Albanian female names. Beautiful Albanian names: etymology, features of choice, meaning and sound in Russian

Albanian names are very eclectic. In one family, both Christian and Muslim, as well as national naming options, can be found.

And since not only indigenous Albanians live in the country, but also Greeks, Romanians, Macedonians, Serbs, the name book in Albania is quite large.


Albania is considered the heir of the Illyrian culture. Not only this left its mark on the traditions of naming, but also relations with Rome and Byzantium, the adoption of Christianity, the conquest of the territory for a long 500 years by the Ottoman Empire.

Albanian belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It is very difficult to distinguish native Albanian words and borrowed ones from Greek, Latin, Turkish and Slavic languages. That is why it is very difficult to determine the meaning, and often the origin of ancient names. Some names were formed from the names of ancient tribes, for example, Arben or Ardian. Others came from Greek and Latin, such as Genti, Constantini, Lorek.

Religion also played an important role. Since the people were constantly invaded by either representatives of Christianity or representatives of Islam, both Muslim and Christian names are used with equal frequency. However, the Albanians never adopted them without modification, they remade them in the local manner. For example, Pjeter (Peter), Edward (Edward), Aferdita, Ismail, John, Venus, Ever.

What is the correct name for a child?

When choosing an Albanian name for babies, you can stop at such popular options, formed from the following concepts:

  1. Heavenly luminaries. Bardhil "white star", Rezar "golden ray", Illka ​​"star", Dillza "sunny".
  2. natural phenomena. Ermir "good wind", Voldet "sea wave", Bora "snow", Veton "lightning".
  3. precious metals especially gold. Arlind "gold", Ariana "golden life", Arta "golden".
  4. Trees, flowers(especially for girls). Lulezim "bloom", Manjola "magnolia", Laljeta "flower of life".
  5. Animals and birds. Pellamb "dove", Louan "lion", Schkeip "eagle".
  6. Abstract concept glorifying life. Agon "dawn", Berim "source", Djeton "life", Jesim "joy", Rilinda "rebirth", Shpresa "hope", Mirjeta "good life".

A separate category is made up of names that praise the best male and female qualities. For boys, these are Leothrim “brave”, Skender “protector”, Fatos “brave”, Erwin “man of honor”. The girls are given the following names - Fatjeta "lucky", Edona "loving", Bujar "generous".

Currently when choosing a name for a baby, young parents stop at short and simple foreign names rather than authentic Albanian.

The most popular in recent years have become among boys - Noel, Joel, Mateo, Samuel, Aron, Roan. The girls are called Amelia, Ayla, Melissa, Sarah, Alesya, Casey.

