The history of the creation of the picture of the grabar February azure briefly. Composition-description based on the picture of the grabar "February azure"

In the sixth grade of secondary school in the Russian language lessons, it is proposed to write an essay based on the painting by I. E. Grabar "February Blue".

This article can be used as additional material in preparation for the work of students. Biographical information about the artist, as well as the history of the creation of the painting "February Blue" will also be useful for teachers to draw up a summary of the lesson.


Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar was born in Budapest in a family where both parents were engaged in diplomatic activities. In early childhood, the future artist, together with his father and mother, moved to Russia, to the Ryazan province. There, Emmanuil Grabar received a position as a French teacher in a gymnasium in a small town.

The first memories of the boy related to the impressions of artistic creativity belong to that period. One day, Igor's father took his son to visit his friend, a teacher who taught at the same gymnasium.

The child was so struck by the beauty of the paintings that came out from the pen of his older friend, and the unusualness of the tools: brushes, easel and others, that he began to beg his parents to give him supplies for this lesson. Soon, mom and dad bought their son a coveted drawing set.

Choice of life path

The future author of the painting "February Blue" graduated from the gymnasium, where his father worked as a teacher. After that, he went to study in the capital. The artist's career seemed to his parents and himself a pipe dream, so the first education that the young man received was legal.

But he was not destined to work in this field. Immediately after receiving a diploma, he enters the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

In this educational institution, Ilya Repin, an outstanding Russian painter, a talented teacher who has educated many artists, becomes his mentor. A few years later, the young man moved to Munich for a while, where he continued to master various drawing techniques.

The history of the creation of the painting "February Blue"

Returning to Russia, the artist, living in St. Petersburg, often visits his friends from the Moscow region. Once, as a guest of one of his acquaintances, who was also related to the fine arts, Igor Emmanuilovich became interested in long walks in the surrounding forests. This was facilitated by the mild, windless weather of the last winter month.

On one of the days in mid-February, a sketch was made of one of the most famous paintings by Grabar. The painting "February Blue" was painted from nature. The artist, who dropped his cane while walking, bent down to pick it up and saw winter birches in blue frost from an unusual angle.

Looking up, Igor Emmanuilovich was struck by the symmetry of the outlines of the most Russian of all trees, and how festive and elegant it looks against the background of blue snow, smoothly flowing into the sky of the same color. Delighted by the beauty of the winter landscape, Grabar immediately ran to his room, where he made the first sketch of the future canvas.

A painting in a trench

In order to be able to observe the landscape from this point of view during work, the master had to make some physical efforts. He took a shovel in the back room of his friend's house and dug a hole half the size of a man. When the trench was ready, the artist moved there an easel, paints and other accessories necessary to work on the painting "February Blue".

The air temperature at that time was not too low, so the painter could afford to spend several hours a day outdoors. He did not arrange the canvas in the traditional way, but by placing it at an angle, so that the drawing looked down at an acute angle.

By this, the artist achieved a constant shading of the canvas. In low light, the colors seemed dull to him, and he was forced to use the brightest shades. For this reason, Grabar's painting "February Blue" acquired festive, sparkling tones.

Favorite canvas of the master

The painter, who lived for almost 90 years, created numerous works of various genres, nevertheless, even in his declining years, admitted that he considered the painting "February Blue" to be his most successful creation.

In the foreground of the canvas is a birch tree, covered with sparkling hoarfrost, framing thin openwork branches. A little behind are her relatives, as if Russian girls in a festive round dance, at the moment when one of them went to the center of the circle for a solo dance.

The description of Grabar's painting "February Blue" would be incomplete without mentioning the special role played by the shades of blue that prevail in the background of the canvas. This is how the sky and freshly fallen snow appear before the viewer. It seems that if there were no forest on the horizon, it would be impossible to distinguish the earth from the clouds. The general mood of this landscape seems to be very joyful. As if nature is dressed up, preparing to meet the holiday of the arrival of spring. The predominant color on this canvas is represented by its numerous shades. At the top of Grabar's painting "February Blue" the sky is painted in dark tones, and that part of it, which is closer to the horizon, is depicted in soft blue.

