OJSC "Ufa Engine Manufacturing Association". Domestic weapons and military equipment


At the beginning of the war, a number of engine factories, including those from Rybinsk, were evacuated from the Ufa plant square. December 17, 1941 Rybinsk Motor Plant number 26, two Leningrad backup plants (234th and 451st), partly 219th from Moscow, design bureau (Moscow), design bureau of V. A. Dobrynin (Voronezh) and two Ufa plant - motor (384th) and diesel (336th) are combined into a single whole. The new enterprise became the legal successor of the merged plants and received the head number - 26th. In 1943, the plant was given the task of creating a centrifuge for uranium enrichment according to the project of F. F. Lange, necessary for the USSR atomic project.

Subsequently, it was renamed the Ufa Engine-Building Plant, on the basis of which the Ufa Engine-Building Production Association was created in 1978, which in 1993 became the open joint-stock company “Ufa Engine-Building Production Association”.

In August 2011, by order of the General Director of the United Engine Corporation Andrei Reus, the association was determined to be the country's parent enterprise for the production of engines for military aircraft. On the basis of OJSC UMPO, this order created a division of engines for military aviation of OJSC Management Company UEC, the head of which was appointed the managing director of the association, Alexander Artyukhov. One of the results of the formation of the structure was the emergence of two branches of JSC UMPO in 2012: “Experimental Design Bureau named after A. Lyulka” (Moscow) and “Lytkarinsky Machine-Building Plant” (Lytkarino).


Managing Director: Evgeniy Semivelichenko.

Chronological list

  • Ferin Mikhail Alekseevich (1947-1977)
  • Dyakonov Vladislav Dmitrievich (1977-1986)
  • Parashchenko, Vladimir Mikhailovich (1986-1998)
  • Lesunov, Valery Pavlovich (1998-2004)
  • Pustovgarov, Yuri Leonidovich (2004-2006)
  • Artyukhov, Alexander Viktorovich (2006-18.7.2015)
  • Semivelichenko, Evgeniy Alexandrovich (from 07/18/2015)

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An excerpt characterizing the Ufa Engine Production Association

“Pierre!...” she said.
Pierre looked at her questioningly. She kissed the young man's forehead, moistening it with her tears. She paused.
– II n "est plus... [He was gone...]
Pierre looked at her through his glasses.
- Allons, je vous reconduirai. Tachez de pleurer. Rien ne soulage, comme les larmes. [Come on, I'll take you with you. Try to cry: nothing makes you feel better than tears.]
She led him into the dark living room and Pierre was glad that no one there saw his face. Anna Mikhailovna left him, and when she returned, he, with his hand under his head, was fast asleep.
The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre:
- Oui, mon cher, c"est une grande perte pour nous tous. Je ne parle pas de vous. Mais Dieu vous soutndra, vous etes jeune et vous voila a la tete d"une immense fortune, je l"espere. Le testament n"a pas ete encore ouvert. Je vous connais assez pour savoir que cela ne vous tourienera pas la tete, mais cela vous impose des devoirs, et il faut etre homme. [Yes, my friend, this is a great loss for all of us, not to mention you. But God will support you, you are young, and now you are, I hope, the owner of enormous wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough and I am sure that this will not turn your head; but this imposes responsibilities on you; and you have to be a man.]
Pierre was silent.
– Peut etre plus tard je vous dirai, mon cher, que si je n"avais pas ete la, Dieu sait ce qui serait arrive. Vous savez, mon oncle avant hier encore me promettait de ne pas oublier Boris. Mais il n"a pas eu le temps. J "espere, mon cher ami, que vous remplirez le desir de votre pere. [Afterwards, perhaps I will tell you that if I had not been there, God knows what would have happened. You know that the uncle of the third day He promised me not to forget Boris, but he didn’t have time. I hope, my friend, you will fulfill your father’s wish.]
Pierre, not understanding anything and silently, blushing shyly, looked at Princess Anna Mikhailovna. After talking with Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna went to the Rostovs and went to bed. Waking up in the morning, she told the Rostovs and all her friends the details of the death of Count Bezukhy. She said that the count died the way she wanted to die, that his end was not only touching, but also edifying; The last meeting between father and son was so touching that she could not remember him without tears, and that she does not know who behaved better in these terrible moments: the father, who remembered everything and everyone in such a way in the last minutes and such Touching words were spoken to his son, or Pierre, whom it was a pity to see how he was killed and how, despite this, he tried to hide his sadness so as not to upset his dying father. “C"est penible, mais cela fait du bien; ca eleve l"ame de voir des hommes, comme le vieux comte et son digne fils,” [It’s hard, but it’s saving; the soul rises when you see people like the old count and his worthy son,” she said. She also spoke about the actions of the princess and Prince Vasily, not approving of them, but in great secrecy and in a whisper.

