Choosing RAM for your computer. RAM for a computer: the basics of choosing the right one

Don't forget. There are two very important purchases left for any boyar - RAM and a video card. We'll talk about graphics accelerators later, when Nvidia and its partners finally release 20-series cards for general sale. Today we’ll look into the intricacies of choosing RAM.

As with many aspects of life, RAM isn't easy. It would seem that take more volume, and that’s all. But there are many subtleties that can spoil the purchase experience so that no tens of gigabytes will please you. So, let’s go in order, so that, on the one hand, we don’t overpay for unnecessary things, and on the other hand, we don’t end up with a glitchy computer in an attempt to save too much.

Again, we emphasize that for computer gurus this article may cause attacks of contemptuous grins and increased finger itching. Everything is correct, because our guide is aimed at people who did not attend computer literacy universities and do not every day face the problem of choosing the “most correct” timings.

Types of RAM

Have you thought that you need to decide on the volume first? Like, more gigabytes means more happiness? No, first you should find out what type of RAM you need.

The computer market, despite pessimistic forecasts, is constantly evolving, and RAM is improving along with it. From time to time, new technologies and standards appear that make it possible to increase the speed of memory and reduce its power consumption and heat dissipation. So, generation after generation, more and more new types of RAM are released.

Old DDR memory. This one is no longer produced

You can easily find out which generation a memory stick belongs to by the DDR marking (double data rate). You won't see regular DDR in desktop systems for a long time, just like DDR2. On older, but not released assemblies, DDR3 may still be found, but if we are talking about current computers with brand new “offal”, then there will be no option for DDR4. The memory of the fifth generation has been looming somewhere on the horizon for many years, but for now we can forget about it.

Thus, if we focus on new current processors and motherboards, then the choice comes down to the DDR4 memory type. By the way, even if you made a mistake and bought the wrong type of RAM, you don’t have to be afraid of ruining your computer - you simply won’t be able to install this stick in the motherboard. Each type of memory comes on a board with a special connector, which must correspond to the connector on the motherboard. Do you see that the notch on the memory chip does not coincide with the partition in the slot? Congratulations - this type of RAM is not suitable for your machine! All that remains is to negotiate with the store and exchange it for something more useful.

With DDR4 it’s clear - we’ll only talk about it further. But what else is DDR4 DIMM? What about DDR4 SO-DIMM? Or DDR4 DIMM Registered? Well, DIMM is just a Dual In-line Memory Module (double-sided memory module), that is, a direct and not very necessary designation of the fact that this is a RAM module of a certain form factor and nothing more (or less). DDR4 DIMM is just what you need for desktop computers.

Memory modules of the SO-DIMM (Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module) format, as is clear from the English translation of the name, are distinguished by more compact dimensions compared to DIMMs. Such strips are used in systems with limited internal space. Laptops and mini-PCs are the habitat for such memory.

DDR4 DIMM Registered is a registered memory with a buffer that partially takes over control of data transfer in memory. Such modules are considered more reliable and fault-tolerant, but they are usually a little more expensive and, they say, a little slower than a regular DIMM. They are used almost exclusively in servers and are of little interest to the classic home user.

Briefly about the main thing. Are you assembling a computer from new, up-to-date components? This means that you don’t have to understand the types of memory and immediately check the box next to DDR4 DIMM, ignoring all the others.


Many people think that this parameter is the most important. And this is really almost true! At the same time, it is also the simplest. Yes, the “more is better” principle works great here. But within reasonable limits.

There is no point in buying 64 GB of RAM if... No, let's just leave it as “there is no point in buying 64 GB of RAM.” Of course, you can process terabytes of video for days on end, but then you’re unlikely to read this guide.

The minimum amount of RAM allowed today is 4 GB. Anything below is money thrown away. This volume is enough for web surfing, watching movies, and undemanding games. In general, what you need for a working office machine.

8 GB is enough for almost everything and for almost everyone. Games, high-definition movies, photo processing and a little video, a browser with a dozen or two open tabs. All this will run without any problems, but one at a time. Option without reserve, but you can live.

16 GB is still the best option for the vast majority of users. A browser with thousands of tabs can no longer be closed before starting a demanding game. In general, you don’t have to close anything. A very convenient container, with a small reserve, but without crocodile tears for unnecessary expenses.

32 GB is needed, but so far only for specific tasks “not for everyone.” This much memory will be useful for work, for example, by designers or those same video editing specialists. In home computers, 32 GB has not yet become a standard, although it is occasionally found among enthusiasts who need more of everything. Perhaps in a couple of years, individual AAA projects will begin to happily “eat” so much RAM.

