Mathematical project "Numbers in fairy tales, poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings.". Proverbs, sayings and riddles about numbers for children Numbers in riddles proverbs sayings 1 10

MBOU "Kamenskaya OOSh"

1st grade student of MBOU "Kamenskaya OOSh"

Rapin Stas

"Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings"

Supervisor: Kozyaykina N.N.

Project goals:

Acquaintance with the history of the emergence of numbers and figures;

Expansion of knowledge about the world around;

Formation of skills to work with information;

Development of speech, mental and creative abilities;

Raising a love for mathematics.

Project stages:

    Collection of information (conversations with adults, work with reference books, Internet resources ...).

    Creation of the final work: Making a booklet "Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings" See p. 64 - 65 of the textbook “Mathematics. 1 class. Part 1".

    Project protection.

From the history

The word "mathematics" originated in ancient Greece around 5th century BC It comes from the word "mathema" - "teaching", "knowledge gained through reflection."

Without the knowledge of mathematics, all modern life would be impossible. For example, we would not have good houses, because builders must be able to measure, count and construct.

There would be no railroads, no ships, no planes, no big industry.

And, of course, there would be no music, radio, television, movies, telephone and a thousand other things.

And we meet with numbers everywhere and everywhere: on the pages of books, newspapers, magazines, on house numbers, on telephones, on cars, buses, airplanes...

And numbers are also found in riddles, fairy tales, puzzles, proverbs and sayings!

About figures and numbers

In one wonderful country of numbers, they lived, but did not grieve the numbers. They had a queen "Mathematics", she ruled honestly and fairly.

And then one fine day robbers X and Y attacked this country. The whole country of numbers gathered for battle. And 1,2 and 3 thought that the country of numbers would lose, and hid. The signs have arrived. They began to argue who is stronger, the country of numbers, or the robbers. says that the robbers are stronger, and stronger. They cannot decide who is stronger. And so the battle began. Numbers 5,6,7 and 8 tried very hard to win. + increases, - decreases,: divides, x multiplies. Yes, they just can't do anything. After all, X and Y are unknown, how will they defeat them? Soon they solved the equations and found out what numbers are hidden under the masks of Hee. The numbers won. Queen "Mathematics" wanted to drive out the robbers. But the sign of reconciliation came = and reconciled everyone.

The queen forgave all the robbers, everyone began to live happily and amicably.

One spring at home is better than one hundred spring in a foreign land.

One the bee will bring some honey.

Hands will overcome one , knowledge - thousand.

An old friend is better than a new one two.

Bouncer price - three pennies.

Don't recognize a friend in three days - find out in three of the year.

horse about four legs, and even then he stumbles.

Without four the corners of the hut are not cut.

Here's four. Not difficult
In writing she:
Left corner ahead
Lead the line to the right.

There is an even shorter way:
I need to move the chair.
On the left is the leg, on the right is the back.
Very accurate picture!

Expensive - five , but straight ten .

Him six tricks and five deceptions.

At seven babysitting a child without an eye.

For a mad dog seven verst is not a circle.

Spring and autumn - on the day of the weather eight .

Nine man - no matter what dozen .

Tricky riddles

1. The man bought three goats, paid twelve rubles for them, why did each goat come? (On the ground.)

2. Sit three cats, against every cat two cats, how many of them? (Three.)

3. Shel one, found five rubles; three will they go, will they find much? (five rubles.)
Poems about numbers.

Here one or unit,
Very thin, like a needle.

And here is the number two.
Love what it's like:
arches deuce neck
Tail dragging behind her.

And for deuce- look-
Speaker figure three.
Troika- the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

Three are coming four,
Sharp elbow of a bulge.

And then she went to dance
number on paper five.
Stretched out her hand to the right
The leg was sharply bent.

Number six- door lock:
Hook on top, circle on bottom.

Here seven- poker.
She has one leg.

At eights two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine or nine,
Circus acrobat:
If you stand on your head,
Numeric six nine will become.

A number like the letter O
it zero, or nothing.
Round zero, so cute,
But it doesn't mean anything.

