Bachelor who in what season. How did the relations between the participants of the “Bachelor” project develop after its completion? Daria Klyukina's income after the show "The Bachelor" doubled

The reality show "The Bachelor" is considered one of the most romantic projects of domestic television and has been very popular with viewers for three seasons. They cheered for the heroines, wishing them to successfully sail on a yacht in a storm, paragliding and win the hearts of the most eligible suitors. Interest in the finalists of this show does not fade away. Each girl had her own motives for participating in the project. For some, "The Bachelor" became a good starting platform for moving up the career ladder and an opportunity to appear on the TV screen, for others it allowed them to feel the drive of the competition and go on fabulous, and sometimes exotic dates. And some of the girls really wanted to try their luck and find that one person with whom you can spend the rest of your life. StarHit offers to find out how the life of the winners has changed after participating in the show.

Season one: Olesya Ermakova and Irina Volodchenko

In a dispute between two finalists, Olesya Ermakova won. It was she who was chosen by the bachelor No. 1 - Evgeny Levchenko. Later, the football player wrote about parting with the girl in his blog - they say, life in two countries has become an obstacle ... He is in Holland, she is in Moscow - it did not grow together. “We talked for a while after breaking up, but now we are not on the way. Now in my thoughts I practically do not return to him and to our beautiful history, - Olesya shares, - for me this is in the past.

In 2014, an old acquaintance from London proposed to her - and this time, no distances prevented her from answering “yes”. Now they live in two countries, spending time either in Moscow or in London apartments. “This man is my first love,” Olesya told StarHit. “I came to London as a producer for a dubbing studio. And he worked in the production of audio-visual products. Once we crossed paths, liked each other. But we were young to appreciate what was going on between us and remained friends.” The groom knows about the show with the participation of Olesya. “But I forbade him to watch,” the girl continues. “He doesn’t know Russian, he could have misunderstood something.”

Now Olesya works in the film industry. One of the latest projects is the Netflix series Marco Polo, from the creators of House of Cards and Game of Thrones. The girl was engaged in visual effects, was responsible for video graphics. In addition, she works as a model and starred in music videos. The girl is active in social networks: she communicates on Twitter, uploads photos on Instagram, and Vkontakte is her official group, which has more than eight thousand subscribers.

// Photo: Personal archive of Irina Volodchenko

Irina is the finalist of the show, losing to the bachelor Olesya Ermakova. The girl talked about the relationship with Yevgeny Levchenko that did not work out on the project as follows: “I think that it was no coincidence that we didn’t succeed on the project. Everyone had to have their own story. After the show ended, there were no thoughts of resuming relations: I think you can’t enter the same river twice. I don’t know how he is, I think that now he is alone. Everything is fine with me - there is a “second half”. I knew my beloved for a long time, but only after the “Bachelor” did relationships begin to develop.

The future husband's feelings flared up as soon as they started showing "The Bachelor". “He saw me and, perhaps, got jealous,” says the girl. “I proposed to meet, and everything started spinning.” Despite the relationship, Irina continues friendly communication with the ex-“bachelor”: “We periodically communicate with Zhenya, write SMS to each other, call each other. When he is in Moscow, we even see each other.”

Now Irina leads the apparatus of the Russian Sovereignty Parliamentary Club in the State Duma and is a member of the coordinating council of the Young Guard. After Volodchenko showed herself on the Bachelor project, she was simply bombarded with various promotional offers, thanks to which she was able to prove herself in the modeling business. Participants of the TV show recognized Irina as the most beautiful girl in the project. It is no coincidence that she periodically participates in the shows of Russian fashion designers, follows their collections, and loves to buy dresses. Irina's profiles can be found in almost every social network, where she is happy to communicate with her fans and admirers. Only the girl's Instagram has more than 135 thousand subscribers.

Season two: Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova

The winner of the second season of the show "The Bachelor" was Maria Drigola. The girl came to the project because she wanted to truly fall in love, and she was sure that this was quite possible on the show. Fans of the project declassified the candidacy of the winner long before the final release. Maria herself unwittingly betrayed the secret on social networks by posting pictures of the same places where Maxim Chernyavsky was photographed.