Briefly about the main thing. For a computer “to surf the Internet” and with a very reduced budget, take 4 GB and save up for the same amount. 8 GB is a reasonable choice, but if possible, it is still better to give preference to 16 GB and forget about RAM for the near future. 32 GB - if you don't want to think about it at all.

Two 8 GB modules are better than four 4 GB modules

Above we talked about different amounts of RAM - 4, 8, 16, 32 GB. But why is there no word about 9 or 12 GB? After all, you can take one module with a capacity of 4 GB, then buy another 4 GB, save some money and cram another 4 GB into your computer. So let's deceive the system! Let's start small and gradually upgrade!

No one forbids doing this, but there is a nuance. Firstly, we must proceed from the fact that today memory sticks with capacities of 4, 8 and 16 GB are widespread. That is, installing 3 GB + 6 GB will definitely not work. Secondly, computers like an even number of installed memory sticks, that is, in fact, two or four modules. Thirdly, if you fill up all four slots on the motherboard, this will lead to increased load on the memory controller, and therefore may negatively affect the stability and performance of the system, as well as possible overclocking.

Thus, it turns out that it is best to use two slots (three is very undesirable, one is possible, but with an eye to the “additive”). Four are possible, but you must be sure of the quality of all system components and that you will not overclock it.

So which is better - one 8 GB module or two 4 GB modules? If we are talking about a new system, it is more logical to buy one 8-gigabyte module and start saving for another one of the same kind. What if the choice is between one 16 GB module and two 8 GB modules? In this case, the second option is preferable, and here's why.

Modern computers support dual-channel memory operation, which increases the speed of data transfer between memory and computer components. That is, the user actually receives an increase in computer performance for free. The power will not increase much, but why not take advantage of such a nice bonus?

There is a nuance here too - for dual-channel operation, you need two memory modules with identical characteristics from the same manufacturer. Many vendors offer kits of such memory - identical and guaranteed to work in this mode. It happens that such kits are more expensive than similar modules, but not included in the kit. It is not necessary to go for “prefabricated” offers; it is enough to buy identical planks of the same series (check the labeling).

For dual-channel mode to work, the memory must be installed in the “correct” slots on the motherboard. Usually they are designated in one color and placed one after another. For example, blue 1st and 3rd slots, as well as black 2nd and 4th.

Briefly about the main thing. Your motherboard most likely has four RAM slots. Don't rush to fill them all out! It's better to get by with two. Two 8GB modules are a reasonable option. Have some extra shekels? Then take two 16 GB. To make the system work a little faster thanks to the dual-channel mode, choose identical strips from the same series and from the same manufacturer.

Frequency and timings

Frequency and timings are key parameters for the speed of RAM. Today, standard DDR4 memory frequencies include 2133, 2400, 2666 and 3200 MHz. There are also sticks with other frequencies on sale - copies overclocked by the manufacturer. Timings indicate the time it takes for memory to process information and are designated as follows: 16-18-18-38, 14-16-16-31, etc.

Theoretically, the higher the memory frequency and lower the timings, the better. But (ha ha!) not everything is so simple. In the silicon life of our inorganic friends, the higher the frequency, the higher the timings. That is, by relying on one performance indicator, you will have to sacrifice another.

It is believed that frequency is more important for video editing, when working with large archives and in creating multimedia content. Low timings have a better effect on games. Let us note that in both cases we are not talking about a catastrophic difference; usually the increase is limited to a few percent at best.

It is also very important what maximum memory frequency your motherboard supports. A RAM with a frequency of 3200 MHz can be installed on a board that supports frequencies up to 2666 MHz, but will not be able to use its full potential and will operate at a lower frequency. This primarily applies to budget motherboards.

Briefly about the main thing. The higher the frequency and lower the timings, the better the RAM. It's a pity that there is no RAM with high frequencies and low timings. A module with a frequency of 2400 or 2666 MHz and associated timings is enough for everything.

Radiators, lighting, manufacturer

Phew, our memory is so cool, so powerful that we can’t do without this car radiator! It has become fashionable to hang the unfortunate operative with pieces of iron. But not because she absolutely needs to cool down, but simply for the sake of beauty.

RAM is one of the most heat-resistant and at the same time cold computer components. Heat sinks won't help or prevent anything simply because the memory modules don't need them. Moreover, massive elements can interfere with each other when installing the brackets into slots on the motherboard one after another. They can also touch the processor cooler.