In Bald Mountains, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the arrival of the young Prince Andrei and the princess was expected every day; but the wait did not disrupt the orderly order in which life went on in the old prince’s house. General-in-Chief Prince Nikolai Andreevich, nicknamed in society le roi de Prusse, [the King of Prussia,] from the time he was exiled to the village under Paul, lived continuously in his Bald Mountains with his daughter, Princess Marya, and with her companion, m lle Bourienne. [Mademoiselle Bourien.] And during the new reign, although he was allowed entry into the capitals, he also continued to live in the countryside, saying that if anyone needed him, then he would travel one and a half hundred miles from Moscow to Bald Mountains, but what would he no one or anything is needed. He said that there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and that there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence. He himself was involved in raising his daughter and, in order to develop both main virtues in her, until she was twenty, he gave her lessons in algebra and geometry and distributed her whole life in continuous studies. He himself was constantly busy either writing his memoirs, or calculating higher mathematics, or turning snuff boxes on a machine, or working in the garden and observing the buildings that did not stop on his estate. Since the main condition for activity is order, order in his way of life was brought to the utmost degree of precision. His trips to the table took place under the same unchanging conditions, and not only at the same hour, but also at the same minute. With the people around him, from his daughter to his servants, the prince was harsh and invariably demanding, and therefore, without being cruel, he aroused fear and respect for himself, which the most cruel person could not easily achieve. Despite the fact that he was retired and now had no importance in state affairs, every head of the province where the prince’s estate was, considered it his duty to come to him and, just like an architect, gardener or Princess Marya, waited for the appointed hour of the prince's appearance in the high waiter's room. And everyone in this waitress experienced the same feeling of respect and even fear, while the enormously high door of the office opened and the short figure of an old man in a powdered wig appeared, with small dry hands and gray drooping eyebrows, which sometimes, as he frowned, obscured the shine of smart people. and definitely young, sparkling eyes.
On the day of the newlyweds’ arrival, in the morning, as usual, Princess Marya entered the waitress’s room at the appointed hour for morning greetings and crossed herself with fear and read an internal prayer. Every day she went in and every day she prayed that this daily appointment would go well.

PJSC Ufa Engine Production Association (UMPO) is the largest developer and manufacturer of aircraft engines in Russia. Serially produces turbojet engines for aircraft of the Su-35S family (Izdeliye 117 S), Su-27 (AL-31F), Su-30 family (AL-31F and AL-31FP engines), Su-25 family (R-95Sh and R -195), helicopter components for “Ka” and “Mi” helicopters.

The date of birth of the enterprise is considered to be July 17, 1925, on this day the Council of Labor and Defense decided to build an aircraft engine production plant on the basis of small auto repair shops of the former Russian Renault JSC in Rybinsk. On January 14, 1928, the plant entered into operation as an operating enterprise in the aviation industry at number 26. In 1931, construction of a combine engine plant began in Ufa; in 1935, the first 10 engines were assembled. By 1940, the Ufa Motor Plant had everything necessary to reach full production capacity, but was transferred to the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry with the number 384 assigned to it. In the same year, UMP became the backup of the Rybinsk plant for the production of M-105 aircraft engines (before the start of the Great Patriotic War war, the plant managed to produce 675 M-105 units).

