Sale of paintings. How to sell art online Where to sell paintings by an aspiring artist

Can paintings be sold online?? It turns out, yes, and quite successfully.

Here are just some of the paintings that a Russian artist from St. Petersburg successfully sold on the Internet (read the secrets of his successful sales below):

The myth of the lack of demand for art on the Internet

I used to think that it was possible to sell paintings on the Internet only through specialized sites where their connoisseurs purposefully visit.

Because why would an ordinary, not very cultured person (of whom the majority are on the Internet) look for paintings on the Internet (which, moreover, are usually expensive)?

It turns out I was wrong.

Paintings on the Internet can be sold not only on specialized art sites, but also on the needlework market

Moreover, not only American and European artists, but also Russian ones can sell them.

(Despite the fact that paintings from Russia take longer to come, Russian artists are less familiar to residents of other countries.)

(I saw several unsuccessful attempts by our artists to sell their creations on the Internet - almost no one bought them. Either the works were not interesting, or the price was too high, or no one buys paintings on the Internet at all.)

How a Russian artist successfully sells his paintings online

Today I found one such artist who sells quite successfully on

Here are some, painted in oils:

The size of this painting is 120 by 60 cm. It is painted in oil. And sold by the artist for $438.

Another flower painting (size 65 x 65 cm, worth $249):

Do you know what is the success of this artist -

And how do you get your paintings to sell online too, like

How to successfully sell paintings on the Internet - the secrets of a Russian artist

1. Each painting must be finished product, sold ready-made (so that it can be hung on the wall immediately after receipt).

2. Attach to the description of your product, in addition to, in fact, a separate image of the picture, its image in the interior. So that a potential buyer can immediately see that he is buying not only a work of art, but also an interior element that will immediately decorate his apartment or house.

Our artist attaches to each image a photo of a cozy corner of the interior with his painting:

3. underline acquisition reliability. The author of these paintings in each description writes that the authenticity and authorship of his paintings are certified by the Federal Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

4. Describe yourself on the "About Me" page. detailed and heartfelt(it is important for foreign buyers to know not only the facts about you, but also what kind of person you are). They will buy a painting from a sincere artist with great pleasure.

5. Provide foreign buyers with the address of your Facebook pages or twitter(foreigners believe that every decent person - even a Russian - must have an updated page on the American social network).

6. Compared to some of our artists who also sell their paintings on Etsy (but who sell them much worse), this artist has the phrase in the title of each item FREE SHIPPING(free shipping). Maybe this is also his secret of success?

Our artist provided the address of his Facebook page (which is the same name as the name of the online store on

For three years, this artist sold 162 their paintings on Etsy.

Some may think: not so much. On the other hand, that's 4.5 sales every month. For an artist, this is a good result (after all, you need to have time to paint them - it turns out that you need to paint one picture a week).

Even if you earn about $900(from 4.5 sales) per month(I roughly calculated) - for an artist, this is a good part-time job.

| How to sell paintings online

Today we will talk about how you can make money on the Internet if you are a creative person and would like to sell your paintings ...
And so, how can you sell your paintings via the Internet, and earn at the same time:

1) Everyone knows or foreign
Of course, you can try to sell your art at auctions, but it is unlikely that you will be able to sell your paintings for a really worthwhile price, since mass flea markets are not the place for beauty, in our case, paintings. And it will be very difficult to achieve a decent price for paintings ...
But still, there are several places where you can really sell paintings well and earn money.

2) is a site of visual art, by registering here you will be able to exhibit your works both for display and for sale ... I would like to warn you right away that the site is carefully moderated.
Also a good way to earn extra money is to participate in thematic contests. The prizes, I would like to say, are not very large (somewhere around a few tens of dollars), but winning the competition can play a big role in your future earnings on the Internet by selling paintings and bring great popularity ... Attendance on the site is more than 4,000 thousand person per day. I would also like to mention that not only artworks are taken into account, but also photographic ones.