It’s another matter if you are a furious overclocker who, with sweat and blood, extracts additional megahertz from every piece of hardware. With extreme overclocking and increasing the voltage to power the RAM, the heat dissipation can increase significantly, and then you really can’t do without additional cooling. However, this is the lot of 0.5% of users who know what to do even without our guides.

One of the equally useless, but increasing the price of memory, unnecessary things is the backlight. It’s especially funny when people buy such models in a closed case without windows. It is recommended only for those who consciously assemble not only a computer, but also a Christmas tree.

But the memory manufacturer is really important. When you open our catalog, you will see that RAM is produced by at least 40 vendors! The vast majority of them are essentially ordinary assemblers of products from ready-made components. But the most important thing - memory chips - is made by only a few companies. The most popular are chips produced by Samsung and Hynix. These same brands themselves produce memory modules - we recommend them for purchase. Brands like Crucial, Kingston, Corsair, Patriot have also proven themselves well.

Briefly about the main thing. Aren't you going to waste your property in its tail and mane? This means that radiators are not needed. Are you used to playing and working at the computer, and not admiring the LEDs shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow? This means that memory backlighting is definitely not needed. Among the manufacturers, we recommend paying attention first of all to Samsung and Hynix.


Enthusiasts love to buy inexpensive components and overclock them, manually increasing the performance. Moreover, they like to overclock not only processors, but also RAM. The topic of overclocking is very extensive and cannot possibly fit into one chapter.

But if you really want to do this here and now, you can look for memory modules with XMP support. The manufacturer already includes profiles with overclocked parameters in such brackets - increased frequency, changed timings and increased voltage. You don't need to do anything, just select such a profile in the motherboard BIOS or using a separate program.

But it is necessary to take into account that often the performance gain from such factory overclocking will be noticeable only in benchmarks.

Briefly about the main thing. To overclock RAM yourself, you need a separate guide, the purpose of which is to find the optimal ratio of frequency, timings and voltage. You can use models that support XMP profiles, the parameters of which are already overclocked. But you shouldn’t expect a noticeable performance increase from such components.

Very briefly about the most important things

  • For a new system, choose DDR4 DIMM type modules; all others can be safely skipped. If you want to upgrade something older, you'll most likely need DDR3.
  • For a current modern system, 16 GB of RAM (two 8 GB modules) is sufficient. If you have the opportunity to spend money “in reserve,” then install 32 GB (two 16 GB modules).
  • Frequencies and timings are the main indicator of RAM speed. But if you don’t give preference to very cheap copies, then you shouldn’t worry too much about these parameters, because you won’t notice a difference in performance anyway.
  • Chips for RAM modules are made by only a few manufacturers, and the modules themselves are assembled by a huge number of companies. The technical process has reached a level where quality problems almost never occur, so you can choose based on your favorite or familiar brand, design, warranty conditions, etc.
  • Unoverclocked RAM does not require cooling in the form of metal radiators. They only increase the cost of RAM and give it an aggressively polished look.

Good day, dear visitors.

When purchasing RAM, you need to pay attention to its frequency. Do you know why? If not, I suggest you read this article, from which you will learn what the frequency of RAM affects. The information may also be useful to those who already know a little about this topic: what if there is something you still don’t know?

Answers on questions

It is more correct to call the RAM frequency the data transmission frequency. It shows how many of them the device is capable of transmitting in one second through the selected channel. Simply put, the performance of RAM depends on this parameter. The higher it is, the faster it works.

What is it measured in?

The frequency is calculated in gigatransfers (GT/s), megatransfers (MT/s) or megahertz (MHz). Usually the number is indicated with a hyphen in the device name, for example, DDR3-1333.

However, do not delude yourself and confuse this number with the real clock frequency, which is half that stated in the name. This is also indicated by the decoding of the abbreviation DDR - Double Data Rate, which translates as double data transfer rate. Therefore, for example, DDR-800 actually operates at a frequency of 400 MHz.

Maximum capabilities

The fact is that the device is written with its maximum frequency. But this does not mean that all resources will always be used. To make this possible, the memory needs a corresponding bus and slot on the motherboard with the same bandwidth.

Let's say that in order to speed up your computer, you decide to install 2 RAMs: DDR3-2400 and 1333. This is a pointless waste of money, because the system can only work at the maximum capabilities of the weakest module, that is, the second one. Also, if you install a DDR3-1800 card into a slot on a motherboard with a 1600 MHz bandwidth, you will actually get the latter figure.

