Table toasts for a man's birthday. Oak barrels

Birthday toasts are funny, unexpected and original and can always lift the mood and stir up a bored company. Be positive and then you will be able to gather many well-wishers around you. Being able to congratulate with humor without hurting anyone’s feelings is akin to art. Check out our collection of toasts. Good advice will certainly help you develop your own style of behavior during the feast and come up with some original personal congratulations.

What does a woman want to hear about on her birthday? About your own irresistibility. About how significant she is to others, desirable among men, beautiful and unattainable.

Let flattering speeches weave into an endless stream. Let's put modesty and restraint aside. The birthday girl should feel like the center of attention. When, if not on this significant day, can she feel like a queen?

Let your expressions be full of jokes and exaggerations, everything is in place, everything is on the table. Tomorrow the fanfare will subside, but today its roar should exalt the birthday girl.

Humor helps present any overblown wish in an acceptable form. And let the person being congratulated know that not everything is true, a dose of flattery on her birthday has never led anyone away from reality. Be generous. And put into your wishes as much as possible what the woman wants to hear.

  1. I raise this toast to your growth in life: so that your income increases, the money itself sticks, you have more friends and happier days in your life!
  2. Live in such a way that all envious people turn green, your friends admire you, your colleagues respect you, and your descendants are proud. Let greenery also be found in your wallet and allow you to live as you want, and not as you have to.
  3. I wish you to reach your goal faster than a cheetah overtakes its prey. Be calmer than a boa constrictor, slimmer than a doe and more fun than a monkey!
  4. Birthday people remind me of bribe takers on an especially large scale. So accept my wishes for great happiness, inexhaustible prosperity and great love!
  5. I want all your dreams to stop teasing you with unreality and show themselves in action! May you succeed in everything that brings pleasure and profit.

Short and funny congratulations for men

On a man's birthday, he is most often wished prosperity, financial wealth, a faithful girlfriend and reliable friends. One can delve endlessly into discussions about the mission entrusted to the stronger half of humanity to care for and provide everything for their loved ones. And you can say all the most important things in a couple of phrases.

A birthday is not a reason for moralizing. Every man wants to be strong and independent. Is it worth encouraging him to do this one more time on his day?

Costs! Express your admiration for him. Give him a feeling of confidence in the complete order of his affairs. Just look, the next day a real warrior will wake up in him, bravely rushing to conquer new heights.

Let our short toasts help cheer up your loved one or relative. Make him believe in himself. It will be hinted that it has long been clear to everyone what unimaginable power is hidden in his capabilities. All he can do is turn forward and proudly walk towards his luck.

  1. (Speaking loudly to the guests) I want a drink... (Much quieter) That's basically all I want. For you!
  2. A long time ago, or recently, or a long time ago. Okay... In general... lived... or lived... But what's the difference!? Let's drink to the birthday boy!
  3. Be mobile but stable. Human, not omnipotent. So that I want to love you for your actions and courage! May you not lose your health and have victories along the way!
  4. The composition of the wishes is always the same: More health and banknotes!
  5. A little math: a dacha is zero, a car and garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let’s drink to the fact that the birthday boy’s entire life will be one with a lot of zeros.

Georgian birthday toasts

Georgian toast is an excellent theme for a feast in any company, even far beyond the borders of this beautiful mountainous country. Who doesn't love listening to Georgian toasts? They contain eternal wisdom and the freshest humor. This is a contradictory, but most clearly describing Georgian folklore, characteristic. If you want to make your friends laugh or interest your guests, start the feast with a Georgian toast.

The hardest thing is to learn a long story by heart. But nothing prevents you from adding something of your own to the words. Capture the main idea, retell it in your own way and amaze everyone with an unexpected ending. Then success is definitely guaranteed.

Don't forget that in Georgian toasts the meaning is not as important as the intonation. Even if the story ends in a joke, do not let us expose you until the very end. Focus on each phrase. Let guests be discouraged by the unpredictability of the ending.

  1. Caucasian wisdom says: “He who has a beautiful wife is no longer poor. He who has an intelligent wife is rich. He who has a beautiful, intelligent and economic wife is truly rich.” So let's drink to the true wealth of our friend!
  2. Whether you are a caliph or a market beggar, In the end, everyone has the same price. So drink wine! In it is the source of immortality and light, In it are the blossoms of spring and past summers. Be happy for a moment among flowers and friends, For life was in this moment.
  3. Once his father asked little Gogi: “Which birds are the most useful for humans?” “Grilled chickens!” - the son answered him. I suggest we drink so that our birthday boy is as witty as this Gogi.
  4. There is a Georgian proverb: a proven friend is our second conscience. So let's drink to the friends of the birthday boy!
  5. The Germans say: “You can make a piece of ham out of any disgusting thing.” And the Georgians say: “Only the best grapes are good for wine.” So let's drink to our dear birthday boy, just a very good person!

Cheerful congratulations on the anniversary

Why be sad and despondent when so much has been done, the tables are full of treats, and the warmth of numerous loved ones warms the hall.

An anniversary is an occasion to organize a real celebration. Call a professional toastmaster. Gather around everyone who cares. Wine is poured into glasses, and the soul is filled with a feeling of happiness. At these moments, cheerful, cheerful congratulations sound appropriate.

Comic poems or phrases complement the relaxed atmosphere. They are snapped up for quotes. They are carried away into memories and accompany guests and loved ones throughout the evening.

Do something nice for the hero of the day. Give him some attention. Give a few poems or beautiful phrases. Embellish the tales with humor and your toasts will go down in history.

As you know, the most memorable congratulations are not those that are smoothly arranged in rhymes, but those expressed from the heart, and even with incredible wit.

A noisy company (and there is no other for an anniversary) will appreciate your enthusiasm.

