keep your feet, socks together and fingers too. Folded in a Buddhist manner in the shape of an unopened lotus.

The palms are applied to the top of the head, then to the chin and to the heart. Then, bending down, they put their palms on the board or carpet, kneel down and lie down, touching the board with their foreheads, stretch their arms forward and raise their palms up or raise them above their heads, bending at the elbows. Then they stand in the reverse order, while the last palms come off the board. It is necessary to ensure that the fingers and socks are always closed, and the hands move symmetrically, in parallel.
Buddhist prostrations and detours are a powerful spiritual practice and, at the same time, an affordable good tool for maintaining and strengthening health. With a sufficient number of repetitions, many diseases can be cured. It is believed that if you make 100,000 prostrations during your life, then this will lay a corresponding good potential on a subtle energy level, which will give you a perfect healthy body during your next rebirth.

The text is based on the lectures of the Tibetan doctor n. discount price.

On my own behalf, I’ll add that in a year and a half of almost daily prostrations, I got rid of allergic asthma, incipient pancreatitis and hypertension. During the flowering period of wormwood, now I am not tormented by bouts of shortness of breath, I stopped monitoring pressure, and the girdle pains characteristic of pancreatitis stopped. I lost weight, increased strength, I feel rejuvenated. In our fleeting time, in which we always have no time, this exercise is perhaps the best, as it does not require special facilities, equipment, uniforms, or a trainer. You can do it at home at any time convenient for you, in any form, in any clothes. For example, 21 prostrations will take about 3 to 5 minutes, 108 prostrations will take 20 to 30 minutes. You can do it in parts - morning, afternoon, evening. Do not depend on anyone, absolutely free. In terms of load, it will completely replace any fitness, any gym. This is the only physical exercise that has a spiritual aspect as well, in addition to health benefits.

Prostration in Buddhism, how to perform. Practicing prostrations.

But, again, we should not forget about the vital component of this line of practice. It is impossible to perform the ritual action of penitential prostrations without a deep awareness of all the shortcomings inherent in a person, without spiritual openness and sincerity of the heart. This will be comparable to the fact that a person who wears robes will never take care of her cleanliness. Not endowed with the ability to self-clean, clothes will become more and more unattractive every day. And the day will come when a person simply cannot wear it without causing rejection by others or his own. Therefore, when a person finds the first contamination on his clean clothes, he should be glad that they are noticeable and he can detect them relatively easily, and, therefore, eliminate them in time. If a person’s outer garment is in a state of neglect for a long time, then it is very difficult to see new pollution on it. But this does not mean at all that they do not appear there and do not settle forever. Therefore, one cannot spare oneself by discovering imperfections in oneself. One should only rejoice at the opportunity to carry out self-purification of the spirit. And, therefore, the more shortcomings people can find in themselves, the better it will be for them. And, over time, the ability to find one's own spiritual "pollution" will grow to such heights that a person will be able to catch their appearance even before they leave their negative imprint on his inner world and consciousness. And, even more than that, by noticing and working to eradicate their imperfections, a person can completely change, and only virtues will replace the shortcomings.

How to do Prostrations. How to properly perform prostrations? What kind of prayers are read before this?

Question: Venerable Geshe Jampa Tinley, I have studied your book “Sutra and Tantra”, it is very captivating, I have discovered a lot of useful things for myself, although I have not yet realized everything. Question: p182, “before you make prostrations you should say prayers”… What prayers specifically? Page 183: “Placing the palms on the top of the head, you begin to read the prostration mantra”, below is the prostration mantra and after it is written: “It is best to say this mantra before starting the prostrations, with your hands clasped at your chest.” How to properly perform prostrations?

Answer: Indeed, before making prostrations, it is very important to first recite the mantra for increasing merit from prostrations: OM NAMO MANJUSHRIYE NAMO SUSHIRIYE NAMAH UTTAMA SHRIE SOHA. If possible, first read the daily prayer (it is on the site), and after it, perform prostrations. Or you can first make prostrations, and then say a prayer ...
Prostrations are made in the following way. Putting your palms together, you first apply them to the top of your head, then to the mid-eyebrow, to the throat and heart ... Thus, you create the reasons for gaining, respectively, the ear, body, speech and mind of the Buddha. At the same time, you recite the mantra of Refuge: NAMO GURUBE NAMO BUDDHA NAMO DHARMAYA NAMO SANGHAYA. Then you lower yourself to the ground: if you do a half prostration, then kneel down, touching the floor with your palms and head, if you do a full prostration, stretch out on the floor to your full height. When you bow to the ground, you should think that you are cutting samsara to the root. When you rise, imagine that you are standing up to meet the Noble Truth of suppression - nirvana.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. a-line of strike, b-line of incidence, c-projection of the line of incidence onto a horizontal plane, α-angle of incidence2. 1-strike, 2-dip, 3-apparent dip, 4-angle of dip

Striking and dip - geological characteristics of the position (elements of occurrence) of a layer of rocks, the roof of a magmatic massif, a vein, and other geological bodies, as well as various surfaces (for example, the surface of a tectonic rupture) relative to the sides of the horizon and the horizontal plane.

