The mirror is broken what the church says. Signs about a broken mirror: what to expect, what to do

Photo: Sergeyjs Rahunoks/

There is a mirror in every home, and we can hardly imagine how to do without it in everyday life. And once their owners were only wealthy people, and even for them, the purchase was a significant part of the income. Prices were comparable to a small ship or a mansion, the money to buy a mirror was accumulated over the years, they were cherished, passed on by inheritance.

The first idea was to treat the surface of glass with lead in 1279, a process described by John Peckam, who is considered the inventor of the mirror. Fragments were obtained that greatly distorted the image, the production was laborious and time consuming.

And only a hundred years later they began to make in Germany, which can be called similar to modern ones. After working for several years, the German craftsmen received a lucrative offer. The enterprising Venetians bought the idea, opened production, and for many years remained the only ones who had the right and the technology for their manufacture. They made fabulous profits, prices for mirrors did not fall for almost a century, the masters were practically hostages. They were carefully controlled, and they were never released from the island where the workshops were located, they lived there with their families.

Many centuries have passed since then, there was a time when mirrors were classified as diabolical objects, and they were destroyed in a number of countries. They were considered mysterious and mystical properties, the owners were considered sorcerers and witches.

“My light is a mirror, tell me ...” so often royal persons uttered these words. Nevertheless, they never had large mirrors in their chambers, and they never heard of Chinese. Even then, people sincerely believed in the extraordinary properties of mirrors, and did everything to prevent trouble.

In the modern world, mirrors are everywhere, and among designers they are especially popular. Using them in the interior, you can significantly expand the space, decorate the room, living room. But such an increase in space also has a negative side, a cold, lifeless space has a bad effect on some people, makes them nervous and annoyed. And the care of the mirror is not so simple. A sloppy, stained surface is by no means attractive, and the slightest touch leaves prints. And how to place a mirror in the bedroom?


It was not for nothing that it was believed that there was a world on the other side of the mirror, and the unknown forced us to seriously consider the version of the devil's presence. Why is it so persistently not recommended to place them in the room where you sleep? What about mirrored ceilings?

As they say, the mirror absorbs and accumulates energy, both negative and positive. If this is an old mirror, which could reflect various incidents, the death of a person or his tears, it can give this negative back to the one who looks into it. Foil principle. But then it is not clear why they fear only the bad? And if this mirror saw happiness and goodness in the house, smiling household members? Are these emotions and positivity also able to return? Or is the mirror capable of accumulating only negativity? They are silent about this, apparently “horror stories” are more interesting and more popular.

However, sleeping while reflecting in the mirror is not a good idea. According to some experts, it is in a dream that unknown forces can take away strength and health. Yes, and waking up or in the dark, you can be afraid of reflection, involuntary movement.

It’s up to everyone to believe it or not, but if there are troubles and illnesses in the house, try to get rid of the mirrors in the bedroom for a while, and then you can independently evaluate the veracity of these statements.

How can mirrors hurt?

There are a number of warnings that will help you navigate the problem.
they age people, taking away strength;
it is worth looking at them less for children and pregnant women;
large mirrors bring discord in the family and irritation with loved ones;
when reflecting the door in the bedroom, quarrels arise, and problems multiply;
spouses may have trouble mirroring their bed, as the couple doubles up, there may be cheating.
if there is a dead person in the house, then the mirrors are hung with cloth so that the soul of the deceased does not get lost, does not remain in it forever.
do not buy an old mirror, and if it is antique furniture, replace it with a new one.
lonely people, spending a lot of time in front of the mirror, aggravate their loneliness, double this problem, delaying the meeting with the second half.

Many nations have a cautious attitude towards mirrors, almost every shaman and sorcerer has his own explanation why they should be feared. In the most dangerous fortune-telling, mirrors are necessarily used.

There is no need to be afraid of mirrors in your life, but you should treat them with caution.

Folk signs about mirrors

1. If the mirror cracks, it will lead to the death of a loved one. Many confuse this sign with broken by negligence. If this happens, it is enough to collect the fragments in a rag and throw them away;
2. Mirrors are not given, because it is not known what kind of energy the donor has, and for girls this is a sure sign of parting. They did not accept such a gift from a loved one;
3. You can’t look into it at night, since it is at this time that a portal opens through the looking glass;
4. Be sure to keep the mirror clean, as it is dirty, it distorts the reflection, which can affect the fate of the one who uses it.
5. Do not place it in such a way that it reflects the front door. passes the house, seeing his reflection. She decides that she is not needed here.

