New Year's scenes for children. Funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children

The tradition of holding matinees in kindergartens and schools on the eve of the New Year in our country was formed at the beginning of the last century. And since then, kindergarteners and primary and secondary school students annually come up with a script and rehearse interesting, funny and modern New Year's scenes. Now, on the eve of matinees and winter holidays, teachers and educators are looking for scenes for the New Year 2019 for primary school and high school students, which both the children themselves and the guests of the holiday would like. And with the greatest joy, children and teenagers learn modern skits with jokes and comic congratulations, as well as short KVN performances and mini skits about the New Year. Our website contains scripts and videos of the funniest New Year's skits for elementary school students, grades 5-7, high school students and for children before school age, which are sure to appeal to modern kids and teenagers.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school
  • Funny and modern skits for high school students for the New Year 2018
  • New Year 2018 skits - funny and modern for school grades 5-7
  • Funny and modern New Year scenes for children
  • Funny short New Year's skits for schoolchildren

Comical and funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school

Pupils of grades 1-4, unlike teenagers, sincerely believe in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, so they are diligently preparing for the New Year and enthusiastically learning New Year's songs, poems and funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school. And since modern children watch a lot of films and cartoons, their imagination when preparing for a festive event is almost limitless.

In order to interest children and make them want to participate in skits and theatrical performances dedicated to the New Year, it is important for teachers to create an interesting holiday scenario. In this scenario, it is best to include active games and creative competitions, modern scenes based on cartoons and films, and of course, many gifts from Santa Claus.

Modern funny skit “Clash of the Titans” for children 7-11 years old

Children of primary school age have a lot of energy and talents, which they will happily demonstrate to teachers, classmates and parents. And the New Year’s skit “Clash of the Titans,” in which 8-13 children can take part, will give kids the opportunity to fully reveal their talents and have fun at the festive matinee.

Characters: 2 grandfathers (Frost and Heat), Snow Bun, Snow Maiden, Snake, Fireman, children (from 2 to 5 people).

Act one.

On the stage there are decorations simulating snowdrifts. The children and the Snowy Bun appear. They bring a small Christmas tree and decorate it.

Snowy Kolobok: - Well, the Christmas tree is ready, Santa Claus will come soon with gifts.

Masha: - It’s good that there is a New Year! It’s so beautiful all around: snowflakes, fluffy snowdrifts... holiday, gifts...

Petya: - And in hot countries, we were told at school, there is no snow at all!

Masha: - How do they, poor things, live there? Without snow, Christmas tree, Santa Claus?

Snow bun: - I heard that they have the main one there, Grandfather Heat.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear and bring a globe.

Santa Claus: - Children, I heard your conversation. I’ll tell you a secret: Grandfather Zhara and I have an agreement. His domain is on the equator, mine is here. He has cacti, I have Christmas trees. We don't interfere in each other's affairs! Look!

He takes out a bag of snow (it can be confetti), carefully sprinkles snow on the globe, bypassing the equator.

“This is my magic snow, but I only sprinkle it on my property.” Snow Maiden, hold the globe, it’s time for me to go get gifts.

Santa Claus is leaving. The Snow Maiden and the children look thoughtfully at the globe.

Masha: - Children who live on the equator have never seen snow?

Petya: - No, of course, there is only sand there!

Snow Maiden: - Let's give them a New Year's gift - a snow surprise.

Children: - Great! They will be happy!

The Snow Maiden takes the magic snow and sprinkles it on the equator.

After that everyone leaves.

Act two.

There are cacti on the stage and decorations that imitate sand. There is a snake lying on the sand.

Suddenly snow begins to fall. The snake screams:

- What's going on here? What kind of powder is this?

Grandfather Heat enters: - It's snow! So I thought that he would break the agreement! Well, Santa Claus, be careful, now you will melt from me!

Together with the Snake, they take cacti and hit the road.

Act three.

There is a Christmas tree and snowdrifts on the stage again. Children play in the snow. Suddenly, Grandfather Heat and Snake appear. They remove the Christmas tree and place cacti around the stage. The snowdrifts disappear (melt).

Snow bun: - What's going on? Why is it so hot? I'm about to melt!

Children call Santa Claus loudly. He comes and sees Grandfather Zhara:

- Colleague, are you here? What destinies? Has it overheated?

Grandfather Heat: - You broke the contract. Why is there snow on my equator now?

Santa Claus: - You're definitely overheated. There cannot be snow at the equator, every schoolchild knows this. Really, kids?

The children are silent, looking at the floor.

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, forgive me, it’s my fault, you left the globe and the magic snow... We wanted to give the children a surprise at the equator...

Grandfather Heat: - And you succeeded! That's it, enough talking. The contract is no longer valid. Now this is my domain. Children, take off your boots, it's going to get hot here soon.

Santa Claus: - Forgive us, colleague. My granddaughter, young, inexperienced, has done a lot of things. And it’s not the kids’ fault, out of the kindness of their hearts they wanted to surprise your children.

Grandfather Heat: - And they surprised me. Even my cacti started sneezing and caught a cold. No, dear, I can’t forgive this!

He gives a sign to the Snake, who grabs Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and ties them with a rope.

The snow bun hides behind the children in fear.

Masha: We need to do something!

Petya: - They can melt! The heat is dangerous for them!

Snow bun: - I have something in stock. Secret weapon.

Runs away.

Children: - What have we done? Everything is lost. No Santa Claus, no New Year, no gifts, just cacti...

The Snowball returns, accompanied by a Fireman in a helmet and large mittens.

- What happened? Is there a fire here?

Snow bun: - Worse! Now we have heat and cacti. Grandfather Heat has captured us.

