Long letters of love to a man. Open letter to a male friend

There are situations in life when it is impossible to talk about feelings. Then a letter to your loved one will help express the whole range of emotions that haunt you.

But how to write about your feelings correctly, what words to use, should you be completely frank or just hint?

Letter to a loved one in separation and at a distance

More often, the desire to write about how you miss, love and wait arises when a loved one has left for a long time or far away.

Separation, exciting memories, and the smell of home make you yearn even more. Sincere feelings are the best inspiration for touching confessions. The letter will give the young man the strength to survive the breakup and make him love and appreciate his girlfriend with renewed vigor.

For a close man who is far away, they choose words that will pull him home, back. When writing to a loved one from a distance, it is important to focus less on yourself and more on him. He will feel that all his girlfriend’s thoughts revolve only around him, that at home he will feel better than anywhere else and with no one else.

Useful phrases, ideas for messages:

  • “My thoughts constantly return to you. Wherever I look, see or hear, I immediately remember something we have in common, and again I miss you terribly and yearn for you, my dear.”
  • “Without you it’s empty, sad and gray. The memory does not give a moment of peace: “He stood here, looked at me like that, said this ...”, as if you were nearby a minute ago.”
  • “I live in thoughts of you. Every evening I go to bed and again fantasize about how we will meet our eyes, and, hugging, we will stand in silence, enjoying the happiness of the meeting.”

A touching confession to a guy that brings him to tears about his feelings

songs, places, dates, moments. If the feelings are mutual, such hints will bring back exciting memories and make him move to tears. And the fact that his lady loves him so much will further enhance the effect.

You can use gentle, affectionate nicknames known only to two people. This could be some kind of intimate references or piquant details (all only in a positive way). If the message is on paper, it won’t hurt to sprinkle some perfume on the leaf.

How to write a letter to your loved one:

  1. Choose the form of the message (electronic, paper, audio, video, long or short, in prose or poetry).
  2. Determine the degree of openness (halftone, frank or depraved to the point of disgrace).
  3. Seclude yourself and create an atmosphere (music, favorite scent, preferably his cologne, glass of wine).
  4. Remember something unusual from your common past.
  5. Write something that you have never told him because of shyness.
  6. Add fun memories.
  7. Describe how you feel.
  8. End the confession with something optimistic and preferably dreams of a future together.

Examples of such letters:

“Hello, my dear. I'm sure you'll be surprised to receive this letter, because we see each other every day, and this is something old-fashioned, on paper. But in person I don’t have the courage to tell you how dear you are to me. I smile, I can kiss you and mutter something incomprehensible, but in my soul I am bursting with feelings! You are an incredible guy... I am grateful to fate for our first, chance meeting. Thank you for not letting me fall then, and then for walking me, limping, home. Since then, the meaning of my life is you. I hope you feel just as good with me. I look forward to your every call and message and I hope my happiness will last forever...”

"Hello. It seems to me that we haven’t seen each other for a hundred years, but only a day has passed. We've been together for so long that it's even embarrassing to lisp. But I wanted to say how much I love you, and that my feelings become stronger every year. I remember on our first date you tried to kiss me and we got electrocuted because of the static. I remember how you brought me a blue rose to each of our meetings. I remember how you treated me for a sore throat. You were, are, and I hope you will always be mine... My beloved and loving man.”

Short notes of confession to your loved one

Touching notes won't hurt, even if the couple sees each other every day. Such mini-confessions will surprise and delight, especially if the guy finds them in different places and at unexpected times.

Some ideas for tiny sensual revelations:

  • Prepare a lot of messages on pieces of paper and stuff them into all sorts of pockets, bags, shoes, hats.
  • Find the phrase “I love you” online in all languages, print it out and place it around your apartment. Every time the lover finds her, the couple must read a declaration of love to each other and kiss passionately.
  • SMS with simple phrases like “You are my hero”, “I’m crazy about you”, “My heart was stolen by you” will please your chosen one during the day.

Letter to a man in verse

For a special occasion, revelation in verse will come in handy. It’s good if you have at least a little experience and talent in creating poetic confessions.

You can find beautiful lines in a collection of poems by some poet. It would be more modern to choose an exciting verse from a song that is special for the couple and sign the card that way.

"The thought that we might not have met you

The earth disappears from under your feet, your soul flies into the night surf,

After all, you are the man destined for me by heaven

You are ideal. Oh Gods! I am loved by you!

It is not so important if the poems turn out to be imperfect, childishly naive and slightly frank - an intimate message in verse to a loved one can contain lines that are understandable and appropriate for two people in love.

Tender and kind messages to your husband

Daily worries dull feelings, and a married couple gradually forgets about why they got married, how much they love their soul mate, and what wonderful memories they share.

But romance is the work of lovers. Warm words, a tender kiss at meeting and farewell, a cup of aromatic drink, words of love for no reason and a favorite treat - such little things return the holiday to ordinary days.

But not every man is able to express feelings in words; many do this with the help of gifts and actions. But sweet words are what most women are talented at.

Examples of such notes:

“Hello, my man! I hope you smile when you find this note and your favorite candy in your jacket pocket. I love you, my sweetie, you are super!”

“I dream of repeating this evening and night - you are the same romantic as on the first date. A surprise awaits you in the evening - I’ve been preparing for a long time and today I’ll really surprise you!”

“Thank you for having me. My daughter asked me to tell you that you are the best dad on Earth, and I join this title, the best husband on the planet!”