  1. Congratulations on your birthday, and I wish you to continue to flourish and become prettier, despite the worries of many! I wish you bright, long days, Don’t count your years, May happiness settle in your home forever!
  2. Let's raise all our glasses, So that it becomes more beautiful for the hero of the day to live on this same planet, To be friends with faithful friends. Drink everything that is poured into the glasses, so that the hero of the day “drowns” in praise today.
  3. The doctor pulled out huge stones from the kidneys. Let you have only precious stones.
  4. There are many anniversaries these days, and anniversaries too, but let us congratulate the one who is dearest to us all.
  5. They say that our hero of the day gives the impression of a gentle person. So let's drink so that no one tries to bend him!
  6. Anyone who hasn't had a hangover doesn't know the taste of water. I wish that tomorrow morning the hero of the day will find water tasteless and life wonderful!
  7. You know, at Georgian holidays they first drink to the young people. These are those who are under sixty. Therefore, let's congratulate our hero of the day on his transition to adulthood!

Funny toasts in verse

The popularity of toasts in verse is growing every year. This phenomenon can be explained simply. The poems fit the ear well and are easy to remember. And the presence of humor in them adds to the mood. You can sign a postcard with this verse, and it is not forbidden to take the cheat sheet with you to the table. Read the poems in front of everyone and give a signed congratulation at the end of your speeches as a sincere gift.

Poems are universal. They can be addressed to a friend, co-worker, relative or just a congenial person. There is nothing wrong with signing a postcard with funny poems to a stranger. The main thing is that the meaning of congratulations does not go beyond the bounds of decency.

Our collection contains several examples of how you can congratulate a woman or a man on his birthday. All these toasts are addressed to an adult and are not suitable for young creatures.

Remember that humor should improve your mood, but in no case make fun of shortcomings or somehow belittle the person being described.

Composing poetry yourself is quite difficult; for this you need to have a certain talent. You can use our examples and weave something of your own into ready-made phrases. After all, rhyme is not as important as the sincerity of wishes.

  1. I wish from the bottom of my heart a beautiful, long, peaceful life! Appreciate positive moments and see only prospects!
  2. Release the balloons into the sky and fire a volley of champagne. May passion live forever in the fate of your game!
  3. Today is your birthday and everyone has gathered around you. Invite good luck to the table to celebrate this glorious holiday. Let her take Love, prosperity and health with her. Let anyone envy such a glorious feast!
  4. Catch compliments and smiles on your day! Don't be afraid to appear happier than everyone else! You are better than others whom I have known all my life, stay the same course in the future!
  5. So the most beautiful outfits suit you! I wish you to be as happy as anyone! In high heels, She walked forward confidently, From the hip, beautifully, Towards the long-awaited goal! The wardrobe is extensive. Replenish it more often. And don’t change your dream in life!
  6. On your birthday I wish you Earthly pleasure and true miracles to the skies! Don't be a prickly cactus, bloom like a lily. And with the sweet aroma you drive others crazy!
  7. Let life intoxicate you when sober and amaze you with agility! Let the smile stick, Everything will change for the better! Hopes amuse my darling And dine in restaurants! And having breakfast with loved ones, which is so necessary for us...
  8. Walk through life joyfully, Let it be on your shoulder Whatever you undertake, Not at all bad! Don't be a prickly hedgehog and an empty moth. Let your virtues multiply by two!
  9. Wait for happiness, and it will come, Something wonderful will happen: The President will shake your hand tightly, Jenny Lopez will fly to dispel boredom, A relative will be found among the oligarchs And will give you a mansion, a car, a yacht. Well, I wish you to maintain your health, you can buy the rest yourself.

We hope that our tips will help you get into the festive mood, come up with original congratulations and get into the very center of attention.

The best thing would be to celebrate Birthday every day, not once a year. You may ask: “Why,” but then, in order to have time to list the many advantages of our dear birthday boy in such a long period of time! Well, today I propose to drink at least for the main two - simply for the fact that he exists and needs us, just as we need him!

Walking down the street, a policeman notices the following scene: a completely decent man, standing on a balcony, relieves himself on passers-by from above. The angry policeman is forced to go up to the apartment of that same man.
– Please show me your documents!
He, without thinking twice, hands over a prepared passport with an impressive wad of money inside.
“Well, your documents are in perfect order,” the policeman concludes, having calmed down a little, “but doing such obscene things from the balcony is still not good!”
The man, silently, takes out another pack and hands it to the policeman.
- Although, you know, with such documents you can help passers-by... to meet any need!
Our birthday boy today has such serious documents that he could act exactly like that man from the balcony! But he is distinguished by humanity and modesty. It is for these very important qualities that I offer you a drink!

One man very often repeated to his neighbor: “Can you imagine this: I love a beautiful wife, I don’t like my mistress, but as soon as I see a beautiful woman on the street, I immediately look at her... Maybe I’m still a womanizer?”
But the wise neighbor always answered unequivocally: “No, you’re not a womanizer - you’re just a monogamous person suffering from a split personality... Therefore, today I propose to drink to the integrity of male nature, which is inherent in our dear birthday boy !!

A persistent man is always able to achieve what a woman wants. Let's raise our glasses so that the aspirations of our respected birthday boy always coincide with the desires of his beloved woman!

Many representatives of Spanish nationalities have a tradition of wishing their relatives and friends good health, great love, passionate women, and most importantly - long time to live to fully enjoy it all. Let us wish our dear birthday boy the same today!

There are no absolutely identical people in the world. And I don't mean looks. There are people subject to constant sadness and suffering, there are people who exist in a gray way. But there are also people who have some kind of incredible charge in their souls, an explosive device of fun, joy and energy. I declare with absolute confidence that our "newborn" applies specifically to this type of people. He radiates positivity and cheerfulness, and everyone around him is charged with positive emotions. So I raise a glass to our hero. And I hasten to wish him happiness, good health, and long life. May it never tire of the torch of a joyful attitude that warms our hearts! Many summers!

