Copper Crayola. Dictionary of funny names of flowers and color shades

Each color and color shade name has its own history, often associated with a natural phenomenon, animal, plant or stone. But what color is this, excuse me, the cute name “empress vomit”? What about the “Dauphine’s surprise”? Or what kind of colors are hidden under the names “spider plotting a crime”, “merry widow”, “cardinal on the straw”, “the last breath of the Gray”, “Edward’s children”? And what is the difference between “London dirt” and “Paris dirt”?

Read about it here - it's fun!

Aventurine– crimson, dark red.

Aurora– oyster pink.

Adelaide- a red shade of lilac. According to other sources, dark blue. In the 40-50s of the XIX century. used in print: found in Turgenev (“the color of Adelaide, or, as we say, odelloid”) and Dostoevsky (“So this tie is the color of Adelaide?”

Adrianople- bright red, from the name of the paint that was made from madder.

Hellfire, hellfire- purple shade of red. Or pearlescent red. Or black with red streaks.

Alabaster- pale yellow with a matte tint.

Alizarin- color of red alizarin ink.

Almandine- dark cherry.

Akazhu- “mahogany” color, from the French. acajou.

Amaranth- a color close to purple, violet. From the name of the plant “amaranth” - beauty, velvet, marigold, cockscomb (schirets - red grass). Or the color of rosewood wood, lilac-pink, light purple.

Amyanthus- color of amianth (a type of asbestos): whitish, off-white. Most often - about the color of the sky.

Apollo– bright gold.

Baghdad– pinkish, the color of brick dust.

Bakanovy (cormorant)- from “cormorant” - crimson dye obtained from a mealybug; fake, made of madder, etc.

Hook- deep red with a bluish tint.

Market fire I - determining the shade is almost impossible due to the complexity of associations that arise in connection with this name: fiery red with an admixture of yellowish blue or gray. The name arose at the end of the 19th century. - in memory of the terrible fire at a charity market in Paris in May 1897, when a considerable number of people died in the fire and smoke.

Barkansky- one of the shades of red (from barkan ‘thick durable woolen fabric, patterned and plain-dyed, used for upholstery instead of expensive silk damask)

Bistre- thick brown, brown (from bistre - transparent brown paint made from wood soot mixed with water-soluble vegetable glue).

Hips of a frightened nymph- shade of pink. Perhaps it arose at the beginning of the 19th century with the advent of a new variety of roses. (There is also nymph thigh color. It is pale pink, the nymph is calm.) According to other sources, it was pink with an admixture of ocher. Under Emperor Paul, the lining of military uniforms was painted this color. But since the fabric for officers and soldiers was of different quality, the officer’s shade was called “the thigh of a frightened nymph,” and the soldier’s shade was called “the thigh of a frightened Masha.”

Beryl- named after beryl, a transparent greenish-blue stone.

Biscuit- delicate grayish green.

Biskr- yellowish leather colors for upholstery of upholstered furniture.

Bismarck furioso- brown with a red tint.

Bisnoi- gray, silver.

Bistre- bistre color, thick brown, brown.

Blanzhevy, or planchevy(from the French blanc - white), - a creamy shade of white. Dahl has a solid, flesh-colored color.

Bleu Raymond– a shade of blue (from the French bleu “blue” + the name Raymond).

Blockitny– blue-blue. In Ukrainian, “blakitny” means blue.

Blonde- the same as blond (fair-haired, blond).

Bolkaty- black, dark.

Bordeaux wine- red-violet.

"Abdel-Kader's beard", or "Abdel-Kerim's beard"- white material with a black tint and a gray tint.

Bristol Blue- bright blue.

Lingonberry– once meant green (based on the color of the lingonberry leaf).

Beam, timber- red, crimson, lingonberry color.

Bransoliter- shade of brown.

Bulany- grey-beige.

Burnasty- the same as brown.

Busy– dark blue-gray or gray-blue.

Vaidovy- blue. Woad was used instead of indigo.

Merry Widow- shade of pink.

Verdepeshevy– yellow or pink shade of green (similar to peach green).

