When you give an icon, what should you do? Is it possible to give an icon as a gift?


Wedding and wedding


Easter and Christmas

Icon is a wonderful gift

Choosing a gift is a responsible matter. You always want to please the person to whom the gift is intended, to give a piece of soul, warmth, to evoke a feeling of joy and a smile. Sometimes it’s easy to decide on a gift, but in other cases you have to carefully think through the details. Let's talk about icons. Giving such a gift always raises questions.

What is an icon? This is an Orthodox divine image, this is an image of the face of one or more saints. A piece of our worldview, our soul, our religion. Holy images must be present in every home, and must be consecrated in the church. The icon helps family members, provides invisible support and provides spiritual support. People turn their eyes, prayers and souls to the images; through icons they thank the saints or ask for help.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs from time immemorial have been divided into two sides. Most people approach such a gift with respect and reverence, while others with distrust and fear.

Where did the statement come from that icons cannot be given as gifts, no one can say with certainty. One can only assume that the very personification of a deity is comparable to idolatry. However, the church unequivocally refutes such a theory, believing that by concentrating on the divine face, a person creates inside himself a kind of dome through which the devil cannot break through. The devil easily penetrates into a person’s head, where chaos reigns. The Church is generally against any kind of superstition, considering it a sin.

So, giving icons is allowed. Now let’s try to figure out who can give an icon to, and in what cases such a gift would be appropriate.

Child Baptism

Previously, for the baptism of a baby, it was customary to give a “measured” icon, the size of the newborn baby. Now this is rarely done, however, the tradition still exists. You need to order such a gift in advance so that the icon painter has time to make it on time. Sometimes they give a certificate confirming that the workshops are already working on creating the image.

Who is depicted on the “measured” icon? You can order the image “St. Guardian Angel" or "St. Stylian" (patron of children). Babies are still so fragile and defenseless, and looking at the image of their Angel, the child subconsciously begins to communicate with him, feeling support and warmth.

When asked which icon is given as a christening gift to a boy and which to a girl, any icon painting workshop will be happy to tell you. Nowadays it is not customary to name a child by the calendar, that is, by the name of the saint on whose day he was born, but this saint is usually present on the icon, since the child’s birthday is still given from above. They write the Guardian Angel, the saint in whose honor the child is named, and for girls they sometimes write “Virgin Mary”.

Having decided to give such a gift to a little person, there is no longer any need to doubt whether it is possible to give icons as a gift. Signs and other superstitions should in no way affect the thoughts of godparents. The soul must be pure and not clouded by doubts. This image of saints will protect and protect the baby throughout his life. He will turn to him with prayers, requests and thanks. The “measured” baptismal icon will become a family heirloom, while preserving the warmth of the soul of its donors.


Which icon should I give for my birthday? Firstly, you need to definitely have only kind, heartfelt feelings for the person who is given such a gift. It is important to understand that such gifts are not given just like that; you cannot buy an icon as a souvenir. This is a part of the soul, it is forever. Some feelings of indifference or indifference towards a person should become a clear signal that you should choose another gift that does not carry such strength and power. Secondly, the person to whom the gift is intended must be a believer, so that the holy face can bring peace and spiritual support to his home.

But you can and even should give icons from the heart. The main thing here is to choose the right image, depending on who it is intended for. To a relative, colleague or just an acquaintance. We will offer several options. Depending on the type of hobbies and activities, you can choose which icon to give to a woman and which one will be more successful for a man.

    « St. Sergius of Radonezh». A mentor in studies, given to schoolchildren

    « St. Tatiana». Patron of students, given to applicants and students

    « St. George the Victorious» given to conscripts into the Army

    « Holy Archangel Michael» leads the heavenly army and patronizes all military personnel.

    "St. Joseph Volotsky" Business Assistant. Patron of Orthodox entrepreneurs.

    "St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" and "Guardian Angel" protect the driver on the road.

    "Holy Mother of God "Unfading Color" Patron of femininity and chastity.

    "Holy Mother of God "Education" helps parents in raising children

    "St. Tryphon" Patron of hunters.

    "Guardian angel" Protects his ward and contributes to his affairs.

    "St. Efrosin Cook" Cooking assistant in the kitchen.

    "Holy Mother of God "Protection" protector and helper to the suffering and needy.

    "Holy Mother of God "Mammal" Patron of children, the wish that children grow up in abundance and not experience need.

    "St. Apostles Peter and Andrew" Patrons of fishermen.

    "Holy Mother of God "Burning Bush" will protect you from fire.

    "St. Matrona of Moscow" Patron of the suffering, the sick, possessing many miraculous abilities and healing.

    "St. Great Martyr Catherine" Patron of unmarried girls, helps in finding family happiness.

    "Holy Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" to get rid of drug and alcohol addiction.

    "Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary" Patron of the family.

There is a huge variety of icons. You just need to choose what exactly you want to wish the person and decide on the purchase. Everyone will find an image to their liking. By giving it, seeing the sincere joy on the birthday boy’s face, all doubts about whether it is possible to give icons as a gift will be dispelled. Signs sometimes do not carry any negative connotation; they simply exist, like myths, without any evidence. An icon is always good and good.

Wedding and wedding

The custom of getting married in Russia arose relatively recently. In the seventeenth century, such rituals were performed exclusively by rich people, and a century later they became firmly established in the everyday life of ordinary people.

The sacrament of wedding is a wonderful rite performed on two people who have decided to devote their worldly and afterlife lives to each other. The purpose of a wedding is to tie the threads of generations into a single whole, in sorrow and in joy.

