Biography and personal life of Soso Pavliashvili. The real wives of Soso Pavliashvili Full name Soso Pavliashvili

"Temperamental, handsome, vociferous, intelligent, courteous"... All these words are intended for a true gentleman on the Russian stage - Soso Pavliashvili. The titles are given at their true worth, none of the representatives of Russian show business can compare with his gallantry.


Soso was born in the summer of June 29, 1964 in the capital of the Georgian SSR, in the family of an architect and a housewife. The mother of our hero was a very creative person and insisted that the child study music. By the age of six, the boy already played the violin perfectly, took part in various children's competitions, received awards and prizes. By the end of school, the issue of choosing a profession was already resolved. Pavliashvili did not even doubt what he would devote his future to. Music attracted him, he had an excellent voice and hearing.

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Immediately after graduating from school, Joseph Raminovich entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. He was noted as a special student with excellent musical abilities, striving for the full development of his talent. His teachers were leading figures of Georgian art. The guy plunged into the classes with a soul, completely devoted himself to all the subjects taught. And as a result, he became the best student of the Tbilisi Conservatory in its entire history. After successfully passing the exams, Soso went to fulfill his honorable duty - to serve in the SA.

Service in the army was a turning point for Soso Pavliashvili. A gifted young man, accustomed to soloing on the violin, sang the song for the first time on the army stage. After a successful performance, he already knew that he would develop a career as a vocalist. At 24, he was demobilized and went home.

Arriving from the army, the musician dared to visit the legendary Georgian musical group Iveria and ask to join it. The entire Soviet Union knew about this ensemble, their compositions were constantly heard on the radio. To his surprise, Pavliashvili was accepted immediately, and his work with talented musicians lasted a year. This period gave the young talent invaluable experience and skills, as a result he became a professional performer and musician.

In 1989, the first competition for young performers took place in Jurmala. Soso decided to become one of the participants and received the main prize. His rivals were Valeria, Kormukhina, Zakirova. Thanks to the festival, the country saw new faces, young performers, including the rising star Soso Pavliashvili. After Jurmala, life flowed along a creative channel, and the Georgian singer became one of the most popular in the USSR.

The victory brought the talented singer several contracts, according to which he began to tour throughout the country and neighboring countries. The first album was released in 1983, which exaggerated the success many times over. Literally a couple of years later, Pavliashvili released the next album, which was sold out in a matter of days. Invitations followed to participate in television projects, the picture "The Adventures of Pinocchio" brought incredible success to Pavliashvili as an actor. Frequent visits to the capital of Russia became the reason for a complete relocation. Since the end of the 90s, the “real Georgian” has become a Muscovite.

The end of the 90s was marked by amazing hits - “Let's Pray for Parents”, then the groovy and rhythmic songs “Georgian is waiting for you”, “Me and you” were performed. The singer was invited to the best concerts, festive events.

No state celebrations could do without it, the number of released records increased. Soso Pavliashvili was not only a performer, but also a composer of hit songs. His repertoire also includes songs to Reznik's verses, to the music of Osiashvili, Tanich. The singer was repeatedly invited to the cinema, and he did an excellent job with the roles in 12 films.

Personal life

In 2013, the press and television reported on a crime allegedly committed by a favorite of the public. According to sources, the singer and his friends ordered the murder of businessman Aduashvili. The Tbilisi prosecutor's office sent an official request for the arrest of Pavliashvili. Many were worried about this, but soon all charges were dropped, the singer was released. Creative career continues to grow. Pavliashvili performs at every festive evening, pleases the audience with a beautiful voice.

The love affairs of a temperamental Georgian were often written in the press. The first wife was Nino Uchaneishvili, who gave birth to the musician's son Levan. They did not live together for long, but they still maintain friendly relations. Upon arrival in Moscow, the singer developed a close relationship with the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, but the couple did not dare to register the union. They were united not only by feelings, but also by joint creativity. The union lasted for several years. In 1997, Soso met the singer Irina Patlakh, who worked as a backing vocalist. The couple had two daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

The eldest son from his first marriage is a frequent guest in his father's house and maintains close and warm relations with him. Singer Pavliashvili feels like a happy husband and father, and does not intend to change anything in his personal life.

What are the patronymics of the children of Soso Pavliashvili.

Now there are a lot of famous actors and singers on the stage. The world of show business is full of people with nicknames and stage names. Sometimes the names and surnames for our people sound quite strange. Singer Soso Pavliashvili is one of the stars of the modern stage, whose name is rather unusual.

