Where is quartz mined? What is quartz and how is it formed

Quartz- the general name of one of the most common group of minerals in the Earth's crust (12%). The minerals included in the quartz group differ in their physical, mechanical and other properties, such as hardness, color, shape, deposit, etc. The origin of the word "quartz" has German roots, but several meanings. So, according to one version, it comes from him. "q uarz"- solid; according to another version - from him. " querklüfterz" or « quererz”, which literally translates as “ore of secant veins”.

Druse of rock crystal, calcite and pyrite

Physical and chemical properties of quartz

Quartz is a mineral with a crystalline structure. The crystal lattice of quartz is a hexagonal pseudohexagonal prism, and quartz single crystals have both left and right shapes. Depending on the origin of rocks (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary) containing quartz crystals, their composition may contain the so-called. "grains", "veinlets", "brushes" of other minerals.

If we consider quartz in its “pure” form, i.e. without inclusions of other minerals or chemical elements, quartz is a mineral without color or white. If the composition of quartz contains inclusions of other minerals or chemical elements, then the color of quartz is very diverse - from yellow (citrine) to black (morion). Quartz is characterized by non-metallic luster, high hardness and lack of cleavage.

From a chemical point of view, quartz is silicon oxide (IV), the chemical formula is SiO 2. Belongs to the group of acidic oxides. Melting point - 1713-1728 ° C. Resistant to aggressive environments; able to dissolve in alkali melts, as well as hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid). Silicon (IV) oxide exhibits the properties of di- and piezoelectrics. It is one of the main components of glass. Silicon (IV) oxide is characterized by the phenomenon of polymorphism, i.e. existence in the form of several forms depending on temperature. Thus, α- and β-quartz are distinguished, existing at low and high temperatures, respectively. Modifications of quartz are known, which are independent minerals: cristobalite, tridymite, coestite, stishovite.

Varieties of quartz

Speaking of "pure" quartz, we are talking about such a variety of it as rock crystal. This kind of quartz has no color, it is transparent. Among the varieties of quartz, the most famous and widely used (in the production of jewelry): aventurine, agate, amethyst, moreon, rose quartz, chalcedony, citrine, onyx, tiger and cat's eye. Each of these minerals has a characteristic color and properties, for example, amethyst is a purple mineral, which is explained by the presence of a coloring organic substance of an unidentified structure in its composition. The yellowish color of aventurine is due to inclusions of mica, hematite, and sometimes iron hydroxides; the presence of titanium and iron determine the black color of morion, etc.

Mining and production of quartz

Quartz was formed during various geological processes, mainly from magma. Quartz is found in sedimentary rocks - limestones, dolomites, etc. In coastal coastal zones, quartz is found in the form of rounded pebbles. Quartz is part of the sand. Deposits of quartz sand play a special role in industry.

Despite the widespread occurrence of quartz in natural conditions - nature, methods of artificial production of quartz have been developed and patented. One of these methods is the hydrothermal method. According to mineralogy experts, artificial quartz is more homogeneous, the distribution of impurities in it is more uniform than in quartz of natural origin. Piezo-optical quartz is obtained from quartz of artificial origin, and it has also found wide application in the manufacture of jewelry, since in this case it is possible to obtain quartz of any color and its required saturation (green, blue, blue). The largest production of artificial quartz in the Russian Federation is located in Gus-Khrustalny and Yuzhnouralsk.

Artificial quartz in Yuzhnouralsk has been produced at the Kristall plant since 1962. The quartz produced at this plant was later used for the needs of the radio-electronic industry, and was also exported to other countries. The main industrial scales for the production of sheet glass, glass containers, crystal and other glass products made from artificial quartz are also produced in Yuzhnouralsk at the JSC "Quartz" enterprise.

The largest native quartz found in our country is stored in the museum of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. The mineral is over 1 meter high and was originally used as a city pedestal.

Quartz in human history

In human history, quartz has been known since before our era. So a rock crystal product - a vase (XVI century BC) - was discovered during excavations in Mycenae, a morion product - sunglasses - was found in the tomb of the pharaoh of Egypt - Tutankhamen, quartz beads were found during excavations in Mesopotamia , during excavations of Mayan cities, a skull made of quartz was discovered.

In Russia, one of the most unique products made of quartz (rock crystal) is a samovar made especially for Peter I, in the USA - a crystal seal. The first of the products is in the fund of the Armory of the Russian Federation, and the second is in the US National Museum of Natural History. The National Vault of France has unique drinking goblets and an urn made of rock crystal and dating back to the reign of Emperor Nero.

