Anime Ongoing from anidab The latest anime series.

If you listen to anime connoisseurs, it may seem as if they deliberately fill their speech with specific terms from Japanese language so that those around them do not understand them. In fact, everything is somewhat more prosaic and simpler, and not all words are of Japanese origin. What is ongoing? What are anime connoisseurs talking about, why do different animes have their own armies of fans, and where did this concept even come from?

The meaning of the word "ongoing"

By and large we are talking about English word ongoing, which literally translates to “going right now.” That is, any serial film broadcast in this moment on television in its premiere. It doesn't have to be anything, divided into any number of episodes. However, if you ask what ongoing is, most of the time the explanation will refer to Japanese animated series.

This cannot be said to be a new phenomenon in art. If we adhere to the literal meaning of the term, then at one time even such as “Seventeen Moments of Spring” were ongoings. That is, they were broadcast on television in the premiere show. At the moment, this word is most often used in relation to anime series, and there is a reason for this.


If we take such famous anime as “Naruto” or “Bleach” as an example, we can trace characteristics, which ongoing has in the narrow sense of the word. The peculiarity of such a global project is the literal following of the original source, in this case - the manga, from which the film adaptation is drawn. In most cases, the manga author himself may not have any idea where his plot will lead, so inconsistencies inevitably appear in the film adaptation. As a rule, ongoings are anime with a large number of episodes, rather than the standard 24 parts.

What is an ongoing film based on an unfinished manga? The fact is that animators are forced to rely on the peculiar style of manga, because no one knows the future plot twists. In addition, the plot of the anime traditionally catches up with the manga faster than new releases appear. In order not to slow down the ongoing production, animators resort to a well-known technique - they start filming fillers, that is, episodes. These are side-by-side episodes, thematic issues and jokes that are in no way connected with the manga. In one of these fillers of the ongoing Bleach, the heroine Unohana Retsu appeared with a different hairstyle, revealing her neck in front. And after some time, a chapter of the manga was drawn, revealing the secret of her usual hairstyle, hiding her throat, and it turned out that there was a huge scar. However, there was no scar in the filler - the animators simply could not have known about it.

Manga and ongoings

If you rely on the meaning of the term, then manga that comes out “right now” is also considered ongoing. Anime comics, designed for mass audiences, retain attention with the stable appearance of new chapters, gradually unwinding plot twists, as well as the hope of a film adaptation.

The manga industry, extremely popular in Japan, has its fans here too. This is a kind of creativity with its own drawing rules, established traditions and original structure.


Considering that a drama can be a cinematic adaptation of a manga or anime, then it also falls into the category of ongoing. However, the original source of a drama can be almost any work. An ongoing drama is most often a relatively small series of ten to twenty episodes, produced in Japan, Korea or Taiwan. Sometimes China is featured in the production of dramas.

As a sister phenomenon to anime, drama is often filmed using the same rules. Some of them exactly repeat the plot of the anime, for example, “Oran Host Club”, and are even equipped with animated special effects - hearts, flowers, stars, referring to the original source - the manga.

Migration of the concept of “ongoing”

IN Lately there was a tendency towards a literal understanding. What is ongoing today? If before people were taken for granted that this was just a very long anime series, now the general population has found out that this is not Japanese word, but a familiar anglicism, and like all other anglicisms, it can be included in the lexicon without fear of being classified as an anime fan.

Thus, even the series “Game of Thrones” is considered an ongoing, because it fully meets all the basic characteristics of ongoing. There is a primary source that has not yet been completed and is in the process, the author shows the keenest interest in the film adaptation, viewers receive one season of the series per year. Of course, making a movie of this kind takes longer than drawing an anime, but the main features are the same, and Game of Thrones is undoubtedly an ongoing film.

Colloquial use

The use of the word "ongoing", like other terms, does not necessarily correspond to the literal meaning. We have to admit that in most cases the concept of “series” remains more familiar. How do TV series differ from ongoing series? The fact is that these are related concepts, partially interpenetrating. If we mean anime and comics that come out in series, then we can say that every ongoing is a series, but not every series is an ongoing. Only the one that comes out in “right now” mode.

The so-called anime makers generally decided not to suffer and left the title of ongoing for long multi-part anime, the number of episodes in which exceeds a hundred.

Advantages and disadvantages

The huge size that characterizes anime ongoings is both an advantage and a disadvantage. In this matter, everything depends on the viewer, because you have to be prepared for the fact that the animators will never reach the end of the story. The Japanese anime industry is quite pragmatic, so no one will continue a series to the end just “for the sake of decency” or because it has its own viewers. This is why some ongoings are left without an ending and end at the most interesting part.

By and large, this is not so scary, because the continuation of the story can be found in the original source and taken up the manga. For example, the beloved anime “Fruits Basket” was released only in its first season, and viewers curious about the fate of the heroes are treated to a manga that reveals many of the secrets of the plot. However, the creators of “Fruits Basket” at least brought the plot to a logical point where you can stop. Other anime are left with an open ending, and this causes understandable confusion.

Ongoings also have an obvious advantage - the characters grow together with the audience, forge characters, and motivate positive changes in their lives. Main character Ongoing "Bleach", Kurosaki Ichigo, not only saves the world, he also studies well, values ​​friends and family, successfully graduates from school, and resolves work issues. What begins as a sweet children's story unfolds into a rather mature and deep drama.