Soso Pavliashvili is a Georgian singer who successfully performs in Russia. He starred in many films and collaborates with famous composers such as Ilya Reznik. It is worth noting that the full name of the singer is Joseph. The Georgian abbreviation Soso is like our diminutive Sasha or Sanya from Alexander.

What will be the patronymic of the girl and the boy on behalf of Soso?

That is why the patronymic of the boy, whose father is Soso, will be Joseph. The girl will have a patronymic Iosifovna. This is a traditional Georgian name, like our Alexander or Sergey. In our country, abbreviations are also often found, like Denya, Sasha, Gray, Roma.

When the first team was created, in which Pavliashvili performed, he was quite young. Therefore, the name Joseph was not very suitable for a young guy. Since the popularity overtook the singer at a young age, he did not later change his stage name.

What will be the patronymic of the girl and the boy on behalf of Soso?

Soso Pavliashvili performed in the Iveria Ensemble. Back in 1985, he married a Georgian woman, from whom there is a son, Levan. In 2003, the singer divorced and now lives with the backing vocalist of the group Mironi. The woman bore him two daughters - Lisa and Sandra. The middle name indicated in the girls' documents is Iosifovna.

What is the middle name of Soso Pavliashvili's daughter?

Despite the strange stage names, many singers and actors have the most common names. This happened with the famous Georgian singer Soso Pavliashvili.

VIDEO: Soso Pavliashvili

This charming Georgian with a velvety voice of extraordinary timbre and range broke into the musical Olympus quickly - after he won the Grand Prix at the competition for young performers in Jurmala in 1989. After that, he accepted an offer to work together from one of the most talented, stylish and beautiful singers of the former USSR, Irina Ponarovskaya, moved to Moscow and made an amazing program with her.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge. Soso Pavliashvili won the highest awards of several other music competitions, acted in films and received one of the most honorary orders in Russia. And also - recently Soso Pavliashvili became a dad!

His creative career began at the age of five, when the future pop star was accepted with a bang to a music school in the violin class. In 2003, in honor of the 15th anniversary of his creative activity, Soso Pavliashvili for the first time decided to give a solo concert at the State Concert Hall "Russia". At the same time, being a modest person by nature, he admitted the possibility that not all tickets would be sold. However, when the tickets sold out in an instant, Soso had a mixed feeling. On the one hand, he was happy, on the other hand, a large number of friends whom he invited to his concert just like that, to visit, were offended. There is no room left for them...

Soso Pavliashvili arrived in Israel to participate in a concert dedicated to the Victory Day. His whole performance was such freedom, such a return, such naturalness... It was even natural that at the end of his performance Soso Pavliashvili knelt down and kissed the stage...

- Soso, let me heartily congratulate you on the birth of your daughter Lizonka! Of course, it was impossible to get a better gift for a man! Your official website contains information about her mother, the backing vocalist of the Mironi group, Irina Patlakh, who until recently also performed the role of your personal stylist, dresser and dancer. Did you say from the stage yesterday that you have a Jewish daughter?

She is of Georgian-Jewish origin.

- How is she?

Wonderful. They called me this morning, she's tweeting, laughing, missing her dad.

Best of the day

What is it like to be a dad at 40?

Wonderful. Completely different colors, different sensations... Simply unreal sensations! This is happiness. It turns out that this is what happiness is.

- Tell me, does it give you new thoughts, images, song ideas?

Yes. And I don't stop anymore, I don't wait for anything, I'm already composing new songs.

- Your visiting card is the song "Georgian is waiting for you". Is Georgian a nationality or a state of mind?

This is nationality. The state of the soul is determined by the people who communicate with you. Georgian is a nationality, a real nationality, an ancient nationality. Georgians are different, but when they are outside of Georgia, they try to be sunny - and they succeed.

- What does it mean to be a real Georgian?

It's hard for me to talk about it. Probably, to be a generous person, able to speak beautifully, communicate, take care of women ... For a Georgian, this is absolutely normal. A real Georgian must be a man of honor, respecting his land, observing traditions, adoring women, children, old people...

- Do you have enough sun in cold snowy Moscow?

There's too much work to think about. I'm just in cold snowy Moscow thinking about Georgia, that's why I'm there.

- And how often do you visit Georgia?

We'll see how it goes. I was in April, I'll be back in the summer.

- When you arrive in Tbilisi, where do you go first? What is especially valuable for you there? Do you have any particular favorite places?

In Tbilisi, every millimeter is dear to me. This is my city. This is the city where I was born and where I should be buried. This is my city and that's it.

