How to learn to play the guitar: a detailed guide for the most independent. How to Stay Fit to Play the Guitar

Hello to all new and aspiring guitarists! So I finally decided to write an article that, I hope, will help you understand well how and where to start playing the electric guitar. You will also learn about processing guitar sound, various guitar effects, connecting a guitar to an amplifier, and also learn what straplock and tablature are.

Guitar sound

So, let's get started. If you pick it up and (without plugging it in) play a couple of chords, you will find that it sounds very quiet and poor compared to an acoustic guitar. This happens because it is a solid piece of wood. Well, or several pieces glued together. There are, however, very cheap guitars made of sawdust, or plywood - with them you can amaze ignorant friends with your cool look, but it is not recommended to play them.

A real “guitar” sound can be obtained through one or through a chain of several (for experienced guitarists the number reaches almost a dozen) so-called (“gadgets”) in a special combo amplifier (in common parlance “combination”).

A beginner's amp usually has a transistor amp. Its main advantages are reliability and low price. Tube combo amplifiers, as a rule, are an order of magnitude more expensive than transistor ones; in addition, the electric lamps in them must be changed periodically (about once every six months). What are the benefits of tube amplifiers? I’ll tell you a secret - the topic of “tube sound versus transistor sound” has been the cause of more than one holy war, we’ll just note that tube amplifiers give a more “correct” guitar sound. Moreover, as the volume increases, the sound of a tube amplifier becomes more and more “correct,” while the transistor one becomes more and more desirable to turn off.

Effects pedals

When it comes to effects pedals, there really is a wide variety of them. And each gives its own unique sound. They are called pedals because they are small boxes on which, in addition to various controls, there is a power button (also known as the power button), which the guitarist presses with his foot. Well, the box itself, accordingly, lies on the floor. This button is often designed in a manner somewhat reminiscent of a car pedal - hence the name.

Perhaps the most popular type of effect is distortion(English distortion - “distortion”). It is used by a large number of musicians playing music various styles- from pop rock to heavy, aggressive styles like thrash metal. To get an idea of ​​the sound distortion produces, I suggest listening to the beginning of the song “Break Stuff” by Limp Bizkit.

However, if you want to play a solo (if anyone doesn’t already know what “playing a solo” means, let me explain - when playing a solo, the sound is produced using only one string at one specific moment in time). So, distortion would be a bad choice here, this effect distorts the signal too much. Another very common type of effect is good for soloing - overdrive(English overdrive - “overload”). It distorts the signal minimally, and when used solo, it sounds intelligible and melodious.

When the pedal is off, it allows sound to pass through without making any changes. This makes it possible to include effects in a chain - sequentially, so that you can quickly switch from one to another - turn off one, turn on the other and that's it - no switching wires.

IN real life A guitarist often needs to switch entire groups of effects while playing, but he only has two legs. For such cases, they came up with a special switch pedal - the so-called footswitch(English footswitch - “foot switch”).

Another very common effect is delay(English delay - “delay”). It works in conjunction with other effects. Its essence is that the sound of one note becomes longer, as if stretched out in time. As a rule, delay works in tandem with overdrive, but options are possible here, because people’s imagination is limitless, and if these people are also guitarists...

Also, there are more complex devices - effects processors. These are digital devices that can emulate sound large number various and combo amplifiers. With their help, you can play directly “in line” (that is, into a regular amplifier or the input of a computer sound card). Their main advantage is their size. A small processor is much more convenient than a suitcase of gadgets and a huge combo to boot. But, firstly, emulation is emulation, no matter how high-quality it is, and secondly, you cannot press your foot on the processor - you need to turn its numerous switches, and this is not always acceptable due to lack of time.

Don't forget that the effects pedal requires its own power - usually a 9-volt Krona battery. Instead, you can connect a network adapter to almost all gadgets.

How to connect everything?

Both the guitar and the effects are connected using “ ” type connectors at the ends. It should be said that the shorter the cable, the better, the less sound distortion there will be, the less your combo will pick up the radio, and combos, oddly enough, really like to listen to the radio. This is especially true for the cable connecting the guitar and the “gadget”. Its best length is 2-3 meters, no more.

