Surnames of Mexicans. Mexican names: traditions and features

Did you read The Daughter of Montezuma, or The Mines of King Solomon, or The Hearts of Three as a child? And after that, the soul ached, and the imagination was foggy with pictures of the virgin selva and endless savannahs, mountain landscapes, harsh Indians and ancient treasures ... And it seemed: it’s a pity, now all this is gone, everything has already been mastered, conquered, collected and plundered, otherwise I would tomorrow morning I packed my bag and left home to conquer the lands of the Aztecs and the Mayans. Haven’t you asked yourself the question: where did all the greatness of those eras go, who live on that land, in whose veins the blood of Montezuma’s relatives flows?

My nephew, without any hesitation, told me: of course, in the USA! Oh, you, you should have watched From Dusk Till Dawn, everything is shown there!

And yet I will disappoint my nephew, as well as those whose knowledge of the history of those places is limited to the film "From Dusk Till Dawn." This article will focus on the amazing history of Mexico, which is reflected in its culture, language and, like a drop of water, in Mexican surnames.

On the territory of modern Mexico, from time immemorial, the Indian civilizations of the Maya (in the south) and the Aztecs (in the central part and in the north) existed. In turn, the Aztec state assimilated with the even more ancient culture of the Toltecs, who lived there before the Aztecs came to these lands. The native language of the Aztecs is Nahuatl (nahua group), which is still preserved as the main language of the branch of the Uto-Aztec languages ​​(it is spoken by about one and a half million people). It is interesting that the self-name of the Aztecs - Mexico (from the Nahuatl word "mexica") - it gave the name to the modern country of Mexico and its capital, Mexico City. Actually, the capital in this place has always been: only in the time of the Aztecs, of course, it was not a metropolis, and was called Tenochtitlan (the city of Tenocha). Modern Mexicans do not abandon their glorious pre-colonial past, on the contrary, they are proud of it: the legend of the Aztecs that they founded Mexico City on the site of the prophecy, where they saw an eagle sitting on a cactus and eating a snake, is imprinted on the national flag of Mexico. Yes, and ethnically Indian blood has not gone away over these centuries: in modern Mexico, 60% of mestizos, 30% of Indians, 9% of whites, and 1% of visitors belonging to other races and ethnic groups live.

On the contrary, it amuses the Mexicans greatly when one of the Europeans forgets and asks to say something in Mexican. There is no Mexican language as such. The already mentioned Nahuatl is used in Indian communities scattered from the north of Mexico to El Salvador. In the state of Mexico itself, Spanish is de facto adopted as the official language: 92.7% of the population speaks it, and another 5.7% are bilingual - they speak both Spanish and one of the Indian dialects equally well. The remaining 0.8% speak only the language of the local Indian tribes.

The first landing of the conquistadors took place on Mexican lands as early as 1518, already in 1522 Cortes was proclaimed the first governor of New Spain. In 1821, after 3 centuries, when a merger of cultures took place on Mexican territory (however, Indian culture and language were almost completely suppressed by the Spanish, and the social structure of the Aztecs was completely replaced by a feudal model planted by the Spaniards), this new state defeated Spain in the war for independence.

Therefore, at the moment, when we talk about Mexican surnames, we need to take into account these two huge cultural layers. Given that the vast majority of Mexicans are Hispanic, they also have Spanish surnames. The personal name of a Mexican consists of two standard names (very rarely one), or two names and a preposition: José Maria, Juan de Dios, etc., and the Mexicans themselves perceive such a complex of names as a whole. If you ask a question, they will clarify: of course, I have only one name - this is (for example) "Jose de Jesus" ...

Mexicans also have two surnames: a child inherits the surname of his father's father and his mother's father. So, for example, the child of Diego Alvaro Alba Coronado and Leticia Maria Vargas Ortega will have the surname Alba Vargas. However, in everyday life, Mexicans use only the first surname.

When married, women do not take their husband's surname, but in business documents they can add it through the preposition of ownership "de": for example, Angela González Rodriguez de Torres.

The origin of most Spanish-style Mexican surnames is the same as that of the Spanish surnames themselves. So, the ending -ez means "son", and the surname was made from the name or nickname of the ancestor: Gonzalez - "son of Gonzalo", Fernandez - "son of Fernando", Chavez - "son of Chava (diminutive of Salvador)". In addition to -ez in Castilian and Spanish surnames, -az, -oz, -is played exactly the same role. Most of the most common Mexican surnames arose from this pattern: Fernandez, Gonzalez, Rodriguez, Perez, Lopez, Cortez, Martinez, Sanchez, Gomez, Diez (Diaz), Cruz, Alvarez, Dominguez, Ramirez .... There is also a large layer of Mexican surnames formed according to the same model, but using Portuguese derivational suffixes with the same meaning: -es, -as, -is, -os: Vargas, Morelos, Torres.

