Tatyana Larina: advice from a psychic witch for all occasions. Psychic Tatyana Larina: I know that this attempt on my life is not the last. How did the personal life of Tatyana and Yulia turn out?

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Biography, life story of Tatyana Larina

Tatyana Larina is a psychic, ex-singer and ex-model.


Tatyana was born in St. Petersburg on February 21, 1978. She is a hereditary esotericist. Tatyana inherited her ability for extrasensory perception from her close relatives.

Music and modeling

In her youth, Tatyana Larina dreamed of becoming a singer. However, over time, having reached certain heights in this field, she realized that this profession did not bring her any satisfaction. Deciding to radically change her life, Larina leaves Russia and goes to the West, where she begins working as a fashion model. At the same time, the girl gradually developed her unusual talents.

Returning to Russia, Tatyana Larina again became interested in music and even recorded a solo album. It is based on compositions with folk and ethnic motifs and shades. Soon Larina recorded a joint album with a popular singer.

Extrasensory perception

After achieving success in the world of music, Tatyana Larina began to study her superpowers. Especially for this, Tatyana went to Israel, where she learned to control energy flows. Upon returning to her native St. Petersburg, Larina began practicing on her own. The main direction of her activity is the management of human phobias. Tatyana helps people get rid of fears that interfere with their lives. True, in this case the medium has to pass all the client’s pain through himself. However, this does not stop Larina and does not prevent her from continuing to help others.


Tatyana Larina came to the show “Battle of Psychics” on the recommendation of her mentor and partner Natalya Banteeva, the winner of the 9th season of the program. From the very first episode of the reality show, Tatyana Larina charmed and amazed the audience. Many predicted her an unconditional victory. However, as a result, the winner of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” became. Tatyana Larina took an honorable second place.

Personal life

For many years, Larina was tormented by nightmares. Tatyana's husband decided to save his beloved from suffering and introduced her to Natalya Banteeva, who, he hoped, would cure his wife. Natalya not only helped Tatyana forget the horrors of the night, but also took her as her student. As a result, Larina divorced her husband. The psychic does not talk about the reasons for the collapse of family life.

Information often appears in the media that Larina has a son, and perhaps more than one. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.

In the final episode of the 15th “Battle of Psychics,” Tatyana Larina and Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky, a psychic analyst from Latvia, announced to the public their upcoming wedding. On July 8, 2015, the lovers got married in the Pavlovsk Palace Museum near St. Petersburg.

She dreamed so much about a second child! She knew it would be a girl and predicted a great fate for her. But now I’m ready to do anything to get rid of my unborn daughter...

“I want to punish him!” - the twilight witch Tatyana Larina, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” gets her cheekbones cramped when the name of her last husband is mentioned. Those who know her are wide-eyed: how can it be, there was such unearthly love - where did it go? After all, she trumpeted about her wonderful marriage with Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky on every corner. My husband and I wrote about them and made programs. Of course: the first married couple of psychics in the history of Russia. Exotic!


When we had just started dating, I asked Yulik: “Do you understand why we met?” He replied: “Yes, to have a baby.” We both knew that this would be a daughter and she would become the strongest psychic in the world,” Tatyana said about the “highest mission” of her marriage.

Fate collided with Yuliy Mitkevich-Daletsky, who calls himself a magician, on the 15th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” He is a 22-year-old guy, she is a well-lived woman whose husband is old enough to be her son. Tatyana did not hide: she had three unsuccessful marriages, and all three spouses cheated on her.

They all lied to my face. I knew when they cheated, and they looked with the most honest eyes and said that nothing had happened,” Larina complained. - My composer husband, for example, went on tour and drank after the concert to relax, but, alas, the anti-stress program was not limited to this. When I returned, I told him about his exploits, he denied them, I caused a scandal. And this has always been the case with all husbands...


But Julius, it would seem, was made of a completely different cloth. Besides, they connected in such a strange way.

At that time, Tatyana was not in the best shape. She broke her leg, so she moved around the set in a wheelchair. And the young magician suddenly began to take care of her touchingly.

“I convinced myself that Yuliy was just a very good person and, like a Timurite, decided to help his disabled grandmother,” she laughed. - Well, how can you fall in love with a woman 24 years older, who is in a cast and on crutches?

Nevertheless, after the end of the project they got married. Registration - for the first time in the last 200 years - took place in the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg. The newlyweds decided not to consider the bride’s wedding ring falling during the ceremony as a bad omen.


Tatyana lived in marriage with Julius for two years. She praised him in every possible way. She said what a great guy he was: he sacrificed his career for her sake - he sits at home, helps raise her son Grisha from a previous relationship, fries cutlets, cooks soup. He takes pity and encourages his wife when she is tired. Ideal husband!

