Message on the topic of Bazarov's parents. Composition of bazaars and parents in Turgenev's novel fathers and sons

Yevgeny Bazarov is the main character in Turgenev's novel Fathers and Sons. Bazarov's character is a young man, a convinced nihilist, contemptuous of art and respecting only the natural sciences, a typical representative of the new

generations of thinking youth. The main plot of the novel is the conflict between fathers and children, the petty-bourgeois way of life and the desire for change.

In literary criticism, much attention is paid to the confrontation between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich, the personality of Arkady Nikolaevich (a friend of Bazarov), but very little is said about the relationship of the protagonist with his parents. This approach is very unreasonable, because without studying his relationship with his parents, it is impossible to fully understand his character.

Bazarov's parents are simple good-natured old men who love their son very much. Vasily Bazarov (father) is an old county doctor, leading a boring, colorless life of a poor landowner, who at one time spared nothing for a good upbringing of his son.

Arina Vlasyevna (mother) - a noblewoman who "needed to be born in the era of Peter the Great", a very kind and superstitious woman who knows how to do only one thing - excellent cooking. The image of Bazarov's parents, a kind of symbol of ossified conservatism, is opposed to the main character - inquisitive, intelligent, sharp in judgment. However, despite such a different worldview, Bazarov's parents truly love their son, in the absence of Eugene, all their free time is spent thinking about him.

Bazarov, on the other hand, treats his parents outwardly dryly, of course he loves them, but he is not used to open outpourings of feelings, he is burdened by constant obsessive attention. Neither with his father nor with his mother he can find a common language, with them he cannot even have discussions, as with the family of Arkady. Bazarov is hard on this, but he cannot help himself. under one roof, he agrees only on the condition that he will not be interfered with in his study of natural sciences. Bazarov's parents understand this very well and try to please their only child in everything, but, of course, it is extremely difficult for them to endure such an attitude.

Perhaps Bazarov's main trouble was that he was not understood by his parents, due to the big difference in intellectual development and level of education, and did not receive moral support from them, which is why he was such a sharp and emotionally cold person, which often repelled people from him.

However, in the parental home, we are shown another Yevgeny Bazarov - softer, understanding, full of tender feelings that he will never show outwardly because of internal barriers.

The characterization of Bazarov's parents puzzles us: how could a person of such advanced views grow up in such a patriarchal environment? Turgenev once again shows us that a person can do it himself. However, he also shows Bazarov's main mistake - his alienation from his parents, because they loved their child for who he is, and suffered greatly from his attitude. Bazarov's parents survived their son, but with his death the meaning of their existence ended.

The novel "Fathers and Sons" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, written in the already distant nineteenth century, remains relevant and understandable even to the modern reader, because this work reveals many important and fundamental topics. Love and friendship, conflicts and misunderstandings based on differing worldviews, the search for one's own place in this world - all this is reflected in the novel. However, one of the most interesting storylines from a psychological point of view is the relationship between fathers and children, which are clearly revealed on the example of one of the main characters of the work, Evgeny Bazarov.

Evgeny Vasilievich Bazarov from the first chapters of the novel appears to readers as a rational, somewhat cynical and ironic person, who denies all sorts of values ​​and ideals, simply a nihilist. He is smart, erudite and passionate about medicine from an early age, which, of course, is an important aspect in characterizing a hero who does not attach importance to either cultural values ​​or art directly.

Bazarov's parents are almost the exact opposite of their son. His mother, Arina Vlasyevna, is a typical Russian woman of that time - kind, somewhat superstitious, unwilling to think about global problems. She is focused on housekeeping and everyday life, she is not interested in science issues. Father Yevgeny, Vasily Bazarov, can be called a kind and disinterested person, always ready to help people around him. A former doctor, and now a modest landowner, he continues to treat people, is interested in innovations in the world of medicine, and even tries to demonstrate to Eugene his competence in these matters, although somewhat unsuccessfully. And, of course, Vasily never spared anything for the education of his son, who decided to follow in his footsteps when choosing a profession.

It is impossible and pointless to question the fact that Bazarov Jr. loves his parents, he himself says this to Arkady, his comrade. However, Eugene expresses feelings differently from his emotional parents, therefore he is perceived as a somewhat distant and dry character, not prone to sentimentality and sensitivity.

In my opinion, in the novel "Fathers and Sons" the author perfectly depicts the human characters and the peculiarities of the interaction of people who are really different both in worldview and in temperament. I believe that the main thing in the relationship between Yevgeny Bazarov and his parents is sincere and pure love, and the form in which it is expressed and what words it is clothed in is a secondary matter.