If on the left, next to him
unit accept,
He will weigh more
Because it - ten.
S. Ya. Marshak.

Project type: research and information Purpose: to expand the understanding of numbers on the material of oral folk art Tasks: Select riddles, proverbs and sayings containing numbers Select riddles, proverbs and sayings containing numbers Collect and classify information into sections (riddles, proverbs, sayings) Collect and classify information into sections (riddles, proverbs, sayings) Work in a group, plan and distribute work among its members Work in a group, plan and distribute work among its members

Come on guys, learn to count, divide, multiply, add, subtract. Remember everything that without an exact account, any work will not budge. Without an account there will be no light on the street. Without an account, a rocket will not be able to rise, Without an account, a letter will not find an addressee And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek. Count, guys, count more precisely, Feel free to add a good deed, Quickly subtract bad deeds. The textbook will teach you the exact score, Get to work, get to work!

The Tale of the Country of Tsifiriya Far, far beyond the seas and mountains was the country of Tsifiriya. Very honest numbers lived in it. Only zero was lazy and dishonest. Once everyone learned that Queen Arithmetic was calling the inhabitants of Tsifiriya to her service. Everyone wanted to serve the queen. Four deep rivers flowed between Cytheria and the kingdom of Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. The numbers decided to unite all together to get to the kingdom. On the way, many amazing adventures happened to them, zero prevented everyone. But the inhabitants of Tsifiriya reached the kingdom. Queen Arithmetic reconciled all numbers with the lazy zero: she began to attribute Zero next to numbers, which from this increased by 10 times.

Funny poems Everything happens for the first time: First tooth and first class, first five. As the beginning of the first fights, the first bruise caught. The first castor oil. 5-five in the diary. 5 fingers on the hand. 5 at the ends of the asterisk 5 - in the birdhouse of starlings Grass barely turned yellow behind the house, Two brothers were chopping firewood. One did it through the sleeves, the other rolled up his sleeves. Six kittens, they want to eat, Give them porridge with milk, let them lap their tongues. Because cats don't eat from a spoon. Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, two tits, two swifts and five eels. How many birds? Answer soon!

What does a number look like? And here is the number 5! It's easy to count to five. Hold each finger, say a number to your finger. Look, four is a chair that I turned over. And here it is, look, the figure -3 is speaking. Three - the third of the icons - Consists of two hooks. Here is one, or one Very thin, like a knitting needle. Her appearance is like a comma, Her tail is hooked, and it's no secret: She loves all the lazy ones, But her lazy ones don't. This figure is an acrobat, Now a six, then a nine. Here is a poker seven, it has one leg. The figure eight has two rings, without beginning or end. Zero follows one, number 10 on the page.

Riddles in numbers Two brothers look into the water, never converge. Two brothers look into the water, never converge. Who has one foot, and that one without a shoe? Who has one foot, and that one without a shoe? One shepherd tends a thousand sheep. One shepherd tends a thousand sheep. Two twins, two brothers Two twins, two brothers They sit on the bow. They sit on top of the nose. One mouse has three tails. One mouse has three tails. Lives between stones head with four legs. Lives between stones head with four legs. Five steps - a ladder, a song on the steps. Five steps - a ladder, a song on the steps. Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a spinner. Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a spinner. Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is it? Six legs, two heads, one tail. Who is it? Five fingers, no bones, no meat. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. Four legs but can't walk? Four legs but can't walk? Who changes clothes four times a year? Who changes clothes four times a year?

