How to celebrate your 15th birthday. Crystal wedding

If you noticed, I am a fan of good home holidays, so the lion’s share of the ideas on my site are dedicated to them. Here are some that are fashionable to organize yourself!

Fun program with presenters

Yes, exactly with the presenters. These are not animators or clowns who entertain with children's games, but they are not boring wedding toastmasters either. These are young guys with a good sense of humor who will hold age-appropriate games and competitions. Such that you can laugh and get to know each other even more.

I can name Moscow prices:

  • 1 presenter for 1 hour = 5000 rubles
  • 2 presenters for 1 hour = 10,000 rubles
  • 2 presenters for 2 hours with a cool show program “Crocodile” or “Mafia” (lots of props, additional competitions, surprises) - 20,000 rubles. Call us, we will tell you more details.

Emotions at such programs are always very vivid, and then teenagers themselves conduct similar shows among their friends. .


My readers live in different cities of Russia, so I can’t give universal performers for this version of a teenager’s birthday. The main thing is that the agency that conducts quests must have sufficient experience and talented presenters, otherwise everything will be boring.

Why do I like the quest?

  • Young people are immersed in a historical era or become participants in the plot of a famous film or favorite book.
  • These are not just relay races and entertaining competitions, but also solving riddles and secrets

Our quests:

1. Interactive quest (many plots), can be done at home, in a cafe, in the classroom.

2. Quest rooms on Sukharevskaya (Jumanji, Hogwarts, etc.).

3. Quest battles (up to 8 people in one game).

4. Quest tournament for senior schoolchildren “4 rooms” near Shabolovskaya metro station.

Read what suits you best and call.

Filming the video

It’s better if you have a fairly large room or a cozy area outside (in warm weather without rain). A costume designer, director and cameraman will come to you.

Our managers can also select a location for filming. The script can be discussed in advance, costume and props can be selected. In Moscow, you will need to pay 30 thousand rubles for 3 hours. Installation is included in this price, but you will receive the finished disc in 3 weeks. Call if interested!

Master classes

If your friends love creative master classes, I can recommend them (yes, the articles linked to are about adults, but children’s classes are no longer suitable for us)…

  • decoration of glass, ceramics, wooden surfaces


To be honest, as a mother, I wouldn’t risk taking a few more teenagers with me to a water park to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. Too much responsibility.

This option is possible if you invite the whole family. Let the parents look after the child themselves, and you just organize an entertainment program. There are such holidays in fitness clubs, it’s not so difficult to find.

There are many competitions on the water, Neptune, mermaids and mermen.

Laser tag

Many parents are unsuccessfully racking their brains over how to celebrate their teenager’s birthday. Indeed, this issue is quite complex, since a teenager is no longer a child, but has not yet become an adult, and therefore traditional forms of celebration for these age categories are not acceptable for him.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday in an interesting way

In order for the birthday of a young man or young girl to pass without complications, it is enough to follow the simple rules that are described below:

Children who have entered adolescence want to leave childhood behind as quickly as possible, so they overly strive for independence. Allowing a teenager to independently choose how to celebrate a birthday is already half the gift.

Let the grown-up boy or girl make the list of guests themselves, create a menu and decorate the house for the guests' arrival. The potential birthday boy will be happy to help his parents buy food for the holiday table and prepare treats.

At this stage, children are very dependent on the opinions of others, and first of all, on friends, impressing whom is the main task of a teenager. The parents’ task at this stage is to try to fulfill the teenager’s wishes as much as possible and celebrate the birthday the way he wants.

If the birthday person is a little lost and cannot decide on the design of the holiday, you can invite him to celebrate his birthday in the style of a themed party. For example, if the birthday boy is a boy, then all the guests can become feasts. In order to make the holiday more colorful, the room where it will take place should be decorated in the appropriate style.

Teenagers really want to have everything “like adults,” so a disco will be a pleasant surprise. However, in order not to get into trouble when making a playlist, parents need to know the musical preferences of their child and his friends.

As one of the options for celebrating a teenager's birthday, you can consider outdoor recreation - you can go to the country or just pitch a tent on the river bank. This method of celebrating a teenager’s birthday provides a lot of opportunities for children - swimming in a pond, fishing, football, badminton, food cooked over a fire. However, it is worth considering that during such a holiday, several adults must be present who will control the movement of children and monitor their behavior.

How to celebrate a teenager's birthday in a fun way

All parents whose children have entered the difficult age of 13 to 16 are scratching their heads over how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday. On the one hand, they are no longer children and they will not be pleased with a team of clowns with balloons, and on the other hand, none of the options for holding an adult birthday suits them yet.

Celebration specialists offer parents of birthday people a whole range of ways to celebrate their teenagers’ birthdays. Parents can choose one of them in accordance with their financial capabilities and the preferences of the birthday child.

Bowling clubs, roller rinks and water parks have opened in almost all cities of our country. They can be a great place to host a fun, memorable birthday. True, parents should take into account that such a holiday will cost a pretty penny, since all invited guests will have to pay entrance fees.

If the company with which the birthday person is friends is sports, then as an option for holding a teenager’s birthday, you can offer a bike ride or a paintball competition. The holiday will become especially interesting if the bike race is turned into a kind of quest - a treasure hunt.

For girls who dream of a career as a fashion model and show business, you can order a shoot from a professional photographer who will dress the girls in fashionable clothes, do stylish makeup and hair and conduct a photo shoot. This gift is not only pleasant, but also useful, as it will help the young girl understand that she is truly beautiful.

