What to do if a teenager suddenly comes home drunk? Teenage alcoholism Develop emotional intelligence.

Once in the life of every parent there comes a moment when the question: “Teenagers and alcohol - how to protect them, how to teach them, how to prevent a disaster” becomes as relevant as possible. And every parent remembers himself many years ago, his first glass of port / glass of vodka / glass of wine, frowns (why does memory retain THIS at all?) and agrees - it’s unlikely that it will be possible to jump over five boxes - in this quest the child must gain his own experience. You just have to survive. However, everyone understands “survival” in their own way.

Instead of a preface

The LittleOne editors conducted a survey and found out that more than half (55%) of respondents agreed with the statement: “Since I was 15 years old, my parents poured me half a glass of wine on holidays, and I will follow in their footsteps. It’s better to let him try good alcohol at home than bad alcohol in the backyard.” Slightly less than half of the respondents (40%) are much more categorical: “Children under 18 years old should not consume anything stronger than kefir! I don’t drink myself and I don’t recommend it to anyone!” 4% of respondents shifted responsibility for relationships with alcohol onto the shoulders of the younger generation: “Let the teenager decide for himself whether to drink or not drink. For me, it’s better to drink than to inject drugs!”, and only 1% admitted: “Yes, I bought alcohol for my child and I don’t hide it!” No one can tell you how to do it right. And we will not undertake to advise. And our expert psychologists Alexander Roitman, Lyudmila Borodina, Natalya Lobanova do not give advice - when answering parents’ questions, they rather express their private opinion.

Alcohol education. Is there such a letter in your word?

Lyudmila Borodina:“From the age of ten or twelve, I told my sons why people drink, for example, that after a glass of champagne I feel more cheerful and stress goes away. She said that each body has its own reaction to alcohol and therefore it is better to try alcohol at home. She explained why drunk people become noisy. She divided alcohol consumption into categories: alcohol - as an occasion: a party, acquaintance, birthday - and here it is important to stop in time, and alcohol, the use of which indicates an exorbitant level of stress that the body cannot withstand. She explained that alcohol establishes itself more easily in people’s lives if the number of negative emotions greatly exceeds positive ones. At the same time, I offered alternative ways to relieve tension, introduced new interests into my sons’ lives, and tried to be “involved” in their lives.”

Alexander Roitman:“Since childhood, I knew that alcohol is a dope for communication; I knew that a man simply had to be able to drink. That alcohol presupposes a culture of consumption, that you need to know how much you can drink, when to stop, you need to know what you can combine with what. I have seen that men often resolve their male issues, and at the same time there is alcohol on the table. I looked at my dad and grandfather and chose my own way to behave at the table. I understood that you need to not just drink, but manage the table, be an intellectual, or something. Thanks to my parents, I realized early on that no one can force me to drink, that I choose the participants in the feast myself, I learned to watch who I drink with, since childhood I had the attitude: “Drinking a lot is strange.” This setup was useful to me: I once worked at a vitamin factory, where there was more alcohol than water, and I didn’t drink. I didn’t drink in the army and almost didn’t drink in college.”

To drink or not to drink, that is the question. At what age should a teenager be offered alcohol during family gatherings?

Natalya Lobanova:“For me, as a parent, this question is not worth it. Don't offer it at all. Sometimes parents invite their children to “try” so that the child “understands what it is.” But, in my opinion, this has to do with the attitude and culture of drinking alcohol. And if this attitude is healthy, then the child will consciously make his choice from additional provocation from the parents.”

Lyudmila Borodina:“I have two already grown sons. And I didn’t mind introducing them to alcohol when they became interested in it. Everything happened before my eyes. From the age of 14, the boys began to sometimes spend the night with friends, I think there were episodes of alcoholism too. But there was never a situation in which I felt in danger: they had an understanding of what alcohol is and why you shouldn’t drink a glass of vodka on a dare.”

