Happy birthday greetings and wishes to a woman are funny. Rubalskaya's poems about age How Larisa Rubalskaya congratulated relatives and friends

For every woman, a birthday is a special date when you want to get maximum attention from loved ones and loved ones. Even if the birthday girl claims that she does not like unnecessary reminders of her age, this is not a reason not to prepare beautiful congratulations and various pleasant surprises for her. One of them will be happy birthday poems, which will add a pleasant lyrical touch to the celebration.

Happy birthday poems for a woman - endless possibilities for compliments

In poetic form, any wishes and compliments sound especially touching and pleasant. A sensitive woman's heart will certainly be affected not only by the words spoken, but also by the attention with which the guests reacted to her holiday. After all, in order to dedicate poems to a birthday girl, you need to spend much more time and effort than on a simple congratulation on duty. It is important not only to choose the right rhythm and beautiful rhymes, but also to take into account the many nuances of the upcoming celebration. Nevertheless, all the efforts made will return a hundredfold with sincere joy and gratitude from the hero of the occasion.

If you choose a poem for an older woman, then it is better to give preference to lyrics with a deep meaning. It can be dedicated not only to a close friend or relative, but also to a colleague and even a leader. For a young person, you can choose a lighter and more provocative creativity. Short funny poems that can be read aloud or sent via SMS are perfect. In any case, you need to take into account the character traits of the birthday girl, as well as the format of your relationship with her.

How to turn a poem from the Internet into a personal greeting

An ideal gift for a woman would be poems written for her personally, and not from a purchased postcard. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to beautifully rhyme the lines, so this luxury is left to the consideration of only the most talented fans. The rest will have to turn their attention to ready-made versions of poems. However, this does not mean at all that you can choose the first one that comes across. Modern authors offer all lovers of beauty a huge selection of poems for every taste. So, for example, not a single birthday girl will be left indifferent by the unusual and sincere poems of Larisa Rubalskaya, which very subtly reveal the female nature.

It will be especially pleasant for a woman of any age to hear nominal verses in her honor. No wonder it is believed that the name of a person is the most pleasant word for his hearing. It would not even occur to the hero of the occasion that the verse with her “participation” could not have been written for her, so the speaker will be given many signs of attention and gratitude.

Congratulating a woman on her birthday with verses is a very touching and romantic act. If you want to impress the birthday girl, you should definitely stock up on her holiday with a couple of rhyming lines. Reading them is not at all difficult, while they will definitely become a bright highlight of the evening and create a special atmosphere of celebration. You can please your beloved, girlfriend, close relative or colleague with such an unusual surprise. All of them will be very grateful for the courage shown, the creative streak and attention to their own person.

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Anything you want, you can wish
The most beautiful of women on her birthday,
But if there is beauty and become,
And the mind, and kindness, and inspiration ...

Happy Birthday!
I wish you joy, warmth, prosperity,
All year round jams and cookies,
And love to you full, without a trace.

Sweet life, with happiness pies,
Whatever you do stupid mistakes,
May dreams always come true
And there will be magic around, and a thousand smiles!

With all my heart, not without emotion
We congratulate you on your birthday!
So that the sun smiles gently
So that everything you want comes true.

May every new bright day
Let them burn with fire
Hope, health and love
Your happy eyes!

I wish you great happiness
Love and loyal friends!
I want to wish you a happy birthday
On this fabulous day of yours.

This holiday comes every year
But we always want one thing.
The main thing is more happiness
Everything else will come by itself!

happy birthday congratulations
And, of course, I wish you
Much happiness and patience
Strength, love and inspiration,

Smiles, joy, kindness
And no fluff, no feather
In all, all your endeavors,
And the lack of separation

With you, your happiness and good luck,
And also with a lot of rays,
The smiles of those who wish you happiness,
And don't let the rest get in the way.

Give smiles bright rays
And the crystal keys of joy,
And happy birthday wishes
Let them bring only pleasure!

Happy birthday dear.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
Raise a toast to your happiness
We've been in a hurry for a long time.
Let all the hardships go away
And all sorrows will go away
Only joy to you, (name),
Let your years bear.
Be cheerful and happy
And beautiful - as now.
May luck be with you
Every day and every hour.

Be forever desired and loved by all,
Always charming, irresistible,
Let your eyes shine with happiness forever,
And in life only friends surround.

My dear candy!
Happy birthday my darling!
Let there be a chic drunk
In your nice cozy apartment.

Let the guests come to you
And they will fill you up to the eyeballs
Manufactured goods foreign
From Paris, Milan, Alaska.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Theatrical premieres and success,
Scarcity, goodies, sweets,
Happiness of women's, children's laughter.

On this day we hurry to you
We want to wish you
To shine with kindness
Warmed up with warmth!

I wish you a birthday
Elite clothes and cars,
Always pleasant excitement
And there is no release from men,

So that a manicure is always in order,
And appearance is pure ideal,
In love, so that it is only sweet,
So that everyone stands on you!

Dear neighbor, my dear!
Happy birthday I want you.
You will always help, you will always save
You will always find a kind word for everyone.

Accept this congratulations from us as a gift
We wish you happiness and a life without worries!
Let the children love you, let the husband also love
And for nothing in the world, let sadness not come!

Like a rose in dewdrops
May happiness be gentle
Like a turquoise sky
Boundless and boundless!

And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
lovely, joyful, bright
Always like a birthday!

Knocking with a sprig of mimosa
Spring is capricious through the window.
Even though it's still cold outside,
But our hearts are warm.

It cheers us up
I rallied everyone at one table,
The one whose birthday is today
We celebrate as a team.

Let, like a timid ray of the sun,
Through the snow, through the rain, through the years,
A smile plays on the lips
The birthday girl always has.

Let me visit my mother more often,
Years and miles later
Hurry in buses and train
Her growing children.

Let from everyday care
Soul and heart do not hurt.
In spite of everyone's misfortunes and troubles
Always have a blooming look
We wish our birthday girl
And may our wishes come true!

There are women like big cities:
They are wearing furs, and gold, and expensive things,
The apartments are noisy and light, but somehow uncomfortable,
And life goes on for them, as a rule, dissolutely.
But, fortunately, we have other "cities"
It is always quiet and comfortable in them,
They are covered with white snow in winter,
In their house, it is a pleasure to relax and do business.
With such a woman, we are so calm,
And different nervous rubbish does not climb into the head.
With such a woman, there are no special problems,
And you can live with her up to ninety years,
Or maybe up to a hundred, whoever is lucky,
To whom fate will give a turn ...

We wish you much joy and light,
So that life is full of smiles
So that it’s not Indian summer that blooms in the soul,
And young spring sang forever.

Time has flown by imperceptibly
We are all gathered here today
What would you like to congratulate on your birthday -
Life is very fast!

We know you for many years
And there is no more beautiful woman!
Every year you are younger
Every year you are more beautiful!

Health, happiness and good luck!
May your heart never cry!
Let relatives and friends rejoice -
After all, you can not offend in any way!

At home they are waiting for care, at work - too,
We, subordinates, are sometimes similar to children.
All day in the works - then the cooler does not flow,
Then from the tax they shout: “Give a report!”
And even on your birthday, sometimes
We have to stand up for us.
Taking care of all things
Hanging on your feminine shoulders.
Less bad days, we wish you
When you feel bad, we are twice as bad.

Take it on your birthday
This friendly hello.
Happiness, joy, health and flowering
I want to wish for many years.

I wish your eyes
Like a hundred candles burning
And like nightingales in May
Soul and heart sang.
Comfort, warmth and kindness
Moved to your house
And so that all your dreams
Turned into reality!

I won't be banal
Like all ordinary people
Wish you many years
And a boring evening in the bedroom.

I'll tell you not to be discouraged
And be the most boring of people.
After all, you will not find a worse fate,
Than to be a normal consumer.

And in general, happy birthday,
And I hope you stay the same
And most importantly, to be in order,
And there was no sediment.

Happy birthday - Congratulations!
And I want a big cake
With five layers:
First Layer - health;
Second Layer - true friendship;
The Third Layer is self-confidence;
Fourth Layer - fast careers;
The Fifth Layer is the support of loved ones.
A soaked, let it be all
Sincere and pure love!

The smile of a woman - what could be cleaner?
Who can't love a woman's smile?
The smile of a woman will warm you with warmth,
The smile of a woman will light up everything around.
The smile of a woman - what could be more tender?
The beauty of the seas and the impregnability of the rocks,
Can I compare the radiance of the stars with her?
And the one who was looking for unity.
Found in it a world of mystery and love.
The smile of a woman, the world is blue, live!