The fireman approaches Grandfather Heat and grabs him with his mittens: “Well, hello!” You and I agreed that we will not interfere in your affairs, and you in ours. Remember, at the last fire you promised me this? Why are you breaking the contract?

Grandfather Heat: - It's just a New Year's joke! Just don't hose me down, please! I will let your Santa Claus go!

Unties prisoners.

Fireman: - Now do you understand that promises must be kept? That is great! And now - stop quarreling in the New Year! Make peace immediately.

Grandfather Heat: - That's it, peace. Just don't hug. I'll catch a cold.

Santa Claus: - And I will melt.

Fireman: - Then let's celebrate!

Merry New Year's music turns on, everyone dances.

A very interesting and funny New Year's skit for children in grades 1-2 - video

In the video below you can watch an interesting skit prepared by children from one of the Russian schools. In this sketch, some fairy-tale characters were played by high school students, who took on the role of presenters. However, both primary school teachers and the children themselves can cope with these roles.

Cool, funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students

High school students are often reluctant to take part in the preparation of school New Year's events, since traditional matinees seem boring and outdated to them. But changing the attitude of teenagers towards the school holiday is very simple - just invite them to act out funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students with relevant jokes and gags.

It would also be a great idea to organize a New Year’s party in the style of a comedy show or KVN, where students can have a good laugh themselves and make the guests of the event laugh. Moreover, some of the jokes and numbers can be found by the teacher, and some can be prepared by the high school students themselves. After all, perhaps one of the guys has a real talent for writing jokes and humorous skits, and at the New Year's party everyone will see the first performance of the future Stand Up star.

New Year's skits for KVN for a festive evening - video

There are many ideas for funny New Year's skits, the humor of which will be understandable to modern high school students. And in the video below you can see the brightest and most interesting ideas for scenes for New Year's Eve in the KVN format.

Script for a cool New Year's skit for high school students

The new Russian grandmothers, Matryona and Flower, are recognizable characters in our country. Therefore, the images of these heroines can be used to stage a New Year’s skit at a festive event in high school. Funny scenes with congratulations and modern jokes will surely appeal to teenagers, and they will happily take part in the performance. And here we will provide an approximate script for a sketch for the New Year 2019 for high school students about new Russian grandmothers.

(The grandmothers come and immediately go to the Christmas tree. Matryona in the Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.)

Matryona: Well, you see, Little Flower, the tree is real, and you were deceived, deceived...

Flower: Yeah!.. She’s just like in childhood, wow! I’m just worried about everything - the poem flies out of my head, and without the poem Santa Claus won’t give me a gift!.. (sobs)

Matryona: Come on, don’t worry, Grandfather Frost will give you a discount for your sclerosis!

Flower: Yeah... if only they would offer a discount on it in stores, or at least in pharmacies!..

Matryona: Look, I'm daydreaming! So, we already have a discount, minus 30% of the pension, have you forgotten?

Flower: Well, yes, well, yes... (examines Matryona) And you, Matryon, what kind of New Year’s costume is this?

Matryona: Well, don't you see? (proudly) Snowflake!

Flower: Yeah... Oh, I don’t know... I think you’re a bit old for a snowflake, well, if only there was a snow woman...

Matryona: You yourself are a woman! Look at yourself! Who are you?

Flower: (embarrassed) Squirrel...

Matryona: If I told you what a squirrel, there will be tears - all of Santa Claus’ felt boots will be soaked!

Flower: (crying)

Matryona: Okay, that's it, calm down! (stroke her)

Flower: Listen, Matryon... (embarrassed)

Matryona: Well, go ahead and talk, I’m embarrassed, what a beautiful girl!

Flower: Matryon, tell me, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Matryona: I really believed in it as a child! When I was young, I doubted it a little, but now I believe very strongly again!

Matryona: (with irony) Of course! Now only a miracle can change our life for the better! Well, where is Grandfather Frost, who should I tell the poems to? Until my memory completely fades!

Flower : Come on, get out there, let’s tell everyone!

Together: Happy New Year!

We wish everyone good health!

May this New Year be with you

Bring good luck to everyone!

New Year 2019 skits for school grades 5-7 - funny and modern ideas

Skits for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 at school can be funny and modern, fabulous and comic, in the form of a short dialogue or theatrical performance, with jokes and serious. Children of middle school age happily participate in amateur performances, and often even argue among themselves for the best roles in artistic performances at matinees.

In order for each student to be able to demonstrate their talents, it is necessary to select such funny and modern scenes for the script of the New Year's party, in which many students participate. And of course, the teacher should give the children the opportunity to choose their own role in the New Year’s skit, and, if desired, supplement its plot with a funny joke or a beautiful congratulation.

Video with funny and original New Year's scenes for high school students

You can get interesting and original ideas for modern scenes for the New Year for schoolchildren in grades 5-7 from the videos posted below. These videos were filmed in ordinary Russian schools, which means that middle school students of any school will be able to organize and stage an artistic performance no less talented and humorous than in the video.

Funny and modern New Year skits for children based on fairy tales

Whatever is fashionable this year, Russian folk tales remain relevant at all times. Therefore, funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children cannot be imagined without famous fairy-tale characters - Baba Yaga, Kolobok, the Wolf, the Bunny, and the Three Little Pigs. Moreover, the children themselves love to imagine themselves as heroes of fairy tales and are happy to prepare costumes, learn their roles and take part in the production of such skits.