Realizing her mistake, the girl almost immediately deleted the footage, but the conversations had already begun. Rumors constantly surround this couple. Fans carefully follow their lives through joint photographs and interviews, constantly either divorcing or bringing lovers together again. “For three months, the show lasted so long, we were under the constant sight of cameras in front of the whole country,” Maxim Chernyavsky shared with StarHit, “And Masha was tired of it. She is not a public figure at all. At least look at her Instagram, she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they figure it out. Maria works as head of the legal department at her father's company, which sells and repairs military equipment. She can resolve all issues remotely, so she easily flies to Maxim from St. Petersburg to Los Angeles. Maria and Maxim are not just together and happy, they are preparing for the wedding.

Alena, after filming in the second season of The Bachelor, took up raising her son David. She earned money in the modeling business and DJing. In November 2014, Alena appeared on the Glade of the reality show of the TNT channel "Dom-2" as a participant. Fans of a young woman who is raising a boy without a husband were divided into two camps: some were happy that they could again watch their favorite on the TV screen, while others were surprised by Pavlova's decision and began to persuade her to leave the program.

“I don’t have to explain anything to anyone! I do what I think is right! The son is the most important thing in my life and this is forever! Yes, I'm looking for a man, a husband, a father for David, looking for a job for my soul and I'm on the right track, I know for sure! I do everything so that my son sees happy mom and dad next to him! she wrote on Instagram. The girl liked Bogdan Lenchuk, and after that - music producer Nikita Kuznetsov. After the failure with Kuznetsov and Lenchuk, Alena Pavlova found a kindred spirit in the person of Evgeny Kuzin, who once again came to the project, but then the relationship did not work out again, and the participant left the TV set.

Third season.Daria Kananukha and Galina Rzhaksenskaya

The reality show ended just four months ago, and during this time, 37-year-old Timur Batrutdinov and 23-year-old Daria Kananukha have become even closer. “Although everything happens for the most part at a distance, but the longer our candy-bouquet period, this is a wonderful and carefree time,” Daria told StarHit. “Timur and I try to call up and correspond as often as he can. True, I live a day life, and he lives a night life, but I try to adapt.

Daria Kananukha tries not to advertise her personal life on social networks. “He (Timur) helped me by teaching me how to behave after the project. For example, he advised me to close the general access to my page. I managed to do it on “Contact”, but not on Instagram. As a result, so many nasty things were written to me in the comments ... For example, that I paved the way to victory through the bed. But we didn’t have sex on the project.” After the filming was over, Daria Kananukha defended her diploma in organization management from Kazan Federal University. At the moment, Daria Kananukha is not involved in any TV project.

The girl was considered the main favorite of the project. 27-year-old Galina charmed the bachelor Timur Batrutdinov from the first meeting. She received the first impression rose and went on solo dates more than the other members. However, the final show for Galina ended in disappointment: Timur Batrutdinov preferred Daria. Despite the difficult parting, the finalist continues to communicate with the hero of the show. But now their relationship has gone from romantic to friendly. Now, after the completion of the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya is incredibly popular on social networks: the number of her fans is in the tens of thousands, and the votes cast in her favor are incalculable.

The spectators almost unanimously tried to convince Timur to make a choice in favor of the girl. Most called Galya a suitable party for a Comedy club resident: educated, smart, mature, kind - these and other compliments were constantly addressed to her. “I am very pleased with such attention,” Rzhaksenskaya admitted to StarHit. - People on the street and in public places began to recognize me very often: they say kind words, express their sympathy, admit that they supported me. It's very touching and sweet." Galina Rzhaksenskaya plans to continue developing her own business. The girl is the owner of three elite beauty studios in Moscow. “And everyone has been looking at my personal life for the last 3 months, so let it stay with me now,” the girl smiles mysteriously.