3) is a large directory of illustrators. This is a site for artists who want to sell their paintings. The price for the author's work is somewhere in the region of $20-500 (it all depends on the complexity of the work). You can earn money by freelancing, but if you are lucky, you will be able to get into some agency and will be provided with orders, of course, you will have a stable income.

4) is a real art gallery. Here you can place works that belong to such genres as painting, sculpture, graphics or decorative art.

5) is a full-fledged online store that sells paintings and art objects. Clearly a commercial project. The site offers to earn money through cooperation on wholesale purchases of works, and also invites dealers dealing with art objects ... (income about $ 300-400 per month)

6) is a trading platform for the sale of paintings from the Soviet period. The site has a convenient search for an artist by just a few letters of his signature. The database contains almost all Soviet artists, even little-known ones. On the site, you can evaluate the painting online for free and quickly make a sale.

Placement on the site is free, there are no commissions. a great platform for the artist, because the main content is photos. Show details of your paintings, take pictures of the process and your workshop. After all, people are always interested to know who is on the other side of the picture. The main thing is to be constant, let it be 2-3 publications per week. But don't disappear for a month and then suddenly start posting dozens of photos.

In this age of information, an artist should know how to sell paintings via the Internet. The commodity realization of creative achievements has always been a problem, to the extent that the image of a poor painter has been created. The Internet space successfully helps to get rid of this cliché, promotes the dissemination of art objects around the world.


Offering his works through Internet resources created for this purpose, the artist, in addition to money, receives a number of bonuses:

  • Comfort. There is no need to go to the local souvenir markets in cold and hot weather, where most artists usually sell their work. Also, you do not have to arrange expensive exhibitions in art centers, paying rent, bills, the exposition designer, and not knowing whether the contribution will pay off.
  • Audience coverage. No matter how great the exhibition is, its holding is limited by time and location. This means that a narrow circle of people will be able to visit the exposition, while Internet platforms provide an opportunity to see the artist's work to millions of users. As a result, the likelihood of a successful sale increases.
  • Competition. Many without thinking, decide that this is a minus. In fact, in online art galleries, the artist can get acquainted with the works of other authors in his genre. This helps to see the vector of development, learn new things, learn new techniques. And the increase in skill will entail new original artistic solutions.
  • Help in determining the price. It is often difficult for a creative person to set prices for their work. Internet resources suggest how to calculate the cost of a painting.
  • Anonymity. Those who want to discreetly sell their creations will be able to do this via the Internet.
  • Name creation. And on the contrary, using a real name, indicating your social networks, you can get recognition of your talent.

Who suits?

Both a venerable master and a novice artist can sell their canvases via the Internet. This will give the first one even more popularity. The second, perhaps, will be able to gain sudden fame, or at least start creating not only for the soul, but also for the wallet.

The experience of selling paintings via the Internet will be especially profitable and allowing you to “fill your hand”:

  • art students;
  • amateur artists;
  • those who are engaged in arts and crafts as a hobby.

In order to start using the site, you need to register and upload images of your work in your personal account.Instructions for loading work.

Now you can sell your paintings/sculptures in the following ways:

In this way, the buyer can purchase your work only if the site administrator has assigned the status of “Verified User” to your account. After assigning this status, your avatar on the job page will be highlighted with a red circle.

The buyer pays for the goods through the Robokassa service in any of the proposed ways.

3. The funds will go to the company's account "artdoart”.

4. Information about the fact of payment for the order will be sent to the mail that you indicated when registering on the site. Your personal manager will contact you to agree on the method of transferring funds to your account and the method of delivering the work to the buyer.

In this way, the buyer can purchase your painting / sculpture only if the site administrator has assigned the status “Verified user” to your account. After assigning this status, your avatar on the job page will be highlighted with a red circle.

Learn more about user types

1. The customer adds your painting/sculpture to the shopping cart and proceeds to the checkout page.

3. An invoice for paying for the order will be sent to the buyer's e-mail, which he indicated when registering on the site. The buyer pays the bill.