Strike - a line of intersection of the surface of a layer (rock or other geological body), which is in an inclined or vertical position, with a horizontal plane. The direction of strike is expressed in azimuth.

Dip - a line in the plane of a layer (or other geological body), drawn perpendicular to the strike in the direction of the slope of the layer (the line of greatest steepness). The orientation of the line of incidence is determined by its azimuth and angle of incidence. The azimuth is measured by the projection of the line of incidence onto a horizontal plane; the angle of incidence is between the line of incidence and its horizontal projection.

  • Etymology. Lean down; bow down. Tilt down.
  • Definition. Dip angle (p.1,a) - the angle between the geological surface and the horizontal at a given point, measured between the horizontal and the line of greatest inclination of this surface.
  • Application history. known in the 16th century. (George Agricola). Phillips (1836) used this term as a synonym for the concepts en:hade and vein down (en:underlay) and interpreted it as a deviation from the vertical. Roberts (1839) characterized dip as "...the deviation of the lines of the strata from the horizontal", and Oldham (1878) defined it as the angle of inclination, measured from the horizontal, at which the strata or suite slope downward towards the center of the earth. Since then, it has been used, in the verb form, in the meaning of the coordinates of the elements of the occurrence of geological surfaces (for example, falling to the east). The geophysicist Reid (Reid et. al., 1913) et al. extended the notion of dip to the notion of dip that now exists in the terminology.
  • derived terms.

Apparent dip is the amount of immersion of the projection of an inclined surface onto any particular vertical surface.

Initial fall (primary dip), primary slope (initial dip), sediment slope (depositional dip) - the slope of a plate-shaped body of rock in the process of its accumulation or intrusion.

  • Note. For a given strike, there are two different dips, and to avoid ambiguity, the direction of dip is given, at least approximately. To eliminate possible errors in the calculation and for a more rational statistical and computational analysis, it is preferable to specify the dip azimuth than the strike azimuth (Kenneth K. Landes, 1958). However, the symbols on the map, which are the planes of the occurrence elements, must somehow graphically express the nature of the strike or dip.

Prostrations are in Buddhism. Prostrations

Prostration (bows) is one of the forms of Buddhist practice. These are psycho-physical exercises that combine physical action (full prostration with the prostration of the entire body of the practitioner) and various techniques for working with consciousness, first of all, the visualization techniques of the Teachers, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, yidams and protectors, in front of which the prostration is performed. The purpose of doing this practice is to control one's own mind, purify the accumulated negative karma and acquire good merit. As in all other Buddhist practices, the motivation with which they are performed is of primary importance when doing prostrations.

Prostrations are performed in front of Buddhist sacred objects (temple, altar, stupa, natural object (mountain), image, etc.), around them or in the process of moving towards them (pilgrimage). Prostrations are performed both indoors (in front of the home altar or in the temple) and outdoors. Numerous cases are known when Buddhists, moving exclusively in successive prostrations, walked many hundreds of kilometers - around the sacred Mount Kailash, during the pilgrimage to the places of Buddhist rituals and large prayer meetings.

Making prostrations in Bodhgaya - the place where the historical Buddha Shakyamuni gained enlightenment, has been the goal of pilgrimage for Buddhists of various schools and denominations for many centuries. According to tradition, they strive to make a hundred thousand prostrations in this place.

Together with various forms of yoga (for example, Guru yoga), mantra recitation and meditation, it belongs to the main practices in Vajrayana Buddhism (including all major schools of Tibetan Buddhism) and some other areas of Buddhism, such as Chan.

Prostrations are also an important element of Buddhist etiquette - each of the students bows three times before the teacher before receiving the teaching, fixing the teacher-student relationship and their readiness to listen to the teacher's words with gratitude, attention and reverence.

In the modern Western worldview, the practice of Buddhist prostrations (as well as similar practices in other religions) is often perceived as a form of "self-deprecation" within the framework of the concept of "human dignity" and "personal freedom" (see also "pride"). Teachers of various schools of Buddhism believe that the practice of prostrations has a beneficial effect on both the state of mind and the physical condition of a Buddhist.

  1. Before the start of prostrations, a Buddhist generates in himself the right aspirations (the right motivation) - to cleanse himself of negative karma and achieve a certain goal (for example: Enlightenment for the benefit of all living beings) and reads the appropriate mantras, which may vary depending on the school or lineage, but, usually, necessarily include the words of taking refuge in the three jewels. Also, the practitioner of prostrations makes the necessary visualizations of the Teachers, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Protectors and yidams, in addition, imagines the countless number of bodies that he had in all his lives and which will now perform prostrations in his current body.
  2. Clasping the palms in the form of an unopened lotus, which is like the unenlightened mind, the practitioner brings them to the top of the head. Then he applies them to the chin and heart.
  3. The practitioner touches the ground with his palms, then kneels down.
  4. The practitioner lies down on the ground, touching the surface of the ground with his forehead and extends his arms in front of him, then raises them above his head and stands up.
  • A. Chongonov: The Great Power of the Practice of Prostrations, Elista 2008 (LBC 86.39 Ch 753)

Stretch it out.

