How to work in conditions of multitasking? Selecting the "Page Layout" mode.

Easy to correct text on paper. Taking a red pen, you can always cross out a piece of text you don’t like, and write something more decent on top. You can leave your comments by showing the author of the text its flaws. And most importantly - when editing, the original text does not change, and the author himself decides whether to accept the corrections or not. But here’s the problem: you can’t show such corrections to a person who is far from you. And if a dozen people contribute them, what will the printout of the draft document turn into?
If you use the review in the Word text editor, you can leave comments in the margins and correct the text by crossing out the source. The document with all the corrections and notes will exist in electronic form, and it can be sent via the World Wide Web. Well, the author of the document, having studied the corrections, can accept them at the click of a button (all at once or selectively). For such work on documents in Word, the “Review” tab is used. It has two main features: corrections and notes.

Editing the text


Notes are used to leave a comment on the text. It can be very important not only to make corrections, but also to convince the author of the document to agree with them. Or, for example, you see an error that repeats many times. Then you can leave a note with a request to correct it throughout the text, suggest alternative phrases. You can ask to highlight any aspect in more detail, give arguments, structure, supplement or, conversely, shorten the text in a different way.

Microsoft Word uses a revision tracking mechanism, so the author can see their version of the edited piece of text along with the other person's edits. Let's see how these features work in practice, when the document falls into the safe hands of the reviewer.

Picture 1

Collapse Show

With notes, everything is very simple. You need to select the text, click the "Create Note" button and add your comment to the selected fragment.

Notes are located in callouts, which by default are placed on the right margin of the document. If the notes have been changed by several users, they are marked with different colors. The authorship of this or that note is always visible on the screen (see Figures 4 and 6).


Fix tracking is enabled by pressing the Fixes button, which immediately becomes highlighted, thereby signaling that the mode is enabled. In it, Word shows all insertions and deletions, as well as changes in the formatting of the document. If you right-click on it, an additional menu will open, the first item of which enables or disables tracking.

By clicking the Edit Options button, you can customize the look of your edits - colors, linetypes, document layout. However, by default, corrected text is highlighted in red. Here you can also see the location of the notes, you can set the width of the callouts. See Figure 3.

When a document has a lot of revisions, it becomes more difficult to perceive it, since both the original text and the corrected text are displayed by default. In order not to get lost in the edits, you can turn on the "Original document" mode (see Figure 10). This removes all text correction indicators and callouts. So if you, tired of numerous corrections, get confused, you can always leave on the screen only what was originally written.

You can flexibly customize the display of corrections in callouts, for example, choose only formatting or only adding and deleting fragments. The Show Corrections button opens a list of all possible corrections that Word shows by default. Here you choose what you need, incl. you can easily select edits and comments from only a specific reviewer.

Figure 2

Collapse Show

Agree or reject

Opening a document with edits and notes, the author can experience a wide range of feelings - from deep satisfaction to complete shock. To a greater extent, it depends on the quality of the original document. If it was, to put it mildly, unimportant, in each paragraph the picture could be something like this:

When there are few revisions by the reviewer, minimal effort is required from the author and the order of actions does not really matter. If there are many edits, the document looks completely unreadable. But there is no need to be disheartened. First of all, you need estimate the amount of work , determine how many changes the reviewer made to the document. This will help "Scan area":

Let's choose the method of displaying the document "Corrections in the source document" - then all corrections and notes will be displayed as callouts. Since notes , in which the reviewer expresses wishes for the document, and you need to start work, and corrections can be left for later.

Each note will have to be dealt with separately. The easiest way is to use navigation. In the "Review" mode, there is an item such as "Next note" or "Previous note". By choosing this item, you will never go astray and do everything in order: moving through the document is accelerated and the likelihood of missing something important is reduced.

Figure 6

Collapse Show

When the note concerns the finalization of the text, you can agree with it and make the necessary changes to the document, or disagree and explain your position. It often makes sense to answer it so that when viewing the next revision of the document, it is clear what the author did. You need to click on the note, and then click the "Create Note" button on the panel. In this case, Microsoft Word clearly indicates the relationship between the notes.