Alexander Roitman:“There was always alcohol in our house, no one checked whether its quantity had decreased or not, I had no particular interest in it. My parents told me directly: “Drink, smoke, if you want, but at home, not on the street.” As far as I can remember, I was always poured dry wine. From the age of nine, exactly, five grams, sometimes more than once - I had my own small glass. I was taught that they drink slowly, that there should always be something left in the glass, that “drink to the bottom” is not for me, that I control how I drink, and not the one who pours. Dad told me: “Be careful. Make sure you drink enough so you don't overdo it. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you might feel ashamed later.”

The teenager plans to celebrate his birthday without his parents and presumably there will be alcohol there. Is it worth showing interest in how much alcohol there will be, what kind of alcohol there will be, how many guests there will be, and how to adjust these inputs if necessary?

Natalya Lobanova:“The parent’s anxiety on this issue will be higher, the less he trusts his child and is afraid to give up parental control. It seems to me that a preliminary conversation with the child about responsibility for his behavior, which in the absence of adults falls on the shoulders of the teenager himself, is necessary and sufficient. A detailed explanation of the consequences of alcohol intoxication will largely allow the child to be more attentive and not cross the safety line. But if it turns out that a teenager from a family with an adequate value for health and safety celebrated his birthday with a bang, then one should not regard what happened as a disaster: the child will be able to draw conclusions from what happened.”

Alexander Roitman:“I will tell the child this: “I don’t want there to be wine at your birthday party. But at the same time, I don’t want to put you in an idiotic position if someone brings it anyway, and you don’t tell me, and in fact deceive me. I’m ready not to ask you about this - just know that I’m against it. I pour you wine at home, but this is my relationship with you, this does not mean that you can drink with friends in my absence.”

You are escorting a teenager to a party where there will presumably be alcohol. AND…?

Alexander Roitman:“You cannot teach a person to look at paintings before going to a museum. You can protect your child from serious mistakes (don’t yell, don’t touch the paintings with your hands), but you can’t instill culture with just conversation. It’s the same with alcohol - if the child does not have the “relationship with alcohol” vaccination, then before the child goes to the party, you can give clear instructions. And after that, from the window, shout that this is just the beginning of a big conversation, designed for many, many meetings. But since my children have a background in alcohol, when escorting my son to a party, I would instruct him - the way my parents instructed me: eat heartily, a lot, well.”

Lyudmila Borodina:“Assuming that a child is going to an event where he will be introduced to alcohol, I would advise discussing everything that may be happening - but discussing it in a way that does not look like strict control. In the case of my sons, I probed the situation with questions: “How many guests are planned? Will there be girls? What do you think you should drink?”, while sincerely sharing her fears: “I’m afraid that it will be too... (strong / expensive / a lot).” And in the dialogue there was always a compromise: “Will it be convenient to continue drinking if the girl’s parents come?”, “Will it be convenient if you get drunk and start to feel sick?” At the same time, I have no illusions - I understand that a “closed zone” exists in the lives of teenagers, that I am not “allowed” everywhere, but what is shared with me is enough for me.”

Is there an option in which 100% abstinence from alcohol in parents gives rise to the same 100% abstinence from alcohol in children?

Lyudmila Borodina:“I'm sure this is possible. The day will come when parents who do not drink alcohol even on holidays will reach a consensus with their children. But statistics say that sooner or later 100% of children will try alcohol, and therefore I’m not sure that a child from an anti-alcohol family will avoid the period of “Well, for the OGE!” or “For a certificate without “Cs”!”

Natalya Lobanova:“It is obvious to me that a teenager who grew up in a family where they do not drink alcohol will not show excessive interest in this issue. Perhaps he will try alcohol somewhere with friends, but, based on his parents’ attitude towards drinking alcohol, he will make his choice not in favor of alcohol.”

Alexander Roitman:“It’s interesting that now I don’t drink, well, maybe a glass of cognac once a year. And... children (and I have five of them!) do not show any interest in alcohol! However, I assume that they probably tried alcohol, maybe they tried it more than once or twice (we have wine in the public domain), but after making sure that it was sour and not fun, they left their tasting!”

What to do if the child liked it?