Application of quartz

Quartz sand is used in the production of glass and various products from it. It is used in optical devices, in ultrasound generators, in telephone and radio equipment (as a piezoelectric), in electronic devices (a quartz resonator is a component of devices for stabilizing the frequency of electronic generators). Quartz is widely used in the production of jewelry. It is used in the manufacture of watches and lenses.

Ways to confirm the natural origin of quartz

To distinguish natural quartz (quartz of natural origin) from artificial or glass (since the most rare varieties of quartz are often faked), it is necessary to draw a piercing-cutting or blunt object over the surface of quartz, such as a knife or stone, while, if quartz is of natural origin, then traces will not remain on its surface. Another way is if you lick the surface of a natural gem and artificial quartz with your tongue, then the surface of the gem will always feel colder. There are other ways, but they are usually used by jewelers.

Other interesting facts about quartz

There is an opinion that quartz has healing and magical properties. So, there is even a method of treating a person with the help of gems - lithotherapy. Some believe that quartz prevents colds, as well as other respiratory diseases. In folk medicine, water is used, which is insisted on quartz, the so-called. "quartz water" for rejuvenation, as lotions and compresses for burns and skin diseases.

According to beliefs, quartz, regardless of its variety, attracts love, luck, success and material wealth, and, in addition, each mineral of the quartz group also has a whole range of magical properties that are unique to it.

Astrologers believe that some signs of the zodiac can use quartz products as amulets and amulets, and some cannot. So, products made of quartz are suitable for Scorpions, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius and are not suitable for Virgo and Gemini.

Anna Arkhipova

Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust. Its free content is about 12%. The gem forms the majority of metaphorical and igneous rocks, is contained in sea and river sand, is part of other stones in the form of silicates and impurities. Its total mass fraction in the earth's crust is over 60%.

Quartz is beautiful and unique in its own way. Of particular admiration is the rare bluish aquaquartz. The mineral has many varieties. He, like no other gem, is diverse in color, shape, genesis. In nature, there are amazing snow and sugar quartz, absolutely transparent and deep black specimens.

Physical and chemical properties of the mineral

The gem is original and unique. According to the chemical composition, it is silicon dioxide, it may contain impurities of aluminum and iron. A pure representative of the species, which is otherwise called rock crystal, has a high thermal conductivity. It is cool to the touch even in warm weather. The gem has an increased resistance to strong acids and other chemicals. Only alkali or hydrofluoric acid can melt it. Due to its high density, quartz is a fairly hard mineral. Therefore, it is second only to topazes, corundums and diamonds.

The melting point of the gem is +1700°C. A pure mineral is distinguished by its amazing beauty and transparency. It is not for nothing that numerous peoples noted its iciness, calling the pebbles small particles of frozen water. However, when combined with other minerals or chemical elements, the gem radically changes its appearance. It can be painted in the most unexpected and bright colors, forming new groups of minerals. For example, red and blue, green and blue quartz are often found in nature.

A bit of history

The mineral has been known to mankind since ancient times. Even our distant ancestors admired the beautiful tints of its color. The description of the gem, its magical and healing properties is found in almost every culture. Scientists believe that the mineral got its current name from the German "querklufterz". This word is translated as "transversely located veins." The name of the mineral fully reflects its structure. Other researchers believe that the word "quartz" comes from the Old Cornish "cross-course-spor". This term is translated in the same way as the previous one.

Crystalline quartz was an object of worship for people living in ancient India, China, and Egypt. Despite the fact that the material is incredibly durable and difficult to process, craftsmen have learned how to create true masterpieces from it. The material is ideal for creating beautiful dishes, interior items, jewelry. Things made from it were found during numerous excavations. In the Middle Ages, quartz crystals were widely used for the production of church utensils, sculptures, and jewelry. Most of these things were kept in the royal treasuries.

In the 16th century, vessels of various shapes made from natural quartz were especially popular in European countries. Gilding, precious diamonds, emeralds, rubies were used for their decor. Many famous historical figures had a special passion for the magic gem:

  1. The ancient Roman emperor Nero simply adored transparent quartz. Two stunning goblets, made specifically for him, can still be admired today in the exposition of the national treasures of France. Numerous photographs of beautiful vessels are presented in specialized books.
  2. In the tomb of the famous pharaoh Tutankhamun, during the excavations, an amazing find was discovered - a prototype of modern sun glasses with bronze temples. The products were created from marion - black translucent quartz.
  3. Peter I was the owner of a truly exotic little thing - a samovar made of transparent rock crystal. You can admire this beautiful masterpiece even now. It is kept in the Armory among other equally amazing craft creations.

