New horoscope for September.

Human success largely depends on the behavior of stars and planets. Thanks to their support and favorable energy, everyone will be able to achieve their efforts in a short time. Use the recommendations of the horoscope so that every day is another step towards prosperity for you.

Each Zodiac Sign has its own heavenly patrons. They can convey positive energy and make it possible to strengthen one’s own biofield. Or they can take away vitality, making people feel apathy and lethargy. Dailyhoro website team. ru advises using meditation-appeals to the elements to prevent the outflow of vital energy during the most crucial periods of life.


For Aries this month, Uranus will be the dominant planet. Its retrograde movement in your Zodiac Sign will increase nervousness and the tendency to act rashly. Thanks to the strong energy of the planet, Aries will also have a chance to become leaders in the business environment and show off their extraordinary skills. Such an impact involves the use of meditation aimed at pacifying raging feelings. Experts dailyhoro. ru site recommend taking help from the elements.

The most favorable days will be those on which Uranus enters into contact with other celestial bodies: 13, 16, 18, 23 and 27 with the Moon, 14 and 20 with the Sun. At this time, Aries' intuition will become more acute. It will help them determine the right direction and follow their goal without much effort, avoiding the influence of ill-wishers.


In the first month of autumn, Taurus will be strongly influenced by the patron moon. Her changeable energy will quite often force Taurus to commit reckless acts, so their behavior and emotional state will require careful monitoring. In September, astrologers recommend monitoring your physical health in order to avoid frequent headaches and malaise due to insufficient vital energy.

Favorable days in September will be the numbers in which the Moon will take a strong position: 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15. At this time, Taurus should tense up and have time to complete all the planned activities. The time of the “rule” of the Moon will allow you to improve your financial situation and achieve success in your personal life.


Gemini will receive positive energy from their patron Saturn. It ceases to be retrograde, which means many pleasant changes await the representatives of your constellation. This planet will increase vitality, promote active and hard work in achieving your goals and objectives. Thanks to such support, Geminis should start making changes in their lives regarding their environment.

Support will also be provided by the patron Mercury, who from September 9 will take a strong position and provide Gemini with streams of positive energy. This is the time according to the dailyhoro website team. ru will be successful for establishing business contacts and connections, realizing your own potential in the business environment.


This month Cancers should beware of the negative energy of Mercury, the enemy of your Sign. From the 9th, it will take a strong position and will affect performance. In order to stay in business, Cancers will need to use effective motivation and get rid of laziness. The negative influence of the planet will extend to business communication. Avoid quarrels and conflicts so as not to fall into disgrace with your colleagues.

The positive influence of the Moon, although not for a long time, will allow Cancers in the period from September 5 to 11 to show all their best qualities and begin an active struggle for their own well-being. The end of the first month of autumn will be successful for restoring trusting relationships in the family and with relatives.

a lion

Leos will be heavily influenced by Venus this month, which will be in your constellation. Her energy will awaken sensuality in Leo, but strong emotions can result in suspicion, jealousy and possessiveness. Astrologers recommend Leos to restrain their emotions so as not to offend their soulmate. Meditations aimed at opening the love chakras will help you get rid of doubts.

Favorable days for activity in all areas of activity will be the 16th and 17th, when the weak Moon takes a position in Leo. However, on the days when its influence will reach its peak, representatives of your Sign should exercise caution. September 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, be patient and don’t rush things.


For Virgos, the forecast for September is more than optimistic. Three planets at once will provide the representatives of your Sign with streams of positive energy. Until September 21, active recharge from the Sun will restore Virgo’s self-confidence, allowing them to embody their most daring ideas. Mercury from the 9th to the 28th will provide an opportunity to improve your financial situation.

Venus, the planet of love, will reveal your attractiveness and charm. From September 19 to 30, don’t miss the opportunity to change your personal life for the better. The favorable influence of planets is a chance to realize your potential and achieve success in all areas of life.


Libra will be prevented from leading an active lifestyle by the antagonist Jupiter. Its influence will negatively affect constructive communication, which may lead to quarrels and disagreements. Avoid such situations with the experts of the dailyhoro website. ru is advised with the help of meditations aimed at managing emotions. Venus, whose presence in the constellation Virgo can aggravate relationships, will not bring joy either.

Astrologers recommend that Libra stick to their chosen tactics and ignore annoying troubles. Moving towards your goal will help you avoid conflicts and troubles, and the statements of negative people will become motivation for you for new achievements.