Letter to a loved one in prose

It’s easier to write a message to a special guy in prose. This may be a revelation in the form of a letter, or perhaps due to an excess of feelings it will turn into a real work of art. Many people do not even suspect how much potential lies hidden in them until stormy feelings break through an avalanche of constraint.

You must forget that the chosen one will read the message. You should think about what you want to say, but lack the courage.

If the object of your desire has no idea about the strength of your feelings, then two outcomes are possible. If his feelings are no less fiery, passion will flare up with renewed vigor. And if the power of love is exaggerated, then such emotional exposure will speed up separation, which is even better than unrequited love.

An example of such a letter:

“I don’t know if you realize how much I love you... Yes, I’m not afraid of this word. After all, you can’t see me now, that’s why I’m so brave. From our first meeting, I realized that I was lost. You are polite and reserved, I don’t even know what to think. If you are indifferent to me, so be it, I will never remind you of my feelings. If there is something, let me know, otherwise I’m going crazy with uncertainty. I’m sorry if my confession is a shock to you.”

Letter to ex-boyfriend about feelings to make him cry

After a breakup, my heart hurts for a long time. Anything that reminds you of a broken relationship or your ex is very painful. To burn out, they talk it out.

Naturally, the former gentleman will not listen to complaints, grievances, or experiences, but he will probably read the letter. Therefore, it makes sense if there is something left unsaid. Even if he doesn’t read it, the woman will feel lighter in her soul, and she will be able to let go of the past.

If the couple broke up on good terms, both are reminiscing about warm moments from their past together, a letter to an ex-boyfriend can bring him to tears.

Girls, as more emotional beings, are able to express the whole gamut of feelings that boil in their hearts. And a man who has received such recognition from his former beloved may not be able to stand it and cry, because there was a lot of good in the past, but the present is destroyed, nothing can be returned.

What should you write to your ex that will touch a nerve? The main thing is to write about good things to happen. Tell him how good he was, how you loved him and appreciated everything he did for the relationship. A passionate description of love, sex, romantic dates, moments that made both of them happy is what will make your ex cry.


"Hello. Didn't wait? And I decided to write goodbye, because we never said goodbye properly. Although we did not part because of a good life, our relationship was a bright spot in my life. You are the best man I have ever met. Strong, courageous and gentle at the same time. I will remember your breakfasts with longing all my life. Thank you for every day that we lived together, especially for that month at sea. Every day I try to think less and less about you. Goodbye".

Farewell letter to a married man from his mistress

Relationships with a married man often end in separation. Sweet promises of the chosen one to leave his family and forever reunite with his mistress, start a family and even have children together often remain empty words.

If a lady in love finds the strength to leave, she runs away without meeting the man again, otherwise he will persuade her to stay. Therefore, a farewell letter will be a great way to say goodbye without hurting yourself with another meeting.

What to write in such a revelation:

  1. At first, the letters thank you for the relationship, no matter how bitterly it ended for the woman.
  2. Having remembered a few good moments, they write about how the couple met or about what became the beginning of love.
  3. They speak out, talk about how they feel, realizing that the novel is over. You should refrain from reproaches: they will lead nowhere and will only leave a negative impression on the recipient.


A love letter is not just a monologue , this is a wonderful gift for any joint holiday. This is a way not to forget anything, to say all the important words, even if your loved one is far away or the couple has finally separated.

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If you haven't seen your boyfriend for a long time, then writing to your loved one while apart in your own words will help rekindle your feelings. With its help you can brighten up even a long separation. This is a way of maintaining the fire of love since ancient times.

How to start a letter to your loved one when you are apart?

The beginning of your message could go something like this.

My dear... I am writing you my news. Read it to the very end, and try to understand me and my entire inner world...

I don’t know where to start... this whole situation and my silence on the phone pushed me to this message. I won’t look for an excuse or any excuses, I just want to try to explain to you what’s going on inside me.

My dear, you are my boyfriend, and I hope that you will remain so. Because at the slightest hint or phrase about breaking up, I get all shaken up. I can’t imagine myself now without you, without your kisses.

I can't imagine myself without your smile. Especially when you start talking about love or words that are very pleasant to me, when I start to get embarrassed, such moments remain with me forever, and your smile is also special. And our walks, although always with some adventures and misunderstandings, are memorable. And personally, I really like to remember them.

Romantic continuation of the letter in your own words

We have a lot of pleasant moments to remember. I would like to list them all. But this will take a lot of time. I’m not even talking about the photos on the wall in my apartment... I can’t even raise my hand to take them off after I saw the look on your face when you first noticed them.

My friends really like you. And every time they ask about you. I don't always tell you this. But it is so. They are always interested in how we are doing... And now, remembering all this, I understand that you are a dear person to me. You are like a member of my family to me.

Today I looked at your photos three times and guess what? Yes, you are an incredibly handsome guy! I don’t understand at all why I’m so lucky with you? You are so cute, just so cute. Your eyes are big, your lips are tender...

I have never known anyone like you, and I probably never will. I value you very much and appreciate you! I don’t know what’s happening to me now, why I’m behaving this way. But I really regret it, I’m incredibly ashamed of myself. It’s a shame when you say that you’re bored with me, it’s a shame when I deceive you, and it’s not even a shame in front of you, but in front of yourself...

And then I think, what an idiot I am for doing this... I guess I thought that you wouldn’t get away from me, that you would always be there. But today I felt like an electric shock. Yes, you can leave me at any moment without explanation, and you will be absolutely right. And no one will blame you for this. My dear, I don’t want to lose you! I love you madly! You may not believe me, but I can prove that this is exactly the case! And you will definitely trust me, you will see.

