Ksenia Sobchak. Biography of Ksenia Sobchak and personal life Who does Ksenia Sobchak look like

Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly stated that she cannot stand children. This is quite normal, this is a personal matter of any person. The reasons for childfree may be different, but they all have the right to be.

For example, I also never had a great desire to pupate. The reason is simple - I am too responsible, but I understand that I can not give the child everything that I want to give him. And if so, I will suffer.

Watching Xenia's relationship with her parents, I understand her reason for not wanting to have her own children. She does not love her mother, she is constantly at odds with her, and makes a completely logical conclusion for herself: she will have exactly the same relationship with her children.

Photo: get-wallpapersr.ru

However, stupid clowns are not able to cope with instincts. Rumors about the pregnancy of the baby-hater Sobchak ceased to be rumors.

And although officially Ksenia is silent about pregnancy, everything is already clear to everyone:

Photo: social networks

This is a flyover. This is already the fifth month. Yesterday Sobchak stated that she hates children, and today she ovulated and became pregnant. And this is also quite normal for the correspondent of the TV channel Lo///d.

Literally six months ago, Ksenia sent photos of her genitals to the co-owner of the Ruspetro oil company Alexander Chistyakov, the husband of her friend Natalia "Glucose" Ionova, known for her fertility. And now Sobchak is pregnant.

At the same time, Ksenia called Maxim Vitorgan, her husband, an average actor who never grabbed stars from heaven. From mediocre peasants, women, as a rule, do not give birth.

We didn’t hold a candle there and, of course, we can only guess who Sobchak got pregnant from. The list of Xenia's ex-men, compiled by Tina Kandelaki, is quite extensive, and not all of them continue to communicate with the former TV presenter of House 2.

This includes the official Kapkov, and Umar Dzhabrailov, and the opposition freak Ilya Yashin, and many others. The main feature of the list is that all men are more interesting, more influential, prettier and richer than the current husband Sobchak.

Who is the father of Xenia's unborn child, one can only guess. In a couple of years, we'll see who he looks like, and everything will become clear.

Nevertheless, already today we can assume from whom Sobchak flew. Whether it's by chance or by choice, it doesn't matter. Who do you think is the biological father of Xenia's child?

Ksenia Sobchak, whose biography is of interest to many of her fans and supporters, is one of the most scandalous and controversial people in the public world. She became famous as a TV presenter, tried to become a writer, and is now engaged in journalism and social activities.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born in early November 1981 in Leningrad. By the nature of her family's activities, it was not difficult to guess that the girl had a great future. Mother - Lyudmila Narusova, a certified historian, politician, father - Anatoly Sobchak - was a lawyer and the first mayor in the history of the city of St. Petersburg.

Because of the professions of Xenia's parents, she constantly had to be in some kind of framework. Security was assigned to her, many pranks available to other children were forbidden for Xenia. The girl suffered greatly because of this.

In adolescence, Xenia, like most of her peers, began to play youthful maximalism. She stopped listening to her parents, was fond of rock, which was expressed in her manner of dressing and makeup, and dreamed of dying young, like Kurt Cobain. But, despite this, she managed to graduate from a prestigious school (although she could not do without absenteeism and calls to the director).


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak indicates that the girl grew up in a creative environment, as she was engaged in fine arts, studying at a school at the Hermitage, and also studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater for some time.

Ksenia studied at the secondary school at the Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen, which she successfully graduated from. Then she entered St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of International Relations, and after moving to Moscow, she transferred to MGIMO at the same faculty. She completed her studies in 2002, and in 2004 she received a master's degree in political science at the same place, at MGIMO.

After receiving diplomas, she wanted to continue her education abroad, but she was fascinated by television activities.

Television career

For some time after graduating from university, Ksenia simply relaxed and had fun at many parties, for which she was known as a Moscow socialite. Her first big work on television was the Dom-2 project, which glorified Ksenia throughout the country. She worked there as a presenter together with K. Borodina.