- Tell me, is there anything in common between Georgians and Jews?

There is, and a lot, that's why Jews have been living in Georgia for many centuries, and no one has ever expelled them from there. They were assimilated so much that they did not lose their traditions, they have a powerful tandem even in Israel. Georgian Jews probably love Georgia more than the Georgians themselves.

- When you visit Israel, do you meet with your compatriots?

I meet. I have my friend Boris here, a very famous singer and musician, a wonderful guy. Yesterday I gave an interview to Georgian television (there is such a thing here). They recently had an anniversary.

- First - a quote: "The hero of Chekhov's "Lady with a Dog" almost always spoke badly about women, and when they were spoken about in his presence, he called them like this:" Inferior race! ". It seemed to him that he had been taught enough by bitter experience to call them whatever you like, but still without the "lower race" he could not live even two days. In the company of men he was bored, uncomfortable, with them he was taciturn, cold, but when he was among women, then felt free and knew what to talk about with them and how to behave, and it was even easy for him to remain silent with them.In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature there was something attractive, elusive, which disposed women to him, beckoned them; he knew about it, and he himself, too, was attracted by some force to them. Now the question is: what should a man be like to be loved by women? Should he be like this Chekhov hero?

I don't know... What should a man be like? You must be yourself. There are women who love such freaks that I do not understand how it can be. And they love it, that's all. There are, of course, women, and thank God, who appreciate kindness, generosity, strength and pride. It happens differently. Everything depends on the woman. Basically a woman makes her man.

- What do you value most in women?

Wisdom, female wisdom, which is given by nature - or not.

- There is an opinion that men do not like smart, beautiful and strong women. Is it true - or is it not?

I dont know. I can talk about men. Some love, some don't. Men are completely different people, each of them is a person, all the same, a man is a male, a separate individual. They do not live by instinct, but by reason, by feeling, each of them chooses his life, his love, his woman, his attitude towards this woman.

- There is such a song - "A Million Scarlet Roses". This is a true story, and it actually happened: the artist Niko Pirosmani sold everything - the house, and everything in the house, and all his paintings, and bought so many flowers with all the money that he filled up the entire square in front of the house of the woman he idolized . Have you ever done crazy things for and for women?

In fact, flooding a woman with flowers is not extravagant, but a common occurrence, an impulse of the soul and an element of courtship. But sell the house to buy flowers? The flowers will wither, and you will be left without a home. Why would this woman need you then? Everyone says so, but no one does it, and thank God.

- You acted in films. Do you think about such a direction in your work - a film artist?

No, I sing and I will sing. I just acted in films. Like an experiment. If they offer a good script, I'll do it again. But so far they haven’t offered a good script - they invite criminal authorities from the Caucasus to play, and this is not for me.

- Tell me, what is more home for you: the house that is permanent in Moscow, or a hotel room on the next tour?

If I say that the number is more expensive for me, you won’t believe me, right?

- But is he more familiar to you? You're on tour most of the time, right?

No, for me, the house is my house, like every normal person. I just have to spend the night in a hotel, but I live in a house. In the house I rest, recharge, my relatives live in my house, in my house I receive my friends ...

- You are a hospitable host, like any self-respecting Georgian. And as a Georgian, you probably know how to cook?

I cook a little when I have time and desire. But this is very rare.

- Do you have any signature dishes? Do you know how to make a barbecue?

Everyone knows how to make barbecue.

- Maybe you have some special marinade?

There is a recipe, of course. I do not regret lemon and adjika - and everything turns out well.

- Tell me, before you go on stage, do you need to somehow especially tune in? Do you need privacy, silence - or does it not matter to you?

No, it doesn't matter. I go on stage and forget about everything. I feel like a happy person.

- Many artists compare the stage with a woman. Can you agree with this?

No, a woman is a woman, a stage is a stage.

- But really, every self-respecting man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Have you made the minimum program?

Yes, I did. But I won't stop there.

- What does your son Levan do?

He is finishing his third year at the Moscow Suvorov Military School.

- Will he be a professional soldier?

No, it's just a good school, good discipline, in general, everything is good there.

- Would you like it to take place in creativity, how are you?

No, he must sing better than me in order for it to take place, otherwise it will be hard for him. Today, I don't really like how things are in show business, as far as young performers are concerned.

- How do you feel about the "Star Factory", do you think that you can grow a star in a factory?

This is a project in which money is invested, and then this money is more than worked out.

- Do you see the future of a big star among those who just finished this factory today?

Time will tell.