Most recently, the seventh season of the show "The Bachelor" ended. Already seven handsome men in front of the whole country tried to find their love. And until the name of the next Bachelor is announced, millions of viewers are closely watching their lives. But here's how the life of the main characters of the reality after the end of filming, few people know. Maxim Chmerkovsky, Francis Matthew Romanov, Andrei Iskornev, Konstantin Yevtushenko, Sergei Melnik, Irakli Makatsaria and Dmitry Cherkasov - how do ex-Bachelors live now?

Maxim Chmerkovskiy

Maxim Chmerkovskiy became the first Bachelor. Then, in 2011, the whole of Ukraine closely followed the development of his relationship with girls. At the end of the show, the dancer had to choose between Alexandra Shulgina and Yana Solomko. Sasha received a declaration of love from Maxim, but the couple's relationship did not last long.

After the end of filming, Sasha left with Maxim for America, where, by the way, the Bachelor still lives and works. But a month later she returned to Ukraine without her lover. After a relationship with Shulgina, Chmerkovsky had affairs with several girls, he was even credited with having an affair with Jennifer Lopez herself, but all this turned out to be nothing more than rumors.

Maxim did not delay his bachelor life for a long time, and already in February 2016, information appeared in the media that he had married his beloved Petya Margatroid, a professional dancer whom he met on the set of the American version of the Dancing with the Stars project.

“Officially the best day of my adult life! Two worlds collided, and the ocean of love covered us headlong!

- Maxim wrote then on his Instagram page.

Almost nothing is known about the ex-Bachelor's personal life. Francis was not a very active Internet user, but judging by the few pictures on his Instagram page, now he has become interested in training and even became a personal trainer. Figure, by the way, Francis also changed for the better. Just look at those abs! It remains only to find a bride. Maybe go back to "The Bachelor"?

Andrey Iskornev

Russian plastic surgeon Andrei Iskornev became the third Ukrainian Bachelor. And at the same time, the most scandalous. So, in the final of the show, Andrei chose the quiet and modest singer Anya Kozyr. Everything would be fine, but later it became known that on the project the Bachelor had an intimate relationship with another participant, Yana Stanishevskaya. All this had its consequences - the girl became pregnant from Iskornev. As a result, young people decided to leave the child, but Yana had a miscarriage.

All these events turned out to be too difficult for the chosen one of Andrei Ani, and soon the couple broke up. Another participant in the show, Irina Skorikova, helped the ex-Bachelor to cope with a difficult period in his life. At first, the girl helped the man morally as a friend, but gradually their relationship grew into something more. Andrei and Irina began to live together, the man even accepted the girl's child from a previous relationship. But this attempt to build a family for young people was not crowned with success. In 2014, Andrei and Irina announced their separation.

In 2015, the ex-Bachelor admitted in an interview that he had returned to his first love - a girl named Irena, whom he met in his student years. Now the surgeon is in no hurry to talk about his personal life, and on his Instagram page, Andrey publishes only pictures from work and travel.

Konstantin Evtushenko

Konstantin Yevtushenko became the main character of the show "The Bachelor" in the fourth season. But he also failed to build a relationship with a girl from the project. In the final of the reality show, the Lviv businessman chose Anna Selyukova, but the wedding and “they lived happily ever after” did not happen. Shortly after filming was completed, Konstantin flew abroad, leaving Anna in Ukraine. Later it became known that the Bachelor violated the rules of the project and found the girl outside the show. She was the Ukrainian athlete Natalia Dobrynskaya. However, Anna also did not grieve for a long time and soon had an affair with millionaire Yevgeny Kachalov. Even later, the girl received an offer from him and is now preparing for the wedding.

In the best way, everything worked out with Konstantin. June 1, 2014 at the Olympic Stadium in Kyiv ex-Bachelor and Natalia Dobrynskaya exchanged marriage vows. Already in December of the same year the athlete gave birth to Yevtushenko their first common child- the son of Darius or simply Derek, as he is called in the family.

In September 2016, another replenishment happened in the family. Natalia gave birth to Konstantin's second babydaughter Alicia. Judging by the photos of the wife of the ex-Bachelor on Instagram, they are happy in family life and enjoy every day spent together.