I want to raise my glass to express to the hero of today’s celebration my warm feeling, already warmed by drinks. I congratulate our dear birthday boy on his birthday. (Name), I wish you to live for two hundred years and be like light, fly with love and sing songs. For you!

Our dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I really want to say only the best words. Raising my glass, I wish you to have as much health as your loving mother wishes for you! So that you have as much strength as your faithful wife wishes for you! And if suddenly in the evening you have to stay late, it’s better to do what first came to your wife’s mind, but not your mother’s!

It is common to compare a man to wine - in that the years only make him better and more expensive. I want to wish you that your future life becomes better for you, and even richer, happier and more successful. So that your taste improves, problems decrease, and your health improves! Happy Birthday!

On this birthday, I want to wish you a strong rear in the person of your wife, so that your friends do not stand behind you, but are nearby, your children delight you with success, and your health can compete with your heroic spirit!

There is such a belief that in order to become prettier, you need to look at the beautiful, to become wiser - to listen to a smart person, to become cheerful - to sit at the same table with a cheerful person. My toast to the hero of this occasion, thanks to him today we will become much more beautiful, smarter and more fun!

If the wind of fate blows in your face, don’t bend, but if it suddenly becomes difficult, brace yourself. And when your heart is light, sing and always remain yourself!

Luck loves those who do not give up in the face of difficulties and never stop smiling. I would like to raise a toast to our successful and smiling birthday boy. May his arms, shoulders and other parts of his body never give up... So that he will always be ready for a date with Fortune!

I am completely at a loss because I don’t understand at all what I can wish for you on your birthday... You have everything you need to be happy: a cozy home, a good family, a job you love, a stable income, a prestigious car. I’ll just say to stay the course you’ve chosen in life and be proud of what you’ve achieved!

Men remain children at heart, despite their age. Their need for toys does not disappear over the years. So let's drink to the fact that you will always have the opportunity to buy a new car, yacht or airplane. And let the most beautiful, beloved and loving doll be nearby, who will be truly faithful and gentle!

Toasts for a man's birthday are cool and funny

Literally a minute, and the clink of glasses will be heard in honor of today's birthday boy. I dedicate this toast to him: let there be a wonderful companion in your life who will prove to everyone that she does not need a prince on a white horse, because she is lucky with the king!

A man is colored by the years he has lived meaningfully and productively. Wrinkles only add charm to his image and give him a brutal masculine charm. Let life delight you with richness and captivate you with adventures, and let the emotions of true happiness be reflected on your face! Cheers!

Be mobile but stable. Human, not omnipotent. So that I want to love you for your actions and courage! May you not lose your health and have victories along the way!

There is a way out of any situation, and no situation is hopeless. To find the treasured door, you need to at least take steps to find it, and if the situation is unusual, use it to your advantage! With this toast, I would like to wish you to decisively take any steps and take only leading positions!

How many times can you hear: a man should do this, a man shouldn’t do that?! My dear, you owe only yourself and only one thing - to remain happy! Let this joyful event not only cast a year on your shoulders, but also leave the best memories of itself. Happy birthday!

Without men, there would be no peace, happiness and children in the world... Although they themselves are like children: they love to tinker with cars, play with beautiful dolls, dream about airplanes and personal helicopters. Let boys turn into men over the years, but do not change their childhood habits. May you have the best toys for adults!

Experienced women note that modern men have two significant drawbacks: first, their thoughts are always about sex, second, they are often at odds with business.
For you, our birthday boy! Let your thoughts always coincide with your actions!

Everywhere I hear: a man should do this, a man should do that... I'm tired of it.
Today, dear, you must only do one thing - be happy! Because
that birthday, as Gena sang, is only once a year! So let it be
the annual event will be another bright and colorful day in the circle
loved ones and will be remembered for a lifetime. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I wish you to be happy and healthy.
May the sun always shine on your street and never meet
thunderstorms and misfortunes. All the best to you.

Let's drink to our beloved birthday boy
there was always worthy support, joy and inexhaustible strength. Let for
A worthy and beautiful woman will always be your shoulder, may you
you can never get enough of your children’s successes and at the same time
You will never lose your health! Happy birthday!

One man was driving his brand new Ford and came across
girl who voted. He picked up a fellow traveler, who, by the way, was
a very pretty person, and decided to give her a ride. Did not have time
He stepped on the gas when he was awakened by a ringing phone call. Let's drink to
so that this year no one can tear you away from pleasant activities.

From the entire team,
And from us personally,
We wish that your
Wishes came true.
Prosperity to the family,
Both at work and at home.
We are all very proud
That we know you.
Raise a glass
And once again we wish
To make everything work out,
After all, we expect success.

I want to raise this glass to our birthday boy today. Let
his generous heart, kind speech and diligent life will always be
a role model for others and cause pride among his family and
loved ones!

Today I drink to you,
More precisely, for your years,
Don't lose your masculine strength
And never be discouraged!
I drink to your courage,
And may everything be fine
You don't know bad people
Forget about failures!

Years suit you
I want to wish you happiness
Today I drink to you,
So that everything works out!
You are a prominent business man,
Always remain like this
And you are never in your power,
Look, don't doubt it!

There is a wise saying that says that life
you need to live in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for aimlessly
acquired money. I propose to drink to our birthday boy, so that he too
never had to regret what he could have done, but not
did! For confidence in your abilities and actions!

Friends! I suggest we toast our birthday boy and
unanimously wish him not only banal happiness, health and love,
but also an amazing life full of adventures and leading to good
twists of fate!

Funny toasts about men on their birthdays

What makes a man a man is his strong-willed, decisive character. He
strong and always thinks things through before doing anything. I wish
You should always soberly assess your future actions. Don't
rash decisions. Live to the fullest, try everything, and just
enjoy all the delights of life!