Other models for the formation of Hispanic surnames: from geographical names (de Lujo, Calatayud, Loyola), from the name of the profession (Zapato - "shoe", Guerrero - "warrior", Escudero - "shield maker"), simply from Spanish words (Frio - " cold") or features of the ancestor (Delgado - "thin").

However, Mexico differs from the rest of Latin America in that the blood and traditions of the Indians are stronger than anywhere else in it. Some of the inhabitants managed to save even the original Aztec surnames, such as, for example, the great historian Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl (in fairness, it should be noted that this famous person lived back in the 17th century).

Many Mexican surnames are derived from Native American names, nicknames, or just words. So, for example, there is the surname Kuatemok (in honor of the Aztec hero), Ake (Ah Ke - “deer-man” in Maya), Pech (“tick” in Maya), Coyotl (“coyote” in Nahuatl), Atl (“water ").

So, if you have acquaintances in Mexico, be sure to ask them about their surnames and their ancestors - and, perhaps, as in the old days, pictures of the life of ancient civilizations will come to life again before your eyes. And, even if you don’t have any acquaintances in Mexico, when you read some news about the next goal of Hugo Sanchez, the world tour of Carlos Santana, the new role of Salma Hayek, or when you meet an old photograph of Veronica Castro in a magazine, you will remember this story about Mexico, its history and her surnames, and you will feel that they have become closer and more understandable to you.


  • Spanish. Until the middle of the 16th century, Mexico was considered a colony of Spain and is still a Spanish-speaking country. Therefore, the vast majority of borrowed names here are of pronounced Spanish or Portuguese origin.
  • Greek, Hebrew and Latin had a huge impact on the Mexican name book due to the country's adoption of Christianity.
  • English language and culture still play a large role in the Mexican States due to their geographic location and economic reasons.
  • ancient germanic roots the same can be found in many modern Mexican names.

Interesting fact! It is worth noting that each borrowing underwent mandatory inculturation, processed in its own way. Therefore, it is impossible to directly identify Spanish and Mexican names - this is far from always the same thing.

How are they chosen?

In Mexico, local traditions and culture are highly respected., therefore, naming here is a religious, ceremonial matter and has its own specifics:

  1. The tradition of double names (Maria-Fernanda, Maria-Karmen) is in great demand. At the same time, such names among Mexicans also have a short form (Maria Luisa, for example, has a diminutive form of Marisa).
  2. It is not uncommon for a newborn to receive up to five names in honor of especially revered saints or beloved older relatives.
  3. The duty of naming usually lies with the godfather. Or this important decision is solemnly taken at a family council with the participation of especially respected relatives.
  4. A very common custom is to name girls after various statues and titles of Our Lady. At the same time, in official documents in such cases her full name is indicated (Maria de los Mercedes - "Mary the Gracious"; Maria de los Angeles - "Queen of Angels"), in everyday life the short form is used (Mercedes, Angeles).

