Simple tricks and their revelation. Denis Vlasov

Incredible facts

Many people remember this unique feeling from childhood, when we watched tricks and believed in miracles. We never ceased to admire how magicians do it.

If you don't want to be left in the dark and are eager to know how these famous tricks work, this article is for you.

You might be surprised at how easy these illusions are to perform.

Tricks with people

1. Levitation

A woman lies on a board that is supported by a metal rod. The magician stands so as to cover the rod and thus where he stands determines how well this trick is performed.

2. Zigzag girl

This is a pretty simple trick. When the assistant enters the closet, she turns her body so that when the knives enter, they do not hit her. When the middle part of the cabinet is pulled out, only her arm moves, but the black lining of the cabinet gives the illusion that the middle part of the body is completely coming off.

1. Cabinet design elements that add flex space for the person inside. They are usually painted black to blend in with the cabinetry.

2. The knives only extend into part of the vertical space, leaving room for the assistant.

3. Black bars - used space. They are hard to see when viewed from the side or on TV, making the box appear smaller.

4. The interior space is larger than it seems.

3. In the air

This trick is similar to the levitation trick, but the magician does not stand in front of a support rod. He then passes the hoop over the assistant, but only as far as the support allows, creating the illusion that the body is floating in the air.

Tricks involving sawing a person

4. Sawing a woman. Option 1

The man in the box must bend his legs to create the illusion that his body is being cut in half. The fake legs are attached to the other end of the box.

5. Sawing a woman. Option 2

Another variation of the classic trick is that one assistant is already in the box before the trick begins. When another assistant enters the box, the one in the box sticks her legs out, while the other one hides them, showing only her upper body. When the box is sawed, we see one half of two people.

Tricks and their secrets (video)

6. Floating Man

This trick can often be seen among street performers. The magician actually sits on a metal seat attached to a rod that is connected to a platform hidden by a carpet.

7. Michael Jackson dance

That dance move where Michael Jackson and the dancers leaned 45 degrees, seen during the song "Smooth Criminal," is easier to do than you might think. The boot's notch grips the instep so that when you lean below the center of gravity, you can return to your original upright position without falling.

Hello again!

Sergey Kulikov, aka Sailor, is in touch with you again!

Many people often search on the Internet for something like “revealing the secrets of magic tricks” and so on. In this article I will tell you the secret of one very cool trick!

This trick is called “Return to Fat City” or “Return to Fat City”. And it was invented by a very inventive magician John Bannon, who is famous for many of his signature tricks.

This trick is an ideal find for those people who have just embarked on the path of a professional magician and want to approach the study of this interesting genre as competently as possible.

Because the most important thing in presenting a trick is the pattern, that is, verbal accompaniment or a certain story. So, this trick is simply impossible to show without a story. The viewer simply will not understand anything.

Thus, by training this trick, you will undoubtedly significantly increase your magic level to a new level. And at the same time, your communication skills will improve.

It will be incredibly useful to teach this trick to a child. It will become much easier for him to communicate with people and easier to find mutual language with anyone.

So, enough chatter, let's get to the trick itself!

We tell the viewer a story that there is an infinite number of different cities in the world. But there is one very unusual city, it is called Fat City. And this is our deck of cards.

In this city, two very brave fat cops serve - Fat Jack and Fat Kolyok :) In a deck of cards these are Black Jacks.

One dark evening, one very ordinary fat resident went for a walk around Fat City. At this moment we invite the viewer to choose any card.

But after that, this resident got lost in this city and was never seen again. Now we remove the spectator’s card into the deck and begin to shuffle it to lose the card chosen by the spectator.

And at this very moment our fat cops come into play!

They're going to work!

They need to find what's missing. We put these Jacks together and put them in the center of the deck.

We snap our finger and tell the viewer that they have never set us up before and they did their job honestly and efficiently.

We look through the deck and see that there is one card between the two Jacks. We take it out and turn it over and it is... really the spectator's card!

Our fat cops did their job!

But our fat resident turned out to be a rather unlucky fellow. He disappears again!

And the fat cops are reluctant to take up their jobs again!

But this time our fat resident completely disappeared from the city! And there is no longer any chance of finding him. However, fat cops will still endlessly comb the entire city.

