Google Play services update. How to update google play services on android to run the app

To actively use mobile applications, it is important to periodically check for the latest versions of the software. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to update Google Play Services on Android.

Google Play Services is a software package that comes pre-installed on all Android devices. If it is not available on your gadget, you can install it through the Play Market. It is recommended that you update Google Play Services regularly, as this essential component is responsible for the health of the following processes:

  • Manage the update of all programs and games (including those from third-party developers).
  • Software interaction with Google servers.
  • Provide secure authentication to major search engines and mail servers.
  • A secure connection (it is required when paying online or entering personal data on sites) and secure password storage.
  • Synchronization of a notebook with other gadgets running Android OS. Thanks to this feature, you can transfer contacts from different gadgets.
  • Interaction with optimal RAM allocation and power saving services.
  • The performance of geolocation sensors.

All ways to update Google Play services

Usually Google Play services are updated without user intervention, i.e. automatically. However, if force majeure situations arise (operating system failure, incorrect user intervention, etc.), you will have to initiate the update procedure yourself.

Next, we will tell you how to update the google play market on android. There are 3 ways in total: through the Play Market, using a pre-downloaded APK file and re-installing. Let's look at each of them so that you have the opportunity to choose.

Method 1: Manual update through the Play Market

Consider how to update Google Play on Android through the Play Market. To do this, through the main menu of the smartphone, go to the application store and log in to it under your login.

The Play Store allows you to update automatically or manually. In the first case, the utility itself finds the latest updates for all available programs at once, downloads and installs them. In the second, the user decides when and which updates to install.

Please note: in the settings you can specify that automatic updates are performed only when connected to Wi-Fi, so as not to consume 3G / 4G traffic. To do this, check the corresponding box.

Action algorithm:

  1. Activate the Internet on the gadget (preferably Wi-Fi).
  2. Open Play Market.
  3. In the upper left corner, click on the button in the form of 3 stripes. This will bring up a hidden panel.
  4. Select "My Apps", then in the "Updates" tab, click on the "Google Play Services" icon. As a result, the update process will begin. If there is no "Update" button, then you are using the latest version of the software.

To avoid the need to perform identical manipulations every time, you can set automatic updates. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

We go to the Play Market. In the side tab, click on the "Settings" item and go to the section with general settings, here you need to select "Auto-update applications" and set the update mode - never, always, or only when connected to Wi-Fi:

Pay attention to the second option (always). In this mode, all applications will be updated when the 3G / 4G connection is turned on. If you have a plan with a small amount of mobile data, it will end quickly, especially if you have a lot of "heavy" applications on your device. The best option is to update only via Wi-Fi.

Method 2: Reinstall

Now we will tell you how to update google play services on android by running a re-installation. This method is suitable if the update fails to replace the old version (this happens, for example, when there are problems with the operating system). It consists in removing and reinstalling Google services. You will need to do the following:

  1. In the settings of the gadget, enter the "applications" section.
  2. In the list that opens, find Google Play.
  3. A window will appear in which you need to click on the “stop” button.
  4. In the upper right corner, click on the "uninstall updates" button.
  5. Open Play Market.
  6. In the section my apps and games find "Google Services" and click on the "update" button. After that, the update process will start, upon completion, the system will display a corresponding notification.

Method 3: From a Third Party Source

Let's clarify right away - this method should be resorted to only if the previous ones did not work (for example, if there is no Internet connection on the device). You can update Google services without the Play Market by downloading the APK file (for example, on a laptop) and installing it manually. This file can be transferred from a PC to a smartphone using a USB cable.

You should download the APK file only from a trusted source, as distribution kits with viruses can be distributed on some sites. Before installation, it is recommended to check the file with an antivirus, only then proceed to the installation.

By default, all smartphones and tablets are restricted from installing apps from unverified sources. Because of it, the APK file will not open, so the restriction must be removed. This is done as follows: go to the device settings, open the "Security" tab, activate the checkbox next to the item "Unknown sources":

Then it remains to open the APK file and initiate the installation process. After the installation is completed, the Google services icon will appear in the applications section.

