The right diet for drying the body: a weekly menu for women. Body drying menu for girls by day

Not every girl who goes to the gym is going to compete, but probably everyone will one day want to cut and see her body with a minimum percentage of fat. A period of fat burning should be carried out if a certain muscle mass has already been gained and there is a permanent period of work, calculated in months (at least six months), otherwise there will simply be nothing to “dry”. It is also important to understand that proper drying is not just about losing weight, it is about reducing the fat layer while preserving muscle mass as much as possible.

Drying for girls at home and for competitions is not much different, as is the daily menu, since in both cases the main task is to acquire a beautiful, sculpted body. The only difference is that in the last days of the competition, a more strict diet is used: water consumption is limited and carbohydrates are completely eliminated, and the day or a few hours before going on stage, the athlete consumes carbohydrates and gets a full muscular body.

But this is all very individual, and such actions are best carried out under the supervision of a personal trainer. If drying is required for life, then there is no need to carry out any schemes with carbohydrates and water. Let's find out what body drying should be like for girls. We will write out the menu for the month by day for the first 7 days, and indicate the principles of manipulating nutrients in subsequent stages.

How to start drying girls

On average, a fat burning diet lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the existing fat layer. It’s better to set realistic goals and not expect to dry out in one week. The start of drying should always be smooth and gradual, this way it is much easier to endure food restrictions, and the result is a better shape than when you are in a hurry and do everything at an accelerated pace.

Meals during drying should be fractional, in small portions - 5-7 times a day and only. Carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, or before training – 1-2 hours before. Immediately after training, it is recommended to drink whey protein isolate, and half an hour later, eat a full meal of vegetables and protein.

Any girl should definitely include polyunsaturated fats in her menu when drying her body, which are found in (especially a lot of red fats - salmon, trout, pink salmon), nuts, avocado and flaxseed oil. A deficiency of fats is extremely harmful for the female body, which can cause the absence of menstruation, deterioration of the hair and skin, so do not be afraid of the right fats.

What should be excluded from the menu immediately:

  • sugar
  • cakes and any baked goods
  • products containing animal fats - butter, sour cream, milk, fatty meats - pork, lamb, fatty parts of chicken and beef

Can be consumed in moderation:

  • fruits with a high glycemic index - pear, banana, peach no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first week, sour berries and fruits with low GI can be consumed throughout the drying period, but in moderation
  • sometimes you can eat starchy vegetables - corn, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (of course, boiled or baked without oil and only in the first or second week)
  • egg yolks, but no more than 2 per day

What can girls eat during drying:

  • boiled or baked chicken breasts, skinless turkey fillet, egg whites, any fish, including red, seafood
  • low-fat cottage cheese, but no more than once a day
  • fresh greens and vegetables high in fiber - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, salads of any kind, celery, parsley

You can eat as much non-starchy vegetables as you want; they are not taken into account when calculating the calorie content of your diet, since they have practically no calories. It is also important to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

How and how much carbohydrates to eat

Carbohydrates are probably the most difficult thing for girls who stick to the cutting menu. An excess of them can slow down the fat burning process, and a deficiency will significantly worsen your psychological and physical condition. If you feel constant lethargy, fatigue and apathy while drying at home, and are ready to break out and eat a huge cake, then you should increase the amount of complex (not simple!) carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that serious restrictions await you, and you will always experience a slight feeling of hunger, but if you feel like a vegetable and are unable to do anything, then this is wrong! Therefore, you should focus not only on average indicators, but also on your own feelings and body characteristics, if necessary, increasing or decreasing complex carbohydrates.

For example, let’s take a girl weighing 55-60 kg and height 165-168 cm. In the first week of drying, she will need 100 grams of carbohydrates every day, that is, 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. With each week they will decrease, in the second you should reduce it to 60-50 grams per day, in the third you should consume no more than 50 grams, but monitor your feelings. Fourth week - we reduce the consumption of coals to a minimum, if weight loss is not going well, then we alternate 50 grams - for two days, that is, one day without carbohydrates at all, the second day - 50 grams for breakfast.

All carbohydrates are calculated in dry form, since porridge swells when cooked, and accordingly the weight increases. Where to get it - from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Number of proteins

When drying, you need at least 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight, that is, a girl weighing 50-55 will need at least 100 grams. However, if a girl has decent muscle mass, and her weight is 60-65 kg due to muscles, then she needs to increase the amount of proteins in her menu to 150-200 grams per day. You should predominantly consume protein from animal foods - meat, fish, eggs and protein; vegetable protein is consumed in an amount of no more than 10-20%.