The biography of Ksenia Sobchak contains information that the presenter left the project in 2012, when she refused to renew the contract, but, in fact, she began to distance herself from the project long before that, appearing less and less in the frame. Her place was eventually taken by O. Buzova, a former participant.

Ksenia switched to more interesting and serious projects. For example, she hosted the MUZ-TV Prize along with I. Urgant, and on Channel One she was seen as the host of the show "The Last Hero - 6" and "Two Stars", as a participant in the show "Circus with the Stars".

She also works a lot on the radio, for example, on Silver Rain, where she hosts the programs Barabaka and the Gray Wolf, Barabaka's Weekdays.

Quite often flashes on foreign TV channels. In Georgia, she hosted the program "The Main Theme", in Ukraine - "Let's Get Married".

Currently hosts the show "Deal" on the TV channel "Friday".

The biography of Ksenia Sobchak is rich in programs created for the sake of solving and discussing acute social and political issues ("State Department", "Freedom of Thought").

Political activity

Sobchak began to actively express her political views in 2011, after the elections to the State Duma. Then a wave of rallies swept across the country, and Ksenia took part in most of the Moscow ones. After V. Putin's victory in the 2012 presidential election, she also took part in protests.

In May, she was detained by the police along with A. Navalny for an illegal meeting of oppositionists. After that, Sobchak was suspended from work at the MUZ-TV Prize.

The biography of Ksenia Sobchak has one hard-hitting page telling about a search in her apartment and the discovery of a large sum of money. After this incident, the head of the opposition movement asked Xenia to step back from her civil activities for a while and not cast a shadow on the entire opposition.

In 2012, she participated in the elections to the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition.

Personal life

Ksenia Sobchak, whose biography is rich in love affairs, never sought to disclose the details of her personal life. However, her lovers appeared several times in the press and on television, openly talking about their feelings. For example, Sergei Kapkov spoke about his love for Sobchak in the program "Let them talk." Ksenia and Sergey, a former State Duma deputy, met for a year, but then the couple broke up.

It is also known that Ksenia was engaged to businessman Alexander Shusterovich back in 2005, but just a few days before the wedding, the TV presenter broke off all relations with him.

After working with Timati on the video, there were rumors about their sexual relationship. Fuel was added to the fire by an indecent video circulating on the Internet, the main characters of which were Ksenia and the famous rapper.

In 2012, Ksenia Sobchak, a biography whose personal life will soon change dramatically, met with one of the members of the opposition, Ilya Yashin.

In February 2013, Ksenia married the famous actor Maxim Vitorgan. This marriage was a complete surprise both for the inner circle of the presenter and for ordinary people. It is not surprising that such an event gave rise to a lot of rumors. Many suggestions have been put forward as to what this marriage is for. Among others, there was marriage for the sake of PR, marriage as revenge on I. Yashin, Xenia's pregnancy. Of course, none of the versions were confirmed. Ksenia and Maxim are happily married to this day.

The couple openly support the opposition movement.


Since 2008, Sobchak has been writing. Her first two books were devoted to the lessons of style and beauty from the "socialite". This was followed by a joint literary project with Oksana Robski, in which the girls give advice on how to successfully marry a millionaire. Also on account of Xenia "Encyclopedia of sucker" and "Philosophy in the boudoir."


The biography of Ksenia Sobchak is increasingly updated with new works in the cinema. At the moment, there are 18 roles in her piggy bank. Of course, these films do not qualify for the Oscar, they cannot be called serious. So far, her filmography includes only comedy and youth films, including "The Best Film" (the role of a prostitute), "Rzhevsky against Napoleon."

She worked with Valeria Gai Germanika several times. In the series "A Short Course in a Happy Life" she was a guest star, in "Entropy" they both played the main roles.