I wish you from a thousand stars
One is the brightest
I wish you from a thousand tears
One is the sweetest
I wish you from a thousand meetings
One is the happiest
I wish you out of a thousand nights
One is the longest.

With your love, kindness,
You have become dear to friends!
And everyone is happy to give immediately
Everything he has now
And wish that you
Everything was always good!

Pulling for the anniversary vector...
Happy birthday director -
The staff of the company mother!
What could we do without you?
Without you, they would have gone to the bottom,
This must be understood!
Just be smart, agile.
Sprouted to grains
New plans - in their success;
And besides - health with strength -
wishes of our dear
Again from the subordinates of all!

Do not be sad that it is no longer 17,
Each age has its own beauty.
It is important in life to be able to smile,
So that friends surround you.
Let only warm words await in life,
And the heart will never cry from pain,
And let your head spin
From happiness, from love and from luck.

birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone smart once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Joy of meeting, smiles, hopes.
Wishes, health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
For things to be successful.

No matter how many years have passed
After all, the number is not important at all.
In the eyes, let sometimes fatigue,
We need you today too.
You are young and energetic
We wish you always be like this -
Healthy, cheerful, pretty,
Heartfelt, sweet and simple.
We also wish you happiness
Smiles, sun and warmth,
To never know bad weather,
So that the soul always blooms!

You open the door, and at the threshold
In a basket from past years:
Health, happiness, a lot of money,
Luck ray, light of hope,

Freedom, wisdom, understanding,
Luck, beauty, success,
Passion, youth, love, diligence,
Soul flight, fun, laughter,

Mind, courage, kind smile,
Care, joy, generosity, honor...
In your luxuriant belongings,
Alas, not everything can be counted ...

And there will be an angel with lust
To protect your "wealth is simple"
And on every new birthday
Fill the basket with happiness!


Happy birthday to you,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Do not extinguish the fire in yourself
And to live all the same, without burning.

Lucky, healthy to be
Meet good people more often
And in life's harsh more often
Glades of happiness to find ...

About a boss like you,
You can only dream
Breaking into pieces
To succeed everywhere.

But we are all happy
That the salary is always on time.
Solve problems instantly
Someone could help you a little.

Rest more often
Smile every day
May such happiness come
What will eclipse the anxiety of the shadow.

Happy birthday! wish
All big team
Only joy without end
We say thank you!

We wish you always good luck
Luck has never left you.
And so that sadness, sorrow and longing
Have not touched your happy eyes!

Like a rose in dewdrops
May happiness be gentle
Like a turquoise sky
Boundless and boundless!
And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
lovely, joyful, bright
Always like a birthday!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
Let them not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
Years will never change!

Honey, congratulations, happy birthday
And I wish: a lot of money, a lot of happiness,
To live always, not knowing tears!
For wishes to come true
Next, new ones were desired.
Basically everything you want
Always had you!
And also health, laughter,
permanent success,
To always be like this:
Clockwork and young!

Happy Birthday.
Why wish you luck -
Luck is in your blood.
I want to wish love

Although love lives in you
It always blooms wherever you are.
You are like a bright ray of light
It's always warm with you, like in summer.

May life protect you
After all, you are a treasure, everyone knows.

Let flowers bloom for you
And the sun is shining bright.
After all, on this birthday
You are beautiful as always!

We wish you happiness and health,
Love and life without worries
Do not know grief, tears, sadness,
And reach all heights.

Happy birthday to congratulate
We are very glad to see you.
Waiting for fun every day
You should wish.

And also spring, flowers
And children's smiles;
Less in life to know liars,
Difficulties of life.

To blow you every day
fresh breeze,
And the lilac blossomed in the garden,
And the cricket played.

Best day of the year is birthday
Please accept our congratulations,
Everything, so that there is a lot in life,
Children, wealth and health of the young.

Let you on a bright, life path
There was only joy ahead
And you clapped your hands with happiness,
And all the sorrows, sorrows left behind!

On your birthday I wish
Good luck in the accomplishments of love,
So that it was like at twenty-five -
Following the views of adoring and languid.

It was always a dream
To be sure to come true
And it is imperative that she
Who took care of the main thing.

Relatives to be near
So that the house is big and your puppy,
There should be a garage, and a bath is needed.
And a personal money bag.

On such a beautiful day
We will congratulate you
After all, women are more beautiful
Not to be found in the whole world!

Live long and beautifully
May spring always be in your soul.
Be happy today
From now and forever!

Hello dear, scarlet lips,
On this day, you are a beautiful dream.
Have fun like little children
Days singing in unison.

Happy birthday, bright sun
May everything we expect come true.
Drink wine, my voluptuous,
Drink wine and then we'll sing.

About your eyes, about your alluring.
We wish you love and strength.
Friendship is strong and real.
So that in your eyes the fire shines.

Real, bright, cute
A woman is a fairy tale, a sweet story.
Someone's daughter, someone's beloved,
Tart-sweet, like vanilla.

Congratulations, warmth and light.
The above is not flattery at all.
There are no more like you.
Thank you for beeing!

Thank you life for tying us in a knot.
Happy birthday, sweetie, dear.
Let happiness be a sweet lump
Will not disappear, praising you.

On this day I smile to you
I give a bouquet of beautiful words.
Shine like a goldfish
Of all your wonderful dreams.

You shine like a ray of sunshine
Giving warmth to everyone in the neighborhood
And the clouds will not hide kindness.
They have long been blown away by the wind.

Flower of Unfulfilled Wishes
I will also give you
It's time for confessions
Why am I saying all this?

After all, today is your holiday.
After all, it's your birthday!
I congratulate you strangely
But most importantly, loving you.

Happy Birthday, my dear!
May in your cloudless life
Everything you want will be
Sea of ​​happiness and joyful days.

Let joy sparkle in your eyes
There will be an easy gait and a look,
And let love reign in the house.
Be happy for a hundred years in a row!

We have been waiting for your birthday for so long,
After all, there is no more beautiful holiday in the world.
Words in a rush of inspiration
Formed into a festive sonnet:

We wish you happiness, joy, health,
Car, cottage, boat.
And with him a plane ticket to the land of pleasure,
So that summer does not end all year round!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
So that life does not upset
And as in the films I was surprised.

So that there are many events
Salary would be paid on time
A smile illuminates your path
And from happiness there would be a shock.

Eyes shine mischievously
And life intoxicates like strong wine!
Starry showers of happiness will be shed
You just hope, believe, love and wait!

Let the years fly by
Let time run and run
And you always stay young
For all my long, long life!

A woman is with us when we are born
The woman is with us in our last hour.
The woman is the banner when we fight
A woman is the joy of opened eyes.
Our first love and happiness,
In the best aspiration - the first hello,
In the battle for the right - the fire of complicity,
The woman is music.
The woman is the light!

I wish you health, warmth and kindness,
So that troubles, failures receded time.
To live not to grieve up to a hundred years happened,
May everything that has not yet come true come true!

Kind and gentle, smart and beautiful.
You were created by nature marvelously,
Like a fairy tale, like a song, like a mountain stream,
Swift, clean, free, nobody's.
So be full of health and happiness!
In my heart you are the only one!

Congratulations! Fly up with your heart
Directly to the Sun - big love!
Strive for perfection with your body
To purity and greatness - the soul !!!

Happy Birthday
And I wish you to continue
Contrary to the worries of many,
Bloom and be beautiful!
I wish you bright, long days,
Don't count your years
May happiness be in your home
Settled forever!

“People often ask me: “How do you live now? How do you endure everything that has fallen on you? Well, what can I say to that. How worried?.. I'm crying... "Oh, - they say, - and this is completely unlike you," says the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya with a sad smile.

"My place on earth is where he is"

Four years is a short moment compared to life, but now it seems gigantic to me. Four years ago, my mother died - an old one, in recent years completely helpless. Six months after her death, my younger brother passed away. In one minute he was gone - my dear, priceless Valerka. It seemed to me that he would live forever, but his heart stopped at the age of 58.

Wild, unfair! And six months later, her husband, David, died after five years of paralysis. Some unthinkable serial departure of the most beloved people. I didn’t have the strength to come to terms ... And yet I managed with myself. She managed to somehow suppress her grief, her relentless sadness. I found strength in myself. The soul must not be allowed to become dead. The former joy of life, of course, has not returned, but the very state of being able to live has returned. No reproach towards yourself. After much thought and soul-searching, I came to the conclusion that I have no debt. To no one. Even if they want to ask me under torture: tell me,
what have you not done in life, what torments you, what do you regret? It may sound strange and hard to believe, but I don’t find anything like that ...