Young, attractive and even a football player! This was exactly the main character of the fifth season of "The Bachelor" Sergei Melnik. A football player from Odessa sincerely hoped to find a girl on the project with whom he could build a family. And his choice was obvious - at the end of the show, Sergei confessed his feelings for Marina Kishchuk. Fans of the show were sure that their relationship was serious and the media would soon report on the wedding. But even this season, the winner did not manage to hear the desired “Will you marry me?” from the Bachelor. Shortly after the season finale aired, Sergey and Marina announced that they had broken up.

Now the football player prefers not to advertise his personal life. Repeatedly joint pictures appeared on Sergey's blog with Anetti Zhernova, a participant in the sixth season of "The Bachelor" and the network discussed the alleged romance between young people, but Sergei and Anetti themselves do not comment on the rumors. And Miller's fans, meanwhile, still have hope to win his heart.

Irakli Makatsaria

The hot Georgian owner of the Mag Entertainment production company, Irakli Makatsaria, has won the hearts of thousands of girls all over Ukraine from the first episodes of the sixth season of the Bachelor show. What to say about the participants of the project! The struggle for the heart of Irakli was active, the girls even vomited each other hair. As a result, two participants remained in the final - the bright and unusual Anetti Zhernova, as well as the calm and sweet Alena Lesyk. The bachelor made his choice in favor of the latter and, it would seem, for the first time in the history of the project, a wedding of the participants could be expected.

The relationship between Alena and Irakli lasted more than one month. Even despite the constant distance (Irakli often visited Georgia while Alena remained in Ukraine), they still managed to keep their feelings. On young people's blogs joint photos appeared, in the comments under which they did not hide their happiness.

However, in the fall of 2016, news began to appear more and more often that not everything was so smooth in the relationship of the couple. However, both Irakli and Alena diligently denied the rumors, assuring fans that they were all right. But already at the beginning of 2017, Alena announced that that he and Irakli are no longer a couple.

“I decided to tell you what is obvious. Irakli and I are no longer a couple! I will only speak for myself. My feelings and actions were sincere in this relationship! Everyone knew about it - the Irakli family, my relatives, and our friends! I was ready to do a lot for this person - to leave my career, move to Georgia ... was ready to give birth to children from this man build a family with him,

- the girl wrote then.

“I want to thank Alena for those pleasant moments that were in our relationship - both during the project and after it. I do not regret anything and I believe that this chapter will take its rightful place in the book of my life.

After parting with Alena, Irakli completely devoted himself to work. The bachelor even plans to make a Georgian-Ukrainian film about love. Also, after the project, Irakli became the presenter on one of the Georgian TV channels and participates in the Georgian version of the show "Dancing with the Stars".

But Irakli is in no hurry to talk about his personal life. Recently, the news appeared on the network that ex-Bachelor had an affair with the finalist of the sixth season Anetti Zhernova. However, the man does not intend to comment on the guesses of Internet users.

Dmitry Cherkasov

The main character of the 7th season of the romantic reality show "The Bachelor" was the 29-year-old short-distance swimming champion, master of sports of international class Dmitry Cherkasov. Despite the fact that his predecessors did not manage to find their love on the project, the athlete went to the show with the hope of meeting his chosen one there. In the finale of the seventh season of The Bachelor, which took place recently, Dima confessed his feelings to Lida.

"I want to be with you because I'm in love with you"

Dima Cherkasov said to Lida, handing over the ring.

However, Lida and Dima failed to become the first members of the Bachelor, who were able to create a strong family thanks to the project. On the air of the post-show “How to get married”, young people said that their relationship did not last long. The initiator of the gap was the winner of the Lida project. The girl admitted that the Bachelor did not pay enough attention to her and she herself had to come to him from her native city to Kyiv. As a result, she invited him to simply remain friends, and Dima's fans had hope in his heart.

Photo: Instagram,Getty Images

Many fans of the Bachelor show are interested in how the life of the participants turned out after the project. Let's open the veil of this mystery, especially since everyone is alive and well, and although not a single couple continued their relationship after the end of the program, nevertheless, some still tied the knot. So, the first hero of the Bachelor is Evgeny Levchenko, and Olesya Ermakova became the winner.