Prostration in Vedic culture is a sign of reverence and a way to receive blessings.
One who feels respect, reverence, sincere devotion to the object of his faith, prostrates himself at the holy feet of his spiritual Master, a saint, with a statue of a deity, thereby expressing his spiritual, religious feelings.
During the prostration, the spiritual seeker is blessed, because he prostrates not before a person or a stone, but he prostrates before his Higher Self, he prostrates before that which is dearer to him than anything in the world, has a value for him higher than which he sees nothing. .
This act enables the spiritual seeker, through the external form of expression of reverence, to enter into states of unity, into a state of bliss from overflowing feelings of devotion and admiration from the objects of his faith.
Prostration is one of the basic founding practices of any religious tradition. Prostrations are offerings, offerings of one's body of speech and mind to the saints and gods of the lineage.
Prostration is a tantric practice. Prostration is the main antidote to pride, as pride usually makes it very difficult to prostrate.
Incomplete prostration involves the contact of the body with the ground at seven points: the pilgrim touches the ground with his toes, knees, palms and forehead.
A full prostration is a prostration in which the arms are extended forward, the palms touch the ground, and the body is flattened to its full length on the ground.
In many countries where Vedic culture is prevalent, it is considered auspicious to make a pilgrimage to a holy place by making a full prostration. It is believed that such a pilgrimage cleanses not only the sins of this life, but also the karma of many previous lives.
The pilgrim moves on his journey, measuring with his outstretched body from toes to fingers the distance from his home to the shrine of pilgrimage.
During such a pilgrimage, the deepest faith and openness are born in him.
Prostration is a spiritual practice that helps to get rid of selfishness, ignorance and obstacles on the path.

Yoga is very versatile! Do you want a quiet practice? Please! Asanas, meditation, mantra yoga. Would you like to add speakers? No problem! Yoga has many options in store for you. Apply the Kriya yoga complex on the path of Self-knowledge. Want to combine? Then stretch yoga is for you. In fact, this is a dynamic performance of asanas, but not repeated from time to time, like Kriya and not static, like Hatha.

In the practice of the Yoga of Prostration, your body will move from asana to asana, smoothly or more rhythmically. Such exercises will bring the mind into a more mobile and conscious state, as well as give the necessary load to your body. The last aspect is important in modern life, when people spend a lot of time on sofas, driving cars or at the workplace at the computer. The yoga of prostration can make up for the lack of movement.

How to practice Prostration Yoga?

You can create a set of exercises specifically for yourself. If there is not enough time or energy for a practice consisting of one hundred or more asanas, you can use a "set" of ten to twelve, as, for example, in Surya Namaskar. This option, though short, but, nevertheless, can provide you with a minimum number of movements.

The Yoga of Prostration does not have a strict sequence. This is its difference from the dynamic practice of Kriya Yoga. You can swap asanas, as well as change and add certain ones from day to day. Moreover, the complex can change dramatically, depending on the circumstances and needs.

This practice is universal: it can be used to tone the body and mind in the morning, as well as to calm and distract from daytime worries in the evening. Also, the Yoga of Prostration can be an element of a larger "program". By turning it on before Manrta Yoga or Meditation, you will prepare your body, giving it the necessary portion of movements, so that after that it will be in static for a long time.

If you use the Yoga of Prostration in combination with eating (in a special way) oatmeal, it will give a great effect. If you cleanse your body regularly using this method, you will not need to resort to more radical cleansing shatkarmas such as, for example, shank-prakshalana.

How to start a practice

The practice of all types of yoga has several components. It is the beginning, the practice itself, and the end of the practice. Before the complex, take a shower and get ready. Sit with a straight back, try to relax your body and let go of thoughts that may distract you from yoga.

The practice itself can take you as much as five minutes, and lasts for an hour. It can be both smooth and rhythmic.

Be sure to complete the practice. Lie down, relax, rest.

The flexibility of this type of yoga makes it versatile. With this practice, you will be able to use a large number of muscles, gradually adding new exercises to your complex. Prostration Yoga is suitable for everyone who understands that we need physical activity on a regular basis!

Tibetan Prostrations. The Great Power of Prostration Practice

Tibetan nuns perform kora around the Mani Monastery near Tagong in Kham province (Eastern Tibet) in preparation for six-month prostrations on the road from Kham to Lhasa.

In fact, prostrations occupy a very significant place in the spiritual life of every Buddhist. Prostrations, or bows, are an integral part of Buddhist etiquette. Not a single monk will sit down to listen to the Teaching without first having made the three traditional prostrations before the mentor. In Buddhist monasteries, not a single sacred ceremony is complete without prostrations. This is a mandatory tradition to follow when visiting Buddhist monasteries.

