How did the wanderings of the main character end? Reading workshop based on Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer"

1. To what genre of ancient Russian literature is the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” close: A. Apocrypha B. Walking C. Life D. Teaching 2. Name Ivan Flyagin’s middle name: A. Larionych B. Severyanych V. Stepanych G. Maksimych 3. With what epic Leskov compares Ivan Flyagin as a hero: A. Dobrynya Nikitich B. Ilya Muromets
B. Nikita Kozhemyaka G. Alyosha Popovich 4. What did Ivan Flyagin ask for saving the count’s family: A. Freedom B. Money C. Harmony D. Horse 5. After parting with the gypsy, Flyagin took a job: A. Doctor B. Horse breeder V. Nanny D. Shepherd 6. Why Ivan Flyagin fled to the steppe: A. Hiding from Khan Dzhangar B. In search of a new life C. Because of the murder of Savakirey D. Following his beloved 7. How long did the hero spend in the steppe: A. Ten years B Three years B. A month D. One year 8. How Ivan Flyagin was held in the steppe: A. They kept him in stocks in a pit B. They bristled his heels C. They gave the most beautiful girl as his wife D. With rich gifts 9. Why Ivan Flyagin killed Grusha: A. Because of unrequited love B. It happened by accident C. So that Grusha would not return to the prince D. To save her soul from sin - murder 10. After the murder of Grusha, Ivan Flyagin: A. Became a recruit B. Ended up in prison C. Went to a monastery D. Fled to the steppe 11. How did the protagonist’s wanderings end: A. Started his own family B. Became a monk C. Returned to his homeland D. Goes to war
Reading workshop
1. Whose words are these: “Tell me, brother, your secret - I’ll give you a lot of money and I’ll take you to join me as a coneser.”
2. “You know, Ivan, they say, you should be a friend to us, and so that you don’t leave us again, we will….” What did the Tatars do with Ivan?
3. Why didn’t Ivan Flyagin like life in the booth?
4. Why did Flyagin receive the St. George Cross?
5. Why did Ivan Flyagin go to Solovki?
6. How many wives did Ivan Severyanovich have in Tatar captivity? What were their names?)
7.What kind of salvation did Golovan ask the count for?
8. What did the monk answer to these words: “What do you want from me? go away!"
9. “All my life I perished, and I could not perish.” Whose words are these?
10. How many years did Flyagin spend in captivity?
11. I was left as an orphan from my mother when I was very young, and I don’t remember her, because I was with her.....” Finish the phrase.
12. What did the monk Terenty Flyagin give to read in the monastery?
13. Where was Ivan Filyagin born?
14. Who did Ivan Flyagin call himself when he went to the rectorate?
15. And at the time I sat on the postilion seat, I was still only...16 years old. Why “They took me to the office of the German manager, and he decided to flog me as severely as possible and then out of the stable and into the English garden for the path to beat pebbles with a hammer...”?
17. “My mother, without having children for a long time, begged me from God for herself, and as she begged, she immediately gave birth to me and died, because I was born with an unusually large head, so that’s why my name was not Ivan Flyagin , but just...” Continue the sentence
18. What did the monk prophesy to Ivan Flyagin?
19. How did Flyagin pay for the passport issued by the clerk?
20. “He gnawed the penny so as not to feel pain, and to distract thoughts in his mind he counted the blows...” How many blows did Ivan Flyagin count?
21. How many children did Ivan Severyanovich have?
22. “If you don’t kill me, I will become the most shameful woman in revenge for all of you.” Whose words are these?
23. Now choose what is better for you: again click stones in your count’s garden on the path or……. Finish the sentence.
24. Asians are reasonable and sedate people: they will decide who should take the horse, and with common consent ………….they will let it go.
Reading workshop
1. Mr. Rarey
2. "bristled"
3. Firstly, rehearsals during Holy Week, secondly, the role was of a demon
4. For crossing the Koisu River.
5. to pray to Zosima and Savvaty.
6. 4 and all Natasha
7. Accordion
8. You decided to live my life without repentance
9. Ivan Flyagin
10. 10 years
11. prayer son
12. life of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk
13. A serf from the courtyard people of Count K. from the Oryol province.
14. Petr Serdyukov
15. 11 years
16. For cutting off the tail of a white count's cat
17. Golovan
18. Well; look how much evil you will endure otherwise
19. gave a ruble, a silver cross and an earring
20. up to two hundred to eighty and two
21. 3 rings and 5 Natashas
22. Grunushki
23. raise my child
24. against all odds
ANSWERS: 1 B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B

Attached files

Test work based on the story by N.S. Leskova "The Enchanted Wanderer"

What names, nicknames, and surnames does the main character of the story go by? Highlight the correct answers.

Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin

Father Ishmael

Ilya Muromets

Petr Serdyukov

What social roles, what crafts and activities of the main character are shown in the plot of the story?



Rasophor (novice)


horse thief


In what order are the main events in the life of the main character told? Indicate the correct sequence of events with numbers.

Duel with Savakirei and departure to the steppe

Punishment, flogging and escape from the count

Soldier's service

Flyagin's rescue of the family of Count K.

Serving as a nanny and running away with the child's mother and her lover

Life in the monastery

Wanderings and coming to the monastery

Service under the prince, the story of Grushenka

Return to Russia

What reward did the hero ask for for saving the lives of his masters - Count and Countess K.?


Why was the hero punished by the count and removed from his main service, instead of which he crushed stone for garden paths?

Knocked over the stroller with the count

Cut off the tail of a cat that belonged to the Countess's maid

For drunkenness

How were the main character kept from escaping in the steppe?

Kept in a hole

Put the pads on your feet

heels bristled

By what signs did the main character, having escaped from captivity, learn that he had reached the Russians?

Heard Russian speech

Because they drank vodka and were baptized

In military uniform.

Why did the main character kill Grusha?

out of jealousy towards the prince

from resentment for unrequited love

to save her soul from the sin of killing the prince's bride

to remove the obstacle to the prince's marriage.

Who, according to the main character, was chasing him after the murder of Grushenka? “It’s terrible how big and long and shameless, naked, and the body is all black and the head is small, like a moon, and he’s all overgrown with hair, and I guessed that it is...”

gypsy robber

The main character was guilty of killing which people?

Gypsy Pears

old monk

Asian Sawakirei

prince's bride

How does the main character explain his luck during the war in the Caucasus (he swam across the Koisu River under continuous fire with a rope to build a bridge)?

personal courage

God's blessing

by his sinfulness, because of which neither water nor earth accepts him

Why was the hero, living in a monastery, put in a cellar?

for drunkenness

for scattering candles in the church

For the prophecy of an imminent war and the call to a general militia

What traits did Leskov consider characteristic of a simple Russian person and embodied in the character of the main character?


passion of nature

sense of honor

craving for boasting

Naive sincerity

Strict adherence to church orders and rules



passive patience

fatalism - belief in fate

"good-natured" cruelty


Conscientiousness, honesty

Hard work

Popular religiosity, which is not characterized by complete condemnation and rejection of sinners

Lack of education


How is the narrative of The Enchanted Wanderer structured?

A sequential account of events on behalf of the author-narrator

A story about events from the perspective of the main character

Consists of the main plot (the story from the perspective of the main character) and the framing one (from the perspective of the author-narrator)

The plot consists of several chapters, each of which has its own narrator.

15. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:
1. Russian people can handle everything; 2. Russian people always strive for danger;
3. Only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself.

16. Why Ivan Flyagin killed the gypsy Grusha:

1. because of jealousy; 2. because of unrequited love;
3. seeking to save her from the sin of murder; 4. it happened by accident.

17. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

1. returned to his homeland to his parents; 2. started his own family;
3. became a monk; 4. is going to go to war.

1 - 1,2,4,5 2 - all except 5 3- 4,2,5,1,9,8,3,7,6 4- 3 5- 2 6- 3 7- 2 8-3 9- 2 10- 1,2,3

11- 3 12-3 13- 2,3,5,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 14- 3 15. Answer 1. Russian people can handle everything
16.Answer 3. trying to save her from the sin of murder 17.Answer 4. is going to go to war

Option 1.

1. Determine the genre of the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. novel;
B. tragedy;
V. story;
G. story.

2. “The Enchanted Wanderer” is a work composed of individual episodes. How are the parts combined into a single work?