4. Funds will be credited to the company's account "artdoart”.

5. After receipt of funds to the company's account "artdoart” your personal manager will contact you to agree on the method of transferring funds to your account and the method of delivering the work to the buyer.

1. The customer adds your painting/sculpture to the shopping cart and proceeds to the checkout page.

3. A link is sent to your mail to confirm participation in a secure transaction. When you click on this link, you go to a page where you need to enter the payment details to which the Safecrow service will transfer funds after the transaction is completed: current account and bank BIC. ATTENTION: it is not necessary to indicate the salary card account - it is preferable to use only the current account of an individual.

4. After you confirm your participation in the transaction, information on how to transfer funds to the account of the Safecrow service will be sent to the buyer's mail.

5. Information about the fact of the transfer of funds by the buyer to the account of the Safecrow service will be sent to the e-mail address that you specified when registering on the site.

6. After transferring funds to your Safecrow account, go to your personal account, open the "Purchase / Sales History" tab. Next, open the order information page.

7. On the page with information about the order, you need to enter the data of the delivery service of the goods: Name of the delivery service, Track number to track the delivery status.

After entering and saving the data, the buyer will receive this information in his mail. This way, the buyer will know that you have shipped the item and will be able to track the delivery.

8. If the goods have been delivered and the buyer has no complaints, he must go to his personal account, open the “Purchase / sales history” tab. Next, go to the page with information about the order and click the "Delivered" button.

After that, the funds from the account of the Safecrow service will be transferred within 3 working days to your account, which you indicated when confirming your participation in the transaction.


9. If the goods were not delivered or the buyer has complaints about the condition of the goods, he can go to his personal account, open the “Purchase/sales history” tab.

Information about the opening of the claim will be sent to your mail.

If, as a result of communication with you, the buyer’s claim is removed, the buyer needs to confirm the delivery and absence of claims on the order page. The transaction will be successfully closed, the funds from the Safecrow service account will be transferred to your account within 3 working days.

If, as a result of communication with you, the buyer’s claim is not removed, the buyer needs to make a request for the return of the goods.

Information about the creation of the application will be sent to your mail.

On the order page, you can confirm or refuse to confirm the return of the goods.

If a refund is refused, the transaction will go to arbitration, and further communication between you, the buyer and Safecrow will be via e-mail or phone.

If you confirm the return, the buyer must indicate on the order page the shipping data of the returned goods: Name of the delivery service, Track number to track the delivery status.

On the order page, you must confirm the delivery of the returned product by clicking on the “Item delivered” button.

After confirming the delivery, the funds from the Safecrow service account will be transferred (returned) to the buyer's account within 3 working days.

In this way, the buyer can purchase your painting / sculpture only if the site administrator has not assigned the “Verified User” status to your account. In this case, your avatar will look like this:

Learn more about user types

1. The buyer adds your work to the cart and proceeds to the checkout page.

3. Next, the buyer contacts you to agree on the method of payment and delivery of the goods. You can see the contact details of the buyer on the order page. You can also contact the buyer by sending him a private message on the site.

How to buy a work

1. Directly with Artdoart. Payment through Robokassa

In this way, you can purchase a painting/sculpture only if the site administrator has assigned the seller's account the status "Verified User". After assigning this status, the author's (seller's) avatar on the work page will be highlighted in red. Learn more about user types

4. Select a checkout method"Directly with Artdoart. Payment through Robokassa”.

5. Click on the “ORDER” button and pay for the goods through the Robokassa service, using any of the proposed methods.

6. Information confirming the payment for the order will be sent to the mail that you indicated when registering on the site.

2. Directly with Artdoart. Payment to current account

In this way, you can purchase a painting/sculpture only if the site administrator has assigned the seller's account the status "Verified User". After assigning this status, the author's (seller's) avatar on the work page will be highlighted in red. Learn more about user types

3. Add the work to the basket and go to the checkout page.

4. Choose a checkout method“Directly with Artdoart. Paymentto the current account.

5. Click on the "ORDER" button.

6. An invoice for paying for the order will be sent to the mail that you indicated when registering on the site. Next, you need to make a payment on this account.