List of beautiful variations and their meaning

  • Adelita- "noble appearance". He is distinguished by a lively mind and ingenuity, perseverance in learning and understanding the world.
  • Alicia- "noble". It is distinguished by a cheerful disposition and absolute non-conflict.
  • amaranth- "unfading". A very demanding nature, but has an amazing capacity for work and a bright mind until the most advanced years.
  • Angelika/Angelika- "angel, divine messenger." Insanely impulsive and addictive nature; very free-spirited.
  • Arcelia- the altar of heaven. In addition to versatile creative abilities, he has an expressive, bright appearance.
  • Bernedita- the feminine form of the name Bernardo, meaning "brave as a bear." Eternal child; subtly feeling and sincerely empathizing nature.
  • Bienvenida- "welcome". They have a very original and independent character.
  • Blanca- a local form of the French name Blanche ("white"). An introvert who lives in his own world, but hides a surprisingly strong will.
  • Bonita- "beautiful". Exudes goodwill and indestructible optimism. Valencia - "dominant". She has amazing intuition, is easily excitable and impressionable.
  • Gabriela- "Messenger of God" It has an innate sense of beauty, but like no other, it tends to put things off indefinitely.
  • Graciela- "pleasant, dear." A very "light" person with an open and straightforward character.
  • hyacinth is the feminine form of the Portuguese name Jacinto (“hyacinth flower”). Her life is connected with the beautiful in all its manifestations; prone to creativity and the eternal search for perfection.
  • Dorothea- "God's gift". A wonderful hostess and mother, the ideal companion of a worthy man.
  • Dolores- "sorrow". A temperamental and extremely attractive woman, who is almost impossible not to notice or forget.
  • Yesenia- a variant of the name of a palm tree that grows in South America. Differs in kindness and caring.
  • Isabelle- "beauty, divine oath." Adventurous and restless temperament, enviable determination.
  • Candelaria- "light, torch, candle." A strong woman with an unbending will and strong character.
  • Caridad- "expensive". Touching and funny, she often has her head in the clouds, but she is distinguished by remarkable kindness and curiosity.
  • Carmela- "garden-earth". A creative person, most often grows up as an introvert.
  • Camila- "the best". Capricious and fickle, but always makes a strong impression.
  • consuella- "comfort". Most often achieves great success in sports or creative activities.
  • Catalina- "pure". Always noticeable or even extravagant, the owner of a rich imagination and a restless disposition.
  • Clarice- "glory". Proud and impregnable; calmly endures any life troubles.
  • Leocadia- "bright, clear, light." A tactful girl with impeccable taste and manners.
  • Summer- "winged". Cheerful and not boring little man, the soul of any company.
  • Letitia- "happiness". Generous and noble, characterized by rare responsiveness.
  • Lucia/Lucia- "light". Her critical mind and constant thirst for knowledge promise a successful career in science.
  • Louis- Feminine form of the Spanish name Louis ("glorified warrior"). He knows how to take a hit and even after serious life disasters, he easily starts all over again.
  • Manuelita- "God with us". High intellectual abilities and lack of sociability prevail.
  • Maresol/Marisol- "the sun of the rebels." Inquisitive and direct; has its own opinion on all issues from an early age.
  • Marianela- Rebel Star. Has innate nobility in all its manifestations; calm and thoughtful.
  • Mariangela"angel of the rebels" Affectionate and non-conflict nature, quick-witted and understanding.
  • Mercedes- comes from the Virgin Mary de las Mercedes ("Mary the Merciful"). Developed organizational and diplomatic qualities, restless character.
  • Milagros- comes from the Virgin Mary de los Milagros ("Our Lady of Miracles"). Strives for self-realization, new knowledge and impressions.
  • Mireya is the Catalan form of the French word for "to admire". A pleasant conversationalist, distinguished by resourcefulness and a lively mind.
  • Monica is the Spanish form of the Latin word for advice. The owner of a complex character, impulsive and extremely sensitive.
  • noelia- from the French name Noel (means "birthday"). An affectionate and attentive girl with many hidden abilities.
  • Noemi- Spanish version of the name Naomi ("my joy"). Holiday girl, sociable; can not live without bright outfits and loud music.
  • Paloma- "pigeon". A born careerist, ambitious and incredibly stubborn.
  • Pauline- "modest". Her main qualities are a sense of humor and mobility.
  • Pearl- "pearl". Honest and fair, which she will always demand from others.
  • Pilar- "column, the basis of something." An eccentric nature, invariably bright and extraordinary.
  • Prudencia- "cautious". Often acts as an understanding and sensitive patroness.
  • Raymond- "wise protector". Often resembles her father; characterized by a stubborn and firm character.
  • Rosita- "rose flower". Organically combines in its character sentimentality, gaiety and good nature.
  • Celestina- "heavenly". An incorrigible idealist, prone to a mystical worldview.
  • Salt- "sun". Gentle and flexible, but always true to her principles and views.
  • Soledad- "loneliness". Talented performer; key qualities are responsibility and a sense of duty.
  • Trinidad- "trinity". Cheerful and cheerful, the owner of a wonderful sense of humor and many talents.
  • Felicidad- "happiness, luck." He never sits still, in the eternal search for perfection and new experiences.
  • Fernanda- from the Spanish "Fernando" ("hot"). She is prone to thoughtfulness and isolation, but has an interesting inner world and many talents.
  • Fidelia- "faithful". A truly wise man, modest but self-confident.
  • Jimena- "attentive". Since childhood, he has been distinguished by great independence, purposefulness and excessive demands on the world around him.
  • Juana/Juanita- Feminine form of the name Huang ("God is merciful"). Easy-going and cheerful.
  • Chiquita- "small". A romantic dreamer, but neat and very efficient.
  • Elmira- "well-known". Responsible and infinitely caring person.
  • Elodie- "wealth". An excellent leader, knows the value of money and often succeeds.
  • Empress- "Empress". He will always defend his own opinion and personal space.
  • Erminia- "army". Proud and ambitious, she has the most sarcastic sense of humor.
  • Ersilia- "thin, delicate." A complex and domineering character, which is hidden behind a sweet and touching appearance.
  • Esmeralda- "emerald". Has a penchant for adventure, as well as an easy and open disposition.
  • Esperanza- "hope". Attractive and very sensual, but demanding and fickle.
  • Estela- "star". Touching, sensitive nature.