During these words, we lay out the deck on the table with a ribbon and the viewer sees that one of the Jacks lies at the top, the other at the bottom of the deck. And we only have one card left in our hands - the spectator's card!

This trick perfectly demonstrates how important the pattern is in performing almost any trick.

If you want to play with the viewer, show not just a trick, but the most real story. And an unusual story, as well as a really smart and interesting one, then this trick will be a real find for you!

You will create a real show that will be interesting to watch and listen to absolutely any viewer. Of course, if they themselves want it :) You should not impose this on those who are not interested in it and if they are not ready to listen to you.

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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We all freeze in anticipation of the next “magic” when we watch the deft hands of the magician. At this moment it seems to us that illusionists have real magic, and the atmosphere they create at the performances does not even allow one to doubt their abilities.

This time website invites you to remember the 6 most famous tricks that previously excited our imagination, and look at them from a new perspective.

Secret No. 1. Sawing a woman

Remember how in childhood we watched with bated breath creepy picture How did they saw the woman? Nowadays you won’t surprise us with such tricks; almost everyone knows: the “sorcerer” has two assistants hidden in his box.

Secret No. 2. Torn bill

Previously, people were perplexed when Copperfield, right in front of people, tore a dollar folded in half, then unfolded it and it turned out to be whole. And the secret here is clever arranged pencil: It's actually cut diagonally and connected with strong magnets! Thus, the bill easily passes between its magnetized halves and remains unharmed.

Secret No. 3. Levitation

The secret to this popular trick among street magicians lies in a carefully hidden prop. That is why these “wizards” often appear in an image with which the staff is in perfect harmony: after all, it has a continuation that runs through all the clothes.

Secret No. 4. The disappearance of the glass

A glass of water is placed on the table, which is then covered with a scarf. Then the glass is lifted and thrown into the air, the result: the scarf falls to the floor and the glass disappears. And here’s the trick: firstly, a wire ring is sewn into the scarf, which creates the illusion that there is a glass under the scarf. And secondly, the glass itself is lowered into a secret bag through a tricky hole in the table.

Secret No. 5. Zigzag Girl

In this trick, everything largely depends on the assistant herself. Her main task is to position herself in the cramped space of the closet intended for her, but at the same time so that her hand and foot maintain the natural position of an upright person.

Secret #6: Michael Jackson Lean

Everyone probably remembers the spectacular bend that Michael and his dancers performed when performing the song “Smooth Criminal.” It looked incredible because the tilt was made by a straight body and at an acute angle of 45 degrees. The secret here lies in boots with a specially shaped heel and a cunning stage arrangement. After all, it was precisely because pegs appeared on its surface that the heel clung and allowed the artists to perform the maneuver.

On the issue of revealing the secrets of magic tricks November 11th, 2016

Over the past hundred years, the illusory world has experienced two shocks, “kicks in the gut,” as it is fashionable to say. The first is well described in documentary film"Grand Illusions – The Story Of Magic". This is the advent of television. Magicians could endlessly rehearse the purity of the dove's appearance, but television killed the entire effect. On screen, even the most impressive trick caused disbelief among the audience. At the end of the 40s in America, television became a familiar part of the home environment, and the golden era of music halls, cabarets, and theaters ended. It seemed like TV had killed the popularity of any live shows.

However, over time, magicians were able to tame the television monster and use it to their advantage. Firstly, it became possible to broadcast tricks to an audience of millions. Secondly, getting on TV meant the height of recognition. The famous magician Lance Barton recalls how one of the spectators reproached him for unprofessionalism, arguing with the phrase “Well, they don’t show you on TV.” Magicians survived this crisis, and the theater survived. Thanks to television, we know about David Copperfield, David Blaine, and the magician Gennady. However, there is still an opinion that television kills the effect of focus.

The second blow to the gut is the advent of the Internet. Magicians no longer have a monopoly on information. If previously the secret of a trick could only be found by spending a day in the library (and even then not always), now a few seconds are enough to google on YouTube a pimply schoolboy or a guy in tights who will tell you how to do this or that trick. Sometimes we see revelations from professionals who are hiding behind in loud words about “popularization of the genre.” However, as Andrey Chekanyuk said, all this is a desire to popularize your e-face.

