When the real end of the world. What must be done to receive salvation? How to prepare in advance

Humanity has already once experienced a terrible catastrophe that destroyed almost the entire population of the Earth. Scattered tales and legends about how a civilization that reached a fairly high stage of development, overnight as a result of a monstrous cataclysm, have come down to us. The most famous and widespread myth among various peoples is the myth of the Flood. In some legends, the Flood is a huge wave that swept over the highest mountains, in others it is gradually water that flooded a vast territory. In all legends, one pious family survives, which the gods warned in advance. For all other people, the Flood was the end of the world.

Eschatology paints a monstrous picture of the beginning of the end: giant tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and for those who survive - a long winter, famine and epidemics. Believers of any denomination perceive the apocalypse as an inevitable but necessary procedure before moving on to a better world. There are people who are waiting for Armageddon with interest as the biggest spectacle and plan to take their seats in the front row, while alarmists look with horror at the next predicted date.

Over the past 2000 years, there have been a huge number of alleged ends of the world, and since the end of the 19th century they have fallen on the heads of people in a continuous stream: 1874, 1900, 1914, 1918, 1925, etc., and in In 1999, 13 pieces were expected to end the world. The 21st century does not lag behind the previous century in terms of the number of apocalypses. There are about 30 Armageddons in the first decade.

The next one is expected to take place in December 2012. This is the most publicized end of the world for eschatology. On the day of the winter solstice (12/21/2012), the next cycle of the Mayan calendar ends, which began in 3114 BC. e. and lasted 5125 years. According to the ideas of the ancient Maya, on this day the end of the "Fifth Sun" will come. It will be marked by global cataclysms that will wipe out all mankind from the face of the Earth.

In 2018, the Apocalypse should come due to a nuclear war (Nostradamus). 2036 - a collision with the Earth of Apophis, an asteroid with a diameter of about 300 meters. 2060 - the calculation of Isaac Newton according to the book of the prophet Daniel. 2892 - the prediction of the monk Abel.

The rest of the world do not have more or less exact dates. In the next 50 years, a supervolcano is expected to awaken. As a result of the eruption, smoke and ash will hide the Earth from the sun's rays for several years, which will lead to the death of the entire flora and fauna.

During the same period, a sharp change in magnetic, and, possibly, geographic poles may occur, as a result of which the planet will lose its magnetic field for some time. Inversion is dangerous because during the absence of the cosmic field it can reach the surface of the Earth and kill all life on the planet.

Another forecast is related to global change: warming or cooling. In case of warming, glaciers and polar caps can completely melt, and most of the land will be flooded. In the event of a cold snap, a new ice age will come, many species will disappear, and humanity, if it survives in such conditions, will be thrown back into the Stone Age in terms of development.

After 5 billion years, the Sun will turn into a red giant, increase in size several times and swallow the first 3-4 planets. Thus, according to scientists, the Apocalypse is inevitable, one can only hope that it will happen in a very distant future.

The end of the world is perceived by people as the death of all life on earth, a period of catastrophes that will lead to the disappearance of human civilization. In the religious view, the approach of the apocalypse will be marked by the emergence of new spiritual leaders (prophets). Society will be undermined from within by immorality and sinfulness. Therefore, death awaits sinners, but the righteous will be saved. The world will be renewed and reborn in a new form.

Scientists, on the other hand, consider the end of the world as the inevitable end of the existence of our planet under the influence of processes related to physical laws or space.

Biblical Apocalypse

4 horsemen of the apocalypse

The picture of the death of mankind is most vividly described in the stories (revelations) of John the Theologian, one of the most famous disciples of Christ. In his story, he predicted the Apocalypse - a global catastrophe.

Its beginning will be preceded by the new appearance of the Messiah and his struggle with the Antichrist. Among the disasters that are predicted:

  • powerful earthquake;
  • the fall of an asteroid;
  • locust invasion and famine;
  • pandemic;
  • eruption;
  • tsunami;
  • World War.

Orthodox saints about the death of Russia

Holy Matrona

Famous Orthodox saints mentioned the end of the world in one way or another in their prophecies. Their predictions concerned not only the whole world as a whole, but also Russia separately.