- At one time you were made a star by a competition in Jurmala. A certain role was played by the fact that this competition was shown on television. Did television make the winner immediately popular?

Television - yes, 99 percent, I guess. If you are a talented person and only your loved ones know you, then you will never become popular. You get recognized and you start to like with the help of television. The fact that I come here, to Israel, and people sing along with me at concerts is thanks to television.

- How do you feel about the fact that in our time it’s not enough for a talented person to be talented, but he still needs some kind of publicity, he needs to participate in various parties, he needs to flicker in the press, on television, on the radio in order to live and make a name for himself ?

You yourself are responsible.

- I asked many artists this question, and they answered me in the spirit that publicity is good, but still it does not solve the issue, a talented person will make his way.

A talented person will make his way if he has money, if he has a sponsor and a gifted producer with money. Without money, he will never achieve anything.

What role does money play in your life? Do you like making money more or spending it?

For some reason I spend a lot, I spend more than I earn. Such is my feeling.

- Zhvanetsky said that "money deserves to be spent on women." Could you subscribe to this phrase?

With pleasure. With pleasure, but you can’t fool yourself. You can not let women make themselves a sucker when you are "bred". Now it is very fashionable, very relevant. The men themselves are to blame.

- Maybe because men pay more attention to external beauty, and beautiful outwardly women are spoiled by male attention, they flirt, twist with men, is this part of the image, or what?

Just because you have money doesn't mean you're good. You buy her with money, and she is sold as expensive as possible, and then, when she treats you the same way as she treats other men, you want to take it all away from her, to destroy it. Then everything turns into a not very good performance. Therefore, you need to think in advance what kind of person, to whom, what you give.

- Let's talk about something else. Let's go back to the house. They say that men are slaves of three T: slippers, ottoman and TV. Do you love these items?

Yes, of course I do. But I also love the piano, I love the fireplace...

- Do you have a real fireplace, with firewood?

Yes. ...I love my bed, I even love the bar.

- Do you know how to make cocktails, for example?

- It is natural for a Georgian to love wine, a noble and blessed drink. But not only do you love wine - you began to produce it. How did it happen? What kind of wine do you produce?

We have vineyards in Georgia, this is my pride. We have more than 300 hectares of vineyards. And we produce nine types of Kakhetian wine. And all the main ones. We have very good wine.

- Your name is wine? Well, such a drink can't be bad! We wish you success and nothing but success. Are you going to come to us on tour?

Of course, why not? As soon as they call, I will come.

And there are good reasons for that. For ten years now, the heart of the "singer of love" has been given to one single woman - the former dancer and singer of the Pavliashvili musical group and just a wonderful person - Irina Patlakh. Two years ago, their daughter Lisa was born. Now their family is in complete harmony. But it was preceded by a whole series of trials, misunderstandings and gossip.

Soso and Irina overcame all difficulties and today, in the MOST exclusive interview with our portal, they talk in detail about their relationship - without hiding and embarrassment.

- Tell us about your first impressions, how you saw each other ...

Irina: Tell me!

Soso: No, tell me! Come on, come on!

Irina: It was in the Palace of Pioneers, where I went to study at the drama studio. Soso's studio was and still is nearby. One day I saw him, I decided to get an autograph. Came up and said: "Hello!" He was sitting with his back to me. And so slowly, slowly turned around. With a serious face - and broke into a smile. And I thought: “Here, cool such! Not pretentious!”

Soso: Although Irochka was very young, I immediately noticed that she was a very beautiful girl, I saw her roundness. I remember she was standing on some kind of huge heels, similar to irons - such a platform was then in vogue. And at first I thought: “Shizanuty! But appetizing! She was then sixteen. And after the first minutes of communication, I was touched by something else. This new generation girl said that she was crazy about my songs, especially one of the most lyrical songs - “I'm with you!”

Irina: In principle, I came to ask for a soundtrack of this song, because I also sang and wanted to ask permission to perform this composition.

Best of the day

Soso: I was very pleased. Because then everyone listened to “Tender May”, and then a young girl comes up and just asks for good music. Do not think, I do not praise myself: it's just that the music that I write comes from outer space, I pass it through myself. Something worse, something better...

- Which of you was the first to be active in a relationship?

Soso: As a man, of course, I started to take the initiative first. But as a girl, for her part, Irina was also not idle. It was obvious to me that our interest in each other was mutual.

Irina: Oh! He was very proactive! But I, as far as possible, restrained this initiative. Although it was not easy (smiles).

- Soso, what did you like most about Ira?