Scientific and educational activities

The description of the painting "February Blue" suggests that the master who created this masterpiece was a great connoisseur of Russian and Western artistic culture, was fluent in various drawing techniques, both classical and modern. This assumption is confirmed by facts from the life of the master. Igor Emmanuilovich was engaged not only in the creation of paintings, but also participated in the compilation and editing of a large number of encyclopedias and manuals on fine arts. For many years he directed the Tretyakov Gallery.

On his initiative, a scientific study of several hundred paintings took place. Detailed annotations were compiled for these canvases, including information about the faces that are depicted on them, as well as about the specific techniques of individual artists. In one of the letters, Igor Emmanuilovich admitted that he was happy to do such work because of the opportunity to view great creations not from a distance, but being close to the masterpieces.

True patriot

Grabar, as a man who truly loved his country, was always worried about its fate. So, during the Great Patriotic War, the artist laid the foundation for the creation of one of the tank columns, transferring a significant amount of money for this business.

For this initiative, the artist received a letter of thanks from the leaders of the state. Grabar's creative merits were marked by numerous prizes and awards.

The wise Litrecon understands that boys and girls write essays differently, so we offer you two essay options: one for the fair sex, the other for the strong half of humanity. But if something still doesn’t suit you, you are welcome in the comments, state the essence of the problem.

Option 1 (male)

(177 words) I. E. Grabar is a Russian artist and art critic. He wrote not only paintings, but also articles on the topic of art, and after the revolution he did a lot to preserve the creative heritage of artists and icon painters.

The painting "February Blue" was painted in 1904. The artist was at a friend's dacha. He was walking and suddenly noticed a beautiful landscape, which impressed I. E. Grabar so much that he immediately ran home to make a sketch, and the next day he dug an easel right in the snowdrift on the street and began to write. A large-scale painting came out, which is now exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery.

"February Blue" was created in the style of impressionism. Strokes of paint create a feeling of beauty, lightness and freshness. In front of the viewer is a birch grove, illuminated by the bright sun. On a February day, the sun shines especially brightly, it is already warming so that the snow is gradually melting (the picture shows that it has already become grainy). You can see clear blue skies behind the trees. It is immediately clear that spring is coming. Looking at this picture, it becomes joyful, inspiration is felt.

I like this canvas because the artist found beauty in the ordinary and showed it to his viewers. The picture gives the mood of the holiday and inspires the search for beauty in everyday life.

Option 2 (female)

(203 words) I. E. Grabar did a lot for Russian painting. He not only created beautiful works himself, but also saved many paintings from destruction after the revolution, helped to restore icons and monasteries.

The painting "February Blue" was written before all the upheavals of the twentieth century. In early 1904, the artist went to visit friends. He was walking down the street and suddenly dropped his stick. An ordinary person would have cursed and raised his cane in displeasure. But the talented artist suddenly looked around and saw incredible beauty, a picture of a very close renewal, an imminent spring festival. And now the sketch is ready, and soon the landscape followed it.

The canvas depicts a forest. It goes into the depths of the picture, its scale is immediately visible. The azure sky, grainy snow - all this says that winter is gradually leaving this place. Every second and cyclical work goes on in nature: revival, growth, maturation, wilting. And so again and again. The moment of reviving is the most festive, the picture conveys not a plot, but a feeling. Not solid lines, but strokes create silhouettes of birches, which gives more tenderness and fragility to the coming spring-beauty. The combination of blue, white and brown enhances this impression.

I like this picture for its feeling of happiness and joy, this is sometimes so lacking in life. The artist managed to show the charm of early spring, in which an ordinary person sees only slush under his feet.

  1. Introduction (Interesting facts about the artist);
  2. Main part (History of the creation of the painting and description of the canvas);
  3. Conclusion (My opinion about Grabar's landscape)

A painting work - a painting by Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar "February Azure", written in 1904, has a special poetry. February is a month of struggle between winter, which does not want to give up its rights, and just a premonition of the approach of spring, its light breath. A long wait for the awakening of all nature after a quiet winter sleep.