  1. Sobchak Ksenia Anatolyevna, whose biography is completely ambiguous, has been criticized more than once by Rossiyskaya Gazeta, as well as by Nikita Mikhalkov, for her political activities.
  2. Ksenia speaks three languages: English, Spanish and French.
  3. In 2000, the father of Ksenia Sobchak died. Her biography does not contain details of the tragedy, but the TV presenter herself let slip about the terrible depression that practically swallowed her up that year.
  4. In the last year of study at MGIMO, Sobchak's apartment was robbed. Jewelry worth more than 15 million rubles disappeared.
  5. In 2012, she sold a stake in Euroset for more than two million dollars.
  6. There are several opinions about how old Ksenia Sobchak is. The biography, however, leaves no doubt about the date of her birth (November 5, 1981).
  7. She was the editor of women's magazines SNC and L "officiel.
  8. In 2015, Sobchak made his theatrical debut at the Theater of Nations. She performed a role in the play "Marriage" for a record reward of 360 thousand rubles.

The journalist and socialite gave birth to a boy in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow.

Fans of Ksenia Sobchak began to practice belly fortune telling as soon as she had it. The shape and dimensions were subjected to detailed study. The location of the navel, the signs of the zodiac of the parents, the character of Sobchak and the order of the stars at the time of conception were taken into account. The conclusion was almost unanimous: Ksenia is expecting a boy. And after all, folk signs worked! Although Sobchak and Vitorgan carefully concealed the sex of the baby even from their parents: they were afraid that happy grandparents might inadvertently give out information to journalists!

A strong baby was born in Lapino, beloved by stars near Moscow.

“11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy, ”the TV presenter wrote on her Instagram.

"Friends! Congratulate us! Was born!!! Mazal tov!!! We are crying!!! Grandfather Emmanuel and grandmother Ira,” Maxim’s happy dad left a message on social networks.

This center is very popular with celebrities. For example, the twins of Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin Harry and Lisa, the youngest daughter of Ivan Urgant Valery, the daughter of Garik Kharlamov Nastya were born there. In addition, it is only a 15-minute drive from the country house Sobchak and Vitorgan. According to Sobchak herself, another argument in favor of Lapino is that she wanted to give birth in Russia. Like, a person has a connection with the place where he was born.

Most likely, Sobchak gave birth without anesthesia. Partly - in order not to harm the child, partly - in order to test oneself for endurance again.

“I’m thinking of giving up anesthesia during childbirth,” Ksenia told reporters early in an interview. Suddenly this will not happen a second time, I want to feel what kind of strong pain that a person can endure anyway.

For the next three months, as Tatler reported, the star mother planned to settle in her country house and focus on motherhood.

“I’m actually a city person, but I understand that a child outside the city will be more comfortable, there is fresh air. Walking with a stroller along the Garden Ring is not fun, ”Ksenia admitted. - I have been dreaming of not going anywhere for a long time, but<…>then “Ksenia, you are very needed” begins. It seems I can say “no”, but I’m still going” (read more).

For Ksenia, the child is the firstborn, and her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan, already has two children: 20-year-old Polina and 16-year-old Daniel.

An example of Sobchak is wonderful for all women over 30. After her famous statements about children, for some reason everyone decided that Ksenia was a convinced child-free. Therefore, their marriage with Vitorgan was predicted to collapse soon - they say, what kind of relationship would last a long time without offspring. Then for some reason they decided that Sobchak could not get pregnant and all the talk that she simply did not want this at a given period of time was just a cover.

At the same time, Ksenia’s position was very understandable and correct: giving birth because “age” or because “necessary” is wrong. The child should appear only when she really wants him. I wanted to at the age of 35, and she did it.

Pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak

Sobchak is a devoted follower of the commandment that "pregnancy is not a disease." From the first months and right up to the very birth, Ksenia did not give herself a descent in anything.

First, she didn't stop working. Much and ruthlessly. She gave herself an indulgence only by stopping traveling at the 8th month. But in Moscow, activity at that moment seems to have doubled: she went to shows, led events and seminars. At the celebration of the anniversary, MUZ-TV even joked that she was afraid to give birth right on stage. However, after that it did not slow down.