V. heroine (Pear);
G. wandering hero.

3. Determine the nature of the narrative in the work “The Enchanted Wanderer”:

A. objective - narrative;
B. memoirs;
V. fantastic, in the first person;
D. third person.

4. The main idea of ​​the work “The Enchanted Wanderer” is as follows:

A. a Russian person can handle everything;
B. Russian people always strive for danger;

V. only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself;
D. Russian people cope with all troubles alone.

5. Which character from the work can be called “the enchanted wanderer”:

A. Gypsy Grusha;
B. prince;
V. Ivan Flyagin;
G. Savakiria.

6. Which epic hero does he compare with?

A. with Alyosha Popovich;
B. with Dobrynya Nikitich;

V. with Ilya Muromets;
G. with Saveliy - the hero of Starorussky.

7. What was Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin’s name in childhood:

A. Ishmael;

B. Monomakh;

V. Golovan;

G. Cossack.

8. What reward did the main character ask for for saving the count’s family:

And money;
B. liberation from serfdom;
V. horse;
G. accordion.

9. Why did he flee to the steppe from the city:

A. in search of adventure;
B. following his beloved;
V. was captured;
G. because of the murder of Savakirei.

10. How they kept the main character in the steppe:

A. rich gifts;
B. the most beautiful girl was given as a wife;
V. was kept in a hole in stocks;
G. “bristled” the heels.

11. How long was I. Flyagin in captivity:

B. 3 months;

12. killed the gypsy Grusha:

A. because of jealousy;
B. trying to save her from the sin of murder;
V. because of unrequited love;
G. it happened by accident.

13. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. returned to his homeland to his landowner;
B. started his own family;
V. became a monk;
G. is going to go to war.

Creativity test

Option 2.

1. What genre of ancient Russian literature is the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” close to?

A. Apocrypha
B. Walking
B. Life
G. Teaching

2. What is Ivan Flyagin’s middle name:

A. Larionich

B. Severyanych

V. Stepanych
G. Maksimych

3. Which epic hero does he compare with:

A. Dobrynya Nikitich
B. Ilya Muromets
V. Nikita Kozhemyaka
G. Alyosha Popovich

4. What Ivan Flyagin asked for the salvation of the count’s family:

A. Freedom
B. Money
V. Garmon
G. Horse

5. After parting with the gypsy, Flyagin started working:

A. Doctor
B. Horse breeder
V. Nanny
G. Shepherd

6. fled to the steppe:

A. Hid from Khan Dzhangar
B. In search of a new life
B. Because of the murder of Sawakirei
G. Following my beloved

7. How much time did the hero spend in the steppe:

A. Ten years
B. Three years
Per month
G. One year

8. How Ivan Flyagin was held in the steppe:

A. Kept in stocks in a pit
B. Heels bristled
B. They gave the most beautiful girl as a wife
D. Rich gifts

9. killed Grusha:

A. Because of unrequited love
B. It happened by accident
B. So that Grusha does not return to the prince
D. To save her soul from sin - murder

10. After the murder:

A. Joined the recruits
B. Ended up in prison
V. Went to a monastery
G. Fled to the steppe

11. How did the main character’s wanderings end:

A. Started his own family
B. Took monastic vows
V. Returned to his homeland
G. Going to war

12. What does not apply to the biography of Ivan Flyagin:

A. Nanny for a master's child
Actor in a booth
G. Serf blacksmith

13. Which name does not belong to the main character:

A. Golovan

B. Petr Serdyukov

IN. father Ishmael
G. brother Diomede

Option 1

1. story
2. wandering hero
3. fantastic, first person.
4. Russian people can handle everything
5. Ivan Flyagina
6. with Ilya Muromets
7. Golovan
8. accordion.
9. because of the murder of Sawakirei
10. Heels bristled.
11. 10 years
12. trying to save her from the sin of murder
13. is going to go to war

Option 2

ANSWERS: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B, 7A, 8B, 9B, 10A, 11B, 12D, 13G

Competition for experts on the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” 1) Who is depicted by Leskov in these lines? a) He was a man of enormous stature, with a dark, open face and thick, wavy, lead-colored hair. b) Between the black hair on her head, like silver, the parting curls and falls behind her back. 2) Which of the characters in Leskov’s work... a) ruled the Kyrgyz six? b) was promised to God? c) didn’t want to tolerate being excommunicated from communion near you? d) took it from the steep side into the river and pushed it? 3) To which of the characters in the story “The Enchanted Wanderer” do these words belong? a) All my life I was dying, and there was no way I could die. b) Here we, Countess, owe the salvation of our lives to this boy. c) No, Ivan Severyanych, no, my affectionate, dear, heartfelt friend, accept from me, orphans, on that word of yours an eternal bow. d) Woe is ours: they take their son as a soldier; but we have no capital, we have nothing to hire

Competition “Orthodox” a) Who was Ivan Flyagin’s angel to whom he prayed? b) Who did the bishop dream about when he wanted to leave the priest without a place for his drunkenness? c) Which of the apostles, according to Ivan Severyanovich, was tempted by Satan? d) Whose life did the monk Gerontius give Ivan Severyanovich to read?