We congratulate you on your birthday and wish that next to you
there were only true friends, and a loving woman was always waiting at home! WITH

I'll raise a glass to this day,
In which one man was born,
Who is not too lazy to help his friends,
Who is not used to looking for reasons!
Also for his health and success,
I'll drink to the bottom without grimacing,
To make your laughter sound
May you always go through life laughing!

The most important thing I want to wish you, birthday boy, today is -
this is love. Only the kind of love that inspires and inspires
something new, unknown. I wish you to love, and at the same time
to feel supported and this wonderful feeling in return. Don't be happy
only today, but every day, every minute.

Let's raise our glasses to the birthday boy! Let's drink to
him, for a real man, who is determined not by a set of qualities and
material benefits, and how he feels next to him
opposite sex. For our hero of the occasion, may everyone
the best qualities, allow women to feel themselves
beautiful, loved and desired!

Men are a priori courageous and serious. But often even the strong
half there is stagnation in business and thoughts. Everything seemed to be going well
great, and then suddenly, everything changed abruptly, as if something
lacks. Therefore, I want to wish you, dear birthday boy, that you
You always had this “something” in reserve. Yes I'm talking about
self-confidence. Believe in yourself in any situation!

They say that in order to be happy, you need to give up
the desire to take something and replace it with the opportunity to give something. AND
then what you gave up will definitely come back to you. I want
raise this glass to our birthday boy, may he
will be careful, because not every dream can bring happiness, sometimes
happiness lies in the fact that they do not come true.

Today, raising this glass to our birthday boy, I want
wish him that he would always have that person in his thoughts,
whom not only he loves, but who loves him. And let it
it will be the same person!

In achieving our goals, we often lack two things.
This is perseverance and perseverance. It’s like, you start a business, and it goes
good, but halfway through the journey it was as if you had been replaced. Everyone's falling out
hands and head exactly zero ideas. That is why, dear birthday boy, I
I raise a glass to the fact that you always have enough desire to complete
started. For your perseverance!

Today, raising this glass to our hero of the occasion, I want
wish him that he would always be himself, because to be for
No one can be good at everything anyway! And therefore close and
loved ones will always understand this, but let enemies and envious people choke
your opinion!

Cool toasts for an anniversary

What is time? Nobody knows for sure. That's why there's no anniversary
be taken seriously, because this is just a thought in human
consciousness, idea. But it is known for sure that a person receives respect
not for age, but for your deeds, thoughts and words. And I'm glad I can
raise a glass not just to the anniversary, but to the person sitting in front of us.
A man with a capital P, who won my respect with his actions!
For you, (Name)!

We wish our hero of the occasion good Siberian health,
Caucasian longevity, Maltese happiness, Swiss wealth. WITH
anniversary! So let's drink to your centenary in beautiful
villa on the ocean shore we drank a glass of expensive French

Today is not just a birthday, but an anniversary - a beautiful date. A
means the person in whose honor we raise our glasses,
a beautiful life begins. And let her be truly beautiful: in
a good home, a prosperous country and surrounded by loyal people! Behind
beautiful life!

An anniversary is a special birthday. He's always more
exciting, and such a holiday is celebrated on a special scale. That's why
I want to wish today only all the most special things: good
days, pleasant minutes, joyful and cheerful seconds, adding up to
long, happy life.

As the Rabbit used to say in the famous cartoon about Winnie the Pooh:
“It’s not very polite to leave guests as soon as you’ve had your fill.” I
I propose to drink to our hero of the day and wish him such friends,
who will not leave him not only at the festive table, but also in
difficult life situation!

Once upon a time there lived an incredibly lucky man. Thanks to its
good luck, he had everything his heart could wish for. He was asked in
What is the secret of such luck? He replied: “I have a talisman -
coin". Indeed, he showed an ordinary round coin. I suggest
Raise your glasses to make this anniversary your personal one.
a talisman for good luck and luck!

Come on, friends, let's raise our glasses. And let's all drink to the hero of the day!
May health and luck accompany you throughout your life.
ways. Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!

I want to congratulate this golden man on his anniversary. Gold price
consistently high. Know that we value and love you always. Drink
for your responsiveness and friendship. Long time to live.

The anniversary date has brought us together here today. I
I wish that wonderful music and kind words sound in your heart.
The wishes were sincere and fulfilled without delay. And further,
get amazing pleasure from life.

On this wonderful day you conquer a new stage in life.
We wish you to achieve good goals under the guidance of experience and wisdom,
implementation of bold plans, creative longevity, unconditional
good luck, always a delightful feeling and mood. For happiness
birthday boy!

The best toasts for a man's birthday

A man is a woman’s support and support, a reliable guardian and protector.
and finally a kind and devoted friend. On this day we wish you
fulfill all your deepest desires, may good luck always
will be on your side and you will never be upset. Happy birthday!

A birthday is a great opportunity to take stock of some things
past year of life. I want to raise a glass to our traitor,
let his list of achievements include more truly masculine ones

A birthday is like a culmination of the year. And if the year was successful, then
the celebration will be great, in a good mood and in good
companies. Judging by those gathered here, you were great. So let's go
Let's drink to the success of our birthday boy.

The man is the support and support of the family, I wish you to stay
a strong and strong support for your family, I didn’t worry much about
failures if there are any, forget about all the bad things and live bright and
interesting life, let your children take an example from you and become
just like you, happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday! I wish you resistance to everything: diseases,
stress, failures... Don’t let anything bring you down. Let in
You will always have a lot of fortitude, courage, courage and
confidence to resist any life situation, so that your
nothing could ever darken life. Be a winner in life.

Dear birthday boy! It's always difficult to wish something for a real man,
which you undoubtedly are. You achieve your goals so cleverly
goals, and one can only admire your masculinity. Still I
I wish that in the series of your achievements there remains room for simple
human happiness.