The most important thing in the ceremony are, of course, the images of the Holy Mother of God and the Lord Pantocrator; they are called the wedding couple. The holy faces are witnesses to the marriage of a couple. Images are selected in advance and this moment is carefully thought through. Since the wedding couple becomes a family heirloom, accompanying the newlyweds hand in hand throughout their entire life, such a pair is usually ordered on a wooden base in order to be able to have long-term storage and restoration. Later, the married couple is passed on to the next generation as a testament to their eternal love and vow to the Lord.

Wedding icons represent the connection between lovers and the Almighty. Every time you look at them, the spouses will remember how they made vows to each other before God. The icon of the Savior reminds the spouse that he bears the cross of God’s marriage until the end of his days. The face of the Mother of God calls the spouse to virtue and motherhood. Having entered into marriage, a woman must become one with her husband, like the Mother of God, who unquestioningly fulfilled the will of the Lord.

With the wedding couple, the priest blesses the spouses, inextricably binding them into a single whole until the end of their days. With these icons, the newlyweds leave the temple to receive the blessing of their parents, who in turn also do this with the help of the consecrated wedding couple. After the blessing, the young spouses kiss the icons and their parents’ hands, forming a circle of generations and eternal love. Upon entering your home, you should find a good place for the icons and light the lamp. The Almighty and the Mother of God will protect peace and happiness in the home of the newlyweds.

When preparing for the sacrament there are always many questions. Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs say that the newlyweds must purchase them themselves for their wedding. However, the church is not so categorical. Wedding icons can be presented by parents, godparents or even close relatives, or they can be purchased independently. There is no clear rule here and cannot be. An icon as a gift should come from the soul, from the heart, and the wedding couple is a stronghold of family life, it is a blessing from heaven, a connection between generations.

An important point is the ceremony itself when parents bless their children. How to bless your daughter at a wedding? The parents stand nearby, the father is the first to bless his daughter with the icon of the Mother of God. He crosses her three times with parting words and conveys the image of his mother. The mother does the same. According to some sources, there is an opinion that only the mother should do this alone with her daughter and before the wedding. Perhaps it has to do with the traditions of a certain generation. But in any case, the most important thing is words. The parents' speech must be prepared in advance; one cannot rely on chance. The words spoken during the blessing will forever imprint the holy images. The power of parental guidance and prayer will greatly enhance the actions of holy images. Having received parental approval, it will be easier for newlyweds to follow the path of life.

How to bless your son at a wedding? Parting words from the parents are given to the groom in almost the same way as to the bride. Only the groom is blessed before leaving home to pick up the bride, and this is done with an icon of the Savior.

After the end of the wedding sacrament, the parents meet the newlyweds, bless them together and can give them inherited and family icons.

There are times when parents are not present. Then the blessing is received from godparents or congenial people, whose opinion is especially valuable for the newlyweds. The Church does not forbid this.

As for the guests, relatives, friends and relatives of the young spouses, they, in turn, can also present icons as a wedding gift. You just need to understand which icon to give for a wedding. A holy image is not a piece of furniture, not a painting, you cannot take it and put it out of sight; you need to offer prayers to it, thank you for your help and ask for assistance. Let's consider some options as a wedding gift.

    « St. Peter and Fevronia of Murom» - guardians of the family hearth

    « Feodorovskaya icon» — an assistant to expectant mothers in raising children and creating family comfort.

    « Holy Trinity» - wishing God's blessing to the young home

    « Cover. Mother of God» - the desire to remain under the protection of the Mother of God.

    "Home iconostasis"as a symbol of the beginning of a new family.

    « Image of the holy forefathers » wish for young people to become a large family

    « Conception of John the Baptist » is also a wish for a speedy addition to the family.

E These are just some of the options that can be given as wedding gifts to friends and family. Nowadays, many art workshops are open where they will help you make a choice and produce them as desired in a short time.


So, we figured it out, Is it possible to give icons as a gift? Signs and superstitions very often originate from ancient times. Almost no new signs appear, only the old ones become overgrown with an ever-larger cocoon of human slander and fears.

As for housewarming, there is a sign. It turns out that even in times gone by, people gave the “Pokrov” icon as a housewarming gift. Mother of God" to wish the new residentswarmth and comfort in the family.Now they don’t just give her as a housewarming gift. Relay race of good deeds, good intentions read further.

Choosing an icon as a housewarming gift is not as difficult as for a baptism or wedding. The main thing is not to prevaricate and present the gift correctly. How to give an icon, what to say at the same time, you need to think about it in advance. You cannot give it with poems from the Internet. You definitely need to think through your speech; it will have an enhancing effect on the gift. Only from the heart, only from the soul, only the most important and intimate.

Easter and Christmas

Icons can be given for any reason or without reason, out of the kindness of your heart. In the question of whether icons can be given as gifts for any holiday, signs are meaningless. This is perhaps one of the warmest and most thoughtful gifts in the world. Let's consider several holiday dates.

    Easter- one of the favorite Orthodox holidays. It is celebrated by the whole family, young and old. What icons should I give for Easter?

    « St. Mary Magdalene» It is with Mary Magdalene that the custom of dyeing eggs is associated.

    « Family icons» They are written by special order, and all the saints in whose honor the family members are named by baptism are present. This image is a unique heirloom for the family and is powerful.

    « Guardian angel» appropriate for any holiday.

