Characteristics of a Leo woman according to the sign of the zodiac: a fatal temptress. Characteristics of Leo-woman

Ruler planet:☼ Sun. Element: Fire.

lion woman

As you know, all women can be divided into two categories: faithful "dogs" and independent "cats". The Leo Woman does not just belong to the latter, she is the most regal and brightest representative of the cat family. The lioness is like a queen in the circle of her subjects, in her presence even the most uninhibited man can feel shy.

If you opted for the Lioness, most men will understand you: her sophistication, ability to dress and present herself cause involuntary admiration. However, if you decide to win the proud heart of a Leo woman, you can only sympathize.

The fact is that the royal Lioness wants to see a real king next to her: courteous, attentive, but most importantly, generous. An expensive restaurant instead of fast food, a boutique dress, a Tiffany necklace, tickets to the Bolshoi Theater for the premiere - only such a ruinous courtship plan exists for you if you are in love with a Leo woman. And remember: all this does not give you any guarantees. The lioness believes that she is honoring you by accepting your gifts and sometimes allowing you to be with her.

In addition, do not forget about the huge competition for the hand and heart of a Leo woman! She loves attention and admiration, and usually has a lot of admirers. To stand out from this crowd, you will have to prove for a long time that you are the most worthy and best, and money and generosity are far from the only argument here. Learn to match the Lioness both in the ability to dress with taste, and in the art of having a conversation, so that in society she does not have to blush for you. Learn to give her sincere and beautiful compliments, show your admiration more often, be helpful and tactful, and only then will you have a chance for reciprocity.

However, being the husband of a Lioness is not worth such sacrifices, because you marry a royal person, with all the ensuing privileges. To begin with, the Lioness is a great hostess who is able to furnish your home with taste and luxury and how no one knows how to receive guests. It is quite possible that, having married her, you yourself will not notice how your career will go uphill - and the Lioness "only" invited your bosses to a couple of home evenings.

At home, the Leo woman looks no worse than on the catwalk. You won't get a chance to see her with a sour cream mask on her face, much less in a sloppy dressing gown. She has her own outfits for the house, and her well-groomed skin, hair and nails look so natural that it seems like a gift from nature. However, in fact, the Lioness is well aware that the best makeup is not the one that catches the eye and paints over the flaws, but the one that acts from the inside. And believe me, it’s better for you not to know how much its “natural” freshness and naturalness costs.

At home, the Leo woman spends far from most of her time. She is a very active person, and after the wedding she is unlikely to abandon her career. Even after becoming the wife of an oligarch, she can continue to work. Or she will lead such an active social life that her vigorous activity can be compared with work. After all, it is important for the Lioness to be in the spotlight, so she can see herself in the role of a modest housewife only in a nightmare.

However, despite her love for trips and social events, the Lioness is a wonderful mother. In the end, a nanny is quite capable of sitting at night with a capricious baby (the Lioness would have circles under her eyes from this), but only a Leo woman can find in communicating with her children that fine line between adoration and severity, which is aerobatics in education.

The lioness is noble, smart and graceful, but it is better not to give her a reason for anger and even more so for jealousy. An enraged Leo woman is like fire: a beautiful sight, but very dangerous.

Do not think that by becoming the husband of the Lioness, you will be able to tame her to the end. It's simply impossible. Even if she curls up on your lap like a purring cat, remember that before you is the proud queen of beasts. All you have to do is love her and sincerely admire her many virtues. Moreover, anyone like her would be happy to admire all his life.

Woman zodiac sign Leo (23.07 – 23.08) begins to show its character from July 30th. By this time, a harmless wild cat had already sharpened its teeth, claws, learned to growl and be the first to deal with prey as a friend of the king of beasts.

AT from before us is a maiden-lioness:
Oh, this step, proud look!
She is like a powerful queen
The fans line up.
And later the lioness chooses
Of those who want to be a victim
The one who, burning with love,
All my life I am ready to love her.

She does not need to grow a mane, because her pride is controlled by the strongest male. We will talk about him, because without a strong friend, the Leo woman eventually turns into a cat.

AT from the lion - he is the king of animals in nature,
And among the people - one of those
Who can lead the nations behind him,
Forever doomed to success.
He is quick and graceful, he is generous,
Handsome as a god, but, unfortunately, stubborn.
And yet, how women need it,
And how crazy he drives the ladies!

