Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy stories for children. Children's stories of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a little over twenty years old when he began teaching peasant children to read and write on his estate. He continued to work at the Yasnaya Polyana school intermittently until the end of his life; he worked long and enthusiastically on compiling educational books. In 1872, the "ABC" was published - a book set containing the alphabet itself, texts for the initial Russian and Church Slavonic reading, arithmetic and a guide for the teacher. Three years later, Tolstoy published The New ABC. When teaching, he used proverbs, sayings, riddles. He composed many "proverb stories": in each proverb unfolded into a short plot with a moral. The “New ABC” was supplemented by “Russian Books for Reading” - several hundred works: there were stories, retellings of folk tales and classic fables, natural history descriptions and reasoning.

Tolstoy strove for an extremely simple and precise language. But it is difficult for a modern child to understand even the simplest texts about the old peasant life.

So what? Are the works of Leo Tolstoy for children becoming a literary monument and leaving Russian children's reading, the basis of which they have been for a century?

There is no shortage of modern editions. Publishers are trying to make books interesting and understandable to today's children.

1. Tolstoy, L. N. Stories for children / Leo Tolstoy; [foreword V. Tolstoy; comp. Yu. Kublanovskiy]; drawings by Natalia Paren-Chelpanova. - [Yasnaya Polyana]: Museum-Estate of L. N. Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana", 2012. - 47 p. : ill.

Illustrated by the Russian artist in exile Natalya Paren-Chelpanova, the children's stories of Leo Tolstoy, translated into French, were published in Paris by the Gallimard publishing house in 1936. In the Yasnaya Polyana little book, of course, they are printed in Russian. There are both stories that are usually included in modern collections and are indisputable in children's reading (“Fire Dogs”, “Kitten”, “Filipok”), as well as rare, even amazing ones. For example, the fable "The Owl and the Hare" - as a presumptuous young owl wanted to catch a huge hare, grabbed one paw into his back, the other into a tree, and he "rushed and tore the owl". Are we reading further?

What is true is true: Tolstoy's literary means are strong; Impressions after reading will remain deep.

Natalia Parin's illustrations brought the texts closer to the little readers of her time: the characters of the stories are drawn as if they were the artist's contemporaries. There are French inscriptions: for example, “Pinson” on the grave of a sparrow (to the story “How my aunt told about how she had a tame sparrow - Zhivchik”).

2. Tolstoy, L. N. Three bears / Leo Tolstoy; artist Yuri Vasnetsov. - Moscow: Melik-Pashaev, 2013. - 17 p. : ill.

In the same 1936, Yuri Vasnetsov illustrated an English fairy tale retold into Russian by Leo Tolstoy. The illustrations were originally in black and white, but here is a late colorful version. The fabulous bears of Y. Vasnetsov, although Mikhail Ivanovich and Mishutka are in vests, and Nastasya Petrovna with a lace umbrella, are quite scary. The child understands why “one girl” was so frightened of them; but she managed to escape!

The illustrations have been color corrected for the new edition. You can see the first edition, as well as reissues that differ from one another, in the National Electronic Children's Library (books are copyrighted, registration is required to view).

3. Tolstoy, L. N. Lipunyushka: stories and fairy tales / Leo Tolstoy; illustrations by A.F. Pakhomov. - St. Petersburg: Amphora, 2011. - 47 p. : ill.- (Library of a junior school student).

Many adults have preserved in their memory the "ABC" of Leo Tolstoy with illustrations by Alexei Fedorovich Pakhomov. The artist knew the peasant way of life very well (he was born in a pre-revolutionary village). He painted peasants with great sympathy, children - sentimentally, but always with a firm, confident hand.

Petersburg "Amphora" has repeatedly published stories from the "ABC" by L. N. Tolstoy with illustrations by A. F. Pakhomov in small collections. This book contains several stories from which peasant children learned to read. Then the tales - “How a man divided geese” (about a cunning man) and “Lipunyushka” (about a resourceful son that "brought out in cotton").