    "Resurrection of Christ" will give the family a special unifying beginning and eliminate discord.

    Christmas- a very revered and important holiday in the life of Orthodox people. What icons are given for Christmas?

    "The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ"- the best gift for a wonderful holiday for a person who is a believer and appreciates such holidays.

    "Icon of the Virgin and Child"- this is also a holiday of the Mother of God, so it will come in handy

    "Guardian angel" - the recipient will always like the image of his guardian

    "St. Matrona of Moscow"— everyone’s favorite saint is suitable for any occasion.

For all Great Orthodox holidays, a believer will like the icon presented to him. Special days are conducive to accepting such gifts. Having cast aside all doubts about whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, having forgotten signs and superstitions, feel free to choose and give the holy face.

Icon is a wonderful gift

So let's summarize some results.

    Icons can be given for any holiday.

    Holy images must be consecrated in the church ( AND Sometimes people make icons on their own and the question arises whether it is possible to give icons embroidered with beads, threads, carved from wood, cast from metal.It’s possible, but it needs to be sanctified)

    Icons are given sincerely with a light heart and bright wishes.

    Gifts can only be given to Orthodox Christians who believe in the Lord.

    Icons are given for life, so you need to choose durable ones, for example, painted in oil or made on a wooden base.

    You can give the icon to yourself.

    You cannot silently give images of saints; you need to think through the words in advance.

    When receiving an icon as a gift, they usually thank you and apply it to the image.

    It happens that icons are given by a person for whom the recipient does not feel sympathy. What to do if a bad person gives an icon? Firstly, you can refuse the gift. Secondly, the gift can be attributed OK to the temple. And it is very important to understand that the icon itself does not and cannot have any color other than positive. Not possible through her bring some negativity into the house. If the person giving the gift had such thoughts, they will turn against him, since icons are given only from a pure heart.In order not to be tormented by doubts and to calm your heart, you can go to the temple and consecrate the icons, talk with the priest. Having heard the opinion of the clergyman, usually everythingfears dissipate.

Choose icons, give them as gifts, make your loved ones happy, offer prayers and don’t forget to thank the Lord for your day, for living parents, for healthy ones children, for family happiness and a roof over your head.As you know, we scream for help, ask, beg with tears, but we offer few words of gratitude. Love the Lord and your neighbors.

We invite you to our workshop! Here we will always be happy to help you choose a good gift for your loved ones for any occasion!

If you want to give a gift to a church, or simply to a dear person, then for that gift we have in our workshop the Bogolyubskaya icon - this is an icon of the Mother of God, affectionately called “God-loving”. The Mother of God is our intercessor and intercessor on the day of the Last Judgment. Through Her prayers humanity lives. On the scroll are the words addressed to Jesus: “O Most-merciful Lord and My Son, hear my prayer for the human race.” Every person needs such help and we come to the temple for it. The icon is large: its size is 50x70 cm. The icon depicts the feasts of the Mother of God - a story about the life of the Mother of God. The icon is decorated with intricate carvings, enamels, stones and pearls. The image is placed in an icon case. I want to fall on my knees in front of him, put a candlestick and light the candles - and this is our gratitude to the Mother of God.

What to give for a wedding?

If you are the closest relatives of the newlyweds and you know that they do not have wedding icons necessary for the sacrament of marriage, then the best gift would be if you present them with a wedding couple (two icons, see).

The Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patron saint of the family. On the margins of the icon you can make gilded inserts, in which the Patron Saints of man can be inscribed according to your order. These could be the Patrons of the husband and wife (then this icon will be a unique gift for a wedding or a marital anniversary). One saint can also be written - the patron saint of the person to whom you are giving this icon and the holy Guardian Angel. Don’t forget that you can give the icon to yourself.

An icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom will always be an excellent gift. These saints are considered the patrons of family life. The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Unfading Color, is also the patron of family life and the hearth.

Home iconostasis. The family is a small Church, as the Orthodox faith teaches. To strengthen a family, a spiritual foundation is needed.

The Feodorovskaya Icon is a faithful Helper to expectant mothers, Patron of family life and raising children. Icon of the Intercession. Since ancient times, newlyweds have been striving to get married on the Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why? Everyone wants family life to take place under the Protection of the Mother of God.

With the wish for the grace of God to descend on a young family, you can give an icon of the Most Holy Trinity. Abraham and Sarah, depicted in this icon, received Angels (the Holy Trinity) in their home. It is amazing that God Himself came to the couple’s house in the form of three Angels. This is the blessing of the Lord, after which Sarah gave birth to her firstborn, which the Angels announced to Her. The appearance of the Holy Trinity to Abraham and Sarah is a blessing, the grace of God. Such an icon in the house is a wish that just as the Lord blessed the house of Abraham and Sarah with his visit, he would also bless your house with his grace.

If you want the newlyweds to have a large, strong family, many children, give the icon “Image of the Holy Forefathers.” This icon is a wish for a young family to become the ancestor of a large family line, maybe even an entire nation. The icon illustrates the text of the Bible, how God talked with Abraham: “And Abram fell on his face. God continued to speak to him and said: this is My covenant with you: you will be the father of many nations and I will make you very, very fruitful, and I will make nations of you.” and kings will come from you." (Genesis 17: 3-6) Look carefully at this icon, and you will see that the image shows Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, who became the founders of an entire nation. But they are depicted not just as elders, but as the wisest men, forefathers: many children born to them, their children and grandchildren stand behind them. We see many many children inside the womb of each father - these are children not yet born, but whose life path has already been prescribed by God. The forefathers are shown in Paradise, so we wish the newlyweds who purchase this icon as a gift a decent, honest life, so that their life together will be permeated with the grace of God and become bright and joyful, like the one in heaven.