Seraphim of Sarov, who lived at the beginning of the 19th century, foreshadowed the disappearance of royal power in the country and the death of the emperor. His prediction came true:

  • February 1917 - removal from power of Nicholas II;
  • July 1918 - the execution of the entire royal family.

The establishment of a new communist system in Russia was the end of the former world order.

One of the most revered Russian saints - Matrona of Moscow called the exact date of the onset of worldwide destruction. In her opinion, the end of the world should have been expected on August 19, 2017. The old woman said that death would overtake people suddenly late in the evening. For some unknown reason, they will all die within one night.

Many believers seriously feared the fulfillment of what was predicted, since much of what Matronushka predicted came true. In particular, she foresaw the revolutionary upheaval of 1917 and the outbreak of World War II. The prediction about the mass death of the population in the summer of 2017 did not come true.



Michel Nostradamus, a scientist, doctor, astrologer who lived in the 16th century, immortalized his name with famous prophecies. In a veiled form, they described the future history of mankind, up to its death.

Nostradamus believed that the end of the world would come as a result of global military clashes.

The reason for the start of a global war will be a local conflict in a small state.

His assumptions look quite plausible and therefore frightening. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by a surge in international tension at various levels. Conflicts are often deliberately fueled and supported by third parties. An increasing number of participants are involved in military counteraction. Threats to use weapons of mass destruction are becoming more frequent.

It was not possible to fully decipher the sayings of Nostradamus. The onset of universal destruction will be preceded by the appearance of important socio-political figures (“antichrists”):

  • one will be from Asia (Atilla) and the founder of the new Babylon;
  • another will start a war in Europe;
  • the third will unite the states of the North and the East.

The most famous prediction of the scientist says that humanity will perish within a week after the death of the “Great of Rome”. To whom these words refer is still unknown.

Vanga's predictions

The most famous seer of the 20th century is Vangelia Dimitrova (Vanga). Her gift of clairvoyance was repeatedly confirmed by the implementation of the predicted. The death of all living things, according to Vangelia, will occur as a result of a global flood. It will lead to a rise in the level of water in the oceans.

The prophecies also concerned the fall of a huge celestial body to Earth, which would lead to the appearance of an impenetrable dust curtain that would block the light of the Sun for 3 years. Because of this, vegetation will disappear and animals will die out.

Vanga repeatedly pointed out in her forecasts the danger of military clashes that could lead to the outbreak of a new world war. Her predictions indicated the date of the end of the world - 2378.

doomsday date

People are worried about the exact date of the end of the world. In the period from 2000 to 3000, the probability of several catastrophes on a planetary scale is high. Some of them have real grounds (the approach of the asteroid Apophis), others are based on the study of religious texts (the Koran, the Bible).

Modern scientists express their assumptions. Some dates are mentioned by famous seers of past eras: Nostradamus, Abel the Clairvoyant, Vangelia.

No matter how seers and soothsayers guess, what frightening pictures religious teachings (from Zoroastrianism to Christianity and Islam) did not paint, the reality will be different. And no one knows the exact time of the end of the world.

After the general madness about the fatal 2012, on which pessimists all over the world had high hopes, people are less and less interested in when the world will end. However, this topic has a long history, and many of its aspects have a solid scientific basis.

What is the end of the world?

The concept of "end of the world" is usually referred to as a catastrophic event that:

  • Will strike at humanity on a global scale;
  • It will destroy the foundations of civilization and throw back the development of people many millennia ago;
  • Will cause a mass extinction of the Homo Sapiens species (abruptly or over a period of time).

Apocalyptic scenarios can come from completely different sources:

  1. Almost every self-respecting religion has its own opinion regarding the end of time and the rebirth of the sinful human race. The transition of the world to a qualitatively different state cannot but be accompanied by cataclysms and catastrophes;
  2. The clergy is echoed by experts in esoteric and occult knowledge. The idea of ​​otherworldly forces breaking free and destroying everything in their path has become a popular story in popular culture;
  3. UFO researchers often provide "irrefutable evidence" of the imminent death of intelligent life on Earth from an encounter with much more intelligent aliens;
  4. The hypothetical probability of the destruction of all things is also admitted by respected scientists.