Scientists still cannot agree on when the first scientific description of the gem was created. This is due to the fact that numerous types of quartz were discovered at different times. Often they were confused with each other.

Varieties of crystalline quartz

Regardless of the color of the mineral, quartz is, by definition, beautiful. But its value largely depends on the shade:

  1. Rock crystal compares favorably with other types of complete transparency and amazing radiance.
  2. Volosatik received such an unusual name because of the striking appearance. Translucent rock crystal contains inclusions of fine needle crystals of other gems. Threads of tourmaline, rutile and other minerals resemble thin hairs.
  3. Rauchtopaz, which is otherwise called smoky quartz, is distinguished by transparency and a non-standard shade. The color can vary from grayish-smoky to brown.
  4. Morion is a deep black mineral. It is either transparent or opaque.
  5. Prazem is green quartz. The color of the mineral is due to the presence of actinolite or other minerals in the composition of small fibers.
  6. Amethyst is the most valuable representative of the species. It is classified as a precious stone. Violet-pink and lilac-red specimens are often found.
  7. Citrine is a golden or lemon quartz.
  8. Rose quartz belongs to the category of semi-precious stones. It has a delicate pink tint.
  9. Rauchcitrin combines the color of citrine and rauchtopaz. It delights with overflows, in which an amazing harmony of brown and yellow shades can be traced.
  10. Ametrine is a rather rare variety. Its peculiarity lies in its amazing coloring, where violet-lilac and yellow colors are closely intertwined.
  11. A cat's eye is a greyish, pinkish or white stone that has a striking luminous effect.

The amazing beauty of all types of crystalline mineral captivates at first sight. It is not at all surprising that quartz jewelry is always popular with buyers.

Types of cryptocrystalline quartz

Cryptocrystalline quartz is no less common than crystalline. The variety of its shapes and colors is also amazing.

  1. Chalcedony is a translucent variety. Its shades can vary from dazzling white to honey yellow.
  2. Agate, in turn, is a variety of chalcedony. Its peculiarity lies in the original layered-striped structure.
  3. Chrysolite is a transparent stone of a yellow or green hue. The color can be both bright and saturated, and pale.
  4. Aventurine is a very fragile, opaque variety of the mineral. It may have a pale yellow, reddish, cherry color. The highlight of the mineral are shining inclusions of iron mica.
  5. Carnelian is a pink or red quartz, characterized by a striking radiance.
  6. Onyx has a rich brown color. It may have white or black patterns. Often they alternate with honey, pale pink, red-brown plane-parallel layers.
  7. Sapphirine is a blue quartz with a coarse-grained structure.

Jewelers try to give quartz various fancy cuts, so it looks incredibly beautiful in jewelry. Different types of minerals look great in the arms of precious metals.

Where is quartz mined?

The gem is very common and has many types. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that quartz deposits are located in different parts of the world:

  1. A large number of pink minerals are mined in Karelia and the eastern regions of Ukraine.
  2. Rich deposits of morion and rauchtopaz are concentrated in the Urals and in the Zhytomyr region of Ukraine.
  3. Mass production of rock crystal is carried out in the north of Ukraine, in the Eastern Carpathians, in the Pamirs.
  4. Central Asia is famous for its deposits of precious amethyst. First of all, this beautiful stone began to be mined in Brazil, Uruguay and Sri Lanka.

Where is quartz mined in our country? Mainly in the Caucasus, Kola Peninsula, Kamchatka. Stones suitable for creating jewelry are much rarer than ornamental ones. This makes them even more valuable.

In what areas is quartz used?

Mountain quartz is a valuable mineral raw material. The scope of its use is not limited to one jewelry art. Minerals are widely used in the manufacture of ultrasound generators, optical equipment, radio and telephone equipment.

The use of quartz is common in the glass and ceramic industries. Rock crystal and pure quartz sand are most in demand in these areas. The mineral is suitable for the production of silica refractories and quartz glasses. Of course, do not forget about jewelry. Here, icy quartz and other varieties of the mineral are used as inserts in jewelry.