The holy parents of John the Baptist, Zacharias and Elizabeth, did not have children for a long time, but they persistently prayed to the Lord to give them a child, after which, in their old age, they had a son - a great saint. Childless couples who want to have children pray to the saints. In Rus', the iconography “Kissing of Zechariah and Elizabeth” or “The Conception of John the Baptist” became widespread, where the saints are depicted reverently touching each other against an architectural background. On some icons, the already adult John the Baptist is depicted nearby, as the “fruit of the womb” of the holy parents. Such an icon will be a good gift for a family wishing to have many children.

The icon of the holy parents of the Mother of God - the protectors of marriage - will be a wonderful gift for a married couple. Saints Joachim and Anna did not have children for a long time and grieved greatly about this. But for their righteousness, the Lord honored them in their old age to become the parents of She, through whom God Himself subsequently became incarnate. In Orthodox liturgical tradition, Joachim and Anna are called holy godfathers, as half-relatives of Christ. The saints were revered as helpers in resolving marital infertility. The saints also prayed for the fertility of the earth during sowing and harvest.

Saints Guria, Samon and Aviv are revered as patrons of marriage and guardians of the fulfillment of marital vows, as well as helpers in resolving family troubles. The icon of these martyrs used to be in every home. In former times, when marriages were concluded out of obedience to parents, and not of their own free will, giving their daughters in marriage, mothers often gave them an icon of the holy martyrs Guria, Samon and Aviv as a wish for a peaceful family life. Saints were believed to have the special grace to help a wife when her husband mistreated her. Saints are also revered as exposers of untruth, theft, and perjury.

From the life of the Hieromartyr Blasius, it is known that he asked the Lord for the grace to help people and said to one woman: “Commemorate my memory every year, then nothing of what you need in your house will become scarce; If someone else is like you and performs my memory, he will receive the gifts of God in abundance and the blessing of the Lord will remain on him throughout his life.”

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky became famous for his help both in healing the sick and helping in material well-being, finding work and purchasing housing.

What to give for a housewarming?

Since ancient times, a cross was always installed above the entrance to a house so that a person with bad thoughts could not enter this house. When a room is consecrated, crosses are drawn on the four cardinal directions (or stickers are glued) as a barrier against evil spirits. This icon with a cross can be installed above the entrance door indoors.

This is a small home iconostasis. (Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and John the Baptist)

A daily prayer rule in front of the “Unbreakable Wall” icon will protect your home and create peace and prosperity in your family. This icon will become the “wall and fence” of your home.

When we enter the temple, above the entrance we see the icon of the Miraculous Image of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the image can also be above the central arch inside the temple. The image shows that the temple is filled with the divine spirit, just as the cloth brought to the face of Christ became an icon. To fill our home with grace, we can hang an icon of the Miraculous Image of Jesus Christ above the entrance to the house. The miraculous image on the ubrus is the first icon that the Lord Himself gave us.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "House Builder" is the patron saint of family and home. This icon is purchased for the home in order to pray before the image for wise management of the household, for the increase of good and wealth. The Mother of God always helps! On the margins of the icon there are inserts, gilded with white gold leaf, in which the Patron Saints can be inscribed according to your order. These could be the Patrons of the husband and wife (then this icon will be a unique gift for a wedding or a marital anniversary). One saint can also be written - the patron saint of the person to whom you are giving this icon and the holy Guardian Angel. Don’t forget that you can give the icon to yourself.

What to give to your boss?

The Holy Trinity is the beginning of everything. The Most Holy Trinity is the Steward of Wisdom. Give your boss the image of the Holy Trinity, which is a model of perfect wisdom. Appealing to this image will help your boss make timely and wise decisions. He needs to make such decisions to conduct business wisely and successfully. The gift of an icon of the Holy Trinity is a royal gift; such an icon is good to give to wealthy gentlemen and bishops.

Saint George the Victorious is depicted on a horse, defeating the serpent; the serpent personifies evil. So this icon is a symbol of the victory of goodness and justice over the forces of darkness. Saint George is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia and the coat of arms of the city of Moscow. This icon is also the patron saint of the military. Before this image we pray for protection from enemies visible and invisible.

Daniil Moskovsky is considered the patron saint of Moscow - people turn to him to resolve housing problems.

Icon of the Lord Almighty. The Lord Jesus Christ in this icon is shown as the Almighty - the Wise Ruler of the whole world. The Lord will help in making the right decisions. Icon of Vladimir. In front of the ancient icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, all Russian tsars swore an oath of faithful service to the Russian State. For a patriot of our state, such a gift will be priceless. The icon can be decorated with semiprecious stones, pearls, white and yellow gold leaf or enamels.

Home iconostasis as a symbol of world order and order. Just as the Lord wisely rules the world, so the boss works in his place. The Lord will be a mentor and helper.

What to give a man?

For a man with business qualities and purposefulness, you can always purchase an icon of St. Joseph of Volotsk. Saint Joseph of Volotsky is the Patron of Orthodox entrepreneurs, Helper of management, affairs, economy, business.

If a Man constantly drives a car, on the road, on business trips, or simply travels a lot, give him a folding icon. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Guardian Angel will protect their owner. The workshop always has in stock road folding frames made of Karelian birch with gold-plated fittings. You can always carry such a fold with you and it will always remind you of the person who gave it.