Speculation on the topic of exposing tricks has always been going on; just remember the series “The Masked Man”. Since viewers are always attracted by the topic of revealing secrets, it is much easier to organize a revealing session, to shine on this, quickly gaining likes and subscribers, than to perform well and have the same success. For the first option, it is enough to be able to speak, for the second - to have talent, to train, to work. Therefore, the more mediocre the magician, the more often he resorts to the theme of exposure, since he has no other alternatives to attract attention.

How do professional magicians feel about revealing secrets to the public? There are two positions. The first, let's call it "passive", is to recognize that this is inevitable. irreversible process, How by-effect Internet development. This is a kind of payment for freedom of speech on the Internet. Therefore, we cannot influence this in any way. There will always be people who, out of malice or indifference, want to break the main rule of a magician - not to reveal the secrets of tricks. It is useless to fight these people; their name is legion. And from a legal point of view, there is no way to effectively fight this (if you do not take into account exotic cases with patents and copyrights). The way out of this situation is to change the presentation of the trick, use artistry, and invent something new.

The second position, let’s call it “intolerant,” is diametrically opposed. Its supporters believe that the revelations can and should be fought. You can't sit idly by, you need to do something. Inaction destroys the illusion genre and produces even more whistleblowers and lousy magicians. Previously, an illusionist was the white bone of the stage, the elite, but now a passageway to the stage has appeared, and the concept of an artist has been devalued. Having seen enough secrets on the Internet, anyone can imagine themselves as a magician and start performing. Seeing such would-be magicians, the viewer becomes disappointed in the illusion genre, and the abundance of revelations on the Internet further convinces the viewer that magic tricks are shit. Everything is easy, simple and uninteresting. Therefore, you cannot remain silent and inactive; you need to protect your genre from both crooks and whistleblowers.

It is worth making a remark that exposing tricks does not develop the genre. They often hide behind this pretentious phrase, they say, come up with new tricks, what's the problem? Revelations do not spur inventions, but rather demotivate them. Imagine, you spent half your life developing a trick, and then some asshole reveals it in 10 seconds to an audience of 2 million people. Will this spark inspiration to work on the trick by coming up with a new method? So that the same asshole would reveal it again later? Yes, secrets are not the main thing, any magician knows that. But any magician also knows that there are basic things on which hundreds of tricks are built, and revealing them simply destroys hundreds of possibilities. I will not give examples (although there are very colorful ones). Just ask inventor Igal Mesika.

There are two categories of whistleblowers. The first are ordinary people. By and large, they don’t care about magicians and the entire illusion genre. They want to show off, gain likes, subscribers, and increase their importance. Like, I’m 12 years old, and I’m already telling you what levitation is.

The second group are professional magicians who have been misled by the demon. We are not now taking into account cases where a magician performed well on TV and taught viewers a trick involving jumping over a rubber band on two fingers. We are talking about systemic exposure (of groups, open seminars, regularly creating content on the topic of revelations). In many ways, the reason for this behavior is copying the behavior of idols and leaders of the genre. If we see popular illusionists throwing around the secrets of magic tricks like seeds, this is a real blow to the gut. A punch in the gut to the illusion genre. If Larionov sells tricks like Herbalife, then who else but him should young people take as an example? There is a devaluation of tricks - this is just a bargaining chip for making money. "Earn twice as much on magic tricks average salary in your city!" Is this what the call for the development of the illusion genre looks like?

We do not consider the fight against whistleblowers within the framework of the illegal field. Although there are methods that have been well-tested over the years.

From a legal point of view, there is no law that would allow you to rein in whistleblowers. We do not take into account isolated cases of copyright or patent registration. Lev Klinsky offered options for legal protection, but they all look like a utopia and are only suitable for his own copyrighted developments. This will not protect against the opening of elevators, volts, ammeters and thousands of their variations.