Undoubtedly, every monk considers it his duty to make at least one “boom of prostrations” in his life. Boom is a unit of measure, which, in both Kalmyk and Tibetan, means one hundred thousand.
The great Buddhist Master Lama Tsongkhapa attached great importance to the practice of prostrations. His diligence in spiritual studies was inexhaustible: in addition to studying and teaching philosophy, he intensively engaged in yoga and meditation, as well as various cleansing practices. It is known that Lama Tsongkhapa, tearing his knees, elbows and palms of his hands bloody, performed 3.5 million prostrations, and an imprint of his body remained on the floor of the temple, which is still a subject of special worship for pilgrims all over the world. He could directly see the yidams (deities of meditation), especially Manjushri, to whom he asked questions and from whom he received explanations on the profound aspects of the Buddha's Teachings.
Paying special attention to this practice, Buddhists from all over the world come to Bodhgaya (the sacred place where Shakyamuni Buddha attained Enlightenment two and a half thousand years ago) specifically to make one hundred thousand prostrations. There, in front of the Bodhi tree under which the Buddha meditated, they do three prostrations, and then, increasing the number of prostrations every day, they gradually pick up the pace. Over time, they manage to perform up to ten thousand prostrations a day! Fully surrendering to the practice, they make the coveted "boom" in two or three months!

Video Buddhists make prostrations. Buddhists in Bodhgaya

The Buddhist practice of prostrations is a powerful and effective way to purify karma and accumulate good merit. Making prostrations is a very serious technique of spiritual self-improvement, which, unfortunately, people often underestimate.

In Diamond Way Buddhism, Ngöndro (introductory practices) are the foundation of Mahamudra (Great Seal). They are preceded by a sort of introduction, the Refuge Meditation. The introductory practices consist of four successive stages: prostration (the practice of taking refuge), Diamond Mind meditation, Mandala offering, and Guru Yoga (meditation on a highly accomplished teacher). It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of these four methods and their significance for our daily life and our development. Everyone - both teachers and "experienced" Buddhist practitioners speak of them with admiration.
Prostrations are the first of these practices. They are an extraordinarily effective method of realizing the goal - Buddhahood - that is, the path leading to it, as well as increasing openness to it. Through prostrations, we increasingly trust our true nature and deepen our connection with Enlightenment. This practice, like the Diamond Mind meditation, is primarily a cleansing practice, it works on all three levels: body, speech and mind.

Often, Buddhists make prostrations around sacred objects: temples, stupas, mountains, etc., thereby purifying their negative karma and accumulating good merit. Having made a bow, the pilgrim marks the place that his palms have touched. Then he gets up and walks the distance that he has covered with his body, after which he performs the next wipe. Thus, over the centuries, Buddhists have been doing the unbelievable: by prostrations they have overcome the long and difficult journey from Tibet to India!

Every monk considers it his duty to make at least one “boom of prostrations” in his life. Boom is a unit of measurement, which, in Tibetan, means one hundred thousand. In those who have especially distinguished themselves, who have repeatedly overcome this milestone, you can see a kind of "Third Eye" on their foreheads. This is a bump - a corn resulting from touching the ground
This practice can be seen in action in the morning, afternoon and evening at Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu. And if you want to join yourself.

Prostrations are the karma of the Kagyu. Ngöndro

The path of Buddhist practice in the Karma Kagyu lineage begins with the Fundamental Exercises (Tib. chag chen ngondro, literally "preparation for the Great Seal"). They are often referred to simply as "ngöndro". The fundamental exercises consist of four general and four specific practices.

General practices are understood as four main thoughts - reflections that help strengthen the motivation of a Buddhist and show how important meditation is not only for the meditator himself, but also for everyone with whom he is connected and whom he wants to help. Here is how these thoughts look in the text of the meditation:

We realize what a precious opportunity we have in this life: to benefit countless beings through the methods of the Buddha. Few people come across the teachings of the Diamond Way, and even fewer are able to apply it.

We remember the impermanence of everything that is composed. Out of change is only the boundless clear space of the mind, and it is not known how long we will have the conditions in order to cognize it.

We understand cause and effect. Our future depends on ourselves. Past thoughts, words and actions have become our world today, and now we are planting the seeds of the future.

We see reasons to work smart. Enlightenment is a timeless supreme bliss, and now, while we ourselves are confused and subject to disturbing feelings, we cannot benefit others.

The four special practices are the four meditations, which are commonly referred to as ngöndro proper, or Fundamental Exercises. They promote a deep understanding of purpose and path; cleanse the mind of heavy imprints left from past harmful actions; and create countless good impressions that form the basis for the practice of Mahamudra, or the Great Seal.

In each exercise, 111,111 repetitions are done: taking refuge and awakening the Enlightened mood during prostrations; purification from painful impressions with the help of meditation on the Diamond Mind (Skt. Vajrasattva); developing generosity through the offering of the Mandala; Guru yoga, Lama meditation.

Om Mane Padme Hum

Here is what we managed to glean from one Internet resource. I liked the lecture on this practice by Geshe Jampa Tinley... I think that it will be interesting to know not only Buddhists who have taken Refuge in the Three Jewels.

There are seven types or levels of preparatory practice for accumulating merit and purifying negative karma.

The first of these is extensions. There are three kinds of prostrations: body prostrations, speech prostrations, and mind prostrations.