Comments that do not require a response can be deleted using the appropriate item in the context menu of the comment or the Delete button located on the ribbon, which can be used to delete all comments at once. When you're done with the notes, you can move on to the corrections.

Fixes are of two types:

  • additions with deletions and
  • text formatting.

We have combined additions and deletions into one group, since these are links in the same chain. Imagine that the parts of the sentence are rearranged, first a fragment of the text was cut out, and then rearranged to a different place. In this case, two corrections will be fixed - first the deletion (in Figure 7 this is the strikethrough text), and then the addition (ibid., the underlined text):

Formatting is changing the type and size of the font, converting to lists, and all the other features of the Font, Paragraph, and Styles groups on the Home tab.

Work with changes in the text is carried out by analogy with the notes - you can navigate from one correction to another. The difference is that corrections can be accepted and rejected.

The "Accept" and "Reject" buttons do a little more than their brief names would fit.

In addition, it is not necessary to accept corrections one at a time. It's easier to review them and reject the ones you don't agree with, and then accept all the rest at once.

The toolbar has two buttons with blue arrows (named "Previous" and "Next", see Figure 9). They are used for quick navigation through both corrections and notes.

Switching between the possible ways to display the document, you can see:

  • then the initial document of the author (without the "creativity" of subsequent persons);
  • then the initial document, but with the highlighting of the proposed corrections and with notes;
  • then a new document, ready for printing in the version in which it is proposed to be made by the approving person;
  • This is a new document, but with a visual demonstration of the proposed changes.

All of these document display options are selected from the top menu:

If, after reviewing the proposed edits, you need to quickly compare the corrected text with the original, you can switch to the "Original Document" mode.


When several users work on the same text, finding and understanding all the changes made is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. Especially if they didn't bother to highlight the changes they made (perhaps in the hope that you "swallow something without noticing")! It is very laborious to manually search for them on your own.

However, in Word 2007, everything is much simpler and more enjoyable. It is enough to make a few clicks of the mouse to get an idea of ​​the changes made. So, select the "Compare" function on the "Review" tab, then the program will prompt you to point to two Word files that you want to compare with each other. Select a file with your original text and a new file received after approval. Having loaded them, Word will deploy several windows in front of you at once (see above):

  • top right will be the original document,
  • bottom right - modified,
  • and in the center - a virtual document, which includes all the changes made to the document;
  • on the left - a panel with statistics and a list of changes.

Clicking on absolutely any item in the list will jump to that change in the central window. In the windows of compared documents, the user can see the location of the changed fragment.

Attention! When comparing two documents, only the text in the center window can be edited.

The procedure for comparing documents is elementary: select an element from the left panel and view it in the central window. If the change is accepted, click the "Accept" button, and if you reject, then the "Reject and go to the next" button. All actions are visually displayed in the central window.

Finally, the last step to take after reviewing is to save your work as a new document. Congratulations, you have successfully completed the task.

Change Protection

If you want no one but you to be able to make changes to the document, then the Protect panel will help you. After clicking on the "Protect Document" button, a vertical panel "Restrict Formatting" appears at the right edge of the window.

Figure 12

Collapse Show

Check the box "Limit the set of allowed styles" and in the options "Settings" specify which elements of the text can be formatted when working with the document. The ones you don't choose, the person won't be able to make changes.

To restrict editing, check the box "Allow only the specified method of editing the document" and select the item "Record corrections" from the drop-down list. This will allow you to add comments to the document, delete, insert and move text. If you want to allow other users to only leave notes, then you need to select the "Notes" item. To be completely “strict”, then you can only allow reading the document you created, without the right to add anything to it.

To enable protection, click the on-screen button "Yes, enable protection".

To remove protection, you must click the "Protect document" button and in the list that appears, uncheck the box next to "Restrict formatting and editing."