The most important property of a gem is the piezoelectric effect. It was discovered in 1880 by French scientists, brothers Paul and Pierre Curie. And to use the amazing property of the mineral in practice was first proposed by their compatriot Paul Langevin. He made his discovery during the First World War. The Frenchman suggested using ultrasound to detect enemy submarines. But it was planned to receive this ultrasound using the piezoelectric effect.

The inventor took as a basis a flat, smooth, polished quartz plate. Equipped it with electrodes and a holder. The result is a piezoelectric resonator - an oscillatory circuit that provides a certain frequency of resonant oscillations. In the shortest possible time, an unusual invention gained wide popularity not only in France, but also in other countries of the world.

Until recently, piezoelectric quartz was used exclusively for military purposes. However, today the situation has changed. Elements are used in various industries, medicine and science as good sources of ultrasound. For example, piezo lighters and ultrasonic rodent control devices are widely used. Such equipment, operating for several days, causes discomfort in pests. They tend to leave the premises as quickly as possible.

What are the healing properties of quartz jewelry?

Our distant ancestors believed that quartz has a lot of useful properties. It was widely used in their practice by ancient healers and healers. It was believed that stones can fill the human body with life-giving energy. This contributed to the restoration of health, the return of tone, psychological balance and physical activity.

The mineral has a complex effect on the body:

  1. It has a positive effect on the nervous system. In particular, a person who regularly wears quartz jewelry does not suffer from depression, chronic fatigue, or melancholy.
  2. Normalizes the mode of wakefulness and sleep. The owner of an amazing gem forgets about insomnia, nightmares and other similar problems.
  3. Increases concentration and memory, which is especially important for knowledge workers.
  4. Helps to completely relax during the holidays and find peace of mind.

It should not be forgotten that the gem has many varieties. The healing properties of quartz stone largely depend on its type. For example, amethyst is able to overcome alcohol addiction. In addition, it reduces hunger, which is necessary for people with a very good appetite. The characteristic of morion indicates that it is optimal for people who have problems with the circulatory system. The stone strengthens the vascular walls and restores normal heart rhythm.

SOKOLOV gold earrings with quartz (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

From what ailments will quartz water save?

Modern lithotherapists agree that the stone, whose potential is huge, has powerful healing properties. To achieve the desired effect, experts advise using quartz water. Preparing it is extremely simple even at home:

  1. The stone is placed in clean still water. If you use rock crystal, there is a feeling that it seems to melt in a transparent liquid.
  2. A container of water is removed for several days in a dark place.
  3. The mineral is removed, after which the liquid is filtered through a filter containing several different types of quartz crystals.

Experts say that such water is suitable for any medical procedures. It can be drunk, used for compresses and rubbing. Fluid helps:

  • cure diseases of internal organs;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • accelerate recovery in various inflammatory diseases;
  • improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • stabilize blood pressure, strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • to alleviate the patient's condition with pathologies of the respiratory tract;
  • strengthen immunity in infectious diseases.

Quartz water is widely used in the field of cosmetology. It helps to get rid of acne and pimples. If you use the magic remedy regularly, you will notice that the skin has become smoother and more elastic, and the number of wrinkles has decreased. The liquid is also effective in the treatment of open wounds. It can be used to prepare lotions for bruises, cuts, injuries. Pain is reduced, and the wound heals much faster.

ALORIS gold earrings with quartz (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

The magical properties of the stone

People appreciate not only healing, but also the magical properties of quartz. Even in the days of ancient civilizations, an amazing stone was used to create ritual accessories. For example, the well-known transparent crystal balls were made from rock crystal. The same material was ideal for creating lenses that were used in temples to light the sacred fire.

The popularity of phantom quartz is especially high in the magical world. This gem fascinates with its appearance alone. It surprisingly combines play of yellow, red, orange, green, blue colors. It all looks really impressive.

All varieties of quartz surprisingly affect the character and behavior of people:

  • stimulate memory, attention, mental activity;
  • contribute to the disclosure of creative potential, the development of abstract thinking and fantasy;
  • give a person enviable oratorical abilities;
  • attract material well-being, good luck and success;
  • help to find a soul mate and save love;
  • relieve irritability and increased anxiety.

Of course, almost every variety of a beautiful gem has its own magical properties.