Natalya Lobanova:“A child growing up in a family where alcohol is the norm will not ask his parents for permission to drink. He will either choose an anti-scenario and will not even sit at a table with his parents where there is alcohol, or he will start drinking alcohol himself (because he lives in this norm). And if the latter happens, then you should start with yourself and change your attitude towards alcohol. Does your child already drink alcohol on a regular basis? You need to pay attention to his environment or the reasons that may cause him to become dependent on alcohol, and try to change the situation on his own. Does not work? Contact specialists for help!”

Lyudmila Borodina:“If a teenager said “yes” to alcohol, then one pill is not enough: a comprehensive solution is needed. If I were the mother of this teenager, I would run with him to a psychologist. But first, I would think about the fact that children copy the behavior of adults - if parents put a bottle of whiskey on the table every Friday, and a battery of beer bottles under the table, this picture will be one version of the norm for the child. If parents put out a bottle of wine for Sunday lunch, drink a glass and put it away in the closet - this is another option. If parents, realizing that they have children in their family who see everything, buy non-alcoholic champagne for the New Year, do not keep any alcohol at home and live under the auspices of “Alcohol is evil” (and at the same time do not disdain cocktails in bars, at parties and at work) - this is the third option, in which the child will undoubtedly drink alcohol (and will hide it from his parents - just as they hide it from him). And there is only one way out: parents need to become honest with themselves and admit that it is possible to change the situation, but they will have to start with themselves.”

Children and alcohol. How to react? Violating established prohibitions and drinking alcohol is another process in your child’s growing up. Of course, all parents want to protect their child from such situations, tell them about the dangers of alcohol and make sure that your child will never lose a sense of proportion. But if suddenly this happens, and the child comes home drunk, you need to do everything possible to ensure that such an incident does not happen again.

Olga Mayorova

Child psychologist

Two thirds of Russian teenagers aged 13 to 16 drink alcohol regularly, but many have been familiar with wine and beer since they were 10 years old (according to the organizers of the anti-alcohol campaign “Common Cause”).

In addition, alcohol and cigarettes are the only accessible and therefore especially attractive attributes of the adult world. By joining adult life in this way, children force their parents to admit that they have ceased to be children.

Not all teenagers like the taste of alcohol, many are even disgusted, but even if it ends in poisoning, alcohol occupies such an important place in their idea of ​​​​growing up that it is difficult for them to stop and refuse to drink next time. Talking about the dangers of alcohol does not help here, teenagers simply do not believe you, do not take your arguments seriously, any words from adults are met with rebuff: “Why is it possible for you, but not for me?”

Let's try to figure out why teenagers start drinking alcohol?


Children at this age feel that adults do not love them enough, pay little attention to them, and they have a feeling of inner emptiness and loneliness, which they drown out with the help of alcohol. Teenagers enjoy the ease and freedom that comes with intoxication. After all, alcohol is a strong relaxant; it helps relieve emotional stress, get rid of shyness, complexes, and barriers to communication.

Collectivism- an important incentive to start drinking alcohol. A teenager needs a society of equals, where he is perceived as an individual. The last school years are the only period in our lives when feeling of belonging to a group general standards of behavior and the opinions of peers are not just important, but serve as a necessary condition for personal development. That is why teenagers, having tried alcohol once, are afraid of appearing inadequate in the eyes of their friends, and can no longer stop. They begin to drink a lot and everything, mixing drinks of different strengths, which makes the intoxication intensify many times over.

Your daughter came home drunk. Often the reason is unrequited love. For any parent this is a disaster, for a girl it is nothing compared to her “problems”.

What is the most important thing for any man? Honor and respect from others, authority among peers and friends. To earn this authority, teenagers do stupid and thoughtless things. He doesn’t care about danger, the main thing is that his friends appreciate him. They also take their first puff and sip of alcohol in the company of friends. And all in order to earn the respect of the male team and prove that they have not been hiding behind their mother’s skirt for a long time.

How to behave if your child arrives drunk?