In the first two weeks of drying, the amount of proteins is 50-70%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the third-fourth week proteins - 70-80%, fats - 10%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the last week proteins are reduced to the maximum, and carbohydrates to a minimum, fats remain, you can determine the ideal ratio yourself depending on your own shape and well-being.

Photos of girls before and after drying

The “Drying Diet” is a popular nutrition system, and it has long been known and enjoys maximum popularity among athletes. This diet is aimed at getting rid of fat and normalizing weight, and most importantly - as quickly as possible. The goal of cutting the body is to get rid of fat cells in the body as much as possible, while still fully maintaining muscle mass. It is basically a low ketone diet, often referred to as a ketone diet.

By reducing the maximum amount of carbohydrates in the diet (to a critical level), which, as is known, are the main “fuel” for the life of all organs and systems, the body is forced to switch to the energetic extraction of fat reserves and their processing into energy.

The peculiarity of the diet is that you not only lose weight, but also reduce the amount in the body while maintaining muscle.

Thus, this system is very famous among male bodybuilders who are interested in defined muscles as well as maximum fat destruction. Modern girls, with the help of a body drying diet, also strive to acquire a sophisticated, attractive and toned figure.

Roughly speaking, drying the body is carbohydrate starvation, or more precisely, the gradual elimination of carbohydrates from the diet. Since consuming large amounts of carbohydrates in excess leads to the formation of fat deposits, avoiding such foods helps break down existing fats to provide the energy the body needs. So, let's find out the basic principles of the best diet for drying the body:

  • in the process of actively drying the body, it is important to engage in sports (especially aerobic sports);
  • you can eat fractionally, in small quantities, at certain times of the day, up to four to five times;
  • drink more water/green or ginger tea without sugar (two to three liters per day);
  • do not eat two hours before training and two hours after;
  • don't skip breakfast;
  • dinner is very light;
  • all food is prepared exclusively in boiled, stewed or steamed form;
  • do not allow a sharp decrease in glucose levels so as not to provoke the occurrence of severe and complex complications;
  • The duration of the program is 6 weeks, and by the end of the diet, carbohydrate intake should be minimal.

Do you want a sculpted body? You will have to give up fruits and, and all protein products should be consumed only in low-fat form. In addition, prohibited foods include fast food, flour and baked goods, smoked meats, canned goods, spicy foods, soda and alcohol.

The first thing to do is to eliminate the consumption of sweets and fast food products: cookies, cakes, sandwiches and chocolates. These are sources of fast carbohydrates that cause the greatest harm to our figure. Then, after a couple of days, you need to give up flour products: pasta. By the beginning of drying, of all carbohydrates in the diet, cereals should remain, and sometimes one small piece of whole grain, rye or black bread (stale or dried) should be found.

During this month, while you are on a diet, your carbohydrate intake should not exceed one hundred grams per day - in the form of cereals, legumes. There are fruits separately, but strictly in limited quantities. strictly prohibited.

The basis of the diet for drying the body is protein foods: egg whites, chicken breast, boiled eggs, cottage cheese, white fish. Morning is the time for oatmeal, buckwheat, rye pasta, cucumbers, cabbage, herbs, tomatoes, bell peppers. The total amount of carbohydrates allowed is no more than two grams per kilogram of body weight per day during the first 2 weeks of the diet. Later they decrease to one gram per kilogram of body weight per day.

It is important to season your food with small amounts of cold-pressed vegetable oil. At first, you can eat a small piece of whole bread a day until your body gets used to coping and feeling full without it.

If it is very difficult to live without carbohydrates, during the first week of cutting, snacks in the form of 1 or half a day are allowed.

Sample menu for the day

Since each person still has his own preferences, the example menu below can be considered an example. This is an example of how to combine foods while on a diet. You can come up with individual combinations of approved products yourself, this will help achieve the desired effect with the help of a diet for drying the body. Approximate menu for three days with active body drying:

BreakfastCup (without), two egg whites, onOmelet with (steamed), teaOmelette of two egg whites, one medium-sized fresh cucumber, tea without sugar
DinnerBoiled chicken breast (one hundred and fifty grams), salad withStewed with herbs and chicken breast (two hundred grams)Mushroom soup without (two hundred grams), boiled breast (one hundred grams), greens
Afternoon snackOne hundred grams boiled in waterOne hundred and fifty grams of low fat with a glass of one percentFresh cucumber salad and olive oil (can be replaced) – two hundred and fifty grams
DinnerStewed or boiled low-fat fish, stewed cabbage without addingTwo hundred grams of buckwheat boiled in water with one hundred grams of boiled dietarySteamed low-fat fish, cabbage salad seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice

Important: if you have liver and kidney diseases, heart and gastrointestinal disorders, or a lack of muscle mass, this type of weight loss is strictly prohibited.