Verdepomovy– light green, the color of unripe apples.

Verdigris- green-gray, from French. vert-de-gris.

Vermilion- bright red, the color of scarlet cinnabar, from the French. vermilion.

Wine– yellowish-red.

Toad in love– greenish-gray.

Waxed– wax color, from yellow-gray to amber-yellow.

Havana– gray with a hint of brown or vice versa.

Haiti– either pink or bright blue.

Clove- grey.

Heliotrope- heliotrope color, dark green with spots of red or yellow. Or like a heliotrope flower, grayish-purple.

Hyacinth- hyacinth (stone) color, red or golden orange.

Negro head- Since the 18th century, people from Africa were quite often encountered on the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg, which is why one of the brown shades received this name.

Pigeon neck- shade of gray.

Pea– gray or dirty yellow.

Hydrangea- light pink.

Grideperlivy- pearl shade of gray.

Guljafny- red, the color of ripe rose hips. but there was also a definition of this color as “pink”.

Goose droppings (merdua)– yellow-green with a brown tint.

Two-faced- with a shimmer, as if two colors on one side.

Devonshire brown- light yellow

Edward's children- shade of pink. (Children of Edward IV who died in the Tower?)

Jalo santo- yellow, obtained from unripe buckthorn or joster berries.

Wild, wild– light gray.

Dragon green- very dark green.

Drokovy- yellow, the color of paint from the gorse flower.

Smoky- an obsolete form of the word "smoky".

Egyptian brown- nutmeg color.

Gendarme- shade of blue. The word appeared at the end of the 19th century. thanks to the color of the gendarme uniform.

Hot- orange, deep orange.

Iron- approximately the same as the current “steel” one.

Burnt coffee

burnt bread- a complex shade of brown.

Girazole- milky with a rainbow tint, girazole is the old name for noble opal.

Giraffe– yellow-brown.

Jonquil- the color of narcissus.

Zekry– dark, light blue, gray.

Incarnate- the color of raw beef, from lat. carneus, meat.

Scared mouse– soft gray color.

Judas tree– bright pink (The Judas tree, or crimson tree, has bright pink flowers).

Cocoa Shua- the color of hot chocolate.

Camelopard– yellowish-brown.

Cardinal on straw- a combination of yellow and red (this is how the French aristocracy protested about the imprisonment of Cardinal de Rohan in the Bastille in connection with the famous “queen’s necklace” case).

Karmazinny, karmezinny- deep red, from the French. cramoisi, the color of old fine crimson cloth.

Carmine, carmine- a shade of bright red.

Carmelite, capuchin- pure shade of brown.

Castor- dark gray, castor color, woolen cloth.

Casserole- reddish-red, the color of polished copper utensils.

Boiled, boiling white- snow-white, the color of boiling - white foam formed when water boils.

Cleopatra– purple.

Columbine- gray, from French. colombin, "dove".

Congo– polished cuprous gold.

Cinnamon- the same as brown.

Royal Blue- tracing paper from English royal blue, bright blue.

Cochineal- bright red, slightly crimson.

Speckled, speckled- bright red, from him. Krapplack, the color of kraplak paint extracted from madder root.

Kumachovy- the color of kumach, bright red cotton fabric.

Vitriolic- piercing blue, the color of copper sulfate solution.

Vat– blue, deep blue, from the name of the plant cube (also known as indigo).

Partridge's eyes- light red.

Labrador- the color of labradorite, feldspar with a beautiful blue tint.

Lavaliere- yellowish-light brown. It came into fashion, unlike yuft, only in the middle of the 19th century.

Lani(from the name of the animal) – yellowish-brown.

Forest chestnuts

Lily- soft white, the color of a white lily.

London smoke a - dark gray.

London dirt- dark brown.

Lord Byron– dark brown with a reddish tint.

Losinny- off-white, the color of leggings.

Fainted frogs– light gray-green.

Magovo-gulafny– red-pink.

Magenta– bright red, between red and violet. Judging by the fact that one of the flowers was named in honor of the Battle of Solferino in 1859 (see below), and another battle took place near the city of Magenta at the same time, perhaps this name arose at the same time.