Of course, you shouldn’t have such conversations when the teenager came home staggering! First of all, make sure that your child’s health is not at risk., because even small doses of alcohol can have a detrimental effect on a child’s body, if necessary, it is better to call an ambulance. Put him to bed, ask if he wants to eat. There is no need to create scandals, make threats against him, and of course, assault is completely excluded. Psychologists tell parents about this all the time, but they let this information fall on deaf ears. Don't panic, calm down and try to control yourself. Throw out of your head all the predictions like “they raised a person, but it’s unclear what grew.”

In the morning, start discussing what happened.

How to talk to your child in the morning?

When we cross the boundaries of what is permitted, we immediately feel shame and a taste, literally, of forbidden fruit. Therefore, in the morning your child will feel not only shame, but also wait for punishment.

Firstly, don't make a scandal, but at the same time you can’t pretend that you didn’t notice anything. Secondly, we need to discuss what happened the day before: what and how much did the child drink, how did those who were with him feel, did he like the taste of alcohol and how did it happen that he could not stop in time?

Try to explain that reputation and authority in the company do not depend on winning the competition “who drinks the most beer.” Explain that if he has tried on the attribute of adulthood, this does not mean that he has matured. A person matures only when he feels responsible for his decisions. He must be able to make a choice between respect for peers and friends and respect for himself.

Try not to get personal and analyze only your child’s actions. Tell him about your feelings, express your fear, grief, surprise, indignation (“When I saw you at the door yesterday, I was scared, because for the first time in my life I felt disgusted with you”).

If the child doesn't answer your questions , do not insist, if he answers, react. For example, say that “everything that happened was an experience anyway.”

It is easy to understand a person only if there is a normal relationship between you. A loving mother herself destroys everything, arranging showdowns and scandals for her child, who has crossed the boundaries of what is permitted. Understanding means accepting mistakes and growing together. Together you will overcome all the difficulties of adolescence.

And one last thing. Surprisingly, but true: many people tried their first glass of alcohol within the walls of their own home. At the age of 14-16, parents poured wine or champagne for the New Year or any other family holiday. Is it correct? The issue is controversial, but there is one undeniable argument in favor of a glass of wine once a year at home: it is better for the child to become acquainted with alcohol under the supervision of adults. Although that's the only plus.

It makes sense that 22 states have adopted special social legislation that holds those who sell alcoholic beverages to minors accountable. But is it really that important whether a teenager receives alcohol from the hands of a seller or in his own home? The result is the same - for a teenager, alcohol damages the brain, liver and circulatory system; the immature central nervous system, which is just being formed, is most vulnerable. As a result of alcohol consumption, the child’s personality suffers: general development, logical and abstract thinking, the emotional sphere, intelligence, and memory are inhibited.

In childhood, alcohol consumption leads to the fact that at some point the effect of it becomes insufficient, and children turn to drugs. The worst thing is that childhood alcoholism is quite difficult in terms of treatment, since the child’s personality has not yet been formed, and the child does not yet have significant motivations that are effective for adults.

According to statistics, 87% of Ukrainian students aged 15 to 17 years old at least once in their lives. Why does this happen and how to form the correct attitude of a child towards alcohol?

Has your child already tried alcohol?

A distinction must be made between alcohol consumption and abuse. This is determined by two factors - doses and frequency of use.

The dose of alcohol consumption is the amount of ethanol that causes mild intoxication in the human body. According to international standards, this dose is 15-20 milliliters of pure alcohol. If we convert them into milliliters of alcoholic beverages, then this is 150 ml of dry wine, 0.3 liters of beer or cider and 30-40 ml of vodka.

Based on the frequency of use and the number of doses, five levels of alcohol consumption are distinguished:

  • complete abstinence from alcohol;
  • the minimum level of use is 1-2 doses every two months;
  • moderate level - 1-2 doses 1-2 times a month;
  • dangerous level - 3-4 doses 2-4 times a month or 1-2 doses 6-8 times a month;
  • prodrome of alcoholism (prodrome is the period of the disease that passes between the stage of “infection”, that is, the beginning of use, and the disease itself, that is, alcoholism) - 3-4 doses 6-10 times a month.

Alcohol abuse is the use of alcoholic beverages that causes irreparable harm to the human body.