A very funny Baba Yaga sketch for children

Baba Yaga is one of the most famous characters in children's fairy tales, and modern children are not afraid of the grandmother living in a hut, but laugh at her. And some girls dress up not as princesses or snowflakes, but as grannies Hedgehogs for the New Year's party at school or kindergarten. Therefore, Baba Yaga’s sketch for children, the script of which is given below, will be relevant at any children’s holiday dedicated to the New Year.

(Baba Yaga comes out)

Do you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

What was your name?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I’m already an age old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I'll write it for you now

Amazing story.

Can you help me a little?

Ask nicely!

(Children ask Baba Yaga to tell a fairy tale in unison)

...That's it, the fairy tale is ready...

(Reads a fairy tale)

That's where the story ends,

Now let's dance.

Don't be lazy, don't sit,

Mash your bones.

Don't sit still.

Tea is not two hundred for you!

I have something for you.

Here I ask you, lottery.

You pull the ticket first

Is there a win there or not?

Don't look from afar.

Tea, I am the good Yaga!

(A win-win lottery is held - each child pulls out some sweet from Santa Claus's bag)

It's fun, funny with you,

But we must say goodbye quickly.

Don't be angry,

I love you dearly!

Smack, smack, smack over the shoulder!

New Year's skit for children “The Three Little Pigs” - video

Another interesting and funny sketch based on fairy tales in a new way for children is the “Three Little Pigs” sketch. This scene can be performed both at a matinee in a kindergarten or school, and at a home New Year celebration.

New Year's skits for schoolchildren - funny and short creative numbers

Many schoolchildren want to prepare their own skits and artistic performances for the New Year's party. And as a rule, children prepare such acts together or together - together with their best friends. For such cases, short and funny New Year's skits for schoolchildren for a company of 3 people will come in handy. Scenarios for such short scenes are given below.

Sketch “Proven Method”

Daughter: - Mom, do you think dad will give you a fur coat for New Year?

Mom: - Probably not. It is very expensive.

Son: - Have you tried lying on the floor, yelling and kicking? I checked it works!

Sketch “Things must be planned in advance”

A snail slowly crawls up a tree and meets a worm on the way.

Worm: - Happy New Year, snail! Where are you going?

Snail: “I’m crawling for the berries, otherwise I didn’t have time last time, everyone ate before me.”

Worm: - What berries? Winter, New Year! They will only be there in the summer.

Snail: - And now I’m smart, I came out early! I’ll definitely make it by summer!

Sketch “Excellent teacher”

Child: - Yeshkin the cat!

Mom: - Son! Who taught you such a bad word?

Child: - Santa Claus! I heard him say this when he tripped over a bicycle in my room one night.

New Year's skits are an opportunity for children to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents

Funny and modern skits for the New Year 2019 for children, rehearsed under the guidance of their favorite teacher, are a great opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate their talents and acting abilities to classmates, teachers and parents. Short and funny New Year's scenes will be easy to learn and act out for elementary school students, and for high school students, scenarios of funny scenes with topical humor are suitable. The main thing for teachers is to give children the opportunity to choose interesting scenes and roles themselves, and also to allow them to show their imagination when creating a festive image, because already for grades 5-7 of school this task will not be difficult, but on the contrary, it will allow children to feel like adults and reveal their potential. yourself as an artist.

On New Year's Eve, will your school host a game of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club? The audience and jury will enjoy mini-skits based on fairy tales, cartoons, issues of the humorous magazine "Yeralash" and New Year's jokes for KVN at school, which play out various situations in the lessons.

To stage such miniatures, you don’t have to learn the texts by heart, the main thing is to convey the essence of what this or that character is saying.

How to organize KVN at school for the New Year?

Baba Yaga and her daughter participate in the first school skit of the New Year's KVN. For this production you will need original props - costumes and wigs for fairy-tale characters.

The girl cries and Baba Yaga asks her what happened. The daughter replies that she wants to play the role of the Snow Maiden at the New Year's party, but she was told that she is not beautiful enough for this.

– Or maybe the role of the Snow Queen would suit you? - Baba Yaga is interested.
“Just think: her outfit is several kilograms of icicles, and her crown is made of a broken mirror.” This is a direct threat to my health!

“Okay, let’s make a Snow Maiden out of you,” Baba Yaga agrees. First of all, Leshy will create a suitable hairstyle for you. Keep in mind that he works with natural materials - driftwood and fir cones, instead of varnish - resin.

Baba Yaga's daughter:
- What a deal! But I also need a suitable outfit.
Baba Yaga:
- You, daughter, will have everything in the first category: Cinderella’s dress, glass slippers...

- What are you talking about, mama, this is the century before last! I need a killer outfit: leather jacket, ripped jeans, rhinestone bandana and Adidas sneakers.
Baba Yaga:
- Okay, daughter! Everything will be top class!
I'll conjure some new clothes
For my daughter's party.
Cracks, pex, fax!…

At the end of this skit at the school KVN about Baba Yaga, her daughter appears before the audience in a new outfit and declares:
– What can I say, you see for yourself: beauty is a terrible power!

What other New Year's jokes are suitable for KVN at school?

Your performance in various competitions, be it “Greetings”, “Homework” or “Captains Competition”, will be diversified with comic skits for school KVN - for example, these:

  • This year, for the first time, my parents let me celebrate the New Year with friends. But after my mom found a shopping list for the holiday table in my jeans pocket, for some reason she and dad decided to join us.
  • There is a superstition in our class that if you lean out the window on New Year’s Eve and... memorize all the tickets, you will definitely pass the exam.
  • A good half of Russian teachers write comments in their diaries, and the bad half also call their parents to school on the eve of the holiday.
  • School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.
  • Even in kindergarten, we were given a sentence: 11 years of school regime with confiscation of toys.