4. Tolstoy, L. N. About animals and birds / L. N. Tolstoy; artist Andrey Brey. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2015. - 19 p. : ill. - (My mother's favorite book).

The stories "Eagle", "Sparrow and Swallows", "How Wolves Teach Their Children", "What Mice Need", "Elephant", "Ostrich", "Swans". Tolstoy is not sentimental at all. Animals in his stories are predators and prey. But, of course, a moral should be read in an alphabetical story; Not every story is straight forward.

Here is "Swans" - a true poem in prose.

It must be said about the artist that he expressively painted animals; among his teachers was V. A. Vatagin. "Stories about animals" with illustrations by Andrey Andreevich Brey, published by "Detgiz" in 1945, are digitized and available in the National Electronic Children's Library (registration is also required to view).

5. Tolstoy, L. N. Kostochka: stories for children / Leo Tolstoy; drawings by Vladimir Galdyaev. - St. Petersburg; Moscow: Speech, 2015. - 79 p. : ill.

The book contains mainly the most frequently published and read children's stories by L. N. Tolstoy: "Fire", "Fire Dogs", "Filipok", "Kitten" ...

“Bone” is also a widely known story, but few people are ready to agree with the radical educational method shown in it.

The content of the book and the layout are the same as in the collection "Stories and were", published in 1977. More texts and drawings by Vladimir Galdyaev were in L. N. Tolstoy’s “Book for Children”, published by the Moskovsky Rabochiy publishing house in the same 1977 (publications, of course, were being prepared for the writer’s 150th birthday). The severity of the drawing and the specificity of the characters are well suited to Tolstoy's literary style.

6. Tolstoy, L. N. Children: stories / L. Tolstoy; drawings by P. Repkin. - Moscow: Nigma, 2015. - 16 p. : ill.

Four stories: "Lion and dog", "Elephant", "Eagle", "Kitten". They are illustrated by Peter Repkin, graphic artist and cartoonist. It is interesting that the lion, eagle, elephant and his little master depicted by the artist obviously resemble the heroes of the cartoon "Mowgli", the production designer of which was Repkin (together with A. Vinokurov). Neither Kipling nor Tolstoy can be harmed by this, but it leads one to think about the differences and similarities in the views and talents of the two great writers.

7. Tolstoy, L. N. The lion and the dog: a true story / L. N. Tolstoy; drawings by G. A. V. Traugot. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2014. - 23 p. : ill.

On the flyleaf there is a drawing depicting Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy in London in 1861 and, as it were, confirming that this story is a true story. The story itself is given in the form of captions to the illustrations.

First line: “In London they showed wild animals…” An old multi-colored, almost fabulous Western European city, townspeople and townspeople, curly children - all in a manner that has long been characteristic of the artists "G. A. V. Traugot. Meat thrown into a lion's cage does not look naturalistic (like Repkin's). The lion, yearning for the dead dog (Tolstoy honestly writes that she is "died"), is drawn very expressively.

He told more about the book "Biblioguide".

8. Tolstoy, L. N. Filipok / L. N. Tolstoy; artist Gennady Spirin. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2012. -: ill. - (Masterpieces of book illustration).

"Filipok" from the "New ABC" is one of the most famous stories of Leo Tolstoy and all Russian children's literature. The figurative meaning of the word "textbook" here coincides with the direct one.

The RIPOL Classic publishing house has already republished the book with illustrations by Gennady Spirin several times and included it in the New Year gift collection. This "Filipok" was previously published in English (see the artist's website: http://gennadyspirin.com/books/). In the drawings of Gennady Konstantinovich there is a lot of affection for the old peasant life and winter Russian nature.

It is noteworthy that in the "New ABC" behind this story (at the end of which Filipok “began to speak to the Mother of God; but every word was spoken not so") followed by "Slavic letters", "Slavic words under titles" and prayers.

9. Tolstoy, L. N. My first Russian book for reading / Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. - Moscow: White City, . - 79 p. : ill. - (Russian books for reading).