There are not many reasons why teenagers drink alcohol. And basically they are all psychological in nature.

  • Interest. And this interest is quite healthy. Perhaps you are not enough. Or you told him, but you yourself used it more than once in front of the child. Then he will think: “Since alcohol is poison, why does mom or dad drink it? Maybe it’s actually not so scary?”
  • Social influence. It is important for children to “belong” in the company; it is important to be considered “cool”. In this case, it’s worth explaining that the level of “coolness” is not measured by what you drink. Also teach your child to say “No” and
  • The desire to appear older. This is a completely normal desire for teenagers. Perhaps at this stage of his life he formed an incorrect opinion about adulthood. Give him the right guidelines.
  • Rebellious spirit. Adolescence is an unpredictable period. It is also reflected on. If you have not established contact with a teenager, he may express his protest through alcohol.
  • Holidays. Many children will celebrate a birthday or successfully passing exams with alcohol. This indicates an incorrect formation of ideas about the normal celebration of any events.


It is worth developing a culture of behavior and attitude towards alcohol from early childhood. Parents need to be shown that drinking alcohol before age 21 is a sign of irresponsibility, not adulthood. After all, the human body physiologically matures at 21-22 years old, so at an earlier age, alcohol can affect the functioning of the brain, nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract. A biological tendency towards alcoholism may also develop.

  • At 4-5 years old Of course, it’s still too early to talk directly about alcohol. At this age, begin to instill in your child the ability to take care of health. Explain that health must be protected. At 4-5 years old, children perceive the world around them well through emotional coloring, so you can show your child your disapproval emotionally, but so far without lectures on why this is harmful.
  • At 6-10 years old vaccinate children. Teach them to proper nutrition, hygiene, daily routine, various activities - everything that will help maintain health. At 7-8 years old, you can talk about the dangers of drinking alcohol more openly, using specific examples. Try to express your opinion about buying food and drinks for the holidays in the presence of your child and deliberately emphasize your position: there will be little alcohol on the table. Based on 1-2 doses for an adult guest (over 21 years of age). Exclude from this list guests who cannot drink due to health conditions or other circumstances (driving, pregnancy). The main thing is to teach your child to understand the difference between alcohol consumption and abuse.
  • At 10-15 years old the child already understands what is good and what is bad. At this age, it is important for parents to teach their child to refuse an offer to drink. The ability to defend one’s position is very important, because at this age children often fall under the influence of others.


No matter how much you take care of your child and no matter how much you talk about the dangers of alcohol, sooner or later he will try it. Just deal with it. This may happen under the influence of friends or he simply wants to know what is so bad about alcoholic drinks. This is quite normal, because it is much better for the teenager to “pass” this through himself and form his opinion about alcohol based on his experience, and not on your words.

No matter how much you take care of your child and no matter how much you talk about the dangers of alcohol, sooner or later he will try it. Just deal with it.

If your child comes home drunk, first calm down. Of course, it’s unusual to see your child in this state. But don’t escalate the situation - you won’t help with reproaches and scandals. Especially when he is still “under the weather.” Make sure there is no threat and make him drink water to help him get back to normal faster. The next day, talk to him. Listen to the child, give him the opportunity to explain his action. Despite the unpleasant situation, do not be angry, show that you love him and support him, but still do not approve of his action. Explain again how alcohol was harmful.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a teenager who has not been drunk at least once in his life. According to statistics, about 85% of teenagers in the CIS countries drink large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis (weekends, holidays, parties). It's no secret that one of the most common drinks among teenagers is beer. Considering this fact, today we will talk about what effect does beer have on the teenage body? and what this means for him in the future.