This happened in 2013, it was then that the footballer's heart became famous after playing in CSKA and the Ukrainian national team. But, nine months after the end of the show, the couple broke up. The girl did not stay and did not get bored, a year later she was made an offer of marriage. Currently, she is producing various projects and continues her modeling career.

Maxim Chernyavsky

The protagonist of the second issue chose Maria Drygalo. The girl was able to console the entrepreneur, who, on the eve of participating in the show, broke up with Anna Sedokova. This relationship lasted almost half a year, ending in 2015.

After the final, Maxim said in one of his interviews that they were happy, things were going to the wedding, but circumstances intervened. At this time, Maria devotes a lot of time to traveling, in addition to her main job in her father's company dealing with military equipment. Her personal life has not yet developed, but judging by the subscribers on social networks, the girl still has a lot of fans.

Timur Batrutdinov

This time the winner's ring went to Daria Kananukha. Many argued that this is a fiction, and Timur has real feelings for the second finalist Galina Rzhaksenskaya. Soon this information was partially confirmed, those who considered the affair with Daria implausible turned out to be right. However, Timur did not work out with Galya either.

After completing the program, Batrutdinov returned to work, and Dasha went to Kazan, where she graduated from the federal university with a degree in organization management. She opened a private etiquette school for children. With personal life, too, everything is normal. Daria has already received an offer, the wedding is scheduled for July this year. Galina's life has turned out in the best possible way - she got married and expects an addition to her family.

Alexey Vorobyov

Here the audience, who followed the fate of the heroes for almost 13 weeks, suffered a severe disappointment. As a result, Alexei did not give the ring to anyone, although two participants at once claimed the role of the finalist. The first singer and model from Yakutsk, Yana Anosova, and the second girl who grew up in an orphanage, Natalya Gorozhanova.

The hero finally admitted:

“I realized that Yana doesn’t need me, because she thinks that I love another. At the same time, I am not interested in Natalia, because I could not melt the ice in her heart.

What can I say, bad luck. Vorobyov noted that he tried very hard to build relationships within the framework of the project and hoped with all his heart, but not fate. One of the girls works in the theater as an actress, and the second as a model. Both of their personal lives continue to be unsettled.

Ilya Glinnikov

Here the intrigue was kept to the end. All the spectators were sure that Ilya would give her preference to the beauty with the oriental type of appearance Madina Tamova, and all his actions pointed precisely to this fact.

However, in the end, the hero changed his choice radically, and his final decision fell on Ekaterina Nikulina, a blue-eyed blonde. After the show was over, Ilya and Katya settled under the same roof and even got two dogs. Now they have plans for a beautiful marriage ceremony. The proposal has already been made, consent has been received, and what else is needed for happiness.

Now you know how life turned out for the participants after the project. We are sincerely happy for the last pair. We hope the guys are doing well.

Maria Drigola is the winner of season 2 of the Bachelor show. The girl captivated the audience with her naivety and sincerity. Perhaps this bribed the main character of the project. From the very beginning, it was clear that Masha came to the program for feelings and relationships, and not for PR. Despite the attacks of competitors, the girl reached the final and received the coveted ring from the hands of Maxim.

Childhood and youth

Maria Vladimirovna Drigola was born in St. Petersburg on February 27, 1990. Father Vladimir Kirillovich Drigola is a retired Rear Admiral. At the end of his military career, he went into business - he is the CEO of a company specializing in the repair and sale of military equipment. Mother Elena Vladimirovna Drigola works as a deputy director of personnel in her husband's company. Maria has a younger brother, Vladimir.

The girl was brought up in severity and prosperity. She studied at the Emperor's Gymnasium, and later entered the St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Received a diploma of a specialist in the direction of "jurisprudence". After that she worked as a lawyer for her father. Maria is very close to her family. She has a very trusting relationship with her parents.

After the project, the girl spent a lot of time with Maxim in Los Angeles. She even planned to continue studying law there, choosing between divorce law and transport law. But there is no information about whether she received an education in America, unfortunately.