At the beginning of the war, a number of engine factories, including those from Rybinsk, were evacuated from the Ufa plant square. December 17, 1941 Rybinsk Motor Plant No. 26, two Leningrad backup plants (234th and 451st), partly 219th from Moscow, CIAM design bureau (Moscow), V. A. Dobrynin design bureau (Voronezh) and two Ufa plants, a motor plant (384th) and a diesel plant (336th) were merged into a single whole. The new enterprise became the legal successor of the merged plants and received the head number - 26th. In 1943, the plant was given the task of creating a centrifuge for uranium enrichment according to the project of F. F. Lange, necessary for the USSR atomic project.

Subsequently, it was renamed the Ufa Engine-Building Plant, on the basis of which the Ufa Engine-Building Production Association was created in 1978, which in 1993 became the open joint-stock company “Ufa Engine-Building Production Association”.

In August 2011, the association was determined to be the country's leading enterprise for the production of engines for military aircraft.

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OJSC Ufa Engine-Building Production Association is the largest developer and manufacturer of aircraft engines in Russia. More than 20 thousand people work here. UMPO is part of the United Engine Corporation.

The main activities of the enterprise are the development, production, service and repair of turbojet aircraft engines, the production and repair of helicopter components, and the production of equipment for the oil and gas industry.

UMPO serially produces AL-41F-1S turbojet engines for Su-35S aircraft, AL-31F and AL-31FP engines for the Su-27 and Su-30 families, individual components for Ka and Mi helicopters, AL-gas turbine drives 31ST for gas pumping stations of OJSC Gazprom.

Under the leadership of the association, the development of a promising engine for the fifth generation fighter PAK FA (advanced aviation complex of front-line aviation, T-50) is underway. UMPO participates in cooperation for the production of the PD-14 engine for the newest Russian passenger aircraft MS-21, in the program for the production of VK-2500 helicopter engines, and in the reconfiguration of the production of RD-type engines for MiG aircraft.

1. Welding in the habitable chamber "Atmosphere-24"

The most interesting stage of engine production is argon arc welding of the most critical components in the habitable chamber, ensuring complete tightness and accuracy of the weld. Especially for UMPO, the Leningrad Institute “Prometheus” in 1981 created one of the largest welding sections in Russia, consisting of two “Atmosphere-24” installations.

2. According to sanitary standards, a worker can spend no more than 4.5 hours a day in a cell. In the morning there is a check of suits, medical control, and only after that you can start welding.

3. Welders go to Atmosphere-24 in light space suits. They pass through the first doors of the airlock into the chamber, hoses with air are attached to them, the doors are closed and argon is supplied inside the chamber. After it displaces the air, the welders open the second door, enter the chamber and begin to work.

4. Welding of titanium structures begins in the non-oxidizing environment of pure argon.

5. The controlled composition of impurities in argon makes it possible to obtain high-quality seams and increase the fatigue strength of welded structures, and provides the possibility of welding in the most inaccessible places through the use of welding torches without the use of a protective nozzle.

6. In full gear, a welder really looks like an astronaut. To obtain permission to work in a habitable chamber, workers undergo a training course; first, they train in full equipment in the air. Usually two weeks is enough to understand whether a person is suitable for such work or not - not everyone can withstand the load.

7. Always in touch with the welders - a specialist monitoring what is happening from the control panel.

8. The operator controls the welding current, monitors the gas analysis system and the general condition of the camera and the worker.

9. No other method of manual welding gives such a result as welding in a habitable chamber. The quality of the seam speaks for itself.

10. Electron beam welding.

Electron beam welding in vacuum is a fully automated process. At UMPO it is carried out using Ebokam installations. Two or three seams are welded at the same time, and with a minimal level of deformation and change in the geometry of the part.

11. One specialist works simultaneously on several electron beam welding installations.

12. Parts of the combustion chamber, rotary nozzle and nozzle blade blocks require the application of heat-protective coatings using the plasma method. For these purposes, the TSZP-MF-P-1000 robotic complex is used.

13. Tool production

UMPO includes 5 tool shops with a total workforce of about 2,500 people. They are engaged in the manufacture of technological equipment. Here they create machine tools, dies for hot and cold processing of metals, cutting tools, measuring tools, and molds for casting non-ferrous and ferrous alloys.