Chafer- a red-brown color with a golden tint.

Marengo– gray with splashes of black. The name appeared after the Battle of Marengo in 1800. According to some sources, Napoleon's trousers were of this color; according to others, locally produced handmade fabrics were mainly dark gray.

Marengo-clere- light gray.

Marin, marina- the color of a light sea wave, from the French. marine, marine.

Maria Louise– blue, the color of calamine (a bright blue mineral).

Marquise Pompadour- shade of pink. She took an active part in the creation of Sevres porcelain. The rare pink color, obtained as a result of numerous experiments, is named in her honor - Rose Pompadour.

Massaca– dark red with a blue tint. Found in “War and Peace,” however, there he is “masaka”: “The countess should have worn a masaka velvet dress.”

Bearish(aka bear's ear) is a dark chestnut shade of brown.

Mexican– blue-steel.

Milori- dark blue, blue.

Mov- mauve.

Mordor, Mardor– a color from the red-brown range with a golden tint. The name comes from the French more dore, literally "gilded Moor". This color was especially fashionable in the 1st half of the 19th century.

Moscow fire– similar to the color of crushed lingonberries.

Muram, moire– grassy green.

Nakarat, nakarat– a shade of red, “hot”, scarlet. From French naca-rat.

Navarino flame with smoke (or smoke and flame ) is a dark shade of gray, a fashionable color of cloth that appeared after the Russian victory over the Turks in Navarino Bay in 1827. Mentioned in "Dead Souls". According to one option, Chichikov asks to see cloth of “dark, olive or bottle colors with a sparkle, approaching, so to speak, lingonberries,” in another, he wants to receive cloth “more sparkling, not like a bottle, but so that it would be closer to lingonberries.” And in the picture in the Moscow Telegraph there is a “cloth tailcoat, the color of Navarino smoke” - brown. The flame color obviously denotes lighter shades.

Jade- rich golden yellow, like some types of tea.

Cloudy- cloud colors.

Converted- crimson.

Orletsovy- red-cherry-pink, eagle color.

Opal- milky white, matte white with yellow or blue.

Oreldurs– dark brown with a reddish tint.

Aspen- green with a grayish tint.

Ophitic- color of opite, greenish marble.

Peacock- bluish-lilac.

Pale yellow- a pinkish-beige shade of yellow, from the French. paille – “straw”. According to Dahl, fawn – straw color, pale yellowish. White-yellowish, yellowish-white; yellowish-whitish; about horses: Solovy and Isabella; about dogs: sexual; about pigeons: clayey. Karamzin sang the praises of pale cream.

Paris blue- bright blue.

Paris blue- light blue.

Parisian dirt– dirty brown color. Appeared after the public became acquainted with the essays of Louis-Sébastian Mercier “Pictures of Paris”.

Parnassian rose- a shade of pink with a purple tint.

Spider plotting a crime– a dark shade of gray. According to other sources - black with redness.

Pelesy- dark, brown.

Pervanche- pale blue with a lilac tint.

Pearl barley- pearl gray, from the French. perle, pearl, pearls.

Orange- orange with pink.

Porphyry, porphyry- purple.

Gray's last breath– yellow-red. Perhaps because before death, a gray parrot's eyes turn yellow.

Floating- light yellow. Dahl's is yellowish-whitish, white-yellow, straw-colored.

Green– bluish-greenish.

Prizemny- the color of prazem, light green quartz.

Prunel's– a shade of black, named after the color of ripe mulberry berries; At first, the shade was associated with prunel fabric, which was once only black.

Puketovy- (from spoiled “bouquet”), painted with flowers. From Ostrovsky: “Give me a piece of cloth for a dress and a French shawl.”

Crimson- bright, thick or dark scarlet (worm-shaped).

Pyusovy- brown, brown shade of red, the color of a crushed flea - from the French puce - “flea”. The New Russian Dictionary describes it as simply dark brown. ( There were also shades of “fainting flea,” “flea belly,” and—they’re probably lying—the color of “flea in childbed fever.”).

bird of paradise– straw.