Any beer contains large quantities of plant analogues of female hormones, the constant use of which by a guy under the age of 17 will lead to the following consequences:

  • The body will be significantly dominated by female sex hormones rather than testosterone;
  • Secondary sexual characteristics will appear with a delay, or may not appear at all;
  • The body constitution will be formed according to the female type (narrow shoulders, wide pelvis, little hair on the body);
  • It is possible to develop gynecomastia (female breast enlargement), which only surgery can help get rid of;
  • If a child under 15 years of age drinks beer, there is an 80% chance that he will experience the phenomenon of micropenis, since testosterone is necessary for the development of male genital organs. Beer suppresses testosterone, and accordingly, the genitals simply stop developing properly;
  • Children develop obesity, with both male and female obesity patterns. According to the female type, cellulite begins to form on the lower extremities and buttocks. According to the male type, fat begins to accumulate on the stomach, chest, arms and neck;
  • Character traits change. The teenager begins to become more irritable, emotional, depressed, and also unstable to conflicts;
  • Fat deposits under the influence of an excess of female sex hormones increases the chances of atherosclerosis, diabetes, as well as heart attack and stroke, especially in combination with smoking.

These are the main physiological changes that await anyone a teenager who drinks beer more than 1 liter per week for several years. Until the age of 18, the basic physical indicators of the human body are formed. It is during this period that the correct vector of their formation should be set. Beer and the analogues of female hormones it contains can forever change the vector of development and ruin a guy’s life.

As for girls who regularly drink beer, this is a very rare phenomenon, indicating more serious problems (the middle stage of alcoholism). Despite this, their body tolerates beer drinks much more easily on a physiological level. But at the same time, it is girls who can become alcoholics faster than their male peers, which will result in completely different side effects. If we exclude the development of alcoholism, a girl who drinks beer on a regular basis will receive the following undesirable consequences, such as:

  • Obesity (can develop in both female and male patterns);
  • Will acquire a loose body constitution;
  • The muscles and skin will lose their elasticity and will also sag (which is especially noticeable when looking at the thighs of beer-drinking girls and their arms);
  • The skin of the face will become pale, the cheeks will begin to sag, early wrinkles will appear;

You should not think that female hormones in beer will help enlarge your breasts or create the correct body contours. Beer contains only plant analogues of female hormones, which are solely responsible for the accumulation of excess fat, decreased testosterone production (girls also have it) and accelerated aging of the entire body as a whole.

Teenage alcoholism, according to statistics, begins to manifest itself in adolescents aged 10–15 years. Both boys and girls drink alcohol. The main reason that pushes a child into the arms of alcohol is unfavorable conditions in the family. Parents should be informed about the signs of childhood alcoholism and ways to combat it.


Statistical studies of teenage alcohol addiction indicate that over time there has been an increase in the number of children and adolescents who systematically drink alcohol. This applies to both boys and girls, the number of whom until recently was relatively small. If we consider the disease of children and adolescents with alcoholism on a geographical basis, the following picture emerges:

  • In the United States, the rate of alcoholism during adolescence is much lower compared to European countries. About 15% of American teenagers drink alcohol daily.
  • In Europe, alcohol dependence has been recorded in 40% of boys and about 30% of girls.
  • In Russia, the rate of alcoholism among teenagers leads the ranking of countries with a high incidence of teenagers drinking alcohol. Thus, 77% of Russian children suffer from one stage or another of alcoholism, of which in 90% of cases, childhood addiction is the result of drunkenness in families where teenagers are raised.

Why do children drink?

The causes of childhood alcoholism are psychological in nature. First of all, it should be noted that children from happy families are not exposed to alcohol; they are always busy: studying, sports, intellectual games, reading, useful work on the Internet, new hobbies do not leave time for dubious pastimes.

As a rule, this category of children has complete information about the consequences of smoking, drinking alcohol, and, in particular, at a young age. Children from unreliable families with low self-esteem very often fall into the trap of alcoholism, especially if alcohol is welcome in the family.

Signs of alcohol addiction

The main sign of alcohol dependence in a teenager is resistance to increasing doses of alcohol. Then comes a long period of intoxication, which is characterized by depression and memory loss. The next day brings mood swings, aggression, apathy.

From the initial dose of alcohol, a teenager is immersed in a state of joy and pleasure, he actively moves and has fun

Another important symptom of teenage drinking is an increased craving for alcoholic beverages. When alcohol addiction develops, a child neglects his studies. Problems arise related to getting money for drinking, having to steal and commit other forms of crime. At the first manifestation of these signs, parents should immediately seek help from a narcologist.