In September, it is important for Scorpios to set their priorities correctly and move towards success systematically. Your opponent Mercury will slow down your activity, so astrologers recommend sticking to your chosen line of behavior and not being distracted by secondary tasks. Scorpios will be able to draw energy from their own reserves.

In order to successfully complete their work, Scorpios will need the friendly support of their family and work colleagues. Their sincere help and advice will help you navigate and continue to vigorously achieve success in your chosen business.


In September, Sagittarius will be helped by two planets at once - the Sun and Saturn. The energy of the Sun will have a beneficial effect on emotions until September 21, and during this period Sagittarius should remember friends and good rest in the company of like-minded people. The most successful days for active activity will be September 1-2, 9, 15-17.

Saturn, a planet with strong energy, will guide Sagittarius to new discoveries and the implementation of ideas. Representatives of your Sign need to be prepared to meet obstacles, overcoming which will make you invulnerable to trouble. Use hints from the Universe and you will be able to avoid ambiguous situations.


Astrologers recommend that Capricorns not rely on intuition and luck, which can lead you into a dead end at the most unexpected moment. Retrograde Pluto, which will actively influence your Sign, will give you the opportunity to realize your bold ideas and undertakings. You will need attentiveness and prudence, which will become a guiding star into the world of success and prosperity.

The negative energy of Mars, which will actively influence Capricorns, can lead to trouble. Astrologers recommend avoiding momentary impulses and rash decisions. Risks can result in immediate disappointment and loss of a significant amount of money. However, there are also positive aspects: on September 1-2, 11-12, 18-19, 22, Capricorns will have the opportunity to achieve success thanks to the positive influence of the planets.


Aquarians should beware of the active influence of the Sun in September. His negative attitude towards your Sign will be especially strong on September 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 20. These days, astrologers recommend exercising prudence and avoiding haste in carrying out serious matters or projects. In order to avoid unforeseen situations, think through in advance all possible steps that will lead you to success.

Thanks to the positive influence of Neptune, Aquarians will be able to understand their inner world and stop doubting their own competence. Exercises aimed at training willpower will also help with this. Honesty and benevolence will be the best actions for you to take to achieve good relationships with your colleagues.


Pisces this month needs to take into account the energy of the patron moon. Her weak position on September 1-2, 16-17, 28-29 will be

In September 2017, we need to be practical and firm in our decisions. The first month of autumn, in total, will be a prosperous and successful period for those who are always punctual, hardworking and purposeful. September will present many good prospects and great opportunities, the main thing is to be able to discern them among the daily hassle and bustle, and take advantage of them in time. There is no need to rush anywhere, but it is also not recommended to waste precious time; the faster and simpler the decisions made, the greater the chances of success. Sitting and waiting for luck to find us is not the best option. Try to avoid intricate and abstruse solutions, phrases, expressions and do not try to dig deep, unraveling what the meaning of your life is. The meaning is to live, to live fruitfully. All your thoughts, actions and decisions should be simple and understandable, only in this way can you be completely confident that you are right and the correctness of your decisions.

In the first ten days of September 2017, the stars promise that if you work hard during this period and are not lazy to get up at 6 am, then in the second half of the month you will be able to enjoy the magnificent results of your labors. The beginning of the month will be quite calm, no emergencies are expected, but this depends on your specific preferences. If you are a lover of adrenaline and vivid impressions, then you will be able to find fun adventures out of the blue to have a little fun. But for those who like everything to be sorted out, timely, planned and predictable, the placement of the planets will create all the conditions to enjoy complete order in business and peace of mind in their personal lives. The most important qualities that will help you achieve your goals, and in some cases, make your cherished dreams come true, are concentration, consistency and determination. Gather your will and take action if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor at the end of this month. Remember that under any circumstances you need to remain yourself, be a sincere and honest person in order to protect yourself from remorse and confidently go towards your dream.

In the second ten days of September 2017, all zodiac signs will have excellent prospects in the professional field. The location of Saturn will have a favorable effect on the search for a suitable vacancy or will help those who have been thinking about it for a long time to change jobs. In general, success in your career depends only on how practical and quick your decisions and steps towards your desired goal are. Perhaps somewhere you will have to cheat or get around the situation from the other side, even if it seems that there is no way out or optimal solution, do not forget that any situation can be bypassed, that is, you can make a knight’s move. This period will be the most successful for those who are prudent and diligent, who do not leave their tails behind and do not have the habit of putting things off until tomorrow when there is an opportunity to do them today. Everyone will play by their own rules, so you should try to predict possible scenarios so that circumstances do not take you by surprise. The management will be tolerant towards employees, but those who are distinguished by hard work and perseverance will deserve the greatest favor. A promotion up the career ladder awaits avid careerists in mid-September, but only on the condition that at the beginning of the month they made a lot of effort for such a generous reward.