Every man is a hunter and breadwinner, so you can always give an icon of St. Tryphon -who is customary in Orthodoxy to be revered as the patron saint of hunters.

If a man is interested in fishing, he will be glad to see the icon - the patron saint of fishermen. The icon of the holy apostles Peter and Andrew patronize successful fishing. These saints are approached with a request for a good catch. The apostles were fishermen, and twice the Lord Jesus Christ filled their nets with fish, so much so that they even broke.

For the Bright Holiday of Easter You can order Easter porcelain eggs painted using the hot enamel technique with gilding.

At Easter it is customary to give Easter eggs as a sign of resurrection and eternal life. Just as a living chicken hatches from an egg that looks like a dead stone, so we, thanks to the Savior’s death on the cross, are born for Eternal life.

The origin of the tradition of Easter eggs is associated with Mary Magdalene. It is known from the life of the saint: when Mary came to Emperor Tiberius and announced the Resurrection of Christ, the emperor did not believe it and said that it was as impossible as it was for a chicken egg to be red. After these words, the chicken egg that Mary Magdalene gave him turned red.

What to give for Christmas?

On the occasion of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, an icon of this bright holiday will be a wonderful gift! For a whole year it will remind you that God, having become incarnate, became one of us, He came to earth to enlighten the universe, fill it with love and lead it to salvation. This icon is made using oil painting technique and tells us about the bright night of Christ's Nativity. In the middle of the night sky, the Star of Bethlehem burns with a bright ray, pointing to the Divine Infant in the manger, Whom the shepherds were the first to come to worship. This is how the Gospel of Luke describes these events. "In that country there were shepherds in the field, who kept watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an Angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid with great fear. And the Angel said to them: Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of the great joy that will be to all people, for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord, and this is a sign to you, you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there appeared with the angel a great host of heaven, praising God and crying: Glory to God in the highest , and there is peace on earth and good will toward men! When the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see what happened there, which the Lord told us about. And they hastened and came and found Mary and Joseph, and the Child lying in the manger. When they saw it, they told about what had been told them about this Child. And all who heard were amazed at what the shepherds told them" (Luke 2:8-18).

In our weaving workshop we have many other icons for Christmas gifts. Christmas is the holiday of the Saviors of the Mother of God, so for this holiday you can give any icon of the Virgin and Child. We recently painted an Akathist icon of the Mother of God with turquoise, moonstone and carvings. In this image of the Mother of God She is represented crowned! Surprisingly fine carvings are harmoniously intertwined with openwork patterns, and the stones glow festively and elegantly. Such an icon is a real jewel, a real treasure. Take a closer look: what a highly artistic work! If you want to give a precious icon of the Mother of God with stones, but not as large as the “Akathist”, but a small, chamber one, give the Vladimir-Volokolamsk icon. This icon is a piece of jewelry. There is a leather box with it.

If you want to buy an icon for your family’s home, because Christmas is a family holiday, then think about who you want it for
present? If there is a baby in the house, then the icon of St. Styliana will be a joy to everyone who loves this baby. There may also be patron saints of family life: Peter and Fevronia of Murom. One of the most beloved saints in Rus' is St. Nicholas of Myra. His name is closely connected with the holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The fact is that everyone’s favorite Santa Claus is actually St. Nicholas! It was precisely for his love for people and timely help that he entered the consciousness of people as a kind character who brings gifts. While still alive, the saint secretly threw three bundles of gold to one poor man, who was able to successfully marry off his three daughters. And the saint’s day of remembrance is celebrated shortly before Christmas - December 19th. You can give your grandparents icons of Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or Matrona of Moscow! These are our favorite saints!

There are many icons in the workshop. We will select an image for you as a gift! Come to us! - Icons in stock!!!

What to gift? A universal gift.

An icon is not a household item, like a tea set or an expensive blanket. Therefore, this is not a simple gift. Images of God and Saints decorate temples, they are served, they are revered. With the help of an icon one comprehends faith. In essence, this is the meeting place between man and God. The icon is used as protection, a talisman against evil . That’s why they like to give icons—they want to convey to a loved one the wish for the protection and favor of the Higher Powers. But that’s why they are afraid, because not everyone wants and can come into contact with such a depth of scale of life and death, good and evil. The gift is too special and you can easily make a mistake.

For my birthday, I was given a gold pendant with the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon. Those suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction pray to this icon. Thank God I don't suffer from this. Apparently the donor did not understand all these subtleties very well, he bought it just to give it as a gift. But I don’t know what to do with the pendant. Lies to himself.

Why are they afraid to give icons and afraid to accept them as a gift?

There is an opinion that icons are not given as gifts. Psychics and magicians say that “this is a mystical, charged thing, and there is a danger of giving away something of your own, taking something of someone else’s.” Why did such concerns arise, and how fair are they? They are fair, since icons are sacred, that is, sacred. People cannot treat the divine in the same way as they treat the earthly. A person cannot perceive an object with a special symbolic meaning (for example, mirrors, watches, crosses) as ordinary ones (a saucepan, a certificate for cosmetics, a bouquet). The image on the icon inevitably contains figurative ideological meaning that influences our state. If mysticism is special cases, then each of us has our own psychology, our own history, our own attitudes. It depends on them whether a person will feel good about a gift.