The Magic of Numbers For the first time, a mystical attitude to numbers arose several years ago. Numbers were surrounded by special reverence in Ancient Greece. For the first time, a mystical attitude to numbers arose several years ago. Numbers were surrounded by special reverence in Ancient Greece. The philosopher Pythagoras claimed "that numbers rule the world." The philosopher Pythagoras claimed "that numbers rule the world." He believed that numbers bring good or evil, happiness and unhappiness. The unit is a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. According to the ancient Greeks, the number 2 is a symbol of love and impermanence, always in search of higher harmony and balance. Among the Ancient Greeks, the number 3 was considered lucky, magical, symbolizes the triangle: past, present, future. The ancients considered the four a symbol of stability and strength. It is represented by a square, the sides of which mean the cardinal points, the four seasons, the four elements - Fire, Water, Air, Earth. Pythagoras gave the number 5 a special place, considering it the happiest number. Pythagoras considered 6 an amazing number, as it is obtained by adding or multiplying all the numbers by which it is divided. In ancient times, the seven was surrounded by great honor. Even in ancient Babylon, 7 planets were known, which included the Moon and the Sun. Thus the seven-day week was born. The names of the days are associated with the names of the gods. A person perceives the world around him through the "Seven Holes" (eyes, ears, mouth, nose). The number 8 is the embodiment of reliability, perfection. Divided in half, it has equal parts (4 and 4), (2.2 and 2.2). The number 9 has a good reputation. It is the personification of prosperity, completeness. In numerology, it is considered a symbol of material success.

Popular expressions Lost in three pines. (not being able to figure it out, in something simple) Three inches from the pot (very short, short) You chase after two hares, you won’t catch a single one. (when you take on several cases at once, and you don’t finish a single one) Seven don’t wait for one (as they say when they start some business without someone who was late) Seven Fridays in a week (as they say when they often change their decisions) Seven nannies have a child without an eye (without supervision, the work is done poorly when several people are responsible for it at once) They have been waiting for the promised three years (they say jokingly when they do not believe in the imminent fulfillment of this promise) Cry in three streams (cry very bitterly) For seven miles of jelly to slurp (to go far and in vain, trudge)

Numbers in proverbs Cut down one tree, plant ten. You cut down one tree, plant ten. One head is good, two is better. One head is good, two is better. Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years. Do not recognize a friend in three days, recognize in three years. Without four corners, the hut is not cut. Without four corners, the hut is not cut. Try on seven times, cut once. Try on seven times, cut once. Spring and autumn, the weather is eight a day. Spring and autumn, the weather is eight a day. There is safety in numbers. There is safety in numbers. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. Better to see once than hear a hundred times. One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land. One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.

Patter Three magpies chattered on the hill. Three magpies chattering, chattering on a hill. Four turtles have four baby turtles. Four turtles have four baby turtles. Six mice rustle in a hut. Six mice rustle in a hut. In the morning, my brother Cyril fed three rabbits with grass. In the morning, my brother Cyril fed three rabbits with grass. Eight couplers couple the tanks. Eight couplers couple the tanks. They sat and whistled seven flutes. They sat and whistled seven flutes.

How did people learn to count? Long, long time ago our distant ancestors lived in tribes. Their life was not much different from the life of animals. Primitive people, as well as small children, did not know the account. Observing the surrounding nature, Long ago, our distant ancestors lived in tribes. Their life was not much different from the life of animals. Primitive people, as well as small children, did not know the account. Observing the surrounding nature, on which their life completely depended, our ancestors learned to isolate individual objects from many different objects. At first they defined this ratio as "many", "one". Fingers have played a significant role in the history of counting. on which their life completely depended, our ancestors learned to isolate individual objects from many different objects. At first they defined this ratio as "many", "one". Fingers have played a significant role in the history of counting.

Rhymes One, two, three, four We were sitting in the apartment. They drank tea, ate rolls, They forgot who they were sitting with. One two three four. Who doesn't sleep in our apartment? Everyone in the world needs sleep, Whoever does not sleep will get out. One, two, three, four, five, we'll play hide and seek. Sky, stars, meadow, flowers, you go and lead. One, two, three, four, five We are going to play. A magpie flew to us And ordered you to drive.

Physical education Pinocchio stretched, one bent, two bent, three bent. He spread his arms to the sides, apparently he did not find the key. You have to stand on your toes to get the key. One-two, the head is higher, three-four, the arms are wider. Five, six, sit down quietly. Seven, eight, laziness discarded. One - rise, stretch, Two - bend, unbend. Three - three claps in the hands, four - three nods, Five - wave your hands, six - sit down at the desk again. Five - wave your hands, six - sit down at the desk again. One, two, three, four, five We all know how to count. We can also rest. Let's put our hands behind our backs, Raise our heads higher, And breathe easily, easily.