On the TV project "The Bachelor" Maria got unexpectedly for herself. On TV, she saw an advertisement for a casting and thought that perhaps there she would meet her fate. Plus, her mother and brother insisted on this, justifying this by the fact that the girl needs to unwind. At the casting, Maria joked and told the producers of the show that she had not been in the camp as a child, and perhaps the Bachelor project would become this camp for her.

The main character of the second season of the show was a businessman and ex-husband of the singer. Maxim and Anna had a daughter, Monika. The man lives in California, his business is related to construction. He decided to participate in the project a year after his divorce from Sedokova.

Only when the shooting began, the girl realized how difficult it all was. Constant lack of sleep and fatigue, inability to concentrate on relationships. Soon, Maria began to notice that some participants came to the project for the sake of self-promotion, but she herself remained sincere to the end.

Maria Drigola in the show "The Bachelor"

By the way, some viewers believed that Drigola was still a child that lived in rose-colored glasses. Masha lived on the project, and did not compete, like some girls. She tried not to conflict and not offend anyone. Behaved naturally and in a sense naive. Project participant Natalya Dolgopolova said that

"Masha for the show is like a suitcase without a handle."

When the time came to meet Maxim's parents, she was worried and worried. Chernyavsky's relatives liked the girl, the only thing that confused them was how much the girl spends on herself per month. At that time, Maria earned 20 thousand rubles, and spent all 70. But she did not hide that her parents were helping her.

As a result, Maria Drigola and Alena Pavlova remained in the final of the project. Maxim Chernyavsky chose the open and bright Masha, because by the end of the show the guys really fell in love with each other.

Five seasons of the show "The Bachelor" have already passed, and the couple of Maxim and Masha is considered the most sincere of all.

Personal life

Before the Bachelor project, the girl met with a young man. Their relationship lasted 9 months. Maria did not tell his name, but said that the guy was from a wealthy family, gave Masha gifts. According to the girl, the guy was sure that it was possible to buy absolutely everything. He started a project in Bulgaria, and he invited Maria to go with him and even offered to marry him. But at the same time, he asked her to sign a paper, which stated the condition that Maria refuses to communicate with her own family. For a girl, this was unacceptable.

Maxim, on the other hand, was never against such a trusting and close relationship between Mary and her parents. Therefore, at first, lovers lived in two countries. But the girl often visited Maxim in Los Angeles, the guys went on joint vacations. Masha immediately found a common language with Maxim's daughter. And soon the couple began to prepare for the wedding.

Then information about the separation of the couple began to appear on the network. For a long time, none of the guys confirmed this. As a result, their relationship lasted a year and a half. In November 2015, Maxim spoke about the true reasons for the breakup. According to him, the further development of relations depended on him.

Maria did not want to break the strong connection with the family and move to America with him. Thus, the root cause of the gap was the distance. Although even on the project, her father said that he understands that the spouses should not live separately, especially in different countries, and is ready for Masha to move to Los Angeles.

Maria Drigola now

The girl has a closed profile in "Instagram". She is not chasing popularity and the number of subscribers. Sometimes he posts photos

Every unmarried girl dreams of getting to the most romantic TV project in the country. Here and dates with the ideal man, serial intrigues, shooting in fabulous, and sometimes exotic places and instant fame. If it is not possible to establish a personal life, you will return home, at least a hero with an army of fans and offers for a decent amount to place cosmetics or designer dresses in your account. For many, "The Bachelor" has become a serious launching pad for career growth or starting their own business. The main thing is that even years later, the participants are remembered, and their future fate is discussed and willingly interested in through social networks.

The other side of the project is less pleasant. Television relationships, the winners of the show, do not get the desired continuation in real life. Some feelings end after only six months, while others immediately after the completion of the project. Without cameras, “lovers” cease to be interested in each other, move away and, at best, remain acquaintances. It has been repeatedly written that not one of the participants in the show around the world has married his chosen one. Last week, two couples from the Bachelor show announced an unexpected break at once - Maxim Chernyavsky with Maria Drigola and Timur Batrutdinov with Daria Kananukha. StarHit tried to find out why the lovers fail to build happy and strong families at the end of the popular project.