Parents can determine that their son or daughter is in trouble by the following signs:

  • The appearance of unsatisfactory grades at school.
  • Unreasonable absences from classes.
  • New social circle.
  • Obstructing parents' desire to meet friends.
  • Indifference to one's appearance and personal hygiene.
  • The appearance of causeless aggression.
  • Stealth.
  • Hooliganism.

A drunk teenager reveals himself:

  • Alcohol smell.
  • On fumes.
  • Headache.
  • The appearance of redness on the neck and face.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Losing weight.
  • Impaired movement coordination.

In addition, adolescents are characterized by difficulties in concentrating, memory deterioration, and severe forgetfulness.

How does this happen

Teenage alcoholism develops gradually and goes through several stages of developing a persistent dependence on alcohol. Medical statistics claim that the first acquaintance with alcoholic beverages occurs at primary school age during family feasts.

Older teenagers try alcohol in the company of peers. It is very rare that a child gets acquainted with alcohol on his own, trying to find out what will happen. A disservice is provided by television advertising, which positions a person who drinks alcoholic beverages as successful, and alcohol as an attribute of communication and relaxation.

Stages of disease formation

The main stages in the development of alcohol dependence in medicine are considered to be:

  • Beginning of addiction to alcoholic drinks. This process lasts about 3 months.
  • Systematic use. The beginning of changes in the child's behavior. At this stage, the disease can be stopped if you stop drinking alcohol.
  • Mental dependence. The period begins one year after the start of drinking alcohol. A teenager is often drunk, he can no longer live without alcohol, it doesn’t matter to him what kind of alcohol to drink, where and when.
  • Withdrawal syndrome. Teenagers no longer control the amount of alcohol they drink, the tolerance of which increases several times. There is a transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • Dementia. Children experience a sharp decline in mental abilities.

Family influence

Drinking parents give birth to children with an increased tendency to alcohol dependence, which develops in the baby during the prenatal period. Reasons for drinking alcohol at home include birthdays, holidays, and the arrival of guests.

If there is drinking in the house and everyone is having fun, the child will not miss this without concluding for himself that alcohol is the norm in life. A drinking group of friends forms a firm belief: everyone drinks, and I’m no worse. Later, when parents sound the alarm, they will hear excuses: “everyone drank,” “I don’t want to be a black sheep,” “I drank for courage.”

Drinking children of non-drinking parents

Teenage drunkenness develops from unfavorable relationships in the family, even if alcohol is prohibited. The reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence may be:

  • Violence of any kind
  • Excessive care on the part of parents.
  • Authoritarian parenting style.
  • Mistrust of family members.
  • Permissiveness, indulging the desires of a teenager.

Violence is the reason why a teenager is connected with alcohol addiction

Street and alcohol

There is a very high probability that a child will encounter alcohol in street company. The age-related characteristics of a teenager are characterized by conformism and imitation of people significant to him. Significant people in the company are likely to be drinkers. They are usually considered cool and try to win the favor of the courtyard leaders. To refuse to drink alcohol at the call of the “cool” means to appear weak. This kind of pastime with a can of beer becomes the norm and fills all the child’s free time.

Why does a teenager need alcohol?

In most cases, the survey questions about why you drink alcohol are answered:

  • I'm trying to stick to tradition.
  • I want new sensations.
  • Avoid communication complexes.
  • Find understanding in the company.

Most children give reasons for drinking:

  • Last school bell.
  • Admission to an educational institution.
  • Device for part-time work.
  • Birthdays.

As you get more and more into a state of being “under the influence”, you want to drink for no reason – a habit develops. In a sober state, a teenager is bored, finding something he likes is not easy: sports are good, but for this a teenager needs to make significant efforts and be in good health. My parents did not teach me to read books. The easiest way is to grab a can of beer, go online and find confirmation that everyone drinks cool things; movies evoke the same feeling.