Lists of different naming options for children


  • Agon (Albanian)- "dawn". Responsible, low initiative, slightly lazy.
  • Agron (Greek)- "knowledge, essence." Grows active, fair, hard going through trouble.
  • Arben (alb.)- "the name of the Arberesh tribe." Always ready to help, easily finds friends.
  • Arjan (tur.)- courageous soul. Has a strong, uncommon character, but can be very touchy.
  • Ardian (al.)- "the name of the Ardiaea tribe." It has inner strength, but loves universal admiration and praise.
  • Ardit (alb.)- golden day. Active, mobile and inquisitive.
  • Armend (alb.)- golden opinion. Quickly grasps everything new, has creative data.
  • Bardhil (alb.)- "White Star". By nature he is cheerful, sensitive and peaceful.
  • Bashkim (Albanian)- "union". Closed, but always honest and fair.
  • Bezart (alb.)- The golden oath. Proud, proud, trying to become a leader in any situation.
  • Bekim (alb.)- "blessing". Has a calm, honest and fair disposition.
  • Besnik (alb.)- "loyal". Characterized by a sense of dignity and superiority, self-confidence.
  • Behar (Albanian)- "summer". A rational person, he makes decisions quickly and never regrets them.
  • Brahim (arab.)- exalted father. It is distinguished by a heightened sense of ownership, straightforwardness and exactingness.
  • Valmir (al.)- good wave. Decisive, but wayward and capricious.
  • Vjollka (al.)- "alto". Curious, endowed with a lively mind.
  • Voldrin (al.)- "wave". Inventive and completely unpredictable by nature.
  • Gazmend (Albanian)- "joy". Easy to communicate, pleasant and balanced.
  • Genty (al.)- "gentian". Grows mischievous, active and curious.
  • Gzhdon (al.)“God is merciful.” It has a responsive, but independent and stubborn character.
  • Dalmatian (Greek)- Dalmatian. It combines charm, disinterestedness and arrogance.
  • Dardanus (Greek)- "Trojan". Mobile, in good health.
  • Defrim (alb.)- "entertainment". It is characterized by friendliness, willfulness and cunning.
  • Jesim (alb.)- "joy". Thoughtful and cautious by nature.
  • Jetmir (Albanian)- "good life". He does not have perseverance, but if he wants something, he will definitely do it.
  • Dritan (alb.)- "light". Kind, sympathetic, but closed.
  • Zamir (arab.)- "honest, honest" Patient and balanced, but overly grouchy.
  • Ilir (alb.)- "free". Subtly feels nature, loves animals.
  • Kendrim (Albanian)- "attitude". Able and talented, but in need of support and advice.
  • Constantini (al.)- "faithful, devoted." Mobile, kind, rather cunning.
  • Xchemeil (al.)- "the highest glory." Differs in determination and quick reaction.
  • Kushtrim (Albanian)- "battle cry". Balanced, unhurried, capable.
  • Leothrim (alb.)- "brave". He grows kind and docile, but painfully perceives any mistake.
  • Liridon (alb.)- "free". Sociable and energetic, but he lacks perseverance.
  • Luan (alb.)- "a lion". Independent and stubborn, he lacks the ability to get things done.
  • Lulezim (alb.)- "flowering". Friendly and honest, but uncommunicative.
  • Merjim (al.)- "stranger". It has a conflicting, but easy-going character.
  • Mirlindt (Albanian)- "born well." He loves everyone's attention, always strives to be the first.
  • Nderim (al.)- "respect". He does everything himself, does not accept help.
  • Pjeter (al.)- rock, stone. Strong-willed person, predisposed to sports.
  • Pellamb (al.)- "pigeon". He has an excellent sense of humor, the ability to captivate others.
  • Perparim (al.)- "promotion". By nature naive, sensitive and impulsive.
  • Prek (Albanian)- "contact". He has a stubborn, impudent, intractable character.
  • Rezart (alb.)- golden ray Courageous, not afraid of conflicts, often initiates them himself.
  • Rilind (alb.)- "revival". He grasps everything on the fly and does not deviate from the goal.
  • Renor (alb.)- "youth". Independent, does not follow the lead of others.
  • Skender (alb.)- "winner of men." Non-conflict, but if necessary, he will fight back.
  • Tolant (alb.)- "Illyrian name of the tribe." Inquisitive by nature, often shows stubbornness and restraint.
  • Fatjon (al.)- Our destiny. Kind, but can be quick-tempered and biased.
  • Fatlind (Albanian)- "good birth". Grows sensitive, painfully proud, but stubborn.
  • Fatlum (al.)- "successful". Has a creative nature, a rich inner world.
  • Fatos (al.)- "courage". It is distinguished by lightning quick wit, but cannot do one thing for a long time.
  • Fisnik (al.)- "noble". Intolerant of injustice, so it can behave harshly.
  • Fitor (al.)- "winner". Calm, friendly, but distrustful of others.
  • Shpetim (Albanian)- "the rescue". He gets along well with people, but prefers loneliness.
  • Egzon (alb.)- "pleasure". Loves freedom, travel and adventure.
  • Edon (alb.)- "loving life." Has a kind, cheerful, playful character.
  • Edward (alb.)- "guardian" Independent, kind and open.
  • Enver (alb.)- "radiant". Grows smart, responsible, but stubborn.
  • Endrit (alb.)- "light". Differs in good memory, hard work, readiness to always help.
  • Ervin (Albanian)- "man of honor". By nature, modest, vulnerable and indecisive.
  • Ermir (alb.)- good wind. He has a kind, cheerful, but shy personality.