We're coming to an end

The result of a letter to a beloved guy during separation may be a mention of difficulties and overcoming them. For example, you could write the following text:

Unfortunately, we are far from each other now, but I will definitely wait for you! Every day I remembered, and will remember you. If I somehow miss you, I will never forgive myself. You always think about us, not about yourself, but about us. You don’t see yourself and me separately, for you there is only us, and I really like it.

Yes, it takes a long time for me to get it, sometimes too long, but it will definitely get there. And we won’t be bored anymore, I don’t want this everyday life, and this is not because you told me, but because I want it myself.

I want you to feel happy when you see me. I want you to always smile with all your teeth next to me. I will try to make you the happiest!

And a short video:

Also read:

The answer will be published in the “Your Questions” section. Write normal questions! Scraps of phrases such as “3a34km I want to become a blogger ldrppit” are not accepted!

Longing in separation. What and how to write to your loved one that you miss them?

Your loved one is away now... Okay, honey, let’s be on a first-name basis so you don’t feel constrained. Your beloved went on a so-called business trip or somewhere else... He left, you miss him, you think about him...

And you write a letter! Something that would help him get back to you faster. Even in love affairs you need incentive. Create it yourself. With your creativity, with your own hands, with your imagination. In short - everything, and herself. Will you try? Look - what a sample there is! Looking at him, you will definitely be able to come up with something. It is, of course, not difficult, but it’s hard to think when your thoughts are occupied with your beloved man.

Sample letter

“Only a few days have passed since you left, but they seemed like an eternity to me. I hate eternity. And probably myself, because I let you go. There was no need to do this. I didn’t even bother using a calculator to calculate the number of kilometers separating us. And I wanted it that way. I even dreamed of coming to you as a surprise, but you didn’t tell me the exact address. I love you, honey, I love you more than life itself. And you feel it even when you are very far from me. I wrote the sea, which I dedicated to you. I'll give them to you when you come to me. I will give you all my warmth, all my affection, all my soul... I'll give you everything you want. I write and know that my heart is with you. Forever! It still won't fight without you. It is emptiness if you are not with me. Please come as soon as possible. I know how to wait, but time drags on so much that I want to stop it altogether. But it won’t stop just because it’s beneficial or really necessary for me. Please come so I don’t hate the wait.”

This is an excerpt from a letter. Complete it as you see fit. There are many words and phrases. And any “set” will be pleasant for you and for the person to whom it is addressed. If your boyfriend is nearby, but you just want to surprise him with letters? - Surprise!

You can start a letter to your loved one like this:

“Hello, my dear and beloved angel! It is summer now. And there is winter in my soul. It's just that I haven't seen you for four whole hours. It seems like years. I would like to see you every minute, second. Even more often. I will never have enough time to fully enjoy you. I want some kind of eternal eternity. Maybe she won't be enough for me either. I want to always be with you alone. And you see it. You notice all my desires, dreams, frankness and secrecy.... Guess me to the end. Until you realize that you have learned everything you wanted about me. I won't mind. We haven't seen each other for several hours. I don’t want to remember or think about those moments in which you were not there. I can cross them out, of course. Like chalk, marker, or pencil. But this doesn’t change anything: the moments in which you are absent will still remain between us. Life works like this. Darling, just a little more and we will be together again. I hope that the moments in which we are without each other will be halved or tripled. I want to believe it! Come, come, fly. I'm waiting for you, kitten!

Did you have an argument? Well, what can I say... Happens! Lives are not only made up of positive things and moments. But it’s possible to brighten up really bad moments with words.

See how it's done:

“I was wrong. But I love it. Would you forgive me? I admit that I am not a gift. Actually, I admit a lot of things. And I tell you this sincerely. Don't you believe me? I love you very, very, very much. Always and for a long time. And my love will not fade away. You are the first person who has sunk so deeply into the depths of my soul. I do not want to lose you. No quarrel should separate us from you. I can’t live without such a wonderful guy like you! Forgive me, please forgive me... I would beg on my knees for forgiveness, honestly. If you allow me, I will do so. I am ready to do everything for the sake of your forgiveness. I'm sorry, even if it's not my fault. Oh, how important your forgiveness is to me! I'm picking up the phone now. I’m thinking… showering you with messages, but I don’t want to seem intrusive. I'm like this when I'm bored, I remember. But I urgently want to get rid of this very bad quality. I love you. Forgive me, please, my love.”...

Correct everything with words to later turn them into reality:

“I don’t show up on time for a date because I want to be the most beautiful for you. Sorry I'm not so punctual. No matter how much I study this quality, it doesn’t help. Yes, you probably can’t learn something like that. Forgive me, dear, I will try very hard not to keep you waiting, because I myself don’t like all these expectations. They tire you just as much as any idleness. Love you. For the sake of feelings, my kitten, I am ready to overcome myself. And I’m already doing it little by little. You'll notice it very soon, I promise. I promise that I won’t upset you, I won’t argue with you persistently…. How many promises is your forgiveness worth? I will do everything you ask me to do. And I say again: “I promise.” Do you believe it? Believe me please. This is very important to me.”…

A love letter to the man I love... When you talk about this, so much romance enters your soul. There is so much I want to say. Well, then why give up such simple pleasures? Speak, write... Let him know how much you love, how you wait. He will be so pleased that he will ask you to marry you soon. If he calls, will you go? Well, think about it while you still have time. No one is rushing you, and no one will rush you.

One request:

Be careful with every word. Don't write anything unnecessary. The fact is that you can reproach yourself for just one letter. Why torment yourself over unnecessary or far-fetched reasons if you can avoid them? Do just that: think about every word and what it consists of.