Also, a lot depends on the quality of the plugs and the wire itself. The law here is simple: the more expensive, the better (by the way, anyone who knows how to solder can easily make a cable for the same money, using components of higher quality than in a ready-made factory cable). Thus, if your chain looks like “guitar - effects pedal - amp”, you will need two jack-to-jack connecting cables.

Safety precautions: belt and straps

Let's say that we have already connected the guitar, and our hands immediately reached out to play something on it. Now, now, one more note regarding safety precautions. Inspect your guitar, see how it is attached to it. Most likely, you will see such “hats”, to which the belt is attached on both sides.

The belt has holes with slots into which the “hats” fit and the guitar is held on the belt by its own weight. The most common mistake beginner guitarists make is throwing the strap over themselves without checking to see if the end of the strap is twisted.

Ironically, very often the belt is locked in the wrong position. When this happens, the guitar falls to the ground as soon as you let go, which is quite unfortunate.

In order to protect guitarists from such collisions, and expensive instruments from irreparable injuries, the so-called streplocks(English straplock - “belt lock”). The strap locks are built in (or rather, screwed in) in place of the “hats” and securely fasten the belt in any position. Most new guitars are released by manufacturers without straplocks, as if leaving the guitarist a choice - to put on the guitar those straplocks that he likes best.

Let's play rock!

So, I sincerely want to believe that you got to this point in the article with already connected and. Let's try to play something!

To be honest, I feel bad for those beginners who are forced to play immortal things like “A grasshopper sat in the grass” when they get acquainted with the instrument. The man decided to play the electric guitar, he has already stocked up on “Metalzone”, he wants something louder and heavier, and you give him “Grasshopper”.

Therefore, I propose to learn how to play a simple, but at the same time nicely driving riff from the song “Fight For Your Right” by the Beastie Boys. At the same time we will find out what “ power chords” and how tabs are written.

First, let's listen to a fragment of the song, the riff to which we will learn to play.

In this song, the guitarist uses a distortion type effect. I recommend not turning on the distortion at first, but simply playing directly into the amp (guitarists call this “ clean" - clear sound). Playing on a clean sound will let you understand what mistakes are being made, where your finger went in the wrong place, where else what happened. It is important for beginners to remember that playing through distortion will cover up individual mistakes. It’s not that they are invisible, it’s just more difficult to understand where you made a mistake.

The riff of our training song is entirely built on the so-called power chords(English: power chords – “power chords”). Although generally accepted musically They are not exactly chords, but they sound really unusually powerful even without overdrive, which is why they got their name. Power chords are ubiquitous in rock music. There is even a special guitar tuning for playing power chords - Drop D. More about it below.

What is tablature?

Musicians write down how to play a particular composition using notes. For guitarists, a more convenient form of recording is tablature(""). On the tabs, each string has its own line. Here you go, clean tablature:

1) —————————————-

2) —————————————-

3) —————————————-

4) —————————————-

5) —————————————-

6) —————————————-

The top line corresponds to the most thin string, the bottom one is, accordingly, the thickest. You can also find this version of tablature - with letters - everything is the same here:







And now, please love and favor, here they are - tabs for our educational song:













x x x x x x x x x

The numbers on the corresponding line indicate the fret number that needs to be pressed while pulling the string. If the numbers are located at the same level vertically, then the corresponding frets need to be clamped simultaneously, i.e. play . The number 0 means that the string should be pulled without pinching.

So, we see that the first number in the tablature is 5 on the bottom line. Those. you need to clamp the fifth fret on the thickest one. The letter “x” under the number means that the note should be muted. This means that when you pluck a string with a pick, the edge right palm(if you are right-handed) you need to lightly press the strings at a distance of 3-4 cm from the tailpiece.

The string on the fifth fret must be held with the thumb of your left hand. We need to pluck this way for the reason that immediately after we hit the first note, we need to hit a power chord. The thumb remains in place, and the middle and index fingers move to the seventh fret. “we go through” three strings at once (namely the lower three; we should not touch the remaining strings). In this case, there is no need to mute the notes - there is no cross (the letter “x”) under the numbers.

Clamp the power chord

After a pause we start playing the main riff. The power chord on strings three to five is plucked in the same way:

We press a power chord on strings 3-5. After the main riff comes the following fragment:







x x x x x x x x x

I think it’s already clear to you how to play it. The result should be the “j-j-j” sound, which is extremely beloved by all fans of heavy music.