Global catastrophic risks

The threat to world civilization today is lower than during the confrontation between the two superpowers in the Cold War, but still remains.

According to the Oxford Future of Humanity Institute, the list the most likely causes of extinction as follows:

  1. Artificial intelligence. The technological singularity scenario implies that in the future Homo sapiens will be supplanted by self-learning computers or robots. Stephen Hawking, Vernor Vinge, Nick Bostrom and others leaned towards this point of view;
  2. Biotechnology. Careless human intervention in the laws of nature can lead to the emergence of new microorganisms (viruses, bacteria or plants) that pose a pathogenic hazard or violate the natural ecosystem (for example, weeds);
  3. Global warming. The risk of global climate change has been worrying scientific minds since the 19th century. Suggestions are being made that the temperature on Earth may become the same as on Venus;
  4. Ecological disasters. This term covers a wide range of disasters: deforestation, lack of drinking water, overpopulation, desertification, the extinction of the honey bee, etc.;
  5. Nanotechnology. Back in 1986, American engineer Eric Dexler suggested the emergence of the so-called "gray goo" - a molecular self-reproducing robot that absorbs the entire biosphere.

What does the church say about the end of the world?

Eschatological constructions are present in every religious denomination, but they differ in the degree of pessimism of the scenario for people:

  • Baha'is They believe that things have no beginning and no end. However, from time to time the Creator sends forth progressive revelations;
  • Central event Christian the doctrine of the end of the world is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Until the messiah appears, pain and suffering will reign on earth. Virtuous people after this momentous event will go to heaven, and sinners will suffer in hell;
  • The idea of ​​the Day of Judgment is also close Islam. The following signs of the times will speak of the approach of this event: the power of the unworthy, the general lie and the erection of magnificent buildings;
  • Chronological representations Hindus bear the imprint of cyclicity. Each cycle, or kalpa, lasts from 4 to 8 billion years and goes through the stages of birth, development and decline. The coming transformation awaits the universe when Kalki (the current avatar of the deity Vishnu) is reincarnated as Shiva;
  • For Jews the end of time means the unification of the diaspora scattered around the world and the coming of the Messiah.

Probable date of the apocalypse

Neither the clergy, nor sectarians, nor ufologists can agree on the exact chronological framework for the onset of the apocalypse:

  • 2020 American psychic John Dixon tied the Second Coming to this date. This is not his first prediction: he had previously spoken of a doomsday in 1962;
  • 2021 Pastor Kenton Beshore predicts the coming of Christ between 2018 and 2028, 70-80 years after the founding of Israel in 1948;
  • 2060 According to Isaac Newton's writings, this is when the reunion of Jesus with the church will take place, and Jerusalem will return to Israel;
  • 2239 According to the Talmud, the Messiah will come 6,000 years after the birth of the first human, Adam. In 2239-3229 the world is waiting for a period of catastrophes.

More realistic forecasts are made by scientists who threaten general destruction within the following times:

  • In 500,000 years, our planet may collide with a colossal asteroid 1 km in diameter;
  • In 1 million years, a huge volcano will probably erupt;
  • In 500 million years, carbon dioxide levels will drop sharply, making the planet uninhabitable;
  • After 600 million years, a gamma-ray burst from a supernova will burn out the entire ozone layer.

The phenomenon of global catastrophes in Russia

Fear of a universal end visited from time to time the inhabitants of the vast expanses of our country:

  • The first mass panic on religious grounds date back to 1037. It was at this time in Russia that the coming of the Day of Judgment and the coming of Christ were expected;
  • For the second time, the inhabitants of the East European Plain fell into eschatological ecstasy almost five hundred years later - in 1492. In anticipation of a catastrophe, in many villages the fields were not even sown;
  • Another hysteria of 1524 in Muscovy and Europe occurred in anticipation of catastrophic floods and an eclipse. In this situation, the Pskov elder Filofey developed the concept of "Moscow - the third Rome." The capital of the kingdom, in his opinion, acted as a stronghold of divine will on the eve of the apocalypse;
  • The year 1666 became much more significant, in view of the symbolism of the combination of numbers for the Christian consciousness. Patriarch Nikon starts a church reform that has led to the most significant schism in the history of Orthodoxy;
  • The above list is not exhaustive. Almost every significant social or natural cataclysm has provoked apocalyptic thinking. Judgment Day was raved about during all peasant uprisings (from Stepan Razin to Emelyan Pugachev) and destructive wars (the adventures of Peter the Great, the invasion of the French army of "twelve languages").

