Husband of Maria Sittel. My husband and I had a holiday romance Maria Sittel where did she go

Maria, tell us a little about your child's father.

- This is a wonderful, very good man, a man whom I love. (After a pause, smiling.) This is my husband Alexander. We got married last year in Moscow. Quiet, not saying anything. Alexander has nothing to do with television. We met three years ago in Cyprus. Alexander came up to me on the beach and asked some banal question like: “Isn’t the water cold?” It turns out that Sasha and I had a holiday romance ... Soon he proposed to me. But I didn’t say “yes” to him right away, but only a year later. Probably, she struggled with her inner fears and complexes, because my first marriage was far from unambiguous ... When we met, Sasha did not know that I was working on television. Who I am, Sasha was told by his sister. And you say - a popular TV presenter! (Laughs.)

Maria, you are going on maternity leave. Will you be sad without air?

I'm starting to get a little sad! Believe me, I cannot live without those guys with whom I have been working side by side on the Rossiya TV channel for the past eight years. We understand each other perfectly. Even in small things. The guys know how to more accurately formulate an idea for me in a sentence, which words to use and which not. You know, I haven’t hosted Vesti for several weeks now, but at exactly 19.50, that is, ten minutes before my usual evening broadcast, a pleasant inner tension still grips me: the biological clock is ticking. A state of extreme concentration sets in. Like a cat before a jump: the last seconds, shrink into a spring, calculate your flight in order to reach the goal ...

PS: “I am treated without pills”

Apparently, television is already in your blood. Although you never dreamed of the profession of a TV presenter, right?

– Absolutely. Everything happened by chance. I was a first-year student at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology at the Penza Pedagogical University. One fine day, the guys from our student club, a kind of KVN, offered me to star in their humorous program. For filming some kind of anecdotal interlude, they needed a tall girl - with long hair, high heels, in a short skirt. When they asked me: "Mash, let's help!" - I immediately cut off: “Me? In front of the camera? Yes, never in my life! And don't try to recruit me for your television. I have completely different plans."

In that story for the transfer, I still starred. And then she began to look into the television studio. Yes, out of curiosity. I didn’t even think about going to work on television. Or, for example, become a model. Although in Penza I graduated from the fashion model school and even sent a portfolio to the capital. Rather, by inertia, for the company with friends. And a year later, from Moscow, from Slava Zaitsev, a positive answer came: you come to us, we take you. But I just laughed. It all seemed too frivolous to me.

And what were your plans?

Best of the day

- I dreamed of only one thing - to do science: to grow crystals, work with dolphins ... At the suggestion of my mother, I entered the Medical Lyceum, where I studied Latin, chemistry, biology, anatomy in depth, and did an internship at the hospital. My biggest dream was to become an orthopedic surgeon. I even worked in the orthopedic department for a year and a half - I installed drains ... You know, the desire to heal still lives in me. The book I look at the most today is the medical encyclopedia. I treat myself without pills, for some time I try not to drink them at all, I began to jump rope for an hour without stopping, to dive into cold springs with my daughter Dasha ...

Do you regret not becoming a doctor?

“I never regret anything. All the will of God. And I will definitely become a doctor in my next life! You see, you can heal not only with a scalpel, but also with a word. I have no doubt that all our sores are from our words, actions and even thoughts. When, a few seconds before going live, the command is heard in the studio: “Hat! Motor! Go!" - I feel a colossal responsibility: what will I tell my viewers now, how will I convey information to them? I try to speak simply and clearly. And always spare human feelings, because life leaves a lot of scars anyway.

"TV lured me"

But how did you get on TV anyway?

“The time has come when I needed a job. I started to conduct a half-hour program in Penza like "Morning Mail" - "Musical Souvenir". People wrote letters of application, especially often asked to show Nadezhda Kadysheva ... And then I was invited to the news service, first as an intern, then as a reporter, and later I became a presenter. To be honest, little by little television lured me. But even at that time I did not think that this would become my profession. Therefore, she submitted documents to the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. I thought I would become a banker, I would have a lot of money, I would have something to feed my family. She did not become a banker, but she received a specialty.