Each case is individual, for some, all these signs are not convincing, and some often associate the ongoing troubles with the presence of mirrors. Maybe this is due to the peculiarities of the human nervous system, but in my opinion you feel uncomfortable if there are a lot of reflective surfaces around. You should not blindly believe these observations, but if you intuitively feel that there is discomfort, it is better to abandon numerous mirrors.

We are all superstitious to one degree or another, but thinking about the best, the chance of becoming happier is much higher. The main thing, of course, is a kind attitude and tolerance, attention to relatives, love. Let your mirrors always reflect happy faces, and let all troubles remain behind the silvery surface of the most mysterious and enigmatic object.

We all look in the mirror every day, but mirrors aren't just for checking how you look or if there's another car behind you while you're driving. You can do crazy things with mirrors, including creating and maintaining a wormhole stable enough to travel through time. Mirrors and phantom limbs can help us learn more about the brain, and mirrors can also be used to measure the distance to the moon. We invite you to read ten amazing facts about mirrors:

1. Mirrors and time travel

We've all heard that it's possible to travel through time using wormholes, right? The only trouble is that wormholes are extremely unstable - they are quickly destroyed, so it is extremely difficult to pass through them.

However, a couple of mirrors can solve the problem. All you need is two uncharged mirrors (metal plates will do) in a vacuum, spaced a few micrometers apart. Be sure to make sure that there is no external electromagnetic field between them. The Casimir effect will appear - a physical force that arises due to the quantum field between the mirrors.

This quantum electrodynamic force creates a massive negative region of space-time between the mirrors, resulting in a stable wormhole through which it is theoretically possible to travel faster than the speed of light.

So, according to the theory, you could travel to the past, but the future, unfortunately, remains inaccessible, so it will not work to find out the winning numbers of lottery tickets. There is another fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey - such stable wormholes are infinitely small, so it is still difficult to get to know your great-great-grandmother.

2. Mirrors, phantom limbs and the human brain

Experiments using mirrors on patients with phantom limbs have allowed researchers to learn a lot about how the brain works. Scientists place mirrors vertically on a table, and an entire limb of the patient—say, an arm—is reflected between them. The reflection of the intact hand is superimposed on the side of the phantom limb, so that the patient at the same time seems to see both hands - both the whole and the missing one.

It sounds creepy, but when a person sees both hands, he feels his phantom hand move, even if he lost it ten years ago or more. When his whole hand is touched, he feels the touch on his phantom hand as well. After several repetitions of the procedure, patients felt that their phantom limb had disappeared.

Scientists believe the effect is due to brain plasticity, the way the brain creates new neural pathways after the loss of a limb. Scientists also believe that there is a very close relationship between vision and touch in the brain.

3 Mirrors Cause Hallucinations

When you look in the mirror, a strange illusion can arise. Try it yourself: sit in a dark room in front of a mirror about a meter away from it and look at your face for ten minutes. The room should be as dark as possible so that you can clearly see your reflection.

At first, you will notice how your face in the mirror is slightly distorted. Gradually, the reflection will change faster, become more like a mask - there will be a feeling that the face in the mirror does not belong to you. Some people see the faces of strangers, fantasy monsters, or animals.

Scientists believe that such an experiment could help us better understand ourselves. Some psychologists believe that the method is suitable for the treatment of schizophrenia - this is how patients encounter their other selves.

4. Does everyone recognize themselves in the mirror?

Recognizing yourself in a mirror is completely natural: at least that's what most people will say, but not everyone can pass the self-identification test in a mirror. Scientists put marks on the subject's face or body to determine if the person in the mirror recognizes himself - if so, he will most likely try to erase the mark. Children, for example, begin to recognize themselves in the mirror only at the age of 24 months.

However, when the researchers tested children from countries such as Kenya or Fiji, they were very surprised - six-year-old children could not pass this test. But this is not a sign that they do not have the ability to psychologically separate themselves from other people. Most likely, the problem is in cultural differences: children, as a rule, froze in front of their own reflection - this proves that they understood that they were seeing themselves, and not someone else.