Mikhail Zadornov joked in one of his monologues that in Russia they would not even notice when the world would end. And indeed: power outages, lawlessness and inaccessibility of the elementary benefits of civilization have become commonplace in a number of regions of the country. Perhaps that is why the idea of ​​the apocalypse is far from being as popular in our country as in the prosperous West.

Almost every year, all of humanity talks about the end of the world, it has already become some kind of tradition, perhaps it is fueled by the media, Hollywood blockbusters and other things.

The most realistic date was called in 2000 at the turn of the millennium, and in 2012 the end of the human era was predicted by the Maya Indians. However, nothing happened, perhaps scientists erroneously interpreted the found ancient records.

Now many skeptics are inclined to believe that the end of the world in 2017 will still come.

This is indicated by many prophecies of famous clairvoyants, as well as the calculations of some experts in the field of astronomy.

Consider the main versions of the apocalypse, and find out the news about when the end of the world will be in 2017 on what date?

Possible Armageddon Scenarios

Many who wait for the apocalypse often look for possible scenarios and signs of the end of the world in 2017. Among specialists studying various cataclysms, an approximate list of what can destroy humanity has been drawn up:

  • nuclear war;
  • the fall of a huge meteorite;
  • various natural disasters (flood, earthquake, etc.);
  • the use of mass chemical or bacteriological weapons;
  • superbug;
  • global catastrophe associated with experiments on natural elements.

It is worth noting that almost the entire list of reasons is associated with the actions of the person himself, in many respects the preservation of our planet will depend on people. After all, now the news most often reports that many animals and plants have already died from human hands, perhaps soon the situation will come on Earth in which all living things will die.

When the world ends 2017 Watch video

True, the end of the world can be canceled by the person himself, who understands what experiments on nature will lead to.

And what do clairvoyants and psychics say about the end of the world?

Prophecies of famous seers

One of the most famous prophets of Russia - Saint Matrona - saw what exactly was in 2017 from the face of the Earth. Before her death, the Matrona of Moscow uttered such a prophecy that soon all people will die without wars, and this will happen precisely in 2017.

She left an order to her descendants so that they would not stop praying, because only in prayer a person will find his salvation.

According to Matronushka, in the evening all people will fall dead, and in the morning they will get up and go underground. How to interpret her vision correctly, many do not know what the great soothsayer had in mind? Perhaps the image of a terrible cataclysm came to her, approaching our planet, as a result of which the whole world would cease to exist? Whether her prediction will come true or not, we will find out very soon. After all, Matrona did not directly speak about the end of the world in 2017.

And what are Vanga's predictions for 2017? Will the world end in 2017 according to the Bulgarian clairvoyant? Regarding the current year, Vanga did not have positive predictions, the soothsayer felt that a difficult period would come for the whole world, but there would be no end of the world.

Vanga saw that new military conflicts would break out, rivers of blood would be shed, humanity would once again be on the verge of war. No, the clairvoyant did not speak of the onset of global human death, but she believed that the end of humanity lies elsewhere: in the degradation of society itself, the substitution of basic values.

The forecasts of modern psychics are also disappointing, many of them see global natural disasters that can lead to the death of mankind.

Some predict the fall of a meteorite, someone the beginning of a nuclear war, and someone believes that no, nothing can happen, on the contrary, many conflicts will be resolved.

The predictor cannot always clearly explain his knowledge, most often he receives chaotic images that he interprets as he understands. Therefore, whether or not the end of all mankind will be known in a few months, the events of 2017 will show.