7. Information confirming the payment for the order, the administrator will send to the e-mail address that you specified when registering on the site.

3. Through Safecrow's secure transaction service. Payment through Robokassa

2. Add the work to the cart and go to the checkout page.

3. Select a checkout method"Through Safecrow's secure transaction service.Payment through Robokassa” .

4. Click on the "ORDER" button.

5. The seller confirms participation in a secure transaction. Information about how to transfer funds to the account of the Safecrow service will be sent to the email address that you specified when registering on the site.

6. Information about the fact of transferring funds to the account of the Safecrow service will be sent to the e-mail address that you indicated during registration on the website

7. The seller on the page with information about the order must enter the data of the delivery service of the goods: Name of the delivery service, Track number to track the delivery status. After entering and saving the data, you will receive this information to your mail.

8. If the goods have been delivered and you have no complaints, you must go to your personal account, open the “Purchase/sales history” tab.

After pressing the button, the funds from the Safecrow service account will be transferred to the seller's account within 3 business days.


9. If the goods were not delivered or you have complaints about the condition of the goods, you must go to your personal account, open the “Purchase/sales history” tab. Next, you need to open the order information pageand click on the "open claim" buttonand enter the text of the claim in the field that opens.

If as a result of communication with the seller your claim is withdrawn, you need to confirm the delivery and the absence of claims.

The transaction will be successfully closed, and the funds from the Safecrow service account will be transferred to the seller's account within 3 business days.

If, as a result of communication with the seller, your claim is not withdrawn, you need to make a request for the return of the goods.

The seller on the order page can approve or refuse to confirm the return.

If the seller refuses to return the transaction, the transaction will go to arbitration, and further communication between you, the seller and Safecrow will be carried out by e-mail or by phone.

If the seller confirms the return, you need to indicate on the order page the shipping data for the returned product: Name of the delivery service, Track number to track the delivery status.

Next, the seller must confirm the delivery of the returned goods on the order page. After the seller confirms the delivery, the funds from the Safecrow service account will be transferred (returned) to your account within 3 business days.

4. Directly between seller and buyer

3. Add the work to the basket and go to the checkout page.

4. Select the ordering method "Directly between the seller and the buyer."

5. Click on the "ORDER" button and contact the seller to agree on the method of payment and delivery of the goods. You can see the contact details of the seller on the order page. You can also contact the seller by sending him a private message on the site.


Independent users themselves carry out the delivery of their paintings / sculptures, negotiating with the client directly, without the participation of ARTDOART. However, the user can use the site's delivery services at any time.

With our help, you can send your work both in Russia and abroad. Delivery of paintings / sculptures can also be carried out using such services as DHL, EMS, UPS and Russian Post.

Delivery of paintings/sculptures in Russia

Required documents

  • passport if the senderindividual
  • a power of attorney from a legal entity, certified by the signature of the head and seal, as well as a passport, if the senderentity

Painting packaging

You can pack the picture both at the post office immediately before departure, and at home. The client's corrugated cardboard packaging must be free of adhesive tape. If a picture is sent from a legal entity, then it is allowed to seal the packaging with company tape.

Painting insurance

At the post office, you can issue a declared value, which is a kind of "insurance". The service commission is 4% of the payment amount. If the painting is planned to be sent, for example, by EMS, then the “insurance” rate is 1%. There is one “but”: the declared value cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles both from the sender - an individual, and from the sender - organization.

The cost of a work of art is confirmed by a purchase receipt or a certificate from an appraiser.

If damage to the painting is allowed, delivery times change, or the work is lost, the recipient will be entitled to appropriate compensation.

The amount of the declared value is indicated on the packaging in numbers, as well as in words (in brackets).