14. The production of molds for blade casting is carried out on CNC machines.

15. Now it takes only two to three months to create molds, but previously this process took six months or longer.

16. An automated measurement tool detects the smallest deviations from the norm. Parts of a modern engine and tools must be manufactured with extremely precise adherence to all dimensions.

17. Vacuum carburization.

Process automation always involves reducing costs and improving the quality of work performed. This also applies to vacuum carburizing. For cementation - saturating the surface of parts with carbon and increasing their strength - Ipsen vacuum furnaces are used.

18. One worker is enough to service the furnace. The parts undergo chemical-thermal treatment for several hours, after which they become perfectly durable. UMPO specialists have created their own program that allows cementing to be carried out with increased accuracy.

19. Foundry

Production in a foundry begins with the production of models. Models for parts of different sizes and configurations are pressed from a special mass, followed by manual finishing.

20. In the area where the lost wax models are made, the workers are predominantly women.

21. Cladding model blocks and obtaining ceramic molds is an important part of the foundry's technological process.

22. Before pouring, ceramic molds are calcined in ovens.

23. The ceramic mold is calcined - then it is ready to be filled with alloy.

24. This is what a ceramic mold filled with an alloy looks like.

25. “Worth its weight in gold” is about a blade with a monocrystalline structure. The technology for producing such a blade is complex, but this part, expensive in all respects, lasts much longer. Each blade is “grown” using a special nickel-tungsten alloy seed.

26. Processing area for a hollow wide-chord fan blade

For the production of hollow wide-chord engine fan blades
PD-14 - the propulsion system of the promising civil aircraft MS-21 -
a special section has been created where cutting and machining of blanks from titanium plates is carried out, final machining of the lock and blade profile, including its mechanical grinding and polishing.

27. At the four-axis horizontal machining center, the technology for final processing of the end of the blade blade on a device designed and manufactured at UMPO was introduced - the know-how of the enterprise.

28. The complex for the production of turbine and compressor rotors (CPRTK) is the localization of existing capacities for the creation of the main components of a jet drive.

29. Assembling turbine rotors is a labor-intensive process that requires special qualifications of performers. High precision processing of the shaft-disc-toe connection is a guarantee of long-term and reliable engine operation.

30. The multi-stage rotor is assembled into a single whole in the KPTK.

31. Rotor balancing is carried out by representatives of a unique profession, which can only be fully mastered within the factory walls.

32. Production of pipelines and tubes

In order for all engine components to function smoothly - the compressor pumped, the turbine rotated, the nozzle closed or opened - you need to give them commands. The “blood vessels” of the aircraft’s heart are considered to be pipelines; it is through them that a wide variety of information is transmitted. UMPO has a workshop that specializes in the manufacture of these “vessels” - pipelines and tubes of various sizes.

33. The mini-factory for the production of pipes requires handmade jewelry - some parts are real hand-made works of art.

34. Many pipe bending operations are also performed by the Bend Master 42 MRV numerical control machine. It bends titanium and stainless steel tubes. First, the geometry of the pipe is determined using non-contact technology using a standard. The obtained data is sent to a machine that performs preliminary bending, or in factory language - bending. Afterwards, adjustments are made and the final bending of the tube is made.

35. This is what the tubes look like already as part of a finished engine - they entwine it like a spider’s web, and each one performs its task.

36. Final assembly.

In the assembly shop, individual parts and assemblies become a whole engine. Mechanical assembly mechanics of the highest qualifications work here.

37. Large modules assembled in different areas of the workshop are joined by assemblers into a single whole.

38. The final stage of assembly is the installation of gearboxes with fuel control units, communications and electrical equipment.

39. A mandatory check is carried out for alignment (to eliminate possible vibration) and alignment, since all parts are supplied from different workshops.

40. After presentation tests, the engine is returned to the assembly shop for disassembly, washing and defect detection. First, the product is disassembled and washed with gasoline. Then - external inspection, measurements, special control methods. Some parts and assembly units are sent for the same inspection to manufacturing shops. Then the engine is reassembled for acceptance tests.

41. An assembler assembles a large module.

42. MSR mechanics assemble the greatest creation of engineering of the 20th century - a turbojet engine - manually, strictly checking the technology.