I saved mine the best I could. Mom bought an apartment next to us. And I found an assistant, because she herself could no longer walk and could not do anything on her own, and I did not have the opportunity to devote all my time to her, since I had a seriously ill husband at home. But I went there every day, did everything, called ten times a day. And because of this, David was jealous, annoyed, he wanted more attention for himself. This was our hot spot. I cried: “Well, why are you torturing me?! Don’t you understand: if I don’t be like this with my mother, I won’t be able to be like this with you ?!

When David fell ill, the doctors told me: “Why are you sitting next to him day and night? A stroke is a serious illness, the likelihood that he will return to a full life is scanty. Have pity on yourself, go away, we do everything that can and should be done ... ”It was very strange for me to hear this, and I explained:“ My place on earth is where he is. David lay in hospitals for many months. First, there was a stroke that made him paralyzed, then there was a difficult operation - the excision of two aneurysms, then a pacemaker was inserted into him.

I understood perfectly well that for a strong, powerful, stern man to be in a physically helpless position is a huge psychological trauma. And here I really want to congratulate myself. I didn't let my husband feel
helpless. His mind and speech were normal, only part of the body failed - the left arm and leg did not work. But all these years he was not excluded from life for a minute. In the pauses between operations, I dragged David by plane in a wheelchair with me on tour - to Germany, Israel, the Emirates ... I did everything to ensure that he lived, as always. To not feel disabled. I even bought a car, and they attached some special thing inside it, with its help David could turn the steering wheel with one hand. And just in case, I sat next to him and watched him spin ... My husband was given a disability, according to which it is forbidden to work, but some kind of pension is due. People are fussing about this. But I got him another disability - with the right to work in specially created conditions. After that, she went to the head physician of the polyclinic where David worked as the head of the department, and said: “Let me pay my husband’s salary myself, only let him think that he receives it here.” And Mikhail Yakovlevich Kanauzov - a golden man - answered: "Let him work." And once every two weeks, David and I went there - it seems that he controlled the work of his employees. I am proud that I gave David the opportunity to remain an absolutely safe person until the end of his days - the same, as always, the head of the house. Sometimes he could yell at me. And I never snapped: "Shut up!" - not dismissed: "I myself know how." On the contrary, I did nothing without asking my husband's consent. She consciously asked for advice on absolutely everything. Moreover, David's decision was indisputable. And believe me, it didn't bother me at all. David has always been my master, and I used to ask his permission in everything. Friends sometimes wondered: “Why are you obeying him like that?” I replied, "I'm fine." I'm really easy to put up, I never had the need to insist on my own. First of all, this seems stupid to me. And secondly, one cannot but take into account the fact that for more than 20 years I worked as a secretary-translator in the Russian office of the most prestigious Japanese newspaper, Asahi Shimbun. And in the mentality of the Japanese, there is a cult of modesty, which, by the way, I really liked: do not interrupt the interlocutor, do not go first, do not demand anything ... It seems that they are arranged differently than we are, but it was very easy for me with them. Because this humility has been instilled in me since childhood, from asking permission from my parents. And here I was subordinate to my position - I was the boss, and I had to do only as he told me. And it became both my character and way of being...

"Golden balls of that distant time ..."

There were no aristocrats in my family tree. The family is the most ordinary. Ordinary - honest, decent, merciful, and therefore hard living people. My grandfather on my mother's side - Yakov Isaakovich with a funny surname Limon - was once a traveling salesman, selling leather. Mom's mother, Maria Vasilievna Fomina, graduated from the gymnasium in her time, was educated, well-read. It was she who made me study dictionaries and read books, writing out clever phrases from there - so that I could learn to speak well. Thanks to her, eloquence has become my hallmark. Everyone always paid attention: “How great Larisa expounds!” By the way, I speak Japanese in the same diverse and flowery way. My grandmother took me to the theater circle of the House of Pioneers. To celebrate, I immediately imagined myself as a princess in the title role, but I was only entrusted with portraying a wave - together with another girl, we shook the curtain. But I didn't suffer much from it. Grandmother said: "Larisochka, remember: do not fly above the clouds, do not stand on the point of fools." And this was said to me so edifyingly and so often that I gradually got used to it...

My father, Alexei Davidovich Rubalsky, has been dead for a very long time, 33 years old. He was a wonderful person. I am a copy of him: I walk like him, waddling, like a duck, I smile exactly the same, I am also good-natured by nature ... Only now I got a much better life.

prosperous. And my father was very difficult. He was born in the Ukrainian town of Yesterday. There are countless siblings in the family. His name was then Izik. It was later - there were such times - that he changed his Jewish name, thanks to which I was already recorded as Larisa Alekseevna ... When the war began, my father was 21 years old. He was enrolled in a flight squad in Panevezys, preparing combat aircraft for departure. He returned home to the ashes. The hut was burned to the ground, and the parents, two sisters and many more relatives were shot. He learned that they were leading them to be shot, poking them in the back with bayonets. I saw a mass grave in the forest, the ground over which, as they said, was still moving for some time after the execution, because some of the unfortunate people were buried alive ... After my father was demobilized, he went to Moscow and entered the Air Force
academy. Once I went to a dance with a cadet friend, I met Alechka, my mother. Soon we got married, I was born. Since at that time the Jews were not in high esteem, the pope was expelled from the academy. He got into school. I worked with my mother: she was in the household, and he taught labor and military affairs ... Everyone who knew him loved my father. I just adored him. The only thing I regret in life is that the folder never found out that I began to write poetry, never saw me on TV ...

After the war, life was hard. There were no “I want”, “give”, “buy” with my brother. Even the thought was not to allow any liberties. That's how I learned Japanese. Because my mother said so. I had just graduated from pedagogical school when my mother accidentally saw an ad in "Vecherka" about recruitment for Japanese language courses. “Your head is arranged somehow in a special way,” she said, “you will be able to remember things that others will not succeed.” And I obediently went to the courses. All this was very useful later, when I started working with the Japanese ... But I didn’t shine at school. In the characteristic issued as an appendix to the certificate, it is written: mental abilities - average ... After a year after school, we had an evening of meeting graduates. At that time I was already studying at the Pedagogical Institute. At the evening, our teacher came up to talk about institute life to all my classmates, but she did not seem to notice me. And I said: “And by the way, I study at the university.” She even threw up her hands in surprise: “It can’t be! ..” I don’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but I’m not used to sticking out beyond the bar that I set for myself. I still have the feeling that she is above me all the time.

“So what, that she was burned and not very young?”

The Japanese have a wise proverb: "Every meeting is the beginning of separation." It really is. And often these separations are very painful. But even if the scars in the soul remain, over time they heal, stop hurting. And this should always be remembered.

There have been painful situations in my life too. It hurt a lot. Let's say my first true love. I was very fond of one young man. He charmed me. We met at the subway exit. I was walking some kind of tired, after another mental trauma, in anticipation of a new love. Suddenly I see, there is one that I could only dream about. And at the same moment He comes up to me, says something, sees me off and ... love begins with all the consequences. I am at the pinnacle of happiness. Shortly after we met, it turns out that my lover is a test pilot. Well, it was immediately obvious - so courageous, broad-shouldered, in the eyes of courage, courage ... One day he warned that he had to leave - to test some kind of supernova aircraft. He even shared that the probability of death is very high. Finally, he said: “If I don’t call in three days, know that something irreparable has happened. I ask only one thing: do not forget about me, remember at least on Aviation Day ... ”I don’t know how I lived these three days. I remember reading all the newspapers and constantly listening to the radio. I was terribly afraid to learn an episode about the heroic death of some test crew. Although at that time such things were rarely written about ...