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Lesson plan for literature in grade 10.

The date of the____________

Lesson number 32. Lesson topic: Bazarov and his parents.

The purpose of the lesson: to understand what kind of relationship Bazarov had with his parents and why.

Equipment: an epigraph for the lesson, illustrations for the novel.

    Organizing time.

    Writing an epigraph for the lesson.

People like them in our big world

Can't be found during the day with fire.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

one). How do father and mother relate to Eugene, and how are the feelings conveyed by the author?

(Turgenev shows how much love Bazarov’s parents have for their son. Mother affectionately calls him Enyushka; she staggered from excitement and probably would have fallen if Bazarov had not supported her. Turgenev writes that old Bazarov breathed deeply and squinted more than ever , because, probably, he wanted to stop the tears. So, we see the great love of parents for their son, we feel it thanks to the skill of Turgenev, the power of his word: with laconic, but extremely expressive details of the external behavior of the heroes, he shows their state of mind. Take at least a detail about chibouk jumping between the fingers of his father's trembling hands).

2). What are these people?

(Vasily Ivanovich is a very kind person. He treats peasants for free, although he has already refused to work as a doctor. He seeks to replenish his knowledge, reads medical journals, but he also has a Friend of Health, and even then he is not very readable, everything is on table is covered with dust.He talks about scientists and sciences, which Bazarov rejects, over which he laughs, and he does this to prove his education.

Vasily Ivanovich is progressive, he transfers his peasants to dues, although this is not profitable for him. He has few souls, only 22.

Vasily Ivanovich is a hospitable host, he meets Arkady with pleasure, offers him a comfortable room, albeit in an outbuilding.

Vasily Ivanovich likes to talk a lot, which denounces Bazarov. He talks almost alone with the guests, they do not particularly support the conversation.

Vasily Ivanovich is trying to prove his education, inserting words in French and Latin into his speech)

3). Why, when Vasily Ivanovich speaks French, are they written in Russian letters?

(Vasily Ivanovich probably does not speak French well, otherwise this Russian-French saying would not have appeared in Turgenev).

four). What other interesting features of Vasily Ivanovich's speech did you note?

(As a doctor, he sometimes uses Latin terms; instead of dying, he says he went to the forefathers, instead of a bathhouse - an outhouse, instead of a house - a bivouac, instead of an acacia - trees loved by Horace; Arcadia calls - my favorite visitor, that is, it sounds like a romantic elevation).

5). What is the difference between father and son speech?

(Vasily Ivanovich strives to speak beautifully, solemnly, but it turns out funny. Pompousness distinguishes his speech from the simple and concrete speech of his son).

6). What kind of person is Bazarov's father?

(This is really a very kind, nice person. Vasily Ivanovich is a man of labor: he processes the children with his own hands. He is engaged in medical practice disinterestedly. In the past he was a brave man, he was awarded an order for his work in Bessarabia during the plague epidemic).

7). What is Vasily Ivanovich's attitude to science, to modernity?

Does he manage to get closer than anything with his son?

(In the field of science, he strives to keep up with the century. It would seem that the easiest way for him to establish contact with his son is in the field of medicine. Both of them are doctors. But everything that Vasily Ivanovich talks about is far from contemporary science to Bazarov. He is proud, for example ", by what he understands in phrenology, and this is a false science and at the same time was infinitely outdated. Vasily Ivanovich's knowledge of the sciences is combined with religiosity. He is sincerely devout and even invites the priest to serve a prayer service in honor of the arrival of his son. Although he refers to the fact that what seems progressive in comparison with the activities of others, for example, the giving away of land "in half". The good Vasily Ivanovich can flog a peasant for being a thief. And Bazarov did not strive for half-hearted measures, but for radical revolutionary changes. Vasily Ivanovich is far from denying everything This horrifies him no less than Pavel Petrovich.

Thus, with all humanity, Vasily Ivanovich strives for progress, and positive personal qualities show that he is also a “retired” person, as Bazarov said about Nikolai Petrovich. But Turgenev draws Vasily Ivanovich with sympathy, although with some irony).

eight). Do you think Arina Vlasevna could be closer to her son?

(Arina Vlasyevna could not be a friend to her son, because she was superstitious and ignorant, she was afraid of frogs, she didn’t read books. She loved to eat, sleep and knew a lot about housekeeping. She didn’t understand politics, she knew that there were gentlemen who should order, and simple people who must serve. She is very kind and caring: she will not go to bed if her husband has a headache; more than anything else she loves her son. Arina Vlasyevna is a person of a different way of life than her son, but in the novel she is shown as an infinitely loving mother ).