Another option for a purely girlish birthday is to sit in some trendy cafe and watch a tearful melodrama with your favorite Hollywood actor.

Often, when thinking about how to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, parents decide not to scatter themselves and organize home name days, to which, traditionally, everyone is invited, both distant and close relatives. Psychologists advise avoiding such decisions, since children who have entered adolescence try to look emphatically grown-up and strive for independence. In the event that gatherings with relatives cannot be avoided, the teenager should be rewarded by celebrating his birthday again with friends.

>How to organize a teenager's birthday

What can be done to ensure that the teenager remembers the holiday for a long time and leaves extremely pleasant memories? This process is responsible, sometimes difficult, but always incredibly interesting. If you decide to organize a birthday party for a teenager, be sure to read our article - you will learn a lot of useful and interesting things.

You should always focus on the teenager’s age and interests. It is unlikely that feasts with toasts and congratulations will be interesting to him. So, you need to immediately understand that you should focus on active leisure and recreation. First, count the number of guests and think about what you could do to keep them busy. Today it is not necessary to celebrate a birthday at home - there are many places where you can send a teenager and his friends if you wish. For example, they can go bowling, visit a cafe, water park, or swimming pool. In almost every city there are interesting places - for example, an open-air museum, where it is proposed to organize various holidays. In general, study all the offers that are available to local residents, and then, focusing on the interests of the child, make a choice in favor of several establishments. Then contact the birthday boy to discuss this issue with him - after all, the teenager should also take part in the process of preparing for the birthday. This is especially true for the location of the event.

Now let's talk about the menu. It is no secret that teenagers today are increasingly consuming ready-made semi-finished products, sweets and other not very healthy products. If at the same time you abruptly force the birthday boy and his guests to eat only salads and steamed cutlets, it will be, at a minimum, stupid and ineffective. In order not to spoil the mood of the hero of the occasion and his friends, you can simply set the table so that guests can try a wide variety of food: fried nuggets and salads. By the way, use one clever trick - brightly decorate healthier food. Such dishes will stand out from the crowd and arouse genuine interest. Also, no one forbids you to add a little less salt to your food, replace sugar with honey and use other similar tricks. Develop a menu with your teen. If you are celebrating a birthday outside the home, involve a worker in this process who will supervise the food preparation process.

And, of course, don’t forget about games and competitions. It’s great if you can hire an animator who will set the right pace for the holiday and do everything to make it unforgettable.

Now you know how to organize a teenager's birthday. Good luck!

How to celebrate 15 years

One of the most difficult issues regarding a teenager's birthday is alcohol. Of course, from a medical point of view, 15 years is too young to drink alcohol, but if you introduce this strict restriction, there is no guarantee that the birthday boy and his friends will not find this “adult treat” on the street.

Does this always require a lot of money and a large amount of free time that needs to be spent on organizing the holiday? Rest assured, there are more than enough options for spending time, and today we will talk to you about how to organize a birthday celebration so that the event is sure to be remembered.

How to celebrate 15 years

It is very important to realize that your child is no longer like that. First of all, this is a teenager who is no longer interested in gatherings with relatives in the apartment - he wants to celebrate his own birthday in the company of friends, which is quite normal, because adults and teenagers still have different interests.

Therefore, do not force your son or daughter to sit at home and listen to toasts from relatives instead of going out and having fun with their peers. You can always (if finances, time and other circumstances allow) celebrate your birthday within two days. The first day of the birthday person is congratulated by relatives, and the second by friends, or vice versa. This is a great solution if you want to find a compromise.

Be sure to talk to the future birthday boy. Perhaps he already has a rough idea of ​​how to celebrate 15 years. In this case, you can advise him something useful or offer him another option for spending his time. If the hero of the occasion has no ideas, you can tell him something.

If your son turns 15, you can organize a paintball game for him - this is a very exciting activity that is perfect for teenagers. Especially if both your son and his friends are against glamorous gatherings.

How to celebrate your daughter's 15th birthday? Here, on the contrary, it is worth considering the option of some kind of establishment. You need to choose it based on the number of guests and, of course, the wishes of the birthday girl. But, as a gift, you can present a photo session - for the hero of the occasion or also for photographing her together with her friends. Rest assured, your daughter will appreciate this surprise.

Recently, trips to nature have become popular. If a teenager decides to celebrate 15 years in this way, you need to carefully consider how the guests and the birthday boy will get to their destination, what they will eat, and what they will do. In nature you can play badminton, ball, twister and even hide and seek.

We wish you good luck in organizing the holiday!

No longer a child, but not yet an adult. This expression can characterize this “difficult” age. Adolescence involves the desire to appear more mature and independent. This is the age at which you want to show everyone your independence and importance.

Mark Teenager's birthday not easy. At this age, it is important to take into account the wishes and preferences of the hero of the occasion; you need to consult with him and take into account his opinion. After all, this is “the transitional age between clowns and striptease.”

Celebrate a teenager’s birthday so that “both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe”? This is a difficult task facing parents of 13-16 year old children. After all, these are no longer foolish children, but they are also not quite adult boys and girls. What's the best way to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

The birthday boy himself should take an active part in preparing the celebration. After all, when you know what they want, when you don’t have to rack your brains about whether they like it or not, where to celebrate a teenager’s birthday, how to entertain them, what to give as a gift, you can firmly and confidently go in the indicated direction and achieve the best result.