I advise you to first practice playing at a slow tempo. Then, when you get some skill, you can turn on the sample and try to play along with the Beastie Boys.

Now, as promised, a few words about the system Drop D. It differs from the standard tuning only in that the thickest (sixth) string is weakened by an additional two frets. That is, if in standard tuning the sixth string, clamped at the fifth fret, sounds like an unclamped fifth, then in Drop D tuning it should sound like the fifth, being clamped already at the 7th fret.

What does this give? Now all power chords that are played on the last three strings can be pressed with just one finger. Consequently, you can move between chords much faster than with standard tuning. Metalheads really like this fact, because... they often have to move quickly from chord to chord in a low key.

I hope that the article will be useful for beginners. In it, I tried to answer the questions that arose in my mind when getting acquainted with the electric guitar. Good luck in mastering the instrument!

Most people can teach themselves to play the guitar, although many beginners give up too quickly. Beginners often quit playing, citing lack of time or pain in their fingers. The problem is that they simply don't practice enough. This page may not give you more time to exercise, but it will show you how to successfully become sufficiently good guitarist without the cost of expensive textbooks.


    Search online and select appropriate instructions. There are hundreds of websites on the Internet offering free lessons, many of which are very well developed and can be applied in your routine practice. There you will find comprehensive answers to your questions.

    Learn to distinguish a good musician from a bad one. If you learn to play as well as your favorite musician after a few weeks, try imitating a more skilled musician.

    Learn the tool. Learn the names and functions of guitar parts. Understand their interaction to produce sounds. Understand how sound is produced by a guitar and how string tension affects the sound. The half hour spent on this basic understanding will be repaid many times over during your practice and play.

    Learn to play chords in different positions. There are 10 different hand positions on the fretboard in which you can play a C chord. Start with a clean C chord, but the more ways you learn how to play a chord, the more flexibility you will have in moving from one chord to the next. This may also come in handy if you decide to try composing music.

    Practice daily (at least 5 days a week) for at least half an hour. If you want to learn quickly, you must fill your brain with guitar. This includes ear training to understand the pitch and intonation of sounds, comfortable posture of your body (including legs, back, shoulders, and arm position), right-hand technique for producing sound, and left-hand technique for controlling sound. The most important thing is to train the muscle memory of your hands on the bar.

    Practice chords and hand positions without sound while watching TV or talking to a friend. Training left hand muscle memory is much more difficult than training right hand muscle memory (excluding string picking). You don't have to use your right hand at all, just play different chords with your left hand over and over again. Watching TV or talking will help you avoid looking at your hands too often. But when you're learning chords, you need to carefully monitor the position of your fingers and hand so that muscle memory retains the correct position. Over time, look at your fingers less often, but still check your hand position. Gradually your confidence in proper positioning will increase and you won't have to look at your hands as often.

    Build calluses on your fingertips. It hurts. But once the calluses appear, the pain you once felt will disappear. The more you practice, the faster it will happen. There are callus extension devices that you can buy.

    Learn barre chords along with open chords. Don't skip barre chords, although they are more difficult to play. Just like building calluses, playing barre chords gets easier as you practice. Playing barre chords depends almost entirely on the strength of the left hand.

    Exercise your left arm muscles by repeatedly squeezing a tennis ball or similar object for 5 minutes several times a day. (Be careful, this may cause overvoltage).

    Allow yourself to be upset. It's unavoidable. This is fine. That chord you've been trying to play cleanly for days or weeks will eventually sound clear and beautiful. Keep working on it. Repeat until you are sure the chord sounds great.

    Practice. Practice. Practice. “Practice makes perfect.” And these are not just old wives' tales. While practicing, strive for quality. If you practice carelessly, you will reinforce bad habits forever. A better aphorism might actually be "Practice makes consistency." Just as athletes rotate their kettlebells by focusing on a specific part of the body, passages can be played by focusing on different aspects - tone, fluidity, speed, accuracy. By focusing on different aspects of music separately, you can improve your skills and improve your playing!

    Play songs you like along with the CD. A CD player is a great device for practicing music because CDs are easy to rewind and repeat even very small parts of a song.