As for the prostrations of the body, there are two kinds. One view is a full extension, the other is a half extension. Prostrations are one of the most powerful ways to accumulate merit. It is a sign of respect and reverence, as well as an antidote to arrogance. Arrogance is one of the main obstacles to spiritual development. Water cannot be on a stone, if it has a pointed shape, it will flow down it. On a flat and smooth surface, it can linger, so when it rains over the plain, the water spills everywhere. After rain, everything can be flooded on the plain, but there will not be a drop of water on a stone with a sharp peak. Similarly, when a spiritual master instructs everyone, some take his words with gratitude and respect, and some with arrogance. Arrogant people get nothing. Even if they receive the Teaching, it does not benefit them. It is like pouring nectar into a dirty vessel, and the nectar becomes dirty. Therefore, the first thing you should do is to reduce your arrogance. It is one of the main obstacles on the spiritual path and is very harmful to you. Arrogance is also characteristic of those people who are engaged in spiritual practice. For example, someone says that he alone is smart, that he alone is engaged in high spiritual practice, and all the rest are stupid and engage in low practice. This is self-deception. In the future, when you reach a high level of practice, never look down on others and say that they are doing simple practice compared to you. You have to say that they are doing well, as they do a practice that suits them and is useful. Once upon a time, you also started with a simple practice, thanks to the kindness of your teacher. Think about the fact that this happened because of your teacher.

Prostrations will make you a humble and respectful person...

How to do prostrations...

First, put your hands together over the top of your head. In prostration, every movement is very important. Full prostration (full length prostration) clears your channels and lays the groundwork for tantra practice. That is, each link is preparatory for the next. In addition, prostration is a very good physical exercise. American scientists have found that Tibetan prostrations are the best form of exercise. They once thought that running was a very good exercise, then they learned that if you run a lot, then after a while it can harm all your tendons. That is, on the one hand, it is good, but on the other, it is harmful. But when they examined the prostrations, they found that it was a completely harmless exercise. In addition, it is very beneficial for the whole body. Prostrations are useful for those with nerve problems, such as people who get angry easily. If they constantly make prostrations, they will become much calmer. Such is the effect of prostrations on a purely physiological level. In general, prostrations are very beneficial for health. His Holiness the Dalai Lama asked me to do 100,000 prostrations before I go to the mountains. When I did one hundred thousand prostrations, my body became very strong and light, so I could go uphill and downhill very easily. And for three years I did not need the help of any doctor. My head didn't hurt either. That's when I arrived in Russia, then all my illnesses began (approx. This place touched me very much)

When you put your palms on the top of your head, this is a symbol of the Buddha's crown. Someday you are bound to become a buddha because you have created a reason for it. Although, of course, you will become a buddha not only for this reason alone, but it will become one of the factors.

Next, you put your palms together so that your fingertips are at the level of the “third eye”. This symbolizes the body of the Buddha and creates the reason for having the body of the Buddha. Then the palms are folded together at the level of the throat. This contributes to the attainment of Buddha's speech. Then the palms are moved to the level of the heart center - to achieve the consciousness of the Buddha. After that, you lie down on the ground and stretch to your full height. First you kneel, then lean on your hands, then your hands slide on the carpet and you stretch. After you are fully extended, your hands are joined together, thumbs touching. Then the palms rise slightly and again fall to the ground. This is the end of the prostration.

When you come down to earth, you should think that you are pulling out the roots of samsara. With this thought, you stretch out on the ground. And when you rise from the earth, you think that you are opening the gates of liberation. It is very important that your arms are fully extended on the ground because this allows you to clear your channels. You need to go up in reverse order. So, I have described to you how a full prostration is performed.

Half-spreads begin in the same way as full ones. With your palms, you touch the top of your head, the middle of your forehead, throat, and the middle of your chest. Then you kneel, put your hands on the ground and touch the ground with your forehead. That is, your body is not completely on the ground, but only your hands, knees and head. You also go up in reverse order.

Now I will tell you how to do it. If you want to do 100,000 full prostrations, you'll need some kind of large wooden board that you can slide your hands on easily. Or any other coating suitable for this purpose. There was a question about gloves. You can’t wear gloves, but you can put something under your palms to make it easier for your hands to slide. The fact is that you will need to make gestures at the beginning of the prostration with clean bare hands (without any linings and gloves). And in which direction of the world at the same time to look - it does not matter.

Before you prostrate, you must say a prayer... Then imagine that you are in front of the Buddha and the teachers of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as all the great teachers of India, all the buddhas, bodhisattvas, dakas and dakinis. In the center is Buddha Shakyamuni. All this precedes the reading of the mantra. After that, you proceed to the prostrations themselves.

As you place your hands on top of your head, you begin to chant the prostration mantra. The number of prostrations is not as important as their quality. If you can't do a hundred thousand prostrations, it's okay, try to do quality prostrations every day, with full attention. Don't chase after "spirituality". There should be no pressure in your practice, including pressure on yourself. You must enjoy what you do, you must enjoy it. Because if there is any pressure, for example, you will inspire yourself that you have to do a hundred thousand prostrations, then at some point you will just feel tired from the practice and generally give up everything. You will actively study for one month, and then you will say that you do not want anything else.

Now I will give you a prostration mantra. This mantra is said to increase the merit of prostrations by a factor of one hundred thousand. It says so in the ancient texts.

Mantra for increasing merit from prostrations (mantra of prostrations):


It is better to pronounce this mantra before starting the prostrations, with the hands clasped in the center of the chest. Repeat it three times, and then do prostrations. In doing so, you should think not only about the “merit field” that you visualized in front of you, but also about the fact that you are surrounded by many “merit fields”. Imagine also that you have many bodies, and all these millions of bodies make prostrations with you, and all other living beings do them too. Think about how prostrations are done to purify negative karma and accumulate positive karma so that you can achieve Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. This kind of motivation is very important. You should not do prostrations with the desire to gain health or make your body beautiful and slender.