Soso: Her parents! When I met her family, I realized that they are very advanced, modern people. And somehow, without much effort, we became friends. If not for this, Irishka and I would not have stayed together.

- And what struck you Soso?

Irina: I remember how on the first day I stayed at the studio when he was recording the song "Me and You". We sat until night, and I talked with his musicians, watched him. Then I realized what a great guy he is, what a creative person and what he does in music. This attracted me greatly. Only in this way I realized what an expressive and bright man he is.

Did you do any surprises for him?

Irina: At first, we talked as if we were going to reconnaissance. I was interested in everything about this adult man, the artist. For my part, I tried to impress him somehow, to make him laugh. I came to the concert under the guise of a journalist and pretended to be interviewing him.

- What about the distance between you?

Irina: He was too temperamental, and I had to restrain this pressure. But there was a pleasant feeling - that he was delighted with me.

- Didn't it scare you that he had a lot of women, a lot of experience and a lot of fans?

Irina: Why should this scare me? (smiles) On the contrary, I was pleased that among all the fans he chooses me. And why do I need an abandoned man who no one needs? On the contrary, I relied on his experience, and the development of our relationship was interesting to me. It was immediately obvious that he was a sincere person, that there would be no meanness from him. And everything else is great when there is real passion between people, a romance!

- Why did you need such a young girl? Couldn't you have chosen a more experienced lady?

Soso: If we are talking about sex now, then I can sleep with anyone. But Irka was special. I can't even draw parallels. She became for me not just a girl whose location I sought. I was pleased to feel her spontaneity. This girl had a sincere reciprocal feeling for me, she was all at a glance. And I, along with a purely masculine interest, from the first minutes of communication with her felt responsible for her as a senior. It was an unusual, wonderful feeling for me. Our relationship developed not only as a stormy romance, but also as a friendship. She was interested in me, and I was interested in her.

Irina: It was during this period of serious courtship that Soso began to have health problems. And then I no longer doubted that he needed it.

Soso: I could call at three in the morning, say that I feel bad, and not even hint: come! She herself came. Despite her beautiful rounded shapes (smiles), Irochka still turned out to be a true friend. And I needed this friendship much more than sex. Ira will not let me lie: I then tried my best to make sure that she did not get used to me. Didn't really connect. I considered myself a lone wolf, a person around whom there are too many problems. And I didn't want her to be constantly in the circle of these problems. But Irka is stubborn by nature, and even now I cannot defeat this stubbornness. If she sets a goal, she will simply achieve it.

- So which one of you sought location?

Soso: I succeeded in picking her “bud”, and she achieved this state: today Irochka and I and our little daughter are a real family.

- Ira, did you boast to your girlfriends that you had an affair with Pavliashvili?

Irina: And I never had real girlfriends either. Most of my peers are not very goal-oriented people, many got into bad company. And I did not share my life with them, because we were, as it were, from different planets.

Soso: But I also had a hand in ensuring that all her girlfriends left us alone. Because even those few friends who surrounded her usually called when they had difficulties of a different nature. And I just sent them all in three letters (smiles). We are together. And we do not need anyone in life. Irka, indeed, in education and mind was different from her peers. And one of our first conversations with her parents was just about this. I said: “Look at her classmates, peers! Do you want her to repeat their path? To watch in the entrance how they smoke or drink beer? Let her be better with me, learn a lot of good things from me, be protected!”

- Did they believe you?

Believed! God bless them for entrusting their daughter to me, although there was no question of any guarantees. The question of marriage was not even discussed. But I felt a huge responsibility for Ira. I just couldn't offend her under any circumstances. She was not just a friend to me - she was a daughter, a child ... And she trusted me much more than her parents.

- Was Ira the only one for you at that time?

No one dared to encroach on my personal freedom. I continued to date women. But, apparently, such a serious feeling was already arising in me, which I myself did not understand at first. Irka has already become truly dear to me. And if I were an ordinary pop singer, I wouldn't care what happens to this girl. But I just had no right to offend her. I needed her devotion.

- So the relationship did not develop right away?

Gradually, with trials. When I didn’t have a penny of money, but only problems, I told her: “You are a young beautiful girl, your father is a wealthy person, plays tennis with Yeltsin, works in prestigious places ... You will find your happiness, you will go abroad ... Don't get attached to me. It is forbidden! I am a man without tomorrow." I had that feeling of life at that moment.

- How did Ira react to this?