Since the device is not designed to constantly operate at maximum, and the motherboard does not meet such requirements, the throughput will not increase, but, on the contrary, will decrease. Because of this, errors may occur in loading and operating the operating system.

But motherboard and bus parameters are not the only thing that affects the performance of RAM, taking into account its frequency. What else? Read on.

Device operating modes

To achieve the greatest efficiency in RAM operation, take into account the modes that the motherboard sets for it. They come in several types:

  • Single channel mode (single channel or asymmetrical). It works when installing one module or several, but with different characteristics. In the second case, the capabilities of the weakest device are taken into account. An example was given above.
  • Dual Mode (two-channel mode or symmetrical). It comes into effect when two RAMs with identical volumes are installed on the motherboard, as a result of which the RAM capabilities are theoretically doubled. It is advisable to install devices in slots 1 and 3 or in slots 2 and 4.
  • Triple Mode (three-channel). The same principle as in the previous version, but this means not 2, but 3 modules. In practice, the effectiveness of this mode is inferior to the previous one.
  • Flex Mode (flexible). Makes it possible to increase memory productivity by installing 2 modules of different sizes, but with the same frequency. As in the symmetrical version, it is necessary to place them in the same slots of different channels.


In the process of transferring information from RAM to the processor, timings are of great importance. They determine how many RAM clock cycles will cause a delay in returning data that the CPU requests. In simple terms, this parameter specifies the memory latency time.

The measurement is made in nanoseconds and is specified in the device characteristics under the abbreviation CL (CAS Latency). Timings are set in the range from 2 to 9. Let's look at an example: a module with CL 9 will delay 9 clock cycles when transmitting information required by the processor, and CL 7, as you understand, will delay 7 cycles. Moreover, both boards have the same amount of memory and clock frequency. However, the second one will work faster.

From this we draw a simple conclusion: the lower the number of timings, the higher the speed of the RAM.

That's all.

Armed with the information in this article, you can select and install the right RAM to suit your needs.

Laptops are mobile computers that have recently become more popular than classic personal computers and all-in-one computers. There is nothing surprising in this, because the user receives a comparable in power, transportable device based on the “all-in-one” principle. There is already a webcam, a Wi-Fi transmitter, and Bluetooth. Laptops are also much more convenient than regular PCs. And some of them may even be subject to “upgrade” (improvement). This is what we will talk about. Specifically, about which one would be preferable for a laptop. What should you pay attention to when buying RAM?

Difference between DDR3 and DDR2

In principle, DDR3 is already a rather outdated standard. But most devices still use it, since the fourth version is not so widespread. The main difference between the Troika and the previous generation is its speed. This standard shows miracles of performance compared to its "progenitors". And the operating frequencies have increased noticeably, which could not but affect the speed. But the main difference is in timings and optimization. At the moment, DDR3 is the most productive RAM (with the exception of the 4). That is why laptop RAM is DDR3. And no other.

It is also worth considering that there is a difference between memory modules for a desktop PC and a laptop, which is expressed in the size of the module itself and the working chips. Therefore, the “laptop” version of memory is, as a rule, somewhat weaker than the “full-size” one. But this is not so important. So, what do you need to know to choose the right component for a DDR3 laptop? Let's look at the required characteristics.

What to look for when buying memory?

When choosing a memory module, you should focus on the frequency range and volume that is supported by your motherboard. You can find out all the information about the board using the AIDA64 program. Laptop RAM DDR3 4GB (or more) may not be suitable for your machine in terms of frequencies. Although, if we take into account modern laptops, then there should be no problems with this parameter. The usual operating frequency of the simplest RAM is 1066 megahertz. But this is far from the limit. It often happens that such restrictions are conditional. The memory can easily operate at 1333 megahertz.

It is also important to know the maximum amount of RAM that can be installed in your laptop. The standard volume for budget devices is 16 gigabytes. If you are going to install two modules (and dual-channel mode is always better) with a total capacity of 8 GB, then a prerequisite is that the 4 GB DDR3 RAM for the laptop must be from the same manufacturer (both modules). Otherwise, a component conflict may occur. You also need to remember that you won’t be able to install a memory module with its own heatsink in budget laptops. So there is no need to overpay. Now let's look at the best options from famous manufacturers.

Kingston ValueRAM 8GB DDR3

This is a good memory module operating at a frequency of 1600 megahertz. This explains its relatively high cost. But this operational DDR3 will provide unrealistic performance for your machine. Especially two such modules operating in dual-channel mode. The memory can even withstand overclocking. And this is its main advantage. Many also choose these memory modules due to their exceptional reliability. This RAM is known to survive a lot.