If the boyfriend or husband of the growling sign of the Zodiac has achieved a high position, quickly climbs the ladder of success, building a career from childhood, then the lioness, using all the habits of a strong beast, will achieve unprecedented success. This duo is so good that they can even manage a ruined country. The same is true in relationships: a strong Leo woman does not feel weak with the same partner. The biography of the success of influential people forces them to use the same methods that they used.

By copying her friend, whose mane has to be maintained in proper condition, the lioness forces herself to be no worse. She may well compete with other signs of the zodiac, for example, with Capricorn, but sometimes the horns of a frilly goat are able to withstand the fangs of a predator, and she has to retreat for a while. This does not mean that the representative of the power of the Earth came out victorious: the Leo woman will gain strength and strike so quickly that Capricorns, fearfully shaking their beards, are removed from the path that the predator has entered.

In general, Leo is a woman whose characteristics fit in three concepts: independence, non-interference in her affairs, moderate violence. She is quite accommodating if played by her rules. She will not obey someone else's standards, but if she is convinced that they will bring more benefit than harm, then some of them will be adopted.

Lviv women cannot be measured by standard standards, since they will set the size of meanness, love or wealth themselves, and they will adhere to this standard all their lives. A quiet, calm life is not for these freedom-loving natures: inaction even for a short period of time has a bad effect on their well-being. Leo's depression is like a nuclear reactor that could explode at any moment. If men bring their lionesses to such a state, then it is possible that only ashes will remain from the representatives of the stronger sex. It is said that all Amazons were born Lions.

Leo woman in love

If the lioness does not show her claws, she is not just the soul of the company, but also the most tender lover. Honest, generous, frank - this is only part of the characteristics of a growling female, capable of passionate feelings (with the same return).

They do not accept dishonest play, so men must understand that a lioness will never be a mistress. She must have all or nothing. The position in the middle will never suit the one who can independently drive the prey into a corner.

If the partner turned out to be a “weak link”, then the generosity of the Leo woman will let him go in peace. They will no longer remember him, they will even forget his appearance, so you should not count on indulgence if you re-declare yourself as a contender for a close relationship. The failed partner is no longer the one who once caused pity, he is the prey with which the needs are satisfied. Often such men are used by Leo women as toys, turning into henpecked.

Leo woman compatibility horoscope

Marriages and unions are harmonious with those born in the second House of Fire, that is, with Leo. Long-term relationships with Sagittarius are not excluded: a predator and a hunter are a great couple if they decide to spend their whole lives together, having thought through the rules of hunting to the smallest detail: the archer will have to become a getter, and the lioness will have to plan all the moments of an exciting duel. Such family duets perform well in politics, banking, journalism, where one cannot resist without the support of the other half.

They can also count on an alliance. The stubbornness of this zodiac sign, plus the perseverance and calculation of Leo, make the couple invincible. They are able to pass all tests. With dignity to get out of any trouble and keep the warmth of the hearth.

For those born between December 22 and February 19 (Capricorn and Aquarius), you can also get lucky. Men whose birthdays fell on this zodiac period are able to resist the temper of Leo, and in such a way that he will constantly caress, turning into a purring cat.

The financial situation of a Leo woman

The law is above all for Lviv, so any business started is doomed to success in advance. Representatives of this sign are not afraid to have an influential patron, but for a while, until they get on their feet. They will be grateful to those who once believed in them and lent a shoulder at the right time. Even risky operations, the lioness always wins, because she does not hide the fact that influential people are behind her.

But the Leo woman is not capable of blackmail, she will not go for broke either, if she does not calculate all the ways of retreat, although she does not like it, therefore she will not embark on any financial adventures.

She knows how to save money, make bargains, help out friends if they are in danger of collapse. The unselfishness of Leo evokes a reciprocal feeling, therefore this is the only sign of the Zodiac to which debts are repaid without reminders.

And here is a picture of the topic:

Well, how do you like this image of a Lioness woman? Compared with your friends? My daughter is just a Lioness, and, to be honest, very, very many features are a direct portrait resemblance 🙂 Of course, I am not a Leo, but I also do not forget my debts. Therefore, I announce the winners of the Super-Duper Contest (I didn’t write a separate article here), as well as the TOP June commentators on the Mary Poppins blog.

Here are our winners for June. I'm waiting for your wallet numbers. Prizes await, jingling impatiently. And by the way, it turns out that Grisha can be defeated, right, Zoya? You are a real fighter! Not a Leo according to the Zodiac, by any chance?