May you have what bosses value - hard work, intelligence and
ingenuity, and these qualities will lead you to success in your career. Be
loyal, reliable and responsive, friends appreciate this, and let them
They answer you the same way. Let the woman next to you be who
will value your courage and sincerity, not your muscles and wallet. IN
In general, all the very best and best to you. Happy birthday!

Our brave man,
Breadwinner for the whole family.
Today is the name day
Completely yours.
Today you are worthy
The warmest phrases.
Winged wishes
From each of us.
God grant you health,
The strongest one, like you.
Let them be realized
All your dreams!

I wish you prosperity
I wish you to live, not to lose heart,
I wish you happiness and goodness,
I'll definitely drink to this!
I raise my glass
I wish you health
I wish to be the head of the family,
And may you achieve success!

You are the strongest
The bravest
Quite loving
You are very skilled at farming!
We congratulate you today,
We wish to always be like this!
We raise our glasses together:
- Be healthy, always loved!

Happy birthday to a man, funny and vulgar. Cool poems for a man's birthday

Happy birthday,
I shake my hand and pour it.
That's just what I wish,
To guess your thoughts?
Birthday is a bright holiday,
But without money - sad...
So be rich like an oilman
And litter the “cabbage”!

What kind of joy is a birthday?
Wow day:
Table, snacks, congratulations!
So you are not alone.
Guests, chores, gifts,
Toasts, laughter... for the road.
Many bright moments.
Know that you are not alone.

It's our man's birthday today!
And this is a bright reason for joy and fun.
After all, age for a man is just a number,
It does not make adjustments to the craft.
Over the years, men become more valuable:
He has more intelligence, he is a storehouse for ideas,
And kidney stones are not simple, plus gold in the mouth,
And hair is expensive these days (does silver count?)
I really want to congratulate this man.
Wish him all the best according to his rank.
Do not notice insults, forgive obstinate ladies,
Take your wife to Amsterdam at least.
Finally, I want to add a couple of lines -
You are the most needed person in the world!
May good luck promise you in everything,
Big victories and chances for success.

To my beloved man
On a nice birthday
Yes, they won’t give you a razor
And half a kilo of cookies.
Let friends present
Reading between the lines
So, a small dacha,
Or a cute boat.
In the midst of a noisy feast,
Where the toasts never end
Let the glasses be full,
And the joy of the heart.
Let it cover you with happiness -
Wave after wave,
And let the troubles pass
The other side.

Please accept congratulations today,
You are the best of men
Happy birthday to you
We will all hurry today.
We want you to be on horseback
Always, anywhere and everywhere!
And so that in your big soul
There would be room for a miracle.
You're the first one at work
Support and example in the family,
We wish, in material terms,
Bill Gates is doubly outdone.

Man's birthday -
This is very good.
Well, if something like this -
I wish I could celebrate some more!
After all, you won’t find such people for a long time,
Good luck to everyone and wish
I would like it to be quieter
So that only he could hear:
In bed - to be a dashing horse,
Or rather, just keep going
This is how you will be and then
As for the rest - neither give nor take.
I almost forgot, I wanted to add:
So that I don't envy you
No one, because life is like that
And I would like it for myself.

If there is a man in the house,
There is a reason to celebrate.
Well, if the birthday boy -
Who is his opponent then?
It's worth taking care of everything
To load it
And all the housework
I wish I could take it on myself.
Surround him with care
And cover it with a feather bed.
To spend the day in comfort
And he wouldn’t bother.
For strength and health
He could get enough for future use.
May he be happy today
So that you won't be lonely.

Let it be in your honor in the firmament,
The rainbow will light up with a bright crown,
Let the birds in a stormy round dance,
Intertwining will make life become hot.
Let the fanfares sing in your honor,
And you are like a knight on a white horse,
Save the princess without nightmares
And she will kiss you under the moon.
May happiness protect you from grief,
Wealth will fill your chests.
And your heart, like steel, will temper your will.
And the path is smooth, despite everything.
Let gifts await you everywhere.
And on your birthday, when I heard the call,
Behind the door I saw your bright girlfriends
And may you never be alone!

On this sunny day, without hiding love,
I want to congratulate you, my counterpart.
I wish you happy smiles to the roof,
Keep mice from hanging in the refrigerator.
Let every hour be filled with warmth,
Never be your weak link.
And don’t forget your health bag along the way,
Heading towards success, you just fly!

Have you seriously gotten old?
Come on, old man!
Do you remember what I said?
Carry a wig with you...
Now, I pull... "don't worry"
I don’t suddenly like your wig.
I'm behind your ears - bend down,
In a friendly way, my friend,
I want to lift you up in my eyes!
So that the ladies say: “Ah!” -
The boys were filled with pride,
And the man said nothing: “Man!”
From old grandmothers,
Apple-pear pie.
From a girl passing by,
Hint - chills!
In short, guy: don’t get sick,
Don't yell at people who are close.
And what else... “not in the eyebrow but in the eye”,
Always be “AS” in everything.

Cool birthday toasts

Our life is a ladder, and every year we climb up
one more step. This is an inevitable process, everyone knows it.
Therefore, you need to learn to pay attention to different little things around
us who make us happy and make us smile. In that,
Perhaps this is the whole meaning of life. For you, birthday boy!
Fill your life with unforgettable moments!

They say that in life you need to treat everything with a grain of salt.
And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget
everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, tell everyone
thank you to the offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with high
with your head raised. I want to raise this glass to our culprit
celebrations and wish him exactly as much indifference as necessary,
so as not to notice human stupidity and malice. And the same amount
mindfulness to always notice good and positive actions!

I suggest you drink not only for your birthday, but for your
life had many pleasant moments, happy days and surprises.
Never stop enjoying the little things, because the little things, in essence, make up
our mood. So that everything always works out for you, just
the way you want it!