Please note that this menu is approximate. When creating the right diet for yourself, do not forget that it should be mainly protein. Frying food is strictly prohibited, but it can be steamed, boiled, stewed in a slow cooker, or baked in the oven. You should not add fatty sauces to your diet, which make the dish high in calories. You can also add pepper to your dishes, but in minimal dosages so as not to whet your appetite.

Don't forget about water: it needs to be consumed regularly and in large quantities, especially during training, two to three liters per day is the ideal amount of water. Water not only improves metabolic processes, but also helps the body remove toxins, waste and the results of the breakdown of fat cells from the body.

Fruits, dried fruits or nuts can also be used as snacks. But these products must be consumed strictly in a limited form, without fanaticism, since the products are, in fact, very high in calories. You can also add low-fat fermented milk products to your diet; they have a positive effect on the condition of the intestines and digestive tract.

The presented menu differs from the menu of bodybuilders, since during their diet the body is subjected to major stress, which can even be dangerous for the ordinary human body. This diet for drying the body is enough to emphasize the relief in a month.

Physical activity when drying the body

Exercise when drying the abs, muscles and body plays a decisive role, because they help keep the muscles toned, the skin does not sag and the weight loss process is significantly accelerated. The most useful aerobic exercises (running, cycling, aerobics, dancing), especially running, not fast, but not slow, aimed at training endurance.

Sports are an important point. The effectiveness of sports activities can be observed if one session lasts at least forty minutes of active exercise interspersed with cardio. The main thing to remember is that training should be carried out at a time when the amount of carbohydrates in the body is minimal, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a positive effect. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise either after work in the gym, or early in the morning, before breakfast, when the body has not yet stored carbohydrate reserves. Before training, it is recommended to eat an apple, one or half a grapefruit.

Regarding various chemical fat burners for athletes, doctors warn that their use is very dangerous and can lead to an excessive acceleration of metabolism and increases the risk of developing ketoacidosis. For this reason, try to avoid any “chemistry”, since it is safer and more profitable to spend a month and a half on losing weight than to spend many years after rapid chemical weight loss to restore lost health.

The body drying diet for women helps to get rid of excess fat deposits by adjusting the diet in combination with active physical activity. Its difference from other methods of losing weight is that it makes it possible to eliminate fat and preserve muscle mass by creating a carbohydrate deficiency. As we know, if excess carbohydrates enter the body, they are not wasted as energy, but are transformed into adipose tissue. If foods rich in carbohydrates are limited in the diet, then fat tissue will be consumed by the body to obtain the same energy, due to which we will lose weight. Initially, drying was used by bodybuilders, but now it has become popular among other categories of people, in particular among women who play sports for themselves. Let's look at the basic principles of the cutting diet and its sample menu.

A cutting diet for women requires adherence to the following principles:

  • You need to eat often and in small portions. Optimal frequency: five times a day, of which three main meals and two snacks.
  • We limit the amount of salt in the diet.
  • We definitely have breakfast.
  • It is recommended to have dinner exclusively with proteins.
  • Control your calories. It will depend on your weight, age, and physical activity. On average, during drying you need to consume 1500-1800 kcal per day, but deviations in one direction or another are acceptable.
  • By the middle of the diet, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet gradually decreases, then also gradually increases, and we return to our usual diet.
  • Physical activity plays an important role. You should exercise several times a week, and focus on strength training. You can go to the gym or exercise at home.
  • Do not eat an hour before training and two hours after it.
  • The diet usually lasts 4-6 weeks.
  • Weigh yourself regularly and remember that safe weight loss is up to 1 kilogram per week.

Nutritional Features

The body drying diet for women primarily consists of a protein diet, a gradually decreasing amount of carbohydrates and a minimal amount of vegetable fats.