All that will help you is faith in yourself, love for yourself (and for him), courage, stubbornness, and the desire to achieve goals. Everything is not so difficult. The most difficult step is the very, very first step. You've already done it! Continue to act without regretting or justifying yourself. A letter cannot be written independently, by itself...

To be continued. . .

My beloved, why are you so far away? We are apart...

“How to survive a long separation from your loved one?”

The pain of separation is so difficult to endure that I learned to speak words silently. In this letter to you, my beloved, I will write about many things... The main thing is that you have the patience to read and re-read everything! Those letters of yours, by the way, which you wrote to me... I kept them intact! I put them in my school diary. By the way, I keep my diaries. One cannot raise one’s hand to throw away something that is so dear to one’s memories.

I wait for you every evening on the Internet. But I want to wait at home, with romantic kisses and a romantic evening... When will you be back? Time…. I hate him! It probably flows so slowly on purpose.

How are you, my love? I feel like you're not telling me something. I still can’t understand what. Or are you so “sluggish” because you feel bad without me? Well, what can you do if your job is like this (that involves business trips). It's a pity that you don't want to change your job. Can you imagine how good it would be if we spent more time together!

I understand that you are a man. But you also understand! We are different. And I always compromised with you. Maybe it’s time for you to take “compromising steps”? I'm not going to cheat on you, of course, but don't play with my feelings like that!!! They are the real ones... Don’t destroy them or break them, I beg you! If you treat them carelessly or cruelly, they will die and disappear into the fog of doubt.

You found a very interesting approach! I really appreciate you for his “invention.” You write me both electronic and paper letters. And their content is very different from each other. It is so romantic…. Thank you! Now I’m already scared that the box might someday be blocked. So I copy all your letters and save them in separate folders.

Darling, break the distance! Destroy all this forced separation! I don’t have the strength to fight myself anymore, honestly…. I tried very hard, but somehow I’m not doing it well. Because I'm weak (in a moral sense). And I won’t become stronger anymore...

I have no idea what to write to you now. And I’m afraid to offend, and I’m also afraid to “blurt out” too much on the lines... In short, honey, come! Don't let me live in constant fear!

I have already had so many nervous breakdowns thanks to your grace! I love you, but you don’t need to use it! Otherwise, everything will end, to put it mildly, not very well. I'm not blackmailing you, I'm not threatening you! I’m just tired of this kind of life in which you are, but you are not in it either... Oh, I’m somehow confused by what I just wrote.

I really want to sleep. And tears will soon “cover your eyes.” I'm tired of waking up alone and falling asleep! We urgently need to change our lives so as not to destroy it. I can’t “steer” everyone. I need your help and support. It will be good if I receive this from you in a reasonable combination.

I really need you, believe me! I don't see anyone else next to me. And I won’t see you, because you’re the only one I need. And now, and then, and always. If you want to be with me, choose: either me or your work! She's tearing us apart. Can't you feel it? Perhaps you won’t bombard me with love messages for three months, but I’ll survive that too. So that you understand the depth of my soul!

It’s hard for me at the moment, but I will continue my letter. You're so cool! This is why I still endure a lot. And I really want to give up everything and change! I am weak…. Sorry for repeating myself. How else? I can’t “erase” you from my life just like that.

Listen, darling... How about you cheat on me with some beauty and admit it to me?.. Then it will be easier for me to leave you and leave you…. My God, what kind of nonsense am I writing! I will later regret writing something like this a million times over! But I'm not going to wash anything. I will leave the letter in its completely original form. It will be more honest that way, maybe! My own honesty will drive me crazy. Yeah! How can I fight her?! And I have already paid for this quality many times...

I feel so terrible without you that no words can be found that fully express it...

I'm invited to a wedding. I don’t want to go there alone, so it would be great if you came. I want to catch the bride's bouquet! You know what this sign means... By the way, if you come to the wedding with me, please catch a garter! Then we will definitely get married soon (I would really, really like this).

Why are you so far away?! We are apart. I don’t want to remember this distance, this separation. But it has to. You fly to me in a dream... You're arriving! After all, I call you an angel. Such a beautiful word... Angel... As pleasant and beautiful as you.

If you don’t come, I’ll come for you myself! Do you understand what loneliness is? I experience it when you are not around, my dear! Be more humane! Or have you completely forgotten what we agreed on? Yes, I probably forgot... But now I won’t be offended by you so that I can continue my letter normally….

I love you, angel! I wanted to write so much... But somehow nothing really pops into my head. Everything that I wanted to leave on the lines was mixed together, like ingredients in cooking.

Do not laugh! It's not that I have such a bad memory. I'm worried when I write all this to you. I'm very worried! You do not trust me? And you find time and write to me something like that!

I like to write drafts first. Then I sit and happily correct everything that I didn’t like. It's cute, isn't it? I admit that I also dream of receiving something similar from you. Write one letter. I'll keep it. I promise I won't show it to anyone. I’ll just brag to my kids and grandchildren about what a romantic you were.

If you are not writing an email, I will be very happy with the attractive envelope! I collect all sorts of different things. I don’t remember if I told you about this...

Darling, call! Or write a message if you are very busy. I'll understand anyway! And you understand that I need your attention!

I am writing to you..., my beloved, a letter. And I think: “How to survive separation from your loved one?” I feel your breath. This is not mysticism. This is how my loving imagination played out during separation. And I allow him everything, just like you. You are the best, the best, the best! I like the pleasure of writing to you. And I will continue to do this if you don't mind...

Continuation. . .