When my daughter was one year old, she was given an icon. It's quite big, so there was no way to hang it. She stood on the nightstand. Recently my daughter dropped it. Of course she was scared! But I was more scared. The fact is that shortly before the death of my son, my icon of the Mother of God kept falling down. She just fell, no one touched her.

If the icon as a gift is not to your heart’s content, if it bothers you or bothers you, take it to church or give it to someone who will appreciate it.

Icons scare superstitious people. There are ideas that with an icon, like a cross, you can convey negativity, “spoil.” Unfortunately, there is a risk of remaining guiltless and guilty if you are sincere in your impulses. I know the story that the heroine herself told me: money was missing from the apartment for many weeks. In the end, it turned out that my student daughter had stolen it from her wallet and given it to a friend. The amount was impressive; it was enough for him to buy a used car. The daughter confessed everything to her mother when her beloved was imprisoned for robbery. For a long time, until the truth was revealed, the woman blamed the disappearance of the money on an ancient icon that a relative had given her. It’s like he’s a sorcerer, he’s caused damage, and his wallet is empty.

Last year, a friend gave my husband an icon for his birthday. I don’t even know the name, the icon is old. And it seemed like a gift, but from that time on something went wrong in the family and the husband’s business stopped.

My aunt hired workers to renovate her apartment. And after the repair, they gave her the icon. She took it, of course, it’s an icon. And then within a year, first her husband died, then her mother, and six months later, she herself died under still unclear circumstances. Her son just found her dead in the apartment a few days later.

If you know that the person to whom you want to give an Orthodox icon is suspicious, anxious, or superstitious, then it is better to give something simple, without additional symbolism. Otherwise, he may associate his future troubles with the gift. There are many such stories.

Do they give icons? Who can I give this gift to?

Icons, of course, can be given as a gift, but with special attention and care when choosing. In order for a gift to be gratefully accepted and to keep a long, good memory of you, you need to take into account 4 main things: the personality of the person, the closeness of the relationship with him, the symbolism of the image (the meaning of the images), the cost of the gift. If you are very friendly, the relationship is close, deep, the icon is chosen for the situation and the cost is such that the friend does not feel obligated, then this is a wonderful gift.

A close friend often travels to holy places. One time she brought me “sandals of Spiridon,” a saint who helps resolve housing issues. In an absolutely miraculous way, this year I solved the problem of finding an apartment for my aging parents. She thanked her very much.And then on the next trip she brought and gave me an icon of this Saint Spyridon. I thought it would just be an icon that pilgrims bring. And it turned out to be a very beautiful and expensive hand-painted icon. I know that this is from the bottom of my heart, but financially I am embarrassed, the gift is too expensive.

Most often, such a gift is appropriate at moments of transition, when a person especially needs support: he is getting ready to go on a long journey, gets married, goes to serve in the army, goes to the maternity hospital, takes exams, settles into a new apartment, is seriously ill, and more.

What icons are given for a wedding?

Orthodox people have a tradition of “blessed” icons, received by young people from their parents with a blessing for marriage. They are kept with love, this is a good gift. There are many amazing things associated with such family icons that are passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes home images become miraculous.

  • Wedding icons are given as gifts on the eve of the wedding day. Images of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. The parents of the bride - an icon of the Mother of God, and the parents of the groom - an icon of Christ.
  • Nikolai Ugodnik is a saint who is especially revered in our country. This is an intercessor, a miracle worker.
  • Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom symbolize devotion, fidelity and love. Therefore, young people are given their icons so that the marriage is strong and long.
  • Those family icons that have been kept in the family for many years are also given as gifts.

When we are going to congratulate our family and friends on their birthday, we often get lost and don’t know what gift to choose for this occasion. In Rus', there has long been a tradition of giving holy images. Now, with the revival of spirituality, many customs that existed earlier in pre-revolutionary Russia have begun to return. Therefore, believers often wonder whether it is possible to give icons for a birthday?

Most of us choose gifts for our loved ones with love, wanting to express our best sincere feelings. If the future birthday boy is a pious person, a believer, he will be pleased to accept the icon as a gift. The main thing is to choose correctly what will please and inspire him most. The variety of church faces is so great that you can easily get confused. Let's try to figure out what is best to choose in each specific case.

Through the iconographic faces there is a reunion with the Lord, the Mother of God, and the saints. You can pray without them. You can pray anywhere, at any time, in any environment. But when a consecrated image is before the eyes, a person concentrates more, gathers himself, and mentally ascends to the Prototype that is depicted on it.

Iconographic faces occupy an important place in the life of every Orthodox person. Whether a person is born or dies, starts a business or sets out on a journey, holy images always and everywhere accompany him. The faces were always protected and passed on from generation to generation. When escorting a warrior to war, they blessed him with a shrine. And he knew that he was not going to war alone, but with God, because services were held in churches, mothers and wives prayed. Therefore, the Russian army became invincible.

Do they give icons?

It is customary for Orthodox believers to give images of saints for the most important events in life:

  • christening;
  • wedding;
  • Day Angel;
  • on major Orthodox holidays;
  • to temples and monasteries as a donation;
  • in many other cases.

Is it possible to give icons as a gift if you need to congratulate a loved one on their birthday?

Priests, hierarchs and church historians all unanimously argue that it is possible and even necessary to do this.

This is an ancient pious custom inherent in the Russian person, who, in the breadth of his soul, wants to give to his neighbor the best that he has.

Informative! Why and what should be in every home?