Funny miniatures for KVN for 2019 New Year can be staged with the participation of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Once they invited the children to visit and began to ask them questions about the materials of the school curriculum.

Father Frost:
– What are dense forests?
– These are the kind of forests in which it’s good to snooze!

Snow Maiden:
– Who can name five wild animals?
The student raises his hand.
- A lion, a lioness and... three lion cubs.

A letter arrived in the mail from a boy to Santa Claus:
– Grandfather Frost, send me a warm hat, mittens and socks for the New Year.
The postal workers took pity on the boy and bought him mittens and socks, but there wasn’t enough money for a hat: you yourself know that salaries at the post office are small. An answer comes from the boy:
- Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for the mittens and socks, and it seems that the evil women at the post office stole my hat.

A boy writes a letter to Santa Claus:
"Hello Dedushka Moroz! I received the Chinese firecrackers that you sent me last time, and I really liked them. For this New Year, I would like to ask you to give me two fingers on my right hand and an eye!”

On New Year's Eve, Pinocchio approaches Papa Carlo and asks to give him a toy animal. Dad Carlo thought and thought and made a toy. He gave it to Pinocchio and heard that he was crying.
- What's happened? – asks Papa Carlo.
“I just wanted a toy - a dog or a cat,” answers Pinocchio, “and this toothy beaver looks at me strangely!”

Other jokes for New Year's school KVN

– Now you will hear phrases that you will not hear on New Year’s Eve...
“Mom, dad, stay at home, let's spend the New Year together”; “Girls, go, drink what you want and as much as you want, and my father and I will sit here together.”

Santa Claus doesn't exist. He lives to the fullest.

An emergency at school: at a New Year's celebration, a boy in a cucumber costume was bitten by a physical education teacher.

Seven-year-old Petya almost believed in Santa Claus, but dad laughed and his beard came off.

A boy from an elite kindergarten is learning a New Year's rhyme:
– Hello, Grandfather Frost, cotton wool beard!
Give a BMW X-5 for the New Year!

A children's search engine called Woogl was presented at a Tambov school for the New Year. If you want to know a lot - Vugl!

For the New Year, you can also act out scenes for KVN, the action of which takes place in school during lessons.

At school, children write an essay on the topic “What would I ask Santa Claus for the New Year?”
– Dear Grandfather Frost! Make sure we are no longer forced to write these stupid essays!

During a math exam, the teacher carefully observes the students and from time to time kicks out of the class those who have cheat sheets.
The director looks into the classroom:
- How's the exam going? I think there are a lot of cheaters here!
- No, the lovers have already gone home. Only professionals remain here.

– Petrov, why do you look at your watch every minute?
“Because I’m terribly worried that a stupid call might interrupt this amazingly interesting lesson at a completely inopportune time.”

- Children, draw a square with a side of twelve centimeters!
- Marya Ivanovna, what kind of square is this - with one side?!

– You, Sidorov, have an interesting essay, but why isn’t it finished?
– Because my father was urgently called to work!

- And now I will prove to you the Pythagorean theorem.
Petya from the back desk:
- Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We already believe you!

– Why is European time ahead of American time?
Petushkov holds out his hand:
– Because America was discovered later!

The teacher says to the student:
– Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!
– Do you mean father?
- No, let your grandfather come. I want to show him what gross mistakes his son makes in your homework.

The last scene of the New Year's KVN takes place during the school break.

Two high school girls are talking:
“You know, just thinking about him makes my heart race, my hands shake, my legs give way, I can’t even speak.”
- And what is his name?
- Unified State Exam!

For these smaller productions, you won't need elaborate sets. For example, if a scene is being played out in the classroom, all you need to do is hang up the board and set up a desk. If the action takes place during recess, a corridor window is suitable as a decoration.

Help the children who take part in productions show their acting talents - and jokes for KVN at school for the New Year 2019 will not let your viewers get bored!

New Year's concert script

"Travelling the World with Baba Yaga"

Leading : The holiday has arrived!

New Year has come to our school!

Presenter : Congratulations, friends!

We can't get bored!

Leading : New Year is a magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

So let's have fun

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.


Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.


Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.


It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's party.

Presenter . The floor is given to the director of our school, Margarita Mikhailovna Ivanova.

(The sound of a falling plane and a crash is heard.)

Presenter . Oh, what is this? What's happening?

Leading . Did the plane crash?

(A lame Baba Yaga comes onto the stage. The presenters look at her silently. Baba Yaga addresses the presenters).

Baba Yaga . Well, why are you staring?

Leading . Excuse me, who? What are you doing here?

Presenter . We're actually having a holiday.

Baba Yaga . It's great that it's a holiday. I came for the holiday.

Leading . Well, then come into the hall, sit down in a chair and don’t disturb us.

Baba Yaga . Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't you read fairy tales? Don't know who I am?

Leading . Listen, grandma, I’ve grown out of fairy tales a long time ago. But I kindly ask you, go into the hall and don’t interfere with us leading the celebration.

Presenter . Listen, this is Baba Yaga, if I'm not mistaken.

Baba Yaga . You're not mistaken, granddaughter. Perhaps you read fairy tales?

Presenter . Sometimes I read to my younger brother.

Leading . Well, well, well, what kind of talk on stage. People are looking at us. And we have already started the holiday. What a mess!

Presenter . Wait, don't swear. Baba Yaga herself flew to us.

Leading .What? What kind of Baba Yaga?

Presenter . Well, just think about it, the New Year is just around the corner, and miracles happen on New Year’s Eve.

Leading . Ha! They invited some woman, dressed her in a Baba Yaga costume and laughed at me.

Baba Yaga . Well, then, does it mean you don’t believe that I’m a real Baba Yaga?