Delivery of paintings/sculptures abroad

Required documents

  • passport if the sender is an individual
  • passport and certified power of attorney
  • customs declarations on forms CN22 and CN23, if the picture is valued at more than 28 thousand rubles.
  • cover address form in the form of СР-71.Export Permit

Each painting is accompanied by an export permit. The document is drawn up at the Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District.

In case of independent registration, it will be necessary to prepare a certain list of documents, photographs of the painting of the required size and resolution, submit an application with the package attached to an authorized expert, wait for his conclusion. After receiving an opinion on a work of art with an application and another package of documents, you need to contact the specialists of the Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District to obtain a certificate or permission. The application can be considered up to a month.

When contacting Artpost, the company's specialists take care of all the bureaucratic procedures. In addition, the sender will save time, as we have the opportunity to more quickly go through all the stages of obtaining permission. Instead of a month, it could take three days, for example.

Painting packaging

The packaging rules for sending works abroad do not differ from the rules for domestic shipments. One has only to take into account that for parcels there are restrictions on dimensions depending on the country of receipt. So, for example, for China and Germany, the height of the picture, taking into account the packaging, cannot exceed 150 cm, and the width - 300 cm.

Painting insurance

Not all countries can send paintings with a declared value, which just serves as the “insurance” of a work of art. This issue must be clarified with postal service specialists, depending on where you want to deliver the parcel.


The list of the most expensive paintings in the world opens with "The Savior of the World" (1499) by Leonardo da Vinci. It was sold for $450 million at Christie's in New York a year ago. The audience gave a standing ovation, the price seemed just crazy. We will never know who was ready to pay 30,056,310,000 rubles for da Vinci's work. This sale became a high-profile event in the art world, everyone began to wonder what is the real price of art?

Why, for example, two works by P. Picasso "A Boy with a Pipe" (1905) and "Portrait of Dora Maar" (1941) differ in price by 10 million dollars, although they were written by the same author?

What do buyers of works by Mark Rothko invest in, if “even a child can draw like that”? Why were the works "White Center" (1950), "No. 1" (1954), "Untitled" (1952) once sold for fabulous money?

Mark Rothko "White Center". 1950

So, the next question arises: how is the price of art formed? It is clear that the price of works by artists who have already passed away are determined by auction houses and galleries. And what about those who write their works now, in the 21st century, and want to sell them? How can an artist set a price for their work? Should the price of early works differ from later ones? Will works created in different styles cost the same? And if the artist is lucky, and his work appears in the state museum, the price of the rest of his paintings will increase?

Website invites artists and sculptors to set their own prices, depending on how much they want to earn from the sale of the proposed work of art. Whereas in auction houses, an expert commission is engaged in the initial evaluation of works, and the final price after the auction is completely unpredictable.

And if the expert commission, when assessing the cost, is guided by vast experience, as well as many factors for evaluating well-known, world-famous artists, then what should an artist do when faced with the question of self-assessment?

There are two problematic points. The real value of a painting is always difficult to determine and most often it turns out to be subjective. On the other hand, the second point is that not all art becomes more expensive with time. And the last difficulty is in the individual approach to the formation of prices for art objects: even if all the paintings will become cheaper, the works of some artists may rise in price in a short time.

Adequacy of perception of own creativity

Buyers before purchasing a work, if it costs more than 30,000-40,000 rubles, usually study the art market. And if they can easily spend this money on work that they like purely aesthetically, having crossed the threshold of 40 thousand (the edge is 50,000), the purchase will seem impressive to them. Therefore, they will move on to studying the biography of the artist, most likely they will be interested in the creative path.

Cost of materials

Nowadays, being an artist is not cheap - paints, canvases, lacquer, brushes, framing a picture with a frame - all these moments flow into a decent amount. The artist spends several thousand on the "basis" of the picture. And if the canvas is large, the price multiplies at times. We must not forget about the payment of the artist himself. How long did it take him to complete the painting? One, two, twenty? Add to materials.