While doing prostrations, chant the Refuge mantra:


The first line is about taking refuge in your spiritual guide, the second line is about taking refuge in the Buddha, the third is in the Dharma, and the fourth is in the Sangha. With this mantra you do prostrations (the mantra is recited at the same time as prostrations are performed). You see how light comes from those buddhas and bodhisattvas that you visualized in the beginning as a field of merit. In front of the buddhas and bodhisattvas, you visualize your spiritual guide sitting on a small throne. On the largest throne sits Buddha Shakyamuni, our main teacher. All other spiritual teachers are his emanations. When the Buddha was dying, many of his disciples asked what would happen to them when he left, who would guide them? He said, “Don't worry. I will come to you sometimes as a monk, sometimes as an ordinary person. I will come and do good as long as you need me.” Many great teachers of India and Tibet were emanations of the Buddha. You can't tell which one is which, they are all different forms of Buddha.

Great faith in the Buddha comes from understanding the depth of his Teachings. The more you meditate on the Teaching, the more clearly you realize that he is the true liberator of living beings. He really showed the full path, logically and wisely substantiating it. You develop faith in the Buddha and then make prostrations as a token of respect for him. During the day, you should do at least three prostrations. When you're on an airplane, for example, it's hard to do prostrations. In this case, you can make mental or verbal prostrations, accompanying them with the same gestures that are performed at the beginning of bodily prostrations, but without stretching. If you feel some embarrassment in front of others, then you can make prostrations only verbally or mentally, without gestures. For Buddhism, the most important thing is the consciousness of a person, his mind. Buddhism is a very flexible teaching and does not require doing anything that would be too uncomfortable or painful.

Let's return to the practice of full prostration. When you prostrate and chant the refuge mantra, at that moment white light radiates from the hearts of the Buddha, your spiritual mentor, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, all the buddhas and bodhisattvas, dakas and dakinis. It enters your body and purifies the negativity of your body, speech and mind. He bestows blessings on the body, speech and mind. You feel that you are under the protection of the buddhas and bodhisattvas. It is with this feeling that prostrations should be made.

When you feel like doing more prostrations, do more (than three). The mantra of prostrations can be said before each prostration, or you can not say it. We say the mantra of refuge during each prostration. If you can say mantras quickly, then for each prostration you can either say the mantra of refuge, or two mantras in a row - both the prostration mantra and the refuge mantra. At the end of the cycle of prostrations, be sure to make a dedication of merit.

Niitlegsen ognoo: 2017-02-13 09:40:21

One of the most important components in the preliminary practice of Buddhists is prostration, which has such goals as purifying the consequences of bad deeds and accumulating good merit.

When prostrating, we call on the Buddhas and bodhisattvas with a request for the fulfillment of our plan. Prostration is also useful for those who have met insurmountable difficulties, insoluble problems or bitter failures on their life path, those who believe that they are simply unlucky in life, says the gebshe lama. Samdan Dashidondokov.- During the prostration, Buddhists ask to maintain or restore health, eliminate diseases such as heartburn, joint pain, etc., protect from accidents and unforeseen circumstances.

Special attention to mudras

According to the Samdan Lama, there are three types of prostration: prostration of the body, speech and thoughts.

In body prostration, great attention is paid to the correctness of its execution, mudras (gestures - buddhas). So, when joining the palms, it is necessary to bend two thumbs inward, like a lotus bud, which means the purity of the motive in the request, as well as repentance before the Buddhas and bodhisattvas, the lama notes. - Then it is necessary to straighten the body, like an outstretched tree, and also put the palms together, representing a combination of method and wisdom.

After that, holding the palms together, we bring them to the crown of the head, imagining our arrival on the earth of Tu-shita (Heaven of the Thirty-Three Deities - Buddha). Then we bring the folded palms to the level of the eyebrows, imagining at that moment the white light emanating from the heart of the Buddha, which penetrates the body of the prostrate one, which symbolizes the cleansing of vices and flares (defilements - buddhas) of the physical body. After that, we bring our palms to the level of the neck, which symbolizes cleansing from vices and flare of speech. Next, we raise our palms to the level of the heart, thus marking the cleansing of vices and the flare of consciousness. It must be remembered that every gesture in Buddhism carries a certain meaning and every Buddhist needs to know about it.

After all these movements, we separate our hands separately, which symbolizes the acquisition of rupakaya and dharmakaya (achievements in the practice of Buddhism), then we kneel down on the ground, which symbolizes liberation from the lower births of samsara - the cycle of rebirths. Then you need to put ten fingers on the ground, symbolizing the achievement of the five paths and ten stages of the Buddhas. Then we lie down completely on the ground and touch the ground with our forehead - this symbolizes the achievement of the stage of “clearness of the path”. In a lying position, we bring our palms to the top of the head and only after that we begin to get up.

You also need to get up right. So, first we raise our knees, then we raise our hands, and only then we stand in the starting position.