Sincere letters to your loved one. -

How to survive separation from your loved one?


Even if I never see you, know, at least just feel... I am always yours, and I will be everything for you. It’s incredibly strange that you, or rather I, don’t see anyone except you in people. I do not want it. I'm trying to find at least a pathetic likeness, a small copy of you, but which is not a bit like you, will never be even a little like you. Will never be the meaning of my life, will never be my soul, will never be life for me. I’m probably repeating myself, and you’re tired of it, although I know, I’m sure that you will never read this, you don’t exist, you’re just a fairy tale invented by me... But that’s the only way I talk to you. You know how much I want you to be happy.

Love letters to a man at a distance

If I can’t stand it, I’ll buy a train ticket and come to you. There are five hundred kilometers between us. These are huge little things. It's a pity that there is any distance between us at all. But we will overcome it, my beloved! I am writing this letter, knowing that everything in it is sincere and beautiful.

Everything is dedicated only to you, my extraordinary dream. Yes, by the way, about sleep... I remembered something... We spoke on a mobile phone. I wished you good night. And you hinted that you would dream about me.
My dear, I really want to dream about you every night! I want to fall asleep next to you and wake up... I'm sorry that I want so much. But I have the right to tell you everything as it is. You are the man of my dreams Yes, we have not met in life, but I fell in love with you so much...

I resisted my feeling, choosing not to believe in it. But love is very strong. She defeated me, burst out of my chest, flew into every line of this letter... Love you…. Forgive for this if you can...

Letter to a loved one about feelings

I listen to the noise of trains, hoping that you are traveling in one of them. I peer into the skies, dreaming of spotting the plane on which you will arrive... Or maybe you will fly to me on the wings of an elf? Then I will not close the window so that you can fly into it at any time.

I'm waiting for you all the time, at any time of the day... Come, come, come... Come back! I wait for your calls like a miracle. I pierce the phone with anticipation. And if it’s not you calling, I’m very, very upset.
I need your calls, my sunshine. Why do I call you sunshine? It’s just that no one but you will warm me with your warmth: I only need you. Your name warms me. I call you in my dreams. Maybe you hear my call? Answer me, otherwise I’ll just go crazy... I want to hear your steps coming in the corridor. I want to know that you feel good with me, that we will always be together...

A letter to a man at a distance in your own words

Only through happiness and love did I see how much space there is on this earth for self-expression and that there is always time for it. Do whatever you want and only what you want and when you want. Our expressions are free and joyful. Don’t stop there, from this happiness create an even happier life.

Help this cynical and weak world, it needs you, I really need you. I am with you forever. Only one thing cannot be changed: there is no one like you. It's a pity that you don't exist, because I love you. It's me again.


You know who. And if you don’t know, then you’ll probably guess. So this is me. Me again. And again you are in my dreams. And again I am alone with myself, with my thoughts. And again you are in them. And you and I together. And we feel good.

I hug you tightly. I believe that a sincere hug should be strong. So are my feelings. Those bright feelings that I feel for you.

Romantic letter to a beloved man, boyfriend from a girl

Just as good, just as beloved as in those days... which we spent together... Know that all the passion that was between us was for no one else... it is only for you... I love you madly... I will never trade you for easy flirting ...for a temporary hobby...Your words about love for me cause a slight chill throughout my whole body...and I imagine it’s as if you were hugging me and gently whispering in my ear something that makes me want to rejoice...I put shackles on myself...I don’t I need freedom... I only need you... and there is no room left in my head for others... all the principles that were there turned out to be just wind... wind in my thoughts... I replaced them... replaced them with you... I love you... Hello, my dear beloved. You, You will probably be surprised to see this letter somewhere on the site... Yes, today many are so shy about beautiful love letters.

Sensual letter to your loved one


I love you, Radnulka, and I won’t give it to anyone :)! I wanted to run away from you, rather I wanted to run away from myself... but I can't. I can’t forget you, my thoughts are all about you, I understand, I understand everything, but I don’t want it. Every time I understand and catch myself thinking that I need to forget you. YOU, you, you... Everything is YOU. Do not need anything. Only you.

I don't want to live, I don't want to breathe, I can't do this, I can't. YOU are my air, YOU are my life... YOU are everything to me... At least this way, but this way you are a little closer. I know I'll never see you again. For you, I do not exist and never have existed. I know all this, but this is the only way I can communicate with you, only by melting, I can talk about my love, this is the only way I can love you, this is the only way you are mine.

How to write a kind and gentle letter to your loved one, a man?

As usual, I don’t write anything about my life so that you don’t get upset. It's better this way. Spring is starting soon for me. Her breath can already be felt everywhere. Oddly enough, spring always seems to me with your face. I don’t remember how it happened, but it’s been so long that it’s become a habit. Someday I will be released, or I will run away from here. I’m already able to cast some spells with which everything around me is stuffed and covered. It’s okay, I feel like, another five years and I’ll break free. We will definitely see you. Love for you helps me find the keys to many spells. Often they simply fall apart when I hold your Name as a scent on my lips. I don’t know about you, but I live only by love for you. Just the knowledge that you exist on earth. Of course, you can imagine where I am. Miracles here will surprise no one.

A letter to your beloved guy about feelings in your own words

Someone has enough strength to turn away from the purity and happiness of the life happening to him, from the life-giving ocean of joy splashing at his feet and indulge in despondency, sorrow and joylessness with all the determination of a desperate person. Peace be with you, O people, but life never turns away from anyone, and as long as you are alive, an ocean of joy is at your feet. Allow yourself to step into it, wet your feet with sparkling cleanliness, be in childhood for at least a moment - and your life will sparkle with new colors. But there is no determination. Invisible but strong chains hold a person captured by them and do not allow them to cross the line that has become forbidden. In the eyes of such people, at least a little, hides an unspoken dream of a joyful, happy, free life. Free? Aren't we free people? Yes, man is free, and his freedom extends so far that he is free even to choose his slavery.