Kingston 4GB DDR3 PC3-10600

RAM for laptop DDR3 - 1333 megahertz. Moreover, this budget module can be used in the cheapest models. It can be easily installed even in the most intricate case and is capable of ensuring smooth operation of any operating system. However, this module is not enough for demanding games. And the volume is small - only 4 gigabytes. Even with two similar modules, the total volume will be only 8 gigabytes, which is very small for modern games. But for the operation of such a module it will be enough.

Corsair Mac Memory 4GB DDR3 PC3-8500

RAM for laptop DDR3 - 1066 megahertz. Probably the cheapest module of all existing ones. Its price probably corresponds to its operating frequency of 1066 megahertz. This RAM can only be used in older laptops. Of course, it can be installed in new models, but instead of an increase in performance, the user will receive a decrease in performance. Because operating frequencies vary greatly. So, the target audience of this module is owners of outdated machines who use their laptops exclusively for work.

Kingston HyperX Impact 8GB DDR3 PC3-17000

But this is the “coolest” RAM for a DDR3 laptop. Its peculiarity lies in its operating frequency. It is as much as 2133 megahertz. This is an absolute record in the world of mobile computing. It is not surprising that such a module costs a lot of money. Its 8 gigabyte capacity is enough for everything. Especially if you install two such modules and force the RAM to work in dual-channel mode. The performance gains will be fantastic. If the video card allows, then running modern toys will not be difficult.


DDR3 laptop RAM is now the most common type of memory in the world of mobile computers. These modules can operate at incredibly high frequencies, have an impressive volume, and perform well when operating in multi-channel mode. The range of modules is very extensive. It includes both budget low-frequency models and expensive “bars” with high operating frequencies and overclocking capabilities. The choice of a particular model depends entirely on the user and his financial capabilities.

Everyone wants their computer or laptop to fly without freezing or slowing down. A budget option for achieving this goal is system optimization. This is not always effective. A practical way to achieve speed is to buy sticks of random access memory (RAM).

There are many types of RAM. This makes it difficult to choose. In this article I will tell you how to choose and buy the right RAM sticks for your computer or laptop.

The criteria for choosing RAM for a laptop differ from the criteria for a desktop computer only in physical size. In a laptop, the RAM modules are smaller and shorter. So in general the selection method is the same.

By the way, modern system units can also have operational modules, the same as usually found in laptops. This is done to save space.

If you are deciding which RAM sticks to buy, then the most reasonable and correct way would be to go to the website of the developer of your motherboard. It is there that there will be a detailed and truthful list of all recommended RAM modules that will suit you. But everything there will most likely not be in Russian, and still, not all points will be clear. Therefore, let’s look at the parameters by which RAM models differ.

RAM interface

RAM differs in its interfaces - the number of contacts and the location of the groove and cutout. There are several types of RAM interfaces. The website of the motherboard developer, the markings on the old RAM (if any, if you decide to upgrade your computer), or special software will tell you which RAM sticks you should buy.

DDR, DDR2, DDR3 are types of RAM interfaces. There are several more less common ones. They are all physically different from each other, so if you buy the wrong RAM, you will not be able to insert it into your motherboard. There are also electrical differences, so don’t even try to fit them in.

Perhaps this is the most important parameter that you should know before buying RAM sticks.

RAM form factor

This is exactly what distinguishes the RAM of a desktop computer from a portable laptop. And after seeing your RAM once, you will know exactly what format factor it is.

There are two types - DIMM and SO-DIMM. SO-DIMM is shorter, respectively, for laptops. DIMM – for system units.

RAM frequency

The frequency must be supported by the motherboard and processor (again, the best way to find out is to look at the manufacturer’s website or on the label of the old RAM). The frequency is indicated after the interface. For example, DDR3-1333, where 1,333 is the frequency in megahertz.

The frequency of RAM determines the data transfer rate, that is, its performance. But this will not make the computer work much faster. Selecting RAM with the correct frequency is necessary. You should not chase a higher frequency if the motherboard and processor do not support it.

If you connect RAM with a lower frequency to a motherboard that supports a higher frequency, then the motherboard will work without fully using its resource. If you connect RAM with a higher frequency to a motherboard that supports a low frequency, then the RAM will not show its full resource. In addition, in both cases there is a high probability of various errors occurring in the operation of the RAM.

Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the frequency at which your motherboard and processor can operate and buy RAM sticks according to it.