They say that a birthday is a sad holiday because the years
fly, and you become one more older. But for me age is
only numbers. It doesn't matter how old you are, it matters how you are
you feel it. I wish you to always feel eighteen! For this and
Let's have a drink! For your eternal youth, ageless heart and soul!

A long time ago God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature
the same life expectancy - everyone is 30 years old. Plow-plow
the horse is 60 years old, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I’ll give ten years
of his life to a person. During this time he will become wiser, come up with a tractor, and
My life will become easier.” No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: “I am a friend
human or not? And she also gave her 10 years. There's a monkey here too
says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives.
So I’ll give him ten years.” So it turns out that he lives
man 60 years old: 30 years is normal, 10 years works like a horse, 10 years
runs like a dog, and for another 10 years is wrinkled like a monkey. Let's have a drink
for our birthday boy to live another 100 years, but to live them

Let's raise our glasses to our birthday boy, passing
crazy intersection, saw signs on the roads: the path to the right is to
Fortunately, the path to the left is to health, forward to wealth, back to
good! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

They say that the most important thing in life is health. It seems to me that this is not
So. There are also healthy whiners. In my opinion, the main thing these days is
good spirits and optimism. Therefore, I wish you to look at everything in life
with a smile, and then all life’s adversities will be over your shoulder!

Often even our thoughts destroy us, because they are material. Much
depends on a positive attitude. I wish you, birthday boy, to look at
everything only through the prism of optimism, then all things will be done
faster. Treat life more simply, it’s not really like that
complicated as it seems. Live and enjoy the people who love you
surrounded by events!

We all know the fable about the hardworking ant and the frivolous
dragonfly. So let's drink to our birthday boy skillfully
combined the qualities of both of these heroes. For your ability to work and
have fun!

Happy Birthday! Good luck,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
To make life wonderful
I drink to you today!
May you be lucky everywhere,
Let your soul sing
I won't wish for much
All the best to you!

Toasts arose from the ancient belief that when many people are united by one desire, this desire will come true. The very tradition of moving glasses, turning them all together into one, uniting them, came from the same place: a wish is pronounced, as it were, over one common cup, and then everyone drinks their part from this unity that has arisen.

Since the main purpose of a toast is to present something good to everyone together, unwritten rules prohibit the use of images with a negative connotation: cemeteries, illness, destruction.

Even the famous toast of bad wishes to enemies (“let your enemies call only 01, 02 and 03 on their phones”) uses a neutral image of a telephone, rather than illnesses and fires.

In order for a toast to have the most favorable impression, it must be consistent with reality. The toast can be caused by a conversation at the table or be directly related to the professional activities of the birthday person or his hobbies. The more specific the toast, the stronger positive emotions it will evoke.

But often the person toasting may not be aware of aspects of the toastee’s life, and the conversation at the table flows sluggishly and on too general topics. In this case, you should not just wish for traditional values, but with your toast you should actually start a conversation, setting the topic for the feast with history.

Once upon a time there lived a wise man, and like any wise man, he aroused a lot of envy. One envious person decided to mock him. He caught the butterfly in his palm and decided to ask the sage a riddle: “What is in my hands, alive or dead?” If he answers “dead,” I will release the butterfly, the envious man thought; if he says “alive,” I will squeeze my palm, kill the butterfly, and he will still be wrong. The sage looked at the envious man and said: “Everything is in your hands.”

Let's drink so that our birthday boy will always be a sage, and if envious people meet on his way, he will remember that everything is always in his hands!

Since traditionally a man is considered a protector, a warrior, here you can slightly deviate from the rule “Do not depict death in a toast,” just do not forget that the main character of the story must survive, because it is with him that the birthday boy will associate himself.

One ancient army stopped at a halt, and at night everyone woke up from a terrible noise outside the camp. The king sent one warrior on reconnaissance. He came running, shouting:

  • There are enemy warriors with bows.

And fell dead. The army came to readiness, but no one attacked them, although the noise continued. Then the king sent another warrior into the darkness. He came running in horror:

  • There, witches and demons staged a Sabbath.

And he also fell dead. And again the noise continued, but no one attacked the army. And the king sent a third scout. He returned from the darkness with two rats and a copper basin, from under which they could not get out, because they were so noisy.

So let's drink to the birthday boy not being afraid of anything, and all fears, no matter how others describe them, were just empty noise made by some rats!

In general, those toasts that are focused on military affairs, hunting and other matters traditionally considered masculine will be good for men.

One master began to teach young men shooting. He pointed to the target and asked everyone what they saw. Everyone believed that the master was checking the candidate’s attentiveness and described everything he saw - from the wall on which the target hung to the ceiling. And only one said:

  • I see the target and only the target.
  • Then the master stopped and said:
  • Only those who are completely focused on the goal can achieve it.
  • So let's drink to the birthday boy who would be able to achieve any goals he sets!

Short toasts with humor to a woman

When congratulating a woman, you should not make a toast to all women at once. You need to find some trait, a feature of the birthday girl that you can highlight with a toast. If a toast is raised to the beauty of the hero of the occasion, it is worth choosing a parable that will gradually praise the woman’s attractiveness.

One man became sad. He wanted to see Beauty, to know what she looked like. For a year he left his family and went traveling. He saw beautiful countries, magnificent paintings, stunning women. But the melancholy did not disappear. And so he returned home. He returned at dusk, the windows of his house were glowing and it seemed like a picture in a frame. And so the traveler froze, amazed by the beauty. In his own home, he saw the beauty that he was so eager to find - it was his wife and children. Habit all this time prevented him from seeing that he already had what he craved so much.

We are all used to seeing our birthday girl, but let habit never allow us to forget how beautiful she is!

Beauty can be personified and thereby covertly praise other positive qualities of a woman.

Once Beauty was crossing a lake across a bridge, the bridge was broken in one place and only on the other side of the lake could one see where to step so as not to fall. On the other side stood the Ugliness. Beauty shouted to Ugliness:

  • Help me, sister!