And it’s good when teenagers know what they want their birthday to look like. After all, it often happens that the birthday boy himself does not know what he wants on this day, does not know how and where he can celebrate his 15th birthday or some other date of his “difficult” age. In this case, the participation and attention of adults is important. Talk to your teenager, let him tell you what confuses him, what stresses him, what scares him. Tell us about your experiences at this age, share your observations and life experiences. But this should not happen in the form of moralizing, but in the form of a friendly conversation. As a result of the conversation, an interesting option will probably arise on how to conduct Teenager's birthday.

Teenager's birthday.
Teenager's birthday

teenager's birthday, teenager's birthday, 13-year-old teenager's birthday, 14-year-old teenager's birthday, 15-year-old teenager's birthday, 16-year-old teenager's birthday

Celebrating a teenager's birthday will require more serious preparation than.

First of all, you need to decide in what environment your child prefers to celebrate his birthday. Some people like a cafe or restaurant, while others prefer a big noisy party of friends right at home. In any case, all responsibility falls on the parents. In the case of a restaurant - on the wallet, but in the case of a birthday party at home - on cooking, table decoration, and entertainment.

You can certainly make a teenager happy by inviting him and his friends to play bowling or paintball. For your information, children under 14 years old can play paintball only with parental permission.

First of all, find out from the teenager exactly how he sees his birthday. After all, not only the atmosphere, but also the child’s mood depends on your participation. After all, many of them want to appear independent in front of their friends, and your excessive attention and presence can cause irritation or even resentment. Well, sooner or later any parent has to put up with this.

Today there are many cafes and restaurants aimed specifically at celebrating holidays for children and teenagers. Everything here will be equipped exactly the way children like it - special dishes, entertainment, music, and so on. All you have to do is bring the company to the establishment, and the administration will take on further concerns. As practice shows, such a birthday can become unforgettable, but at the same time, the bad attitude of the organizers from the establishment can ruin everything. Therefore, first study the reviews of cafe visitors so as not to get into trouble and not waste quite a lot of money.

Hosting a teenager's birthday party at home can be a much more difficult task. Modern children do not like large laid tables. The best solution would be a small buffet with snacks and drinks. And the most important thing is entertainment. Good music, interesting films and games - today there are many opportunities to make the holiday fun and bright.

What will the party include? Let's divide it into three main parts:

  1. Attention to the birthday boy (congratulations)
  2. Treat
  3. Games, competitions, entertainment

Celebrate a teenager's birthday You can do it outdoors, in a club, in a discotheque, in a cafe, or in a restaurant. The last option sounds beautiful and serious, and gives more opportunities for teenagers to feel like they are already old enough. But this is so important for them.

If funds allow, a teenager’s birthday can be celebrated very cheerfully at a water park, at a roller rink, at a bowling club or entertainment center. The main advantage of such a celebration is that the birthday boy and his guests have room to “unwind”. You can run from the heart, jump, scream - have a blast.

Boys will certainly enjoy playing paintball - a sort of modern war game. Girls can be offered “glamorous gatherings” in the style of the heroines of their favorite films. Many teenage girls will certainly enjoy having a professional photo shoot or a “clip” organized in their honor - they will be able to feel like real models and actresses.

Scenarios for a teenager's birthday

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The choice of scenario for celebrating a teenager’s birthday largely depends not only on the financial capabilities of the parents, but also on the tastes and preferences of the birthday boy and the entire invited company.

Every teenager dreams of a crazy birthday party. A party that will be remembered by all his friends and acquaintances...

Here are some examples of how you can bring any celebration to life. First on the list of competitions will be the investigation of the contents of the pockets. For this game, the birthday boy announces a competition for the original contents of his pockets. All participants vote for the player whom they consider the winner; accordingly, the person whose item from his pocket received the most votes wins. You can't vote for yourself...

What games will be interesting for teenagers on their birthday?

Pranks for a teenager's birthday

Happy birthday cards for teenagers (DIY cards)

postcard for a teenager +happy birthday, +happy birthday pictures for a teenager, movies +about birthdays for teenagers

Festive table for a teenager's birthday

table +for a teenager's birthday, cake +for a teenager's birthday, menu +for a teenager's birthday, dishes +for a teenager's birthday, recipes +for a teenager's birthday, salads +for a teenager's birthday, snacks +for a teenager's birthday

Teenagers are often not picky about holiday foods. But, nevertheless, this issue should be taken seriously. At fun and active events, young people can eat twice as much food as adults - this is worth considering.

The menu should be flexible and include teenagers' favorite foods: pizza, pasta, sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, meat dishes, salads, and sometimes exotic sushi and Chinese cuisine.

A teenager will be pleased to receive an original birthday cake as a gift, baked by a relative or made to order. And its shape can harmoniously fit into the holiday decoration (football field, book, violin, etc.).

Music and Songs for a teenager's birthday

songs + for a teenager's birthday, music + for a teenager's birthday

This is an important factor in a teenage company. Therefore, it is better to entrust the musical accompaniment to the hero of the occasion or his friends. Rehearse in advance where and at what competition, what kind of music will be played.

Gift ideas for a teenager's birthday (DIY gifts)

gift for teenager + birthday

Not an easy task: what to give a teenager for his birthday?
This question is really tricky - its difficulty lies in the fact that parents and friends are faced with a difficult task: it is quite difficult to please a representative of transition-age youth.