Benefits of stretching

According to the lama, prostrations contribute to the accumulation of good merit, to subdue disturbing emotions such as arrogance, pride, anger, and to reduce the flow of negative thoughts.

The recitation of certain mantras during the prostration also contributes to a greater accumulation of good merit. Therefore, before performing prostrations, it is important to recite a certain number of special mantras that increase the merits from its implementation.

Also during the prostration, Etigel (Taking Refuge - Bur.) is recited, Samdan-la-ma shares. - If you do prostrations with great faith, with good, right motivation, then this is prostration of the mind. Remember that the greatest accumulation of virtues occurs when the practitioner performs all three types of prostrations.

As you learn the practice of prostration, remember to always be kind to yourself and others. Do not harm anyone, do not create difficulties, give as much help and support to others as possible. And, of course, do not leave classes on improving the practice of prostration.

According to the gebshe lama, there are also prohibitions in performing prostrations:

At the beginning of each prostration, it is imperative to straighten the body, because if you start the prostration in a bent form, this can lead to a birth in a future life as a freak.

Also, you can’t rest on the ground with your fists - this can lead in a future life to the birth of artiodactyls or birth in the animal world. It is undesirable to lie on the ground for a long time during the prostration, as this may lead in a future life to be born as a crocodile or other crawling animal. Do prostrations correctly and then you will be able to earn a lot of good merit.

About the first practice of Ngondro

In Diamond Way Buddhism, introductory practices (Tib. Ngöndro) are the foundation of the Great Seal (Skt. Mahamudra). They are preceded by a sort of introduction, the Refuge Meditation. The introductory practices consist of four successive stages: prostrations - the practice of taking Refuge, meditation on the Diamond Mind, giving the Mandala and Guru Yoga - meditation on the highly accomplished Teacher. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of these four methods and their importance for our daily life and our development. Everyone - both teachers and "experienced" practicing Buddhists speak of them with admiration.

Introductory practices are often compared to the foundation of a house or the chassis of a motorcycle. In the practice of meditation, as in building a house, first of all, you need to take care of creating a solid, powerful foundation, otherwise later, when building a roof, the situation will become critical: the house may collapse or squint. Without reliable support, our practice will at best turn into a fun tourist trip. The motorcycle, on the other hand, needs a good chassis that allows you to transfer power from the engine to the asphalt on the road, so that you can lay sharp turns, like on rails. Similarly, introductory practices support us on the path to Enlightenment.

Prostration is the first of these practices. They are an extraordinarily effective method of realizing the goal of Buddhahood, the path leading to it, and of increasing openness to it. Through bowing, we increasingly trust in our true nature and deepen our connection with Enlightenment. This practice, like the Diamond Mind Meditation, is primarily a cleansing practice and works on all three levels: body, speech, and mind.

At the same time, the impact of this practice on our body and our attitude towards it is most impressive, since we bow before the Refuge not only in the mind, but also with the help of physical movements. This means that prostrations not only cleanse our internal energy channels, but also open up the possibilities that our whole body provides us with. We realize that we are not our body, and understand how often we make "too much noise" because of it. As we advance in practice, we develop an understanding of what demands we can make on our body and how to use it as a tool for benefiting others. As a result, we are filled with inspiration, and we become much more useful.

The mere fact that our own potential is opening up before us more and more, and we can use it with pleasure, brings us extraordinary joy.

Therefore, we do not strive to finish the prostrations quickly, “through force” – it is more important for us to recognize and develop our own capabilities. If we listen to some advice, we will see that prostrations can turn into an exciting event, while creating a huge psychological and physical excess in us. This is an intense activity of the body, in which stamina helps a lot. From the point of view of effectiveness for the development of the body, prostrations are not inferior to any of the modern trainings in physical preparation. Possible difficulties, as well as short crises that arise during practice, can be easily eliminated by applying some practical tips and little tricks. Considering all the physical elements of this meditation, however, we should not forget that we are referring to an enlightening practice. This means that realization of Buddha nature can happen during the first prostration. What should you pay attention to? The main thing -

it is being mindful of our bodies and determining exactly how and when we should practice prostrations. The habit of such control will lead us to the goal. And this is especially true for prostrations. By practicing this meditation, we immediately notice that if we do it regularly, then everything happens easier and more efficiently. Each of us has different conditions for working with this method, so there are no exact guidelines, but only general principles on how to avoid unnecessary difficulties and cope with obstacles. Tips for individual parts of the body are given only as a hint in case of specific problems, and it is not necessary to apply them at all.

Different conditions suit different people. Some people can, right in the morning, just getting out of bed, polish the prostration board and then enjoy the feeling all day that the main thing for today has already been done. It is also very good to prepare a place for prostrations on the floor the night before - then even if there is no desire to practice, it will be easier to start the practice, because otherwise you will have to remove the prostration board unused. In addition, after morning meditation, it is much easier to consciously hold clear vision in everyday situations. Others prefer to freshen up with prostrations after work. The same goes for food. Some prefer to slide across the floor on an empty stomach, while others give up after ten minutes with an empty stomach.