Three days later, my beloved did not call me. Realizing that in our country I would not know the truth, I shed tears, grieved over the death of this wonderful, heroically dead man. I couldn’t forget him, I kept walking and suffering… Once, with the same sadness in my heart, I went into the subway and suddenly heard a familiar voice. I turn my head, he Doesn't see me. And he says to a fool like me: “Know: if I don’t appear in three days, it means that I died on trials ...” A terrible blow. My fists were itching, so I wanted to beat him - beat him furiously, scratch, just physically destroy him. But alas, I can't do that. In essence, I can’t stand any showdowns, I never sort things out with anyone at all ... Now, of course, it’s funny to remember all this, that’s why I write: “So what, that I was burned and not very young, because there was no trace of burns left on my heart ... "

"Whoever said that there are laws in love knows nothing about it"

My last love story, before I married David, was no less terrible and no less ridiculous than my first love. Again, I loved Him very much, and everything turned out fine: my age is 28, he is 32, his views, biographical data are similar, and he was single, however, after a divorce. Plus, he had a place to live, and from time to time I allowed the opportunity to live there for a few days. Before me, he had a wife who was already married by the time we started our relationship. But she did not let go of her ex-husband's heart, she held it tightly. They met periodically. And as soon as this wife appeared in his life, I was forbidden not only to come to him, but even to call. I was terribly tormented, I kept thinking: “I really want to marry him, but how are we going to live if he has another?” And he did not hide that he would never stop loving her. Once we celebrated the New Year together, and the first toast he said was that she - that former wife of his - would be in his life forever. It was very hard for me, but I tried to restrain myself. She sobbed into the pillow, but believed that everything would work out ... And once she could not stand it. Having learned that my rival's husband had left somewhere and she seemed to be going to come to my fiancé for a few days, I decided to ... kill her. By that time, I had already worked with the Japanese, and they somehow gave me a souvenir knife - a small copy of a samurai sword. Sharpened, very sharp, in a wooden case. And I went to slaughter my lovebird. For some reason - I read, probably, detectives - put on a wig and went to him. I rang the doorbell, he didn't open it. She began to shout: “Open, I’ll come in anyway!” The answer is silence. “Okay, I think, hold on!” And she began to open the lock with her knife. She poked around for a long time and finally opened the door. She flew into the apartment, and the groom is alone there, there is no wife at all. He sits and looks at me silently at point blank range. I rushed to him in tears: “I'm sorry! Forgive me, fool! This is all because I love you so much! .. ”But he never forgave. Never met me again. And I suffered for a very long time about it.

“I am thirty years old, and I am not married. as they say,

not the first freshness ... "

Many people wonder why I am not shy about talking about the fact that I was looking for a husband, while everyone is trying to hide this. But that's just how I'm made. There are people who understand themselves more, and I try to understand life. My eyes are turned outward, not inward. So since youth. At the age of 17, after school, I went to work as a typist in the editorial office of a magazine. I typed on a typewriter, delved into life, looked at adults - there were poets and writers, everything is so interesting. Suddenly, one typist, six years older than me, says: “Listen, I won’t go to work tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - I’ll go have an abortion from Volodya.” And Volodya is the head of the department, a famous person. For me, the sky just fell apart. I thought that even if I kissed someone, it was necessary to hide it, because it was inconvenient, but here it was ... I ask: “Valya, how can you talk about it so openly? What are you?!” And she answered: “I will teach you one wisdom. You see, if I start to hide, anyway, the information will somehow leak out. The same thing if I tell a secret to someone alone. Gossip will surely go, everyone will point their fingers at me: there’s Valka, so-and-so, she had an abortion from Volodya, well, it’s necessary ... And since I myself told everyone about it, I lost interest, they say, you’ll think, what’s the matter ... ”I digested all this science to myself and came to this conclusion: you can’t hide from everyone, but if others tell about me, they will present everything in their interpretation: and Lariska, it turns out, what kind of he runs after men! And if I start talking about myself with a smile, then no one will see anything wrong in this ... I don’t believe when they say: “We live perfectly in a civil marriage.” Well, even if a man says so, I’ll understand, but a woman ... I’m sure that everyone wakes up and falls asleep with the same thought: to get married officially, to sign. There is no getting away from this: all aunts want to be a wife. And this is the real truth: “I am thirty years old, and I am not married. / As they say, not the first freshness. / And in the heart of feelings there are such deposits, / Such a supply of love and tenderness ... ”This is an endless string of women's destinies. By the way, do you know how the first line was born? I didn't invent it. Once in GUM a girl caught up with me, stopped me and, turning to “you”, like we have known her for a long time, said: “Why are you walking so fast? I need to talk to you for a long time ... "I ask:" What is it, dear, what are your problems? - "What problems?! she screamed directly. - Thirty years and not married! Those are the problems." And I just have to figure out the rest...

I understood her. I have not forgotten the time when all my friends were married for a long time, and I could not find a husband. I was dumped by absolutely all the men. I suffered insanely, I did not understand why this was happening. Everyone thought: “Am I the worst of all, or what? The girl seems to be good, not cheeky, not demanding - she herself is ready to buy movie tickets and give gifts on February 23rd. And for some reason they treacherously abandon me ... "Then she wrote in verse:" They parted in an amicable way, he is not my enemy at all. / Everything was as it should be, but everything went wrong ... ”But I didn’t part with anyone in a good way. And I don't think it's possible at all. If everything is fine, why then leave? They break up when it's bad. And when I hear: “We broke up in a good way, and our relationship continues, I just began to live with another, and he with another,” I am perplexed. I could never do that.

If people broke up, it means that someone hurt someone ...

I tried my best to please everyone. The knowledge of the Japanese language trumped. Everyone was surprised: wow, how it chirps! But they still didn't get married. And I really wanted to feel like a married woman - to take care of my husband, feed him, wash him. Of course, it was a shame that no one needed me. I felt some sort of inadequacy. My parents suffered with me. Dad periodically brought me some sons of his friends, but as soon as I saw them, I ran away. Didn't like it at all... By the age of 28, I was in a state of real panic. Searched actively. She told everyone: “I need the right person. So that I don’t walk, don’t drink, so that I understand my interests - I would read something, I would love poetry. Normal, in general. With whom I could live as a family.

“You are not a hero from my novel…”

Galina Borisovna Volchek undertook to marry me off. She is my longtime, kind, lifelong friend. My constant morning interlocutor - we talk on the phone in the morning: “How do you feel, what did you eat? ..” We first met a very long time ago, in a common company on vacation in Yalta. And it happens like this: heart to heart stretched. So, she introduced me to her wonderful friend, now my beloved Tata, who arranged for me to meet David.

Seeing David for the first time, I immediately bucked: “I don’t want this! This is not the hero of my novel.” Large, dark-haired, and I always loved small, blond ones. But the father said: “So, like this: stop! He is 36, you are 30. Everything. You are at the finish line. All the good ones were taken away. What's left is what's left. And what are you even thinking about? She herself asked for a decent one. You have been found. Look how reliable he is." And I reconciled. David and I started dating, and this relationship dragged me on in some strange way. Now I know for sure: none of my novels could have ended with such great love, such a good, long, prosperous family life. In which the spouses were drawn not to the side, but to each other. In which there was no irritation. In which disagreements were disputes of like-minded people, and not skirmishes of enemies. I loved David very much ... All my adult life before him, I don’t even consider life, it was only preparation. Such a spiral staircase that I climbed to get to the top ...

My husband got me after a hard test that happened in his life. Due to serious problems at work, his wife left him, she simply left him. He was left alone, depressed. And a merciful feeling is strongly developed in me, and I immediately felt very sorry for David. I tried my best to protect him so that he would forget about all the bad things. She wasn't allowed to remember it. Simply put, she began to bring him back to life. Although she herself was all wounded by her past stories ...

David was always tuned in to art, to the theater, but he did not succeed in doing this professionally, he became a doctor. However, among his friends, he was given the nickname "Dentist Meyerhold". He kept looking for where to find an application for his interests. And suddenly he saw some abilities in me, it seemed to him that I write well.

And he began to sculpt me, to stimulate creativity. Became my Dr. Higgins. Thanks to his efforts, I began to slowly acquire some literary outlines. And he did everything to make these outlines visible. After that, we together gave birth to success. Rather, this is entirely the merit of David, he constantly dragged me upstairs. Every now and then he said: "Write, we'll show it to someone." And from somewhere he dug up composers, then performers. The first was Volodya Migulya, who treated David's teeth. In fact, we didn’t have any bohemian acquaintances. But gradually they reached out to us, and we, as we said, entered this show business. And it just so happened that almost all the poems I wrote, and there are more than five hundred of them, became songs.