Figure 13

Collapse Show

In conclusion, we note that reviewing in Microsoft Word is an excellent tool for collaborating on a document. The content of the written is improved, and all parties benefit. For novice employees, such a process is very valuable, because it opens the eyes to the various shortcomings of the drafted document or text, be it structure, argumentation, or presentation style. And an experienced worker will never refuse the opportunity to look at his work through the eyes of another person.

If you are often faced with checking Word documents, then you just need to know how to enable edit mode in Word and how to use it. This program tool is simply indispensable if you want to point out to a person his mistakes, while not making adjustments to his text.

In our article, we will just talk about how the editing mode works in Word. We will talk about all its features, and as a result, you will be able to use the named mode on your own without resorting to instructions.

First step: enter edit mode

First of all, you must initially enter edit mode in Word. This is done in different versions of the program in different ways. For example, in Word 2003, you will need to open the "Service" tab and find the "Corrections" item in it and click on it. In later versions, this is all done through the Review tab. In it, find the group of tools "Record corrections" and click on the "Corrections" button. It is also advised to select in which is located nearby, the item "All fixes".

By the way, this mode can be turned on much faster by using the hot keys Ctrl+Shift+E.

After all the manipulations done, the editing mode in Word will be turned on, and you can safely proceed to it without fear that the source will suffer.

Second step: making corrections

In fact, this point could be skipped, since it all comes down to the fact that you are correcting the document, and instead of completely editing it, just edits are made, without changing the source. But it is still worth telling how exactly this happens.

Suppose you saw that some word in the text is superfluous. In this case, it would be wise to remove it. Do so, but it will not disappear, but only crossed out, which will make it clear to the other user what you had in mind. Also, the fix will be highlighted in red to attract attention.

The same will happen if you enter some other word - it will stand out so that the author of the text can understand what exactly he missed.

Editing mode in Word is very helpful if you are working with a person at a remote location. In this case, instead of the words of the claim, you will only need to send him a document with corrections.

Third step: adding notes

Sometimes highlighting fixes is not enough for another user to understand what their mistake is. In this case, it would be good to describe the reason. For this purpose, the program has the "Create Note" tool, which can only be used when the editing mode is on.

It is very easy to use it. You need to first click on your correction, and then on the "Create Note" button, which is located on the toolbar, near the "Corrections" button. You can see the exact placement in the picture below.

After that, an additional area will appear on the right side of the document where you can enter an explanation. You can do this with all changes, but you cannot create a note that is not attached to them.

If we talk about how to remove the edit mode in Word, then this is quite simple. You just need to re-click on the "Corrections" button.

So, the author created the text, saved it in a file with the beautiful name "Speech of the Nobel Laureate" and sent it to the GoreOtUma editorial agency for editing and proofreading. Further, two more people will work with the original author's file: an editor and a proofreader, and then again the author. But these three (author, editor, proofreader) are not one hundred kilometers apart. What to do? How can they understand each other, how to explain themselves and how to get answers to questions? Everyone reread the text over and over again, annoyedly looking for changes and transferring each other's edits to their files? In no case.

There were smart people and came up with a special function in MS Word - review mode(or editing, or displaying all changes in the text). In general, call this function whatever you like, but thanks to it, the author will see all the edits of the editor and proofreader, will be able to accept / reject this edit and answer questions, sitting at his computer and simply opening the file sent by the editor. And then everything that the author did in the same review mode will be able to see the editor and proofreader. Editing of everyone who works with the file will be automatically highlighted in a different color. Thus, all the corrections of the author, editor and proofreader are saved in one file. This is very important for getting a quality result.

How to turn on review mode
on your computer

To start editing your text, our editor will open the author's file in MS Word 2007 and select the tab "Review"(in the upper area of ​​the toolbar) (Fig. 1).

IMPORTANT! All drawings can be enlarged!

Select the "Review" tab

We draw your attention to the next moment: MS Word 2007 is in .docx format. If your document was created in MS Word 2003 (or lower), a reduced functionality mode warning will appear on the screen. What to do? Save the file in MS Word 2007 with the .docx extension and continue working.

Thanks to the work in the review mode, absolutely all the corrections that the editor will make in the text, the author will be able to see. To do this, our editor will press the button Fixes(Fig. 2). Then all corrections will automatically be highlighted in the file (for example, in red).