Carbohydrates in the diet are mainly represented by whole grain cereals, which are important sources of dietary fiber necessary for normal intestinal function. Brown rice and buckwheat are allowed to be consumed only at the first stage of the diet.

The main products for drying the body for women are protein products, and their list will be as follows:

  • egg whites;
  • chicken breasts, turkey fillet;
  • beef, veal;
  • white fish varieties;
  • skim cheese;
  • low-fat kefir and yogurt.
  • Various seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels, seaweed and so on.

In addition, there are other products that can complement the drying diet:

  • buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • pasta made from whole grain or rye flour;
  • bran;
  • tofu, milk and other soy products;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • unrefined oil as the main source of fat.

It is important to drink enough water. Unsweetened tea and natural coffee are also allowed. Sugar is excluded during drying. Green apples, grapefruits, kiwis, and lemons are allowed as fruits. Alcoholic, carbonated drinks, sweets, baked goods, fast food, pickles, and canned food are prohibited. It is often recommended to supplement the diet with all kinds of sports nutrition supplements.

Drying has contraindications. These are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart, diabetes. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who do not have muscle mass.

Drying diet for girls: menu by week

The optimal drying time for girls is five weeks. In the first week, carbohydrate fasting should not be too harsh. Let's look at what a cutting diet for women will look like, the menu of which you will find below.

First week

The amount of carbohydrates consumed this week is limited to 2 grams per 120 kg weight. That is, with a weight of 60 kg per day you will need 120 g of carbohydrates. Their main sources are whole grain cereals, for example, buckwheat. It is recommended to eat eggs, chicken fillet, fish, and cottage cheese. Use salt and seasonings to a minimum. You can use grapefruit or a green apple as a snack. The body drying diet menu for women this week may look like this:

  • Breakfast: three boiled eggs, two of which without yolk, fruit, green tea.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled chicken fillet, salad of greens and cucumbers with lemon juice dressing, a glass of orange juice.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of white boiled fish, one citrus fruit.
  • Breakfast: 200 grams of oatmeal, fruit, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of chicken fillet, cabbage salad, grapefruit juice.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of tea.
  • Breakfast: three egg white omelette, a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: 200 grams of stewed fish, cucumber and cabbage salad with olive oil, orange.
  • Dinner: fruit salad, 100 grams of cottage cheese, tea.
  • Breakfast: multigrain muesli, two boiled eggs, tea.
  • Lunch: 250 grams of boiled chicken fillet, vegetable soups.
  • Dinner: buckwheat, 200 ml of yogurt.
  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs of three eggs and a tomato, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: white baked fish, buckwheat, boiled in water.
  • Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese, citrus, herbal tea.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal, a glass of low-fat milk, fruit.
  • Lunch: 250 grams of boiled squid, 100 grams of durum wheat pasta, salad with cucumber.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of white boiled fish, orange juice.
  • Breakfast: 200 grams of muesli, hard-boiled egg, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: cauliflower soup without potatoes, 250 grams of chicken fillet, cabbage salad.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of cottage cheese, fruit salad.

You can have a snack with unsweetened fruit, a small amount of nuts, something protein and low-fat. If you want to eat late in the evening or before bed, eat proteins or drink low-fat kefir.

Second week

In the first week, the body adapts to the beginning of drying, and in the second week it intensifies. Fruits are excluded from the diet. We calculate carbohydrates using the formula 1 gram per kg of weight. The amount of protein increases accordingly and makes up 4/5 of the entire diet. Fat – 20%. An evening body drying diet menu for women may include boiled chicken, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Carbohydrates and fats can only be consumed for breakfast and lunch.

In the second week, the diet will become easier, as the body gradually gets used to it and protests less.

Third week

This week is very difficult, since carbohydrates on the menu will be presented in a minimum amount - 0.5 g per kg of weight. It is important to monitor your body, since a deficiency of carbohydrates can cause weakness. To support it, it is recommended to use multivitamin complexes.

When you feel the first signs of illness, you can drink a glass of fruit juice. Chicken breast, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, and bran should remain on the menu. Cereals and grains are excluded.

Fourth and fifth week

This week's menu should be determined by how you feel. If you tolerate drying well, you can repeat the menu of the third week; if discomfort is felt, the menu of the second week. Then the amount of carbohydrates gradually increases, the menu of the first week is repeated, and gradually we return to our usual diet. Workout After the diet you need to continue.