We are friends for you to make 10 very important rules ... As soon as you wake up, get up, do not let yourself be lazy. The dew washed the petal, and the soap will wash you. Do not wait for prodding, go to school on time. Before you slam the door, make sure you take everything with you. At school, in the classroom, do not litter, but if you litter, pick it up. Do not carry chalk in your pocket, this is not my business, my dear. Be neat in your clothes, avoid holes and stains. Don't talk like an overseas parrot in class. You sit at your desk modestly, and behave with dignity. Always keep in order, books, pens and notebooks.

Feast of Numbers We learned a lot of poems, proverbs, riddles about numbers and numbers while creating this project. We discovered a lot of new and interesting, useful and necessary, and most importantly, we realized that mathematics is really the QUEEN of all sciences and we must definitely be friends with it. We learned a lot of poems, proverbs, riddles about numbers and figures while creating this project. We discovered a lot of new and interesting, useful and necessary, and most importantly, we realized that mathematics is really the QUEEN of all sciences and we must definitely be friends with it.

2. I don’t fight myself, I’m not afraid of seven.

3. In one fell swoop, seven kills.

4. Over the seven seas.

5. Bow from seven ailments.

6. Seven with a spoon - one with a bowl.

7. Sixth sense.

8. The fifth wheel in the cart. Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.

9. Like the back of your hand. To know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

10. A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles.

11. Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

12. To learn diligence, you need three years, to learn laziness - only three days.

13. Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years.

14. The price for a braggart is three kopecks.

15. Lame on both legs.

16. Gobble up both cheeks.

17. Kill two birds with one stone.

18. A miser pays twice.

19. Sit between two chairs.

20. A double-edged sword.

21. From the pot two inches.

22. One head is good, but two is better. --FortunaIDm2012 060 20:44, 24 October 2012 (MSD) Sign the team by clicking on the Signature with Timestamp button in article edit mode (team name and id number should be displayed!)

  • (Even numbers, if put in the right order, can be sad, funny, or romantic.

2 12 46
48 3 06
33 1 102
8 30 32
Merry verse:
2 15 42
42 15
37 08 5
20 20 20
--We are from 90.ID 048 19:38, October 25, 2012 (MSD)!))

  • (poems, sayings about numbers

1. One in the field is not a warrior. One bee does not bring much honey. Don't clap with one hand. One head on the shoulders. One leg here, the other there. One head it's good, but two better. The first pancake is lumpy. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. For one beaten they give two unbeaten. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. 2. Two boots - a pair. The same. Between the devil and the deep sea. An old friend is better than two new ones. 3. Get lost in the three pines. The promised three years are waiting. Sob in three streams. From the pot - three inches. 4. On all four sides. Close within four walls. 7. Seven nannies have a child without an eye. Measure seven times, cut once. Seven do not wait for one. Seven Fridays in a week. 9. For three nine lands. --X-People IDm2012 041 21:21 Oct 25, 2012 (MSD))

  • Proverbs. 1. Woe for two-half grief, Joy for two-two joys. two words.6. On two fronts. 7. Cannot connect two words. 8. Not two, not one and a half. - and the hero once .. 12. Once he lied, he became a liar forever. 13. One to go, and the road is long.14. The hedgehog has only one strength - thorns. 15. You can't tie a knot with one hand. 16. One today is better than two tomorrow. Winged words. 1. Grandmother said in two.2. Second wind.3. Two-faced Janus. --Pyaterochka IDm2012 034 22:30, October 25, 2012 (MSD))
  • Make a guess:
  1. Five fingers, no bones, no meat. (Rake)
  2. The five brothers are inseparable.
    They are never bored together.
    They work with a pen
    Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)
  3. Five steps - ladder.
    On the steps - a song. (Notes)
  4. On a stepladder
    Lambs are hung.
    Click yes click - five yes five.
    This is how we learn to count. (Abacus)
  5. Who has a piglet
    Not clamped in a cam?
    On his feet are his hooves.
    He eats and drinks from a hoof. (Piggy)--Fab Five IDm2012 028 08:14 26 October 2012 (MSD)

  • Poems about the number Six
Six sits at the table.