A letter to a beloved man. beautiful letters for men.

I also ask you to excuse me for switching to a personal address, which I find appropriate to a person I care about. Plus, it's still better for intimate conversation. While I was thinking about the prospect of meeting each other and thinking about writing this letter, it gave me some thoughts. Can you remember, looking back in time, when you felt good with someone, when you felt an unexpected attraction to a person, when you realized that you both value and cherish the same values.

This is truly a rare but satisfying feeling that requires something special. Personally, it’s not at all difficult for me to remember what feelings you experience in such rare moments when you feel your magical connection with another person. As you read this letter and begin to understand all our similarities, it is possible that you begin to wonder.

A letter to a man in your own words

But the thought of you, that tomorrow we will be together again, gives me strength. You are the one I need, who understands me and supports me. You are the one with whom I can be serious, kind, angry, gloomy, cheerful. I know that in any mood you will support me and understand. I love you, life without you makes no sense, is empty and monotonous. I’m ready to give everything so that we spend days and nights together, and our feelings do not fade away.” A letter to your beloved guy in your own words at a distance There are times when your soulmate is not around. He is drafted into the army or goes to study. In general, you had to separate for a while. There is nothing more pleasant when, many kilometers from your beloved, you receive love news. This gives hope that you will meet again soon. At such moments, you need to make it clear how difficult it is for you without him. And here is an example of a letter for such a situation. “My sweetie, my soulmate.

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Friends, please do not judge me harshly. I’m probably wrong, and this letter should not be seen by the world, and the world should not see this letter. Perhaps it should be written and burned. It may not even have had the right to be written. But I do what I do. And I can't bring myself to do anything differently. This is a letter to an ex-boyfriend. It is written as a cry from the soul, as a farewell kiss, as an unspoken hope. It is written into a past that has no future. In general, here is actually my letter to a guy about love, which will not end up in an envelope and will not fly to the addressee.

Hello, my friend!


Only with this phrase can I convey how much I miss you.

I’m writing this letter to you and I know that it won’t change anything, it’s too late to change anything. But I can’t carry all this pain and aching melancholy within me anymore. And so I pour it all out on paper. Although you probably won’t even read this letter...

I love you madly! I love you for a long time and constantly. Even on the day when I asked you to remain friends, I loved you with every fiber.

Why did I do this? Then it seemed to me that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was unworthy of you. I thought that our relationship was becoming obsolete and wanted to end it on a good note. God, how wrong I was! Alas, this mistake cannot be corrected, although I have regretted what I did thousands and millions of thousands of times.

I dream about you very often, and every morning I don’t want to wake up in order to prolong these dreams at least a little.

Now it seems to me that the reason for our separation is my fear, my uncertainty and my haste. You have always been a mystery to me, a puzzle. But no matter how hard I tried to unravel you, to get closer to you, I couldn’t. I wanted to lose myself in our love, but your incredible mystery made me think that there was some kind of wall that I couldn’t get over. And I gave up. I didn’t have enough strength, patience, and I abandoned our love.

The strangest thing is that when I asked you not to hold me and let me go, I desperately wanted you not to let me go...

And yet I continued to love you. So I suggested that we remain friends. After all, you can see a friend, you can touch him, you can communicate, and you can continue to admire him.

And I loved just looking at you! You are so beautiful, brutal, unusual. When I looked at you, I felt tenderness growing in me. Yes, yes, tenderness! She gradually grew and became stronger, like an avalanche. And I really wanted to give it all to you, so that you could bathe in it, so that you would be happy. But I didn't know how to do this.

I still remember many moments of our love. And for me this memory is worth its weight in gold.

I remember our crazy train ride. I remember how your friends made fun of us. I was embarrassed, but at the same time I didn’t care, because I was happy from our crazy love.

I remember a bouquet of cornflowers. It was the most beautiful bouquet of my life!

I remember how we fooled around. I remember your smile, your jokes that drove me crazy.

And one of the most valuable memories is our night under the starry sky.

I remember how we met. It's impossible to forget. Although... Maybe you forgot. But I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you for anything! It is my fault. The fact is that she refused all this.

I remember even the most ordinary things, because they ceased to be ordinary when you were nearby.

I remember our walks after breaking up. And how desperately I wanted to get you back, but I couldn’t.

And also music. The music you listened to was not the music I liked to listen to. But at the same time, I admired your musical passions! By the way, I still fell in love with several melodies from you. And when I listen to them, your image immediately pops up in front of me.

Now I caught myself thinking: I don’t even have a single photo of us together. I wonder if you have such a photo... I would like to have one. Not to mourn, no. In order to look at her and remember our happiness with a smile.

We remained friends, but we had already grown apart. We don't see each other like before. You are in another city, I have my own family... We very rarely call each other. Basically, in order to congratulate you on the next holiday.

Or maybe you want to reduce our communication to nothing? And I won't let you do this? If that's the case, then I wouldn't want to force myself on you. I didn’t value our love, but I value our friendship. However, if she bothers you, I have to let it go, I have to let you go and not bother me anymore.

I'll finish this letter and call you. And I’ll find out how you feel about our communication.

But even if... if this is our last conversation, I will have happy memories of OUR time and endless love for you, and after this letter I will not say a word about them anymore. Nobody will know. Only my heart will know.