"White City" undertook the complete publication of "Russian Books for Reading". The second, third and fourth books were published in the same way. There are no abbreviations here. There were stories, fairy tales, fables, descriptions and reasoning given in the order in which Lev Nikolaevich arranged them. There are no comments on the texts. Illustrations are used instead of verbal explanations. Basically, these are reproductions of paintings, well-known and not so well-known. For example, to the description "Sea" - "The Ninth Wave" by Ivan Aivazovsky. To the reasoning "Why is there a wind?" - "Children running from a thunderstorm" by Konstantin Makovsky. To the story "Fire" - "Fire in the Village" by Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky. To the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - landscapes by Lev Lagorio and Mikhail Lermontov.

The range of ages and interests of the readers of this book can be very wide.

10. Tolstoy, L. N. The sea: description / Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy; artist Mikhail Bychkov. - St. Petersburg: Azbuka, 2014. - p. : ill. - (Good and eternal).

Of the books listed, this seems to be the most belonging to our time. Artist Mikhail Bychkov says: “A few lines of L. N. Tolstoy gave me a great opportunity to draw the sea”. On large-format spreads, the artist depicted the southern and northern seas, calm and stormy, day and night. Tolstoy's brief text was supplemented with a drawn appendix about all kinds of sea vessels.

The work fascinated Mikhail Bychkov, and he illustrated three stories from Tolstoy's ABC, combining them with a fictional trip around the world on a sailing warship. In the story "The Jump" such a journey is mentioned. The story "Shark" begins with the words: "Our ship was anchored off the coast of Africa." The action of the story "Fire Dogs" takes place in London - and the artist painted a Russian corvette flying the flag of St. Andrew against the backdrop of the construction of Tower Bridge (built from 1886 to 1894; "ABC" was compiled earlier, but in the same era, especially if you look from our time) .

The book "Were" was published by the publishing house "Rech" in 2015. In the spring of 2016, the Leo Tolstoy State Museum on Prechistenka hosted an exhibition of illustrations by Mikhail Bychkov for these two children's books.

“The sea is wide and deep; the end of the sea is not in sight. The sun rises at sea and sets at sea. No one got the bottom of the sea and does not know. When there is no wind, the sea is blue and smooth; when the wind blows, the sea will stir and become uneven ... "

"Sea. Description"

“...Water from the sea rises in fog; the mist rises higher, and clouds are made from the mist. The clouds are blown by the wind and spread over the earth. From the clouds, water falls to the ground. From the ground flows into swamps and streams. From streams flows into rivers; from rivers to sea. From the sea again the water rises into the clouds, and the clouds spread over the earth ... "

“Where does the water from the sea go? Reasoning"

The stories of Leo Tolstoy from the "ABC" and "Russian Books for Reading" are concise, even lapidary. In many ways, archaic, in today's view. But what is essential in them is this: a now rare non-playful, serious attitude to the word, a simple, but not simplified attitude to everything around.

Svetlana Malaya

Biography of Leo Tolstoy

1828, August 28 (September 9) - Birth Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy in the estate of Yasnaya Polyana, Krapivensky district, Tula province.

1830 - death of Tolstoy's mother Maria Nikolaevna (née Volkonskaya).

1837 - The Tolstoy family moved from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow. Death of Tolstoy's father, Nikolai Ilyich.

1840 - First literary work Tolstoy- congratulatory poems by T.A. Ergolskaya: "Dear aunt."

1841 - Death in the Optina Hermitage of the guardian of the children of Tolstoy A.I. Osten-Saken. The fat ones move from Moscow to Kazan, to a new guardian - P.I. Yushkova.

1844 — Tolstoy admitted to the Kazan University at the Oriental Faculty in the category of Arabic-Turkish literature, passing exams in mathematics, Russian literature, French, German, English, Arabic, Turkish and Tatar languages.

1845 — Tolstoy moves to law school.