How holy images were valued in Rus' is evidenced by the fact that when drawing up a will, an inventory of property, they were always written down in first place as the most valuable thing on this list. The surviving wills of the great princes, for example, Dmitry Donskoy, his father Ivan Ioannovich, dated 14–15 centuries, and other documents of later times testify to this. Iconographic faces also occupied a significant place in the bride’s dowry.

Attention! If you want to give an icon-painted face as a gift for your birthday, first consult with a priest and find out the church’s opinion on this matter. They give only a consecrated image purchased in the temple.

To whom and what icon is it better to give?

It must be remembered that the image of saints is not an interior item, but serves completely different purposes - spiritual. Is it possible to give an icon as a gift? The main purpose of an iconographic image is to revive the faith and prayer of an Orthodox person.

By giving faces to our loved ones, we bring the spiritual angelic world closer to them, so that at any moment when they are visited by difficulties or illnesses, they can turn to their heavenly patrons. So, let's try to figure out whether it is possible to give icons as a gift, and which holy images are best to prefer:

  1. In every Orthodox home, as a rule, there is a triptych: the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Pleasant. Saint Nicholas is revered in Rus' like no other. Almost every family has experience of his spiritual help. Therefore, if the birthday person has not yet managed to establish a prayer corner in his home, you can give him these images.
  2. So that there is prosperity in the house and poverty and problems go away, you can give a list from the miraculous image “The Spreader of Loaves”. As a rule, this face is hung in the dining room or kitchen, for prayer, according to the apostles, must be done in every place. With its help, poverty is overcome, prosperity appears in the house, and troubles go away.
  3. If there are children in the house, it is good to give an iconographic image of “The Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.” It depicts pious parents who lead their child to God from a very young age. Looking at the holy faces, you begin to think about raising your own children and about your parental responsibilities that God has entrusted to us.
  4. It is a great consolation for every person to look at the iconographic image dedicated to the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Any despairing soul will find peace and tranquility by looking at the holy face. He will drive away the darkness of hopelessness, dispel gloomy thoughts, because the Diligent Intercessor herself has spread her cover over us.
  5. A young woman, girl, or little girl will love the face of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of the Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery. It personifies the purity and chastity of youth, femininity, which are so characteristic of an early age. Looking at the bright face of the Mother of God and praying before it, the child will strive for the same sinlessness that is characteristic of the Virgin Mary.
  6. Any pious person will want to have at home an iconographic image of his Heavenly patron, the saint in whose honor he was named at baptism. If the birthday person does not yet have such a face, then you should give it to him. Prayer before him is the most confidential.
  7. You can give images of all those saints who patronize family members, or order the painting of a family icon. As a rule, the Savior and the Mother of God are located in the center, and next to them (to the right and left) are selected saints, patrons of family members. Prayer in front of such an iconographic image has the character of conciliarity, since petitions are offered not only for oneself, but also for relatives and friends. If a replenishment occurs, a new heavenly patron is added.
  8. You should quietly find out which saint is closest to the future birthday boy. If a person is sick with something, as a rule, he prefers to turn to the Orthodox saint-doctors Panteleimon, Luke Voina-Yasenetsky, Agapit of Pechersk and others. Many Russian people have a special love for Father Seraphim, since for them he is the personification of all of Russia. With a warm prayer in front of the image of the saint, you can express your love for the fatherland, for everything Russian and Orthodox.
  9. If an iconographic image is presented to a colleague or boss at work, you can choose the saints who patronize the profession to which these people dedicated themselves. For example, if this is trade, you can pray to Saints John of Sochavsky, Joseph of Volotsky, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and others. The patroness of the missile forces is the Great Martyr Barbara, and the patroness of the airborne troops is the prophet Elijah.
  10. If the holy image is given to a child, and it is placed in the children's room, you can choose the image of the Savior, Guardian Angel, Sergius of Radonezh as the patron of students, a personal saint and others.
  11. Family people, especially women, should be given iconographic images of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the patroness of the family. People turn to Her for the gift of peace and love in the family, and offer petitions for the children. Saints Xenia of Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow, Peter and Fevronia, and others are also considered patrons of the family hearth.

Instead of expensive and useless trinkets, isn’t it better to give icons as a gift? Even the simple presence of a holy image in the house makes you, willy-nilly, think about your actions and inner content. When you see a righteous man before your eyes, you involuntarily want to pull yourself up.

Attention! If you want to give a meaningful and useful gift, you must first take an interest in the life circumstances of the person to whom you are going to give it.

Gift for a man

Wanting to give a gracious gift to their beloved husbands and sons, many women ask for advice on what icon to give to a man. This will depend primarily on the name, type of activity and hobbies of the recipient. Work and professional activities occupy a particularly important place in a man’s life. Therefore, the choice of an iconographic image can be associated with this area of ​​​​the life of a loved one. Usually they give:

  1. For the military - Saints George the Victorious, Alexander Nevsky, Archangel Michael.
  2. To teachers - St. Sergius of Radonezh, martyr. Tatiana.
  3. To sailors, travelers - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  4. For financiers - St. Matthew.
  5. To diplomats - Archangel Gabriel.
  6. Civil servants - St. Yaroslav the Wise.

If a representative of the stronger sex is an avid fisherman, the question of which icon to give to a man is easily resolved: the iconographic faces of the holy apostles Peter and Andrew will suit him, and St. mchn. Tryphon.