5. Animals that recognize themselves in the mirror

So many people are mirrored self-identification test do not pass. The same goes for most animals - but not all. Could this mean that some animals are able to recognize their own reflection? Scientists think so.

For example, elephants, being in front of a mirror, did not erase the mark on their heads, but they showed obvious signs of self-identification - they performed a series of repetitive movements. Perhaps some animals simply do not care about the presence of extraneous marks on their body, therefore, they do not react to them.

Gorillas also pass the mark test differently than humans. However, gorillas are easily embarrassed: eye contact is extremely important in gorilla society, so after looking at themselves in the mirror, they tend to seek privacy and even then erase the marks that they previously saw in the mirror. So it is currently believed that gorillas are able to identify themselves in the mirror.

Perhaps it's because the marking test doesn't work on most animal species, so many species are probably more self-aware than we think. Chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobos, dolphins, killer whales and European magpies can also pass the mirror test.

6. Mirrors on the Moon

The distance from us to the Moon is approximately 384,403 km, and we were able to recognize it thanks to mirrors. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is constantly changing due to the fact that the Moon revolves around our planet in an elliptical orbit. The distance from the closest point of the Moon's orbit to the Earth, known as perigee, is only 363,104 km, and at apogee, the farthest point, this distance is 406,696 km.

The astronauts of the Apollo program installed a corner reflector on the Moon, which was used to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Corner reflectors are a special type of mirror that reflects the laser beam back in the direction it came from. These laser beams are sent to the Moon by huge telescopes on Earth, and their reflected light allows scientists to calculate the distance to the Moon to within three centimeters.

Corner reflectors have also increased our knowledge of the Moon. For example, they provided information about the lunar orbit, and now we know that the satellite moves away from the Earth by about 3.8 cm every year. This data was even used to test Einstein's theory of relativity.

7. Mirrors can reflect sound

Mirrors that reflect sound waves are known as acoustic mirrors. They were used in Great Britain during World War II to detect certain sound waves coming from enemy aircraft. This was before the advent of radar.

Such mirrors were built along the coast of Great Britain, the most famous of them still stand in Denge, Kent. You can’t just approach them, access is limited - you can see the mirrors only on a special excursion.

The world's only acoustic mirror outside the UK is located in Maktab, Malta. This is one of the largest such mirrors in the world - its diameter is about 61 meters. In the local dialect, the mirror is also called "Il widna", which means "ear" in translation. The location of the "Ukha" is not a secret, but free access to it is closed.

8. Mirrors reflect matter

Surprisingly, there are mirrors that can reflect matter - in physics they are known as atomic mirrors. An atomic mirror reflects the atoms of matter in the same way that an ordinary mirror reflects light. Electromagnetic fields are used to reflect neutral atoms, although some mirrors use ordinary silicon water.

Reflection from an atomic mirror is essentially a quantum reflection of de Broglie waves. It works to reflect neutral atoms that are moving slowly: such atoms are mostly repelled from the surface of the mirror. The property can be used to trap slow atoms or focus an atomic beam. Ribbed atomic mirrors work better due to the greater wavelength of matter compared to minute photons of light.

9. Truthful mirrors

That the mirror shows your face "upside down" is a myth: your reflection is not upside down, what you see is the left side of your face to the left of the mirror and the right side to the right; therefore, the illusion is created that your reflection is upside down.

However, there is a so-called non-reversing or truthful mirror - it allows a person to see himself in the mirror exactly as other people see him. First of all, such mirrors are used for applying makeup.

A truthful mirror is easy to create at home: just put two normal mirrors perpendicular to each other and look at your reflection from the union: a truthful mirror will give you a 3D reflection that moves exactly like you, not flat as in a normal mirror .

10. Mirrors separate beams of light

Mirrors can not only reflect light, sound and matter - they can also separate beams of light. Mirrors are used in many beam splitters and most scientific instruments, including telescopes. A standard beam splitter is a cube made of two glass prisms on the same base. When light rays hit the beam splitter, half of them continue to move along the same path, and the other half are reflected at an angle of 90 °.

Surely everyone has their own personal story about the mirror. And often not alone. Remember how surprised a child is when he first sees himself in the mirror. The child does not immediately begin to perceive the reflection as himself, his copy. Rather, he believes that this is a different child. And the thought is put off in the mind that there, behind the mirror glass, someone lives. And the child comes to the concept of "double". The double is the one who lives in the mirror, in the looking-glass world. It is very similar to the original, but, nevertheless, it is different, with independence. Obviously, subconsciously every person feels connected with his double in the mirror. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the generally accepted idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship between twins. So, it is believed that if one of the twins dies, then the second dies, or at least feels the death of the first.