Secondly, Sobchak did not forget about sports. In general, the figure is one of Xenia's "fads". She was so afraid of gaining weight that she practiced for two hours every day: she stood on her head during yoga classes, regularly swam in the pool and tried to walk more. I also monitored nutrition: no jamming of pickles with cakes! Taboo for baking! As a result, she recovered only in the abdomen.

Perhaps the conceived cover in Tatler magazine served as an incentive. Ksenia graced the front page with her naked pregnant body, which caused a tsunami of emotions!

How Sobchak plans to raise a baby

Knowing the workaholism of Ksenia Sobchak, her close friends Natalya and Alexander Chistyakov, congratulating the TV presenter on the birth of a child, wished her not to rush to go to work.

“I wish that she fully felt the role of a mother and, most importantly, was able to find time to see everything. After all, when a child is born, we mothers always run to work. And my personal story was no exception, I returned to the stage just a few months later, therefore, having a similar experience, I want to wish Ksyusha to enjoy this period and see all the first victories of her baby, ”says Gluko’Za.

Mom will help with the upbringing of baby Xenia. But only, Lyudmila Narusova admits, if her daughter asks her about it.

“Ksyusha is one of those people who will never ask for help, but there were moments when I felt that she needed my support. That's why I'm a mother. But I understand that we must act carefully so as not to hurt her pride and so that she does not notice anything, - said Lyudmila Narusova in an interview. - I know that there are forbidden topics that I should not touch, and I do not. This is a question of her relationship with Maxim. I can watch from the sidelines, but if they don’t ask me, I don’t interfere.”

Lyudmila Borisovna says that Ksenia has changed a lot with the advent of Maxim Vitorgan in her life. She has become more calm, balanced, more responsible in her statements, in relation to problems, she always considers issues from one side and the other. Yes, and Ksenia herself has repeatedly admitted that she feels calm and reliable with her husband.

Despite the established reputation, Sobchak has a great experience in communicating with children. She gets along with teenagers - Maxim's children. She has two godchildren, the children of her friends, with whom she constantly keeps in touch. And recently, Ksenia visited a children's party - the son of her friend, businesswoman Oksana Lavrentieva, turned 10 years old. "On the children's DR and happy !!!" and two ironic, quite in the spirit of Ksyushin, hashtags: #have come and #life is full of amazing changes. So everything flows, everything changes.

Ksenia at the presentation of Nobu watches

Lyudmila Borisovna is absolutely sure that Ksenia is ripe for motherhood and is ready to change diapers and not sleep at night.

“Ksyusha will be a wonderful mother, completely selfless and correct. Whether they will let me see my grandchildren, I can only guess, humbly ask, and I don’t know how they will decide. But I know in advance that I will go to any lengths to achieve this. I will humiliate myself, grovel and ask to work with my grandchildren. And how they will decide - I do not know. What will they call me? I don't care at all - even a great-grandmother, even a grandfather, anyone, as long as there were grandchildren. I'm not going to be young,” says Lyudmila Narusova.

Recall that the pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak was just some kind of obsession. For several months, as it became known about her interesting position, some fantastic theories were put forward. Users of social networks argued to calluses on their fingers: whether Ksenia herself is carrying a child or a consignment note, they accused her of PR during pregnancy. It got to the point that Xenia's nine-month-old belly was not noticed point-blank, insisting that the child was carried by a surrogate mother.

Such pressure is difficult to bear, and Maxim Vitorgan once could not stand it and broke down, saying a lot of harsh words on Instagram. But Xenia, it seems, does not notice this wild excitement. We hope that now, after the birth of a child, passions will subside somewhat, and Xenia and Maxim will be allowed to enjoy parenthood.

How much did the birth of Ksenia Sobchak cost

Lapino Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child"

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak- daughter of the mayor of Leningrad Anatoly Sobchak, Russian journalist, TV and radio host, actress, former member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian opposition (2012-2013). He is a popular character in the media covering show business and social life. She was a presidential candidate in the 2018 elections, came fourth with a score of 1.68% of the vote.