Ranked- the same as orange.

Frisky cowgirl- shade of pink.

Empress Vomiting- shade of brown.

Redry- brown, red, reddish.

Pink Ash– soft gray color, tinged with pink.

Savoyarsky– a color from the red-brown range with a golden tint.

Salmon- shade of pink.

Celadon– grayish-green.

Gray– the color of a dove, then just blue.

Silkovy– blue, cornflower blue.

Blue-scarlet- dark purple.

Blue– a church word meaning “solid blue.”

Blue- with a blue tint.

Scarlet- bright red, from English. scarlet.

Smury– brown shade of gray, dirty gray.

Solovy- grey. The nightingale is named after this color.

Solferino– bright red. Named after the Battle of Solferino in the Austro-Italian-French Wars in 1859.

Somo– pinkish-yellow. Found in War and Peace.

old rose- dirty pink, unsaturated color.

Strizovy- bright red.

Dauphin's surprise (also the color of childish surprise). According to legend, in Paris they began to dye fabrics in the color of diapers after Marie Antoinette showed the courtiers her newly born two-hour-old son, who “disgraced himself” in front of them«.

Tango– orange with a brown tint.

Tausinny– blue, from the word “peacock”. Bluish-purple. According to Dahl - dark blue, according to the New Dictionary of the Russian Language - dark blue with a cherry tint. There are tagashin and tagashovy options.

Terracotta- brown shade of red brick, rust.

Tourmaline- dark crimson, the color of semi-precious tourmaline stone.

Fernambuc- yellow-red, paint extracted from fernambuco wood.

Pistachio- dirty green.

Florentine– yellow with a bronze tint.

Milling cutter– the color of crushed strawberries, light crimson. According to the New Dictionary of the Russian Language - pink with a lilac tint. From French fraise, strawberry.

Fuchsia- rich pink.

Zinc- zinc-colored, bluish-white.

Worm-shaped– a mixture of crimson and blue, bright crimson.

Chermnoy- sparkling red.

Chesuchovy- the color of chesuchi, yellowish-sand silk fabric.

Champagne- transparent yellow, champagne color.

Shamub- light reddish-brown, from the French. chamoi, camel.

Shanzhan- color with iridescent shades

Sharlah– bright red, from the name of the paint.

Chartreuse- yellow-green.

Schmalt– blue, from the name of the paint, which was made from crushed blue glass (smalt).

Ecru- ivory or unbleached linen, grayish-white.

Electrician- sea green, blue, blue with a gray tint.

Electron- bright blue with green.

Esterhazy– silver-gray.

Yubagry (ugly)- crimson, light crimson; light blue.

Yuftevy- yellowish-light brown. The color yufti was widespread in the first quarter of the 19th century.

Japanese rose– the color of crushed strawberries.

Yakhontovy– red, purple or dark blue.

from the sites,

Table (palette) of colors html gives you the opportunity to independently choose the tone you need. The color value is displayed in three formats: Hex, RGB and HSV.

  • Hex consists of three two-character values ​​in the hexadecimal number system. For example: #ff00b3, where the first pair of numbers is red, the second is green, and the third is blue.
  • RGB (RedGreenBlue) has the form "200,100,255", indicating the amount of the corresponding tone (red, green, blue) in the resulting color.
  • HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value - tone, saturation, value) - a color model in which the coordinates are:
    • Hue - color tone, can vary from 0° to 360°.
    • Saturation - saturation, varies from 0-100 or 0-1. The higher this parameter, the “purer” the color, which is why this parameter is sometimes called color purity. And the closer this parameter is to zero, the closer the color is to neutral gray.
    • Value (color value) - sets the brightness, the value can also vary between 0-100 or 0-1.

Enter color code: GO

List of colors with names

The table lists the English color names (which can be used as values) supported by all browsers and their hexadecimal values. All colors listed are “safe”, meaning they will appear the same in all browsers.