I love you.

Even though this is a letter to the past, which has no future, it made me feel a little better.

Thank you for everything and be happy! I promise that your name will sound in every prayer I pray.

Sorry if anyone was confused by my letter to my ex-boyfriend.

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Hello, darling!
How are you there? How is your health? What's new with you?
Dear, I am writing you a letter. because I no longer found a way to express all my feelings and emotions. You know very well how long I have been waiting for a man like you, it is you who give me my dreams. I feel so inspired that any angel could envy me. Looking at your photo. my heart starts beating faster and faster every minute. It takes my breath away and gives me goosebumps all over my body. This is Love! I feel that you and I will be together. This is my wish, and I always make it!

Masya, I dream of the day when we will be alone with you. in the evenings I imagine how you take me to a wonderful place where everything exists only for the two of us. These hours will be the happiest and most beautiful for us. I want to plunge into your arms, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your presence…….

Darling. the only one, thank you for being with me. Only you can make my life truly happy. I love every cell of yours, every centimeter of your body, every smile, touch, look... I want you to look at me all my life, with your bottomless eyes! My happiness, my dear, my beloved, you are the most wonderful person, and wherever you are, whatever you do, may my love warm and protect you!

And most importantly, believe that no matter what happens, you are always in my heart. All my thoughts are only about you and about our life together with you. I so want you to be next to me always! I’ve already stopped thinking about what happened in the past, it’s as if it didn’t exist at all. I think only about the future, about our future with you! I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there was so much that was still unsolved in this person. I have never met a person with whom hours flew by like minutes and I would never want to part with. so close and dear to me. like you, with whom it is so easy, cozy and calm. Kitten. How I want to feel the warmth of your hands, I so want to be with you as soon as possible.

I don't know why I wrote all this. maybe because I love you madly... I am constantly haunted by the feeling that I have known you all my life. You know, when I first saw you, I thought: will anything work out with you? As you can see, it worked! You are probably smiling now, I really love your smile. How painful it is in my heart that you are not around, my dear, I think about you all the time, I dream of only one thing - to see you quickly, to feel the taste of your lips, the tenderness of your hands, to look into your eyes. I believe we will definitely be together, because you want this too, I know! So everything is in our hands. Everything will be wonderful with us... I kiss you tightly, hug you, love you and wait...... Your girl.

P.S My dear, I’m always there... Even now, when there are kilometers of dull roads between us. I am with you - with every drop of rain that knocks on your window, I am with you - with every ray of sunshine that wakes you up in the morning, I am with you - with every gust of wind that brings long-awaited coolness at night... I believe you and know that we can overcome any difficulties.

My dear, the only one, thank you very much for what I have. Only you can make my life truly happy. I am ready to give everything in the world for your “I love you” and for you to be happy with me. Wherever you are, whatever you do, may my love protect you!

Thank you for your strength, your wisdom, your beauty and even harmfulness:) For the fact that with you I learned what REAL LOVE is... I am very glad that we met. For me now there is no greater happiness than to love you, to be loved by you. I'm terribly afraid of losing you and that's why sometimes (Maybe not sometimes:)) I act stupid. I want to see happiness in your eyes and know that you need me. I want you to trust me. My dear, please, let’s never quarrel or betray each other.

Beloved, We must understand each other, support and protect each other. You and I have been through a lot together, we still have a lot to do together. I love you, Radnulka, and I won’t give it to anyone :)!

I wanted to run away from you, rather I wanted to run away from myself... but I can't. I can’t forget you, my thoughts are all about you, I understand, I understand everything, but I don’t want it.
Every time I understand and catch myself thinking that I need to forget you. YOU, you, you... Everything is YOU. Do not need anything. Only you. I don't want to live, I don't want to breathe, I can't do this, I can't. YOU are my air, YOU are my life... YOU are everything to me...

At least this way, but this way you are a little closer. I know I'll never see you again. For you, I do not exist and never have existed. I know all this, but this is the only way I can communicate with you, only by melting, I can talk about my love, this is the only way I can love you, this is the only way you are mine. You know, you must feel me, me, who is no longer there, who was not there before you... was not before, no and after - you were there, I was there too... You disappeared, a month has passed, a lot of time has passed, an eternity has passed. Just not for me. I remember everything, I feel everything as if it was a second ago, you just went for coffee, or just got distracted to talk. Although an eternity has passed, everything has passed, more time has passed, much more, but for me you always sit next to me, you are nearby, you will always be nearby, even though you are not there. Let me go…

No, don't let go, you are everything to me, you are my life. I thought I wouldn't write anymore... but I can't. YOU are in everything, YOU are in me, YOU fill me completely. I am everything that now lives for you, only for you. Even if I never see you, know, at least just feel... I am always yours, and I will be everything for you.
It’s incredibly strange that you, or rather I, don’t see anyone other than you in people. I do not want it. I'm trying to find at least a pathetic likeness, a small copy of you, but which is not a bit like you, will never be even a little like you. Will never be the meaning of my life, will never be my soul, will never be life for me. I’m probably repeating myself, and you’re tired of it, although I know, I’m sure that you will never read this, you don’t exist, you’re just a fairy tale invented by me... But that’s the only way I talk to you.

You know how much I want you to be happy. Even here, “only in me,” I’m afraid to bore you, I’m afraid to be too frank, I’m afraid to seem annoying... Funny...

It’s funny even to me... Or rather, what’s left of me is funny to my body, since it cannot die along with the soul, with the soul that belongs only to you, which this body no longer has.