Click the "Fixes" button

When the editor has made all the necessary corrections, asked his questions to the author in special notes, he will save the file and send it back to the author. The name of the file will differ from the original one with a special note by the editor: "Speech of the Nobel laureate_1st edition to remove questions from the author."

The author will open the file received from the editor in MS Word 2007 and will work in the same way as the editor: select the tab Peer review(in the upper area of ​​the toolbar), get acquainted with the corrections of the editor / proofreader. If you wish to make additional corrections, press the button Fixes will add whatever you need. In this case, the author's corrections will be automatically highlighted in a different color, for example, blue. When the text returns to the editor again, for the 2nd (control) revision, this will avoid confusion.

How the editor will ask questions to the author
in review mode

It's very simple. Working with the text in the review mode, the editor will highlight a piece of text, a word or a phrase (Fig. 3), regarding which a question arose:

We select a fragment of the text regarding which you need to ask the author a question

Then in the top panel the editor will press the button Create note(Fig. 4). In this case, the selected text fragment is highlighted in red, and a field for entering a comment will appear in the margins. Also, to the right of the button Create note button becomes active Delete Notes.

Creating notes in the margins of text

In order to answer the question in the notes created by the editor in the margins, the author must similarly select the desired fragment, press the button Create note. In the new window on the field on the right, type the answer. The created note will also be of a different color, for example green, and it will always be clear who asked what and who answered what. (We generally ask authors to respond to the editor's questions without creating a new comment box, i.e. directly after our question. This saves space and avoids confusion.)

How corrections and editor's notes will be displayed in review mode

There are several options for displaying changes and comments that have been made. You can choose the most convenient one by clicking the button. Callouts(it is located to the right of the button Fixes).

To select the option to display corrections in the text, click Callouts

After you press the button Callouts, a drop-down list of three options will appear (Fig. 6):

  • Show revisions in callouts- notes and corrections will be displayed as callouts in the margins.

This is how it will look in text:

Option to display edits in callouts in margins

  • Show all corrections in text- all corrections and notes will be displayed directly in the text.

This is how it will look like:

Option to display edits directly in the text

  • Show only notes and formatting in callouts- only the notes and formatting of the document will be displayed in the callouts, and all other edits (spelling, punctuation, etc.) - directly in the text.

What is offline mode? In simple terms, this is the ability to work in any application in the absence of access to communication. For computers, this is a shutdown, first of all, of the Internet, and possibly a local network. For mobile phones, this also disables both telephony and Bluetooth.

Why do you need offline mode on computers?

Most PC users, even when working in programs that do not require access to the Internet, are constantly connected to it. Some are out of habit, others due to the use of operating systems such as ChromeOS. In this system, all actions are performed via the Internet. If you need to print something, and there is no access to the Web, then there is nothing you can do, unless, of course, the document is saved in local storage and there is no other operating system.

In addition, Google is known to track user activities and transfer their personal data to US intelligence agencies upon request. If you are not concerned about privacy issues, then remember that for MS Windows, which most users use, the Web is full of viruses, and picking them up where the Internet could not be used is sometimes quite insulting.

Offline mode in mobile phone

After we figured out what offline mode is on a computer, let's see what it is on a mobile phone.

On phones running the Android operating system, this is referred to as "Offline mode". It is used in places where the use of mobile communications is unacceptable. An example of such a place would be an airplane, which is why this mode is often referred to as "Airplane Mode" on phones. Using this mode allows you to save the battery, which, as you know, tends to be discharged at the most inopportune time.

How to disable offline mode? This happens differently on different phones. Usually this option is located in the "Settings", where you need to select "Profiles" or "Modes", and there already check the box next to "Normal Mode". Some models require a reboot, after which it will automatically prompt you to switch to normal mode.

Removing offline mode in browsers

If you have limited traffic that suddenly began to end, you need to urgently go offline. What is being done in this case? You should enable offline mode in browsers with which you accessed the World Wide Web. Then many of the pages that were visited while the Internet was running can be viewed from the cache.