The only thing that darkened the family idyll was the absence of a child. Tatyana did not hide the fact that she was no longer able to get pregnant on her own. She didn’t know whether it was due to age or numerous previously terminated pregnancies. But the idea of ​​having a common baby was so obsessive that she and Julius couldn’t even think about anything else. The couple resorted to the IVF procedure, spending all their earnings on it.

We made 12 attempts, and all of them were unsuccessful. Transfer - and on the fourth day the embryo freezes, - said Larina.

She recovered from hormonal therapy, but her nerves were getting worse and Tatyana was constantly breaking into hysterics. But even in this state, she publicly thanked her husband for his support and understanding...

And suddenly she declared: I can’t see him anymore! She explained it simply: she suddenly returned home, and there Yulik was having fun with the young ladies. Larina could not forgive the betrayal - and filed for divorce for the fourth time.

What did they say before? Did not get along? Consider this the main reason,” she said in August, after becoming free.


But now, three months later, the witch still decided to wash her dirty laundry in public.

My husband beat me, it lasted almost a year,” she shocked with her confession. - Julius became aggressive and lost his temper. When he bludgeoned me in front of an eight-year-old child, he was in a strange state, as if on drugs. The next day I woke up a different person and behaved as if nothing had happened. And I had to cover up the bruises... I want to punish him for violence and am preparing a statement to the police!

Tatyana also said that all this time she supported her young husband. And he slowly stole money from her. Once, for example, “he took 400 thousand from a cache and said nothing. It turns out that he stole." After Larina also caught the guy with the girls, her patience came to an end. Now she wants to forget this whole nightmare as quickly as possible.

And only one thing still connects her with her ex-husband. The daughter they dreamed of so much. A girl in whom the genes of two psychics would merge.

Everything almost worked out,” says Tatyana. - The next stage should have been implantation into the uterus. But now I don’t want to give birth to this man! I called the clinic with a request to dispose of the embryo. However, permission from the other parent is required. But I will still solve this issue...

Tatyana Larina was born on February 21, 1978 in St. Petersburg. Tatyana does not reveal the details of her childhood, but it is known that her psychic abilities were inherited. Tatyana's close relatives were close to the world of esotericism, although Tanya's parents were frightened by their daughter's stories about the dead and were upset by the girl's oddities.

Before coming to the show “Battle of Psychics” (season 15), Tatyana tried herself as a singer. The girl had enough talent to win a place on Olympus, but she didn’t have the heart for this activity. In search of herself, Mrs. Larina went abroad, where she worked as a fashion model. Returning to Russia, Tatyana recorded a joint album with performer Zara. The musical compositions of the joint work of two extraordinary singers carry ethnic and folk motifs.

Tatyana developed her esoteric abilities in Israel. Tatyana has a powerful natural gift, but her abilities must be managed correctly. This is what she was taught in the Holy Land. Having completed training and learned to send her energy in the right direction, Tatyana became one of the most powerful St. Petersburg psychics.

According to magical traditions, a gifted child should be taught the basics of magic by his relatives with the same abilities; why this did not happen in Tatyana’s family is not clear. It is known that her first magical mentor was an Israeli clairvoyant; Tatyana still uses spells in Hebrew in her practices.

Tatyana Larina and Natalya Banteeva

Tatyana admits that sometimes it is very difficult for her, and in her hearts she calls her gift a punishment. It is impossible to help a person without letting his pain and suffering pass through, but Tatyana helps thousands. Meeting the gaze of a person, Tatyana can see fragments from his past, she is also shown those moments that broke the fate of a particular individual, and then the witch comes to an understanding of how to change everything for the better.

Ms. Larina came to the “Battle of Psychics” on the advice of her mentor in psychic affairs, Natalya Banteeva, who won one of the previous seasons of the show. Tatyana herself came second in the battle after the shocking Julia Wang, gaining 19.9% ​​of the votes.

Tatyana Larina is being tested in the show "Battle of Psychics"

Natalya Banteeva is known for her complex character and penchant for intrigue. Natalya and Tatyana's paths diverged. Larina left the St. Petersburg Coven of Witches, which was headed by Banteeva, saying that the basis of the witch community should be work, the collection of knowledge, growth and perspective, and not squabbles, gossip and damage to reputation. Considering Tatyana’s strong character and charisma, you can be sure that she will not be left without clients and without work.

Tatyana Larina is incredibly loved by the audience, who believe in her strength and see her sincerity and sincerity. Today the twilight witch can be seen in the show “Battle of Psychics with Tatyana Larina” where she undertakes to unravel the most complex stories, often her visions help the police.