What to give a teenager for his birthday?
Adolescence is the age when you want to be an adult. Therefore, the gift must be appropriate. No soft plush toys, no small souvenirs, no puzzles or board games. Only absolutely adult gifts that can be usefully used in everyday life.
What to give a teenage girl? What to give a teenage boy?

Teenager Birthday Gift Ideas
A laptop or tablet, a mobile phone or smartphone, an mp3 player, e-books - all of the listed devices are not cheap, and therefore, if the budget is quite limited, you can choose an equally pleasant and useful gift for a teenager, which is much lower in price.

And for their parents. You need to take into account who will come to figure out how to organize a holiday. It’s better to start with the opinion of the hero of the occasion, most likely she or he has his own vision.

Outdoor events

The easiest way is a trip to nature. Adults, teenagers, and even younger brothers and sisters would be appropriate here. In this case, you can go to the country house or to a camp site. It is better that the place is not familiar, but new. In summer you can swim and sunbathe in nature. In winter, play snowballs and build snow characters. It is important that the conditions allow you to stay comfortably.

An important part of the holiday will be a picnic or a laid table. On the street, kebabs, grilled vegetables, and fresh salads always go well. Don't forget to take fruits and sweets with you, because at the end you will want something else.

If funds do not allow you to travel for several days, you can simply have a picnic on the beach. Collect interesting sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, various goodies that the teenager loves, and help deliver everything to a cozy place. Complete everything with drinks, spread out the picnic on a blanket. Such a holiday will be fun even without the presence of adults.

You can take a boat ride. Particularly interesting are the trips where discos are held on the deck. Of course, this is only relevant in the summer, but if such a holiday happens, all participants will have fun. There must be adults on the ship to supervise what is happening.

Funny Games

Bowling is a way to spend a birthday. At the same time, young people will be happy to organize competitions, move merrily, and joke. At the same time, it is worth ordering something to snack on, but not complex dishes. Even pizza and juice will be enough. Unlike adults, children prefer not to overeat, but to occupy themselves with something interesting.

If you have a water park in your city, this is also a good place for a birthday. You can play, splash in the pool, and have a snack. Book a table in advance so that all the seats are not taken. And warn all invitees that swimsuits are required. Such an event can also be for children and adults.

Paintball is a hobby of recent years. Military actions will not leave men indifferent. A real battle with weapons, obstacles and the goal of conquering enemy territory. In this case, you need to make sure that everything lasts at least 3 hours, since it is difficult to enjoy the process in a shorter time. And after the battle you need to come up with something to eat, you can even go home and continue the celebration there.

An unusual birthday option for a girl would be a photo shoot. Today, many photographers invite people into the studio to create a portfolio or travel with clients to their territory. But in special places there is an opportunity to create amazing makeup and try on many costumes. Such a vacation will delight a 15-year-old girl, and you can also take your friends there.

Entertainment center LaserLand
From 6 years

LaserLand is a network of entertainment centers in Moscow. The main entertainment in the centers is laser tag; the total area of ​​the game arenas is 1900 sq.m. All arenas have different designs, mostly in a space style.
All centers host children's parties with any theme: from Disney Princesses to StarWars. In addition to the holiday, guests can order cakes and desserts (they have their own pastry shop), show programs and master classes. The pricing policy for children's parties is different, each guest will find something that suits his taste and pocket.

Amusement Park "Immersion"
From 4 years

“Immersion” is a new format of entertainment for the whole family, the park is located in the main aggregator of family holidays in Moscow - in the Riviera shopping center. The park has playgrounds and many sports and intellectual action games.

The total area of ​​the park is 3,500 m2. On the territory there are 5 thematic banquet halls, 12 performances with actors, special programs for children’s children (game + banquet hall + show programs + food).
For adults - programs for bachelor and hen parties.
The park has games for all ages - from the Kids zone to erotic performance (18+).

European Gymnastics Center
From 3 years

A child's birthday at the European Gymnastics Center is an interesting holiday format for children of all ages.
During the celebration in the large gymnasium, 2 coaches organize exciting relay races, fun starts, training on trampolines, games in the pool with blocks, entertaining activities and a lot of other interesting things for children. Not only children, but also their parents will be invited to participate in competitions and activities.
The duration and timing of the event is discussed with the administrator of the European Gymnastics Center. As a rule, holidays take from 2 to 4 hours.
During the celebration, guests will have free time for games, communication with friends and treats.
Birthday information and registration -

Laser tag club "Legion"
From 6 years

Celebrating a child's birthday at a laser tag club is always a great idea. The brand new Legion club has 2 playgrounds and 3 banquet rooms. It is conveniently located 2 minutes walk from the metro.
Children are entertained by professional animator instructors who have dozens of game scenarios in stock. The club has a variety of gaming equipment: machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, tactical shields, control points, combat bases, first aid kits, command posts, combination locks, bombs, etc.
And a very affordable price for holidays - the average bill for a three-hour birthday is up to 15,000 rubles.

Children's auto town MOTOR CITY GRAND

From 0 years

In Motor city Grand you can organize a holiday, the program of which includes a set of exciting tasks and tests. Animation programs for different ages have been developed for the birthday boy and his guests, and there is a whole City of Racers with real attributes of a highway: Gas station, car wash, traffic police, Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fleet of children's electric vehicles.
Among the programs: Police quest, Transformers and dances of the missing crystal, School of spies or spy stuff, Fire drill (program - Initiation into Firefighters). And also - Mafia or the Italian robbery based on the film “The Italian Job” and the game “Crane Kranych or Bob the Builder”.