Surely everyone has their own personal story about the mirror. And often not alone. Remember how surprised a child is when he first sees himself in the mirror. The child does not immediately begin to perceive the reflection as himself, his copy. Rather, he believes that this is a different child. And the thought is put off in the mind that there, behind the mirror glass, someone lives. And the child comes to the concept of "double". The double is the one who lives in the mirror, in the looking-glass world. It is very similar to the original, but, nevertheless, it is different, with independence. Obviously, subconsciously every person feels connected with his double in the mirror. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the generally accepted idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship between twins. So, it is believed that if one of the twins dies, then the second dies, or at least feels the death of the first.

The same with a mirror - a broken (dead) mirror brings misfortune and death to its owner. That is, the "death" of the mirror double means the death of the original.

Many peoples: Indians, Tajiks, Persians and others have a wedding ceremony when the bride and groom should look in one mirror, as if the connection of mirror twins will strengthen the earthly marriage.
Moreover, among some peoples, the bride and groom could see each other for the first time precisely reflected in the mirror, and not directly. That is, acquaintance occurred through mirror doubles. It was believed that this should bring good luck and happiness to the family. It seems to me that almost everyone in their life had this - when you look at your reflection next to a dear person and say: "Look, dear (s), how good we look together!". And this "we look good together" filled loving people with additional self-confidence.

But here - an echo of faith in the independent existence of a double, and his smiling face gives joy, at some point becoming the face of an outsider happy person. Regardless of age, we subconsciously believe in the independence of the mirror image. I remember the quote: "... Soon you get so lonely that you start talking to lizards, and then the time comes when they begin to answer you ..." (Frederick Brown, "Arena"). How often do we talk to the mirror?! In the mornings we say to him: "Hello! Something you have a rumpled face today," or: "You look good today." In the evening, looking in the mirror, we say: "It's time to sleep, and the view is already completely sleepy, the eyes close on their own." It would seem that we are talking to ourselves. But this is a conversation with a mirror, with your double living there. Maybe someday he will answer.

It is on the belief that our reflections in the mirror - twins - are not really us, one of the methods of psychotherapy is based. The sculptor creates a life-size realistic stucco portrait of the patient.

As the patient recognizes himself in this sculpture, and as the portrait approaches completion, the illness subsides. The portrait in an elusive way bears the stamp of the disease, and the original is healed. A sculptural portrait is, as it were, that “double” that the patient sees every day in the mirror. The "double" created by the doctor becomes the "bad" member of the "man - reflection" pair, and the patient becomes the "good" one.

Legends say that the souls of everyone who looked in them are enclosed in ancient mirrors. It is believed that if a mirror keeps a reflection of an evil person, say, a murderer, or "saw" a murder scene, then it becomes "evil" itself. Such a mirror is always cold to the touch, church candles go out in front of it, and it can bring trouble to the new owner, up to his death. This mirror must be broken, and the only way to get rid of the curse that it contains. They also say that through the mirror you can "spell". If any person looks into your mirror with wishes for evil, then these wishes can be fulfilled. That is, the mirror will become a kind of accumulator and emitter of negative energy. True, not all stories about mirrors are so gloomy. With the help of mirrors, you can not only "induce damage", but also get rid of it. For example, if you hang a mirror in the room where the guests gather, then it will take away all the evil for itself. Then the mirror should be cleaned until it is only a storage device and not an emitter. Cleaning is recommended with cold water.

It is also believed that if you look in the mirror, wishing yourself the best, do something like auto-training in front of him, assuring your reflection that it is the smartest, most beautiful, most wonderful, then the double living in the mirror will ensure the implementation these dreams. There is also a belief that, returning home halfway, you must definitely look in the mirror. This is done in order to restore the protection of the house from extraneous influences, the protection that a mirror provides, reflecting all negative influences.