Scientists' calculations

Experts in the field of astronomy have their own views on this issue. Scientists from NASA suggest that our planet should be wary of many threats from space. For example, on February 10, 2017, the WF9 asteroid will come close to the Earth, which can not only cause various natural disasters on the planet, but even collide with it. Although most scientists believe that the dimensions of the asteroid are too small, only 1 km in diameter, and the distance at which space objects will meet is 50 million kilometers, which is quite far even within the boundless space.

All the hype that was raised about February 10 is more contrived by the media. And whether the end of the world will come in 2017 as a result of the fall of a meteorite, we will find out in a few days. The news that February is the last month for the whole world has already flooded the entire Internet.

A bit of eschatology

Someone may not know this science, but now it is gaining momentum in popularity. The fact is that eschatology is a science that studies the phenomenon of the end of the world, why people believe so much in the coming of the apocalypse, and psychics love to predict the next Armageddon so much.

According to eschatologists, the question of the end of the human era has been discussed at all times. Even the ancient Egyptians believed that everything is finite, as the daylight hours come to an end and night falls, so the world goes through a certain cycle of development, then dies, and a newer and more perfect one appears in its place. And some peoples believed that the end of the world would come when the gods who watched over life on Earth died.

A person has always thought about his fate, realizing that nothing can be eternal in the world. After all, once our planet did not exist, because of a possible threat, life should not be canceled, everything flows and changes, no, we must live and hope for the best.

And when will the end of the world be in 2017, what date, let scientists think about it, because this is their job. And we must believe that humanity will live on Earth for a long time, all military conflicts will be resolved and peace will come. It is better to watch the news less and enjoy the current day more!

In this article, I want to dot the i's about probably the most popular question of recent times - "when will the world end?".

People want to know if the world will end, in what year it will happen, where exactly will it happen and what will it be like?

Or maybe the end of the world will come right today, at dinner? If it doesn't happen today, then maybe it will happen tomorrow? And what about the numerous predictions of various "Nostradamus"? Questions, questions, questions...

Waiting for the end of the world

Quite a lot of people are waiting for the end of the world, and this number will increase from year to year. Many of them are filled with fear in anticipation of impending events.

Many, perhaps, are already “looking forward” to some named date, as, for example, it was with the prediction of Maya on December 21, 2012.

Looking ahead, I want to say right away that you will be able to visit our site the next day, no matter what date is called, it will definitely work! As soon as the end of the world ends - come to us!

But sites with such names as, for example, endworld2012.com or 2012apocalypse.net, etc. cease to exist, as they become irrelevant. They have already been able to capitalize on the fear and curiosity of people, and now they will think about new dates for the end of the world.

They have “played enough” with the feelings of people and will now open and promote new web resources, for example, “end of the world-2020.ru” or “apocalypse2029.ru/com/net, etc.” After all, it will bring a lot of income.

I can tell you for sure that as soon as the next date comes (and nothing happens), the "great prophets" will set new ones. I myself can come up with such a date, but I will not do anything stupid. I have other things to do in life.

You see, there has always been speculation on the topic of the end of the world. Predictions have always attracted people. This pleased the pride of the "false seers" and, along with this, brought them huge profits.

A fortune can be made by some “Vasya Pupkin” from the village of “Big Pupkins” if he can pick up “passwords to the universe” and unravel the “secret codes” and the exact date of the end of the world!

Anyway, let's leave the jokes aside and continue, because the topic of the end of the world is indeed more serious than we think.


It is very important to know one thing - it is not so important even what questions we ask about the end of the world, but where we are looking for answers ourselves. After all, you must admit that looking for the right answer to the right question in the wrong place will not bring us any benefit.

We need a reliable source of information. And the man here, alas, will not help us.

We need knowledge of a higher order than a dream or a vision of a person. We will have to turn to another Person who knows everything and who created everything - God. There is nowhere higher. Believe that the end of the world will definitely not happen without the knowledge of the Almighty.

We will have to use Divine knowledge, and the only true source of information, the book that was written by this Person, is the Bible.