Leading . No, you're really laughing at me. That's it, the holiday is ruined!

Baba Yaga . The holiday is just beginning! And now the real fun begins! Relax, young people, Grandmother Yaga will rule! Well, raise your hands, those who love to travel. Oh, how many of you there are! Well, now we are going on a trip around the world.

Presenter . How will we go? By magic?

Baba Yaga . Certainly. I stole a globe from a school principal. Listen, such a thing! Well, where are we going?

Presenter . Oh, is it possible to go to the East?

Baba Yaga . Let's go east! (twists the globe and points his finger at it)

(Sound of a magic wand)

(Music sounds, the lights go out, oriental beauties come out and dance).

Baba Yaga . So how did you like it?

Presenter. Certainly.

Baba Yaga . Well, did you believe that I was a real Baba Yaga?

(The presenter silently waves his hand)

Baba Yaga . Well, what are we going to do next?

(Twists the globe Sound of a magic wand)

Presenter. So where are we?

Presenter . Now let's ask someone.

(a man comes out)

Baba Yaga . Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Englishman . In England. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a play with the children for the New Year.

Presenter . The performance is great.

Englishman . Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children for the New Year. (leaves)

Baba Yaga . Rehearsal! What an important one. But we can do it without rehearsal. Come on out here 7 people.

Once upon a time there lived a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. The breeze blew and brought a piece of paper with it. The kitten saw the piece of paper and chased after it. He caught it and played with it a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly that landed on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She took off and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick its fur. Suddenly a fat bumblebee landed on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten on the nose and flew away. The kitten jumped away from the flower and began to rub its stung nose with its paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out onto the porch - the kitten’s mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

Baba Yaga . Oh artists, well done.

Leading . Well, grandma, let's move on.

Baba Yaga . What did you like, dear?

Leading . Well, of course! When else can you visit for free?

Baba Yaga . Oh, how mercantile. Okay, go ahead, spin the globe.

(sound of a magic wand)

Leading . Country Romania.

Presenter. Romanians are a very spiritual and deep people, and also very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your deepest wish. If you believe in it, it will definitely come true.

(Song in Romanian)

Baba Yaga . Oh, what a fun song!

Presenter . Well, let's go next? Who spins the globe?

Baba Yaga . Let's ask the owner of the globe to come out and spin it once. Ask.

(There is a roar of falling furniture. A box flies).

Presenter. Oh, what is this?!

Leading , bowing his head. Why do furniture and various things fall from the sky?

An Italian comes out.

Baba Yaga . Hello, dear man. Listen, what's going on? And where are we?

Italian . We are located in Italy. It is customary here to throw all old things out of the windows before the New Year. Such a sign. If you throw away the old one, then you buy a new one.

Presenter. Logical!

(The Italian leaves).

Baba Yaga . Let's also throw something, otherwise I want to play something prankish! Well, come out here, 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

Presenter . Divide into two teams. Here's a ball for each team. Two people stand opposite each other. One holds a ring in his hands, the second tries to throw a ball into this ring. Whichever team throws the most balls into the ring will win (for a time).

Baba Yaga . Well done, here are some gifts for you.

(The presenter hands out prizes).

Baba Yaga . Well, let's continue our journey. (Spins the globe)

(sound of a magic wand) Country India.

Presenter . In south India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On New Year's morning, children must wait with their eyes closed until they are led to the tray.

Baba Yaga . Oh, we'll play now.

(Bowls are distributed to two participants of each team: one is empty, the other is filled (Christmas tree decoration, tangerine, orange). The rest are given spoons. Participants must, using a spoon and without using their hands, take turns transferring all the objects from one bowl to another).

Prizes for the winners.

Leading . Here we are all in different countries, yes, in different countries, but our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who even came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year?

Baba Yaga . Wait, honey, let's ask the guys this.

Baba Yaga (goes down into the hall with a microphone). Well, who will answer my question? Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year? (Peter 1)

From what country did he take this example? (from Germany)

How did people decorate the Christmas tree before? (nuts, candies, tangerines, apples)

Who is everyone looking forward to for the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading (addressing the presenter) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? He's running late for some reason. I don't like this.

(At this time Baba Yaga returns to the stage).

Baba Yaga . Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to call him, he doesn’t obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me, what does Santa Claus like? (songs, dances, laughter, smiles)

Baba Yaga . In short, he loves fun. Well, let's have fun.

Presenter. And our vocal group will help us with this.

(The choir comes on stage with the song Russian Santa Claus). In the middle of the song, Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost . Hello, dear children and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and elegant. Happy New Year!

Baba Yaga . Hello, Santa Claus.

Father Frost (turns to Baba Yaga). Oh, Baba Yaga, you are here too. What destinies?

Baba Yaga . Well, I decided to come visit for the holiday, otherwise it’s boring in the forest alone.

Father Frost . Perhaps you are plotting all sorts of intrigues again?

Baba Yaga . What are you, what are you. The children invited me and I came modestly.

Leading . Yes, I came modestly...

Presenter (pushes the presenter in the side). Absolutely right! We invited Babushka Yaga to our holiday. She made us laugh and entertained us. And now our guys want to congratulate you Grandfather Frost and you Babushka Yaga on the holiday. Have a seat.

Leading. During the New Year celebrations in Peter's Russia, colorful fireworks were displayed and all guns were fired mercilessly.

Presenter. Another integral feature of Peter's New Year's celebrations were assemblies - it was under Peter that these famous pleasure meetings and balls began to be organized.

Leading. And, despite the fact that at the beginning of the 18th century some had to be literally driven with sticks into the festive fun, today no one forces them to enjoy this holiday - everyone is looking forward to it themselves!