She said in response: “But I am not interested in tomorrow. I live for today. I am happy with you today! And she didn't leave me. And then, little by little, things began to unravel. You know, in principle, I deserved a good attitude: after all, I was not a drug addict, an alcoholic, a psychopath. I am an artist who needs understanding. And I am grateful to this young stubbornness and loyalty of her (smiles).

- Really for so much time she did not give a reason to be jealous? After all, a young girl loves to play pranks, flirt, flirt ...

My horoscope is Cancer. Jealousy is the lot of every Cancer. And this is normal. If you don't love, don't be jealous. We've been together for ten years. And, probably, outbursts of jealousy do not allow us to fall asleep and miss each other. Jealousy is a good paint in a relationship. Orgasm from jealousy is brighter. And I don't even think about cheating!

- Can I say that you helped Ira take an adult look at the relationship between a man and a woman?

Irka's character is this: she wanted to show herself in front of me. Not even as a woman, but as a teenager. And I had to be patient to educate her, as I raised my son Levan. And this is not just a relationship between a man and a woman, but a completely different approach. There was a time: I put pressure on her and showed aggressiveness. But now, looking back, I understand: if I had not done this, we would not have been together.

- Did Ira have enough wisdom not to be offended and not to accumulate resentment?

God forbid! She is too determined. She just wanted to be with me and nothing else mattered. I did not understand then why she needed it. And now I am grateful to her for her patience and natural wisdom: we are all happy people together. And this is our common world. And Lisa is with us.

- It is believed that each song of the composer is a love story. Some composers say that they dedicate all the songs in their lives to one woman. And how are you?

If I say tomorrow: “Ira, I don’t recognize a single woman except you!” She will spit in my face. My art belongs to all people. My songs are my heart. And I put my whole male being into it. Ira is absolutely right about this. I would like women to always believe me and cry only from happiness. All my songs are written for this. Irka has always been proud that women love me and trust me. She herself is always for women, in any conflict she takes the female side - so that no one oppresses them, does not humiliate them.

- How did Ira find a common language with Levan?

They were not looking for a common language, they just grew up together. Ira, Levan and Irkin brother Danya. And when it came time to explain something, I sat Levan next to me and asked: “Do you want me to be happy?” He agreed. And then I said: "Wait for my sister."

- Who made the decision to live together as one family? And how did you decide to live with Ira's parents?

And we love it! And we found a common language a long time ago. And now, when it became possible to build a family country house, where everything is good and spacious, it is generally wonderful. Ira's mother, Larisa, bought a piano especially for me, because I miss my piano, which I left in my apartment. We also go on vacation with the whole family. And we are very good together. Now I have my own flock.

- Can we say that you brought the traditions of the Georgian family into the family of your girlfriend?

Of course! I am a Tbilisi person. And in Moscow, I really missed such a family life. My heart is in Tbilisi. And the closer we live, the better! We are now building new apartments in Moscow, and I also intend to move my mother and father from Tbilisi.

- What determines the intensity of passions in the family? How not to get bored with each other in a relationship?

Soso: It all depends on the woman! If I wake up in the morning and wonder every day how scary she is, I'd rather run away from her altogether. Why do men start looking for something somewhere? Because in their lair they see no joy.

- At the beginning of your relationship, Ira danced and sang in a team. Now she has completely forgotten about creative activity?

Soso: We came up with this creative activity later, so that we had something to do (smiles). And at first I just fell in love with her as a man. I had a simple desire to possess a beautiful girl. Well, then I already did everything so that this beautiful woman would be with me as much as possible - both on tour and in Moscow.

Irina: I have not stopped being a creative person. I like to sing and dance. And in Moscow now I am again performing with Soso, and we go on tour together when it is possible to take Lisa with us, and the conditions allow us to live as a family.

- Soso, are you a happy man?

As a man, I am absolutely happy. I know that not only do I get happiness, but I also bring happiness and pleasure to my loved ones. The main thing is that I am not alone, as I was a few years ago.

- Ira, and you?

I have the same feelings and thoughts. But I would like to realize myself more in creativity. Now I am a beloved mother, a beloved daughter, a beloved woman. Everything is great with me. But still, I love to sing and I want to do it further. But this does not mean that I want to become a pop star ...

Soso: You are already a star! Trust my word...

Irina: You are witnessing the beginning of a family scandal ... (exchanging glances, laughing)

- What can you wish to couples who are just starting to live together?