Tatyana Larina made it to the finals of the "Battle of Psychics"

The battle of psychics with the participation of Tatyana Larina was watched by millions of television viewers, but no one noticed that feelings were flaring up between our heroine and another participant, Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. The denouement came in the finale of the show, when Tatyana received a marriage proposal from her lover live.

Tatyana Larina was married to Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky

It is noteworthy that the main prize of the show is a figurine in the shape of a hand; as is known, Mrs. Wang took it, and Tatyana, having accepted the offer of the ambitious Yuli, went home hand in hand with her future husband. The couple was happy together for several years. Recently information appeared that Tatyana broke off relations with Mitkevich-Daletsky, having learned that he was having fun with young girls.

Tatyana Larina today

This is not Tatyana's first marriage. It is known that Tatyana was married and gave birth to two sons, one of whom was rumored to have been taken by her ex-husband. Her son Grisha lives with Tatyana. The psychic admits that he dreams of having a girl. Tatyana is not afraid that she currently does not have a husband, because thanks to the modern IVF procedure, it is possible to get by with biomaterial. We wish Tatyana good luck in her plans.

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In July 2015, in the finale of the “Battle of Psychics,” for the first time in the history of the show, two magicians got married. Witch Tatyana Larina and psychic Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky got married. But they didn't live together for long. Last fall, Larina announced a divorce.

The star of the popular TNT television show “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina openly spoke about her “ex-marriage.” As it turned out, the marriage of the clairvoyant and her husband, Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky, was not so ideal. It is known that the psychic filed for divorce after she caught her husband having fun in their apartment in the company of unknown girls. However, this incident was not the real reason for the breakup of the couple. Larina admitted that she had more compelling reasons to leave Julius. According to Tatyana, Mitkevich-Daletsky beat her several times. According to the clairvoyant, she endured her husband’s assault for a whole year, hoping that he would change, but this did not happen.

Tatyana Larina and Yuliy Mitkevich Daletsky divorce: Watch VIDEO

Tatyana Larina and Yuliy Mitkevich Daletsky divorce: Funeral attire during divorce

In the program “Actually” they began to accuse the witch: they say, why couldn’t she see this in him, she’s a hereditary witch??? Tatyana Larina explained it this way: she was already 49 years old and she believed the man, in his love, “put on rose-colored glasses” and wanted to become a mother. And he promised her happiness and a child. But IVF attempts lasted three years, but ended in nothing.

“I decided to wear all black because I’m burying my past life. That is, I divide it into “before” and “after”. (…) I can’t say that I’m very upset. No matter what anyone wishes, everyone will still get divorced. There is no such thing as love for life... There is monogamy in Christianity, and it is wrong. Man is an animal; he cannot live with one person. Stories about love to death are not true, because physics still works,” says the divorced witch.

Hello, dear friends. And again we will go into the world of the mysterious and inexplicable. Let's meet another mystical personality. Remember, the lines of the classic - “So, she was called Tatyana.” Only the heroine of this article is completely another Tatyana Larina. And you, of course, already guessed that this is the finalist of the 15th season of the “” program.

Meeting Banteeva, participating in a television program

Tatyana is from St. Petersburg. She does not like to share the facts of her early biography; she believes that it is not particularly important. Some sources indicate that she was born on February 21, 1978, although the clairvoyant herself sometimes says that the year of her birth is 1900...

Before participating in the program, the St. Petersburg witch Larina was actively involved in vocals and released a joint album with singer Zara. However, music did not become her main vocation.

One day a turning point came in Tatyana’s life. She was married then, and her life flowed more or less smoothly. Suddenly, nightmares burst into her calm existence, tormenting her with terrible force.

Larina's husband turned to the center for help. As you remember, Banteeva is the winner of the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics” program. This is how Tatyana and Natalya met. The owner of the center not only solved the problem with nightmares, but also helped our heroine discover her abilities, develop the gift of clairvoyance and control of the elements.

On the recommendation of Banteeva, Larina took part in the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project; she was remembered as an emotional clairvoyant with blond hair, a piercing gaze, and remarkable magical abilities.

From the first release of the program, Tatyana acquired fans. She was even secretly given the nickname “Lara Croft” for some resemblance to the heroine of the famous film. However, in reality the sorceress turned out to be very emotional; she cried more than once after the tests due to enormous nervous tension. Her sincere experiences captivated the audience.

The test of finding a girl in the trunk of a car shocked observers and made them believe in the magical abilities of the medium. First of all, Tatyana hugged the presenter and said that she had taken away from him the calm and strength that she now lacks.