Of all the contenders, the 34-year-old football player who played for the Ukrainian national team and in several Dutch clubs, as well as the model and most stylish athlete in the Netherlands, chose the 31-year-old blonde creative producer Olesya Ermakova. The audience watched the relationship of the couple with bated breath. Many understood in advance that Olesya is the only one who really likes Zhenya.

Rumors that Olesya and Eugene were together began to circulate long before the show ended. Some sources reported that the heroes of the reality decided not to wait for the finale and got married right during the project. Allegedly, in the final episodes, Olesya was shown to the waist so that no one could see her rounded tummy. The audience hopefully expected that in the final they would see their real wedding.
But in the final, which was filmed in Paris, there were two participants. In addition to Olesya, the brunette Irina Volodchenko passed. The girls themselves had to invite Yevgeny on a date. A painful choice awaited the bachelor - which of the two finalists to give an engagement ring.

On a date with Olesya, Evgeny had a hard time. The girl laid out porcelain fragments in various places, which the groom, using the prompts, had to collect and find his bride. On the screen, Eugene coped with the task, but in real life it was not possible to put together all the pieces of a happy family life. Three months after the end of the show, Eugene, living in Holland, wrote on a social network: “Life in two countries has become an obstacle.”
“We talked for a while after breaking up, but now we are not on the way. Now in my thoughts I practically do not return to him and to our beautiful history, - Olesya Ermakova commented on the revelations of bachelor No. 1, - For me, this is in the past. We truly truly loved each other. But at some point, they suddenly realized that one of us lives in one country, the second in another, and this, in the end, killed our relationship.

Already at the beginning of 2014, Olesya was proposed by her friend from London. The young man turned out to be the girl's first love, with whom fate again brought her together after the end of the television project. The young man does not know the Russian language, and his chosen one categorically forbade him to watch a reality show with the participation of Olesya.


To charm the ex-wife of the ex-soloist of "Via Gra" - Anna Sedokova, seemed beyond the power of anyone. An entrepreneur from Los Angeles, Maxim is well versed in girls. And most importantly, the future wife should be liked not only by him and his parents, but also by his little daughter, Monica. Masha Drigola, a 23-year-old graduate of the Faculty of Law of the St. Petersburg State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, came to the project to meet true love and almost immediately captivated the bachelor with sincerity and modesty. The fans of "The Bachelor" declassified the candidacy of the winner almost immediately.

Masha posted photos on social networks from the places where Maxim was photographed. After the show, the lovers had everything for real. Fan groups trumpeted with might and main about the upcoming wedding and confirmed everything with joint photos. Maria could fly to her lover in America from St. Petersburg, because there was an opportunity to work remotely as a lawyer in her father's firm, which was engaged in the sale and repair of military equipment.

Months after the show, Maxim gently hugged Masha in public, fed ice cream and told how his house was slowly filling up with her things, his daughter calls her beloved Masha, and.

“For three months, the show lasted so long, we were under the constant sight of cameras, in front of the whole country. And Masha is tired of it. She is not a public figure at all. At least look at her Instagram, she rarely even posts photos there. And he asks me not to post pictures with her on my social networks. Therefore, no one can say where and how we spend time together, so they figure it out, ”Maxim said in an interview with StarHit. - It's hard for Masha, she is attached to her family. And I do not want and do not press, everything should happen naturally. So now she flies to me once a month. It suits us. When you start dating and living together, you are faced with the fact that you may not like everything in a person. Not everything is perfect with us either, but we are working on ourselves, changing for each other. For example, now Masha has become more relaxed.