“I didn’t ask anything from life, although there was nothing for me to breathe”

I really hoped that someday, David and I would have children. But it didn't work out. I still don't know why, but I've never been pregnant. I suffered terribly. She did everything to make it happen. Everything that at that time was able to gynecological science. I went to hospitals endlessly. Unsuccessfully. At that time, there were no current medical possibilities, such as all sorts of extracorporeal things. I waited for a long time, believed, and then I realized that it was already too late, and I stopped dreaming ... I categorically disagree with the opinion that if a woman does not have children, this is her punishment for some sins. It's just that justice in this world does not always triumph. And yet each person has some kind of his own line of life, destiny - Fate ... But we still had children. When I appeared in David's life, his daughter Ira was seven years old. He brought her to me and said: “Ira, remember: Larisa is the main person for me. And you are a very important person to me. If you treat her well, you will be in my life. If it doesn’t work out, no ... ”I never gave a reason to be bad. Everything has always been normal between us, and now, after the death of David, it is the same. Ira is already an adult, she has a child. Works as a dentist. I am glad for her calls, and if she suddenly disappears, I worry and call myself ... And my main child is my niece Svetka - the daughter of Valera, my brother. I am very protective of her. She is also our dentist - everyone took an example from David. Svetlana has already had a baby, Artemka, whom I now drive in a stroller. And gradually, her mother, Leroy, and I are getting used to the status of grandmothers ... Victoria Tokareva, with whom we have been close friends for a very long time, somehow in response to my lamentation: “Yes, what an age, old age has already come ...” - answered: “Larisa, calm down, you still have a braking path of youth ...” A very encouraging phrase. But in general, she does not spoil me too much in her assessments. Recently she said: “Larisa, I saw you on TV, your face overflowed its banks.”

“And I think cutlets are the best food, and pasta for them”

I do not adhere to any trendy diets, I prefer to remain the way I am. I don't know if that's good or bad, but it's true. How do I reason? If I lose weight, my face will only turn uglier, but in general nothing will change - all the same, I will not become slender and long-legged, like an elegant gazelle. And by the way: in my youth, I was quite thin and at the same time completely ugly, and, I repeat, no one married until I was 30. And when she got fat, she married David, became successful, earning good money. So I don't want to lose weight. My fullness is my talisman. Once I clearly formulated this thought: success comes to me as my size increases ... And besides, I like to be like everyone else, like most aunties. I recently appeared in an episode of a TV program, and my friends immediately began to call me reproachfully: “Well, why are you walking like all the aunts - in an ordinary coat, in an ordinary hat, you should stand out at least a little.” And I don't stand out. I don't want to and there's nothing I can do about it. Well, there is no attraction to it. And I have no such fate. You know, the Japanese have a proverb: "Ripe rice keeps its head down." This symbol is a sign of modesty. Apparently, I'm already ripe rice.

“But the impossible is possible - the pain will go away one day in the past ...”

It seems to many that when fame comes to a woman, she plunges into a luxurious life, surrounded by a bunch of fans. It’s probably not very good to admit this, but I’ll say it as it is: neither before David, nor during, nor after, no one ran after me, no one wanted to win me over, no one offered me anything. And my luxurious life did not happen. Yes, she became conspicuous, bright, but - alas! - not a single person called and wrote that he wants to meet me. And now, to be honest, I don’t need anyone, I already want to live the way I live. (Smiling.) Although it would still be interesting ... They say that there are aunts older than me, and after they were left widows, something was started on the personal front. Let's say even she doesn't want to, but someone offers her something anyway. But no one offers me anything. I don't know why...

I went through a difficult period after the departure of David. I try to live a full life. She just moved to a different stage. Before I was not alone, but now I am alone. No one is waiting for me, no one misses me. That's all that has changed ... (With a bitter smile.) But otherwise everything is fine: I have an awful lot of work. And this is very good. Of course, in my situation it would be possible to abandon everything altogether - and so much has already been written. But I do not give up, I do not let go of life, I do not give it the opportunity to twist me. Here, look: I have a manicure done, my hair is styled, I walk neatly, the house is clean, there is not a speck of dust anywhere. I continue to go on tour, endlessly performing concerts. I compose dedications, scripts for birthdays, for weddings, for professional holidays - verses about pipelayers and oil pipeliners. I can do it all. That's just love poems are not written now. I can not. I don’t want to write about sad things, but today I have nothing else in my soul. Although I try very hard to forget, not to take it into my head, not to remember. I force myself to think about anything but this. I do not review photos, videos, letters. I can not yet. I'm so saved...

You got me about age

do not ask,

He did not match the state of mind.

Compliments me

don't embellish

Do not rush to sum up.

I'm not all dawns yet


And not all the sunsets found

I'm on the main questions

did not answer

and was she happy?

You got me about age

do not ask…

In the past, all

leaving mirages,

I pushed off the shore of yesterday,

To in the whirlwind of the waltz


I'm still in my dreams

I fly to the stars

I believe in the sincerity of friends,

And I hope

that it's not too late

me love

trust your...


Who said that love is only for the young,
Who said that dawn is for them.
Why are there so many for them?
And for those who are behind ... and no.
So what if the whiskey turned white,
Well, let the wrinkles around the eyes.
We haven't sung the last songs yet,
They haven't been folded for us yet.
Well, let the golden autumn
And the leaves have already fallen
And love will fly and not ask
As always, she will be right.
Burns in the chest, like from vodka with pepper,
From love belated big.
The young ones love with their hearts
Well, and those who are behind ... - soul.


What happiness, to be with you in a quarrel

from all worries to take a vacation for two days,

a free bird in the blue space

soar, forgetting hurtful words.

What happiness, without looking at the clock,

in a cafe with a girlfriend, drink coffee, chat

and don't waste emotions on you

and don't even remember you.

What happiness, smearing a little lipstick,

and buy flowers on the corner

be jealous of Othello, that's what you need

You made it all for yourself!

What a blessing to get on a late trolleybus

and swim slowly through the street at night,

and in the sky outside the window to see the stars,

and suddenly realize how bad it is to be alone!

What a blessing, late to return,

see the light, know there is someone at home

and you will go out and say: `stop being angry,

I'm so tired, give me something to eat!`


I dreamed of a gentle man -

He's not tall, and his eyes are like saucers.

And during the night he got used to me so much,

That I couldn't wake up in the morning.

He didn't let me go all night

He hugged me to the pimples on my skin.

Well, no one caressed me like that,

Neither before the man, nor after, too.

He was such a sweet man

It was so sweet for me to shoot that night.

And he disappeared just as he appeared,

What is the name, I forgot asked too.

I whispered to him: "Go away",

And I was afraid that I would cry.

And stayed on my chest

The imprint of his hot lips.

It was a dream, that's all

But since then I have not had a soul in it.

Suddenly in a dream you will meet him,

Tell me I miss him...


I won't blame you

But please don't cry.

You come to me on weekdays

And you always look at your watch.

And neither stay nor leave

You can never decide.

And I'm already over twenty,

And it's time for me to hurry.

You're cheating on me with your wife

You are cheating on her with me.

You are my wife and I love you.

You're cheating on both of us.

Saying goodbye, you look for a long time,

The hand will stay in the hand.

And I'm lipstick marks

I'll leave it on your cheek.

When you come home, your wife will notice

And you will decide that this is revenge.

And I want everything in the world

They found out that I am too.

You're cheating on me with your wife

You are cheating on her with me.

You are my wife and I love you.

You're cheating on both of us.

I had an impossible dream.

And you, appearing in a strange dream,

He suddenly said carelessly

That forever came to me.

But that wonderful dream was short-lived,

Your wife is waiting for you.

Again with you I will be on weekdays

And I'll be alone on holidays.


Woman smoking on a bench

On a crowded street.

The woman is all up to the light bulb.

The woman is not worried.

Everything happened in life

Don't stare.

Life is like a tasty morsel

This is a drink with poisons.

In blue rings of smoke

A secret sign is hidden -

Don't pass by!

Well, don't be so hasty!

Strange you, passers-by,

Albeit broad-shouldered.

Don't help a woman

On this moonless evening.

Would you sit down with a woman -

Smoke a cigarette.

Maybe it would be easier for her

Throw the memory out of the heart.



You, my love, are not my first.

How many, I didn't keep count.

The past took off like a gray bird,

Two wings shuddered in farewell.

You erased the past from life,

I confused all the dates and names,

And in the glasses were golden splashes

Strong evening wine...

How tense nerves hum.

Touch me and calm down.

You, my love, are not my first,

You are the one, the only one.


You can't order fate, you can't order

What should have come true has come true

And you can't tell everything with words

What I have experienced in my life.

What I dreamed at night in my youth

What I dream about at night now

Why cheerful and sad, -

This is a sad and long story.

I flip through the old pages

Everything is there - friendship, loss, love.

Do not stay those days, do not forget

Do not return to the past again.