Ongoing industry

How are decisions made about filming and release? In fact, the on-going rating is extremely important here. In Japan, the latest anime and manga ratings can be found in Jump magazine. It was the drop in ratings that cut off the release of new episodes of the Bleach anime, despite the fact that the manga is still being published. But long terms are not necessarily goodbye. For example, recently, after a fifteen-year break, the ongoing movie “Sakura the Card Catcher” began to be filmed again.

How are the top on-goings formed? It should be understood that the industry is aimed at making a profit and the buyer votes with his wallet. Japan is a country that is extremely sensitive to copyright, so just go online and download new series free is unthinkable. New series are released on television, people buy CDs, volumes of manga, and pay for the appearance of all kinds of projects related to their favorite story. These are huge profits, and when they start to fall, the project is curtailed. This means that a new, no less exciting story will appear soon.

0 For those who have just begun to get involved in amazing Japanese cartoons, the question arises of finding out the meaning and meaning of many terms and expressions that suddenly pop up from all sides, like mushrooms after rain. Therefore, we made a strong-willed decision to create a separate category on the site in order to help you understand this “subject”. Add us to your bookmarks, and you will often find interesting concepts here that will pique your curiosity. Now we will talk about the strange thing about the servants of a Russian person, a word Ongoing, what it means in anime, you can read a little below.
However, before you continue, I want to recommend you a couple of other popular publications on the subject of anime slang. For example, what does Mary Sue mean, what is Ohegao, how to understand the word Seme, what does NC-17 mean, etc.
So let's continue What does Ongoing mean?? This term was borrowed from in English "ongoing", which can be translated as "coming right now."

Ongoing- any series currently broadcast on TV in its premiere fits this definition

In fact, this concept can be applied not only to anime. Essentially, it can be anything, consisting of several episodes. Although, if you ask any teenager what does it mean Ongoing, then he will not hesitate to explain that this simple term will directly relate to anime series.

It is worth noting that such a concept as Ongoing arose at the dawn of the formation of TV programs, because even “12 chairs” or “17 moments of spring” can be “called” by this word. That is, they were “ongoing” when they were first seen on TV, in the premiere show.

In our time " Ongoing" are usually called Japanese animated series, and there is an explanation for this. If we touch on such super blockbusters as "Bleach" or "Naruto", then we can understand what Ongoing is in the specific sense of the word.
In our case, these projects strictly adhered to the canons of manga, according to which these two masterpieces were created. True, there is one “But” here, sometimes the manga creator himself has no idea where he will take his storyline, and in this case small inconsistencies arise. What to do if the anime catches up with the manga in its plot? In this case, in order not to stop the project, the authors resort to popular technique, they start filming “fillers”.
In terms of plot, they are not connected with the main action in the anime, and therefore they can be considered some kind of “side-queels”.

In anime ongoings- these are series with a decent number of parts, that is, much more than the standard 24 episodes.

After reading this simple publication, you will now be aware of What does Ongoing mean?, and you will no longer be stumped when you discover this strange word.

Date of: Yesterday, 17:37

I couldn't start watching this anime for a long time. At first I walked around, thinking it was something boring. Then, when I became interested, I put it off. But now, having watched it, I regret that I didn’t watch it earlier. Ocher cool anime. Very interesting as a detective. A little is possible even with Greek mythology learn new things. And, of course, quite touching. I enjoyed it.

Date of: Yesterday, 03:35

It's funny, although there are moments that are annoying. As for me, the theme of the relationship between the necromancer and the main character is not sufficiently explored, but for comedy it is, in principle, unimportant. Overall 10/10, just what you need to relax in the late evening.

Date of: 16-04-2019, 23:08

How a little story with the aim of showing some excerpt from the life of a character (in this case, Raven) - it turned out quite well. It looks quite interesting and tells a little about the character’s past. But the fact of the matter is that it’s a LITTLE. As for the backstory of the character or the entire anime - none. Nothing is said. The OVA does not answer questions that arose after watching the season. I will never say that you don’t need to watch it. However, you shouldn’t expect anything serious from it in terms of the plot of the entire title. Just “watch and have fun.”

Date of: 16-04-2019, 21:00

Quite interesting story came out. True, they mixed everything that was possible, both appropriately and not (the Japs love this), in some places some of the heroes were mowed down, in some places it was honestly boring, but still it was interesting. Thanks for the release!

Date of: 16-04-2019, 01:21

Simple. but with taste. Albeit a primitive plot in my opinion. but there was something in him, some little thing that caught my attention when watching his behavior. the emotions that the characters expressed all this added up to interesting viewing. I'm not a big fan of rom-coms, but I enjoyed watching this one. Thanks for the release!

Date of: 16-04-2019, 01:13

The beginning really hooked me (I was hoping for a harem like this), the middle even more or less, but the ending, to be honest, somehow disappointed me. Yes, it reminded me of "Symphony", but not even close. And so, in principle, it’s worth a look for a change. Thanks for the release!

Date of: 14-04-2019, 21:52

I’ll note that at first I couldn’t watch this anime because of the concept for the male mind in those days, but now I overcame this terrible feeling (the guys got the hint heheh) and decided to delve deeper into this series for reasons of knowing the whole atmosphere of how and what “First Cosmic Speed” is doing for their city, and the fact that Soniko-chan literally fell in love with her kindness and funny charisma is without a doubt, music, music and again music (for the sake of every Eding I’m ready to look and look at amazing cute screensavers at least days to fly by)!!! I am grateful to the anime author, grateful to the dubbers who made it more understanding and soulful for Russian people (Shiza Project to you) and grateful to the Anitokyo site and the main Aizen who brought this anime to this site! A very kind and sometimes ironic anime that I recommend to all ages! 10 kittens out of 10!

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