There are even rules for placing mirrors in an apartment. For example, any mirror should be hung so that it does not "cut off" the head of the tallest member of the family. There are also many methods of divination using mirrors. The most famous are with the help of two mirrors and a candle or with the help of one mirror and a candle. Christmas divination for the groom has been known since ancient times. And now they are guessing in this way, who is joking, and who is serious. And even what starts as a joke becomes something serious and real when an endless mirror corridor unfolds before your eyes in the dark. Even recorded cases of "penetration" into the past and future with the help of mirrors. Someone assures that he saw his future husband in the mirror while fortune-telling, someone - his wife; a story is recorded about how two girls watched in the mirror the meeting of the emperors Alexander I and Napoleon in 1807; they tell how village sorceresses find a thief with the help of a mirror...

In general, these stories are almost endless and surprisingly diverse, but they all come down to one thing: mirrors are objects that can show something unknown, reveal new knowledge - if they are handled correctly.

Dressing table - small table designed for storage and placement of cosmetics, perfumes, accessories . And ... if you put a mirror on the chest of drawers, then it can be used as a dressing table... I will say more... :) Wherever you put a mirror, there will be a dressing table...:)


The history of the creation of the dressing table

not known for certain. Furniture makers are of the opinion that the dressing table as an interior item developed in parallel with the mirror, which is its integral part. So, in the XIII century, mirrors appeared, which were made of glass filled with tin. In their form, they resembled curved arcs. Two hundred years later, they begin to produce flat glasses coated with mercury and tin foil. And the production of sheet mirrors dates back to the 16th century. The first mention of ladies' dressing tables in our country dates back to an even later time - the 18th century, when the whimsical tastes of court society brought to life numerous small coquettish furnishings, among which were ladies' dressing tables . The reason for such a “belated” interest in this piece of furniture was a biased attitude towards the mirror in Russia. For a long time, mystical properties were attributed to the mirror, and therefore they were hidden in a box or covered with a cloth. The mirror became widespread in the home interior only during the reign of Peter I. It is no secret that each era dictates its own fashion for things, interior items. She did not bypass the side and dressing tables. At the beginning of the 20th century, tables called “psyche” were especially fashionable. The mirror in such a table had a special design, it could be tilted at different angles, and the woman had the opportunity to look at herself from different angles. In Soviet times, such structures were called "dressing table" and "trellis". They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Well, the dressing table is a reflection of the personality of its owner. Looking at it, one can quite accurately describe the character of the owner, guess about her tastes, preferences, lifestyle and even the nature of her professional activity. And what is not on it! As if in a perfume shop, there are dozens of various bottles, jars, tubes and vials with cream, lotions and tinctures, powder boxes, as well as framed photographs, hairpins, jewelry, jewelry boxes, flowers and even favorite books. Of course, there are no identical dressing tables. After all, this is not just furniture or an interior item, it is a work area that each housewife arranges in her own way. Arranges to be a faithful ally in the art of beauty. The mirror is, of course, the most important detail in a dressing table. It is unlikely that any woman will start her day without looking into it. What is the most convenient mirror? This is a matter of taste, but we can definitely say that the most functional mirror for a dressing table is a trellis mirror. It is very good if it provides for the possibility of tilting the middle mirror. Proper lighting of the dressing table is necessary for a good make-up. You need to place the mirror in such a place that the light falls on you evenly. Moreover, not the mirror itself should be well lit, but what it reflects - your face. The light from the lamps should be directional and sharp. It is no coincidence that theatrical actors, when making up, use the light of bare bulbs, since with a sharp light all the details of the face are more clearly visible. However, unnaturally bright light when applying makeup can lead to an unexpected result - in daylight it can look defiant. For a dressing table, an ordinary 100 W incandescent lamp is enough, which can be placed at a distance of no more than a meter from the face. The lamp can be pointed directly at the face at a right angle (so that it does not cast a shadow on the face) or several small light sources can be placed around the entire perimeter of the mirror. Any workplace should be, first of all, comfortable. Cosmetics and accessories can be kept on shelves and in lockers, and the essentials can be kept on the table. The ergonomic arrangement of accessories on the dressing table will allow you to quickly deal with makeup. It is best to group all the items on the dressing table according to their intended purpose (sort facial skin care products in one direction, makeup in another, jewelry boxes in a third, etc.), arranging them so that each of them is at hand. You should not force the entire table with cosmetics, because you still need space to work on makeup. In addition, when cosmetics are conveniently located, there is a desire and inspiration for creativity - to try different options, mix paints ... Over time, cosmetics accumulate on the dressing table, which have served their time for a long time, even if they were practically never used. Most of them would last longer if stored properly - in a dry, dark and cool place. The cabinet for storing cosmetics should be located away from batteries, heaters and sunlight. You should not store cosmetics in the bathroom, where humidity, steam and high temperature are high. A dressing table is one of the most desired and necessary interior items for every modern woman. Of course, you can limit yourself to jars of cream in the bathroom or on the bedside table, but in order for the self-care ritual to acquire real significance and the necessary efficiency, find in your even small apartment a treasured corner for a dressing table. Based on materials