RPC:S-7 error - what to do

If such a notification appears, then you need to deactivate your Google account and create a new one. To do this, do the following:

  • In the application menu, open the settings section.
  • In the section that appears, select "Accounts". If there are several of them on the device, select the active one.
  • In the window that appears, select the advanced options section. In it, click on the "Delete entry" item.
  • Confirm the action and reboot the device.
  • At the end, we create a new account and link a phone number to it.

Please note that deleting an account does not affect the file system and saved contacts.

Can't access the app store

If the Play Market does not open, it is most likely related to the account. This usually happens if the email password (to which the account is linked) has changed, or there has been a serious software failure on Google servers, as a result of which the device has ceased to recognize the account.

This icon indicates problems with your Gmail account

Regardless of the cause of the problem, there is only one solution for it - to restore access to the account. To do this, having connected to the Internet (you don’t have to download anything, so you can use 3G), you need to go to the account settings section and click on the “sync now” icon. The system may ask you to additionally authorize (you may need to re-enter passwords). Upon completion of the synchronization procedure, access to the Play Market will be restored.

Error codes and solutions

When you download or install an application, you usually receive an error notification with a code. Knowing this information, you can easily fix the problem. Here are the most common errors and how to fix them.

The code Elimination Method
505 Install a third party file manager and give it root permissions. In the application, go to system / priv-app / and delete the folders GmsCore, Phonesky. After that, you need to boot into recovery and install Gapps
506 Stop and completely clear application data: Google Play Store, Google Framework and Google Services. In the synchronization options, uncheck all active checkboxes. Restart smartphone. Activate all previously unchecked checkboxes. Reboot your device again.
491 In the device settings, delete the current Google account, and then reboot. Turn on the device and activate the remote account. Through the application settings, open "Google Services" and click clear data, then stop the application.
413, 492 Clear Google Services data and stop the app. After that, delete the cache in the browser (in the main by default).
927 The error occurs during the installation of updates. You must wait for the installation to complete. If the problem persists after this, you need to stop and clear the data of the Google Services app
941 Delete the data and stop the Google Services app, then delete the cache via the download manager.

If you're having trouble troubleshooting yourself, watch the video below. It shows everything clearly.

Perhaps one of the main applications in any phone. With it, the user can download various applications, games and other useful programs to his mobile device. For the application to work correctly, you must have the latest version of the program installed on your smartphone or tablet. Since with each update, developers improve performance, make design changes and fix bugs that occurred in earlier versions. Many users have a question, how to update?

In most cases, the program is updated automatically, immediately after a newer version is released. However, on some devices, especially those made in China, there are problems with the update, after which the application starts to work unstably. In this case, the question - how to update the Play Market on Android, is more than relevant. In fact, everything is quite simple and updating the program in manual mode will take no more than five minutes.

Update instructions

If you have problems and you do not know how to update the Play Market, then follow the update instructions, which will be presented below.
First you need to launch the application on your mobile device and enter the menu, which is located in the upper left corner.

In the tab that appears, find the line " Settings” and click on it.

When the settings menu opens, go down and select the " Assembly version»

If you have the latest version of the app installed on your device, you will see a message like the image below. If your version is outdated, it will automatically start updating to the latest version.

If you did everything correctly, then in a few minutes, Google Play will be updated. When the update is finished, restart your mobile device.

Play Market service update

When the latest version of the Market is installed on the smartphone, all Google Play services are updated automatically when the gadget is connected to the Internet. However, for users who do not have unlimited Internet or have a traffic limit, such an update can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, many simply turn off the auto-update function in the settings.

What to do if you need to update Google Play services, but don't want to spend precious traffic? In this case, you can do a selective update of any of the applications in manual mode. Let's take a look at the example of a calendar.

First you need to launch the PlayMarket and select the section " My apps»

In the tab " My apps» select the section « Installed". The field of this will open a page with all the applications installed on the device. You must select the application that you want to update. In our case, this is a calendar.

After we have selected the application, the page of this application should open in front of us, where we need to click on the button " Refresh».

Before updating, the system will ask you to confirm our actions by pressing the button " To accept».