  1. Rock crystal is of great value to sorcerers and magicians. It is a powerful conductor of energy. Many people who decide to purchase a magic stone have discovered the ability to make random predictions.
  2. White and milky quartz have a close connection with the inner world. They are ideal for people who practice meditation. They help to discard unnecessary thoughts and plunge headlong into self-knowledge.
  3. Carnelian also has its own magic. This amazing gem is considered a symbol of sensuality and passion. It is sure to come in handy for people who dream of meeting the love of their life.
  4. Amethyst and chrysoprase are constant companions of overly temperamental, emotional, explosive people. They have a calming effect on the owner and bring the necessary prudence to actions.
  5. Smoky and snowy quartz are the mascots of leaders, politicians, and entrepreneurs. They help to avoid mistakes and strengthen business acumen.

Products made of quartz have a truly mystical power. The main thing is to believe in their miraculous properties, then the minerals will definitely help.

Silver cufflinks SL with quartz (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

Who is the magic mineral suitable for?

It is impossible to unambiguously answer this question due to the large variety of mineral types that differ in energy and properties. Astrologers recommend considering the influence of a particular type of stone on a person with a specific date of birth.

  1. Rock crystal is the perfect personal charm for Leo, Taurus, Pisces and Libra. It will bring good luck and prosperity.
  2. People who are Libra, Taurus, Cancer or Aquarius according to the horoscope need to wear rose quartz in a pendant or beads. When located in the region of the heart, the mineral promotes self-confidence and self-esteem.
  3. Rauchtopaz or smoky quartz does not go well with all signs of the zodiac. It is recommended to wear it to Scorpio, who, under the influence of the mineral, gets rid of the negative traits of his character. Capricorns who choose this stone will be able to know their destiny. Libra will find peace of mind.
  4. Citrine will improve the financial condition of Gemini, Virgo and Libra. In addition, it will bring good luck and sharpen intuition.

To all other signs of the zodiac, the mineral is neutral. It will do neither good nor harm.

SL gold ring with quartz and diamonds (go to SUNLIGHT catalog)

Quartz is one of the most common minerals in the earth's crust.

Its total mass fraction exceeds 50%. The main element is silicon.

In nature, it occurs in the form of crystals, sand, or even monolithic rock.

Characteristics and types

About 100 varieties of quartz are known. Among them are rock crystal, ruby, agate. Quartz is mined on an industrial scale. Pure quartz has a transparent color. In composition, it is close to glass, but harder than it. There are also quite strong differences in the refractive index. Quartz with impurities can have any color, except for blue and green.

Quartz crystals can have very different sizes. The typical size of one crystal is 5-10.20 cm. Rock crystal can also be found in large clusters. The smallest crystals are quartz sand. Colorless quartz sand is similar in composition to pure crystalline quartz.

Field and production

(Quarry for the extraction of quartz "Crystal Mountain")

Due to its prevalence, quartz is mined in the usual open way. The main deposits of quartz are located in mountainous areas, but this is not necessary. Colored quartz (Citrine, Agate, Chalcedony, Sapphire quartz + about 20 items) is widely mined in the Urals. Crystalline quartz is mined by mine or open pit. Sand - only open.

Rocky massifs made of pure quartz are the most convenient for mining. In this case, it can be mined explosively in large blocks. The method of extraction largely depends on the further application. Thus, crystalline quartz is not required for the glass industry. For the production of electronics (silicon for semiconductors), quartz crystalline rock is sometimes used. Whole crystals are needed for the production of lighters, piezoelectric loudspeakers and other devices.

Application of quartz

Quart is used in the glass and electronic industries. Some special grades of glass, such as UV-clear quartz glass, are made up of 98% natural quartz. Quartz sand is an excellent building material. It is used to create high-strength concretes, along with crushed granite.

Products made of natural quartz stone of various varieties are always very difficult to manufacture. It is due to the high hardness of quartz, which makes it very difficult to process. For this reason, artificial quartz stone has recently become widespread. It is used in the same place as granite. Artificial quartz stone consists of 90% natural quartz crumbs.

In this article:

Quartz is the most common mineral on Earth, thanks to its simple composition. But at the same time, the polymorphism of this stone is impressive. Scientists know more than ten varieties of crystal, and they also distinguish a separate group of chalcedony, which also belong to the crystal. If you want to know how to find quartz, then you should familiarize yourself with the deposits of the mineral and the features of its structure.

Growth of smoky quartz crystals

Mineral formation

Quartz has the ability to crystallize in various modifications. It all depends on the conditions in which the substrate for the reaction, that is, silica, is located. Most often, the substance crystallizes from acidic magma. Pegmatites grow together with feldspar and form a quartz core. If the process is hydrothermal in nature, then crystal veins are obtained as a result.