1847 — Tolstoy leaves the university and leaves Kazan for Yasnaya Polyana.

1848, October - 1849, January - lives in Moscow, "very carelessly, without service, without work, without purpose."

1849 - Examinations for the degree of candidate at St. Petersburg University. (Discontinued after successful completion of two subjects). Tolstoy starts keeping a diary.

1850 - The idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"Tales from the Gypsy Life".

1851 - The story "The History of Yesterday" was written. The story "Childhood" was begun (finished in July 1852). Departure for the Caucasus.

1852 - Examination for the rank of cadet, order for enrollment in military service as a fireworker 4th class. Wrote the story "Raid". Issue 9 of Sovremennik published Childhood, the first published work Tolstoy. The "Novel of the Russian Landowner" was begun (the work continued until 1856, remaining unfinished. A fragment of the novel, slated for printing, was published in 1856 under the title "Morning of the Landowner").

1853 - Participation in the campaign against the Chechens. Start of work on "Cossacks" (completed in 1862). The story "Notes of the Marker" was written.

1854 - Tolstoy was promoted to ensign. Departure from the Caucasus. Report on transfer to the Crimean army. The project of the magazine "Soldier's Bulletin" ("Military List"). The stories "Uncle Zhdanov and Chevalier Chernov" and "How Russian Soldiers Die" were written for a soldier's magazine. Arrival to Sevastopol.

1855 - Work began on "Youth" (finished in September 1856). The stories "Sevastopol in December", "Sevastopol in May" and "Sevastopol in August 1855" were written. Arrival to Petersburg. Acquaintance with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov, Fet, Tyutchev, Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ostrovsky and other writers.

1856 - The stories "Snowstorm", "Degraded", the story "Two Hussars" were written. Tolstoy promoted to lieutenant. Resignation. In Yasnaya Polyana, an attempt to free the peasants from serfdom. The story "The Departing Field" was begun (the work continued until 1865, remaining unfinished). The Sovremennik magazine published an article by Chernyshevsky on Tolstoy's "Childhood" and "Adolescence" and "Military Stories".

1857 - The story "Albert" began (finished in March 1858). The first trip abroad in France, Switzerland, Germany. The story of Lucerne.

1858 - The story "Three Deaths" is written.

1859 - Work on the story "Family Happiness".

1859 - 1862 - Classes at the Yasnaya Polyana school with peasant children ("charming, poetic tree"). Tolstoy expounded his pedagogical ideas in the articles of the journal Yasnaya Polyana, created by him in 1862.

1860 - Work on stories from peasant life - "Idyll", "Tikhon and Malanya" (remained unfinished).

1860 - 1861 - The second trip abroad - through Germany, Switzerland, France, England, Belgium. Acquaintance with Herzen in London. Listening to lectures on the history of art at the Sorbonne. Presence at the death penalty in Paris. The beginning of the novel "Decembrists" (remained unfinished) and the story "Polikushka" (finished in December 1862). Quarrel with Turgenev.

1860 - 1863 - Work on the story "Strider" (completed in 1885).

1861 - 1862 - Activities Tolstoy mediator of the 4th section of the Krapivensky district. Publication of the pedagogical journal "Yasnaya Polyana".

1862 - Gendarmerie search in YaP. Marriage to Sofya Andreevna Bers, daughter of a court doctor.

1863 - Work began on War and Peace (finished in 1869).

1864 - 1865 - The first Collected Works of L.N. Tolstoy in two volumes (from F. Stellovsky, St. Petersburg).

1865 - 1866 - The first two parts of the future "War and Peace" under the title "1805" were printed in the Russky Vestnik.

1866 - Acquaintance with the artist M.S. Bashilov, who Tolstoy entrusts the illustration of "War and Peace".

1867 - A trip to Borodino in connection with work on "War and Peace".

1867 - 1869 - The publication of two separate editions of War and Peace.

1868 - An article was published in the journal "Russian Archive" Tolstoy“A few words about the book “War and Peace”.