    Start playing songs. There are two ways to record guitar music. One notation technique is called notation, and the other is called tablature. Find articles online. The ability to read both ways of writing is extremely valuable.

    Play different types of guitar. Start learning bass, play classical guitar, play tenor guitar, play electric guitar. You will be familiar with the sounds of different guitars.

  1. Enjoy your new guitar skills!

    • If you have a friend who is an experienced guitarist, try to meet him once a week to play together. Even though he or she is a much better player, you will only save the time it would normally take to learn guitar by simply playing around him, watching him play, and learning from him.
    • Learn a few ways to check if your game is in tune. It may take time for your ear for music to develop.
    • Pay a little more for good guitar. If you're thinking of buying your first guitar but aren't sure you'll enjoy playing or have time to practice, don't buy one. expensive guitar. If you decide to continue learning, you may be able to buy a more expensive guitar within your budget. But make sure it's not too cheap. Some guitars can take away from your enjoyment of playing. It is very important to consider the distance between the strings and the fingerboard. If the strings are far from the fretboard, then to get a good sound you have to press harder on the strings, which will lead to pain and frustration.
    • Use nylon strings until your fingers are stiff enough to use regular steel strings, as they are easier on your fingers.
    • Instead of practicing longer and less often, try practicing short and often. By doing this, your brain will be able to remember chords and melodies faster. This will also keep your fingers safe when you start practicing guitar.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't understand chords. Remember, this is your first time. Just take your time and learn slowly. You will gain skills one way or another.
    • Try to change your strings regularly - once a month if you practice regularly every day. You will be amazed at the improvement in sound.
    • If you're looking for an alternative to online courses or want to find more sources for learning guitar, the public library also has a large selection of guitar books.
    • Collect tablatures from different guitarists. There is a 99 percent chance that you will find free tablature online on the first page of search results. Type the song title, musician's name, and the words "guitar tablature" into the search box. You will have a large selection regardless of the genre. If you like them then you can play them
    • If you have an audio editor - GarageBand or , then you can select only part of the song to study. This helps a lot.
    • It's easy to learn the basics of playing guitar with the help of the above. If you encounter serious difficulties, you will need the experience and knowledge of a professional teacher. This page in no way suggests that teachers are unhelpful. This page is just to help you get started.
    • If you are left-handed, you must choose your guitar especially carefully. A left-handed guitar will be more natural to you and may be the right choice. However, if you can force yourself to learn on a right-handed guitar, you will have a lot more choice and be able to swap guitars with other guitarists. You don't have to mentally flip the image of the chord to fit your fretboard. After all, both hands have to do fairly precise work. You need to avoid choosing one type to avoid regretting your choice.
    • Try video guitar lessons on the TocarGuitar websites. YouTube, Songsterr and ultimate Guitar .
    • Make notes about how you feel and how well you play every time you practice. If you practice daily, you will notice a big difference every day.
    • Choose your practice songs strategically. This resource will teach you how to do it Nobsguitar Newsletter. Most methods involve trying to make some use of technique and theory from one song to another. Choose parts that you love and can play, and parts that challenge your playing skills.
    • Try to keep notes of your exercises to track your progress. Since you can't notice the immediate difference, you may find amazing gains you've made in a fairly short period of time.
    • Try to accompany someone else's singing or playing. This will help develop your technique, rhythm and ear. If you work with other guitarists, try to avoid simple copying.


    • Before purchasing, play a variety of different guitars, which you can find at large specialty guitar stores. These big stores have hundreds of guitars and you can choose the one that suits you best. Don't let pushy salespeople pressure you into buying something when you have no choice. Don't be too embarrassed when playing in front of people.
    • Never use steel strings on a classical guitar. Classical guitars will not match the tension of the steel strings. Strings will bend or break the neck, soundboard or bridge. The cases are built differently and are not interchangeable. You can use nylon strings on an acoustic guitar, but the sound will seem softer, less shiny, and more subdued.
    • Don't be shy about playing in front of other, more experienced guitarists. They were once on your level, and most of them remember what it was like. They also love to share and demonstrate their playing to aspiring musicians.
    • Watch the angle of your left wrist. Since you are a self-study, you won't have a teacher telling you that you are holding your wrist incorrectly. If you bend it too much, you may seriously injure yourself. Keep it straight! If you are unsure, show your technique to someone experienced and ask about proper wrist placement.
    • To prevent your hand from getting damaged, keep your calluses under control. Sand your fingertips several times a week. Polishing and buffing your calluses is important. Over time, the outermost layer of skin will begin to separate. Be sure to polish the calluses then, or the string may get stuck in the open recess of the callus when changing chords.
    • Buy an electric guitar tuner. You'll save many sets of strings and be careful when tuning, especially the first string.
    • Playing the guitar can hurt your fingers. You can place some ice in a bowl of water and soak your fingertips for a minute, or simply pour cold water over them. This will prevent blisters and make the calluses grow faster. Wait a while after absorption before playing.