If we take into account the numerous opportunities to demonstrate their professional abilities and competence in specific issues, then the third ten days of September 2017 will be a very busy period in the life of representatives of all signs of the Zodiac. Try not to look for tricks or deeper meaning in simple everyday tasks and questions, do not read between the lines of books, so as not to complicate your life. According to statistics, 95% of all problems we invent or create for ourselves. It’s worth taking a simpler view of the situation, even for a moment, and everything quickly falls into place. It’s the same at work - the more primitive our decisions are, the easier the work will be. Personal life during this period, under the influence of Venus and Mars, will be filled with unprecedented passion, the atmosphere between lovers will be so sweet that it will even become cloying. Therefore, the stars recommend adding variety to relationships and personal life from time to time. Perhaps it will be a change of scenery or just a change in interior design, maybe new acquaintances or vacation spots, it all depends on your personal preferences and the scope of your imagination. The final period of September will be an excellent time to learn new knowledge and skills; you can achieve great success in learning foreign languages ​​or mastering handmade skills. Do not waste time on your own development and, in order not to give up halfway towards your goal, look everywhere for motivating elements, facts and simply signs of fate, and she is quite generous with them.

Month September 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of September 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

On September 1, 2017, Venus passes the royal degree of Leo - it’s time to buy valuables and jewelry. Expression of feelings, generosity, desire to shine.

On September 3-4, the transit Aquarius Moon creates a tense aspect first to Venus, and then to Mars in Leo - an emotional outburst, whims and extravagance.

September 5, 2017 Mercury becomes direct in its movement in Virgo, and this is pleasing, since a healthy analysis after the events of August will not hurt.

September 6, 2017 on a full moon (Moon in Pisces) Mars moves into the sign of Virgo. A contradictory time when criticism can prevail over a romantic mood. Mars in Virgo is like a bull in a china shop, he is in a hurry to put things in order, put everything in its place, count, audit and record. A business that begins with Mars in Virgo usually progresses slowly, is moderately profitable, but will be constantly subject to changes for improvement and threatens to get bogged down in minutiae. During this period, the role of trade unions increases, issues related to employment, especially emigrants, become the most relevant and pressing. In terms of health, Mars can provoke intestinal pain and appendicitis. In September, it is undesirable to eat seeds and nuts - in nature these are stored in the fall, but in the human body they go to the reserve zone (appendix).

On September 14, the Sun makes an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius - heartache, vitality problems, encountering obstacles.

On the 16th, Mercury connects with Mars in Virgo at 7 degrees: relationships with friends, sponsors, and guardians deteriorate due to harshness of statements, criticism, intolerance, and nervousness. Disputes, quarrels, conflicts, blackmail, betrayal can lead to a break in relationships. The danger of an accident with a friend, the possibility of his premature death due to the mistake of another person.

: On September 21st Venus moves into Virgo: the influence of Venus brings coldness, people are less susceptible to emotions, everything is analyzed and weighed. On the one hand, this impoverishes feelings, on the other hand, it warns against mistakes in choosing a partner. Due to the fact that at this time people attach great importance to little things, the slightest trifle, often not even tracked by consciousness, can cool the developing feelings. On the other hand, excessive criticism also manifests itself in relation to oneself, for example, a person considers himself not attractive enough to care for someone or accept courtship.

On September 23, 2017, the Sun moves into the sign of Libra, and the transit Moon, until September 24, passes through the sign of Scorpio, calling for caution (increasing crime).

On September 25, Mars becomes in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces, and the transit Moon in Sagittarius completes the tauquadrat at the top - a conflict situation in the struggle for justice, rallies and scandalous disclosures of deceptions.

September 28, 2017 Pluto exits the loop, connecting simultaneously with the transit Moon in Capricorn - time to go to a psychoanalyst, depressed mood, depression.

The first month of autumn will be a surprising and unexpected time for some zodiac signs, and successful and promising for absolutely everyone. Of course, in September 2017 we will have to try hard to achieve what we want, that is, hard work does not cancel out successful planetary combinations. On the other hand, a guarantee of the absence of large-scale problems and obstacles that could be insurmountable at this stage is already a lot! It is important to note that our main patrons will be the Moon and Neptune, that is, we are talking about a combination that is radically opposite to the planetary union that helped us at the previous stage. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this moment, and here's why. Dynamics, progress orientation and strong development will still be present, but their essence will change in a significant way. It is difficult to make more specific forecasts here, because precisely because of the position of the Moon, everything will develop as individually as possible, and too many external factors will take place. However, these are already nuances, because the key vector is unchanged - the result is directly proportional to the efforts invested, and fairness is the key pattern. This is more than enough to act confidently and successfully.