The only thing that stops me, stops my soul, is that I want, at least from a distance, at least for a moment, at least impulsively, to make your life a little brighter, even a drop, and I believe in this, this is the only hope, which still gives life to my body, no, rather not life, it gives it hope, boundless hope... fills it... Thank you...

I won't prove anything to you anymore. You yourself have the right to think as you see fit. I just want you to know, Sergei, I’m crazy about you, there’s no peace when you’re not around, I lose control of myself when we’re together. Having loved you, I found suffering... fear that haunts me... fear of losing you... I had many dreams, but I forgot everything as soon as you appeared, because you are my most important dream... the one that replaces all the others for me. I gave myself to you without reserve...

I don’t want you to let me go... I only need you... you are my beloved... I am completely yours... I am terribly sad without you, I don’t exist without you... Now you are my guardian, my angel, my passion... I so want to be with you ...completely in your power... Now I want to sit down next to you... kiss you... tenderly, tenderly... I want you madly... only you... I am waiting and will wait for that meeting, which is still so far away... Previously... I was afraid of time... that it is so fast is running, but now I really want it to pass quickly, so that you will appear in my eyes again... Just as good, just as beloved as in those days... that we spent together... Know that all the passion that was between us was her no one else... she is only for you... I love you madly...

I will never exchange you for a light flirtation...for a temporary infatuation...Your words about love for me cause a slight chill throughout my whole body...and I imagine as if it were you hugging me and gently whispering in my ear something that makes me want to rejoice... I put shackles on myself... I don’t need freedom... I only need you... and there is no room left in my head for others... all the principles that were there turned out to be just wind... wind in my thoughts... I replaced them... replaced them with you... I love you...

Hello my sweet lover.
You will probably be surprised to see this letter somewhere on the site... Yes, today many are so shy about beautiful love letters. No, I’m not afraid or ashamed of my feelings, I’m not ashamed to talk about love... And even if this letter falls into someone’s hands, someone decisively reads it, I won’t blush, no, I’ll even be pleased with the fact that my feelings will stir up the feelings of others...

My love letter is my love song to you, my dear beloved... I just really appreciate the feelings that you have for me, the awe that envelops you when you just think about me... Nowadays, it’s rare for anyone to love the way you know how to love You…
A letter to a loved one in separation is not just a letter, it is a dream and dreams, it is the belief that the separation will end, that you, my sweet and smart romantic, will one day open the door, call me tenderly, I will quietly come to you... And that’s all what was written in a letter to a loved one will actually happen...

I often imagine how you hold my letter near your face, how, after reading it, you take off your glasses, enjoy the smell of the lined sheet, slowly inhale its aroma: the aroma of the pen that left a mark on the paper... and the aroma of the hand that tenderly and tenderly traced these letters for you...
How precious is a letter to a loved one... Many have stopped keeping these magical messengers of love, but you and I keep, we keep not only letters, we also keep our feelings... We keep all this so that our son, after reading our correspondence, will read our soul ( after all, we put our soul into a love letter), knew how to write a love letter to his beloved...

The world, my dear, is so huge, it is impossible to travel around it even in a few months, and you and I keep our world in our warm hearts. I believe that our separation will not last long, that when you re-read my letter, you will remember my world, and when you come to me, you will give me your peace - a world of love, a world of tenderness, the peace of your trembling soul.
I impatiently seal my envelope, gently put it in the mailbox and imagine that very soon it will be in your hands... and you will dream about me, dream about our meeting.

Love language for men in funny SMS to your loved one

How to choose a gift for a guy?


Confessing love is never easy. I want it to be beautiful. But the most important thing in such a matter is sincerity; it is this that captivates the most. You can try to express your feelings through writing.

Declaration of love to a guy in prose: examples

There can be many options for declaring your love, it all depends on your command of words, here are cheat sheets that you can use.

  • My dearest. I remember the time when I first saw you, I heard a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger. I am sure that fate gave us this meeting. Now I can shout to the whole world: I’m happy! I love you! And I definitely want to always be with you!
  • You are only mine! You drive me crazy, your voice and your smile make my heart beat faster... You are the most dear and desirable to me! Without you I cannot breathe, exist and live! You are my happiness!
  • I want to fall asleep and wake up next to you. Seeing your smile every day, hugging and kissing you, holding your hand, dreaming together... And all because I love you very much...
  • Hello. I am a very important message, tasked with conveying words of love to you from...
  • You are my sweetest, kindest, gentlest and most affectionate cat in the world! Love you madly!
  • You are a very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take an active part in this.

We select beautiful words for our loved one:

  1. Expensive. Many who hear this word understand it as “priceless.” To be priceless is a great rarity and privilege.
  2. Darling. A shiver runs through the body when a man hears this sincere word from the one he also loves.
  3. Sexy. This greatly increases male self-esteem.
  4. Affectionate. A pleasant, beautiful, sincere, albeit simple word. But men want to hear him.
  5. Gentle. Even a strong person wants to be like that for his beloved, so don’t be afraid to say this word.
  6. Generous. This word basically encourages men to be even more generous than they already are. You'll see - you'll get a new gift.
  7. Extraordinary. How nice it is to be like this!

How to write a letter about your feelings?

In the age of modern technology, writing a letter on a piece of paper and sending it by mail is a long-forgotten task. But this is perhaps one of the most romantic ways to tell him about your feelings. Such a letter will not be forgotten; you can save it and, if you get bored, re-read it again.

As for the content of the letter, you need to write about your feelings yourself. Under no circumstances use famous lyric poems or words from songs; in general, forget about plagiarism!

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