Mexico is an amazing country with unique traditions and color. One of the best indicators of the cultural heritage of the state is naming. It is fair to say that Mexican names have adopted many of the characteristics of the people who wear them. Let's take a closer look at their history.

Long before the settlement of immigrants from Europe, the civilization of the Indians, such as the Toltecs and, of course, the Maya, lived on the territory of this country. The nicknames of those people were formed from the names of birds and animals or any natural phenomena. Then, with the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors, the period of colonization of the continent began, resulting in the gradual borrowing of names from Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. Thus, the culture of Mexican Indians mixed with the cultures of other states, and Mexican names were replenished with many new options.

Currently, there are a large number of various naming options, which sufficiently simplifies the task of choosing a name for a child. Mexican female names are beautiful, melodic, with an alluring sound and a mysterious meaning. A girl named according to Mexican traditions becomes not only the bearer of this exotic culture, she is associated with centuries-old rituals and history.

When choosing a name for a girl, one should pay attention not only to the euphony of its pronunciation, but also to what it means. Preference should be given to those nicknames that mean the favorable qualities of the human character, the beauty of the appearance and inner world. Thus, Mexican names become a kind of message, a parting word given by parents to their children. It can be both wishes for a long and happy life, and much more, for example, luck in business.

The following Mexican female names have become widespread:

Of course, it should be noted that the male names of the Mexican people are also very popular among the modern population of the planet. They mean manifestations of purely masculine qualities, such as strength, courage, bravery. Such a name allows not only to create a kind of protective amulet, but also to give the young man the necessary character traits in the future. After all, the nickname serves not only to designate a person, it determines his life path.

Here are some of the most common Mexican male names:

  • Agostino - venerable;
  • Agepito - beloved;
  • Alessandro - protector of humanity;
  • Baldassare - protecting the king;
  • Beniamino - the son of the southerners;
  • Bertrando is a bright raven;
  • Valentino - healthy, strong;
  • Vico - conquering, winner;
  • Gabriel is a strong man of god;
  • Daniele - God is my judge;
  • Callisto is the most beautiful;
  • Leon is a lion;
  • Marcello - warlike;
  • Orlando is a famous land;
  • Pankrasio - all power;
  • Riccardo - strong and brave;
  • Santino - saint;
  • Tekito - mute, quiet;
  • Feliciano is lucky.
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Mexico is a culturally amazing country. It combined and coexisted with such different traditions that this in itself is comparable to a miracle. Of course, such a synthesis was reflected, among other things, in the names that local residents choose for their children. Here they will be discussed below.

Names in Mexico

It must be said right away that modern Mexico is a country where the main language of the population is Spanish. The colonial policy of European states and the mass migration of Europeans significantly influenced the cultural background of Mexico. Therefore, modern Mexican names are mostly of Spanish, and not of local - Indian - origin. This is due to the fact that naming is a religious ceremony. And since most of the population belongs to the Catholic Church, then the names take on those indicated in its calendar. Local, original names have lost their relevance along with the decline of the original, pagan beliefs. Therefore, Mexican names are actually derivatives of overseas prototypes and direct borrowings.

Feature names

The names that the Spaniards brought to these lands, as already mentioned, are Christian. Accordingly, many of them, although they underwent Spanish inculturation, have roots in Greek, Hebrew or Latin. And some also go back to ancient Germanic roots. It also needs to be said that the Mexican form of the Spanish language is somewhat different in sound from the European prototype. Therefore, you should not just identify all Spanish and Mexican names, because some Mexican variants may sound significantly different from their purely Spanish counterparts.


Of course, like all peoples, Mexicans are inclined to believe that the name in one way or another affects the fate and character of its bearer. This makes choosing a name a particularly important procedure. Most often, options are used that are somehow based on religious tradition. Thus, children are often named after particularly revered saints or more abstract religious concepts. Sometimes Mexican names are chosen according to the personality traits that parents want to develop in their child.