Gift for a woman

Women are the guardians of family well-being and are involved in raising children. Therefore, the holy face must be chosen in accordance with the spiritual aspirations of the recipient. It is better for a woman to give an icon for her name day, one that depicts the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

  1. Unfading color - helps preserve beauty and youth.
  2. Sweet kissing protects children from various diseases and dangers.
  3. Motherhood - will prepare for the birth of children, help during childbirth, and assist in their upbringing.
  4. Tenderness helps to maintain purity and get married successfully.
  5. Ostrobramskaya - protects the family from the interference of strangers, keeps peace and love in it.
  6. Iverskaya is the keeper of the hearth.
  7. Gerontissa is a caretaker of the elderly, heals from various diseases.
  8. The Kazan icon is the most revered icon in Rus' and preserves family well-being.
  9. Vladimirskaya - heals, patronizes motherhood.
  10. Three-handed - heals, protects from melancholy, protects home and family.
  11. Feodorovskaya - helps during childbirth.

You can also give other iconographic faces as a souvenir, for example, the Matrona of Moscow. This saint helps everyone who comes to her with a variety of everyday needs.

Important! Many people ask, is it possible to accept an iconographic image that was given as a gift for some occasion? If he is consecrated in the Orthodox canonical church - yes, without doubting and without taking into account any signs.

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Let's sum it up

Family and friends are the most precious thing we have. When peace and love reign in a family, everyone is happy. Peace and joy reign in our souls. Sometimes trials come into our lives, and we often don’t know how to help our loved ones. We try to do this with money, with some real deeds, but we often forget that there is a prayer that can move mountains if pronounced with faith and trust in the mercy of God. Therefore, giving an icon for a name day is the best care for loved ones and dear people.

In contact with

An icon is a “window to the heavenly world,” a piece of eternity. Modern people, confused in religious ideas and dogmas, are perplexed by the question: is it possible to give icons for birthdays and other holidays?

For some reason, an icon as a gift evokes very conflicting feelings among citizens. Secular life is interrupted with the spiritual sphere, and such a merger gives rise to a lot of superstitions and illogical signs. Judge for yourself: zodiac signs and feng shui can be given as gifts, but icons cannot? Where is the logic?

Of course, the images of patron saints can be presented as a gift. An icon is the most sincere and bright gift, but it is not a banal piece of furniture, and it is very important that the birthday boy understands this and thanks the depicted saint for his help in business and intercession.

Is it possible to give icons for a wedding, so to speak “civil” or “secular”, which takes place without the sacrament of wedding? Of course you can. The clergy say that an icon given from a pure heart brings happiness and protects the house from troubles. The holy image can eventually become a family heirloom, protected, preserved and passed on from generation to generation. This is how family traditions are born, which connect parents and children with an invisible thread of spiritual kinship.

When and why should you not give icons?

  1. You should not give a holy image to a stranger, because he may adhere to a different religion or be an atheist. Icons are given with a feeling of deep faith and undying love to family and friends.
  2. Icons are not fashionable interior decoration; they are intended for prayers, so you should not give them to a person far from the faith, who will not properly honor the gift received.
  3. You cannot give “homemade” icons, for example, personally embroidered with beads. But this ban is lifted if they are consecrated in the church.

An icon is the most heartfelt and blessed gift, but in no case is it a tribute to fashion or an attempt to be considered an original. It is given with faith, hope and love, and should take its rightful place in the home and heart of the recipient. An excellent alternative to a ready-made icon sold in a church shop would be one painted to order. Perhaps it will later become a family heirloom. The main condition for such a gift remains the sincere faith of the master and the donor.

Signs about icons

Signs stating that icons cannot be given as gifts appear due to ignorance of Orthodox canons. For example, a well-known popular belief says that giving images of saints leads to a quarrel. Perhaps the roots of this “wisdom” come from an incorrect interpretation of the Bible. After all, the Savior’s commandments say that you cannot give a shrine to sinners and unbelievers. So a quotation from Holy Scripture became a household sign, declaring that “giving icons is a quarrel.” But against the background of “obscurantism”, expedient and reasonable arguments stand out that should be followed in individual cases and life circumstances.

Because of the mass of signs, many people are simply afraid to give icons even to their believing loved ones. However, it should be noted that the superstitions that came to us from our ancestors contain a rational grain. Let's remember some of them.

  • During a disaster, icons are taken out of the house first.

This unspoken law is quite justified, because in a moment of danger or natural disaster, first of all, a person saves what is most dear to himself. And for religious people, the faces of saints, like other symbols of faith, have always remained one of the greatest values.

  • The person who finds the icon should consecrate it in the temple and only then bring it into the house

Sound enough advice. Icons are a mandatory attribute of Orthodox funerals. Also, patients are often begged before them. No one knows in whose hands the shrine was previously, and why it was left, so it is better to immediately take it to the church and consecrate it. If you cannot dispel fears associated with the find, you can leave it there, in the temple.

  • A cracked icon is a harbinger of trouble

At any time, holy faces served as conductors between higher powers and our world, and incidents associated with them were perceived as a sign. Therefore, the slightest external change in the icon, be it a sharp darkening of the coating, a crack, or, on the contrary, the extraordinary brightness of the colors, is interpreted as a kind of message to people.

  • Icons cannot be inscribed

No personal inscriptions are made on the images, as well as on other spiritual objects (holy books and scrolls). It defiles them. If you give an icon or a Gospel, give up the desire to leave a memorable text and your autograph on them.

  • Icons cannot be hung

An icon hanging on the wall may fall, and as mentioned above, any incident involving it is considered significant. Fall is one of the worst. In addition, to hang an icon, you need a fastening, which, in turn, can damage its base.

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