Experts strongly recommend supplementing your diet when cutting not only with vitamins, but also with sports nutrition supplements. This is a protein that will help our muscles recover and accelerate their growth processes. You can drink protein shakes after your workout. L-carnitine is also useful, which accelerates fat burning processes. But keep in mind that no supplements can replace good nutrition - they can only supplement it.

Drying workouts

A diet for drying the body, the menu for women for which we have already reviewed, must be combined with physical exercise, otherwise it may simply not produce results. As already mentioned, you don’t need to eat a couple of hours before and after a workout.

Aerobic exercise helps speed up the process of removing fat from the body. You can run, ride a bike, do swings, squats. You can also engage in your favorite active sport - roller skating, ice skating, and so on.

But also power loads when drying are also necessary. They will help you find that desired relief and improve the condition of your muscle mass. It is recommended to perform a set of exercises to work all the muscles of the body.

It is optimal to exercise 3-4 times a week. It is recommended to perform each exercise in several approaches. The break between approaches should be no more than a minute, and the break between different exercises should be no more than five minutes. This will make the fat burning process better.

Drying is a unique system that allows you not only to get rid of excess weight, but to make your body more athletic, sculpted and toned. It may be difficult to endure, but it will be worth it. Please note that it only makes sense to adhere to this nutritional system if you play sports.

Video about nutrition and training for girls during drying

Even the most grueling exercise does not guarantee instant fat burning. Then you have to resort to a special diet called drying. Then you have to resort to a special diet called drying. However, this method of nutrition and training has its own nuances that apply to girls and women. They will be discussed in this article.

The most important thing that you should pay special attention to is nutrition. During the drying period, training is secondary for both women and men.

The drying process is about burning fat and reducing the amount of water. Used by professional athletes to prepare for competitions. Read more in the article "". As already mentioned, drying is used by professionals, but amateurs can use some of the principles of drying, for example, nutrition and training regimen, and get rid of excess fat deposits on the body.

Usually it (the drying period) lasts about 1-2 months (the optimal period is 5-6 weeks) and includes not only mandatory physical activity, but also a thoughtful diet.

Drying nutrition for women

It is important to follow some basic rules when it comes to nutrition.:

Drink more water (about 2.5 liters per day);
- eat only protein foods before training;
- do not eat after training for an hour or two, and after that only protein foods are allowed;
- do not skip breakfast;
- count your calories consumed daily.

List of products that should definitely be excluded:

- bakery;
- sweet, alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- smoked and salted products;
- fast food;
- fruits (except lemons, kiwis, grapefruits, green apples).

Cereals (buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal);
- oat bran;
- pasta made from rye or whole grain flour;
- fresh vegetables (peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beans) and various greens (parsley, dill, cilantro);
- nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pine);
- water;
- unsweetened tea (preferably green or ginger).

You can also leave honey, cocoa, dried fruits, but consume them in limited quantities.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates


The amount of carbohydrates definitely needs to be reduced. This is especially true for simple carbohydrates (most of them are listed among prohibited foods), which should be completely excluded from the diet. However, this needs to be done gradually - for example, by arranging a so-called “pre-drying” period, during which you gradually reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates.

You can leave fruits in your diet (in particular grapefruits, kiwis, lemons and green apples), but they must be consumed in the first half of the day and in small portions. Complex carbohydrates (potatoes, grain bread, cereals) can be eaten, but in limited quantities (no more than twice a day).


It is not prohibited to consume fats, but it is better to do it in small quantities and not on the day of training. It is best if they are contained in natural products such as cottage cheese and milk. It also doesn't hurt to take vitamins with polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, omega-3).


The main part of the diet consists of proteins: chicken breasts and fillets, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, fish, boiled squid, etc. But you should not overdo it with protein intake. The allowed amount is no more than 2 grams per kilogram of weight per day (from the third week of drying it should be reduced to 1 gram per kilogram).

Sample menu for drying the body for women

You can use this menu as a basic one and subsequently modify it to suit your regimen and physical activity. This diet can also be used throughout the drying period.


Breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, two eggs, tea (green or plain, but unsweetened);
- Lunch: meat/fish with buckwheat/rice, low-fat yogurt;
- Snack: a glass of kefir or some nuts;
- Dinner: fruit salad, kefir.


Breakfast: omelet, half a grapefruit, tea (ginger or simply unsweetened);
- Lunch: fish soup (for example, fish soup), boiled fish with rice;
- Snack: a handful of dried fruits;
- Dinner: a portion of meat or fish, vegetables.