Ugliness looked into the lake, saw its terrible image and decided: “Since I am so terrible, since I feel so bad, then let it be bad for everyone around me.”

  • To the left,” Ugliness then shouted, “jump to the left.”

Beauty jumped and realized that she was falling; only by a miracle did she manage to catch on to the edge of the bridge and get to the shore, and Ugliness ran away, laughing maliciously.

Somehow they found themselves in the opposite situation, this Ugliness stood on a broken bridge, and Beauty was on the shore. “Now I’ll get even for everything,” thought Beauty. But then she saw her reflection in the lake and understood why Ugliness was so angry.

  • Jump to the right, jump to the right, sister,” Beauty correctly suggested.

But Ugliness, remembering how it itself had failed Beauty, jumped to the left, but the miracle did not help her, it fell into the water and drowned.

Truly beautiful and truly happy. Let's drink to pity for our enemies, who will never have the virtues of our birthday girl!

You can also use a toast about toasts; this technique will give depth to what is being said, creating the feeling that the toast being pronounced is the fruit of thoughts about other toasts.

One woman, who was already many years old, was once told during a feast how wonderfully she had changed and become prettier. She answered:

  • In all my years, I haven't changed. I was just becoming more and more myself.

Let's drink to the birthday girl, who every year becomes not better, but more ideal!


A woman always needs to feel protected, and most of all, the feeling of protection is given to her by the knowledge that her husband loves her and this is precisely what should be emphasized with a toast.

Once on the road, a womanizer accosted a woman.

  • You are so beautiful, my heart is simply aching for love.
  • Is it me that you think is beautiful? - she responded. “You haven’t seen my sister yet, she’s coming after me.”

Lovelace lagged behind the woman and began to wait for the appearance of a new beauty. He waited for a couple of hours until he realized that he had been deceived.

The next day he pestered the beauty again:

  • Why did you deceive me?
  • Well,” she answered, “if you were really in love with me, you wouldn’t wait for my more beautiful sister.”

I will drink to my wife, because after meeting her, I did not look for anyone more beautiful, since I had already found perfection!

Of course, congratulations and anecdotes are possible, but care must be taken that the wish crosses out the possible negative meaning of the joke.

A wife, after several years of marriage, says to her husband:

  • So you stopped loving me. And before the wedding he said that he was ready to die for me.
  • Okay,” says the husband, “my word is law.” Once I said it, I will do it. Give me your borscht here!

For my wife, who never forces me to risk my life!

My husband calls home:

  • Honey, I've been stuck here...
  • It's okay, honey.
  • I stayed in a tavern with friends.
  • I hope the evening went well.
  • Yes, now I invited them to visit us.
  • Well, then, I’ll prepare something easy for you...
  • Sorry, I seem to have the wrong number.

For my magnificent wife, with whom I have never made a mistake and will never make a mistake!

To my husband

The husband is usually given the usual toasts for men, that is, toasts praising his qualities as a protector, provider, and warrior. If this is not a wedding, very rarely a woman dedicates toasts to her husband, speaking of her love for him, since a woman’s declaration of love for a man is considered an intimate matter, not for general discussion.

That’s why joke toasts are usually reserved for husbands.

The husband says to his wife:

  • I like everything about you: your appearance, your intelligence, your thriftiness, but what do you like about me?
  • “Your taste,” the wife answers.

So let's drink to my husband and his perfect taste!

Toasts and jokes can usually be made by a wife to her husband, since the atmosphere of mutual banter is typical for male communities. If a husband makes such toasts and jokes to his wife, it will look much rude, and jokes on the topic of family life from guests will be completely inappropriate.

The wife says to her husband:

  • Well, why did you get drunk again? I was so happy yesterday when you were sober.
  • Today is my turn to rejoice!

For my husband and his turn to rejoice!

In toasts, it is best not to touch on the topic of adultery, even if a very funny joke is made into the toast. Both husband and wife may take such a toast as a hint and feel insulted. Such toasts from guests (even without the presence of the other half of the toastee at the table) violate the rule “do not allow negative images in toasts.” At the same time, the wife, as a representative of the weaker sex, can be the first to set the level of frankness at the feast and joke about the topic of sex life with her husband.

When visiting a married couple they ask:

  • Why are your dishes broken?
  • We quarreled.
  • Why is the bed broken?
  • We made peace.

So let's drink to having less broken dishes and more broken furniture in our house!

Newlyweds' toasts can be more frank.

Our wedding night was great. Guess who was the first to say “Enough is enough, it’s time to stop”?

For the health of my husband and for the patient and deaf neighbors!

IMPORTANT! Don't go beyond light hints. Too frank jokes between husband and wife will make guests feel uncomfortable.


It matters who exactly raises the toast, whether the toastee is an older brother or a younger one, but there are also some rules that are observed in such toasts in any case - this is the theme of strong friendship, kindred friendship, which is stronger than usual.

Once two friends got into a fight. Their friends began to separate them, but they fought in earnest. Friends began to think that someone was coming, a policeman was coming, a respected person was coming, but the friends continued to fight, and one even began to strangle the other. Then one of the friends came up with the idea to shout that the younger brother of the loser was coming. And immediately the strangler released his victim.

Afterwards, the one who was being strangled began to ask why other names did not work, but the name of the younger, weaker brother influenced the attacker:

  • Because,” he answered, “others would separate us or ask what happened, and your brother would immediately break my head.”
  • So I’ll drink to my brother, who has always been and will always be on my side!

Sometimes, in order for the toast to sparkle with new colors, it is worth redoing the old parable in a new way, making the ending more fun and paradoxical.

One day a father called his two sons and gave them a broom, woven into twigs, and ordered them to break the broom. The brothers completed the task quickly. Then the father gave them the second broom to break, only the rods were tied together. The brothers tried for a long time, but together they broke the tied broom. But my father didn’t have a third broom. He just spat and waved his hand.