Childhood, education of Ksenia Sobchak

Xenia's father Sobchak Anatoly Alexandrovich(1937 - 2000) - Soviet and Russian politician, the first mayor of Leningrad.

Xenia's mother Narusova Lyudmila Borisovna(1951, Bryansk) - Russian politician, member of the Federation Council of Russia (2002-2012 and since 2016) from the Republic of Tuva. Member of the State Duma of Russia (1996-1999), member of the St. Petersburg Union of Journalists (2005). Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Anatoly Sobchak noted that in raising his daughter he adhered to a democratic style in order to help the girl better reveal her abilities. However, those around him recalled that Ksenia grew up as a rebellious, obstinate child. While studying at school, Ksenia Sobchak often disrupted and missed classes, was intemperate in her language. Apparently, the daughter did not understand that democracy and permissiveness are not the same thing. Anatoly Alexandrovich told how he once tried to flog a naughty daughter, but she shouted to him: “Me too, democrat!” This made Sobchak-dad think about it.

Ksenia Sobchak in childhood (Photo: TASS)

Since 1988, Ksenia Sobchak attended the "English" school No. 185 in the city of Leningrad, then moved to a school at the Herzen State Pedagogical University. There Ksenia received a matriculation certificate.

In parallel with her studies at high school, Ksenia Sobchak studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater, and also took painting lessons at the art school at the Hermitage.

In 1998, Ksenia entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. Three years later, Sobchak transferred to a similar specialty at MGIMO. After receiving a bachelor's degree (2002), she became a master's student at the Faculty of Political Science. After graduating with honors in 2004, Ksenia entered the graduate school. She speaks English, French and Spanish.

The popularity of Ksenia Sobchak

After graduating from MGIMO, Ksenia Sobchak began her career on television. Since 2004, together with Ksenia Borodina, she has hosted the reality show Dom-2 on TNT (Olga Buzova eventually also joined the host team).

Ksenia Sobchak/Dom-2 (Photo: Global Look Press)

Then Ksenia hosted a variety of reality shows on television - “Who does not want to become a millionaire” (TNT), “The Last Hero-6” (Channel One), “Blonde in Chocolate” on Muz-TV. Ksenia Anatolyevna was one of the hosts of the show "Two Stars" on Channel One. In 2008 and 2010 together with Ivan Urgant was the host of the Muz-TV Prize. She starred in promotional videos for the Euroset company.

There is also a radio in the biography of Ksenia Sobchak, she hosted her own radio program “Weekdays of Barabaka” on the Silver Rain radio station, and here she is currently hosting the program “Barabaki and the Gray Wolf” together with Sergei Kalvarsky.

Ksenia Sobchak in the above programs (Photo: TASS / Global Look press)

On March 15, 2010, Ksenia hosted the talk show "Freedom of Thought" (Channel Five), participated on the Russia-1 TV channel in the entertainment program "Girls" (April-October 2010).

This was followed by the program "Top Model in Russian", membership in the jury "Big Difference in Odessa" (2011-2012), on the Ukrainian channel STB Ksenia Sobchak was the host of the program "Let's Get Married" and on the Georgian TV channel PIK from April to October In 2012, she hosted the program "The Main Theme".

In 2012-2013, K. Sobchak was the host of the State Department with Ksenia Sobchak project. The State Department first appeared on the MTV channel, then on RBC, Dozhd and the website of the Snob magazine.

From 2012 to 2014, Sobchak was the editor-in-chief of the women's magazine SNC. In October 2014, Ksenia Sobchak became the editor-in-chief of the glossy magazine L'Officiel.

Political career of Ksenia Sobchak

On December 4, 2011, Ksenia Sobchak supported protests against "election fraud", calling into question the victory of United Russia. She spoke at rallies on Bolotnaya Square and on Academician Sakharov Avenue.