Breakfast: oat bran, nuts, green tea;
- Lunch: rice, chicken breast, greens;
- Snack: sandwich with honey;
- Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt.


Breakfast: vegetables, two boiled egg whites, tea (unsweetened);
- Lunch: vegetable soup (you can add potatoes), a portion of meat;
- Snack: kefir and a little cottage cheese;
- Dinner: baked, stewed or steamed fish, vegetable salad (no mayonnaise!).


Breakfast: buckwheat or oatmeal, dried fruits, tea (unsweetened);
- Lunch: boiled fish with stewed beans;
- Snack: a little buckwheat;
- Dinner: fruit salad, yogurt.


Breakfast: porridge, two eggs, tea (ginger, green or simply unsweetened);
- Lunch: stewed mushrooms or beans with chicken, some vegetables;
- Snack: cottage cheese and dried fruits;
- Dinner: steamed fish, seaweed.


Breakfast: egg white omelette, apple, tea (unsweetened/green);
- Lunch: a portion of meat or fish with vegetables and rice;
- Snack: one “allowed” fruit (green apple, half a grapefruit, kiwi);
- Dinner: vegetable salad (no mayonnaise!).

During the entire drying period, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to almost a minimum, but this must be done gradually, excluding fruits, cereals and grains, and reduce water consumption to 1.5 liters per day. In the last week, when the drying period ends and the recovery period begins, it is very important not to “break down” and not “stun” the body with a large amount of simple carbohydrates. Their consumption must be reintroduced gradually, in approximately the same way as they were removed from the diet.

Drying workouts

As for the training program, it is important not to forget about both strength and aerobic training: the former increase calorie consumption, the latter help burn fat. Therefore, the best option is to alternate between strength and aerobic exercise (or strength exercise and rest days instead of aerobic exercise).

Alternate according to the following scheme:

Monday - strength;
- Tuesday - aerobic (or rest);
- environment - power;
- Thursday - aerobic (or rest);
- Friday - power;
- Saturday - aerobic (or rest);
- Sunday - rest.

Both complex exercises that affect several different muscle groups at once, as well as more specialized ones designed to work on a specific group (for example, exercises for the gluteal muscles, leg muscles, abs, etc.) are suitable as strength exercises.

If you choose specialized exercises, it is better to train one or two muscle groups on one training day.

For example :

Monday - buttocks and thighs.
- Wednesday - legs.
- Friday - arms and back.

It wouldn’t hurt to do 1-2 abdominal exercises during each workout. To do this, just start training with the plank for 1-1.5 minutes (or more).

As for aerobic exercise, running, brisk walking, cycling, and jumping are suitable here. You can use special exercise equipment (treadmill, bicycle, Nordic walking machine, etc.). In addition to basic physical activity, active recreation is suitable: swimming, cycling, roller skating, ball games, etc.


Whatever you do, whether you are losing weight, drying out or gaining weight, always think about what you are doing and why exactly it is. Approach the processes of building and modeling your body wisely.

Body drying is a series of special techniques, the purpose of which is to burn subcutaneous fat without harm to the body and muscles. But do not forget that beauty requires sacrifice and this case is no exception. When using this technique, it will take a lot of effort and willpower not to abandon what you started. But if you still decide to start, then you need to properly prepare and study the description of the technique and its features.

The principle of operation of the technique

When eating food, a person receives useful substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. These substances are carbohydrates. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them, but sometimes it happens that carbohydrates are supplied in excess. Then the human body is not able to consume all the carbohydrates received, which in this case are deposited in muscle tissue. Further, when overeating, they tend to turn into fat, which no girl has ever dreamed of. But by eating healthy, low-calorie foods and special exercises, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates you receive to a normal state, after which the body itself will begin to turn to its reserves. The technique must be continued until the fat disappears from the problem areas. The average time to receive results is about 4 weeks.

Diet for cutting

This diet, like any other, is based on the principle of spending more than you receive. The second main principle is to maintain a high metabolic rate.

So you need to remember: if you reduce your food intake to a minimum or refuse food altogether, you will greatly slow down your metabolism and will not achieve anything at all. The body, having sounded the alarm due to a hunger strike, will begin to put aside all the nutrients it receives “in reserve” and will stop consuming subcutaneous fat. As a result, in the second or third week of a strict diet, you will stop losing weight altogether, plus you will develop lethargy and dizziness, not at all from success.