1870 - The concept of "Anna Karenina".

1870 - 1872 - Work on a novel about the time of Peter I (remained unfinished).

1871 - 1872 - Edition of the "ABC".

1873 - The novel "Anna Karenina" was started (completed in 1877). Letter to Moskovskie Vedomosti about the Samara famine. I.N. Kramskoy paints a portrait in Yasnaya Polyana Tolstoy.

1874 - Pedagogical activity, article "On Public Education", compilation of the "New ABC" and "Russian Books for Reading" (came out in 1875).

1875 - The beginning of the printing of "Anna Karenina" in the journal "Russian Messenger". The French magazine Le temps published a translation of the story The Two Hussars with a foreword by Turgenev. Turgenev wrote that after the release of "War and Peace" Tolstoy"resolutely takes first place in the favor of the public."

1876 ​​- Acquaintance with P.I. Tchaikovsky.

1877 - A separate edition of the last, 8th part of "Anna Karenina" - due to disagreements that arose with the publisher of "Russian Messenger" M.N. Katkov on the question of the Serbian war.

1878 - Separate edition of the novel "Anna Karenina".

1878 - 1879 - Work on a historical novel about the time of Nicholas I and the Decembrists

1878 - Acquaintance with the Decembrists P.N. Svistunov, M.I. Muravyov Apostol, A.P. Belyaev. Written "First Memories".

1879 — Tolstoy collects historical materials and tries to write a novel from the era of the late 17th - early 19th centuries. Visited Tolstoy N.I. Strakhov found him in a "new phase" - anti-state and anti-church. In Yasnaya Polyana, the guest storyteller V.P. Dapper. Tolstoy writes down folk legends from his words.

1879 - 1880 - Work on "Confession" and "Study in dogmatic theology." Acquaintance with V.M. Garshin and I.E. Repin.

1881 - The story "What makes people alive" is written. Letter to Alexander III admonishing not to execute the revolutionaries who killed Alexander II. Relocation of the Tolstoy family to Moscow.

1882 - Participation in the three-day Moscow census. The article "So what should we do?" (finished in 1886). Buying a house in Dolgo-Khamovnichesky Lane in Moscow (now the House-Museum of L.N. Tolstoy). The story "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" was begun (completed in 1886).

1883 - Acquaintance with V.G. Chertkov.

1883 - 1884 - Tolstoy writes a treatise "What is my faith?".

1884 - Portrait Tolstoy works by N.N. Ge. "Notes of a Madman" started (remained unfinished). The first attempt to leave Yasnaya Polyana. The publishing house of books for popular reading - "Mediator" was founded.

1885 - 1886 - Folk stories were written for the "Mediator": "Two brothers and gold", "Ilyas", "Where there is love, there is God", If you miss the fire - you will not put it out", "Candle", "Two old men", "Fairy tale about Ivan the Fool”, “How much land does a person need”, etc.

1886 - Acquaintance with V.G. Korolnko. A drama for the folk theater - "The Power of Darkness" (prohibited for staging) has begun. The comedy "The Fruits of Enlightenment" was started (finished in 1890).

1887 - Acquaintance with N.S. Leskov. The Kreutzer Sonata was begun (finished in 1889).

1888 - The story "False Coupon" was started (work was stopped in 1904).

1889 - Work on the story "The Devil" (the second version of the end of the story refers to 1890). The “Konevskaya Tale” was started (according to the story of the judicial figure A.F. Koni) - the future “Resurrection” (completed in 1899).

1890 - The Kreutzer Sonata was censored (in 1891 Alexander III allowed printing only in the Collected Works). In a letter to V.G. Chertkov the first version of the story "Father Sergius" (finished in 1898).

1891 - Letter to the editors of Russkiye Vedomosti and Novoye Vremya refusing copyright for works written after 1881.

1891 - 1893 - Organization of assistance to the starving peasants of the Ryazan province. Articles about hunger.

1892 - Production at the Maly Theater of "The Fruits of Enlightenment".