Color name HEX Color
Medium Blue#0000CD
Dodger Blue#1E90FF
Cadet Blue#5F9EA0
Slate Blue#6A5ACD
Slate Gray#708090
Light Blue#ADD8E6
Dark Khaki#BDB76B
Blanched Almond#FFEBCD

The perception of color is very subjective, since it is determined by both the physiological and cultural characteristics of humanity. Therefore, we offer to your attention table with samples of shades and colors.

Names of color shades photo

Also very often there are such descriptions of colors and shades of fabrics, threads, cosmetic products, paints, etc., the meaning of which is sometimes unclear. Some consider it professional, while others find it simply interesting and funny.

Below are names of colors and shades with photos, the names of which may be useful to you. Many of these terms belong to other eras that are coming back into fashion.

The human eye can distinguish more than a million halftones and shades. Therefore, it is often almost impossible to describe in words the multiple colors of the world. But we offer you photos that show the main names of color shades with examples. Although, as you already understand, this is not a complete list, but even it can help you.

As you already understand, our short review is devoted to the names of colors, or rather, their shades. We told with illustrative examples about the most famous names of colors and shades, which are used by fashion and stylistics. Based on the photo with the names of the shades, you can easily navigate through the variety of names of shades and paints.

Red, green and blue serve as the basis for many other colors. The palette is so diverse that the names of colors and shades are collected in catalogs. But even such systematization does not allow us to fully convey all the beauty. Very often people define and call the same familiar shade differently. What can we say about rare shades. Today we will try to understand these names and the general rules for forming the palette and shades of colors.

Colors with unusual names

The names of many colors and shades are often arbitrary and subjective. They may differ greatly in neighboring cultures. At the same time, different spectral compositions can be equally perceived by visual receptors. Scientifically, this is called the color metamerism effect.

Man's desire to give a name to every process, phenomenon, action or object has led to the fact that many shades have their own names. They can be unusual and very rare in use.

Adelaide is not only a beautiful female name with French roots. Dostoevsky and Turgenev used this color in their works (the work “The Office”). Today, Adelaide is a red shade of lilac or blue, close to purple.

Purple with a red tint is a shade of hellfire. Also referred to as hellish or hellfire color. Sometimes depicted as pearlescent red or red and black.

“Nymph thigh color” sounds humorous. This is the name given to pale pink. Direct association leads to the ancient image of nymphs and the invented goddess of the dawn, Aurora. There is a version that the name arose at the beginning of the 19th century when a new variety of roses appeared.

The “color of market lights” does not have a clearly defined shade. It is described by people with good imagination as fiery red with a grayish (yellow-blue) admixture. Its name arose at the end of the 19th century as a memory of a tragic event - a fire in Paris at a charity bazaar. Then, during the tragedy, many people died.

For a long time in Russian, lingonberry denoted the color of the lingonberry leaf – green. Today it is considered a shade of red. A ripe lingonberry is deep pink or light red. It is interesting that this is the color used in the description of the banner of Ivan the Terrible.

Optimism and tragedy merged in a popular shade of the 18th century - "black widow". For some unknown reason, this was the name given to one of the undertones of pink.

Blonde is associated with blondes and their hair color. The name comes from French, translated as light brown, golden, reddish, blond. It is all these shades that blond incorporates. Light, with a yellowish-golden tint - this is a more accurate verbal description of this color. Until the 19th century, the word had a different meaning: special lace was called blonde. These laces were made from golden raw silk. Later it was allowed to add white or black to the thread.

The “giraffe belly color” actually resembles the coat color of the animal in that area. Defined as a combination of two shades: reddish yellow and light brown. Additional names are “giraffe in love” and “giraffes in exile.” The history of its appearance begins in 1827. The local Botanical Garden has a new resident - a female giraffe. It was sent as a gift by the Viceroy of Egypt.

From the French word for "straw" comes the pale yellow shade called fawn. It is sometimes described as dull yellow or pink-beige, with a large admixture of yellow. Dahl defined it as straw. A horse with hair of this color will be called a nightingale or isabella, a dog will be called a sexual pigeon, and a pigeon will be called a clay pigeon.

"White" acts as a synonym for the color indigo. Verbally described as dark blue or blue. Today it is used very rarely due to the popularization of “indigo”, which is extracted from plant materials. The base is the juice of a tropical plant of the legume family. Defined as dark blue.