In front of her is a pile of cookies.
Six giant chocolates
Six transparent marmalades,
Six boxes of marshmallows
Six bottles of kefir.
The Six ate everything, got up,
And then stuck in the door!
- Ah, - sighs the number Six,
- You need to eat less!
Six mice laugh at her
Six bumblebees hover over the figure!
- Hey, six, your stomach
It won't fit through the door!
To get through this door
You have to go on a diet!

The number six has no corners,

There is only an arc with a circle.
You start writing from the arc,
And wrap around.

The number six is ​​easy to write:
No stitches, no corners!
Follow your hand
Lead the line smoothly!

Number nine. It is -
Reversed six.
Draw a circle at the top
Down - an arc obliquely.
Start writing with a circle
Don't make a corner.
The nine has no corners:
Circle, arc - and the sign is ready!

Athletes have a strange look.

Guess yourself quickly -

Who will win in the ring?

Don't waste time

Only the first move is difficult.

Add up the numbers of each.

Who is stronger? Whose will take?

In the first grade, children are very often offered to complete the mathematical project "Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings." This basically involves doing a presentation about numbers with riddles and proverbs. Teachers are already used to the fact that half of the class brings the same projects downloaded from the Internet to a math lesson.

First-graders feel uncomfortable in such a situation, and for parents who are practically faced with creating presentations for the first time, such homework is a serious test.

This page of the site contains materials for the independent creation of such a project, as well as you can view and download a sample of the finished presentation.

What you need to create a presentation:

  • Pictures and drawings with numbers - different color options
  • Templates for school presentations
  • Template for the project "Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings"

An example of a slide from a project about numbers

(examples of project slides about the number 1)

Mathematics homework - to make and arrange a book about numbers. One of the pages should be devoted to proverbs and sayings in which any figure is mentioned, illustrations are welcome.

Table of contents [Show]

Proverbs and sayings with numbers from 1 to 10:

Proverbs and sayings with the number 1.

What is food for one is poison for another.
There is safety in numbers
One goose will not trample the field
One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.
One bee will bring some honey
Don't clap with one hand
One truth in the world lives
One time doesn't count
Alone in the sea - not a fisherman
One hand does not knit a knot
One plows, and seven wave their hands
One head on the shoulders
One foot here, one foot there
One wise head is worth a hundred heads
One bee is better than a swarm of flies
Better to see once than hear a hundred times
In one place and the stone is overgrown with moss
One today is better than two tomorrow
You can't tie a knot with one hand
From one word yes forever quarrel
The hedgehog has one strength - thorns
One to go - and the road is long
Once lied - forever became a liar
Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand
A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once

Proverbs and sayings with a deuce

Two bears can't live in the same den
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either
Two of a Kind
You can't wear two pairs of sandals at once.
There are no two truths
Woe for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys
Two of a Kind
I got ready for two hours, washed for two hours, dried myself for an hour, dressed for a day
The same
Who soon helped, he helped twice
Lazy man works twice
Between two fires
For two words
On two fronts
Can't link two words
Not two, not one and a half
One head it's good, but two better
From the pot two inches
Double edged stick
sit between two chairs
Miser pays twice
Kill two birds with one stone
To gobble up both cheeks
Lame on both legs
Grandma said in two
Second wind
Two-faced Janus
Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided
For one beaten two unbeaten give
Choose the lesser of two evils
an old friend is better than two new ones
Mind is good but two is better
Look at two, not one and a half!