In this case, the answer to the question "how to remove offline mode" is quite trivial - you need to uncheck "Offline mode". In new versions of browsers, the menu bar is usually hidden, so you need to call it in an accessible way, for example, by pressing Alt on the keyboard, and then select "Offline mode".

Offline as a synonym for invisibility

The term "offline" has become so popular that it has come to be used not only as an indicator of being offline, but also as an indicator of real or perceived being offline. So, you can go to the social network "VKontakte" and become invisible to other users. That is, you will be present on the site, but for other users, your status indicates completely opposite information. This is also called "being offline".

Working with some Internet applications offline

Initially, online applications such as Google Docs were able to work offline. It can be noted that this contributes to a healthy rivalry between the creators of office applications, primarily Microsoft and Google corporations, which should increase their competitiveness.

How to enable offline mode in Google Docs? This can be achieved using the Chrome browser or its open-source counterpart Chromium. We open our "cloud" in it in "Google Drive" - ​​for this you need the Internet, then in the navigation bar click on the "More" button. We select the "Offline" category, as a result of which an instruction will appear, which indicates that you first need to install the addon for these purposes, and then click the offline access button. This will cause the files from the "cloud" to be copied to the local storage device. After that, you can turn off the Internet and work with Google Docs offline.

Thus, we answered the question: "How to enable offline mode in Google Docs applications?"

You can do the same with Google Maps. When in online mode, an area on the map is indicated that will be needed when working offline. The map is then downloaded and the area can be searched offline.

In a mobile phone, offline mode can be enabled not only by completely turning off the mobile network, but also by turning off one Internet by unchecking "Use mobile data".

Exiting offline mode

Sometimes for certain applications, going offline can be blocked by firewalls. So, in "Steam" for games, offline mode is also provided. At the same time, in Social Club, some users cannot leave offline mode. In order to remove this restriction, you need to go to the firewall settings and adjust the rules and zones there. Here, these Social Club files are given a taboo to access the Internet. It must be removed, after which it will be possible to exit the offline mode.

This applies not only to Social Club, but also to some Steam games. Possibly observed in other applications as well.

How to exit offline mode? If this operation is blocked, go to the firewall, check the rules and zones, make them permissive for this application. If this happens frequently, check your Windows firewall settings.


To summarize: what is offline mode? In addition to the fact that this is a mode without access to the Internet, this term also means invisibility in some social networks. Some Internet applications are able to work offline, while downloading "cloud" files to local storage.

Usually, after getting bored with all the 'Auto' modes of the camera, a lot of people start using special semi-automatic modes. M, A, S, P. These modes can be found on the camera control wheel, as shown in the picture below. Normal mode M, A, S, P stand out in a separate set, for example, in the photo below, these modes are highlighted with a special arc that unites them. Can be found instead of naming ‘M, A, S, P’ another name - ‘P, A, S, M’ or 'M, AV, TV, P'- they are all the same. I will try to talk about these modes in this article.

All modes of operation of the camera are aimed at creating the optimal. Either mode selects the shooting parameters in such a way as to get the most correct picture in terms of the amount of light needed to convey the exposed scene.

Important: modes P, A, S, M give additional access to many menu items, which are not available in automatic modes. In these modes, you can customize any function to your liking, such as controlling ISO, choosing a picture format, etc.

To understand how these P, A, S, M modes work, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with such basic concepts in photography as:

  • Diaphragm


The simplest special mode is the mode ‘P’ (Programmed) – flexible program mode.

It is very similar to the automatic mode of the camera 'Auto', but in this mode you can change shutter speed within certain limits. varies within the range allowed by the extreme aperture values ​​of the lens. The shutter speed can be changed using the camera's control wheels. If changed by the photographer, "*" is added to the mode name. The shortest in the mode 'P' is available at the smallest F-number, and the longest is available at the largest F-number. There is a golden rule, the interchangeability of aperture values ​​​​and, just on this rule, the operation of this mode is built. For example, if you increase the shutter speed, for example, by 2 times, then the aperture will close by one step.