The forest and field are white, white meadows.

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.

The waters of the rivers slumber under the strong ice.

The snow lay on the roofs in white drifts.

In the sky, bright stars dance in a circle.

The Old Year says goodbye - the New Year enters.

Leading . A school vocal group is invited to the stage.

(Song “New Year's mood today)


What glorious days!

Come on, kids, take your skates

Hurry to the skating rink!

Hurry up too, my friend.

Here we are playing by the Christmas tree,

We're rolling down the hill in a crowd.

We all have fun to the point of tears

And Santa Claus is not scary.

Kids love winter:

What a wonderful time!

Leading . Students of grade 2b are invited to the stage.

(Dance “Funny Skates”)


With a heart full of expectations,

Let's celebrate this New Year.

Many bright wishes

He will collect it under the tree.

Only joyful time

What fate has in store for us,

To make a burden into a fairy tale,

May miracles happen!

(Song “Song Like a Bird”)


Looking back, leaving behind

We'll wave goodbye.

Let the Old Year go, let it be no more,

He fulfilled almost all wishes.

Well, what did the Old Year not manage to realize?

He instructed someone else to complete it.

The New Year picked up the baton on the way,

Walking briskly towards our house.


Everyone is hoping for a miracle,

When the New Year comes.

And let, as on a luxurious platter,

The coming year will bring you:

Health, joy and luck,

More bright, bright days,

Kindness, warmth, love in addition, -

After all, happiness is based on it.

The coming year will fulfill

May all your aspirations and dreams

And fill your heart with joy,

Will give peace, light, kindness!

Father Frost

There is an amazing winter quirk:

Young and old always celebrate the New Year,

Without admitting it, they believe that it is a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring it to them.

So let your cherished wishes come true,

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every home,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.

The skit “Whose help is better?”


Alina, Polina, Evelina are the daughters of the king.

King(to daughters). Today I walked through our palace and was simply horrified: a complete mess! Books are lying on the floor, shoes are on the windowsills, and clothes are on the beds! And everywhere there are candy wrappers! So I decided to start cleaning today. And I want to ask you: how will you help me?

Alina. This is how I will help. When you start cleaning, I will turn on the record player and put on your favorite record “Kings Can Do Anything.” This fun song will have you cleaning in no time!

Pauline. I'd better turn on the TV. The program “Visiting a Fairy Tale” will be shown there. I will watch it carefully and retell everything to you. And you will clean the entire palace fabulously quickly!

King(turning to Evelina with a sigh). What will you turn on?

Evelina. I'll turn on the vacuum cleaner. No, first I'll put all the things in their places. Then I’ll take a broom and sweep away all the trash. Then I will remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner. After this, I will wipe the window sills and all furniture with a damp cloth. And when everything is clean, we will all sit down together and watch TV.

King. Well, now I found out that I only have one real assistant!

Scene “At the Doctor’s”


A student with a briefcase stands in front of the doctor's office. He is undecided.

Student. What to do? To go or not to go? What if he kicks you out? No I'm not going. Yes, but what about the test? No, we have to go. Was not! (He takes a towel out of his briefcase and ties it around his head. Then he knocks on the door.)

Doctor. Yes, yes, come in!

Student(enters). Can?

Doctor(writes something, then stops writing, looks at the student). Come in, come in, sit down. What are you complaining about?

Student. Feeling very unwell.

Doctor. Specifically, what hurts?

Student. Head. Stomach. My ear is blocked. I don't hear anything and I don't understand anything. Then there is dizziness, blood pressure and palpitations.

Doctor. The temperature is?

Student. Yes, yes! Thirty eight and eight. Or forty-four and four. I do not remember.

Doctor. It's clear. Do you remember your last name?

Student. No, I don’t remember... I forgot.

Doctor. And forgot your name too?

Student. Yeah. And patronymic. Because my head hurts.

Doctor. I also forgot what class you are in and what school?

Student. Class... I think sixth grade. And I completely forgot about school.

Doctor. OK. Open your horn wider and say: “Ah-ah.”

Student. Ah-algebra.

Doctor. What is "algebra"? Is there a test today?

Student. No, tomorrow. Oh, no, I don't remember.

Doctor. Hmm yeah. (Looks at the student over his glasses.) A very difficult case! You can't go to school. I'll have to stay at home for two weeks.

Student(delighted). At home?

Student. What about English?

Doctor. It is forbidden!

Student. What about geography?

Doctor. In no case!

Student. Can I go to the cinema?

Doctor. Didn't I say? Necessarily! Twice a day - morning and afternoon!

Student. Thank you very much!

Doctor. Cheers! All. You can go.

Student. Goodbye. Oh, and a certificate?

Doctor. What certificate?

Student. Exemption from school. You didn't give it to me!

Doctor. Ah, liberation. No, unfortunately, nothing will work out!

Student. Why?

Doctor. How can I write you a certificate if I don’t know your first or last name, or the school where you study!

Student. Oh, I think I'm starting to remember.

Doctor. Well done! What's the last name?

Student. Kitties.

Student. Vasya! That is, Vasily Egorovich.

Doctor. Very good, now remember your class, school.

Student. Sixth “b” grade, school number twenty-five.

Doctor. Now remember about algebra.

Student. What algebra?

Doctor. About the one on which there is a test tomorrow. Do you remember?

Student. I remembered.

Doctor. Amazing! See how quickly you recovered for me! And you don’t even need any certificate! Or is it still necessary? For the headmaster of school number twenty-five?

Student. No need.