So let's drink to fraternal mutual assistance!

To my sister

Fairy tales rarely talk about friendship between sisters. Usually two sisters are contrasted as older and younger or as natural and step-brother. But this can also be turned into an advantage and build a toast from the opposite.

In fairy tales, sisters often quarrel; one gets something good, and the other gets the opposite. But in the fairy tale about Belyanochka and Rosette, both sisters marry princes. And hence the moral: if sisters do not quarrel, then only good things await both in life.

Let's drink to my sister, with whom I want to never quarrel!

The relationship between brother and sister in folk tales is usually based on how the sister saves the brother. You can build a lot of toasts on these fairy tales (like “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” or “Swan Geese”). But you can also simply use short parables about friendship and help.

Once upon a time there lived two sisters. One got married and had many children, the second lived alone. Somehow they had a bad year. The married sister looked at the bags of grain and thought: “At least my children can help me, even my husband, but my sister is alone. Who will help her? And secretly at night she dragged five of her bags of grain into her sister’s barn. She comes back, and in her barn there were twenty bags left. Because that same night her sister thought: “Well, I live alone, I don’t need much, but my sister has children, she needs help,” and she also secretly dragged her bags into the barn.

Let's drink to my sister, who, no matter how fate separates us, will always help me, and whom I will always help too!

In toasts addressed to your sister, as well as in congratulations to other relatives, it is worth recalling that family ties are stronger than friendships.

Friendship and Sisterly Love once met.

  • Why do you exist when I exist? – asked Friendship.
  • To stay where you are leaving from,” answered Lyubov.

Let's raise a glass to the family ties that have been with us from our birth to the end of our days!

To a friend

Toasts and banter may well be used to congratulate friends. Joking at each other demonstrates the closeness of friends and that their friendship is strong enough to withstand mutual pranks. But here, as in any matter, there is a danger of overdoing it when the joke ceases to be funny and becomes offensive. That’s why it’s worth keeping an eye on the sharpness of the jokes.

Since in the communication of friends, as in the communication of relatives, mutual assistance is the main thing, it can become the subject of acuity.

The car rushes through the city at an insane speed, almost gets into an accident several times, and in the last seconds it avoids passers-by so as not to hit it. Behind her are police in cars, noise, flashing lights, sirens. Finally, the offending car is pushed to the side of the road. They open the front door, then the driver turns to his friend, white with horror, in the passenger seat:

  • Well, Kolyan, have the hiccups gone?

I'll drink to my friends who will always come to the rescue!

Do not forget about the traditional parable toasts, which should emphasize the importance of friendship and the importance of the friend’s personality for the person giving the toast.

One day two friends quarreled. And one friend wrote in the sand: “Today my friend insulted me.” That same day they were in the mountains and one pushed the other out from under a landslide. Then the rescued person carved on the stone “Today my friend saved me.” And a friend asked him:

  • Why did you write one on the sand and the other on the stone?
  • Because there are passing events, our quarrels - this is something that will soon be swept away from the sand by the wind and forgotten. And there is our friendship, which is real and which will remain for centuries, and it is this that should be engraved in stone.

Let's drink to my friends and to the fact that we less often need to write something down in the sand!

Do not forget that a witty toast is always remembered much better than any other. And any real joke should be unexpected. And a good joke is best hidden in a parable.

A young man came to one sage and asked how many friends he needed in his life.

  • In order for me to answer you, said the sage, pick me an apple from the branch of that tall tree.

The young man jumped several times, but the apple hung high. Then the young man called a friend for help. He climbed onto his shoulders, but even so he couldn’t reach the apple.

  • Don't you have any friends anymore? - asked the sage.

Then the young man called all his friends. They climbed onto each other's shoulders, but did not reach the apple and fell.

  • Do you understand how many friends you need? - asked the sage.
  • “I understand,” the young man answered, “a lot, so much so that we can all achieve any goal together.”
  • Yes,” the sage repeated, “there are many friends, so that at least one of them has enough brains to bring a ladder.”

Let's drink to my friends, who not only can help, but also know how!


For parents, joke toasts are usually not good. The toast should emphasize the toaster's gratitude to his family, who spent their years raising him.

One day a woman worked several jobs to feed and educate her son. When he entered college and began earning money on his own, he asked his mother what to give her, she said that she would ask for a gift later and continued to help her son as much as she could. This continued when the son graduated and went to work. But when he became a recognized scientist, his mother finally answered what gift she wanted:

  • Son, you have already become famous and successful, someday they will ask you who your mother is, my gift will be when you tell them my name.

I owe everything I have achieved to my parents. I want to drink to them and to the fact that if children’s achievements are a gift for parents, the opportunity to brag about what wonderful parents I have is their gift to me!

It is also worth emphasizing that the toaster understands perfectly well what kind of difficulties his parents have faced and are facing.

One father gave two daughters in marriage. Once he came to visit one, she said:

  • Dad, if there is a lot of rain this year, my husband will earn a lot and we will live richly.
  • “I’ll pray for you, daughter,” the father said.

Then he came to his second daughter.

  • If there is no rain this year, said the second daughter, my husband will earn a lot of money.

And her father promised to pray to her.

When he returned home and told his wife everything, she asked him what he would do.

  • “The father can only pray for both,” he answered.

I want to drink to my parents, who, no matter what difficulties of choice they face, always continue to pray for me!

Video with Caucasian toast for all occasions

Caucasians have always been distinguished by their ability to make fiery speeches at a feast

A truly good toast should change the course of the conversation at the table and create an atmosphere. Thus, we should not forget that long toasts should be made at the beginning of the feast in order to break the ice of communication. Shorter and more fun ones should be left for the end, when the guests have already gotten used to each other and begin to communicate on their own.

In any case, do not forget to monitor the progress of the holiday. Because a toast is most effective when it is delivered on time.

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