PSYCHE - an antique mirror in a frame with special rods, thanks to which it can be installed in an inclined position. The frame of such a mirror has a rectangular or oval shape, which rotates on hinges that allow you to adjust its tilt.

Mirrors-psiche are desktop and floor.

Psyche mirrors spread in Europe (in France) in the second half of the 18th century, in the then fashionable Empire style, due to the great popularity of dressing tables, which was an indispensable item in the ladies' boudoir. They were genuine works of art, light and graceful, often decorated with details of gilded bronze; on top of them, a mirror-psyche was strengthened - changing the slope.

In the middle of the boudoir, a human-sized psyche mirror, similar to an arch, was also placed. The silhouette of the looking lady turned out to be the most elegant. On the sides were two sconces with candles.

In Russia, the fashion for psiche mirrors began to be introduced by the German master Heinrich-Daniel Gambs at the beginning of the 19th century, and from the imperial family.
Gambs arrived in the capital of the Russian Empire in 1795. For several decades, the German mechanic remained out of competition. The position was strengthened even more after in 1810 Alexander I granted him the title of supplier of the imperial court. By this time, Gumbs was already receiving regular orders from the royal family and the aristocracy. And in order to always stay ahead of competitors and not lose consumer interest, the master closely followed European trends. Fashionable novelties instantly appeared in the window of his store.

Psyché Gambs mirrors are large swivel mirrors on a pedestal, set into a frame, carved or gilded. The master made the first such mirror to order: it was presented as a gift to Queen Louise of Prussia. The debut turned out to be successful - it was ordered to be made for the dowry of the Grand Duchess Alexandra, Elizabeth.

Soon, psyche mirrors became a traditional detail of the decoration of front and residential interiors.

Popular beliefs, esoteric knowledge, magical experience and Feng Shui treat mirrors with the same attention and even caution. After all, the mysteriously shimmering surface is endowed with special properties that can influence our reality, bringing to it both joy and prosperity, and numerous troubles.

Since ancient times, many beliefs and legends, rituals and divination have been associated with mirrors. A broken mirror portends failure and separation, and located opposite a window or door, it can cause constant fatigue and various ailments of the household. If you accidentally look into the sparkling glass at night, you can see the devil himself, and light a candle in front of him - you will show evil spirits the way to your home.

There are many prohibitions associated with mirrors. They cannot be given and thrown away, you should not sleep and eat in front of them, you should not look into the reflective surface together or photograph your reflection.

There are other "don'ts" as well. For example, you should not pick up someone else's mirror found on the road or the threshold of your own house. And there are good reasons for this.

  • An unknown mirror left by someone on a bench in a park or in another public place is fraught with serious danger. Not only its appropriation, but even your accidental reflection in it can lead to irreparable trouble. After all, any, even the smallest, accessory is an excellent accumulator not only of positive emotions, but also of any negative. Unintentional contact with someone else's object will surely project all the troubles and failures of the previous owner onto your life.
  • Some of the specimens found may be quite valuable items that are simply stupid to leave lying on the road or gathering dust in the attic. Many cannot resist the temptation to become the owner of an exquisite, and sometimes antique item. However, one should not forget about the danger they carry. If you decide to leave the find, then be sure to perform the ceremony of cleansing it from negativity by washing it in running or holy water, and then burning the church candle to the end in front of the mirror.
  • However, there are items that should not be appropriated under any circumstances. If you find an unfamiliar mirror on the threshold of a house or in your own apartment, then there is a high probability that this little thing is a magical lining. It should be immediately and very carefully disposed of by wrapping it in a dense cloth and burying it away from housing. When picking up a find, take all measures so as not to accidentally look at your reflection. Indeed, in this case, eye contact will lead to the fact that some of the evil entities will still have their detrimental effect on you.
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