It is very easy for a person who plays the guitar to become the life of the party. Do you want to prove yourself? To do this, it is enough to learn how to produce melodic sounds from six strings. If there is absolutely no time for music school or take lessons from a specialist, you should try to master the instrument at home. You will need to be patient, persistent and a little inspiration will not hurt.

First you need a tool. If you go to the store for a new guitar, invite a knowledgeable person with you. There are many features that you may not notice, but a connoisseur will notice. It’s a good idea to immediately tune the instrument and try to play. It is advisable to choose a guitar adapted to metal strings. But you shouldn’t start studying with them. They require a lot of pressure when pressed and end up digging into the skin. Synthetic strings are a good place to start. Their duration is more modest, but their fingers are less vulnerable. Subsequently, when the skin becomes rough, replace them with metal ones. Be prepared to take a lot of time. Classes should not be suspended for a day. Having hearing makes the task much easier, but is not a prerequisite. Anyone can learn to play. The weight of the guitar is placed on the right knee while playing, and the soundboard is held on top by the right hand. As for the left hand, it should be absolutely free. Strings are numbered from bottom to top. A neck is attached to the body, with a head at the base. On it you can find pegs with strings wound on them. The neck itself is divided by narrow strips into intervals - frets. Their numbering starts from the head towards the body. The fret located near the head is called the first fret.

First you will need to learn the placement of your fingers on the fingerboard, then quickly rearrange them. The most common chords are Em / E minor /, Am / A minor /, Dm / D minor /. To play Am, you will need to press the 2nd string of the first fret with your index finger, and place your ring and middle fingers on the 3rd and 4th strings of the second fret. To play the Dm chord: press the 1st string of the first fret with your index finger, set the middle one on the 3rd fret. the second fret, and at this time we stamp the nameless fret on the 2nd and 3rd. The simplest Em sounds when the 5th and 4th strings of the 2nd fret are pressed. When playing chords, see if the strings sound, if they are not touched by other fingers or are pinched. Press them not between the thresholds, but near them. Difficult? Not at all. With a little practice, the fingers will be able to install themselves in the right places. After playing a chord with your left hand, we begin to use your right. It is used for alternately tugging on the strings /picking/ or beating with your fingers from top to bottom (fighting game). One common fingerpicking technique involves finger-picking the bass. For an Em chord, the bass is the sixth string, Am is the fifth, Dm is the fourth. Bring your performance to perfection. Next, practice continuous sound - press the chords with your left hand, pluck the strings with your right. When the chord changes, we change the bass. It will take persistence to master the automatic “movement” of your fingers. But if it comes out, you will hear the melody. Start studying musical notation after you have a little understanding of chords. Many beginners, when they see sheet music, become so frightened that their inspiration fades away.

How to learn to play the guitar yourself from scratch at home and is it really possible to do it? Many people will now think that to do this they need to take various guitar courses or go to a music school. But I will say - no, in order to learn to play the guitar you need patience and strong fingers of your left hand.

I will tell you my story of how I learned to play, and from the story you will understand how to learn to play from scratch while sitting at home. While studying at the institute and living in a dormitory, I managed to meet people who know how to play the guitar. I really enjoyed gatherings with a guitar (usually with alcohol) and soon I became obsessed with the idea of ​​learning to play. I started asking craftsmen to learn how to play, I watched their fingers, and memorized them. No one wanted to explain to me the features of the game for a long time, everyone said: do it like this, then like that, but a lot of things were incomprehensible to me. For example, even at what point to rearrange the chord while playing.