Winter does not give up its positions, it scares with frosts and snow blizzards. But even in February there is sunny weather, when you immediately pay attention to nature, which is always amazingly beautiful. It’s just that in our hectic world, we sometimes don’t find time to pay attention and look around. Grabar, as a true artist, could not remain indifferent to such beauty and gave us this magnificent landscape.

In the foreground of the picture is a birch tree, covered with a thin layer of lacy hoarfrost, iridescent and sparkling even under the dim rays of the sun. A little further away you can see younger birches and still very “teenagers” with thin trunks. It seems that, spreading their branches, they slowly spin in a smooth round dance, like young girls, celebrating Maslenitsa and meeting the arrival of spring. Only the forest in the background separates heaven and earth. If you stand near this picture for a while, it will suddenly seem that you clearly hear a Russian folk song about a birch. After all, the birch is a symbol of Russia, its beauty, so the people composed many songs about it, both funny and sad.

White-barreled beauties are depicted against the background of an azure snow cover and almost the same color of the winter sky. These tones, which the painter so generously uses, bring coolness and purity, like a breath of breeze and the smells of spring approaching with an inaudible light tread.

Such shades of azure, turquoise, blue, as a gift from our Russian nature in the most blizzard winter month in the expanses of Russia. The whole canvas creates a feeling of an approaching holiday,

Igor Emmanuilovich also liked the painting February azure. He often talked about how suddenly amazing inspiration came to create it. Grabar saw such a landscape in the Moscow region on a frosty sunny morning, going for a walk. He was struck by the color of the azure, which seemed to envelop everything around, and only the birch trees, stretching out their branches, as if in a dance, diluted these incredible colors of pearls, coral, sapphire and turquoise. All together it was like a fabulous island in the glow of precious stones.

The artist was amazed at the fantastic beauty of the birch branches in this chime of all shades of the rainbow against the blue sky. Against the background of the turquoise sky, last year's foliage, which survived at the very top of the birch, seems golden. As if fulfilling the wish of the painter, sunny days lasted for almost two weeks, allowing Grabar to capture this miracle. It seemed that nature was posing for a talented artist, showing her grace in winter attire. Fuzzy lines produce the effect of filling the picture with light and air.

The artist uses very light, pure hues, resulting in crystal blue chimes ranging from delicate turquoise to sparkling ultramarine. The canvas resembles paintings by famous French impressionists.

Today Grabar's painting "February Blue" is in the State Tretyakov Gallery. Canvas size 141 by 83 cm

Description of the painting by Grabar “February azure”

Grabar Igor Emmanuilovich is a famous Russian painter.
One winter, at the dacha of his friends, the artist walked around the neighborhood in search of new landscapes.
It was the end of February, and the weather more and more often reminded of the imminent onset of spring.
The author's favorite tree has always been a birch, so the place of a birch grove was very suitable.

The sun was shining very brightly.
Its rays reflected on the snow, from which everything around simply shone.
Against this background, blond birches were very beautifully visible.
The sky was clear and reflected blue.
Walking in search of a new look for his paintings, the artist dropped a stick, and when he bent down to pick it up and turned his head to the side, he saw a birch shimmering with mother-of-pearl.
A minute ago, the usual sky suddenly sparkled with shades of blue and turquoise.
How much the picture of an ordinary landscape can change from a different angle.
Wasting no time,
Grabar ran home to sketch what he saw.

The next day, already with sketches, he returned to the same place.
He really wanted to convey exactly that mother-of-pearl of birch and the blue of the sky.
To do this, he dug a hole and placed the easel at the right angle.
So the sun's rays did not distort the colors on the canvas, and he painted this landscape with inspiration.

This story happened to Igor Grabar in 1904.
But his famous painting "February Glaze" still delights visitors to the Tretyakov Gallery.
And although it would seem that it is so special: white snow, clear sky, birch all over the canvas.
But how admiringly the author conveyed the sunlight, with what bright colors he depicted the sky and iridescent snow, how he painted every branch of a birch.
And although winter is depicted in the picture, incredible warmth wraps the soul, looking at it.