  • Arbery (alb.)- "the name of the Arberesh tribe." It is sensitive, vulnerable, can be secretive.
  • Arjana (alb.)- "golden life". Smart, but not devoid of vanity.
  • Ardiana (al.)- "the name of the Ardiaea tribe." Emotional, energetic, often selfish.
  • Ardita (al.)- golden day. Easily finds friends, can aggressively defend his opinion.
  • Ariana (Greek)- "the most holy." Has a confident and proud disposition, loves universal admiration.
  • Arta (Albanian)- "golden". She is distinguished by her impulsive nature and enviable stubbornness.
  • Aferdita (alb.)- "dawn". Curious, possessing a rich inner world.
  • Beziana (al.)- "the oath". He likes to command, is distinguished by perseverance and diligence.
  • Burbuk (Albanian)- "sprout". Independent, active, but slightly capricious.
  • Besa (alb.)- "the oath". Stubborn, proud, possessing a complex disposition.
  • Blerina (al.)- "green". Prefers solitude, has good health.
  • Bora (al.)- "snow". Balanced, patient, true to her convictions.
  • Bujair (Albanian)- "generous". Cheerful, lively, passionate.
  • Buquerosh (alb.)- "beautiful". Grows obedient, does not enter into quarrels.
  • Valbona (alb.)- "wave". By nature, cheerful, bright, but too risky.
  • Valmira (alb.)- good wave. A real adventurer, she has a stubborn, wayward character.
  • Venus (lat.)- "beauty, charm." Has a mischievous, cheerful disposition.
  • Veton (alb.)- "lightning". Resourceful, smart, very vulnerable.
  • Vizar (al.)- "treasury". It has a bright, affectionate character, loves attention.
  • Genta (Albanian)- "gentian". He grows stubborn and stubborn, but will always come to the rescue.
  • Dardana (al.)- "pear". Diligent and obedient, but slightly peremptory.
  • Dasheri (alb.)- "love". She is distinguished by a strong character, a heightened sense of justice.
  • Jesim (alb.)- "joy". Possesses perseverance, patience, creativity.
  • Jehona (Albanian)- "echo". Obedient, calm, careful.
  • Dillza (Alb.)- "sunny". By nature stubborn, active, assertive.
  • Donita (al.)- lust for life. Has a complex, independent character, does not tolerate lies.
  • Drita (al.)- "light". She is a clear leader with inflated self-esteem.
  • Yerta (al.)- "golden". Knows how to restrain emotions, easily finds friends.
  • Zamira (arab.)- "hidden dream". Obedient and balanced, but slow.
  • Illka ​​(al.)- "star". Possesses leadership qualities, takes care of others.
  • Kaltrina (Albanian)- "blue girl" It has a bright, unbending character, always moving towards its goal.
  • Kendrese (alb.)- "attitude". An enthusiastic, sociable personality, but rather arrogant.
  • Xhevahair (Alb.)- "precious stone". Independent, proud, stubborn.
  • Laljeta (alb.)- "flower of Life". An honest, extraordinary personality, but amenable to someone else's influence.
  • Lindita (al.)- "morning". A real angel, calm and good-natured nature.
  • Liridona (alb.)- "free". Kind, open and responsive.
  • Leul (al.)- "flower". A true friend, always ready to help.
  • Majlinda (al.)- Born in May. Impulsive, unpredictable personality.
  • Manjola (alb.)- magnolia tree. Restless and inquisitive, but too straightforward.
  • Mimosa (Albanian)- mimosa. Gentle, vulnerable nature, taking remarks to heart.
  • Mirjeta (alb.)- "good life". The soul of the company, characterized by openness and charm.
  • Mirlinda (al.)- "born well." Cheerful, active, too impulsive.
  • Albana (al.)- Albanian. Differs in independence, can stand up for himself.
  • Pranvera (al.)- "Spring". Responsible for the assigned tasks, comprehensively developed.
  • Rezart (alb.)- golden ray Wayward, capricious and stubborn.
  • Rilinda (alb.)- "revival". Energetic, active, but overly proud.
  • Rowena (al.)- "holy spear" Inquisitive, but very touchy nature.
  • Rozafa (Albanian)- "prisoner". Outwardly, a gentle and fragile person who knows how to perfectly manipulate people.
  • Teuta (alb.)- "queen". Powerful, possessing a sharp mind and ambitions.
  • Fatjeta (alb.)- "lucky". She has a complex character: sometimes sweet and affectionate, sometimes persistent and stubborn.
  • Fatjona (Albanian)- Our destiny. Fidget and fidget, she appreciates freedom in all its manifestations.
  • Fatlinda (al.)- "good birth". A creative person with a rich imagination.
  • Fatmayr (al.)- "lucky". Kind and sincere, but a little pessimistic.
  • Flory (al.)- on behalf of the Illyrian martyr. Capable of sacrifice, the purpose of her life is to help others.
  • Flutera (alb.)- "butterfly". Exudes optimism and cheerfulness.
  • Shkaip (Albanian)- "eagle". By nature, honest, open and reliable.
  • Shpresa (al.)- "hope". Does not differ in sociability, it is closed.
  • Stjefen (alb.)- "crown". Strives to please, can be conceited.
  • Egzona (al.)- "pleasure". Insecure, but honest and sincere.
  • Edona (Albanian)- "loving". Makes friends easily, very open.
  • Elira (alb.)- "free". Idealist, too demanding of herself and others.
  • Era (alb.)- "wind". Friendly and sunny personality.

Thus, young Albanians and Albanians less and less turn their attention to the names traditional for their people. It is not fashionable to call them babies. International names are becoming more popular, which causes great concern on the part of the older generation.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are interpretations in culture of what male names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Calendars of Christmas time, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features of the name, negative features of the name, choice of profession by name, the impact of the name on business, the impact of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, tasks for life and kind of a particular child.