Then I was lucky, they gave me a guitar for a day, and by that time I had already learned the finger placement for the simplest chords: am, dm, c, em - but I could not play the chords as the fingers of my left hand were not prepared. First I decided that I needed to learn how to play a fight. I pressed some simple chord and learned to play the beat. My very first fight was: down, down (glush), up, up, down (pears) - I don’t know what it’s called, but for me it turned out to be the simplest. Another simple battle: down, up, down (blank).

The mute in parentheses means that the strings need to be muted with the palm of the hand, i.e. As soon as you draw down, you must immediately quickly mute the strings so that their sound does not continue.

I could play the string only by looking at the strings, then when I took my eyes away (for example, to rearrange the chord), everything went wrong for me. As a result, from morning to evening I sat with this guitar, the fingers of my left hand hurt very much, it seems that there were even small cuts from the strings, but I learned how to play, with shoals of course, but still.

In the morning, no one was in a hurry to take my guitar, I decided to consolidate what I had learned and I began to do very well, despite the pain in my fingers. I decided that today I would need to learn how to rearrange chords to get a more or less pleasant melody. It was even more difficult with chords: I couldn’t move all my fingers to another chord at once, I moved them one by one. For example, holding down the dm chord and switching to am, I first moved the middle and ring fingers, and then the index finger - it was easier for me. The strings hurt my fingers, but the desire to learn was stronger.

These were all weekends, during weekdays there was school and it was difficult to get to the guitar, there were a lot of study assignments, and my fingers couldn’t move. By the next weekend I was able to pick up the instrument again, things were much better, at least the battle was already playing on the machine, and I could only rearrange the chords when I looked at my hand. A month later I was already playing these 4 chords on the machine and was able to play simple songs. Then, just as quietly, I learned to play barre F - I really liked the sound of this chord.

Having soon mastered, so to speak, the basics of guitar technique, I wanted to learn how to play by fingerpicking. It turned out to be much easier than playing in combat. Everything is simple here: thumb plucks the bass strings, index, middle and ring first 3 strings. The simplest picking: 6 (or 5th string, or you can alternate), 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. Once you lose the picking, change the chord and so on.

About a year later, I bought myself a Colombo guitar for 4,000 rubles. I didn’t know much about guitars, so they handed it to me nylon strings, at that time I didn’t even know that such things existed. I took it home, and naturally the guitar from the store was not tuned, I decided that the sound was not very good and bought metal strings. By the way, I also bought a tuner for tuning the strings, since from my hearing I still didn’t know how to tune (and even now).

Having my own guitar, I played almost every day when I had free time, I even began to improvise, changing chords, changing the strumming, etc. The playing technique improved every time and then I decided to learn some long beautiful melody without words. One day I heard the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica and realized that this was the song. For those who want to see my game, watch the video. Of course, I have a lot of mistakes when performing this song, but I’m learning and will improve. And I’ll say it again to all beginning guitarists: to learn to play the guitar you need strong fingers and patience.

And, in fact, how to learn to play the guitar from scratch at home? And most importantly, how long will this process last if you learn this difficult task on your own? Actually, this moment is individual for everyone who wants to play the guitar. For example, on average, as they say, it takes someone ten years to “feel” this instrument. A lot of? It may well be... First, decide for yourself - why do you need to know how to play the guitar? Maybe to please and surprise people around you? Or just to perform simple songs with simple chords? But it is also possible that you are a true music lover and cannot live without music, so you definitely want to know how to learn to play this instrument virtuoso. Let's look at each of the listed cases from scratch.

So, you just want to learn how to play the guitar to please your loved ones. In other words, how can you learn to play this instrument just for your own pleasure? In this case, it all depends on you: the more you train, the better results you will have.

Situation number two. Any guitar is suitable for this, even one that is already very old. But there is important rule– the guitar must always be properly tuned. This problem is very relevant for beginners. There are two ways out of this situation: you can seek help from a professional, or simply purchase a guitar tuner with a built-in microphone, and this problem will be easily resolved.

You need to start with the simplest chords. For example, the largest number of songs by the KINO group are exactly like this. Good lyrics and the simplest chords are all a beginning musician needs. To begin with, try to play, as they say, in combat, be sure to train your fingers and cut your nails shorter. The most important task for a beginner is to feel the guitar's tuning. Then try to pick out the melodies of songs you know by ear, for example, start with some children's song.