Marcel Duchamp's ready-made works, for objective reasons, will be sold at auctions more expensive than works by Juan Miro or Sigmar Polke. After all, it was Duchamp who first began to create works in this technique - "Bicycle wheel" (1913), "Fountain" (1917). Or, for example, Picasso is the founder of cubism, obviously, his work in cubist technique will be more expensive than the work of Marevna, who went through this direction in her work.

M. Duchamp "Fountain". 1917

Exhibition activity

It is important for an artist to be talked about. Projects abroad, solo exhibitions abroad or at home, presentation of their work in online exhibitions, sale on live sites or on the Internet, interaction with other artists flows into the creation of collective exhibitions. A large list of exhibitions behind him gives the master a huge advantage over other artists, and the buyer of the art object the idea that the work of the selected artist is significant in the world.

Media mention

Articles on the topic of life and creativity, announcements of personal exhibitions, conversations about life, lectures at art universities in the country, master classes abroad, participation or even victory in international competitions. The reputation of an artist in our time largely depends on his recognition.

The rarity of the work gives an advantage

Even if the artist’s technique is unusually unique, but he puts up works for sale in a stream, this is not always good, because a large number of people will be able to possess them. The buyer usually wants the works in his collection to have value. And if the work has a common theme for many paintings, it should be noted how the work of this author differs from the rest, whether it has some kind of zest.

Another question arises when the author is no longer alive, then the price, of course, is completely different. As a result of closed sales "When is the wedding?" artist P. Gauguin was sold for a record 300 million dollars. Now it is impossible to say for sure, but it is likely that if Gauguin lived in our time, the price of his work would not be so exorbitant.

P. Gauguin "When is the wedding?". 1892

Getting works into private collections

The work can greatly increase in value if the artist's talent has already been appreciated by previous buyers. The popularity of paintings among collectors also increases the chance of success and even provides the buyer with stability and confidence in the investment.

Provenance - the history of ownership of the work

This aspect is one of the most important in determining both its price and authenticity. The cost can be influenced, for example, by the fact that a public figure owns an object of art or an interesting story associated with its writing. For example, paintings are often stolen - this fact, which gives the work some charm, can also affect the final cost. Often, even in the catalogs of state museums, such as the State Hermitage Museum, they indicate the entire path of the work before it enters the museum's collection.

So, for example, the work of Henri Matisse (1869-1954) presented below has the following origin: it was received in 1934 from the GMNZI. Previously: the Druet Gallery in Paris, collection of S.I. Shchukin, from 1918 - MNZZh-I; since 1923 - GMNZI.

Matisse A. “Still life. Vase, bottle, fruit. State Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Canvas, oil. 73x92 cm. 1906

Expert opinion

But it does not always mean the expertise of the museum. If we are not talking about a picture of an extra-class, which is world famous, the opinion of an external expert will be sufficient.

Degree of preservation

There is an obvious parallel: the better the painting is preserved, the more expensive it is. Paintings that need restoration will be priced cheaper, as this is associated with additional financial investments.

Education, experience

No wonder all artists strive to get an education in the capital's higher educational institutions. The top is made up of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg and the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. Surikov in Moscow, which have become classics, educational institutions with a long history, attract students from all over the world. It is very difficult to get there, but getting an education in such extra-class institutions guarantees that the artist has, if not talent, but definitely unique creative abilities.


Even with excellent technique and originality, the picture must be written at a high level. There should be no paint stains, dirty lines, fading marks, paints should be well mixed. It is necessary to evaluate how high-quality the paints themselves and the canvas are. Even such moments as the successful selection of proportions and balance are important.

There is an irrefutable relationship between commercial value and artistic value. But the assessment of critics is not the Absolute. It will probably change over time. Summing up, I would like to emphasize that it is often very difficult to evaluate a picture. The cost of a painting will always directly depend on the personal impression of the buyer. Significant help to the artist are online work evaluation calculators, which, after filling in all the fields, will enter the price in a matter of seconds. They are designed to encourage artists to bet just the right amount.

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