Modern harlequin denotes scattered spots of color over a surface. Initially used to determine variegation and color. At the beginning of the 19th century, a very fashionable fabric at that time, consisting of multi-colored triangles, was described in this way. Sometimes the color of opal was called harlequin due to the play of light on the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow. Today it is most often used to describe the color of an animal whose skin has spots scattered throughout its body.

Havana cigars differed not only in their composition, but also in color. Therefore, this product began to be called Havana based on its color design. Or Havana Brown. Havana is described as dark brown with a touch of chocolate. Another version of the shade, designated by the same name, is a little lighter, similar to a mixture of chestnut and lilac.

Professional use of flowers

Directories containing the names of more than a thousand colors and shades have been published on the Internet. Simple online programs allow the service user to independently set the color according to certain parameters. The name is determined automatically. Such catalogs are in demand by people of different professions and are actively used by them.

In the modern world, selling things has become an art with fine edges, serious research and psychological techniques. Work on the visual perception of a product is defined as the most important criterion for the successful sale of products. 93% of buyers focus on the appearance of the packaging when purchasing a product for the first time. 85% of people take from the shelves those bags whose color matches the product and they personally like.

Research has shown that color solutions are not universal. That is, the same shade evokes different associations among different peoples. Specifically for North Americans, the following color specifications apply:

  • yellow – youth, optimism. Optimal use: color of shop windows, to attract attention;
  • red – energy. It is used for total sales;
  • blue – trust, security. In this region, banks and large offices are painted with it;
  • green is a relaxing color. Associations with wealth make it popular in business;
  • black – glossy, powerful. Optimal use: promotion of luxury goods;
  • orange – aggression. Convenient as a call to action;
  • pink – romance, femininity. Used as a way to attract clients;
  • purple – peace, tranquility. The use of purple is justified in the anti-aging beauty products industry.

The unique ability of color to change customer behavior is also used in the design of electronic resources. Automatic tables “Names of colors and shades” are very convenient for web designers, allowing them to generate HTML code.

Determining color in this profession is more important than anywhere else. The fact is that the same shade can be displayed differently on the monitor. A lack of gamma correction results in, for example, all dark shades being perceived as black.

Teaching children to know colors

Based on associations and research on the effects of color on brain and motor activity, psychologists give their recommendations for children's rooms. The room where the child plays or sleeps should not be painted in bright colors. Red and rich orange stimulate activity. The child is naturally active, so additional stimulation is not needed in this case. Dark colors (blue, green, purple) can be overwhelming. Therefore, their use is also not advisable.

The color of a children's room should be associated with an ideal childhood. For example, it could be peach, soft light green, muted yellow. Bright accents will be added automatically. Children often draw - their creativity will certainly decorate the room.

Designers, learning the basics of the profession, become familiar with color theory. At the same time, it is always mentioned in the learning process that shade belongs to a subjective category. Color theory as a whole science allows us to explain some connections in the “perception-emotion” chain.

It is important for a successful designer to learn how to combine colors from different (non-adjacent) groups to create their own projects. Cold and warm shades are where the difficult, but most successful creative solution lies. However, the right combination of shades is a matter of both taste and experience.

Psychologists say

The study of various groups of professions led scientists to unusual results. It turned out that representatives of the exact sciences prefer green. The combination of green and blue colors is typical for inventors. The sphere of interests of such people lies in engineering and design activities. Green color is chosen by accountants, military personnel, and economists.

Blue is not the characteristic color of any profession. A connection has been found between the love of blue and such personality traits as concentration, thoughtfulness, and accuracy. “Blue” people do not like to make decisions on their own and are afraid of responsibility. At the same time, they are good performers. The best way to work is in an office where the number of external contacts is kept to a minimum. Combined with high intelligence, love for this color is typical for art critics, writers, and scientists.

Sympathy for the color red is also not typical for any particular professional group. Preference for this color signifies a desire for leadership and determination. Many high-ranking managers, public activists, and administrators, although they do not wear red suits, love this color. Creative independence is defined as a love for the color combination of red and purple.