And then you were invited to Moscow, to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company?

Yes, in the summer of 2001. I remember how I walked around the studio and was surprised at everything. I felt how my world, in which I lived in Penza, was collapsing. That I become part of a completely different, big world. That I should become a different person, with a different responsibility, with a different attitude. I suddenly realized how little I know, that I can't tell Iraq from Iran, I don't know where the Cayman Islands and the La Perouse Strait are. I thought: how can I deal with all this? But since then, from my first broadcast on VGTRK, which took place on September 17, 2001, I began the countdown of my professional career. They gave me a room in a hostel. I filled it with newspapers, magazines. I read all the articles, cut out the notes! I studied why the Venezuelan revolution is called a pan revolution, what is the difference between Shiites and Sunnis, why in the Middle East everyone endlessly divides something and cannot divide it in any way. Learned by heart the names of politicians. Of course, I knew something, but now I needed a completely different level.

Maria, now you are an experienced TV presenter. Is there anything you don't like about yourself?

- Of course. I constantly analyze everything, any of my broadcasts. After all, this is a live broadcast! I am often told that on television I am too dry. Like, this dryness eats away my youth, extinguishes my inner fire. But on the other hand, the Vesti format does not in any way imply excessive emotions. You know, for me, for example, because of this, it was not easy to agree to participate in the project of the channel "Russia" "Dancing with the Stars"! But I overcame the stiffness in myself. Dancing taught me more freedom. In general, I always try to fight my fears. As a child, I almost drowned in the Volga. For a long time, then I could not even come close, not only to the river, even to the pool. But at some point I decided that I had to put an end to this fear, and took up diving at the initiative of my daughter.

Does daughter Dasha still live in Penza with your parents?

Yes, with my parents. Now, while Dasha is still at school, she really feels better in Penza. My daughter is 11 years old, and she, like any teenager, has every day scheduled by the minute - tutors in foreign languages, physics, mathematics, a swimming pool, a dance school, playing the guitar and piano ... In Moscow, with my employment, all this, of course, it would be difficult to implement. But on the other hand, we call each other a thousand times a day, for any little thing, we communicate via the Internet. Not to mention the fact that I always leave for Penza every week I am free from conducting Vesti. But next year I'm going to move my daughter to my place, to Moscow: Dasha will have to prepare for entering the university.

Private bussiness. Maria Sittel

She has been on television since 1997. In Penza, she worked on the TV channels Nash Dom, Express, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Penza.

Winner of the TEFI award, the Order of Friendship for his contribution to the development of television.

In 2005, she played herself in an episode of the TV series Prime Time Goddess based on the novel by Tatyana Ustinova.

In 2006, with dancer Vladislav Borodinov, she won the final of the show "Dancing with the Stars".

Hobbies: photography, skiing, reading books (interested in geopolitics, medicine, likes to read dictionaries).

He loves our old comedies, Verdi's music, riding bicycles with his daughter.

By the way

Maria's younger sister, Anna Sittel (21), works in the frame just like her elder sister - she is the host of the Vesti-Penza program and part-time the face of the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Elena 22.02.2016 09:24:52

Today is February 23! I have five brothers, no one was in prison, no one was involved. All served in the Soviet Army. The junior officer. I wish them all health and happiness. To all the men of Russia.

Popular TV presenter Maria Sittel, who recently gave birth to her fourth child, decided on a name for the baby. In addition, the domestic celebrity revealed the identity of her husband.


Recall that Andrei Kondrashov, a colleague of the presenter, shared the news about the delivery of Maria Sittel with numerous readers and fans of his account on the social network Twitter. It was in his microblog that he reported the information that the TV presenter became a mother again. "Maria Sittel today, December 18, gave birth to a son! :) Our congratulations from the entire television workshop !! :))" - said the presenter.