At the same time, the stone is stable in surface deposits, placers of various origins. This fact explains why the stone is often found on the banks of rivers or on beaches in crushed form or in the form of full-fledged crystals.

Search for quartz in nature

If we talk about quartz in general, then it was found on absolutely all continents, except for Antarctica. Of course, each country is famous for a certain type of stone, for example, rock crystal is mined in the regions:

  1. Northern Italy.
  2. Transcarpathia.
  3. Alps.
  4. Brazil.

And also stones are brought from different regions of the United States and from Madagascar. Brazil is also famous for its amethysts. A search is underway for crystals in African countries, in particular, in Namibia. Many quartz rocks exist in Russia; large deposits have been found in the Urals. But such a stone as prasiolite should not be looked for in nature at all, since quartz acquires a green tint only after artificial heating, it is most often made from citrine.

The search for quartz is not limited to existing deposits. The list of countries for the extraction of varieties of stone includes: Japan, Ireland, Scotland, and Tanzania. Since the stone is not deep, it is often found by accident, and only then they begin to develop the place.

But remember that a pebble found on the river bank can hardly be sent to a jeweler. Most likely, it will be either worn or contain many defects. Therefore, the process of cutting and setting is unprofitable, it will be easier and cheaper to buy a finished product with quartz.

And in nature you can find gold-bearing quartz. This stone can always be found near the placers of the precious metal, particles of gold can be part of the mineral. It should be remembered that quartz is a vein-forming mineral. And yet this stone is always in close connection with precious metals.

Therefore, while searching for gold, you should not be upset if you find quartz, but it is better to learn how to distinguish a gold-bearing mineral from an ordinary one. There are several rules for this:

  • the presence of visible gold, which appears if the stone is split and the pieces are moistened with water;
  • fringing of quartz and the acquisition of a characteristic shade;
  • sponginess of the structure indicates that ore could be leached from quartz along with gold impurities;
  • pure quartz crystals or milky white means that you should not look for gold in such a stone.

The mineral was found in products not only by chance, but also during archaeological excavations. So, the famous finds from ancient times are:

  • Rock crystal vase found at Mycenae and dated to the 16th century. BC e.
  • The glasses of Tutankhamun, which were found in the tomb, contained morion, a type of quartz.
  • A rock crystal pendant that may have belonged to a resident of the Frankish Empire and dates back to the 5th century BC. e.
  • Rock crystal jug found in Germany, made in 1580.
  • Finds in the form of antique items made of quartz from the 18th and 19th centuries, vases from the Qing dynasty, and table seals.

All these things have survived to this day, thanks to the excellent hardness of the stone and unpretentiousness in storage conditions.

Properties and differences of quartz

You can look for quartz, but find more expensive substances. Although even when finding quartz, it can be sold quite profitably, especially if it is amethyst or rock crystal. Even other varieties of stone are of value in the industry due to their characteristics, among which are:

  • Silica polymorphism - the property to acquire different shades. Because of this, quartz is often used as an ornamental stone.
  • If we talk about the crystalline structure, then in nature the most common stone is resistant to temperatures up to 573 degrees Celsius.
  • Quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.
  • Low thermal conductivity - the stone does not heat up in the hands.
  • The mineral has piezoelectric properties.
  • The stone is fragile, but at the same time it withstands uneven heating, and its density is 2.65.

If we talk about how to check quartz, this can be done by density, as well as by the power of refraction of rays using a refractometer. And if the shade of amethyst cannot be confused with other stones, then sometimes citrine raises doubts about the similarity with topaz.

To distinguish stones, both specimens can be immersed in methylene iodide. In this way, we will know if the quartz is real, because it will float in solution, and the topaz will go to the bottom. Other shades of quartz are beyond doubt.

Quartz is a common mineral mined in many countries around the world. One of its varieties is sugar quartz. Often quartz is also called snow or milky.

It is indispensable for restoring the mental balance of a person, getting rid of fears, depression. Wearing it instills confidence, calmness, positive mood in the soul. The energy emanating from the crystal is able to cleanse the room, give it a peaceful, positive aura. Psychologically, a person becomes more optimistic, courageous, resolute, confident in his undertakings, in achieving certain goals on the way to success.