The update has begun. When the process is completed, the system will notify you about it. Using this technique, you can update any application downloaded to your device. This method has a number of advantages, such as:

  • Traffic saving
  • Update, only necessary applications
  • Rapidity


Despite the fact that the developers of the application do everything possible to make life easier for users, including automatic updates, problems still arise. However, I am glad that the problem can be solved in just a few minutes and without any special tricks.

The Play Market is one of the most important apps on all Android gadgets. Thanks to him, users can download various programs, games, books, music to their devices. Moreover, this service from Google is automatically configured to check the current version of applications and update them. Therefore, every user needs to know how to update the Play Market on Android.

Many problems with an Android smartphone can be the result of a Google Play store failure. For example, due to an error in Google Play services, access to many pre-installed applications may be blocked and system processes may stop working.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary to monitor the timely updating of the branded application store. As a result, along with the ability to download new software, the user receives stable operation of system programs.

How to update the Play Market manually

By default, the Play Store is set to receive updates automatically. But it is possible that as a result of a malfunction in the Android OS, this software may not be updated.

The solution to the problem is to check and install the new version of the Play Market firmware manually. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

  • launch the Play Market program;
  • click in the upper right corner on the icon in the form of three horizontal dashes;

  • select the "Settings" section;

  • click on the item "Build version";

  • if a message about the availability of a new firmware version appears on the screen, start the process by pressing the “OK” button.

Another way to force the upgrade of this program is to uninstall the current version.

To do this, do the following:

  • open "Settings";

  • click on the "Applications" section;

  • go to the "All" tab;

  • find in the Play Market list;

  • click "Uninstall updates";

  • confirm the action by pressing the "OK" button;

  • wait until the removal process is completed;
  • Launch the Play Store and click on "Build Number" again.

If you uninstalled the updates, but the problem is not solved, you need to try another solution - clear the program cache. You can do this in the following way:

  • open the "Applications" section;
  • go to the "All" tab;
  • find and launch the Play Store;
  • click on the "Clear cache" or "Erase data" button;

  • reboot the device, and restart the program update.

If Google Play is not updated even after these manipulations, you can delete your account. You can perform this action in this way:

  1. Click in the system settings on the item "Accounts" or "Accounts" (on different versions of Android, this item may be called differently).
  2. Select "Google" from the list.
  3. Click on the account name.
  4. In the upper right corner, click on the icon in the form of three dots.
  5. Click "Delete account".
  6. Confirm deletion.
  7. Open Google play.
  8. Enter the username and password for the account, and start the update manually through the "Assembly version" section.

How to update Google Play installed on the phone manually

On some smartphone models, this software is not preinstalled. This situation may occur when using a non-certified phone or non-official OS firmware.

The only way to update the Google Play store is to download the new version and install it manually. You can find and download free firmware for this program through various Internet resources.

Before proceeding with the installation of Google Play, you must uninstall its previous version from the smartphone’s memory and allow software installation from unknown sources. To activate the "Unknown sources" option, you need to do the following:

  • enter "Settings";
  • in the "Security" section, activate the "Unknown sources" option.

You can download apk from the Internet resource both through a computer and through a phone. If the user used a PC to download, then the Google App Store installation file must be transferred to the Android device using a USB cable.

Installing Google Play Market is no different from installing other programs or games. To do this, the user must perform the following actions:

  • enable any file manager on your mobile phone;

  • go to the "Downloads" folder if the apk was downloaded via phone. If the program was transferred to an android gadget via a PC, open the folder where the installation file was copied;

  • find the downloaded file and click on it;

  • click "Install";

  • after the installation process is completed, you need to restart your smartphone.

If immediately after the update there are problems with the device or access to Google Play, the user can return to the previous version. To do this, find the Play Market in the "Applications" section and click on the "Uninstall updates" button.

Consider how to properly update Google Play services and get rid of errors during the installation of software on your smartphone.

What are services for?Google play?

Google Play Services- This is a software package that is used by default by all gadgets based on . All installed services are managed by a single utility. Google developers recommend regularly updating standard software for stable system operation.

If there is no service software in the main menu of your device, you can always install it from the official app store. Thus, the interaction of all applications will be carried out without failures and bugs.