Popular names

Below we list some of the more common names. I must say that the Mexicans are not very fond of inventing and showing originality and mainly use what is in trend. So, the most common Mexican names are male.

  • Alejandro. A derivative of the name Alexander, which means "protector".
  • Diego. A very popular name in Mexico, the meaning of which is "scientist".
  • Leonardo. An old noble name. In Russian it means "brave as a lion"
  • Manuel. A derivative of the Hebrew Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us."
  • MATEO. A name that is one of the main ones in Mexico. It literally translates as "gift of God."
  • Nestor. This is a Greek name. It can be translated into Russian with the word “returning home”, or more broadly - “wise wanderer”.
  • Osvaldo. This option is translated as "the power of God."
  • Pedro. Famous and popular name among Hispanics. It comes from Greek and means "stone".
  • Sebastian. What is known in Russia as Sebastian. A name of Greek origin, meaning "highly revered".
  • Jesus. A name that no one in Orthodoxy will ever call a child. In Catholicism, this is acceptable. Jesus is the Spanishized form of the name Jesus. From Hebrew it is translated as "salvation from God."

Now we list the top Mexican female names.

  • Bonita. In Russian it means "beautiful".
  • Dorothea. A very beautiful name, usually translated as "given by God."
  • Isabelle. Derived from the Hebrew Jezebel. Means "dedicated to God."
  • Camila. This name can be translated as "the best".
  • Consuel. Translated into Russian, this name means "consolation".
  • Pauline. Conveys the concept of modesty and insignificance.
  • Pilar. Usually this name is translated as "column", that is, the base of something.
  • Regina. Roman name meaning "queen".
  • Esperanza. A name that is a direct translation of the Russian name "Nadezhda".

Mexico is a Spanish speaking country. This circumstance leaves a significant imprint on the local traditions of the name of the naming. Most modern male and female Mexican names have Spanish roots. They were brought here by settlers from Europe and made up the bulk of the local nomenclature. As for the original national names of Mexico, they are used extremely rarely. Traditions followed by the Indians have long lost their relevance.

Among the popular Mexican names for boys and girls, there are those that have Latin, Greek and English roots. Some of them are borrowed from Hebrew and Germanic. In any case, the sound of lucky female and male Mexican names is surprisingly beautiful and original. This circumstance makes them very popular both among the population of Mexico and among residents of other countries.

Choosing a Mexican name for a boy or girl

Parents who decide to call a girl or boy a beautiful Mexican name, I want to give. They should be extremely attentive to the pronunciation of words. In Mexico, a special variant of Spanish is used. Because of this, some names may be pronounced differently.

When naming a child, you should rely not only on your hearing, but also on logic. It is very important to accurately determine the meaning of Mexican names and surnames. After all, the character and future of the child depends on him. You can also ask about the meaning of the name according to the horoscope. This will make the choice as balanced and favorable as possible.

List of modern Mexican boy names

  1. Alejandro. From the ancient Greek "protector"
  2. Diego. Popular Mexican boy name meaning "scientist"
  3. Leonardo. Translated into Russian means "brave as a lion"
  4. Manuel. Interpreted as "God is with us"
  5. MATEO. Mexican boy name which means = "gift of God"
  6. Nestor. Translated into Russian, it means "wise traveler"
  7. Osvaldo. Interpreted as "God's power"
  8. Pedro. From Greek "stone"
  9. Sebastian. Popular male Mexican name. Meaning "highly respected"
  10. Jesus. Spanish form of the name Jesus = "God help"

Top most beautiful Mexican names for girls

  1. Bonita. Translated into Russian means "beautiful"
  2. Dorothea. Mexican female name which means = "bestowed by God"
  3. Isabelle. Interpreted as "dedicated to God"
  4. Camila. Translated into Russian means "the best"
  5. Consuel. Mexican girl name meaning "comfort"
  6. Pauline. Translated into Russian means "modest" / "small"
  7. Pilar. Interpreted as "column"
  8. Regina. Means "queen"
  9. Esperanza. Mexican female name meaning "hope"

The most popular male and female Mexican names

  • To date, the most common are such male mexican names like Santiago, Mateo and Diego.
  • Quite often, boys are called Miguel Angel, Emiliano, Leonardo and Sebastian.
  • Jimena is considered the most popular female name in Mexico. He is followed by Valentina, Maria Fernanda, Camila and Sophia.
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