Turning to the crystal through meditation enables a person to overcome many difficulties, life obstacles associated with improper upbringing, complexes, lack of love, mutual understanding that people did not receive in childhood. Sugar quartz has many magical and healing properties that have a beneficial effect on both the health and the mental and physical state of its owner.

Crystal magic: what are the properties of sugar quartz

Quartz is like transparent hexagonal crystals with pointed tops at the ends. In its pure form, the mineral is hard, second only to topaz, corundum and diamonds. The Romans in ancient times cooled their hands with a ball in the heat, since the mineral in its pure form has a high thermal conductivity and always remains cool to the touch. The stone successfully resists chemicals, acids, melts only when alkali is added or when heated above 1700 ° C.

Jewelry made of sugar stone is durable, it is almost impossible to harm them, they always remain in their original form.

It has long been believed that the flow of divine fire to the earth is carried out due to these crystals, the altars in the temples were lit precisely through lenses, balls made on the basis of sugar quartz. Stone crystals helped the priests to look into the past and predict the future. It was in the crystals that they tried to consider and find out the information sent by the Universe to the earth. The stone became an intermediary between the worlds, which led to its use by psychics, magicians and sorcerers for their own purposes.

It is believed that sugar or snow quartz is an excellent assistant to a person in his search for true, true love. It increases the mental abilities of a person, therefore it is indispensable for schoolchildren and students during any written work, passing exams.

Put the quartz in front of you on the desk, part of the assignments, the stone will take all the responsibility, and you will quickly and easily cope with the task of any complexity. The person wearing the amulet becomes wiser, first he thinks, then he speaks. His hidden talents are revealed, which were previously impossible to even think about.

Quartz endows its owners with valuable qualities: tact, intelligence, determination, consistency of thoughts, their direction in the exact, right direction. Sacrifice, martyrdom, suffering, impotence, uncertainty in life will be overcome for all owners of the miraculous crystal.

Quartz is quite common and is mined in many countries of the world. It is not an expensive crystal, but the healing energy that comes from it is simply incredible. The stone will cleanse from dirty, bad energy that has accumulated over the years on a person, associated with damage that led to illnesses, ailments, and failures in business. The human chakras will be filled with harmony, the immune system will return to normal, the state of the body as a whole becomes balanced, calm.

The crystal perfectly heals wounds, burns, for which it is enough to hold the stone next to the affected area. The stone helps to think, speech, memory, attentiveness and concentration are restored in any business. Recommended for people with Alzheimer's disease.

Milk quartz in the form of talismans and amulets, quartz in astrology

Sugar quartz is a huge energy buffer in the absorption of negative and negative energy accumulated on a person. The crystal will constantly nourish its owner, charge it with bright, positive energy, give strength and confidence.

A talisman in a silver frame stabilizes the material well-being of its owner, attracts good luck and success in any business. Heart-shaped quartz will help you find true love. It can be attached to a cross given to a person at baptism, or a consecrated cross to a sugar necklace. So you will be reliably protected from the evil eye, various dark forces. The connection and communication of a person with higher powers, the Heavenly messenger will increase.

Not only necklaces are made of stone, but they are also inserted into brooches, earrings, rings. The snow talisman helps to reveal the possibilities of a person, unknown to him before, to find ways to implement his ideas, desires.

In combination with silver, quartz helps to attract good luck, success, and the material well-being of your ward. It is also used in the glass industry for the manufacture of vases, bowls, ashtrays, quartz clocks.

Astrologers recommend wearing necklaces and other quartz products to Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius. The mineral will relieve fatigue, help in any difficult life situation. Do not wear it to Gemini and Virgo.

Snowy is considered a talisman of purity and innocence, indispensable for seekers of love, for the realization of bold, sincere feelings and ideas. Preferred for girls and small children.

Quartz is considered the strongest conductor of energy, the direction of which depends on the owner of this stone.

In any case, it is a talisman, a talisman for good luck, attracts success to the one to whom it belongs. Quartz will cleanse a person of negative energy, give him strength, confidence, help to cope with stress, fears, calm thoughts, direct them to creation, the embodiment of all conceived ideas and goals.

Where is quartz mined?

Quartz accounts for almost half of the deposits in the earth's crust, the mineral is widespread and does not belong to the expensive ones, but it is by no means possible to get stones everywhere for the production of jewelry. Quartz deposits are known in eastern Ukraine, in Karelia.

Today, deposits have been found in Chukotka, the Caucasus, the Kola Peninsula, Yakutia and Central Asia.

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