They say that a landscape is a portrait of nature. And in a good artist, he is full of dynamism, a kind of mystery that is revealed to the viewer only on an intuitive-sensory level. He observes an ordinary, even unremarkable sketch of nature - a lonely standing tree, a restless sea or a mountainous area - and yet he never ceases to admire the unusual angle of the depicted, the photographically accurately noticed mood, the impressionistic play with colors. All these features can also characterize the canvases of Igor Grabar. Let's try to give a description of the painting "February Blue".

History of creation

As a rule, evidence of the history of the creation of one or another is extremely short-lived. Some time passes - and the artist himself does not remember exactly when he had the idea to capture something on paper. Fortunately, the story of the painting "February Blue" has not sunk into oblivion. It is known that the canvas was created when Grabar was visiting Dugino with the hospitable philanthropist Nikolai Meshcherin. The Dugin period is considered perhaps the most fruitful in the artist's work, the paintings painted over 13 years were gladly accepted by museums and exhibitions.

One serene February morning, the artist simply decided to take a walk - without paints and an easel. One of the birches seemed to Grabar especially beautiful, he stared at it and ... dropped his stick. And picking it up, he looked at the tree from the bottom up. The effect was simply extraordinary! The artist rushed for supplies and sketched what he saw in order to start creating a full-fledged picture in a few days. To do this, Grabar dug a trench in the snow, covered the canvas with an umbrella, which enhanced the effect of the presence of blue, and began to create. He worked for about two weeks, and all this time nature spoiled the artist with beautiful weather.

Image Subject

Description of the painting "February Blue" let's start with the main thing - birches in the foreground. The tree is wrapped in the finest winter lace that can sparkle cheerfully even on a cloudy day. A little further you can see the smaller girlfriends of the white-barreled queen, small birch trees. So the comparison with the girls who are spinning in a round dance, calling spring and seeing off February comes to mind. It seems that if you stay a little longer next to the canvas, you will hear a song about the symbol of our country, the birch.

The tree is depicted against the background of a snow-white blanket and a piercing blue sky. That is why its branches, which give the birch an interesting, even somewhat strange shape, look mysterious, fabulous, bewitched. As if the white-trunked beauty has just woken up and reaches for the sky to welcome spring, which makes it seem that the birch is akimbo.

Color solution

We continue the paintings “February Blue”. It would seem that the image of the winter month requires using all the white paint. However, Grabar acted differently. at the same time, the artist generously uses pastel and bright colors.It is believed that in the canvas he reached the limit of color saturation, painting, in fact, with pure light.We will see many shades of blue, ultramarine.All of them merge into a unique music of painting, the main goal of which is to convey another moment from the life of nature, sometimes invisible to the common man.With a similar installation, the canvas created by Grabar - "February Blue" - approaches the masterpieces of French impressionists, such as "Poppies" by Claude Monet.

dominant mood

The main ideological message of the canvas can be described as expectation. The winter cold will surely give way to warm weather, the depicted birch will dress in a beautiful outfit of green leaves, and nature will begin a new round of its development. This explains the extraordinary, optimistic emotional background of the canvas. This description of the painting "February Blue" should be taken into account.

Other facts

Grabar gained fame as a depicter of the winter season. There is even an interesting parallel of the mentioned Dugin period with Boldinskaya as one of the most fruitful periods of the poet's activity. However, Grabar - "February Blue" and other "winter" canvases do not count! - He also captured other seasons, as well as the Artist has worked very fruitfully throughout his life: not every painter can create almost non-stop for about 60 years!

Initially, the artist called the canvas of interest to us "Blue Winter" - an analogy with other paintings by Grabar - but when he gave his brainchild to the Tretyakov Gallery, he renamed it. The masterpiece is still there today. Visitors look at the canvas and are surprised to find something that even the most skillful reproductions are unable to convey: strokes, individual dots that make up the canvas. This is also a trace of one of the currents of art - divisionism.

On this, the description of the painting "February Blue" can be considered complete.

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