Trembling in the knees and a warm, cottony feeling in the body after the first 100-200 prostrations can be both a sign of a special blessing and a signal from the body that it lacks energy - sugar. A few pieces of some fruit (especially a banana) or, in extreme cases, a little chocolate can alleviate this problem, especially if we have been doing prostrations for several hours.

If during intense physical activity we sweat, without having enough fluid in reserve, our capabilities are reduced. So it is better to drink some water or juice in advance, before the thirst has yet appeared. The same can be done during meditation, imagining that the drink is the nectar of Liberation.

Light stretching exercises, especially the chest, legs and lower spine, after the end of the practice, help to avoid muscle strain and signs of fatigue.


Most of us have difficulty with prostrations only at the very beginning of the practice or after a long break (for a week or two), when the body is not yet accustomed or has already lost the habit of this type of movement. In this case, the same principles apply as in other physical training. The body needs some time to get used to the loads. Thus, abrupt changes in the intensity of practice (for example, doing 1000 prostrations immediately after a break of several weeks) pose a serious problem for the body.

It's like with a motorcycle that has been in the garage for a long time, and suddenly, without warming up the engine, we force it to overcome several high-altitude crossings. As for prostrations, it is better to do them less in one run (for example, 100-400 daily), but systematically, than rarely and in large quantities. It would be wise to increase their number gradually and constantly (for example, by 10-20% per week), rather than immediately doubling their number. It helps a lot to really assess our capabilities and determine some stable amount that we can always perform, regardless of our physical condition. It maintains self-confidence and helps develop an impersonal relationship with the body. If there is an excess of energy, and we can do more, then we should remember that this is already beyond the program, and it is not at all necessary that this will happen again tomorrow.

When climbing in the mountains, we will be more effective and joyful if we have systematically trained before the hike. In doing prostrations in the same way, we will get the best result if we practice based on habit and do not take too long breaks. Some people have a tendency to have sudden, uncontrollable impulses to quit the practice, and then because of the pain they do nothing for many weeks or have negative feelings associated with it.

Instead of being nervous about downtime and breaks during licking, it's better to use this period to increase motivation in anticipation of the moment when you can get back on the board. This rule, of course, has its exceptions.

A significant number of prostrations, performed alone or with friends in the center, can be a great way to develop motivation. In addition, it is very beneficial for the body - this practice can be compared to the reserve composition of a football team. After a little practice with regular practice, one can easily do prostrations from time to time throughout the day, with short breaks (for example, after every 200 prostrations) rather than one long one.


What should you pay attention to during prostrations? Buddhists are people too, and like others, they also sometimes suffer from back pain. In general, prostrations do not increase it, rather, on the contrary, they are an ideal method of creating balance in the body, provided that we tense the muscles of the abdomen when we lower and rise, and do not twist the lower back. If you have a weak back, you should stretch your feet in a prone position, getting up, take your time to raise your chest, and crouching, pull in your stomach. This allows you to save your back and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Therefore, follow the correct posture. This is especially important at the beginning, while the muscles have not yet warmed up, and during the last repetitions, when the body is already tired. In addition, a pillow placed under the stomach will help you.

In the event that you have problems with your knees, you can avoid unnecessary stress by watching how they come into contact with the surface of the board. The more often this process resembles a fall, only slightly softened by bedding, the sooner ailments will appear. The knee pad cannot be higher than the belly pad and must be the same thickness for both knees. Otherwise, the back or one of the sides of the body will be heavily loaded. At the same time, most of the load can be transferred to the hands, which in this case will touch the floor a little earlier. There are no perfect and identical methods for everyone - this applies to sliding. Here, basically, you can safely experiment, introducing from time to time small changes in the process of sliding (for example, starting to fall on your hands, then on your knees) or in its tempo (dynamic or uniform). It also reduces the risk of injury.

Each of us prefers to use one side of the body during our activities, and this is especially true for the hands. Prostrations, on the other hand, involve both sides evenly, thus correcting postural disorders and leading to the body becoming more harmonious. However, if you are focusing on one side of the body, for example, tensing your arms unevenly due to prostration on an uneven surface, or leaning on one arm a little earlier than the other, or placing your feet unevenly (as if taking a small step), then from time to time time, latent ailments in the knees, shoulders and wrists may appear. So that the hands and joints do not overwork due to uneven loads, the floor or board should be equally slippery along its entire length (for example, there should not be large gaps in the floor), so it is best to use a thin plastic sheet for this purpose.

Often the success of the practice depends on how you hold your head. This is especially true for prostrations, since here the entire movement as a whole depends on the position of the head.

Tension in the neck and pain in the lower part of the spine are most often caused by too high a pillow that we place under the forehead, or by lifting the head too much when standing up. This can happen, for example, because we want to constantly "have before our eyes" the Tree of Refuge. But it is not necessary to do so, it is much more important to stick to the awareness of Refuge, that is, to have confidence that it is really present. More precisely, it is not necessary to look ahead of time to the Tree of Refuge or to the leaf with mantras.

In general, we can say that prostrations, from the point of view of physical development, are an ideal method of harmonizing our body, contributing to the development of its weaker parts. Difficulties, as in other methods, appear when we overestimate our own strengths and react incorrectly to signals from our body, for example, we continue to fall sharply to our knees, despite the fact that they hurt.

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