Doctor. Then bye. Kotikov Vasily Egorovich. Yes, don’t forget to take the turban off your head, it doesn’t suit you!

The student takes the towel off his head and leaves.

Scene “Grandmothers and grandchildren”


Two grandmothers.

First grandmother. Hello, my dear! Let's go for a walk in the park.

Second grandmother. Why, I haven’t done my homework yet.

First grandmother. Which lessons?

Second grandmother. Nowadays it’s fashionable to do homework for your grandchildren. I want to try it, although it’s probably not pedagogical.

First grandmother. Why is this not pedagogical? Yes, I’ve been doing homework for my grandchildren all my life. If you have anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience.

Second grandmother. Well, if it’s not difficult, check how I learned the poem: “By the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree...”

First grandmother. So good.

Second grandmother. “...Both day and night, a learned dog...”

First grandmother. What other dog?

Second grandmother. Well, I don't know what breed he is, maybe a Doberman Pinscher?

First grandmother. Yes, not a dog, but a learned cat! Understood?

Second grandmother. Ahh, I got it, I got it! Well, then I’ll start first: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree, day and night a learned cat... goes to the grocery store with a string bag.”

First grandmother. With what string bag? Which grocery store? Learn the poem again.

Second grandmother. Oh, I still have so many lessons! One grandson is in the sixth grade, and the other is in the first. His teacher asked him to bring the cash register to school.

First grandmother. Which cash register? From the store, or what? Don't involve me in this matter!

Second grandmother. Well, what does this have to do with the store? The cash register is the alphabet. Okay, I’ll do it myself, and you help me solve the problem.

First grandmother. So... (takes the textbook, reads) “... two pipes are connected to the bathtub...” Remember, in order to solve the problem, you need to clearly imagine what it says. “There are two rough connections connected to the bathroom...” - did you imagine?

Second grandmother. Yes, yes, I did.

First grandmother.“...Water pours in through one, pours out through the other.” Did you imagine?

Second grandmother. Presented! (Running away.) I imagined!

First grandmother. Wait! Where are you running to?

Second grandmother. The water is pouring out! Maybe the whole floor will be flooded...

First grandmother. Calm down. In fact, the water does not pour out. This is only mentioned in the problem! Now tell me, when will the bath be filled?

Second grandmother. It will never be filled. They said it themselves - the water doesn’t flow...

First grandmother. Goodbye. You will go to the hospital with you. And my homework has not yet been done: I need to conduct an experiment in botany - grow beans.

Second grandmother. Oh, yes, yes, I remember you took beans from me.

First grandmother. Why, these beans are not growing! Apparently of poor quality...

Second grandmother. How low quality? Well, do good to people! You could say that she tore the beans away from herself and took them out of the soup.

First grandmother. Wait, wait, how - from soup? It turns out I was the one who grew the boiled beans? Thank you for being friendly...

Second grandmother. Well, I didn’t know why you needed beans, don’t be offended!

First grandmother. What do you think, if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe they’ll give us some kind of grade?

Second grandmother(whispers). Between us, it has already been installed.

First grandmother. Yes? And what is the assessment?

Second grandmother."Kol"!

First grandmother. Why such a bad rating?

Second grandmother. Because we are minding our own business.

First grandmother. Adults do everything for the children, and then they are surprised: “Oh, they are growing up with little white hands!..”

The old ladies are leaving.

Scene “The Enchanted Letter”


Denis. One day Alenka, Mishka and I were playing in the yard. It was before the New Year. A Christmas tree was brought to our yard. She lay there big, furry, and smelled so deliciously of frost that we stood there like fools and smiled. And suddenly Alenka said:

Alenka. Look, there are DETECTIVES hanging on the Christmas tree!

Denis. Mishka and I just rolled!

bear. Oh, I'll die laughing! Detective!

Denis. Well, it gives: detective work!

Bear. The girl is five years old, but she says “detective”. Oh, I can't! Oh, I feel bad! Oh, water! Give me some water quickly! I'm about to faint! (Falls and laughs.)

Denis. Oh, I even started hiccupping from laughter! Ick! Ick! I'll probably die now! The girl is already five years old, soon to be married off, and she is a detective!

Alenka(offended). Did I say correctly! It’s my tooth that has fallen out and is whistling. I want to say “detective”, but I whistle “detective”.

bear. Just think! Her tooth fell out!.. I have three that have fallen out and one that is loose, but I still speak correctly. Listen here: giggles! What? Isn't that great? GIGGLES! I can even sing:

Mikhail clubfoot

Walking through the forest

Khykhki collects

And he puts it in his pocket.

Alenka(shouting). Ah-ah-ah! Wrong! Hooray! You say “hykhki”, but you should say “detective”!

bear. No, you have to - “hey”!

Alenka. No, detectives!

Bear. No, heck!

Alenka. No, detectives! (Obarevut.)

Denis. I laughed so hard that I even got hungry. I'll go home now. These are the weirdos! Why are they arguing so much, since both are wrong? It's a very simple word. No “sleuths”, no “huffs”, but short and clear: “fucks”! That's all.

Based on materials from the film magazine “Yeralash”

Sketch “Day of Helping Parents”


Anton. Mother.

Three of Anton's classmates.

Anton appears on the stage. He wipes off the dust with a rag, sweeps the floor with a brush, while dancing and singing: “My baby, I miss you...”.

Mom comes in wearing outerwear and freezes in place.

Mother. Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened, mom. Let me help you undress. (Helps me take off my jacket.)

Mom enters the room and notices that the dust has been wiped off.

Mother. Have you wiped off the dust? Myself?

Anton. Myself.

Mother. Tell me honestly, Anton, what happened?