Soso: Don't look for yourself. Everything will come by itself. I believe that any two people can get along with each other if they are united by the main goal - to be together. If someone does not want to give in, but wants to prove something, this is the cause of all conflicts. At the beginning of my life together, I had a conversation with Ira: if we want to be together, then we will be together. And if we don’t want to, then we don’t have to torture each other. And it's not about the child, not about some kind of responsibility: if you don't want to live with a person, then you shouldn't do it.

Irina: The mistake of many young people who start a life together is that they try to figure everything out “on the shore”, proving something to each other, forgetting about compromises. No need to run ahead of the locomotive, you should not invent conflicts when there are none. Let everything go by itself. You just need to be able to enjoy each other.

The famous singer Soso Pavliashvili spoke about the affair with Irina Ponarovskaya and the consequences of a terrible car accident.

“Ponarovskaya and I lit each other”

In 1989, the unknown performer Soso Pavliashvili took the Grand Prix at the All-Union Music Competition in Jurmala. A year later, a hot Georgian guy broke into the Russian stage. His patroness was the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, who sat on the jury of the very competition, where the first triumph of the novice performer was. Behind her were two failed marriages and a child, a wounded woman's heart burned with love for the temperamental Soso. They began to sing a duet, and the rumor immediately married them.

- Ira made a great contribution to my development, - the singer states. - We did a lot for each other, we had a very stormy relationship, we ignited each other. Ponarovskaya next to me became a queen.

The whole Soviet Union was talking about their romance, and at that time Soso was waiting in his native Tbilisi for his legal wife Nino Uchaneishvili and his little son Levan. This woman has become the only one today with whom Soso went to the registry office - they got married in 1986. She had been waiting for him from the army for two years; returning, the Georgian macho made an offer and, according to tradition, stole the bride. In 1987, Levan was born to them. When the boy was three years old, his father left to conquer Moscow.

Pavliashvili's son Levan was born in Tbilisi / personal archive

“I was in Tbilisi for three days a year - well, what kind of relationship can there be,” exclaims Pavliashvili. - After all, when we got together, I was 19 years old, and Nino was 18 - young, hot, succumbed to euphoria. Then I went to the army, wrote her five letters a day. When I served, they got married, Levan was born, but I had to leave for Moscow, I had to build a career. She was listed as my wife only in the passport, we stopped living as husband and wife. In Moscow, I had my own life with good and bad sides. Our parting is fate, it was necessary.

- He was credited with relationships with many famous singers. I was very jealous, only once I told my husband about it. He denied everything, but I understood everything, - Nino was frank in one of her TV interviews. - At that time I could not leave for my husband in Moscow, in Tbilisi I had a sick mother, whom no one but me could take care of.

While Nino still hoped to return the relationship, he already knew that the bold point could not be changed to a comma. In the capital, passions were in full swing with Irina Ponarovskaya, who was also married at that time to urologist Dmitry Pushkar (the marriage lasted from 1986 to 1997 - Auth.).

- "You and I - the candles do not go out until the morning, you and I - and nothing else is needed," Soso and Irina sang.

He shouted to her: “You, like my angel, will always be with me,” she sang along with a drawl: “I am with you.”

This turned out to be one of the pair's last performances together; however, they sang together most often for the first three years, and subsequent years only repeated encores to shed balm on the souls of the audience. In 2002, the duo finally broke up. Soon Ponarovskaya left the stage. She waited a long time for the cherished offer from Soso, but she did not wait.

Irina Ponarovskaya and Soso Pavliashvili / personal archive

- Everyone went his own way. If Ira sang until today, I assure you, she would be in the top three "Pugacheva - Rotaru - Ponarovskaya." I am truly sorry that she left the stage. We have not seen each other for many years, and I know nothing about her fate.

- Don't you regret that it didn't work out with Irina?

- Of course not! I am now happy with my beloved wife and children!

After the break with Soso, there were no more men in Ponarovskaya's life. She became almost a recluse, rarely gives concerts and does not communicate with journalists. The singer devotes all her time to her 30-year-old son Anthony, who became an artist. According to the media, since 2010 the singer has been spending most of her time in Norway, where her son and his wife live.

The ex-wife of Soso Nino also did not marry after a relationship with a Georgian macho. In her life, the main man was the son Levan.

- When I was in Moscow, and he was in Tbilisi, we went crazy for each other; if I came, my son would not leave me a single step,” recalls Pavliashvili.

In 2002, when Levan turned 15, Soso decided to take him to Moscow, fearing that, far from his father, he might get into bad company. In the capital, he gave it to the Suvorov School. Now the singer's son is engaged in the construction business.