1893 - A preface to the writings of Guy de Maupassant was written. Acquaintance with K.S. Stanislavsky.

1894 - 1895 - The story "The Master and the Worker" was written.

1895 - Acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov. Performance of "The Power of Darkness" at the Maly Theatre. The article "Shameful" was written - a protest against corporal punishment of peasants.

1896 - The story "Hadji Murad" was started (the work continued until 1904; during his lifetime Tolstoy story has not been published).

1897 - 1898 - Organization of assistance to the starving peasants of the Tula province. Article "Hunger or not hunger?". The decision to print "Father Sergius" and "Resurrection" in favor of the Dukhobors who are moving to Canada. In Yasnaya Polyana, L.O. Pasternak illustrating "Resurrection".

1898 - 1899 - Inspection of prisons, conversations with prison guards in connection with work on "Resurrection".

1899 - The novel "Resurrection" is published in the Niva magazine.

1899 - 1900 - The article "Slavery of our time" was written.

1900 - acquaintance with A.M. Gorky. Work on the drama "The Living Corpse" (after watching the play "Uncle Vanya" at the Art Theater).

1901 - “Determination of the Holy Synod of February 20 - 22, 1901 ... about Count Leo Tolstoy” is published in the newspapers “Church Vedomosti”, “Russian Bulletin”, etc. The definition spoke of the “falling away” of the writer from Orthodoxy. In his “Response to the Synod,” Tolstoy stated: “I began by loving my Orthodox faith more than my calmness, then I loved Christianity more than my church, but now I love the truth more than anything in the world. And until now, the truth coincides for me with Christianity, as I understand it. In connection with the illness, departure to the Crimea, to Gaspra.

1901 - 1902 - Letter to Nicholas II calling for the abolition of private ownership of land and the destruction of "that oppression that prevents the people from expressing their desires and needs."

1902 - return to Yasnaya Polyana.

1903 - "Memoirs" started (work continued until 1906). The story "After the Ball" was written.

1903 - 1904 - Work on the article "On Shakespeare and the Lady".

1904 - Article about the Russo-Japanese war "Think!".

1905 - An afterword was written for Chekhov's story "Darling", the articles "On the Social Movement in Russia" and the Green Stick, the stories "Korney Vasiliev", "Alyosha Pot", "Berries", the story "The Posthumous Notes of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich". Reading the notes of the Decembrists and the writings of Herzen. An entry about the October 17 manifesto: "There is nothing for the people in it."

1906 - The story "For what?", the article "The Significance of the Russian Revolution" were written, the story "Divine and Human" begun in 1903 was completed.

1907 - Letter to P.A. Stolypin on the situation of the Russian people and the need to abolish private ownership of land. In Yasnaya Polyana M.V. Neterov paints a portrait Tolstoy.

1908 - Tolstoy's article against the death penalty - "I can not be silent!". No. 35 of the Proletariy newspaper published an article by V.I. Lenin "Leo Tolstoy as a Mirror of the Russian Revolution".

1908 - 1910 - Work on the story "There are no guilty in the world."

1909 — Tolstoy writes the story “Who are the murderers? Pavel Kudryash", a sharply critical article about the cadet collection "Milestones", essays "Conversation with a passerby" and "Songs in the countryside".

1900 - 1910 - Work on the essays "Three Days in the Country".

1910 - The story "Khodynka" was written.

In a letter to V.G. Korolenko gave an enthusiastic review of his article against the death penalty - "Change houses phenomenon".

Tolstoy prepares a report for the peace congress in Stockholm.

Work on the last article - "A Real Remedy" (against the death penalty).

Fairy tales for children by Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy are short fairy tales and fairy tales about animals. Tolstoy's tales occupy a special place among all the tales of Russian authors.