What remains is propaganda. Moral and ethical methods of influence. This is, in my opinion, the only possible tool. I was waiting for Vinokurov’s online conference on this topic, waiting for results, conclusions, but everything was like in Russian football: “Your expectations are your problems.” Yes, Svyatoslav Kostyuk and Alexander Konstantinov essentially spoke (but so restrainedly, as if they had a gun put to his head). Where is the lively Andrey Chekanyuk who recorded the emotional appeal? Businessman Alexander Murataev spoke briefly... Like, I’m sitting here now at a meeting, I’m not listening to you, but I’ll say so. And in general, correspondence on Facebook showed that a considerable number of magicians belong to the “passive” category. Or take Alexander. What was he doing at this conference? Why he? Was he the initiator of the fight against whistleblowers? In general, as it was said in the movie Promised Heaven, they “fucked up Tsushima.” The only conclusion of the conference can be considered the thesis “if tricks are revealed by our own professionals, we can at least somehow influence them, since we have access to them.” But the topic does not end with flagellation and then friendship with the “wandermakers”.

In my opinion, the solution could be like this. Since the topic of revealing secrets in the public domain was raised by a community of “intolerant” active magicians, it is necessary to form an initiative group from among them. I’m sure there will be about 15 people right away. We empower these people with the right, on behalf of ALL magicians, to censure (not to say persecute) whistleblowers. After all, honestly, ALL magicians don’t want their tricks to be revealed. You can do this by:

1. Providing them open letters and appeals from all existing clubs, associations and associations of magicians opposing the disclosure of secrets in the public domain;
2. Providing video recordings of personal addresses from magicians.

I am sure that in 70% of cases, faced with such moral pressure, people will understand that they are doing something wrong, since such great amount professionals and amateur magicians protest. To do this, it is necessary to collect relevant content that reflects the common position of all magicians that revealing tricks is bad.
If the community of magicians turns out to be unable to unite at least in this aspect and do something, I propose to close the topic of exposing tricks once and for all and never return to it again. Just as they once closed the possibility of considering patents for the invention of perpetual motion machines. Because this is just empty talk and a waste of time.

Learning to do magic tricks at home is easy with the help of our video lessons. Here you will find all the secrets and revelations in Russian and can watch online.
The impossible is possible! Want to know how? You can reveal the secrets of magicians of modern times and past centuries and simply see a lot of miracles in this section, because here is the most complete selection of materials. On our resource you will find the most interesting stories on the topic, among which there are a lot of clues to the famous tricks and illusions of David Copperfield, Cuda Bucks, champions of the world championship in the art of magic, educational materials and simply amazing magical stories from all over the world, viewing which will undoubtedly be pleasant and will allow you to believe in the possibility of the impossible. All the cool videos about magic tricks are in open access for everyone, the opportunity to watch online in any quantity is provided free of charge, because we work to make you believe that miracles happen not only in fairy tales.
Lots of stories and easy search!

Training videos about magic tricks will help you learn magic tricks; you can watch them online for free. We tried to collect for you only the best tricks from all over the world. Lovers are welcome here to perform magic tricks for family and friends, whether you are at home or at work.
Conveniently structured lists will allow each visitor to quickly find magical performances of famous magicians and the author's secrets of Internet users in a few clicks. Visitors to the section will see both simple hocus-pocus and more complex materials, the secrets of which people have been trying to uncover for many years.
On our resource there are various video jokes about magic tricks in a much larger quantity than YouTube offers, because we constantly update the resource, monitor thematic domestic and foreign portals, and also publish unique entries in order to offer site guests the most unusual and interesting stories.

Reveal the secrets of the greats and become a wizard yourself!

If you want to learn magic tricks from all over the world at home, then come visit us. big list video about tricks. You can learn to do card tricks, water tricks, coin tricks and much more. Magic, tricks, miracles - all this is in your hands.
Do you want to know the answers to the most amazing tricks? Hurry to us, you will definitely find what you need. You no longer need to turn to professional magicians to become a magician, because here you can watch online for free a large number of materials on how to learn to create miracles with your own hands.

Surprise your friends and acquaintances!

In the section you can easily find YouTube video clips that tell the secrets of tricks that will help entertain friends at a party, prank co-workers or surprise classmates, you will learn how to easily remove the tablecloth from the table without removing the dishes, how to divide a bill into two parts, and then reconnect it, how to make a match rise up, breaking the laws of physics, and many other illusions.

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