Remember that if you have multiple RAM modules in your computer and they are at different frequencies, both modules will operate at the lowest frequency.

RAM capacity

These are volumes that increase computer performance. The bigger, the better. The times when RAM was measured in megabytes are long gone, and so they are now measured in gigabytes.

The amount of RAM is also indicated on the case in the marking, usually in front of the 4GB DDR3 interface - that means 4 gigabytes of brains.

RAM timing

Timing is another murky thing that you will encounter when choosing RAM. And I won’t dwell on it too much, so I’ll just say three things.

First, the lower the timing, the better, the faster it will work.

Secondly, all RAM in the computer must have the same timing.

Third, the timing on the RAM case is marked CL. For example, CL 9-9-9-24.

Is DDR4. This is what current Intel processors support (although they also left partial support for DDR3). New motherboards for AMD processors will also be released for DDR4, which will appear in early 2017. This article will help you find out how to choose DDR4 for building or a new PC or upgrade, and how RAM for laptops differs from it.

Before choosing DDR4 memory, you need to familiarize yourself a little with the features of this type of RAM. Essentially, DDR4 memory is a surface-mount BGA (solder ball array) chip, which makes it universal for all types of electronics, from routers to servers. However, for ease of installation, as well as maintaining the possibility of upgrading, increasing the available amounts of RAM and overall unification, PCs usually use a modular design.


DDR4 memory chips are soldered onto small boards, ranging from 4 to 16 pieces. Such boards are called DIMM (Double In-line Memory Module - double-sided memory module) and are equipped with 284 contacts. They have the same dimensions (5.25″ or a little more than 13 centimeters), but are physically incompatible with DDR3, since the latter’s DIMM module has 240 pins. In addition, the modules have different locations of a special key cutout that prevents the board from being installed on the wrong side or in an incompatible slot. DIMMs are the main type of RAM memory for desktop computers and servers.

For laptops with increased requirements for compactness, SO-DIMM modules (Small Outline DIMM - double-sided memory module with small pins) have been created. Also, similar boards are used in monoblocks, nettops and other types of compact personal computers. They are half the size of DIMMs (6.76 cm) and have only 260 pins.


The second criterion by which DDR4 memory can be classified is its performance characteristics. The main ones are clock speed (and the bandwidth directly related to it), latency and voltage.

Clock frequency and bandwidth characterize the performance of memory in sequential reading and writing mode. DDR4 RAM is available with support for frequencies from 1600 MHz (very rare in practice) to 3200 MHz. The most common frequencies at the moment are 1866 MHz (bandwidth - 12800 MB/s), 2133 MHz (17064 MB/s) and 2400 MHz (19200 MB/s). Most computers are designed to work with them.

CAS latency is the delay (measured in the number of working cycles) between submitting a request to read/write data and completing this operation. This parameter characterizes memory performance in random read/write mode. The lower the latency value, the more responsive the memory. At equal frequencies, the module with the lower delay duration (latency) will be faster.

Voltage— module supply voltage. At the moment, the only common value is 1.2 V. There is also LPDDR4 (low power DDR4) memory that uses lower voltages. It is not yet popular, and is used only in compact devices (ultrabooks, tablets, smartphones) that do not support its upgrade. The disadvantage of this type of memory is its reduced performance for the sake of efficiency.

Choosing DDR4 memory when building a new PC

Choosing DDR4 RAM for a computer that is being built from scratch is the easiest way. As of late 2016-early 2017, the only platform supporting this memory is Intel SkyLake (Core i3-i7 6xxx, Celeron and Pentium of this family). The base memory frequency for this platform is 2133 MHz. Higher frequencies are not supported by all boards and are only achieved during overclocking.

When purchasing a board equipped with two memory slots, it is advisable to purchase one large-capacity stick (8 or 16 GB). This will leave the possibility in the future to add another one to it and double the amount of RAM. For boards with four DIMM slots, you can choose a set of 2 smaller strips. In this case, the possibility of an upgrade remains, and the performance is at least slightly increased due to the dual-channel mode.

Heatsinks on DDR4 memory sticks are more a decorative element than a functional one. The power consumption of this generation of RAM is tiny (about 0.5-2 W), so there is no need for additional cooling. In a case with a transparent wall and backlight, heatsinks on the memory strips will decorate the inside of the PC. However, if the choice is between planks with the same parameters, and the aesthetic component fades into the background, there is no point in overpaying for radiators. They are really useful only for overclockers who overclock RAM much higher than factory frequencies.

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