Proverbs and sayings with a triple

Bouncer price - three kopecks
Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years
It takes three years to learn to be industrious; it takes only three days to learn to be lazy.
Get lost in the three pines
Third hand, third hand
Three inches from the pot.
With three boxes
Third day. The day before yesterday
Promised three years waiting
Cry in three streams
If 3 cooks jostle at the same stove, dinner burns
So beautiful that she looks out the window - the horse will spin; out into the yard - 3 days the dogs bark
Three hairs in 6 rows laid
Three hairs - and all are thick
Three many and three little destroy a person: talk a lot and know little; spend a lot and have little; imagine a lot and cost little
Three days ground, one and a half ate
Trouble rides a troika, but happiness walks
One son is not a son, two sons are half a son, three sons are a son

Proverbs and sayings with the number 4

Without four corners, the hut is not cut
A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles
On all four sides
Live within four walls
No matter how you throw a cat, she will stand on the ground with four paws.
The village is large: 4 yards, 8 streets
There are 4 corners in the house, yes 40 cases

Proverbs and sayings with five

Darling - five and ten straight
He has six tricks and five deceptions
Like the back of my hand
Fifth wheel in the cart
What a soul at 5 years old, so it is at a hundred years old
Five fingers - brothers, yes everyone is different
Sharp-witted and cunning - five lost his nose

Proverbs and sayings with six

Three hairs in six rows laid
Five sons grow up, and they dream of a sixth
He has 6 tricks and five deceptions
Bast shoes were lost, they searched the yards: there were 5, but there were 6 (Russian)

Proverbs and sayings with the seven

Seven do not wait for one
Seven troubles - one answer
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart
Seven deaths - do not happen, but one cannot be avoided
Seven on the benches
Seven miles to heaven and all the forest
Seven nannies have a child without an eye
We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table
For seven miles of jelly slurp
Seven gates and all in the garden
Seven wise men are cheaper than one experienced person
Seven feet under the keel
One sheep has seven shepherds
Onion - from seven ailments
One with a bipod and seven with a spoon
Seventh water on jelly
Seven troubles - one answer
Seven spans in the forehead
Seven Fridays in a week
Measure seven times - cut once
Seven without four and three flew away
The nose grew for seven - and one got
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a village
The secret behind seven seals
For a mad dog seven miles is not a circle
Not a big town, but seven governors.
Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten officers.
Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides
Seven sweats gone
And you, the seventh, stay at the gate
Seven brothers have one sister, how many of them all? (One.)
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart.
For seven miles of jelly slurp
Naked and 7 robbers will not undress
Two plow, and seven wave their hands
The fox of the seven wolves will lead
He has been playing the same tune for 7 years
Birdie knew 7 languages, but when the hawk caught up with her, she forgot her own
Separated from a friend cries for 7 years, separated from his homeland cries all his life
I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven
Seven carpenters won't put up a house straight
Spacious for seven, cramped for two
Think twice, say once
Check seven times before you doubt a person
Fall down seven times, get up eight times
A good daughter is worth seven sons
The gun hits well: it fell from the stove - 7 pots were broken
She drained seven rivers, did not moisten the canvas
They searched for a mosquito for 7 miles, and he was on the nose

Proverbs and sayings with eight

Spring and autumn - on the day of weather eight

Proverbs and sayings with nine

Nine people is the same as ten

Proverbs and sayings with ten

Cut down one tree, plant ten
Accept ten wounds, but stand
Ten people pull uphill, and one pushes downhill
It is better to pardon ten guilty than to execute one innocent
Who is brave and steadfast is worth ten
In a house with 10 maids, the floor is not swept
You touch one branch - 10 will be downloaded
It is better to turn 10 times than to run aground once
He is not a timid
On the marriage of your son consult with ten, on divorce - with a hundred
True 12 chains will break
A good person, even at 15 years old, does not refer to youth, and at 100 years old does not complain about old age.
The one from whom the good will come out becomes a man at the age of 15, while the unfit remains a child at the age of 40
30 years since I saw a cow track, and everything burps with milk
Until the age of 5, treat your son like a king, from 5 to 15 - like a servant, after 15 - like a friend
Until the age of 16 - a son, after - a friend
And a thousand rumors are not yet true
Baba flies from the stove, 77 thoughts will change her mind

The choice is huge. Math homework is no problem.