It soon became known that the newborn was named Nikolai. This was told by Eduard Anatolyevich, 64-year-old father of Mary. Baby weighing four kilograms 38 grams and 58 centimeters tall was born in one of the perinatal centers of the Moscow region. She was met from the maternity hospital by her mother Larisa Pavlovna, 17-year-old Dasha - daughter from her first marriage and beloved husband Alexander, StarHit reports.

Note that recently Sittel with her husband and children moved from the capital to a village near Moscow on New Riga. The TV presenter acquired a plot of about 20 acres and a rather simple house back in 2008. Over time, it was equipped, overhauled, as a result, the house turned into a cozy two-story cottage with a huge children's playroom. They say that Alexander himself assembled furniture in the house, hung chandeliers, and now with the workers he is completing the construction of the bathhouse.

By the way, journalists found out that Sittel's husband is 34-year-old Alexander Tereshchenko. In 2001, he graduated from the Moscow State University with a master's degree in economics, and in 2004 he already held the post of financial director of the Cherepovets Azot company. A year later, he became vice-, and two years later, president of the large coal mining company Krasnoyarskkraiugol.

In March 2010, Tereshchenko and Sittel had their first child, Ivan. And a few months later, in July, Alexander left his position for the sake of a new project. The leader's father said that Maria's husband is very caring:“Sasha is a smart, caring and loving husband and father. Once my wife and I came to visit, we are sitting with our daughter, we have lunch. My son-in-law enters with a huge bouquet of roses. I ask: “What are we celebrating?” He answered: “But we need a reason "- and gives flowers to Mashenka!"

TV viewers hardly need to be introduced to Maria Sittel, who has been working on the Rossiya channel for several years. But besides this, she manages to give lectures to students of the Faculty of Journalism of MITRO. During her career, Maria interrupted her work experience several times, however, this was due to important events that took place in her personal life. Because of the birth of children, she temporarily left her post, but she never stayed on maternity leave. In 2016, replenishment happened again in the Sittel family: the TV presenter gave her husband a fifth child.

Maria was born in 1975 in Penza. Her father, who has German roots, was engaged in business, and her mother, Jewish by nationality, was a housewife. In her childhood, the future presenter dreamed of becoming a doctor, so after graduating from school she entered the university at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology. Then she continued her education, but already with a degree in finance and credit. Even in her student years, Sittel was offered to host a program at a local television and radio company, and two years later she was on the staff of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Penza. Soon the girl left for Moscow, where since 2001 she has become the host of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel. During her career, she has earned many prizes and awards in the development of domestic television.

Maria did not immediately improve her personal life: she first got married when she was 20 years old. In this marriage, a daughter, Daria, was born, but soon the couple broke up. Then the novice TV presenter left for Moscow, and the girl stayed with her parents. However, Sittel came home for the weekend, besides this, she constantly called Daria, helping her with her lessons. In 2006, the broadcast star took part in the Dancing with the Stars project, where she danced in tandem with Vladislav Borodinov. The journalists then decided that there was an affair between the partners, however, the participants themselves denied these speculations.

In the photo, Maria Sittel with her children - sons Kolya, Savva, Ivan and daughter Daria

Maria met her future husband Alexander Tereshchenko when she was vacationing in Cyprus. At first, she did not believe in the seriousness of the holiday romance, however, soon the man proposed to her. Another year passed before the presenter answered “yes” to her lover. Their wedding took place in 2009, and a year later their son Ivan was born. In 2012, Sittel again became a mother: the son Savva was born. A year later, the family was replenished with a third child - son Nikolai, and in the fall of 2016, daughter Ekaterina was born. A few years ago, the whole family moved out of town, settling in a big house.