Let the wind not ruffle my hair,

And my toast is serious for health,

Life will not lay down my wings before the deadline,

And before the deadline, as before the stars.


Ah, madam! You are going to be happy
Surprised and tender,
Serene, free, beautiful,
You do not know laziness and peace.
Wrapped in a beautiful dream
Forgotten sadness and pain
Loving heart, word, soul,
Well, tears ... it's just salt.
To live insipidly is also not a joy,
And there are no sugar days,
What is needed - a trifle, a drop, a little,
To burn in the eyes of the lights!
To lips timidly whisper,
So that hearts beat in unison,
Even a little sadness
Only to have a reason for sadness.
To keep the rains away
To play the wind in your hair
To a crystal and thin thread
The dew fell on your shoulders.
The trees grew big
A lot of water flowed
And the eyes remained
And the vault of the sky was high ...


I live well alone
Everything is fine in personal life,
And almost no regrets
That I am not your wife.
I have my worries
I only cry on Saturdays.
And also on Sundays.
And also when alone.


Something has changed in the relationship -
Everything is not as it was before.
Are you ready to make a decision
And you are preparing an important conversation.
You say that my gaze has become scattered,
That someone calls us and is silent.
And that in strange fits of amusement
I look so happy.

But there were no changes, but there were no changes.
But there was no change - all this is nothing,
Don't make drastic decisions.
Not the wind of change, not the wind of change
Not the wind of change, but just drafts
The curtains sway in our house.

Just someone's careless glance
Lingered slowly on me.
Someone's voice with a note of alarm
Responded somewhere in the depths.
The drafts flew into my soul,
And the chill does not give rest.
But a cold is treated for two weeks -
This means it will all be over soon.


And I look less and less in the mirror.

No reason, but just in case.

I would leave you, but I realized

It's not sweet with you, it's not better without you.

I hear conversations behind my back

But what to do? You can't turn back time.

And I'm running the finish line

But I know for sure - you are my finish.


Autumn is on fire again

On the threshold of a cold winter.

They say we are not a couple

And we can't be happy.

Talk with a shrug

Can anyone who wants, anyone,

But how sweet we are together at night,

Only we understand with you.

Who said there are laws in love

And that fate has rules

He did not know our sleepless night,

One like us never loved...

The cold will not touch our souls,

Our night will not get colder.

Who said that there are laws in love,

He doesn't know anything about her.

For love we sneak like thieves.

Before whom are we guilty, tell me?

Our night extinguishes all conversations

And lies on the pillow like a star.

You will breathe in a light cloud of steam

At the window frozen at night.

We really are not a couple,

Love has turned us into one.


Today someone was selling happiness at the crossroads.

It lay among hooks and old bright dresses,

among tired dusty books, among brushes and chalk.

It lay and looked at everyone in disbelief.

The people walked by, rarely anyone suddenly came up to the counter

Buy a brochure, calendar, needle, thread, pin.

And an indifferent look glided over stupid little things,

And happiness so asked for the house, so timidly and awkwardly.

Pleadingly looked up, barely squeaked,

But "someone" passed by and happiness faded.

It was getting dark, I was walking home. Warming hands in pockets.

The merchant was collecting goods, humming a little out of boredom.

I would have passed, but suddenly touched the pleading and sad

A helpless unhappy look, as if a farewell sigh.

I approached, and behind the glass of a plastic display case

little lump trembled with grief and resentment.

The lump was tired, wanted to be warm, froze in this cold,

but unfortunately no one needed the lump.

What? This? - This! - Yes, take it, it's just torment!

I carefully took the lump, pressed it to my chest,

Wrapped up in the folds of her coat, she almost ran home.

She ran to warm up. Hurry, hurry! In the heat from the frosty streets

And even the glare of the lanterns seemed to smile ...

And the white snow smiled, and the sky. The world laughed.

Yet there was a man who did not throw happiness.

I brought the lump into the house and it suddenly became clear

That I will not give it to anyone, and I will not return it back.


He was a lonely man

Life flew in the stream of days,

And often with unreasonable sadness

He so dreamed of meeting her.

He knew - the one who seeks finds,

He knew - the one who waits will wait.

He recognizes her from a thousand,

She knocks and enters.

Happiness is thinner than cobwebs

And not to be more precise.

And the halves dreamed

Tie two destinies into one.

Only these halves

When they met, they parted ways.

Happiness is thinner than cobwebs

It's not an easy life.

She lived alone, sad

And I also thought about him.

And returned in the evenings

To your lonely dark house.

And lighting in the hallway,

She dreamed that here and there

From a thousand he recognizes her

Knock on the door and enter.

And on that cold gloomy evening

Branches clattered against glass.

And this meeting took place

But the miracle didn't happen.

They saw each other

But suddenly they were afraid of happiness.

And again life went in a circle,

And the circle is endless...


I got so cold last winter
Without a friend, without love and without warmth.
I thought that you were with me for a long time,
It seemed to me that I had been waiting for you all my life.

You were so decidedly timid
You were so captivatingly brave.
I didn't dare to say anything to you
When you left so fast.

Try to forget
As the wood burned in the fireplace,
How the witch-blizzard wrapped the night in a veil.
Try to forget
What did you whisper, how you kissed,
How I believed you and what a crumpled bed was.

You did not become an enemy, nor a friend,
I will not rush to look for you in the morning,
You are my disease. I am suffering from illness
And I may not recover soon.

But I do not promise you peace
And I know that you will remember more than once,
How, warming the night, firewood crackled,
But you don't know this now.

Remote controller

You turn the key in the car
Step on the gas, blow like the wind
Like a razor, you slash with your eyes
And you won't answer my question.

The path to your soul is so difficult
Or maybe it's all incompetence.
To be with you, I need a remote
With remote control.

I would press the buttons
I would switch you
Louder, then quieter
Either lower or higher.

You would depend on the button
You would be arrogant and timid,
You would be bright and pale,
He was either rich or poor.

If I miss you,
I would turn you off.

You pumped up body weight
And your weight is pleasant to me.
I fly with you at night
And I'm not going back.

You are my idol, my god, my cult,
You are my delight and regret.
But where can I get the damn remote
With remote control!



I'll open the window on a warm evening
In the smell of lindens and in the music in the distance.
They say time heals wounds
But mine still hurts.
Everything came true, but later than I wanted,
And not the one who was waiting came.
My best song didn't sing
And gone to the long forgotten.
And the old lindens were sadly silent
About what's at the beginning, about what's at the end.
And the old lindens shook their branches,
And the past swirled in golden dust.
I'll open the window in someone's shadows,
In someone's laughter and in someone's voices.
And again evening obsession
Your eyes are dreaming to me.
It's not your shadow that squeezes in your hand
The shadow of flowers, like the shadow of bygone years.
It's just the wind blowing
And plucks the fragrant color from the limes.


We are used to always talking about God
Not when there is a cheerful light in the heart,
And when we are in trouble, and when we are in trouble
And there are no tangible hopes ahead.
When pain gnaws at us, and resentment gnaws,
And adversity presses us from all sides,
Who will come to us? Support, forgive, help?
It is useless to ask: of course, He ...
So let's think again and again
But seriously, and not something like this, hastily:
Why does love grow stronger in us
Not to others, but to yourself so lightly and tenderly?
And there are no secrets here.
Here, on the contrary, the road is straight as light:
Because loving others passionately -
It means to love God with all your soul!
What to hide: life, of course, is not easy,
The most important thing here is not fasting - prayers,
And to others, like a world in the middle of a battle,
That is, great kindness to people.
And if Love becomes this eternal base,
The sails are inflated by a light wind ...
And then for deeds, and by no means phrases
Heaven will smile at your soul...

Where are you going.

She came in, shook off the snow from her fur coat,
Fitted in a fashionable way.
Flashed from under the blue eyelids
Your eyes are cold.
She passed, teasing her knees,
Like, bet big.
Already been to me
Such inaccessible.
Where will you go
When you undress

Get lost in words
Then you forget
Then you will be in the clouds.
Taking a sip of cognac
You blow smoke rings
And you hint from above
There is nothing for me to catch here.
Where are we, little ones, before you
Majesty, Highness.
But in the corners of haughty eyes
I saw loneliness.
Where will you go
When you undress
When you get warm in my arms.
Get lost in words
Then you forget
Then you will be in the clouds.
You know, I'm an experienced player
Not knowing defeat.
Now the current will go through the nerves
Great tension.
And you release the brakes
And all arrogance will end.
After all, you can do what you can't
When you really want to.