Competition “Preparing for the Unified State Exam” 1. Determine the genre of “The Enchanted Wanderer” a) novel b) story c) story d) tale 2. What epic hero does the author compare Ivan Flyagin to? a) with Alyosha Popovich b) Dobrynya Nikitich c) Ilya Muromets d) Nikita Kozhemyaka 3. What was the name of Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin in childhood? a) Ishmael b) Monk c) Golovan d) Cossack 4. What reward did the main character ask for for saving the count’s family? a) money b) liberation from serfdom c) horse d) accordion 5. Why did Ivan Flyagin flee to the steppe? a) in search of adventure b) at the suggestion of the Englishman Rarey c) following his beloved d) because of the murder of Savakirei

6. How were the main character kept in the steppe? a) Rich gifts. b) They gave him the most beautiful girl as his wife. c) They were kept in stocks in a pit. d) Heels bristled. 7. How long did Ivan Flyagin spend in captivity? a) One year b) Three months c) Five years d) Ten years 8. Why did Ivan Flyagin kill Grisha? a) Because of unrequited love. b) So that Grusha does not return to the prince. c) To save her from the sin of murder. d) It happened by accident. 9. How did the main character’s wanderings end? a) Returned to his homeland to his parents. b) Started his own family. c) Took monastic vows d) Goes to war. 10. The main idea of ​​“The Enchanted Wanderer” is the following: a) the Russian person can handle everything; b) Russian people always strive for danger; c) only in extreme situations does a person reveal himself; d) Russian people firmly believe in God.

REFERENCES USED 1. Danilina T.M. Tale by Leskov N.S. “The Enchanted Wanderer” // Literature at school. – – S Leskov N.S. The Enchanted Wanderer M., ed. “Fiction”, Malyushkin A.B. Test assignments in Russian literature: 10th – 11th grade: Part 2 – M.: TC Sfera, – S Mikheeva A.V. Comprehension of the meaning of life by the main character of N.S. Leskov’s story “The Enchanted Wanderer” // Literature at school. - - WITH

“The Enchanted Wanderer” is a story by Leskov, created in the 2nd half of the 19th century. In the center of the work is an image of the life of a simple Russian peasant named Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin. Researchers agree that the image of Ivan Flyagin absorbed the main features of the Russian folk character.

Leskov's story presents a completely new type of hero, incomparable with any other in Russian literature. He has so organically merged with the elements of life that he is not afraid to get entangled in it.

Flyagin - "enchanted wanderer"

The author called Ivan Severyanich Flyagin “an enchanted wanderer.” This hero is “fascinated” by life itself, its fairy tale, its magic. That is why there are no limits for him. The hero perceives the world in which he lives as a real miracle. For him, it is endless, as is his journey in this world. Ivan Flyagin does not have any specific goal in life; for him it is inexhaustible. This hero perceives each new refuge as another discovery on his path, and not just as a change of occupation.

Hero's appearance

The author notes that his character has an external resemblance to Ilya Muromets, the legendary hero of epics. Ivan Severyanovich is distinguished by his enormous height. He has an open, dark face. The hair of this hero is thick, wavy, and lead-colored (his gray hair was cast in this unusual color). Flyagin wears a novice's cassock with a monastic belt, as well as a high black cloth cap. In appearance, the hero can be given a little over fifty years. However, as Leskov notes, he was a hero in the full sense of the word. This is a kind, simple-minded Russian hero.

Frequent changes of places, motive of escape

Despite his easy-going nature, Ivan Severyanovich does not stay anywhere for a long time. It may seem to the reader that the hero is fickle, frivolous, unfaithful both to himself and to others. Is this why Flyagin wanders around the world and cannot find refuge for himself? No, that's not true. The hero has repeatedly proven his loyalty and devotion. For example, he saved Count K.’s family from imminent death. In the same way, the hero Ivan Flyagin showed himself in his relations with Grusha and the prince. The frequent change of places and the motive for the escape of this hero are not explained by the fact that he is dissatisfied with life. On the contrary, he longs to drink it to the full. Ivan Severyanovich is so open to life that it seems to carry him, and the hero only follows its flow with wise humility. However, this should not be understood as a manifestation of passivity and mental weakness. This submission is an unconditional acceptance of fate. The image of Ivan Flyagin is characterized by the fact that the hero is often not aware of his own actions. He relies on intuition, on the wisdom of life, which he trusts in everything.