Example: if you increase the shutter speed from 1/200 second to 1/100 second, then this will allow the matrix to absorb more light and get overexposure, so the camera must reduce the amount of light by covering the aperture, and the aperture will close by one stop. For example, if at 1/200s it was F4.0, then at 1/100s it will become F5.6. I do not like this mode because it constantly tries to set the value and aperture, which are convenient for the camera itself. With each new scene with a different exposure, camera reselects shutter speed/aperture values and the shutter speed has to be changed again and again to suit your tasks.

What 'P' mode is used for: convenient to use when moving from the green zone (fully automatic camera mode) to class modes M, A, S, P. You can be sure that the camera will help you set the normal settings. In this mode, you can photograph almost everything without worrying about the correct settings. It is very easy to achieve the fastest shutter speeds available, which allows you to get the lens and the current ISO value, while you can be completely sure that the frame is correctly exposed. This can be used for ' '. If you turn on the auto-ISO mode, then the program mode works a little differently.

A(or Av)

A very useful mode is the 'A' (Aperture Priority) mode, or 'Av' (Aperture value) mode - aperture priority

This is one of my favorite camera modes. It is quite convenient, as it allows you to control the aperture, and with it the depth of field. In this mode, you can simply set the desired aperture value, and the camera itself recalculates and selects the shutter speed. The larger the aperture, the slower the shutter speed. Conversely, the smaller the aperture, the longer the shutter speed. The shutter speed maneuver is much wider than the aperture maneuver. Usually the shutter speed changes from 30 seconds to 1/8000 second, that is, the shutter speed limits are very large and the camera is almost can always choose the desired shutter speed for almost any aperture value on the camera.

For example: for a lens with aperture limits from F3.5 to F36, the camera will almost always select the desired shutter speed for any value of the F-number. So, for F3.5, a relatively short shutter speed will be selected, and for F / 36, a slow shutter speed will be selected.

If at a certain value of the number F the camera cannot find the desired shutter speed, then on the camera, in the field that is responsible for the shutter speed, the HiGH or LOW value will be displayed.

What is 'A' mode used for: In this mode, it is very convenient to control. With aperture priority mode, you can easily. Generally, aperture control (aperture control) can greatly improve image quality, since most lenses only give maximum image quality in a certain F-number range. For example, aperture greatly affects vignetting and . With this mode, you can easily control the intensity of bokeh, which is sometimes important for photographing portraits. And with the help of a closed aperture in the mode 'BUT' you can achieve photos with a long exposure, for example, . You can also get various interesting effects, for example. This mode works very effectively when enabled.

S (or TV)

'S' mode - (Shutter Priority), or 'Tv' (Time value) - shutter priority

It's the opposite here - this mode allows you to control the shutter speed, unlike the program mode, the shutter priority mode allows you to set any shutter speed that the camera can use. If you set a certain shutter speed on the camera, the camera itself will select the desired aperture value. The mode works similarly to the aperture priority mode, but instead of the aperture value, you need to set the shutter speed here. Aperture travel is quite limited, and often you will find that the camera cannot set the desired aperture for a certain shutter speed.

If at a certain shutter speed the camera cannot find the desired aperture value, then the camera will display the HiGH or LOW value in the field that is responsible for the aperture.

What is 'S' mode used for: using this mode is very easy to achieve. This is very useful when shooting sports and fast moving subjects. In order to freeze something in a photo, it is enough to take a picture at a fast shutter speed, for example, at 1/2000 second, while the camera itself will select the desired aperture value for a shutter speed of 1/2000 second. Also, in this mode it is convenient without blurring the picture. This mode works very well with the auto ISO function turned on.


'M' (Manual) - manual mode.

In this mode, the camera will have to set both shutter speed and aperture. manually, in fact, because the mode is called ‘ manual camera control here.


Creative semi-automatic camera control modes are very useful in a number of cases and can very easily get the camera to do what the photographer wants. I recommend doing your own experiments.

↓↓↓ Like :) ↓↓↓ Thank you for your attention. Arkady Shapoval.

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