The Bible cannot be discounted and considered ancient and forgotten - this is the eternal Divine truth. It is the best-selling book of all time, translated into more than 1685 languages ​​(there are at least 5103 languages ​​in the world).

Thanks to the Bible, by the way, our alphabet was invented when the Christians Cyril and Methodius translated it.

What is the end of the world?

First, I would like to say right away what the end of the world is not.

If you imagined that one day an asteroid would fall on the earth and destroy everything that exists, or the sun would burn our precious planet, making people, animals and plants disappear forever, then I hasten to disappoint you - everything will not be so catastrophic, at least not in the "end of the world" that people think about.

The end of the world (or, in other words, the end of the world) is a generally common phrase that means a threat imagined by people to end the existence of all mankind, all civilizations, the entire planet Earth or even the entire Universe as a whole. In a narrow sense, one can understand the end of the world as the destruction of all life.

The very concept of "end of the world" people often replace the terms " Apocalypse" and " Armageddon". For example, the term "Apocalypse" comes from the Greek word for "revelation" - the last book written by John the Theologian in the Bible, sometimes called the "Apocalypse of John" - because in it God revealed to the apostle John a picture of recent events.

Often such events as the decisive battle of Armageddon and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ are called the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse itself must be the final revelation of God—not only His wrath and His justice, but also His love.

Armageddon does not mean the end of the world, but only the area where the battle of all the forces of good and evil will take place, according to the Apocalypse. The word "Armageddon" comes from the Hebrew name "Har Megiddo", which translates as "the highlands of Megiddo". In fact, this area is a valley in the Haifa region, in which important battles in the history of Israel have already taken place.

We learn from the Bible that "the kings of all the earth" will take part in the battle of Armageddon. At the key moment of Armageddon, the army of Satan and the wicked people will be destroyed by the heavenly army.

So, what is the end of the world and the Apocalypse? This is the return of Christ to earth 2000 years after He ascended from it, the battle in the valley of Megiddo with the army of evil and victory in it. That's it.

This is not a world nuclear war, not a worldwide deadly epidemic, not a collision with an asteroid, and not giant solar flares.

Bible Quotes

For as lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man ... suddenly, after the tribulation of those days, the sun will darken, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of heaven will be shaken; then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven;and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Gospel of Matthew 24:27,29-31)

And further:

And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, assembled to fight against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was captured (note - Antichrist) and with him the false prophet, who performed miracles before him, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image:both alive are thrown into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone; and the rest were slain by the sword of him that sat on the horse, which proceeded from his mouth, and all the birds fed on their carcasses. (Revelation of John the Evangelist 19:19-21)

When will the end of the world come?

If you're looking for simple answers like "Just name the date!" you won't find them here, because there are no such dates, and no one can know this. No medium, no astrologer, no prophet. This knowledge is closed to them. The Bible makes it clear that only God knows about this.

He said to them, It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed in His own power. (Book of Acts 1:7)

And they asked Him: Teacher! when will it be? and what is the sign of when it should happen? He said, Beware lest you be deceived, for many will come under my name, saying that it is I; and that time is at hand: do not follow them. (Gospel of Luke 21:7-8)

For you yourself know for certain that the day of the Lord (note - Apocalypse) will come like a thief (note - thief) at night. For when they say, "Peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them. (1 Thessalonians 5:2-3)

About that day, or hour, no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Watch, watch, pray, for you do not know when that time will come. (Gospel of Mark 13:32-33)

In conclusion, I want to say - do not believe any "Nostradamus" and those who want to "play" with your feelings. Do not be afraid of the end of the world, but do not relax either.

Believe in God. Try to live according to your conscience. Develop your character. Goodbye people. Trust the Bible, not false prophets or astrologers. And then, who knows, maybe you will avoid the disasters of the Apocalypse, and the end of the world will be good for you, not evil.

Now you know the truth and are responsible for it.

P.S. Would you like to know more about what the end of the world is for and what it will be like? See the chronology of the latest events of history and the picture of the last days? Participation of Russia and the European Union in this? Who will be that unique leader and speaker who claims to be God, who will be followed by presidents and worshiped by many people? Stay with us).

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