Read Tolstoy's Tales

The rare talent of Alexei Nikolaevich consisted in the ability to remake folk tales in such a way as to arouse the interest of a small listener and not lose the ideological richness of Russian folk art. Such a collection of Tolstoy was called Magpie's Tales and in addition to it, in order to fully acquaint you with the author's work, we place his best creation in our opinion - the Golden Key or the adventures of Pinocchio. You can read Tolstoy's fairy tales starting from this wonderful work.

Tolstoy's tales occupy a special place among all the tales of Russian authors. Each hero of Tolstoy is a separate characteristic character, there are eccentricities and non-standard vision, which are always described delightfully! The Forty Tales of Tolstoy, although in essence they are a processing of other fairy tales, and not his own invention, but the writing talent, language turns and the use of old words put Tolstoy's Magpie Tales in a number of cultural heritage.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is the author of works not only for adults, but also for children. Young readers like stories, there were fables, fairy tales of the famous prose writer. Tolstoy's works for children teach love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness.

Fairy tales for little ones

These books can be read to children by their parents. A child of 3-5 years old will be interested to get acquainted with the heroes of fairy tales. When the kids learn how to put letters together, they will be able to read and study Tolstoy's works for children on their own.

The fairy tale "Three Bears" tells about the girl Masha, who got lost in the forest. She came across the house and entered it. The table was set, on it stood 3 bowls of different sizes. Masha tasted the stew, first from two large ones, and then ate all the soup, which was poured into a small plate. Then she sat on a chair and slept on the bed, which, like the chair and plate, belonged to Mishutka. When he returned home with his bear parents and saw all this, he wanted to catch the girl, but she jumped out the window and ran away.

Kids will also be interested in other works of Tolstoy for children, written in the form of fairy tales.


It is useful for older children to read Tolstoy's works for children, written in the format of short stories, for example, about a boy who really wanted to study, but his mother would not let him go.

The story "Philippok" begins with this. But the boy Philip somehow still went to school without asking, when he stayed at home alone with his grandmother. Entering the classroom, he was frightened at first, but then pulled himself together and answered the teacher's questions. The teacher promised the child that he would ask his mother to let Filippka go to school. That's how the boy wanted to learn. After all, learning something new is so interesting!

Tolstoy wrote about another small and good person. The works for children that Lev Nikolaevich composed include the story "Foundling". From it we learn about the girl Masha, who found a baby on the threshold of her house. The girl was kind, gave the foundling milk to drink. Her mother wanted to give the baby to the boss, since their family was poor, but Masha said that the foundling eats little, and she herself will take care of him. The girl kept her word, she swaddled, fed, put the baby to bed.

The following story, like the previous one, is based on real events. It's called "The Cow". The work tells about the widow Marya, her six children and a cow.

Tolstoy, works for children, created in an instructive form

After reading the story “Stone”, you are once again convinced that you should not, that is, harbor anger at someone for a long time. It's a destructive feeling.

In the story, one poor man wore a stone in his bosom in the literal sense of the word. Once upon a time, a rich man, instead of helping, threw this stone at the poor. When the life of the rich man changed drastically, he was taken to prison, the poor wanted to throw a stone at him, which he had saved, but the anger had long since passed, and it was replaced by pity.

You experience the same feeling when reading the story "Poplar". The story is told in the first person. The author, together with his assistants, wanted to cut down young poplars. They were offshoots of an old tree. The man thought that by doing this he would make his life easier, but everything turned out differently. The poplar dried up and therefore gave life to new trees. The old tree died, and the workers destroyed the new shoots.


Not everyone knows that the works of Leo Tolstoy for children are not only fairy tales, stories, but also fables that are written in prose.

For example, The Ant and the Dove. After reading this fable, the children will conclude that good deeds entail good responses.

The ant fell into the water and began to sink, the dove threw a twig to it, along which the poor fellow could get out. Once a hunter set a net on a dove, he wanted to close the trap, but then an ant came to the aid of the bird. He bit the hunter on the leg, he groaned. At this time, the dove got out of the net and flew away.