Leo (lat. Leo) is the fifth sign, the element of which is fire, the planet is the Sun. Representatives of this zodiac sign are the most colorful and vibrant people who are ruled by ambition, pride, and pride that often borders on a pathological state. It is Leos who, more often than other signs, strive for power, recognition, wealth and luxury. At the same time, despite the love of everything beautiful, expensive and chic, the main thing in the life of Leo will always be an incredible passion for leadership and vanity. The weak side of the strong and powerful Lions is flattery, to which the representatives of this sign are extremely greedy.

Lions are passionate and generous people who live widely, on a grand scale, thereby emphasizing their status and special position. They rarely fuss and serve others, preferring to accept honors indulgently. Behind this imposing positioning themselves as the master of the position in the retinue of friends and admirers, Lions often allow extra people to approach them, taking helpfulness for fidelity, and confusing uncomplaining consent with love and sympathy. It is vital for Lions to be a leader, a master of the situation, and therefore they are so organic in leadership positions and so unhappy if they turn out to be socially unsuccessful. Leos live for praise, encouragement and endless emphasizing of their excellence.

Leos are incredible hedonists, while their love of luxury is an implicit confirmation of their material and social status. They care about the strength of the brand and the feeling of owning the very best.

Lions are big egoists, and even in love they evaluate a partner through the prism of their love for themselves - for some Lions, even in a relationship, unquestioning worship is important, while for others it is important to choose an object of universal admiration, thereby once again emphasizing their own exclusivity.

Egoism and the desire for recognition and glory are the driving force behind Leo. It is ambition and social approval that push them to development, and the main criterion is the fear of not justifying trust. Being one of the most energetic and charismatic signs, Leo has an original creativity and needs to satisfy his ambitions. If in work or love he does not receive the desired return, he loses interest in his undertaking. In addition, Lions love to be in the spotlight so much that they subconsciously avoid companies where they fail to shine and the first violin. More than anything, Leos love it when they are asked for advice - being an expert in any matter or a confidant is their favorite pastime.


Leo is a masculine sign, as its focus shifts towards leadership qualities and the energy of power. Men of this sign are typical strong and bright alpha males and machos, ready to throw all the treasures of the world at the feet of their chosen one, counting on admiration and emphasizing their superiority.

The Leo man is pathologically jealous - he not only flares up as soon as his woman pays attention to another man, but also does not accept if the social behavior of his chosen one is contrary to his concepts. He is one of those men who dictate to their women what to wear, how to behave and what time to return home. At the same time, during the period of courtship, Leo is incredibly generous and gallant, but even at this stage he does not hide that he is looking for a submissive wife, a housewife, devoid of professional ambitions. The Leo man is an ideal option for driven women who are restrained and see their happiness in the comfort of family life.

A man born under the sign of Leo is so possessive that he is sometimes ready to go ahead for the sake of his beloved woman. He will never quietly suffer and regret the lost opportunities - Leo always acts actively and sometimes aggressively. The most primitive of Lions sometimes do not neglect brute physical strength, more refined natures come up with various options for conquering a woman. Lions - gambling natures, greedy for external beauty and going to extremes - work like true workaholics, walk to the fullest, and love until they lose their pulse.


Leo women are a contradiction of nature, whose strength and pride resonates with sentimentality and the need for love and admiration. The Leo woman, almost on a physical level, needs not just attention, but love on the verge of a foul, renunciation, sacrifice, and the desire of a partner to dissolve in her interests. The desire to lose one's head from love and self-realization in strong feelings lead the Lionesses into the jungle of complex relationships, where the only role is assigned to the man - the person who put his royal chosen one on a pedestal. Fulfilling her whims leads to the emergence of an almost caricature authority that can ruin any relationship. Often, the Leo woman herself suffers from her manner of making decisions on her own and considering her opinion as the ultimate truth - for the sake of balance, she even has to go for artificial simulation of weakness.

The ability to put yourself above others and the regal manner of the Leo woman mesmerizes many men. At the same time, Lionesses are often bright, strong, charismatic women in bright outfits, whom men of the timid dozen are simply afraid of. Falling in love, this woman loses her head and gives herself without a trace. In the work of the Lionesses - real pros, taking any heights with charisma and diligence. Great lovers of luxury, Leo women are more likely to spend money on shopping, pleasure, entertainment, personal care and gifts for loved ones. They are also great hostesses and lovers of parties and receptions, thereby emphasizing their status and ability to shine as the hostess of the evening. and completely unfortunate - with Taurus: both are fixed signs, where perseverance and unwillingness to give in rule the ball.