So the basic rules for proper body drying for girls are:

  • calorie deficit
  • high metabolic rate.

The first point, of course, will be fulfilled. But how to achieve the second? It’s very simple - using the principles of fractional nutrition. Divide your breakfast, lunch and dinner into several small meals and eat many times a day.

At the first stage of drying, you should completely abandon carbohydrates. In subsequent stages, carbohydrates and fats should be consumed only in the first half of the day. The basis of the cutting diet is easily digestible protein.

Don't forget to exercise too - training with heavy weights also helps keep your metabolic rate high. And get ready for difficulties, especially at the end of the drying period, when you even have to give up vegetables.

Body drying for girls: nutrition


Fats are divided into 2 types - saturated and unsaturated

Saturated These are “bad” fats. They are included:
- high-fat dairy products: milk, eggs (yolks), cheeses, mayonnaise, butter;
- meat: pork (the most harmful is lard), lamb, any poultry skin;
- cocoa butter. Therefore, the most delicious milk chocolate is at the same time the most dangerous.

Unsaturated These are "good fats". They are included:
- sea fish - it contains a lot of both protein and healthy Omega-3 fats, which help to quickly get rid of fat reserves. But remember: you should not buy canned fish - there is too much salt.

Orekhov. Choose hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts. Ignore salted nuts.


Carbohydrates can be of two types - simple and complex, or fast and slow.

Complex carbohydrates are very important and worth focusing on. Complex: porridge, rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta.

Simple carbohydrates- these are sweets and fruits. They contain sugars, maltose, fructose. You have to be very careful with them. There is no need to completely exclude them from the menu - you just need to consume them in the first half of the day or immediately after training, even if it is in the evening.


They come in animal origin (meat - poultry, fish, beef) and plant origin (beans, beans, peas). Men have a harder time digesting plant protein, while women have an easier time digesting it due to the female hormone estrogen.

Unfortunately, during drying you will have to give up even such obviously healthy foods as fruits. Reduce vegetable oil to 1-2 tablespoons per day, reduce salt intake.

Body drying products

You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. This accelerates metabolism for subsequent fat burning. The fact is that when a person eats twice, or even once a day, the body perceives this as limited food and stores carbohydrates and fats in reserve. As a result, subcutaneous fat accumulates.

If you sometimes don't have the opportunity to eat every three hours, take protein shakes or BCAA capsules with you.

Grocery list

1. Meat. But in no case is it fatty; boiled chicken breasts are ideal - it’s pure protein.

2. Seafood. You can fry fish (only without oil), eat seaweed.

3. Dairy products and eggs. Choose low-fat dairy products: the fat content in cottage cheese should not be higher than 5%, choose one percent kefir.

4. Slowly digestible carbohydrates. Eat bread and cereal for breakfast (just not instant!).

5. Fruits. You can consume it in small quantities, for example, 1 apple per day. Grapefruits and lemons are allowed, but in no case are bananas allowed!

6. Vegetables. The exception is potatoes. Green vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

You should not eat anything 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after training, as your recovery and energy will come from the fat layer under your skin. You need to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. To avoid losing muscle, keep an eye on your protein levels. Eat 6 times a day in small portions, after 6-7 pm do not eat porridge and cereals. The best foods: lean meat, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes.

Rules for drying the body

  • Controlling caloric intake.
  • Gradually reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Before six in the evening you need to eat 70% of your daily calories ().
  • The last meal should be taken 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  • During drying, it is optimal to carry out 4 cardio workouts per week lasting 30-45 minutes and two strength training sessions lasting an hour. Adhere to the following scheme: 20 repetitions per set, rest between sets - 30 seconds, rest between exercises - up to 5 minutes. It is best to focus on basic exercises and full body training.
  • Eat an hour and a half before training and an hour and a half after it.
  • Don't forget to drink water during your workout.
  • Harmless fat consumption is up to 1 kg per week.
  • Weigh yourself every three days in the morning.

Remember that drying the body for girls is a method that is unsafe for the body. A no-carb diet can cause serious health problems and should not be followed continuously. Our body is accustomed to obtaining energy easily and quickly - from glucose, that is, from carbohydrates. This means that cutting out carbohydrates forces the body to use up old fat reserves. After going through the drying stage, you can stick to your normal diet, giving up only fatty and sweet foods - those that disfigure your figure in the shortest possible time.

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