From 1 year

In the children's CITY OF BUILDERS on the territory of the Riviera shopping center, three themes are presented: construction, pirate and maritime. Children operate a tower crane, conveyor or conveyor belt, load and deliver soft bricks and huge Lego blocks to a construction site, build houses and skyscrapers from soft bricks, and also frolic in the water play area, play sea battles and launch ships. . And waterproof vests will help you stay afloat even in the midst of fun.

Children have full construction equipment at their disposal (helmets, vests, trowels and hammers) and a whole arsenal of construction equipment. There is a whole team working here, led by young foremen. In addition to soft bricks, there are large Lego blocks with which the children build buildings and lay the wall of a glass house.

A construction or pirate themed birthday program will appeal to both boys and girls.

ExitGames gaming entertainment center

From 6 years

Active and intellectual games are collected in a single space of the center:
6 children's quests with different plots For children from 6 years old: escape from prison, find a way out of the ship, become Hogwarts students, investigate the mysterious disappearance of a scientist. Children are accompanied on quests by a costumed animator.
Hide and seek in the dark: an active adventure based on a favorite children's game. In dark labyrinths, accompanied by sound and light special effects, children will need to hide and search on command, explore the labyrinths and find hiding places and loopholes. The leader accompanies the children throughout the game.
Laser tag for children over 10 years old: laser combat with safe pistols for active players. Children need to develop a strategy, hide in mazes and capture the enemy base.
Pool with balls: a fun space with tasks for the little ones - from 3 years old.

Also, the gaming center has 4 halls for parties, where children can have a snack, dance to an X-box, play in virtual reality and solve mini-quests. And for adults, the ExitGames team can offer a separate menu, mafia and poker.

Family amusement park "Fairy Tale"
From 3 years

The Skazka family park in Krylatskoye is one of the most modern and well-equipped children's parks in the capital. The total area of ​​the park is 7 hectares. Visitors to the park travel through different times and countries, moving from the only Ice Age animal park in Moscow - ICE Park to the largest Dinopark in Moscow, and then to the ethnocultural complex "Husky Land", where they find themselves in the unique world of the Far North. From our days - during the times of Baba Yaga and Kashchei the Immortal.
"Fairy Tale" will help you organize a children's party, where the birthday boy and his friends will become the main characters of an unforgettable adventure. Exciting scenarios have been prepared for the holiday: Alice visiting the Red Queen, traveling with minions, visiting Baba Yaga, Frozen, Fort Boyard, Dino Island; Fantastic show programs made of foam rubber and paper, soap bubbles, transformers and magicians. The park also has themed spaces where you can relax and eat delicious food.

Children's auto town MOTOR.BIG CITY
From 1 year to 10 years

MOTOR.BIG CITY is the largest project of the children's theme park network. It has 1,200 sq.m., 5 themed rooms for a party, painted in the style of European Cities (London, Paris, Rome), a cafe with 70+ seats, a delicious children's and adult menu.
This is a whole CITY of young racers, pirates and princesses, the largest fleet of children's cars, 10 new play areas, exciting quests, and a Superhero School. There are unique water installations for playing with water, of such a size that there is enough space for everyone.
A birthday party in MOTOR.BIG CITY is an exciting adventure in the Big City and the best original programs for both children (from 1 year old) and older children (up to 10 years old). Children will learn to investigate crimes and create a sketch of a criminal, put out fires and build high-rise towers, carry out a secret Transformer mission, pump up their muscles to the size of the Hulk, fight off a fiery attack with Captain America's shield, and receive the Infinity Gauntlet.
Available programs:
— Sightseeing adventure in the Big City,
— Police school,
- Fire alarm,
— Alice and the Princesses in the Big City,
— MARVEL Superhero School.

Darwin Museum

From 6 to 12 years

A birthday party at the Darwin Museum consists of a 1.5 hour interactive tour and tea in a private tea room. You can bring your own cake and all the treats; you are allotted one hour for the meal. There are 5 different themes to choose from. After the end of the program, you can take a walk around the museum and see the interactive exhibition “Walk the Path of Evolution.” You need to pay for the children's party at the museum, where you can also buy cute invitation cards for guests.

Children's club "Brother Rabbit's Hole"

1-14 years

The children's club "Brer Rabbit's Hole" is a unique atmospheric venue for children's parties, from the first birthday to graduation and New Year. A cozy, homely, but at the same time solemn atmosphere will make the holiday soulful and memorable for a long time.
The club's theatrical programs are immersive performances in which children take an active part, going on a long journey across the ocean, saving the universe, solving mysteries and riddles.
There are no animators here. The staff includes 15 professional actors, a director, a screenwriter, a costume designer, props specialists, a vocal teacher, a choreographer, a sound engineer, decorators, and managers who professionally organize the holiday.
“Nora” provided everything: a meeting of guests (by the way, by Brother Rabbit himself), a children's snack, decoration of the hall and a themed photo area, a theatrical program and show, a ceremonial removal of the cake with candles and fireworks, a tea party and even the presentation of gifts on the birthday throne. All you need to do is come and enjoy the holiday.