Later, when you have already become familiar with the guitar, take the risk of trying to play a melody from your favorite movie. Remember one thing: the beauty of guitar skill at this level is knowing a few chords and being able to play as many good songs on them as possible. If you show your true “angelic” patience, then in about a month you will begin to delight those around you with your favorite songs. However, if at this level of skill you say “I can play the guitar,” then this will be an obvious lie...

Now it’s time to consider the third option. So, how to learn to play the guitar at home, but only to achieve high level skill? On at this stage You should not only like music, but you should be unable to live without it. Therefore, you must be prepared in advance to overcome real difficulties. But where, after all, do you need to start?

There are actually a lot of options. Eat good books, written by the best professionals in their field, which are intended specifically for beginners. However, studying on your own from such books is a very difficult task, because the main emphasis here is on learning the notes. Do I need to study sheet music? In this case, someone will answer that it is absolutely necessary to know the notes, while others will call this matter completely unnecessary, citing examples of famous musicians, for example, John Lennon, who had never heard anything about notes. Therefore, it’s up to you to decide, but, of course, knowing the notes you can quickly feel the instrument.

Remember Very important advice : don’t constantly stew in your own juices, always strive to learn something new for you: read interesting books, listen to music as much as possible. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your musical talent and then you will certainly succeed!

The video will teach you how to play the first chords!


And, in fact, how to learn to play the guitar from scratch, at home? And most importantly, how long can this process take, if you do this not-so-easy thing yourself? Actually, for everyone who wants to play guitar, the time frame is different. For example, on average, as they say, in order to “feel” the instrument, for someone it requires about ten years. Too much? It well may be... To start, define for yourself - why do you need to know how to play guitar? Maybe to please and surprise people in your entourage? Or just to sing simple songs with simple chords? But perhaps it is possible that you are a true music lover and you cannot live without music, so you definitely want to know how to learn to play virtuosity on this instrument. Let’s examine each of these cases from scratch.

So. You just want to learn to play the guitar to please your friends and relatives. In other words, how to learn to play this instrument just for pleasure? In this case, it all depends on you, the more you train, the better results you will have.

Situation number two. For this you can use any guitar, even one that is already very old. But there is an important rule – the guitar should certainly always be properly tuned. This issue is very urgent for the beginners. There are two ways out of this situation: you can ask for help from the professional, or just buy a guitar tuner with a built-in microphone, and that way this problem is easily solved.

Start with the simplest chords. For example, the greatest number of KINO’s songs is of this kind. Good lyrics and the simplest chords are all that novice musician needs. To start, try to play, as they say, with a fight, it is very important to train your fingers and cut your nails short. The most important task for the beginner is to feel the tune of the guitar. Then try to pick up melodies of the familiar songs by ear, for example, start with some children’s song.

Later, when you become friends with your guitar, take a chance to try to play the melody of your most favorite movie. Remember one thing: the beauty of this guitar skill level is the knowledge of few chords and the ability to play more good songs with them. If you show your true “angelic patience”, in about a month you will please your entourage with your favorite songs. However, if at this level of skill you say, “I know how to play the guitar”, it will be a clear lie...

Now it is time to consider the third option. So, how to learn to play guitar at home, but to achieve high level of skills? At this stage, you should not just like music, and you should not be able to live without it. So you have to be ready to overcome the very real difficulties in advance. But where, then, do you need to start?

There are, in fact, many options. There are good books written by the best professionals in their field, which are made specifically for beginners. However, self- study with these books is a very difficult task, because the emphasis here is placed on the study of notes. Do you need to study notes? In this case, someone will reply that it is certainly needed to know the notes, and someone will call this thing totally unnecessary, citing examples of famous musicians, such as John Lennon, who notes has never even heard about the notes. So it is up to you, but, of course, knowing the notes you can feel the instrument faster.

Remember the very important advice: do not stew in your own juice, try to always learn something new for yourself, read good books, and listen to as much music as possible. And most importantly, believe in yourself and your musical talent and then you will certainly succeed!

The video will teach you to play the first chords!
How to learn to play the guitar. Lesson 1. First chords

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