The survey results confirm that the majority of students have a negative attitude towards alcohol, but words do not always coincide with actions

Where to get alcohol

It is not difficult for a teenager to buy low-alcohol drinks; the low price contributes to the widespread incidence of childhood alcoholism. Particularly dangerous are advertised cocktails as drinks containing a small percentage of rum mixed with natural juices: systematic consumption of drinks throughout the year causes enormous harm to the child’s body, leading to real alcohol addiction with all the ensuing consequences.

How alcohol destroys a teenager's body

Alcoholic drinks are painful for a fragile body. Ethyl alcohol disrupts the developmental processes of a teenager’s body. Since those who drink alcohol on the street have nothing to snack on, they have to eat crackers or chips, which leads to the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, teenagers drink beer containing cobalt, which causes inflammation in the stomach and esophagus.

Cobalt has a particularly detrimental effect on the heart muscle; it becomes decrepit and cannot pump blood normally. By drinking alcohol, a teenager succumbs to the threat of disruptions in the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, which leads to a slowdown in the development of intelligence, memory, and thinking, the development of which is especially effective in adolescence.

A drinking teenager feels suffering in the emotional sphere, becoming withdrawn, degrading every day as a person who exhibits behavioral deviations.

Beer gatherings lead a teenager to aggression, loss of self-control, and he often gets into fights. To achieve the desired degree of intoxication, you have to consume more and more of the “harmless drink”. The next stage is the transition to vodka, the purchase of which requires larger sums. The search for money for the next dose of alcohol leads to the commission of crimes.


There is no doubt that teenage alcoholism needs to be treated, and that the problem cannot be solved by prohibitions alone. Successful treatment, first of all, depends on the correct approach to treating a teenager in trouble. Parents who want to save their child from alcohol addiction should do the following:

  • Try to delve deeply into the teenager’s problems.
  • With sympathy, understanding, and advice, ease the moral state of a teenager.
  • Directly participate in the child's life.
  • Unobtrusively convince the teenager of the need to seek help from psychologists and narcologists.

Can it be treated with drugs?

The specific medications used to treat adult alcoholics are not suitable for children. To help a child’s body overcome a dangerous disease, immunomodulators, vitamin preparations, and general strengthening agents are used. This is done by a psychotherapist, with the help of whom relationships in the family are improved and a trusting relationship between the child and parents is established.

The main goal of treatment for adolescent alcoholics is to overcome dependence on alcoholic beverages.

Family treats

It should be remembered that parents should participate in treatment. One of the most important tips for moms and dads: help your teenager find a hobby, then he won’t have time to wander aimlessly through the gates. If the opinions of the parents and the child regarding hobbies do not coincide, in no case should the teenager be criticized or ridiculed for a meaningless choice.

It is necessary to understand that general participation in any event related to a teenager’s hobby will give a chance to get closer to the child, understand him, and gain lost trust. Parents, devoting as much free time as possible to their child from work, contribute to the development of the teenager’s intelligence and weaning him from the destructive craving for alcohol. Children prone to alcohol addiction are very easily influenced by other people, so this feature should be used for good.

Primary factors for successful treatment of teenage alcoholism:

  • Early diagnosis in alcohol-dependent teenagers.
  • Contacting medical institutions for inpatient treatment.
  • Participation of child's family members in treatment for alcohol dependence.
  • Confidential conversations with an alcoholic child after consultation with a psychologist.
  • Introduction to sports.
  • Treatment according to traditional medicine prescriptions under the supervision of a narcologist.
  • Complete rest for your child.


Prevention of alcohol dependence in adolescents is aimed at developing in children and adolescents a negative attitude towards alcoholic beverages as a source of diseases and causes of crime.

Preventing the development of childhood alcoholism is one of the main tasks of parents.

To develop an antidote to addictions in a child, the following is recommended:

Parents should help their teenagers organize leisure time. You should tell your teenager which sports clubs to join, which books to read, and what information to obtain using the Internet. Parents should remember that detection of the very first signs of alcohol dependence should lead the teenager to an appointment with a narcologist, who, after an appropriate examination, will conduct serious treatment to help avoid the harmful effects of alcohol.

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