You look, and your look is lascivious and desperate.
Someone's lipstick on a cup of tea.
Someone's hairbrush is on the bathroom table.
It would be strange not to notice it.
You can explode here with a scandalous cry
You can break everything that is crystal in the house.
You can cry, leave, slam the door,
But I believe in all excuses.

These stories I heard "thousands"
That you are silent, you are not looking for excuses.
We need to pack up and leave.
I choose the words to stay.
Say a word, do something cute
I had the strength not to cry.
Throw away the comb and wipe off the lipstick
You don't have to confess your sins!

I choose lies, I choose treason
I pay an impossible price for love
Loving cold and burning to ashes
I choose you, I choose you.


Habitual days of the current caravan,
Where the days merge into one.
Everyone thinks we have an affair,
And they are very wrong.
In the minute between snow and rain
Premonitions are disturbing.
We will come to each other immediately.
What an urgent help.

For Kushnarenko:
Look for the answer to your question on the Internet, for example, here

  • #15

    Hello! I ask you for help. Wrote an excellent "historical" fantasy novel. But I don't know how to register and publish it. Tell me, please, where to go, where to go? I found out in publishing houses, the amount is not lifting. Sincerely, Zinaida

  • #14

    Twelfth hour of the night. I read your poems with rapture. Soul touched. Loneliness is well known. Thank you for the warmth and hope. I wish all lonely hearts to meet their soul mate.

  • #13


  • #12

    Larisa (St. Petersburg, October 12, 2018) (Friday, 12 October 2018 14:51)

    Thank you for your sincerity. I just love these people!

  • #11

    re-read it. I don't quite agree, but that's life.

  • #10

    I admire your poems good luck and success to YOU

  • #9

    Larisa Alekseevna, I love you and your
    Poems, I love everything that is connected with you!
    I know your poems by heart and quote them. I really want in your life
    everything turned out well so that you again
    were happy in their personal lives!!!

  • #8

    This is from God!!! Easy and simple and straight to the soul.

  • #7

    Thank you very much, Larissa, for your poems! You are a talent!!! I read and cry .... from what is hard on my soul and heart. In your poems, what I feel in my soul, but cannot express in words. Thanks for support!

  • #6

    Couldn't tear myself away! How true, how true. When you read, you forget about age. Thank you dear Larisa!

  • #5

    Penetrating verses about sore! Thank you Larisa!!!

  • #4

    Thank you. Love you. Happiness to you............

  • #3

    I'm sitting crying ... Thank you for the truth! You are a real woman... and a Goddess!

  • #2

    Thank you. As if I visited the cathedral. Poems inspire. Happiness to you!

  • #1

    I am well over 60, and I read Larisa's poems as a young one. Thank you for returning to love.

  • Larisa Alekseevna Rubalskaya

    She was born on September 24, 1945 in Moscow.
    In 1970 she graduated from the Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Russian Language and Literature), in 1973 - Japanese language courses. She worked as a guide-interpreter at the Sputnik International Youth Tourism Bureau, at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, at the State Concert. From 1975 to 1983 - secretary-translator in the Moscow office of the Japanese television company NTV. Since 1983, he has been a referent for the Moscow office of the Japanese newspaper Asahi. As it happens, life brought Rubalskaya into songwriting by accident. Larisa wrote the first song together with Vladimir Miguley ("Recollection", V. Tolkunova). Since then, her active creative time began.

    You can't order fate, you can't order
    What should have come true has come true
    And you can't tell everything with words
    What I have experienced in my life.
    What I dreamed at night in my youth
    What I dream about at night now
    Why cheerful and sad, -
    This is a sad and long story.

    I flip through the old pages
    Everything is there - friendship, loss, love.
    Do not stay those days, do not forget
    Do not return to the past again.
    Let the wind not ruffle my hair,
    And my toast is serious for health,
    Life will not lay down my wings before the deadline,
    And before the deadline, as before the stars

    In anticipation of the snow, the gardens dozed off
    Under the withered leaves.
    In anticipation of the snow, a ray of farewell sun
    Flashed and faded.
    And we opened with you late
    forgotten truths,
    As if they did not know that all these secrets
    Open to us.

    In anticipation of sadness, our way through midnight
    Covered with fogs.
    In anticipation of sadness, dot all the dots
    It would be high time.
    And maybe in vain we call for help
    forgotten truths,
    After all, luyuvi has no laws, no rules,
    Love is not a game.

    Or maybe we shouldn't think about snow
    For fast winters.
    The hot sun will warm the earth again,
    Will pass without a trace.
    Or maybe we should not think about sadness,
    We understood the truth.
    To wait for the sun, we need to be with you
    Live the cold.

    Years go by, years go by
    The jaw is inserted, it is difficult to breathe.
    I'll look in the mirror, one twist,
    Wrinkled neck, wrinkled face.

    I will buy shoes, a copy in the magazine,
    Can't wear, flat feet
    I can't see in the distance, close as armless,
    Not farsighted, not nearsighted.

    Like, even in old age there is power for love.
    But I'll tell you, it wasn't there!
    I want to flirt with eyes on the floor,
    And I climb into my purse, where is the validol.

    I want to throw myself into the arms of a man
    Yes, the glasses on the bridge of the nose interfere.
    And the memory has become low quality -
    Why she went to him, I completely forgot.

    One consolation with me everywhere.
    I'm worse than I was, but better than I will be!

    Don't ask me about my age
    It did not coincide with the state of the Soul.
    Do not embellish me with compliments,
    Don't rush to sum it up...

    I have not yet met all the dawns,
    And not all the sunsets found.
    I didn't answer the main questions.
    How did you live and be happy?

    Don't ask me about my age...
    In the past, leaving all your mirages,
    I pushed off the shore of yesterday,
    To whirl in a whirlwind of a waltz.

    I still fly to the stars in my dreams,
    I believe in the sincerity of friends.
    And I hope it's not too late
    I trust your love.

    Maybe I'm not smart, maybe I'm wrong
    Maybe you don't understand me at all...
    I live like flowers, I breathe like grass
    I sound in an endless jubilant note.

    Open the petals, inhale the warm air,
    Let every ray of sunshine directly into the soul,
    As an unthinkable gift to accept a new day ...
    Just live... I don't know what could be better.

    I'm lucky I'm not one of those
    Who cannot bear the joy of others,
    Who can not bear the success of others,
    Who only asks God for happiness.

    I don't need yachts or houses
    No gold, no fur coats, no diamonds.
    What I want - I will achieve everything myself,
    How much strength, mind, talent is enough.

    I do not envy any bright beauty
    (Happiness is not in this - a well-known postulate),
    No glory, no bohemian fuss.
    I am satisfied with my fate and place.

    And yet I lie to myself
    This feeling is familiar to me:
    I envy one woman
    That every day you meet at home ...

    I don't want to get old, I don't want to!
    They say I look great...
    I'm still on my shoulder
    That not every young person can stand it!

    I can think of this
    That others just ... envy me!
    Youth faded in eternal debt -
    What did I see in her, besides modesty?

    In addition to complexes - to put on??
    Well, what kind of dresses did we have ...
    I do not want and will not grow old!
    So I marked myself in fate!

    I look at myself - good!
    Three wrinkles - just think, difficulties!
    Young voice, beauty-soul,
    Well, in the mirror ... eternal nonsense!

    Granddaughter - Honey is walking nearby ...
    Strangers think - mom - me!
    ... Inevitably, time has a move!
    I won't get old! I'm stubborn!

    Rubalskaya on stage
    State Central Concert Hall "Russia" reads poetry and sings songs.