Leo Men
Alexander the Great, Grigory Rasputin, Bill Clinton, Alfred Hitchcock, Louis Armstrong, Mick Jagger, Robert De Niro, Patrick Swayze, Antonio Banderas, Barack Obama, Ben Affleck.

Lion Women
Coco Chanel, Madonna, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Lopez, Audrey Tautou, Charlize Theron, Halle Berry.

The horoscope says that the Leo woman is a real queen. She always cares about her appearance, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex. She has good taste in everything from the smallest things. For men, this woman is a mystery.

Description of the sign woman - Leo

A woman born under this sign loves to shine, attend noisy parties and receptions. She easily finds a common language with men, and the fair sex often sees her as a rival.

The famous woman - Leo according to the horoscope - Jennifer Lopez, and Rose Byrne, Taylor Momsen and Sandra Bullock were also born under this sign.

Friendly and attentive, courteous and attractive - this is the standard of femininity, which they strive to imitate. At the same time, the character of the girl is strong and strong-willed. In her career, she will achieve a lot, thanks to her determination, creativity and ability to manage. This is a good leader, the work brings her satisfaction.

A Leo woman takes marriage seriously, is not ready to destroy her family over trifles, remains faithful, but loves signs of attention from the outside.

Seductive and unpredictable, she captivates the representatives of the stronger sex at first sight, without much effort. However, the gentleman must know that the need to flirt with the chosen one is higher than deep feelings. Often a lady has several boyfriends, whose feelings she plays very talentedly.

Sexual horoscope of a woman - Lionesses

The lioness is a passionate, demanding lover. She loves to have fun and knows a lot about it. However, even in bed, she is a cold and reasonable person, who does not always give herself up to pleasures with her head. Often, a romantic date brings disappointment to men, as they expected more vivid feelings.

Because of his coldness, he may suffer from frigidity, it is difficult to satisfy her, to give pleasure. But here it all depends on the partner, if he manages to awaken the volcano of her feelings, that the lady will become a tireless lover. The chosen one must definitely admire the date, make erotic compliments, otherwise there may not be a second time.

It has been noticed that in sex the Lioness likes to dominate, prefers younger lovers, and may be addicted to toys from a sex shop.

In poses, the woman is not very inventive, but prefers sex by candlelight to emphasize the dignity of her figure. Classical technique is enough for her, without different experiments. In her opinion, the partner should already be pleased that she agreed to a romantic date.

Which horoscope partner suits a woman - Leo

The representative of this sign prefers strong, strong-willed, responsible and intelligent gentlemen who will not put pressure on her. In relationships, he values ​​harmony and equality. Weak men are not her ideal.

Good compatibility with representatives of the following signs:

  • A lion. An ideal couple, partners have a lot in common, they easily find a solution to all problems, forgive mutual insults. Such a union allows a woman to fully open up.
  • Taurus. A lioness is always ready to compromise with a partner, they will have a harmonious and friendly family.
  • Twin. The gentleman will seek the location of the lady until he gets what he wants. However, in family relationships, difficulties cannot be avoided, especially after the birth of children. A marriage will be strong if both parties make an effort.
  • Crayfish. Romantic nature will easily win the heart of the chosen one. The family will be strong.
  • Scorpion. Everything will be in this marriage: passion, jealousy, resentment and happiness.

The chosen one, who fits the Lioness according to the horoscope, must understand that she will never forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Characteristics of signs that do not suit a woman - Leo

A Leo woman should not associate her fate with Aquarius, as they are too passionate about themselves and do not notice the superiority of their lady.

Man - Virgo is not of interest to a woman. Relationships are rarely established and are doomed to failure, as the lady is bored.

In terms of intimate relationships, the chosen one is Pisces, but marriage is excluded. Partners have different temperaments and interests.

Capricorn - although practical by nature, but a monogamous man, demanding of his half. The chosen one does not like it, she should dominate the family.

Sagittarius is too stingy in everything, incapable of sensual relationships and compliments that a woman deserves - Leo.

In a marriage with Libra, a woman is waiting for constant strife and skirmishes. Both signs love luxury, are temperamental and are not ready to admit their mistakes.

Woman - Leo loves to attract the views of the stronger sex. But her chosen one should always look only at her, she will not allow anyone to capture his attention. Otherwise, an outburst of indignation is guaranteed. Not everyone will agree to be under the heel of the Lioness, but if the gentleman is nice to her, then the lady will persistently seek her own. This woman is not prone to self-criticism, she admires herself and demands the same from others.