Experimentanium Museum
From 4 to 15 years

Children's birthdays at the Experimentanium are celebrated on a scientific scale, and birthday people are congratulated free of charge on the museum radio. There are several different scenarios to choose from, designed for children 4-6, 7-11 years old and teenagers from 13 years old. All programs last exactly 1 hour and are interactive games with a variety of riddles and tasks that involve active interaction with the museum exhibits.
Additionally, you can order a festive banquet in the museum cafe (menu options - 370 or 430 rubles per person), and bring a festive cake with you (bringing in drinks is prohibited).

Moscow Planetarium
From 6 to 14 years

There are several scenarios for birthday boys in the Planetarium: “Save the Planet of Knowledge” (6-9 years old), “Expedition to Distant Planets”, “Star Team” (8-11 years old), “Intergalactic Intelligence” (9-12 years old). You can take a young cosmonaut course and in just an hour learn how real space pilots are trained. Each program includes an excursion and competitions lasting 1 hour, as well as a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or 4D cinema (15 minutes).
All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. Additional services: face painting and photography services. A festive feast can be arranged in the Telescope cafe (you can choose from a sweet table with desserts and ice cream or a full lunch with hot dishes, appetizers and salads).

Living History Adventure Museum

From 7 years

The Living History Museum offers to celebrate a child's birthday by traveling back in time. There are 7 historical eras and 7 extraordinary programs to choose from. Any program consists of an interactive part (1.5 hours) and tea drinking (1 hour). Tea and dishes are provided by the museum; you can bring everything else with you. It is not necessary to come to the museum to book a holiday. The order is made by phone.
Programs: “Adventures in a knight’s castle” (9-12 years old), “Treasure Search” (7-11 years old) - children themselves will be able to try how it was like: carrying buckets on rockers, handling a grip, spinning on a spinning wheel, shooting from a real one Luke; “A secret behind seven locks. Medieval Japan" (8-12 years), "Expedition to Ancient Egypt" (8-12 years), "Treasure of Agra. Ancient India" (8-12 years), "Great Journey to the Stone Age" (7-11 years), "Time Code. Ancient Rome" (9-12 years old) - you will be able to try on the armor of a centurion and legionnaire, and dress up like beautiful Roman women.

Museum of Animation
From 5 years

As part of the holiday, children will go through the museum on a guided tour, film their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen along with other new animation products, take part in a master class and learn how to create cartoons in the “Your Own Animator” computer program. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his own cartoon as a gift, and all participants will receive a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a souvenir.
You can choose an economical or full version of the program. In addition to the activities already listed, the full version of the holiday includes congratulations from the museum mascot - Grandfather Cartoon, a ceremonial cake taking out, a children's disco and a tea party.

Museum of Soviet slot machines
Any age

There are no special programs for children's birthday parties in the museum, but you can rent the entire premises after hours or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play the slot machines as much as they like. The second option involves sitting on a balcony for 10 people, and the birthday boy and his friends will each receive 15 tokens for games. During the holiday, a museum employee will be present in the room who can talk about the exhibits, explain the rules of the game or help in operating the machines.
Parents can bring all the treats with them, and in a local cafe you can order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine.

Museum of Fairy Tales "Once Upon a Time"
From 5 to 11 years

During the birthday celebration, the birthday boy and guests will be invited to the entrance of a magical house, where many miracles will await them. In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, taste rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program lasts 1.5 hours, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with the parents. The birthday person will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take pictures with fairy-tale characters.
Parents bring treats for the festive table, and half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Museum "Pinocchio-Pinocchio"
From 5 to 11 years

The birthday boy and his guests will be invited to the magical country of Buratinia, where they will travel in the company of fairy-tale characters. On the way, children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted fireplace and enter the magical Molniya theater, where a festive congratulation concert with games, competitions and dances will take place. The program is designed for 1.5, after which the holiday can be continued with parents in the Three Pescars Kharchevna. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and he will be able to take a photo with the fairy-tale characters as a souvenir.
Parents bring treats for the holiday table, and half an hour is allotted for tea drinking.

Moscow City Museum
From 4 to 12 years

The birthday program in the museum is designed depending on the age of the birthday person, his interests and the number of guests. The program is based on an entertainment program from animators - this could be a master class on costume design or a game quest in the halls of the museum. If the weather is good, a street quest will be held for children, and in the meantime parents will be able to set the table. You can bring all the treats with you, and to create a festive atmosphere, museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. You can add any master class from invited instructors to the program. The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.

In the branch of the Moscow Museum - Museum of Estate Culture— we have our own offers for young birthday people. In the Ministerial Wing, for children aged 7 years and older, the “Angel Day” program is held, which includes an interactive excursion, a festive tea party and a music program with ancient music and dances. The program is conducted by a guide in historical costume, and all guests receive invitations in the style of the 19th century. The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. The number of participants is no more than 15 people.

You can celebrate your birthday on Horse yard of the museum. The program for children 7-12 years old includes a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, a visit to the stables and getting to know the horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. To arrange a festive feast, you need to order the “Tea Party in the Museum” program (200 rubles per person).

Museum-estate "Kolomenskoye"
From 6 years

The museum-reserve has several programs addressed to young birthday people. One of them, “Family Circle,” will take guests through the territory of the Sovereign’s courtyard and the House of Peter I. In the process, you can learn many ancient songs and dances and try on royal outfits. The duration of the program is 1 hour 50 minutes. The estate museum also hosts interesting master classes, which can also become part of the holiday.
A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam.