9). What role did parents play in raising their son?

(The paths of Bazarov and his parents diverged a long time ago. Feeling that their son was extraordinary, parents gave him freedom in childhood. Maybe if Bazarov were more with his father, there could be more ideological understanding between them. But the circumstances were such that Bazarov in 3 years I visited my parents once).

ten). How does Bazarov feel about his parents?

(Bazarov loves his parents, directly says to Arkady: “I love, Arkady” - and this is a lot in his mouth. In the first moments of meeting with his father, he looks at him with love and understands how he, poor fellow, has turned gray. due assessment. Even seeing the limitations of his mother's abilities, he agrees that she is a wonderful woman. But Bazarov cannot close his eyes to the difference in views and goals of life. Bazarov cannot accept such a deaf life. Bazarov does not want to fight the little things in life, his task - to remake the foundations of life: there will be no fixing society and there will be no diseases. And it is impossible to remake the foundations of the life of parents, any attempt to scold them would at least upset them, would not bring benefits).

eleven). Can we talk about Bazarov's insensitivity?

(No. On the day of departure, he does not want to upset his parents. This is how a tragic conflict develops with loved ones and lovers. This conflict, which Bazarov falls into at home, speaks of one more thing - Turgenev wrote about this in a letter: “All true deniers ... came from relatively good and honest parents". The goal towards which Bazarov is moving is great, the road is difficult, his life is bitter and thorny).

12). How does Turgenev himself look at this conflict, does he condemn Bazarov?

(Looking at Bazarov from the outside, looking as only a “retired” person who is not involved in the modern movement of ideas can look, examining him with that cold, testing look that is given only by a long life experience, Turgenev justified Bazarov and appreciated him. Bazarov came out of the test clean and strong. Turgenev did not find a single significant accusation against this type. Turgenev did not like Bazarov, but recognized his strength, recognized his superiority over the people around him and himself paid him full tribute).

    Summary of the lesson.

    House assignment: prepare a message

Bazarov's behavior in relations with Odintsova is contradictory. Another contradiction of the protagonist of the novel is Bazarov's attitude towards his parents. The latter are drawn by Turgenev with extraordinary sympathy.

Bazarov's father, Vasily Ivanovich, is a retired regimental doctor, a commoner by birth, a "plebeian", as he certifies himself. A sense of pride filled his words that he "felt the pulse" of Zhukovsky himself. And in the campaigns of the Russian army, he participated directly, and the heroes of the past "knew without fail." He builds his life in accordance with the educational ideals of the past: he lives by his work, is interested in science and politics. An important step in his life was the fact that "not without significant donations, he put the peasants on quitrent and gave them his land to share." He reaches out to the younger generation, like the father of Arkady, he wants to understand the quest and claims of his son. But life moves forward so irresistibly, the changes taking place in it are so abrupt that some kind of blank wall grows between him and his son and a deep abyss opens. “Of course,” he turns to his young friends, “you, gentlemen, better know where can we keep up with you? After all, you have come to replace us.” In many ways, Vasily Ivanovich still lives with old ideas. He often speaks in the language of the 18th century, using intricate phrases and words.

The hero's mother - Arina Vlasyevna - was also shaped by the past era. She lives by old traditions and customs, she is, in the words of Turgenev, "a real Russian noblewoman of the past." She is charming, especially at the moment when this kind woman busily busies herself to treat her beloved son, whom she is so proud of, but for whom she is so fearfully worried.

Bazarov's attitude towards his parents is very uneven. On the one hand, he tries to suppress the filial feeling in himself, he is ashamed of its manifestations. More than once he speaks very sharply about his father and mother, considering love for them unnatural sentimentality. And on the other hand, he shows great human tenderness for the “old men”. He goes to Odintsova, but on the way he remembers those who are waiting for him at home, since this is his name day. And then he tries to cover up his feelings for his parents, casually throwing the phrase: "Well, they'll wait, what's the importance." But Bazarov is at home, on the eve of farewell to Odintsova. His behavior is again contradictory. He clearly does not want to fulfill the request of his father, so important for the old man. But here, touchingly and tenderly, she characterizes Odintsova's parents: there is no need to dissuade the childishly ingenuous father of anything. “And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big world during the day with fire. In these contradictory judgments and feelings, Turgenev's hero reveals himself especially eloquently.