// Photo: Personal archive of Maxim Chernyavsky

At first glance, the couple all went to the wedding. But a few months later, fans sensed something was wrong, which was abundantly poured out on social networks. Maxim and Maria appeared together only at the recording of the New Year's show. It was clear from their faces that it was just work.
The couple spent Catholic Christmas, Orthodox Christmas and Valentine's Day apart and did not want to find a moment to spend at least a few days with each other. Soon, Masha suddenly perked up on Instagram and began to upload a lot of pictures, which contradicted the groom's statements about her dislike of publicity. Fans began to be embarrassed that for all the time Masha did not put up a single photo with Max and did not mention a word about their relationship. Even on the birthday of a bachelor, Masha responded dryly on social networks: “My dear friends! Don't forget to wish Max a happy birthday today!
Apparently, Maxim himself put an end to their relationship, analyzing the merits over the past year that brought him joy, he did not remember Drigol. “Most importantly, I already have an incredible daughter who is three years old! She is my main treasure, and every time I look at her, I cannot believe my happiness. There are many achievements and business victories behind, and even more ambitious goals are ahead! I was very lucky and I found a business that I love ... and at the same time it turned out to be indecently profitable, ”wrote Chernyavsky.
In February, Masha posted on social networks a poem that she wrote herself. According to him, the fans understood that something went wrong in the relationship of the couple. And in November, Maxim openly admitted in an interview that their relationship with Drigola is long in the past. “At some point, we realized that maintaining a relationship at a distance is extremely difficult. And she didn’t manage to move in with me, because she values ​​\u200b\u200bher family very much, ”concluded Chernyavsky.


From the very beginning of the project, the student of the Faculty of Economics of Kazan University kept her distance from the other participants, which aroused distrust in everyone. She almost did not share her dates with Timur with any of the girls. In the final series, for the first time in the history of the project, an intimate scene took place between the bachelor and the finalist. Many after that claimed that this was precisely the reason why Timur, as an honest and well-mannered person, chose Dasha as the winner. Together with Dasha, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, whose victory was predicted by everyone, ended up in the final. Timur admitted that after meeting his relatives, everyone unanimously liked Galya without exception. Therefore, after the final series of the project, the show continued for a long time.

Once Daria mentioned that they remained good friends with Timur, and even when he came to Kazan on tour, he always met with her, and they had a good time. It was not customary for the couple to take joint photographs. Only when the fans had questions, Dasha, in addition to advertising posts, posted on Instagram old photos with Timur or a picture of a hand with a ring given to them. After the end of the filming of the project, Timur accidentally mentioned that the only woman in his life was still his mother, Natalya Evgenievna.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

In August, in the hometown of Dasha Kananukha, the Comedy Club Aqua was filmed. She was invited among the guests of honor. By chance, among the invitees was her rival on the show, Galina Rzhaksenskaya. At that time, the girls, to put it mildly, did not communicate. Galya assured that she had not come to meet Timur, but only to the closing of the World Aquatics Championship. During the presentation of Dasha by Pasha Volya, Timur appeared on the stage with a bouquet of roses, which he presented to Dasha and kissed her on the cheek. Then he approached Galina and, as in the project, gave her a rose. The embarrassed girl did not answer, and the moment itself was not included in the television version of the program. Dasha was so shocked by the act of the television groom that she hurriedly left the hall, after which, as if nothing had happened, she returned back. The next day, to the delight of the fans, Dasha posted a joint photo with Timur, taken at the entrance to the hotel where he was staying. Galina Rzhaksenskaya had a meeting with fans the next day in Kazan, at which she admitted that of all the participants, Timur most of all does not adhere to the terms of the contract. “Otherwise, why does he say that while Dasha defended her diploma, I visited him at his house” - Galina was indignant.

// Photo: Frame from the show "The Bachelor"

At the Kazan casting of the show "DANCES" - in the hometown of Dasha Kananukhi - Timur, without hesitation, flirted with the participants, complimented their forms and even asked for a phone number. “Kazan is the birthplace of slender figures and waists. I'm happy for my compatriot! - Timur commented on the appearance of a dancer on stage with 26-year-old Leysan Ismagilova. - Oh, are you from Ufa? Well, then I'm ready to become your fellow countryman!
In early November, Daria opened an etiquette and personal growth studio, and soon, in the Periscope application, she announced that their paths with the showman had diverged.

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