In the photo, the husband of Maria Sittel with their common son Savva

With the birth of children, Maria's personal life has changed, however, she and her husband often go to the theater or go to the opera. If there are a few free days, they will definitely fly to the sea together. As in any family, they have quarrels, but the TV presenter has learned to smooth out conflicts by talking heart to heart with her husband.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 21.09.2016

Maria Sittel is a Russian TV presenter who, from 2001 to 2016, hosted the news program Vesti on the Rossiya TV channel.

The woman is married and already has five children, and a few days ago there was news about her sixth pregnancy.

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: education and the beginning of a career on television

Sittel Maria Eduardovna was born in Penza on November 9, 1975. She studied at the lyceum with a medical specialty in her hometown. In 1993 she entered the Pedagogical Institute in Penza. There she studied the specialty "Biology - Chemistry".

A little later, she received another higher education, graduating from the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics. Maria Eduardovna has always been fond of sports, skiing, reading books and photography.

In 1997, the girl began to build a career on television, holding the position of presenter. The following year, 1998, she became a correspondent, and a little later, a news anchor for the Penza TV channel Express. A year later, in 1999, Maria Sittel went to work at the Penza State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: a career as a presenter on the Rossiya TV channel

From 2001 to 2006 She served as a TV presenter of the Vesti program on the Rossiya channel. In 2003, in addition to daytime, evening editions were added. Since 2004, she has hosted the daily Special Opinion program on Radio Russia.

In the period 2006 - 2008. Maria Sittel was a joint host with Dmitry Kiselev of the large issue of Vesti, which came out at 20:00. On April 25, 2007, together with Nikolai Svanidze, she commented on the farewell ceremony for the first president of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin.

From 2006 to 2007 she was the host of the Vesti++ TV program. In the period 2008 - 2016 together with Ernest Mackevicius and Andrey Kondrashov, she hosted the evening editions of Vesti. Since 2009, according to Wordyou. until 2011 - the only host of the program "Special Correspondent".

Maria Sittel is expecting her sixth child: husband and children of Maria Sittel

Maria Eduardovna Sittel met her current husband, a successful businessman Alexander Tereshchenko, in 2008 while vacationing in Cyprus. Their relationship did not suggest a serious continuation in the future, but a few days after they met, the young man made her an interesting offer, which the woman could not refuse. In 2009, the lovers arranged a small wedding ceremony in the circle of relatives and closest friends.

In addition to the eldest daughter Maria from her first marriage, in 2010 their common eldest son Vanya was born. In 2012, the couple had a baby again, he was named Savva. In 2013, the woman gave her beloved husband another son, Nikolai.

In the fall of 2016, a little princess, Catherine, was born.

Recently there was news that young people do not stop there and are expecting a sixth child. But there was no official confirmation of the rumors from Mary or Alexander.

Maria Sittel, host of the Vesti program on the Rossiya channel, gave birth to a girl, who was named Ekaterina, in the elite Lapino clinic near Moscow. Maria is already at home and accepts congratulations. This is her fifth child. Sittel also has a daughter from her first marriage, Dasha, and sons, Savva, Ivan and Nikolai.


“The choice directly depends on the place where we live,” StarHit magazine quotes the happy mother. “A few years ago we moved with our family out of town. Therefore, if earlier it was the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction on Sevastopol Avenue, now Lapino is closer. In addition, I have a long-standing warm relationship with Mark Kurtser (owner of the clinic, professor, obstetrician-gynecologist. - Approx. Ed.). The only problem is that shortly before the birth, a trip abroad appeared on the schedule, but the baby did not want to be born there. "

Dni.Ru that at one time the children of Alla Pugacheva, Christina Asmus and Elena Temnikova were born in the same clinic. And now, as they say, Ksenia Sobchak is going to give birth there. The cost of a VIP delivery in Lapino is approximately 500,000 rubles.

Maria Sittel hopes that her example will help many women become more determined: “Children make us wiser. You can’t be offended by children, they are your continuation, you are all in them ... I want to say to all women who are afraid to give birth because of their career: believe me, most people are sympathetic to your desire to become a mother."

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