Among the many cars in the parking lot, the witch chose two. Larina rushed in her choice from one car to another, saying that this could not be - the hidden girl (or rather, her energy) was split into two. In the end, she nevertheless pointed to the car that was on her right hand and... she was mistaken. But what shocked the audience? It turned out that it was in this car that the girl arrived, who was hidden in the second car indicated by Larina.

The Twilight Witch's Look and Magic Words

Extrasensory perception, magic, esotericism - this is what Tatyana has been doing professionally for more than four years. She studied energy management in Israel with world-famous mentors in certain circles.

Thanks to this, as well as her innate abilities, she considers herself the strongest witch in the northern capital. Now he has Russian and Israeli citizenship. Tatyana admits that just by looking into a person’s eyes, she sees his whole life, his fears and misfortunes. Besides, he knows how to help.

This is not surprising, one has only to look into her eyes - one is struck by the piercing depth and mystical insight. Larina does not hide the fact that she uses the energy of other people as an energy boost.

Once, in a program before a decisive performance, Tatyana demonstrated to the public how she feeds on other people’s energy. She admitted that she needed male energy in order to continue competing. To do this, she asked the leader to unbutton his shirt, put her handkerchief to his chest and read the spell. By the way, spells in ancient languages, as well as fire and weapons are the main attributes of her magical practices.

Twilight witch - that's what a psychic from. This means that she sees a parallel world, the so-called “twilight”, which ordinary people are not able to see. In the darkness, all the damage, curses, negative thoughts, words hanging over a person are clearly visible.

Tatyana reveals the secret of magical practices. She says that there are two powerful words that witches use, these are the words “I allow” and “I cancel.” After any initiations, suggestions, spells, these “keys” must be spoken; with the help of them, the rituals performed acquire power.

Only - the St. Petersburg witch warns - you need to be very careful with these words - they are very strong and capable of fulfilling wishes. Some uninitiated use them too often, however, they forget about the law of conservation of energy: if you get something, you need to give something.

Professional activity

Tatyana provides her assistance by working at the personality development center “Wake Up” by Natalya Banteeva in St. Petersburg. Tatyana considers Natalia her spiritual mentor.

Larina’s range of capabilities includes:

  • help to get out of difficult situations;
  • removal of curses, damage, evil eye;
  • neutralization of phobias, fears, obsessive states;
  • the ability to read information from objects (in particular mirror surfaces);
  • control of the elements of nature (of course, not causing an earthquake, tornado or volcanic eruption);
  • attracting money and good luck in business;
  • the ability to see the past, future and present;
  • restoration of energy balance (help in finding inner peace).

During her time at the center, Larina helped many people. In addition to supporting those suffering, the center’s staff, led by them, periodically organize thematic events such as “Walpurgis Night”, “Halloween”, “Witch Burning” and others. They organized a so-called “coven of witches” - a circle of friends in the twilight.

They regularly gather and conduct ritual ceremonies and magical practices. Larina admits that it was the coven that provided fundamental, but not the only, support when she took part in the “Battle of Psychics” program. In her interview, she asked her fans to send her positive energy impulses.

When Tatyana was asked whether other project participants had an influence on her, she replied that in war, as in sex, if there is no influence, then there is no buzz. And after passing the qualifying round, Larina broke her leg, perhaps this was the result of someone else’s magical influence. However, the witch herself does not support this point of view.

She said that her little son Grisha was seriously ill, and Tatyana ran to the cemetery to perform a special ritual for the child’s health. Her leg slipped off the curb, causing the woman to suffer a fracture. However, the trip to the cemetery was not useless - the boy was saved. And the leg is retribution to the dead for helping to heal their son.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the victory in the project went to the one who was accustomed to shocking the public, participation in the program played a key role in life Tatiana Larina. The St. Petersburg witch was not upset that she took second place in the voting results.

She said that Julia’s victory was more important, and she, Tatyana, found her destiny. She was proposed to by another participant in the “Battle” - the young psychic Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky. In July 2015 they got married.

The magnificent Tatiana in a dress the color of heavenly azure with her chosen one dressed in a black suit held a wedding ceremony in the Pavlovsk Palace, which is near St. Petersburg. This is the first wedding in this place in two hundred years.

Yuliy Daletsky is much younger than Larina, but the age difference of more than ten years is not an obstacle to the happiness of young people. Tatyana herself is sure that every person has a soul mate somewhere, and her soul mate is Yuli.

The tandem of two psychics is truly a force. Moreover, Daletsky is also an active practitioner. In one of his posts on the social network, Yuliy admits that he loves negative comments, as he happily damages their authors. So, you should be careful.

Battle of psychics about Tatyana Larina

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