Google services cannot be removed from the device because they are responsible for the following processes:

Updates allow the device owner to use Google programs with the most up-to-date interface and new functionality. Each update fixes previous bugs and improves program performance.

Method 1 - Useplay market

The first and easiest way to install updates for standard services is to use . The store icon is located in the main menu of the phone. To start downloading programs, you just need to log in under your own - you can use an existing profile or create a new account.

There are two types of updates from the Play Market:

  • Automatic;
  • Custom.

In the first case, the system automatically downloads and installs updates for all gadget programs or only for the selected list of applications. The download of new components begins when the phone connects to a fast Internet connection (via Wi-Fi). The second option - the user himself starts the update process for the program he needs.

To set up automatic updates, go to the app store and follow the instructions:

1 Flip from left to right open the main menu tab;

2 Click on the field "Settings";

3 In the window that opens, find the general settings section and select the item "Auto Updates";

4 In the box for changing the value of the option, check the item "Is always" or "Only via WiFi" if you want to save traffic. Also, it is not recommended to select the item "Is always" if you frequently use the Internet over a cellular network. Automatic downloads of programs may exceed the limit of available MB, which will lead to additional Internet costs.

Ready. Now, immediately after connecting the gadget to a high-speed connection to the global network, downloading updates for Google services and the rest of the user-selected software will begin.

If you do not want to automatically download any content from the Internet (this may slow down the device), you can manually start the installation of the new version of the program:

  • Go to page "Google Services" by the link ;
  • In the market window that opens, press the button "Update". If this button is absent and there are only the "Delete" and "Open" buttons, this means that the current version of the software itself is installed on your device.

You can check the name of the latest version of the program, version history, and learn about fixed bugs and new build features using the text field under the screenshots of the program on its page in the store.

About updates you will be notified by this tab in the status bar:

Just click on the notification that appears to get to . Perform the manual update as described above.

Method 2 - Installing Updated Services from a Third Party Source

This update option should be used if the standard software store has stopped working on your gadget for some reason. You can solve the problem with the work of services by installing them from a regular APK file.

Pay attention to the source from which the setup file is downloaded. To confirm its safety, we advise you to start it in the operating system.

It will be impossible to install the program if installation from unverified sources is prohibited. To enable this option, go to the device settings. Then open the "Applications" tab and check the box next to the item indicated in the figure below:

Now you can run the APK file. Confirm your agreement with the software use policy from the developer and wait for the installation of the program to complete. The Google services icon will appear in the main menu of the phone.

Android device owners use Google services anyway. But sometimes this software is not updated for various reasons. This article will show you how to update Google Play Services on Android.

Purpose of Google Services

Google Services is a set of software that is used by default in most Android devices and manages built-in services. The failure of the main service makes using Google Play problematic.

Features of Google Services:

  • updating installed software;
  • synchronization of settings and data on the server and device;
  • verification of authorization when using a search engine, mail, video and social. networks;
  • storing passwords;
  • ensuring the secure transmission of confidential data on the Web;
  • interaction with services, including those controlling RAM resources;
  • determining the location of the gadget.

Service update

To keep the software up to date, use one of the following methods.

Through the Play Market

This is the standard update method and works in most cases.

Note! The procedure is available if you have a Google account used on the device.

  1. Open Play Market → "My Apps" via swipe on the left.
  2. Programs available for updating have an "Update" button. Click on a specific list item.
  3. Click "Update".
  4. Confirm your decision.
  5. Wait until the end of the process.

To update the app store itself:

Third Party Sources

The program can be installed and updated manually using an installation file with the .apk extension. The method is used when there is a problem with the launch of the Play Market or its absence.

Note! Before installing, check the downloaded file for viruses, even if it is from a trusted source.

By default, Android does not allow you to install third-party software, so you need to enable this feature yourself.

Note! The following instructions are written for Android 6.0 using MIUI 9. In other versions, the location or name of the menu items may differ.

After that, the installation of apk files will be possible.

Rolling back updates

If none of the methods helped or it is impossible to update the services due to an error, you should roll back the installed updates.

After that, you need to re-login to your Google account and update the software.


Google Play services are updated using the Play Market or third-party sources using apk files. If there are problems with updates, they should be rolled back through the management of the Google Services application.

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