Anton. Nothing happened.

Mother. Am I called to school?

Anton. No...

Mom walks around the room and notices that the floor has been swept.

Mother. Have you swept the floor? Myself?! Incredible... (Puts her hand to her forehead, checking to see if she has a fever.)

Anton. Mom, don't worry. I washed the dishes and did my homework.

Mother. I did my homework... I beg you, Anton, tell me what happened? (Grabs his heart and sits down on a chair.)

Anton. Well, I’m telling you: nothing happened! The doorbell rings. Three children enter.

1st. Good evening! How was Helping Parents Day?

2nd. So, cleanliness, order. Wiped off the dust, swept the floor...

3rd(opens the magazine). Check mark! (Ticks the box with a pencil.)

Anton. Helping Parents Day, Helping Parents Day! Look what your Helping Parents Day has brought people to! (Points to mom.)

Children surround their mother on all sides.

1st(vigorously). Valerian! Water! (Counts the drops.) 23, 24, 25! (Gives mom a drink.) How nervous all mothers are! It was necessary to first explain that this was just for one day and tomorrow everything would be the same!

Sketch “About the kitten who couldn’t read”


Yasha is a kitten.

One day Murka's cat, Yasha's mother, said to the kitten:

Murka. It's time for you, Yasha, to learn to read.

Yasha. I'll still have time!

Murka. There's no point in being lazy. Let's start right now. Sit down, I'll show you the letters.

Yasha reluctantly sits down.

Murka. Let's start with the simplest letter - "O". (Shows the letter "O".)

Yasha. Some kind of circle...

Murka. Yes, it looks like a circle. This letter is called "O". Repeat!

Yasha. This letter is called "O". What words contain this letter?

Murka. In many. For example, in the words “cat” and “cat”. (Shows cards with words written on them.)

Yasha. What about the word “kitten”?

Murka. And in the word “kitten” there are even two letters “O”. Here look. (Shows a card with a written word.)

Yasha. See see! Two mugs! How about three? Are there three letters "O" in words?

Murka. Certainly. There is such a good word - “milk”. (Shows card.)

Yasha. Is it true! Three whole circles! Does the word “ice cream” have this letter?

Murka. Eat. And also three. Here look. (Shows card.)

Yasha. Good word! And in two ice creams, that means there are six letters “O”. And at three...

Murka. Don't talk nonsense! And in general, we don’t have arithmetic now! That's all for today. Go for a walk!

Yasha. What a good letter! And it happens in the best words! And the most delicious!

Yasha approaches the screen on which hangs a sign with the inscription: “Caution! Angry dog!"

Yasha. What a beautiful sign! And there are three words written on it... And in the first word there are whole... one, two, three, four... Wow!

As many as four letters "O"! Wow! There must be something very tasty or pleasant here!..

The kitten looks behind the screen. A deafening bark can be heard from there. Yasha jumps out from behind the screen, tears off the sign and runs to his mother.

Murka(seeing Yasha excited). What happened to you? Why are you so disheveled and shaking all over? What's happened?

Yasha. Mom, I was walking, I saw a fence, there was a beautiful sign hanging on the fence (hands the sign to mom), three words were written on it, and in the first word there were as many as four letters “O”! I thought that there must be something very tasty or pleasant there...

Murka. So! I understand everything! This is what happens when you can't read! Do you know what is written on this sign? "Carefully! Angry dog!".

Yasha. Yes, it’s written correctly, the dog is really angry... You know what, mom, let’s learn the rest of the letters!

Sketch “Word Game”


Petya is a son.

Two boys - one older, the other younger - go on stage and sit on chairs. In hands - pictures and pencils.

Peter. Dad, draw me something.

Dad. No, we will take turns drawing and playing words at the same time.

Peter. Like this?

Dad. That's how. We will come up with words starting with some letter and depict these words with pictures. Let's take the letter "P" for example. I start. (Draws a briefcase and shows.)

Peter. It's clear. And I’ll draw... (draws a steam locomotive).

Dad. Well done! The locomotive is like a real one! And I came up with this... (draws and shows a belt).

Peter. But you can't wear a belt! He doesn't start with the letter "P"!

Dad. And this is not a belt, but a belt!

Peter. Great idea! Then I’ll draw... (draws and shows a cat).

Dad. But you can’t have a cat, it doesn’t start with the letter “P”!

Peter. And this is not just a cat, but Fluff!

Dad. Oh, you cunning one! Fine. I will draw... (draws and shows a portrait).

Peter. Who is this?

Dad. It's nobody. It's just a portrait.

Peter. Great. And I’ll draw... (draws and shows his uncle).

Dad. And who is this?

Peter. It's nobody. This is just a passerby.

Dad. Well done! And I'll draw a parrot. (Draws and shows.)

Peter. Great! And I'll draw a penguin. (Draws and shows.)

Dad. Look. (Shows the boy shown in the picture.)

Peter. Who is this? If it's a boy, it doesn't count.

Dad. Didn't you find out? After all, it’s Petya, that is, you!

Peter. Now I know! And I’ll draw... (draws and shows his uncle).

Dad. Who is this? If it's an uncle, it doesn't count!

Peter. Didn't you find out? It's dad, that is, you!

Dad. Now I know. And here's what I came up with. (Draws and shows a woman.) This is our mother. I drew her because she is a teacher and teaches singing.

Peter. Great! And this is what I came up with! (Draws and shows a calendar.)

Dad. Calendar? Why?

Dad. Right. And on this day we will present her... (draws a gift and flowers).

Peter. A gift is understandable. And the flowers? They don't start with the letter "P"...

Dad. So what? Mom will be pleased anyway!

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