Other instructive fables invented by Leo Tolstoy also deserve attention. Works for children written in this genre are:

  • "Turtle and Eagle";
  • "The head and tail of a snake";
  • "Lion and Mouse";
  • "Donkey and horse";
  • "Lion, bear and fox";
  • "The Frog and the Lion";
  • "The ox and the old woman".


Pupils of primary and secondary school age can be advised to read the first part of L. N. Tolstoy's trilogy "Childhood", "Adolescence", "Youth". It will be useful for them to learn how their peers, the children of wealthy parents, lived in the 19th century.

The story begins with an acquaintance with Nikolenka Artenyev, who is 10 years old. The boy was instilled with good manners from childhood. And now, waking up, he washed, dressed, and the teacher Karl Ivanovich took him and his younger brother to greet their mother. She poured tea in the living room, then the family had breakfast.

This is how Leo Tolstoy described the morning scene. Works for children teach young readers goodness, love, like this story. The author describes what feelings Nikolenka had for his parents - pure and sincere love. This story will be useful to young readers. In high school, they will study the continuation of the book - "Boyhood" and "Youth".

Tolstoy's works: list

Short stories are read very quickly. Here is the name of some of them, which Lev Nikolaevich wrote for children:

  • "Eskimos";
  • "Two comrades";
  • "Bulka and the wolf";
  • "How trees walk";
  • "Girls are smarter than old men";
  • "Apple trees";
  • "Magnet";
  • "Lozina";
  • "Two merchants";
  • "Bone".
  • "Candle";
  • "Bad air";
  • "Bad air";
  • "Hares";
  • "Deer".

Stories about animals

Tolstoy has very touching stories. We learn about the brave boy from the following story, which is called "Kitten". One family had a cat. For a while, she suddenly disappeared. When the children - brother and sister, found her, they saw that the cat had given birth to kittens. The guys took one for themselves, began to look after the little creature - feed, water.

Once they went for a walk and took the pet with them. But soon the children forgot about him. They remembered only when trouble threatened the baby - hunting dogs rushed at him with barking. The girl was frightened and ran away, and the boy rushed to protect the kitten. He covered him with his body and thus saved him from the dogs, who were then recalled by the hunter.

In the story "Elephant" we learn about a giant animal that lives in India. The owner mistreated him - almost did not feed him and forced him to work hard. Once the animal could not stand such treatment and crushed the man, stepping on him with his foot. Instead of the previous one, the elephant chose the boy - his son - as the owner.

Here are some instructive and interesting stories written by the classic. These are the best works of Leo Tolstoy for children. They will help to instill in children many useful and important qualities, they will teach them to see and understand the world around them better.

Information sheet:

Wonderful cute tales of Leo Tolstoy make an indelible impression on children. Little readers and listeners make unusual discoveries about wildlife, which are given to them in a fabulous form. At the same time, they are interesting to read and easy to understand. For a better perception, some previously written author's fairy tales were later released in processing.

Who is Leo Tolstoy?

He was a famous writer of his time and remains so today. He had an excellent education, knew foreign languages, was fond of classical music. He traveled a lot in Europe, served in the Caucasus.

His author's books have always been published in large editions. Great novels and short stories, short stories and fables - the list of publications amazes with the richness of the author's literary talent. He wrote about love, war, heroism and patriotism. Personally participated in military battles. I saw a lot of grief and complete self-denial of soldiers and officers. He often spoke with bitterness not only of the material, but also of the spiritual poverty of the peasantry. And quite unexpected against the background of his epic and social works were wonderful creations for children.

Why did you start writing for children?

Count Tolstoy did a lot of charity work. On his estate, he opened a school for peasants free of charge. The desire to write for children arose when the first few poor children came to study. In order to open the world around them, to teach them in simple language what is now called natural history, Tolstoy began to write fairy tales.

Why is a writer loved these days?

It turned out so well that even now, children of a completely different generation, are happy to perceive the works of the count of the 19th century, learn love and kindness for the world around them and animals. As in all literature, Leo Tolstoy was also talented in fairy tales, and loved by his readers.

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