    State Central Concert Hall "Russia" sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulates the poetess
    Rubalskaya with
    Songs for verses
    Alekseevna is always recognizable, her style can be described as life experience in a positive way, although life situations are not always positive. wish
    Alekseevna the strongest health, creative positive attitude and, of course, humor, which throughout life goes along with

    Alekseevna is an active participant and regular guest of creative programs of famous pop artists taking place in
    State Central Concert Hall "Russia" in connection with the large number of songs that were created on the poems of the poetess.
    September 24, 2005
    Rubalskaya celebrated her anniversary with a grandiose concert program on stage
    State Central Concert Hall "Russia" with the participation of a huge number of Soviet and Russian pop stars, which is still broadcast on television channels. On our portal OtClipon.ru you can watch online without registration - Larisa
    Rubalskaya on stage
    State Central Concert Hall "Russia" reads poetry and sings songs., in good quality. I really like the work of this poetess, she really has poems, like songs. So many musical hits sound with her poems, this is truly people's love. Answer
    Yes, this is people's love, and it is rightfully deserved. Answer
    Oh, what wonderful poems he writes
    Larisa! they are good to listen to, they can be sung, I admire them! Answer
    The poems are wonderful, listening to them is a pleasure! Answer
    The other day I watched the program "As in spirit", where
    L. Rubalskaya met with an actress
    I. Miroshnichenko. Both women with a difficult fate, I love both endlessly.
    Irina decided to recite poetry
    Larisa, but it turned out that these were not poems
    Rubalskaya. An unfortunate incident….
    Larisa writes everything about herself, very penetratingly, touches the soul. Answer
    I couldn't finish watching this show, there were urgent matters. It's a pity because the programs with the participation
    Rubalskaya is always so cheerful and the mood rises after reading her poems. Answer
    I didn't read poetry at all
    Rubalskaya. I am familiar with her work only through songs. Answer
    Alexander, but not all poems
    Larissa became songs.
    Read poems, they will help
    You understand the inner world of a woman. Answer
    About one hundred percent
    The woman is simply wonderful poetry! Answer
    Although some believe that these are not her poems!
    Although I personally heard her read them! Answer
    And how many wonderful songs written on her poems! Answer
    The songs are wonderful, and they are performed by wonderful singers.
    Songs - hits, are remembered for a long time. Answer
    Indeed, at
    Rubalskaya's amazing gift of rhyming, it would seem, tells about the ordinary, but in such a beautiful poetic form. Answer
    That's it,
    Svetlana, how
    You said it well: rhyming. Simple words, but how they fit into beautiful rhymes that are so easy to read and listen to! A very real, positive woman and poems, beautiful, like Vologda lace ... fascinate, decorate, warm, wake up a smile .. thanks for this gift! Answer
    glad, that
    Did you like it!
    Come again! Answer
    Thank you so much
    Taisiya, for my favorite author of poems.
    Yes, she is an amazing woman!
    Only a person with a big soul can write like that!
    Blessings to her and to you in life from
    Thanks again,
    Taya. Answer
    Tatyana, I'm glad I delivered
    You enjoy reading these verses. Answer
    I not only enjoyed reading these poems, I watched this video on youtube, there is a lot more about her, then I went to her website and enjoyed it there. I love this poetess very much. I wonder to myself: why didn’t I find her site myself, because now with the Internet it’s all simple. In any case, thank you for reminding me of her. Answer
    Taisiya, thank you.
    Thank you very much for this meeting - I also sympathize for a long time
    Rubalskaya, I like her songs and poems, and it’s always nice to see her too, she really is such an open, such a benevolent person!
    It is always a pleasure to come into contact with the work of a person who arranges his world with such love and warmth)))
    Thank you,
    Taya, for a great meeting with
    Larisa. Her poems are kind of familiar, warm.
    Very simple, and therefore reach the very heart. How well she speaks to us women!
    He can talk about the most difficult feelings so simply. And be sure to have a little humor. And what soulful faces the listeners in the hall have!
    Thank you again for this little holiday! Answer
    Tatyana, I'm glad that
    Did you like it. Answer
    I love
    Rubalskaya, her poems and songs.
    They are very warm and gentle. Answer
    And in each of her poems there is some kind of zest. And I want to listen to her poems again and again. But this is my opinion ... Reply
    To be honest, I read and listened to poetry
    Rubalskaya for the first time (not counting the songs, of course). I am delighted!
    And I heard about a 100% woman more than once, I just didn’t know that it was her.
    Thanks for the nice moments! Answer
    Have you ever heard her poetry? But they often sound at various shows and creative evenings shown on television. Of course, her poems are simple and at the same time very vital. Answer
    The fact is that
    I rarely watch TV, and when I do, it’s more Ukrainian channels, because I’m from
    Ukraine. Maybe that's why I didn't hear it. Answer
    Thanks for the great post.
    I love poetry and songs for poetry
    Rubalskaya. Answer
    Thanks for the kind feedback.
    Days go by faster every year
    And the children grow up and leave the nest.
    We wish you more friends
    Let light and happiness warm you.
    It's great to have friends and girlfriends.
    But the main thing in life is the only friend,
    Who will appreciate you and understand
    Believe that someday he will come.
    He will fall in love with you with all his heart
    Because you just live on earth!
    They say that at this time the woman berry again!
    They say, as you can see, for sure - you look like five!
    Eyes shine with joy, and the figure is just class,
    It's time for congratulations - look at us:
    We wish you happiness, so that more and more every year,
    And luck will surely find its way to you!
    And we wish you love, let it not fade every day,
    Let your life illuminate with burning fire!
    Let the Indian summer last long
    May the young soul remain forever
    May grief and anxiety not settle in her,
    Always be cheerful and good!
    Be healthy, friendly and sweet,
    beautiful body and beautiful face,
    And most importantly, be the happiest
    And let every day be unique for you!

    Larisa Rubalskaya. My hero

    LARISA RUBALSKAYA. You can't order fate, you can't order...

    Let the years fly like swallows. The age of a woman depends on the spirit. You can be young even at fifty. And you can live at twenty, like an old woman!!!
    Born in
    Moscow on September 24, 1945.
    Multiple laureate of the television contest "Song of the Year". Autumn is on fire again
    They say we are not a couple
    And we can't be happy.
    Talk with a shrug
    Can anyone who wants, anyone,
    But how sweet we are together at night,
    Only we understand with you.
    Who said there are laws in love
    And that fate has rules
    He did not know our sleepless night,
    The one like us never loved.
    The cold will not touch our souls,
    Our night will not get colder. Who said that there are laws in love,
    He doesn't know anything about her. Name
    Rubalskaya is well known to any fan of modern pop music, because during her creative life she wrote poems for more than 600 songs, and among the performers of these songs there are such names as
    Pugachev. Philip
    Ovsienko and others. Larisa
    Alekseevna considers herself a songwriter. All her poems are creations from life. They are very sincere and sincere. This wonderful woman provides an opportunity to escape from the problems of this crazy world and gives sincere smiles to everyone around. Everything that writes
    Rubalskaya touches the soul, penetrates the very heart.

    Her understanding of women's fate, multiplied by her literary talent, gives moments of true pleasure to those who love song and poetry, who believe in high feelings. It is no coincidence that many of her poems set to music have become hits, and poetry collections never lie on book shelves. The uniqueness of the poetic and prose palette
    Rubalskaya and apparently lies in the fact that each of her poems, each song is a small love story, about which far from “everything has been said”, and the author amazingly accurately captures the very one and only intonation to which the soul, open to real feelings, responds. You can't order fate, you can't order
    What should have come true has come true
    And you can't tell everything with words
    What I have experienced in my life.
    What I dreamed at night in my youth
    What I dream about at night now
    Why cheerful and sad - This is a sad and long story.
    I flip through the old pages
    Everything is there - friendship, loss, love. Do not stay those days, do not forget
    Do not return to the past again.
    Let the wind not ruffle my hair,
    And my toast is serious for health,
    Life will not lay down my wings before the deadline,
    And before the deadline, as before the stars.
    Maybe I'm not smart, maybe I'm wrong
    Maybe you don't understand me at all... I live like flowers, I breathe like grass,
    I sound in an endless jubilant note.
    I can read between phrases, between lines,
    I can be calm and wise and gentle... Look at me, I'm just a flower
    For whom the sun is more important than hope.
    Open the petals, inhale the warm air,
    Let every ray of sunshine directly into the soul,
    As an unthinkable gift to accept a new day ...
    Just live... I don't know what could be better. You got me about age
    He did not match the state of mind. Compliments me
    What a joy to be with you in a quarrel.
    From all worries, take a vacation of two days,
    A free bird in the blue space
    Soar, forgetting hurtful words!
    What happiness, without looking at the clock,
    In a cafe with a girlfriend, drink coffee, chat,
    And do not waste emotions on you,
    And don't even remember you!
    What happiness, as it used to be,
    Catch someone's eyes in the crowd
    And, fading, waiting for what will happen next,
    And don't explain anything to you!
    What happiness, smear a little lipstick,
    And on the corner to buy flowers.
    Othello, that's what you need
    You made all this for yourself!
    What happiness - to sit in a late trolleybus
    And swim slowly through the street at night,
    And outside the window to see the stars in the sky,
    And suddenly realize how bad it is to be alone!
    What a blessing to return late
    Seeing the light, to know - there is someone at home,
    And you will come out and say - stop being angry,
    I'm so tired, give me something to eat!

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