Invulnerability to death

It can be supplemented by the fact that the hero is honest and open to a higher power, and she rewards and protects him for this. Ivan is invulnerable to death, he is always ready for it. He somehow miraculously manages to save himself from death when he holds the horses on the edge of the abyss. Then the gypsy takes Ivan Flyagin out of the noose. Next, the hero wins a duel with the Tatar, after which he escapes from captivity. During the war, Ivan Severyanovich escapes bullets. He says about himself that he died all his life, but could not die. The hero explains this by his great sins. He believes that neither the water nor the earth want to accept him. On the conscience of Ivan Severyanovich is the death of the monk, the gypsy Grusha and the Tatar. The hero easily abandons his children born from Tatar wives. Ivan Severyanovich is also “tempted by demons.”

"Sins" by Ivan Severyanych

None of the “sinful” actions are the product of hatred, thirst for personal gain or lies. The monk died in an accident. Ivan pinned Savakirei to death in a fair fight. As for the story with Pear, the hero acted according to the dictates of his conscience. He understood that he was committing a crime, murder. Ivan Flyagin realized that the death of this girl was inevitable, so he decided to take the sin upon himself. At the same time, Ivan Severyanovich decides to beg God’s forgiveness in the future. Unhappy Pear tells him that he will still live and pray to God for both her and his soul. She herself asks to kill her so as not to commit suicide.

Naivety and cruelty

Ivan Flyagin has his own morals, his own religion, but in life this hero always remains honest both with himself and with other people. Talking about the events of his life, Ivan Severyanovich does not hide anything. The soul of this hero is open both to random fellow travelers and to God. Ivan Severyanovich is simple and naive as a baby, but during the fight against evil and injustice he can be very decisive and sometimes cruel. For example, he cuts off the tail of the master's cat, punishing her for torturing the bird. For this, Ivan Flyagin himself was severely punished. The hero wants to “die for the people,” and he decides to go to war instead of one young man with whom his parents cannot part.

Natural power of Flyagin

The hero's enormous natural strength is the reason for his actions. This energy prompts Ivan Flyagin to be reckless. The hero accidentally kills a monk who fell asleep on a cart of hay. This happens in excitement, while driving fast. In his youth, Ivan Severyanovich is not very burdened by this sin, but over the years the hero begins to feel that he will someday have to atone for it.

Despite this incident, we see that Flyagin’s speed, agility and heroic strength are not always a destructive force. While still just a child, this hero travels to Voronezh with the Count and Countess. During the trip, the cart almost falls into the abyss.

The boy saves the owners by stopping the horses, but he himself barely manages to avoid death after falling from a cliff.

The courage and patriotism of the hero

Ivan Flyagin also demonstrates courage during the duel with the Tatar. Once again, because of his reckless daring, the hero finds himself captured by the Tatars. Ivan Severyanovich yearns for his homeland while in captivity. Thus, the characteristics of Ivan Flyagin can be supplemented by his patriotism and love for his homeland.

The secret of Flyagin's optimism

Flyagin is a man endowed with remarkable physical and spiritual strength. This is exactly how Leskov portrays him. Ivan Flyagin is a man for whom nothing is impossible. The secret of his constant optimism, invulnerability and strength lies in the fact that the hero in any, even the most difficult situation, acts exactly as the situation requires. The life of Ivan Flyagin is also interesting because he is in harmony with those around him and is ready at any time to fight the hard times that come his way.

Traits of national character in the image of Flyagin

Leskov reveals to readers the qualities of the national by creating the image of Ivan Flyagin, the “enchanted hero.” This character cannot be called flawless. Rather, it is characterized by inconsistency. A hero can be both kind and merciless. In some situations he is primitive, in others he is cunning. Flyagin can be daring and poetic. Sometimes he does crazy things, but he also does good to people. The image of Ivan Flyagin is the personification of the breadth of Russian nature, its immensity.

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