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For some reason, in literary criticism, very little attention is paid to Bazarov's relationship with his parents. This, of course, is not such a "fertile" topic as, say, Bazarov's conflict with Pavel Petrovich or his love affair with Odintsova. But it is all the more interesting to take a closer look at the relationship of the protagonist of "Fathers and Sons" with his parents.

Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Ivanovich represent the generation of "fathers" in the novel, along with more significant characters, such as Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich.

The author pays a lot of attention to the description of Arina Vlasyevna. Before the reader appears a pretty old woman in a cap, fussy, kind, meek, pious and, at the same time, superstitious. Turgenev, by the way, did not fail to notice that she should have been born two hundred years ago. For us, modern readers, this no longer matters, since the time when the action of the novel takes place is itself separated from us by almost two centuries. But, nevertheless, when reading Arina Vlasyevna, you involuntarily apply the definition of "old-fashioned old woman" and this suits her as well as possible.

Vasily Ivanovich is a county doctor, a good-natured man to look for, a little fussy, more pious than his wife, but trying to hide it. He even tries to be "modern", but it is clearly seen that he is a man of the old generation, conservative, in the good sense of the word.

The soul of two old men, as in a mirror, is reflected in their attitude towards their son. As usual, in an only child, parents do not have a soul, they cherish and cherish him in every possible way, since it is in him that the only meaning of their life lies. Even when Evgeny is not with them (and he comes very rarely), their life is focused on thoughts and memories of him.

Bazarov himself is a completely different matter. His attitude towards his parents is too casual, at least outwardly. He knows how much they love him, and he loves them himself, which he admits once to Arkady. However, he was not used to expressing his feelings in any way, showing affection towards someone. Therefore, he is annoyed when they start messing around with him, they are busy around him. Parents, knowing this, are trying not to show so violently the joy of his presence in their home.

But the reader can fully feel this joy. She is visible in the details. Arina Vlasyevna is afraid of her son and tries not to bother him, but she will always take care of a soft feather bed and delicious borscht. Vasily Ivanovich behaves more boldly with his son, but he tries more and more to appear more severe and restrained than he really is, so as not to irritate Yevgeny. Only in conversations with Arkady can a father amuse his parental vanity by hearing praises in honor of his adored son.

But love does not mean understanding. Parents do not know how to understand Bazarov, his views, and he does not particularly try to share his thoughts with them. He never expresses his views so sharply and openly in his parents' house as he does in the Kirsanovs' estate. Protecting the feelings of his father and mother, he nevertheless behaves with them softer than with others, although with the same indifferent and careless look. Still, it is surprising that in such a patriarchal family a child like Yevgeny Bazarov was born and raised. Probably, a truly distinctive personality is more influenced not by parental, but by self-education.

Perhaps Bazarov's misfortune was that he was not understood first of all by his parents, and then by everyone around him. Maybe the parents would like to understand Bazarov, only he had already gone too far from them in his development, so love and tenderness were the only thing he could get from Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Ivanovich. A person who has a home can sometimes forget about it, but will always subconsciously feel the support and love of relatives. Unfortunately, the parents could not support Bazarov in his endeavors and give him what he was striving for.

Bazarov happened to die in his own home, and this was a great relief for him, even if he did not realize it. It is many times harder to die in a foreign land, in an unfamiliar house or hotel.

The worst thing for parents is the death of a child. And if this child is the only joy, the light in the window? It is impossible to imagine that the parents would go through such grief. Bazarov's parents were overwhelmed. They didn't die, but something broke inside them. It's scary - to live only by the fact that you come to your own grave. They lived like that. They were two broken, tired old men, they only had a memory.

Bazarov could give them much more if he were a different person. He could tell his father and mother about his love for them. Although, who knows, maybe they weren't at a loss for words? The parental heart feels the child without any words. They never found out (and this is a great happiness for them) how alien he was to them and how much he suffered.

The chapters, which show the life of Bazarov in the house of his parents, reveal the hero from a new side. He is not at all as callous and cold as he wants to seem. He is full of tenderness for his parents, although the inner barrier will never allow him to show it. In a word, he is the same person as Arkady, their only difference is that the latter does not hide his attachment to the family. One cannot deny absolutely everything. As Bazarov said, death itself denies everything and everyone. But love also denies the arguments of reason, so parents love their children and always wait for them, no matter what. No one knows how to wait like parents. It is a pity that during his lifetime Bazarov was not able to appreciate how much warmth, comfort and affection his father and mother could give him. Not a single person has a place on earth more expensive, calmer and warmer than his own home.

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