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  • Slide 1 Project on the topic: "Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings"

    Completed by a student of grade 1 A Klyuchnikova Maria

  • slide 2 poem

    Thin, straight, like a twig, There was a unit in the cell. She is very proud and very important, She says that she is the most courageous. one

  • Slide 3 Riddles

    Who has one foot, and that one without a shoe? Many arms, but one leg? How many suns are behind the cloud, How many rods are in the fountain pen, How many noses does the elephant have, How many watches are on the hand?

  • Slide 4 Proverbs and sayings

    It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. You cut down a tree, plant ten. One is not a warrior in the field. The hedgehog has one strength - thorns.

  • slide 5 poem

    This is a deuce, flexible, like a duck, Does not sit still for a minute. You almost follow her - and now Together with the ducks she will go to the pond. 2

  • Slide 6 Riddles

    Two legs conspired To make arcs and circles. At night, two windows close by themselves, and with the sunrise they open by themselves.

  • Slide 7 Proverbs and sayings

    Two of a Kind. Two inches from the pot. One head it's good, but two better.

  • slide 8 poem

    One hook and two hooks, Between them - a tongue, A jay sat on it, We recognized you, troika! 3

  • Slide 9 Riddles

    He has colored eyes Not eyes, but three lights. He takes turns with them, From above looks at me. Arching his neck - Goose and only - The number three Hastens for deuce. 3

  • Slide 10 Proverbs and sayings

    The promised three years are waiting. To learn diligence It takes three years, To learn laziness - only three days.

  • slide 11 poem

    The chicken is looking for, the hare wonders, Where did the four hide in the book? They look at the picture, and what? The number four looks like a branch! four

  • Slide 12 Riddles

    All four petals moved at the flower. I wanted to break it, He fluttered and flew away. Either a number, or a fork, Or a fork in the road. In a student's notebook, I know for sure - everyone is happy with her. four

  • Slide 13 Proverbs and sayings

    Without four corners, the hut is not cut. A horse with four legs, and even he stumbles Four brothers Girded with one sash?

  • slide 14 poem

    The fishermen decided to catch fish for dinner on Wednesday. Thought to catch five pikes And caught the number five! 5

  • Slide 15 Riddles

    Five brothers are inseparable They are never bored together. They work with a pen, saw, spoon, axe. There are friends such a bird: If it sits on the page, I am very happy, And the whole family is with me 5

  • Slide 16 Proverbs and sayings

    Know how the back of your hand Fifth wheel in a cart.

  • slide 17 poem

    The number six has no corners, There is only an arc with a circle. You start writing from the arc, And wrap it in a circle. It is easy to write the number six: No strokes, no corners! Follow your hand, Lead the line smoothly! 6

  • Slide 18 Riddles

    How many letters does a dragon have And zeros for a million Different chess pieces Wings for three white chickens Legs for a May beetle And sides for a chest. But no hooves. 6

  • Slide 19 Proverbs and sayings

    Sixth Sense. He has six tricks and five deceptions

  • slide 20 poem

    Seven nights and days a week. Seven things in your briefcase: A blotter and a notebook, And a pen to write, And an elastic band to make stains Clean up neatly, And a pencil case, and a pencil, And your friend's primer. 7

  • slide 21 riddle

    This figure is the happiest of all. This figure is the most beautiful of all. She knows the days of the week, She is friendly with the rainbow We sang it with friends: She is friends with notes

  • Slide 22 Proverbs and sayings

    Measure seven times - cut once Seven troubles - one answer Seven spans in the forehead Seven Fridays in the week Seven do not expect one

  • slide 23 poem

    Number eight, Number eight We always wear on the nose, Number eight Plus hooks -Gets are obtained ... 8

  • Slide 24 Riddles

    Let's throw one, and find eight I'm so sweet, I'm so round, I consist of two circles. I'm glad I found friends like you. eight

  • Slide 25 Proverbs and sayings

    Spring and autumn - eight weathers a day. For seven years he was silent, on the eighth he cried out. Eight hryvnias to the ruble is not enough.

  • slide 26 poem

    By nine without ten, By nine without ten, By nine without ten You must go to school. At nine the bell is heard. The lesson begins. 9

  • slide 27 riddle

    Guess - ka, guys, What kind of figure is an acrobat? If Exactly three will stand on his head, it will become 9

  • Slide 28 Proverbs and sayings

    A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity. Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub. Nine people is the same as ten.