Theater "Alice's House"
From 3 to 7 years
"Alice's House" is a theater of unusual holidays for children and adults. A birthday, bachelorette party or baby shower can be prepared and organized here any day of the week. The exquisite interior of “Alice's House” is made in the English style, and hundreds of thoughtful little details and unusual objects create the atmosphere of a real Through the Looking Glass. Holidays here are held in the format of performances, with props, decorations and colorful costumes. The hallmark of “Alice’s House” is tea parties: “Traditional English Tea Party” and “Mad Tea Party”. In them, Carol's characters are their own person. There are also programs for kids: “Tea Feast with Princess Sofia” and “Peppa Pig: French Picnic”. There are many holiday scenarios, most include animation, a mini-performance and a creative workshop.

Space Museum
From 4 to 12 years

For birthday people, three interactive programs have been compiled that will interest children aged 4-8 and 7-12 years. Depending on the theme, guests can visit different rooms: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. The museum has three game excursion programs for birthday children: “Flight to the Moon” (4-8 years); “Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!” (from 7 years old); “Meet Planet Earth!” (from 7 years old). Regardless of the option chosen, children will enjoy a vibrant tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Duration of the holiday: 2 hours 30-45 minutes. Parents take care of food and drinks.

Cafe "Sea Inside"
Age: from 3 years

For the birthday boy and his guests, a quest adventure can be arranged on the roof-veranda, during which the children will puzzle over riddles, undergo difficult and fun tests and perform creative tasks. You can spend your holiday in an animation studio, where, in the company of professional funny people, children will transform into their favorite cartoon characters, or in a creative laboratory, where you can master many artistic techniques and create real masterpieces. Another holiday scenario - “A Day without Obstacles” - will allow children to do everything that adults usually forbid: splashing with water, running around like mad, or smearing themselves with multi-colored paint.
You can bring your own cake to the celebration, subject to a deposit.

Restaurant chain "Uryuk"
Age: from 1 year

The basis of the program can be a puppet show and master classes in soap making, pottery, wood painting, plasticine modeling or jewelry making. You can organize an animation program on a pirate, circus or Indian theme, arrange a show of soap bubbles or scientific experiments, or a disco. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes.
Treats for guests can be brought with them or ordered on site. The party room will be decorated with balloons at the expense of the establishment.
Children's parties are held in all Uryuk restaurants that have children's animation: Uryuk on Prospekt Mira, on Marshala Zhukov, on Smolenskaya, on Pilyugina, on Vavilov.

Chain of cafes "Khachapuri"
Age: from 4 to 14 years

There are no standard programs at Khachapuri: each event is invented before the holiday. You can hold a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or an entire restaurant. The components of the program may include educational activities, arts and crafts master classes, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions and quizzes, or a large-scale street quest outside the restaurant.
You can bring your own cake to the celebration. There are still a few restrictions: if the holiday is held in a common room, guests are not allowed to invite animators dressed as fairy-tale characters or superheroes - this violates the concept of the establishment.

Chain of family restaurants "Ribambel"
Age: from 1 year

The club’s arsenal has already accumulated more than a hundred holiday scenarios, so every young birthday boy can choose the most interesting one for himself: from the mystical “Spies” to “The Kingdom of Princesses”. Each program can be supplemented with creative master classes, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks, or performance of robots or trained animals. The Ribambel club playground will surely appeal to children: little ones can “swim” in the pool with balls, and older children can explore the “magic river” and themed houses.
“Ribambel” organizes holidays on a turn-key basis: from organizing the event to the festive table with refreshments. You can only invite a photographer or cameraman from the outside. Typically, a children's party lasts no more than 3 hours, but you can also order a 5-hour program.

Family cafe "Lilac" in Sokolniki Park
For any age

The basis of the holiday program can be a children's play, a concert or, for example, a science show. There are exciting master classes to choose from: kids are invited to cook holiday dishes, make fragrant soap, decorate T-shirts, paint gingerbread cookies, create jewelry, paintings from seeds, crafts from feathers or salt dough, weave beads, try their hand at pottery, origami art or macrame. You can invite a living statue or caricature artist, magicians or animal trainers, a children's DJ, silent mimes or fiery presenters and animators to the festival.
You cannot bring your own treats to Siren, but the cafe has a pastry shop where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Bocconcino Restaurant
Age: from 2 years

There are several programs to choose from, differing in budget, duration and types of entertainment. The main components may be theatrical performances, music concerts and classes and creative master classes. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, and print personal invitations for guests.
Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino pastry chef will prepare a birthday cake.

Chain of cafes "Shokoladnitsa"
Age: from 5 years

At “Shokoladnitsa” you can celebrate a child’s birthday, kindergarten graduation, or the end of a quarter or school year. Young guests will enjoy an exciting festive program from a real Wizard with a disco and competitions, as well as a master class “Academy of Chocolate Art”. There are other animation programs: “Laboratory-Choco” with exciting experiences and experiments, culinary classes “Chocolate Legend” or “Marmalade Adventure”, after which the kids will be left with sweet figures created with their own hands. You can invite a clown, a fairy-tale character and a photographer to the holiday, and if you wish, the holiday can be held outside - at home, in the country, at school or kindergarten.
You cannot bring your own treats to the cafe; you can choose a treat from the children's menu.