A love of communication and involvement in social networks are characteristic of people who prefer yellow. Color describes the freedom that politicians, scientists, and businessmen strive for in their daily activities. The predominance of an artistic mindset and imagery in perception are the characteristics of people who prefer yellow.

The palette of colors and shades used by artists and designers is simply amazing. And thanks to changing trends, fashionistas around the world are just as diligently studying color schemes, just like fashion magazines. Thus, upon closer examination, the familiar yellow color is divided into: mustard, gold, lemon, saffron, canary, pear, corn, chartreuse, spring bud, dahlia yellow, tangerine, antique gold... and this is not a complete list of its shades! How to understand the existing variety of shades, and most importantly - is it necessary at all? After all, the perception of color is purely subjective, it is influenced not only by cultural factors, but also by physiological ones (the ability of the eye to distinguish nuances of color varies from person to person by nature). Additionally, a shade may appear warmer or cooler depending on the colors around it.

Cool colors and shades

To clearly demonstrate the continuity of transitions of colors and shades, a color wheel is used. It is based on three colors: red, yellow and blue. When mixing these colors with each other, we get intermediate colors: orange, green and purple. All other shades are obtained by mixing these colors with each other, as well as with black and white.

There are three main ways to display the color wheel, although they are essentially the same thing.

The basis of cool colors is a bluish undertone. If, when looking at a color, you can imagine that blue, gray or - this shade is cold - shines through it.

Cool shades are:

  • Dark red;
  • cochineal;
  • scarlet;
  • alizarin;
  • crimson;
  • cardinal;
  • magenta;
  • eggplant;
  • wisteria;
  • citric;
  • taup;
  • jade;
  • aquamarine;
  • indigo;
  • Prussian blue;
  • gridperleft;
  • anthracite;
  • Marengo.

Warm shades of colors

It should be borne in mind that the perception of many shades depends on the colors nearby. The expression “everything is known by comparison” is very relevant for color temperature. Even among the shades of the same temperature scale, you can find warmer and cooler shades. The easiest way to compare shades is with a neutral (for example, white). Warm shades of color will have a “glow” of yellow, red or pink.

These include:

In addition, there are also so-called neutral colors:

For the correct combination of colors and shades, you should learn to distinguish warm tones from cold ones. There are three ways to create color compositions.

For the first of them, several shades of the same color are chosen. This method is suitable for creating discreet, elegant ensembles.

For the second, adjacent colors (located next to each other on the color wheel) are combined.

The third method uses complementary colors (located on opposite parts of the color wheel). In this way, the most catchy, effective compositions are obtained.

As you can see, it is still worth learning to distinguish between warm and cold colors and shades, but it is not at all necessary to memorize the names of each of the dozens of tones and halftones. Even if you are a stylist or designer, it will be easier to carry several color palettes with names with you than to constantly keep colors in memory. Plus, it's much easier to show an example of color than to try to explain the difference between, for example, Indian red, salmon and light coral.

Editor's Choice
The palette of colors and shades used by artists and designers is simply amazing. And thanks to changing trends, fashionistas all over the world...

Each name of color and color shade has its own history; they are often associated by association with a natural phenomenon, animal,...

The word "dormition", which has the same root as the word "deceased", means "sleep". This is how the Church calls the day of the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The event...

For Orthodox Christians, Forgiveness Sunday is not just a way to express their emotions and cleanse their souls of sins by seeking forgiveness...
With the advent of the New Year 2019, the Yellow Dog will give up its patron rights to the Yellow Pig, ruled by the same element - the Earth. This fact...
On New Year's Day, even skeptics tend to believe superstitions. Many signs have been collected over centuries and have been time-tested. Find out how to appease...
Different coffee drinks require different cups. So, oriental coffee is drunk from a cup of dmitas (60-75 ml). Moreover, she...
Coffee is a delicious drink that can be drunk on its own or served with various dishes. It pairs best with the following products:...
Beautiful curls are an excellent basis for festive hairstyles for graduation, weddings, a matinee at school or kindergarten. Even if nature doesn't...