Leo woman is one of the brightest and most attractive natures among all the other signs of the zodiac. Nature generously endowed her with all the virtues: she is smart, elegant, charming, graceful and sexy. There are always a lot of fans around her, but she herself is not amorous. She perfectly knows how to establish friendly relations, but only as long as her pride is not hurt. You can’t stroke a Lioness woman against wool, in this case you will wake up a furious beast in her. For a more vivid representation of the character of the Leo woman, here is a list of famous women of this sign:

Singers Sofia Rotaru, Edita Piekha, Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Whitney Houston, Alena Apina, Alena Sviridova, actresses Irina Miroshnichenko, Gillian Anderson, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Yulia Menshova, Charlize Theron, Geraldine Chaplin and others.

The main character traits of a Lioness woman can be called her self-confidence, pride and selfishness. This woman feels different from others and looks for confirmation of this in everything. At heart, a woman is a born actress, she spends a lot of energy in her life on winning the attention of the public. Inner pride and self-confidence give her the opportunity to confidently climb the career ladder, in addition, she herself invests a lot of strength and energy to excel.

Leo woman very easy to separate from the crowd, it will immediately seem to you that you have a queen in front of you. To take a leadership position and be in the center of everyone's attention are her main goals in life. She radiates her superiority everywhere, but at the same time she carries herself naturally and gracefully.

Distinctive h ertoy The nature of the Lioness woman is also a love of luxury, entertainment and jewelry. She loves to spend money, and she buys things without looking at their price tags. Only the man who is ready for impressive spending has a chance to be a happy chosen one of a Lioness woman. Of course, she will not extort money from him, but if he invites her on a date and offers to dine together at a cheap eatery, gives a bouquet of yellow mimosas or buys a ticket to the rear seats in the cinema, then he will not wait to meet her again.

Lioness woman does not tolerate weak men, in order to please her, she needs to work a lot on herself. There is practically no time when this woman does not have less than two admirers. They play the role of a retinue for her, which should accompany her everywhere. She will not immediately send off unworthy fans and will turn their heads for a long time, demanding expensive gifts, attention and compliments from them. If she chooses a man in spirit, then she will no longer cheat on him, although she will never stop flirting with others. But her chosen one should in no case make her jealous, she will not forgive him even a gentle smile towards another girl. The thing is that it is very important for a Leo woman to know that her love given to a man is not wasted and will definitely return to her with a vengeance.

When lion woman happy, everything around her is lit up with a bright light. The chosen one is only required to compliment her, entertain her more often and give expensive gifts. It is impossible to limit her freedom, she does not accept family life in luxury without holidays and entertainment. However, she herself is an excellent hostess, capable of throwing luxurious parties. It does not present any difficulties to perfectly feed, entertain, charm guests with a good interior and great taste. In her house you will not see anything that does not correspond to fashion. The same applies to her wardrobe. It is always luxurious and refined. If you happen to be her guest, then don't expect to see her in a simple robe and no makeup. The Lioness woman spends a lot of money on the services of good craftsmen in beauty salons, on elite clothes and cosmetics.

Leo woman a good mother, she loves her children very much and takes care of them. However, she will not sacrifice her personal interests for the sake of children. For example, she will not give up her job and career in order to be close to her children. She will not sacrifice her desires for the well-being of her children.

For Leo women family means a lot, her partner next to her life will not seem boring and monotonous. A man who does not have a very strong character will not be easy enough to live with her. By completely subordinating him to her will, she will achieve his obedience. But she will not be able to get from him that love and a secure life that she needs. In this case, deceived in her desires, she becomes captious and angry. If a man is smart enough and knows well the regal nature of his wife, not forgetting to show her all sorts of honors, then it is not difficult for him to tame the Lioness and get everything he wants from her.

Lioness woman does not like to deny himself anything, including food. But she should not overeat, so as not to gain excess weight. Especially she needs to avoid passion for food during times of stress and depression. You should also avoid fatty, heavy foods, confectionery and pastries. Be sure to include garlic and onions in your diet. The Lioness woman is shown vegetables with coarse fiber and fruits - oranges, pomegranates and plums, which relieve heart tension. Women of this sign should avoid addiction to sweets, while they are completely calm about alcohol and smoking. Unless they are offered their elite species.

Leo woman usually does not complain about health, she has good immunity. However, she does not know how to calculate her strength. If she is busy with work that interests her, she can put all her strength into it, forgetting about sleep, food and rest. Constant stress can undermine her health. At the same time, her spine and the cardiovascular system primarily suffer.

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