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which were won by Vladimir Putin, Ksenia spoke at the rally "For Fair Elections" on Novy Arbat.

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak during a speech at a rally "For Fair Elections" on Novy Arbat Street, March 10, 2012 (Photo: Artem Korotaev / TASS)

On May 8, Ksenia Sobchak was detained along with Alexei Navalny at the Nikitsky Gate, after the oppositionists were forced out of Chistye Prudy. After that, she continued to participate in protests.

In March 2015, Ksenia Anatolyevna announced her decision to temporarily leave Russia, as she believed that her name allegedly appears on the so-called "hit lists", which were reported by some media immediately after the murder Boris Nemtsov.

The decision to run for president in 2018

In September 2017, Ksenia Sobchak denied that the Kremlin was considering her candidacy for the presidency. “I don’t know what anyone is discussing in high offices, but I have been carefully watching our political landscape for a long time. And I have one diagnosis - ... boring and disgusting, ”Xenia was quoted as saying by the news. Sobchak also emphasized that she is an independent person and has not been and will not be connected with the presidential administration, which she is “very proud of”.

On the evening of October 18, 2017, Ksenia Sobchak announced her decision to participate in the presidential elections in 2018. Sobchak recorded a special video message, which she posted on her Instagram account.

In her appeal, as the news reported, the 35-year-old TV presenter notes that she is tired of being silent, that she is responsible for any actions in the public arena, and, "realizing all the risks and incredible difficulties," she decided to take part in the presidential election. The journalist expresses confidence that her nomination “may be a step towards the much-needed transformations in our country” and “can and should be useful both for the opposition and for the whole society.”

According to Ksenia Sobchak, she is ideally suited for the role of the “Against All” candidate, as she is “outside the rigid ideological framework”, does not belong to specific parties, and is not bound by party or group discipline.

Later, news appeared that Sobchak's campaign headquarters could be headed by journalist Andrey Malakhov. Another colleague of Ksenia on TV, Ivan Urgant, soon prepared a parody of Sobchak's video message. Singer Nikolai Baskov, with whom Ksenia has friendly relations, did not believe that his friend decided to participate in the presidential race.

The news of Sobchak's presidential nomination drew criticism from many politicians. Among them were the coordinator of the "Left Front" Sergei Udaltsov , Grigory Yavlinsky, chairman of the federal political committee of the Yabloko party, and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the LDPR party .

After the elections, at a meeting in the Kremlin, Ksenia Sobchak handed over to the president a list of people whom she considers to be political prisoners. In particular, Dmitry Borisov, Stanislav Zimovets, Alexander Kolchenko, Vladimir Lapygin, Sergey Mokhnatkin, Oleg Navalny, Alexander Sokolov, Oleg Sentsov and others appear in it. As the news reported, Vladimir Putin instructed the administration to work out the petition of the TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak to pardon 16 people.

The state of Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak regularly ranks high in the Forbes magazine ratings in the Russian celebrities category. Sobchak took the highest (4th) place in the Forbes ranking in 2010 with a fortune of $ 2.3 million. In 2016, Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was in 15th place with $1 million.

The main part of Ksenia Sobchak's income comes from advertising contracts and work as a host of events. Ksenia Sobchak is also engaged in the restaurant business, her establishments include the Tverbul restaurant and the Bublik cafe.

Ksenia Sobchak considers herself a good investor. In 2010, it acquired a 0.1% stake in Euroset for about $1 million; market participants regarded the deal as purely an advertising campaign. However, in December 2012, Ksenia earned $ 2.3 million from the sale of her stake in Euroset, making good money.

In June 2012, Sobchak was searched. Investigators seized about €1 million, $480,000 and 480,000 rubles from Sobchak, the money was packaged in more than 100 envelopes. Sobchak herself said that she was suspected of financing riots at opposition rallies. The topic of tax evasion by the TV presenter was also raised, however, in the fall, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation officially informed that “a cameral tax audit did not reveal the facts of K. Sobchak’s tax evasion,” and the money would be returned to the owner.

Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press

Scandals and criticism of Ksenia Sobchak

Growing fame, interest and hype in the media news, positioning herself as a "socialite" increased Xenia's passion for public provocations. Scandals involving Ksenia Anatolyevna occur regularly.

In the fall of 2010, Ksenia Sobchak got from the famous TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, on the set of the television program "Girls" there was a sharp verbal skirmish between them, however, the sharpest part of it was cut out of the air, during which Vladimir Solovyov reproached Ksenia for using words that she did not understand, for bad upbringing, and wondered: “Since when badly dressed ladies decided that they are fashion experts, my girl?”.

Ksenia Sobchak was repeatedly criticized in the media for her television projects, primarily Dom-2, which she hosted until 2012. The program has become the epitome of vulgarity and moral decay promoted by modern liberal TV. “Dom-2 has become that symbolic platform on which society began to be taught to do without the chimera of shame. Measure everything around you, with your miserable lascivious whims, with your limited, miserable system of ideas, ”wrote the author of SP Dmitry Yuriev.

K. Sobchak was criticized from Nikita Mikhalkov in the program "Besogon TV" (release August 31, 2014) for "petty-bourgeois, petty-bourgeois thinking." The next day, Ksenia, in her spirit, answered Nikita Sergeevich with a letter published on the Snob portal.

In the summer of 2016, while in position, Ksenia Sobchak made a scandal on a plane flying from St. Petersburg to Moscow. The reason was the flight delay as a result of inadequate actions of the late passenger. Swearing obscenely, the TV presenter made the flight attendant guilty and promised to “deal with her on a different level”, although she admitted that the passenger was rude to the flight attendant.

Often, photos that she posts on social networks lead to scandals around Ksenia Sobchak. So, at the end of April 2015, Sobchak published in her microblog a picture where she stands in church vestments and with a fake beard. Lawyer Yaroslav Mikhailov reported that after his appeal, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow began an investigation into the facts of insulting the feelings of believers, but this information was refuted.

At the same time, Sobchak makes good money on advertising on social networks. The cost of an advertising post on Ksenia Sobchak's Instagram is 350 thousand rubles, there can be about 15 such posts per month. The media also reported that by earning on Instagram, K. Sobchak may be evading taxes.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

In the summer of 2005, Ksenia Sobchak canceled her wedding with an American businessman. Alexander Shusterovich, this happened a few days before the ceremony. Later, she met with the ex-deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Sergey Kapkov and politician Ilya Yashin.

As a result, Ksenia married an actor Maxim Vitorgan. They formalized the relationship on February 1, 2013. This is Maxim's third marriage. Vitorgan has two children from his first wife - a daughter Pauline and son Daniel.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan (Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/Global Look Press)

Maxim Vitorgan - theater and film actor, son of a Soviet cinema star Emmanuil Vitorgan. Independently known for the films of the Quartet "I" - "Radio Day", "Election Day" and "What else do men talk about", participated in comedy shows. Recently starred in the film "Yana and Yanko". Sobchak admitted that she almost had a nervous breakdown when she, on the big screen, together with the whole audience, watched the intercourse of the heroes of her husband and Olesya Sudzilovskaya. As Vitorgan's star wife noted on her Instagram, she was saved only by the fact that in the film the actress looked like her beloved Robin Wright, and then even she herself could not resist.

Together with Maxim Vitorgan, Ksenia herself sometimes plays. In 2015, the star couple played in the play "Marriage" at the Theater of Nations.

Being in the last month of pregnancy, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak appeared completely naked for the cover of the glossy magazine Tatler. These photos, according to the authors, refer to the famous photo shoot of a deeply pregnant woman. Demmy Moor.

On January 26, Ksenia Sobchak made a scandal in the dressing room of NTV, in the studio of the channel she had to comment on reports of a fight between her husband Maxim Vitorgan and director Konstantin Bogomolov.