As for additional patrons, in this regard September 2017 will provide a “heavenly leader” for each zodiac element. In particular, the signs representing the element of Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will be under the protection of Mars, a strong and strong-willed planet. This means that fire signs will have to focus on daring, one-time projects, and benefit “here and now.” Of course, this trend may have significant deviations, but it makes sense to take it into account in any case. Signs of the element of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) will find themselves in an equally advantageous situation, because they will be helped by Pluto, the “dark planet”, quite secretive and often with ambiguous influence. However, at this stage, water signs will receive all imaginable and inconceivable benefits from Pluto, so they can quite count on success here. In September 2017, earth and air signs will receive the same patron - the Sun. At this stage, the solar influence will not have outstanding dynamics and power, but it will be quite enough to protect the wards of the king of heaven from third-party negativity. In other words, in critical situations (if such already occur), circumstances may unexpectedly develop in your favor. However, we must remember that the “heavenly patron”, providing additional opportunities, always imposes additional responsibility. There is no difficulty in this, just do not forget about discipline and the likely consequences of your actions.

In general, September 2017 will indeed be successful for all zodiac signs without exception. But it is important to understand the specifics of this stage. Now planning, especially aimed at the most distant horizons (from two years), will turn out to be far from the best investment option. The fact is that at the dawn of autumn, the position of the Red (Fire) Rooster, the patron saint of the entire year 2017, will manifest itself to the greatest extent. We are talking about a creative impulse realized in a specific place and at a specific time. In other words, the more thoughtful your plans are, the less third-party influences and factors they contain, the more successful they will be. That is why it makes sense to think through a strategy for several weeks, or at most months, in advance. This will allow you to adjust the nuances if necessary and get out of a difficult situation without any damage. You also need to understand that even the most “cloudless” period is not complete without negative planets and even entire planetary combinations. In September 2017, Venus and Mercury will act as such. This is a strong astral union, which, however, will be in a “dormant” (passive) state. It can be activated by excessive obstinacy, rudeness and an attempt to resolve the issue by force. That is, it’s definitely not worth “flexing your muscles” now, but you need to act thoughtfully and harmoniously, as a team. Otherwise, success will evaporate like a haze, and its place will be taken by a significant probability of total collapse.

The horoscope for September 2017, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily lives. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and is about to happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, you will find a detailed and accurate horoscope for September 2017 in the personal horoscopes section.

Mercury, on which financial stability and material prosperity depends, will decide in September 2017 that earthlings do not deserve a wealthy, beautiful life. Fortunately, Mercury will not take out its anger against all inhabitants of planet Earth, but only against those who are accustomed to achieving their goals rudely, harshly or with the help of force. Don’t forget that Mercury also hates all those who alone try to get closer to material success. Here is a ready-made script for how to neutralize Mercurian aggression! To become noticeably richer by the end of this September, move towards your goals slowly and carefully, do not make radical decisions and do not refuse close cooperation with the people who surround you.

Celestial Elemental Leaders

While hostile Venus and Mercury are trying to confuse the plans of earthlings, the planets that initially expressed a neutral attitude towards humanity will decide to bestow their attention on representatives of one or another specific element. So, which planets will become additional patrons of individual elements, and what problems will they help fight?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will enjoy the special favor of Mars for the second month in a row. If before this period your character has already become surprisingly collected and strong-willed, well, then in September these qualities of your nature will only intensify! You will feel the support of Mars not only by assessing your inner world, but also by relying on external circumstances. So, at the beginning of this autumn, all stressful situations in your life will be reduced to almost zero, which means they will not harm your large-scale successes.

Representatives of the element of Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) will receive numerous “bonuses” from Pluto in September 2017. This planet will teach you to be resourceful and cunning, and with the help of these qualities you will be able to find a way out of the most hopeless dead end, from the most confusing situation!

The air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), as well as the representatives of the Earth elements (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn), will have a common patron at the beginning of this autumn. This will be the Sun, which in September will only occasionally “visit” its charges in order to cheer them up and support them in difficult moments of life. In a word, although the star of the day will volunteer to help you, this help will turn out to be very, very insignificant. You, as always, will have to rely solely on yourself, which will further strengthen your already persistent character.

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