7 years of epileptic seizures

For 19 years, Soso has been living in a civil marriage with Irina Patlakh. They met when she was only 16 years old. The girl accidentally went into Pavliashvili's recording studio, met him there and asked him to rewrite one of the songs on a disc in order to sing it at the school graduation.

Soso Pavliashvili / Vladimir Chistyakov

- Until the age of 20, we were just friends, and then I announced to my parents that we would live together with Soso.

Irina's relatives were shocked by the news that one of the main womanizers of the country, namely, such a role was assigned to Pavliashvili, would become their daughter's cohabitant. Over time, Soso found the key to their hearts, and now he has an excellent relationship with Ira's parents.

- Irochka appeared at a time when it was very difficult for me. . Behind the wheel was my drunk friend. He began to have wild aggression, and I understood that one should not let go. We drove home, a woman in black with a child suddenly appeared on the road. No one understood where it came from, there was no crossing on this section of the road. A friend turned sharply to the side, and the car crashed into the curb at breakneck speed. A strong blow, and that's it - turned off. I woke up in the hospital, I had a severe concussion, and not a scratch on the driver. I was treated for a long time, I was regularly examined, and the doctors themselves allowed me to continue touring. A year after the accident, epileptic seizures began. I began to go to church often. Apparently, God heard my prayers and sent me Irochka.

For 7 years, the singer could not get rid of seizures, and it seemed that there was no way out ...

Four years later, the second daughter, Sandra, appeared in the Pavliashvili family.

- I have a big responsibility - I have to make my girls happy, with God's help, I hope this will work out.

From a womanizer to a perfect family man

The accident divided the singer's life into before and after. A hot handsome man and a reveler became a believer and an exemplary family man.

- Oh, how many women I used to have, and even some - hair stand on end, - confesses Soso. - Now in my life only Ira. I am very happy that I have her.

Soso Pavliashvili with his son / personal Facebook page

“A white veil, like a white angel, will bring happiness,” Pavliashvili sang in his wedding hit, but he himself did not dare to say the cherished words: “Become my wife.” Soso's chosen one has been in the status of a "cohabitant" for almost two decades. On October 16, 2014, at a concert in Moscow, Irina came on stage to Pavliashvili with her two daughters. The singer knelt down in front of his beloved and presented her with a box with an engagement ring.

“Let's do a wedding,” Soso waves off. - We just don’t have the opportunity yet, we are busy building a house.

Three years ago, a singer, an hour's drive from the capital.

- My house is being built by wonderful people - they first pray, and only then they eat, - Pavliashvili is delighted with his builders. “I hope we can move in there by the New Year. If this happens, then next year we will celebrate the wedding, unless, of course, Irochka changes her mind (laughs).

On two floors of the singer's house, there are eight living rooms, a large living room, a veranda, a 15-meter spa pool in Indonesian style, a corner with exercise machines.

“And over time, I want to build a real Russian bath on the site,” the singer shares his plans. – I am not a supporter of huge pretentious palaces, on the contrary, I want a village house. I still dream of the Georgian village, where I used to visit my relatives when I was little. I will have a small house, the main thing is that I can feel it all.

“The doors of the house are always open for the ex-wife”

Now Soso and his family live in luxurious apartments near the center of Moscow.

Civil wife Pavliashvili Irina with children / Anatoly Lomokhov

I moved everyone here. Ira's parents live in the next apartment, and the son Levan lives on the floor above. My parents from Tbilisi often come to visit us, my mother cooks so well that during her stay I gain a lot of extra pounds. His mother Nino comes to visit Levan, we have a great relationship with her, I respect this woman very much. My daughters love her very much, Ira also found a common language with her. The doors of my house are always open for my ex-wife.

- They celebrated in my restaurant in Moscow, this time there were not as many people as usual - 70 people. All our relatives came, my children, of course, were there. Igor Sarukhanov, Alexei Chumakov, Yulia Kovalchuk came from colleagues (but, by the way, Irina Allegrova, with whom the singer sang a duet, did not come. - Auth.). My son gave me cufflinks, my wife gave me five hiking suits and travel backpacks. One confectionery company presented me with a gift: a cake with a pack of wolves on top: I am depicted as a wolf, Ira is a she-wolf, and the children are wolf cubs. It was not a cake, but a work of art. When I asked, they say, how much I owe for such beauty, they answered me: “Soso, you have done so much for us, you help us so much in life with your songs, we won’t take a penny.” I was very pleased to hear this, but it’s just a pity that by my age I don’t even have the title of an honored artist, but I should have been popular for a long time. But I have never asked anyone for anything and never will!

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