“Sobchak made a scandal in the NTV dressing room. She did not like the story about the fight between Vitorgan and Bogomolov, and she defiantly slammed the door, ”the channel said.

According to Sobchak herself, she was invited for an interview on the issue of Ukraine, but it turned out in the studio that they were planning to discuss a fight between Maxim Vitorgan and Konstantin Bogomolov.

“We agreed on a live interview about Ukraine. I go into the studio of the federal channel, which called me to “discuss Ukraine”, I’m getting ready to enter the frame, and there is a boxing ring, two boxers, and a long eyeliner about a fight,” Sobchak wrote.

The next day, show business news reported that Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov were seen in a Moscow restaurant in the company of Roman Abramovich and his ex-girlfriend Nadezhda Obolentseva. From the restaurant they went to the premiere of a new performance by Konstantin Bogomolov, the Telegram channel “Only to Nobody” reported.

Later, Ksenia Sobchak, on the air of the Exclusive program on Channel One, admitted that her marriage to actor Maxim Vitorgan had cracked. Vitorgan was very critical of the appearance of his wife in this program, which he wrote about on Instagram.

Maxim Vitorgan noticed that his close people do not do this. Many took this as a hint that the actor no longer considers his wife a close person.

“I consider it a shameful thing to go to such programs as a guest or a hero and engage in verbiage there about myself or about someone,” Vitorgan wrote.

In March, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan announced a breakup on social networks.

“We are forced to comment publicly on our relationship in order to stop all speculation on this topic. We have been living separately for a long time, each with our own lives. As long as we lived together, we maintained mutual loyalty. We do not share property and, moreover, the child whom we continue to raise as loving parents. Ksenia Sobchak, Maxim Vitorgan, ”such entries appeared on the official pages of Sobchak and Vitorgan on Instagram.

She was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Daughter of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000) and member of the Federation Council Lyudmila Narusova.

As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage. She studied at secondary school No. 185 with in-depth study of the English language. She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen (RSPU named after A.I. Herzen).

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU). In 2001 she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In 2002, she received a bachelor's degree and entered the master's program at the Faculty of Political Science at MGIMO. In 2004, Ksenia received a master's degree.

In 2004, Sobchak became one of the hosts of the Dom-2 reality show on TNT, in 2012 she did not renew her contract with the television company and left the show.

She hosted such reality shows as "Who Doesn't Want to Be a Millionaire" on TNT, "The Last Hero-6" on Channel One, "Blonde in Chocolate" on Muz-TV. She was one of the hosts of the show "Two Stars" on Channel One.

She hosted her own program "Everyday Barabaka" on the radio station "Silver Rain", and subsequently, together with Sergei Kalvarsky, hosted the program "Barabaki and the Gray Wolf" on the same radio station.

From March 15, 2010, she hosted the talk show "Freedom of Thought" on Channel Five, but soon stopped working on the channel.

In April-October 2010, she was one of the hosts in the entertainment program "Girls" on the Russia-1 TV channel.

From 2011 to 2012 she hosted the show "Top Model in Russian". In the same year, she became one of the jury members of the Big Difference in Odessa parody festival.

In 2011, she hosted a program on the STB channel "Let's Get Married" on the STB channel (Ukraine), in 2012 - the program "Main Theme" on the Georgian TV channel PIK.

In early February 2012, the MTV channel launched the State Department with Sobchak program, where Ksenia became the host, but only one episode aired. The program began to appear on the Internet portal of the project "", it was also broadcast by RBC and Dozhd TV channels, the last release of the program was in 2013.

Currently, Ksenia's program "Sobchak Live" is being broadcast on the Rain channel.

On the TV channel "Friday" Ksenia Sobchak in different years hosted the programs "Deal" and "Battle of Restaurants".

Repeatedly Ksenia Sobchak was the host of the Muz-TV music award.

From May 2012 to December 2014, Sobchak served as a women's magazine.

In December 2014, Ksenia Sobchak became the editor-in-chief of L`Officiel Russia magazine.

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