43. The Technical Control Department is responsible for the impeccable quality of all products. Inspectors work in all areas, including the assembly shop.

44. In a separate area, the rotary jet nozzle (RPN) is assembled - an important design element that distinguishes the AL-31FP engine from its predecessor AL-31F.

45. The service life of the PRS is 500 hours, and the life of the engine is 1000, so the nozzles need to be made twice as many.

46. The operation of the nozzle and its individual parts is checked on a special mini-stand.

47. An engine equipped with a PRS provides the aircraft with greater maneuverability. The nozzle itself looks quite impressive.

48. The assembly shop has an area where reference samples of engines that have been and are being manufactured for the last 20-25 years are displayed.

49. Engine testing.

Testing an aircraft engine is the final and very important stage in the technological chain. In a specialized workshop, presentation and acceptance tests are carried out on stands equipped with modern automated process control systems.

50. During engine testing, an automated information-measuring system is used, consisting of three computers connected into one local network. Testers monitor engine and test system parameters solely based on computer readings. Test results are processed in real time. All information about the tests performed is stored in a computer database.

51. The assembled engine is tested according to technology. The process can take several days, after which the engine is disassembled, washed, and defective.

52. All information about the tests performed is processed and issued in the form of protocols, graphs, tables, both electronically and on paper.

54. Exterior view of the testing workshop: once the roar of testing woke up the entire area, now not a single sound penetrates outside.

55. Workshop No. 40 is the place from where all UMPO products are sent to the customer. But not only - here the final acceptance of products, assemblies, incoming control, preservation, and packaging are carried out.

56. The AL-31F engine is sent for packaging.

57. The engine expects to be carefully wrapped in layers of packing paper and plastic, but that's not all.

58. The engines are placed in special containers designed for them, which are marked depending on the type of product. After packaging, it is supplied with accompanying technical documentation: passports, forms, etc.

59. Engine in action!

I thank the press service of JSC UMPO, in particular, Ekaterina Kosykh for her help in creating the report!

For any questions regarding the use of photographs, please email.

About company

Open joint-stock company "Ufa Engine-Building Production Association" is the largest engine-building enterprise in Russia, founded in 1925. UMPO has been awarded over 30 government awards, including two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner, 6 international and 23 Russian awards, and consistently occupies high positions in the ratings of the largest enterprises in Russia.

Figure-13. Logo of OJSC "Ufa Engine Production Association"

OJSC "UMPO" is located on two production sites in the city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, and includes 2 specialized production facilities - aviation and tool production, employing about 15 thousand workers, specialists and employees.

The main objective of the enterprise was and remains the production of modern high-quality aviation equipment. During its existence, the company produced more than 50 basic and modified aircraft engines, which were installed on 170 types and modifications of aircraft. More than 25 models and modifications of liquid-propellant rocket engines have been produced for rockets of various classes. More than 100 world aviation records have been set on aircraft powered by Ufa engines. Prime Minister V.V. Putin called the aircraft engines manufactured by the association the absolute pride of Russia. President of the Republic of Belarus Rustem Khamitov, in turn, stated that OJSC UMPO uses the most advanced technologies.

Currently, UMPO produces AL-31F and AL-31FP turbojet engines for Su-27, Su-30 aircraft with all their modifications, R95Sh and R195 for the Su-25 family of aircraft, rotor columns for Ka-27, Ka-28 helicopters , Ka-32, transmissions for Mi-26 helicopters. Since 2010, the association began supplying the Sukhoi Company OJSC plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with AL-41F-1S engines (product 117S) for the Su-35S, a 4++ generation fighter that uses fifth-generation technologies.

An important area is foreign economic activity. JSC UMPO first entered the foreign market with its products in 1952. 49 countries around the world use UMPO production equipment; The main trading partner is India, for which the company also produces AL-55I engines installed on HJT-36 training aircraft. The association actively supports foreign partners by organizing licensed production of engines, providing their repair and training specialists from these countries.

JSC UMPO has a full technological cycle for the production of aircraft engines. Mastered technological processes, incl. The unique set of equipment and qualified personnel allow the association to produce the most modern high-tech products.