Confectionery factory and cafe "Konfael"
Age: from 3 to 15 years

Each holiday program is based on a chocolate master class: guests will draw chocolate pictures or make their own sweets. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes. The birthday boy and his guests can be given a fascinating lecture about chocolate, its history and recipes. A festive tasting of all three types of chocolate, which are prepared at the Konfael factory, will help to consolidate the information received.
Treats for the holiday table must be ordered on the spot. Children can bake their own cake, which they will decorate with birthday candles and serve with tea. If desired, the chocolate program can be held outside: in this case, the parents set the festive table on their own.

Chain of family cafes "Anderson"
Age: from 1 year to 14 years

The holiday can be held in any of the cafes of the network, except for the cafe on the Ak embankment. Tupolev and Strastnoy Boulevard. A birthday at Anderson can be celebrated in a variety of ways: watching a puppet show, having a pillow fight, throwing cakes and much more (there are programs in the cafe for the birthday boy and his guests). For example, for your birthday you can order “The Puppet Show Anderson” - an interactive performance in the best traditions of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
Among the restrictions: you are not allowed to bring your own cake - everything can be ordered in the cafe. It is necessary to book the room and time in advance; an advance payment of at least 30% is required.

Hamleys toy store in the Evropeisky shopping center
Age: from 3 years

Which kid hasn't dreamed of a birthday party in a toy store? This dream can come true in the Hamleys store in the Evropeisky shopping center. A huge selection of toys and professional actors and animators will help the birthday boy and his friends be transported to a wonderful fairy tale. The store’s mascot, the cute Hamley bear, will also bring congratulations in person. There are several exciting programs to choose from: “Pirate Party”, “Princess Ball”, “Battle of Transformers” or “Soap Bubble Show”.

Moscow Zoo
Age: from 3 years

You can also celebrate a child’s birthday on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. The program includes an interactive theatrical performance, a tour of the zoo, a quest around the zoo, a visit to the petting zoo, an animation program and the presentation of a birthday cake. Activities are adapted to suit any age. The total duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours

Climbing wall "Skala City"
Age: from 7 years

With the “No Clowns” project, you can celebrate your birthday at the Skala City climbing wall. Clowns, lively animators and fairy-tale characters with plastic noses will not be invited to the holiday. Instead, the birthday boy and his guests are offered a series of competitions with original contests and games. There are several scenarios to choose from. You can choose a small program: with a relay race, a climbing wall, horse fighting, a game of saboteurs or a coliseum. A large program for children 7-10 years old can be supplemented with jumping, and for children 10-13 years old - jumping and biathlon.
in Lianozovo, in Tsaritsyno or in Fili Park .

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"
Age: from 4 years

Communication with horses at the Izmailovo equestrian club will give children a charge of positive emotions and a great mood. Events are hosted by professional presenters, and horses and ponies are beautifully decorated to suit the occasion. On the territory of the club there is a cafe where you can arrange a festive feast, a banquet hall with 70 seats and a spacious forest clearing for a picnic. Guests are offered a children's menu and many additional treats, such as a chocolate fountain.

Water park "Kva-kva park"
Age: from 3 years

In “Kva-kva Park” you can celebrate a child’s birthday surrounded by splashing water and fun attractions. Programs vary in duration, age of participants and cost. The shortest - “Impromptu” (2950 rubles) - lasts only 15 minutes and consists of a child being treated to a child by an animator dressed as a fairy-tale character. As part of the half-hour program “The Secret of the Seven Seas” (3,800 rubles), a child and his friends will be initiated into seafaring and treated to a birthday cake. Entrance fees must be paid separately. There are also longer and more intense programs for schoolchildren who already know how to swim. You can also order photo or video shooting and set a festive table for the birthday boy and his guests.

Beauty salon "Victoria's Dreams"
Age: from 7 years

A birthday party in a beauty salon will make the dreams of little fashionistas come true. The “Beauty Birthday” program is designed for 5 or more participants aged 7 years and older. The birthday girl and her guests will be able to do festive hair styling, light make-up and manicure, after which they will take part in an interesting master class. For example, you can learn how to create beautiful bracelets with your own hands. The administration of the salon places all the gastronomic chores entirely on the shoulders of the parents, who need to take care of the treats. There are no special restrictions in Victoria's Dreams. You can arrange a holiday in any of the two Victoria’s Dream salons in Moscow: in the flagship showroom on Leninsky Prospekt or in branch on Petrovsky Boulevard .

Children's Center for Scientific Discovery "InnoPark"
From 5 to 13 years

In the science park, children are offered several options for a holiday in a quest format: “The Mysteries of Greenbeard” for children 8-13 years old, “A Space Odyssey” (10-13 years old). There is also a variant of the interactive game “Message from Space”; the program is suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old. Program duration: 1 hour. The program includes a visit to the mini-planetarium. Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, or invite a photographer. Discounts apply for celebrations on weekdays.

Scientific and educational center "Eureka Park"
Children's age: from 5 to 13 years

At Eureka Park you can celebrate your child’s birthday with 4 different exciting programs, depending on age and preferences: Musical journey (from 5 years); Homemade cartoon kitchen (from 5 years old); Academy of Focuses (from 7 years old); The magic of light and color (from 7 years old) (Chemical program). The holiday lasts 2.5 hours, of which 1.5 hours is an interactive master class, in which children must do something themselves, and 1 hour is provided for tea. Groceries are brought by parents, and treats can also be ordered at the restaurant (located in the same building).
Additionally, you can organize a disco and invite the host to play with the children.

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