The theme of the compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal effect. For example, Agshin (brave, strong), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy to solve problems for love or power, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Albanian names for boys in 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make life easier. You can focus only on a specific child, deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a male name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed by a special bouquet, primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below are over 300 male Albanian names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of male Albanian given names alphabetically:


Agon, Ajim - dawn
Agron is the name of an Albanian king
Arben - from the name of the Arberesh tribe
Arjan - golden life
Ardi - possibly from the Albanian Ardian
Ardian - from the name of the Ardiaei tribe
Ardit - golden day
Aryan - golden life
Arlind - gold
Armend - golden opinion


Bardhil - white star
Bashkim - Union
Bezart - golden oath
Bezim - faith
Bezin - oath
Bekim - blessing
Berim - fountain, source
Besmir - honest intentions
Besnik - devoted, loyal
Bexar - summer
Blerim - greenery, vegetation
Brahim is the father of the multitude
Bujar - generous


Valmir is a good wave
Wjollka - viola
Vjosa - the Albanian name comes from the name of the river
Voldet - sea wave
Voldrin - wave


Gazmend - joy
Gjergj - farmer
Genti - from the Latin name for the flower "gentian"
Gzhdon - God is merciful


Dalmat - sheep
Dardan - pear
Defrim - entertainment
Jack - Displacer
Jezim - joy
Jetmir - good life
Jeton - life
George - farmer
Ditmer - good day
Dritan - light
Driton - light
Dhimiter - good day



Ilir - free
Illy is a star


Kendrim - attitude, position
Kostandin, Konstandin - stable
Constantini is the Albanian form of Constantine.
Kreshnik - knight
Xhemal - Highest Glory
Kushtim - dedication, devotion
Kushtrim - battle cry


Leka - protector of humanity
Leothrim - brave
Leutrim - brave
Liridon - freedom of choice
Lorenc is the Albanian form of Laurens.
Luan is a lion
Lulezim - flowering


Merjim - stranger
Mirlindt - born well


Nderim - honor, respect


Pjeter - rock, stone
Pellamb - dove
Perparim - promotion
Prek - contact


Rezar - golden ray
Rezart - golden ray
Rilind - rebirth, reincarnation
Renor - teenager, youth


Skender - protector of mankind


Tolanth - from the Illyrian name of the tribe


Fatjeon - our destiny, our well-being
Fatlind - lucky birth
Fatlum, Fatmir - lucky
Faton - our destiny, our well-being
Fatos - courage
Fisnik - gallant, noble, generous
Fitim - profit, profit
Fitor is the winner
Flamer - flag


Shkodran - from Shkoder
Shpend - poultry
Shpetim - salvation


Egzon - pleasure
Edie - guardian
Edon - loving (life)
Edward - guardian
Enver - shining
Angell - angel
Endrite - light
Erion is our wind
Erwin is a man of honor
Erjon is our wind
Ermir - good wind

The origin of Albanian names cannot be separated from the past of the Albanian people, their culture, religion. Oddly enough, but in the history of the Albanians there are many controversial issues on which modern scholars do not have a common opinion. The Albanians are believed to be the successors of the ancient Illyrian culture, elements of which have been preserved for centuries. Close ties with Rome and Byzantium, the adoption of Christianity, the long yoke of the Ottoman Empire - all these facts affected the origin of Albanian names. And if we take into account that representatives of different peoples have long lived on the territory of modern Albania, then one can imagine how diverse the Albanian name book is.

Golden color of Albanian names

The Albanian language arose and developed on the Indo-European basis and has existed for quite a long time. Therefore, the meanings of some ancient Albanian male and female names cannot be established. It is known that such names as Arben, Ardi, Ardian, Torant were formed from the names of ancient Albanian tribes. Genti, Constantini, Lorek have a Greek and Latin basis. Some Albanian names seem to be saturated with sunlight - Enver (shining), Endrit (light), Rezar (golden ray), Dillza (sunny). Others are close in their meaning to the precious metal of sunny color - Arlind (gold), Armend (golden opinion), Bezard (golden oath), Arta (golden), Ardita (golden day), Ardzhana (golden life).

Even at first glance, it becomes clear that most of the Albanian folk names, which even today parents prefer to call boys and girls, have not only a beautiful sound. They carry a powerful charge of positive energy and glorify life - Agon (dawn), Berim (fountain, source), Bujair (generous), Gazmend (joy), Donjeta (lust for life), Lindita (birth of the day).

Mixing Religions - Mixing Religious Names

Albania is unique in its religious focus. The constant invasions of multilingual representatives of Christianity and Islam led to the fact that Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim and even ancient Illyrian cults were observed in the same family. Close relatives bore both Christian and Muslim names at the same time. And since the Albanians have always put national-linguistic affiliation above religious, traditional names were often altered in their own way. Now in Albania you can meet people with a variety of names - Constantini (Kostantin), Pjeter (Peter), Eduart (Eduard), Aferdita (Aphrodite), Venus, Mustafa, Agnes, John, Alfred, Ismail, Agnes, Ever, Alex.

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