  • slide 29 poem

    A dozen went to the store With a whole heap of baskets. There I bought ten books, Ten poppy seeds, I bought ten cubes, I didn’t forget ten mugs, Ten pink plates She brought her luggage to her tenth floor. And then she asked herself: - And why did I buy everything? ten

  • Slide 30 Riddles

    I would be bigger and bolder - I could scare many: How - I have a mustache Ten times longer than my legs? The hedgehog has grown ten times, it turned out ... (porcupine).

  • Slide 31 Proverbs and sayings

    Ten people who know are not worth one who does the work. Until you get to the boss, you will stumble ten times. Tenth water on jelly.

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Signatures for slides: Project on the topic: "Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings."

  • unit, one, first
  • 1. Antoshka stands on one leg; they look for him, but he does not respond.
  • 2. Stands on the leg one, turns, turns his head.
  • It shows us countries, rivers, mountains, oceans.
  • Two, two, two
  • 1. Two brother went to the river to swim.
  • 2. Two rings, two ends, in the middle - carnations.
  • Three, three, third
  • There is a back, but never lies. There is four legs and not walking three. He always stands, and tells everyone to sit.
  • I stand on three legs, feet in black boots. White teeth, pedal. What is my name?
  • Four, four, fourth
  • Four brother under one are on the roof.
  • Five, five, fifth
  • There is, friends, such a bird: if it sits on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me.
  • Five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an axe.
  • Six, six, six
  • If you stand on your head, exactly on three will become more.
  • Cheren, but not a raven. Horned, but not a bull. Six legs without hooves. It flies, buzzes, falls - it digs the earth.
  • Seven, seven, seventh
  • Every day in the morning, I crack: get up porrrrrra!
  • There are brothers: equal for years, different names.
  • Eight, eight, eighth
  • A wonderful house - a runner on his eight legs. Day-to-day on the road: running along the alley on steel two snakes.
  • I'm so sweet, I'm so round, I'm made of two circles. I'm glad I found friends like you.
  • Nine, nine, ninth
  • Guess, guys, what is the figure of an acrobat? If you stand on your head, exactly on three will become less.
  • Ten, ten, ten
  • 1. Your helpers - look - dozen friendly brothers.
  • How nice it is to live when they are not afraid of work.
  • 2. The hedgehog grew up in ten once, got...
  • Proverbs are short folk sayings with instructive content, folk aphorisms.
  • Sayings are short, stable expressions, mostly figurative, which, unlike proverbs, do not constitute complete statements.
  • The proverb is not spoken in vain.
  • Silly speech is not a proverb.
  • A proverb is an assistant to all matters.
  • While working on this topic, we learned that numbers play an important role in our lives and are very common in riddles, proverbs and sayings. We realized that it is impossible to do without knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is called the queen of all sciences. Let's learn it better - we will become "kings"!

Tatyana Markova
Our first math project "Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings" (photo report)

In a math lesson, she told the children a story about numbers. Long ago, many thousands of years ago, our distant ancestors lived in small tribes. They wandered through the fields and forests, along the valleys of rivers and streams, looking for food. They fished and hunted. They dressed in the skins of dead animals. Life primitive people differed little from the life of animals. And people themselves differed from animals only in that they spoke and knew how to use the simplest tools. labor: with a stick, a stone, or a stone tied to a stick.

Ancient people, like today's little children, did not know the score. But now children are taught to count by parents and teachers, brothers and sisters. And the ancient people had no one to learn from. Life itself was their teacher.

Farmers, hunters, shepherds, using clay figures, pebbles, notches, kept records of the harvest, prey, and animals in the herd. It was rather tiring to move pebbles and clay figures from place to place. As time went. People had to come up with names for the numbers.

After like in class mathematics the children studied all the numbers, they were given a creative task - project» Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings«. Project performed in the form of a book, where they were presented puzzles, proverbs and sayings about numbers. The books were colorful. At the lesson, the children with great pleasure presented their project which they did with their parents.

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