UMPO provides a full range of services for technical support of its products: after-sales warranty service, repair of modules, components and engines with restoration of all operational characteristics, personnel training, modernization of previously produced equipment.

Along with aviation, the association produces gas turbine engines for ground industrial use. On the basis of AL-31F, the production of the AL-31ST gas turbine drive has been mastered, used as part of gas pumping units with a capacity of 16 MW and AL-31STE for block-modular power plants with a capacity of 20 MW. UMPO can offer potential customers a whole range of products in various configurations, including turnkey delivery of entire stations.

The current quality management system meets the requirements of international standards of the ISO-9001-2001 series, which is confirmed by the certificate of conformity NBP 02.112.0495-2004 in the Military Register voluntary certification system. In 2010, the association received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the aerospace standard AS 9100. The AS 9100 certificate increases the competitiveness of JSC UMPO when working with Russian customers and indicates the creation of conditions in the association for the production of high-quality products.

Open joint-stock company "Ufa Engine-Building Production Association" is the largest engine-building enterprise in Russia, founded in 1925. UMPO has been awarded over 30 government awards, including two Orders of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner, 6 international and 23 Russian awards, and consistently occupies high positions in the ratings of the largest enterprises in Russia.

OJSC "UMPO" is located on two production sites in the city of Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, and includes 2 specialized production facilities - aviation and tool production, employing about 15 thousand workers, specialists and employees.

The main objective of the enterprise was and remains the production of modern high-quality aviation equipment. During its existence, the company produced more than 50 basic and modified aircraft engines, which were installed on 170 types and modifications of aircraft. More than 25 models and modifications of liquid-propellant rocket engines have been produced for rockets of various classes. More than 100 world aviation records have been set on aircraft powered by Ufa engines. Prime Minister V.V. Putin called the aircraft engines manufactured by the association the absolute pride of Russia. President of the Republic of Belarus Rustem Khamitov, in turn, stated that OJSC UMPO uses the most advanced technologies.

Currently, UMPO produces AL-31F and AL-31FP turbojet engines for Su-27, Su-30 aircraft with all their modifications, R95Sh and R195 for the Su-25 family of aircraft, rotor columns for Ka-27, Ka-28 helicopters , Ka-32, transmissions for Mi-26 helicopters. Since 2010, the association began supplying the Sukhoi Company OJSC plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur with AL-41F-1S engines (product 117S) for the Su-35S, a 4++ generation fighter that uses fifth-generation technologies.

An important area is foreign economic activity. JSC UMPO first entered the foreign market with its products in 1952. 49 countries around the world use UMPO production equipment; The main trading partner is India, for which the company also produces AL-55I engines installed on HJT-36 training aircraft. The association actively supports foreign partners by organizing licensed production of engines, providing their repair and training specialists from these countries.

JSC UMPO has a full technological cycle for the production of aircraft engines. Mastered technological processes, incl. The unique set of equipment and qualified personnel allow the association to produce the most modern high-tech products.

UMPO provides a full range of services for technical support of its products: after-sales warranty service, repair of modules, components and engines with restoration of all operational characteristics, personnel training, modernization of previously produced equipment.

Along with aviation, the association produces gas turbine engines for ground industrial use. On the basis of AL-31F, the production of the AL-31ST gas turbine drive has been mastered, used as part of gas pumping units with a capacity of 16 MW and AL-31STE for block-modular power plants with a capacity of 20 MW. UMPO can offer potential customers a whole range of products in various configurations, including turnkey delivery of entire stations.

The current quality management system meets the requirements of international standards of the ISO-9001-2001 series, which is confirmed by the certificate of conformity NBP 02.112.0495-2004 in the Military Register voluntary certification system. In 2010, the association received a certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the aerospace standard AS 9100. The AS 9100 certificate increases the competitiveness of JSC UMPO when working with Russian customers and indicates the creation of conditions in the association for the production of high-quality products.

OJSC UMPO has a package of licenses and certificates for both the production and repair of aviation equipment, and the design and manufacture of gas, energy and oil equipment.

The motto of the association: “Reliability and quality - always and in everything.”

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