Novikov educational project. Preface

FOUR LEVELS OF GENERALITY OF RESEARCH: 1. Industry-wide level of significance - work, the results of which have an impact on the entire field of a particular science 2. Disciplinary level of significance characterizes research, the results of which contribute to the development of individual scientific disciplines 3. Research and results have a general problem level of significance which change existing scientific ideas on a number of important problems within one discipline 4. Particular problem level of significance, the results of which change scientific ideas on certain particular issues

PHASES STAGES Design phase Conceptual stage Identification of contradictions Formulation of the problem Determination of the purpose of the study Selection of criteria Modeling stage (building a hypothesis) 1. Building a hypothesis; 2. Clarification (specification) of the hypothesis. Stage of research design 1. Decomposition (determination of research objectives); 2. Study of conditions (resource capabilities); 3. Construction of a research program. Stage of technological preparation of the study Technological phase Stage of the study Theoretical stage Empirical stage Stage of presentation of the results 1. Approbation of the results; 2. Presentation of results. Reflexive phase

FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM A scientific problem is understood as a question the answer to which is not contained in the scientific knowledge accumulated by society. A problem is a specific form of organization of knowledge, the object of which is not immediate objective reality, but the state of scientific knowledge about this reality.

SUB-STAGES FOR PROBLEM FORMULATION 1. Statement of the problem - posing questions. Isolation of the central problematic issue. 2. Assessment of the problem - determination of the necessary conditions, resource support, research methods. 3. Justification of the problem - proof of the need for its solution, scientific and/or practical value of the expected results. 4. Structuring the problem - decomposition - searching for additional questions (sub-questions), without which it is impossible to get an answer to the central - problematic - question.

OBJECT AND SUBJECT OF RESEARCH The object of research is what confronts the knowing subject in his cognitive activity - that is, it is that part of the surrounding reality with which the researcher deals. The subject of research is that side, that aspect, that point of view, “projection” from which the researcher cognizes the entire object, while highlighting the main, most significant (from the researcher’s point of view) features of the object.

NEW RESULTS CAN BE OBTAINED: 1. A new subject area has been studied (indicated by shading in the figure) (Fig.a); 2. New technologies are applied to a previously researched subject area - methods or means of cognition (Fig.b) 3. At the same time, a new subject area is being explored using new technologies (Fig.c). Option (Fig.d) is fundamentally impossible!

REGULARITY: THE WIDER THE SUBJECT AREA, THE MORE DIFFICULT IT IS TO OBTAIN GENERAL SCIENTIFIC RESULTS FOR IT “Weak” sciences introduce the most minimal limiting assumptions (or even do not introduce them at all) and obtain the most vague results. “Strong” sciences introduce many limiting assumptions, but obtain clearer, more substantiated results, the scope of which, however, is very narrowed (more precisely, clearly limited by the introduced assumptions).

“THE PRINCIPLE OF UNCERTAINTY” We can conditionally arrange various sciences on a plane (see the next slide): “Validity of results” - “The area of ​​their applicability (adequacy)”, and formulate (again conditionally, by analogy with the uncertainty principle of W. Heisenberg) the following “ the principle of uncertainty": the current level of development of science is characterized by certain joint restrictions on the "validity" of the results and their scope of applicability

RESEARCH TOPIC As a very first approximation, the research topic is formulated at the beginning. But, as a rule, it acquires a completed form when the subject of research is formulated - after all, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the topic of research indicates the subject of research, and the key word or phrase in the topic of research indicates, most often, its object.

RESEARCH APPROACHES 2 meanings 1. In the first meaning, the approach is considered as some initial principle, starting position, basic position or belief: holistic approach, integrated approach, functional approach, systematic approach, integrated approach, personal approach, activity approach (personal-active approach) .

RESEARCH APPROACHES 2 meanings 2. In the second meaning, the research approach is considered as a direction for studying the subject of research and is classified into paired categories of dialectics, reflecting the polar sides, directions of the research process: substantive and formal approaches; logical and historical approaches (logical-historical and historical-logical approaches); qualitative and quantitative approaches; phenomenological and essential approaches; single and general (generalized) approaches. 2 to the 5th power = 32 options!

DETERMINING THE PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH Based on the object and subject of the study, its purpose is determined. The purpose of the study is what, in the most general (generalized) form, needs to be achieved upon completion of the study. It is understood that upon completion of the research, the research problem should be completely solved within the framework defined by its subject, purpose and objectives (see below).

CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE RELIABILITY OF RESEARCH RESULTS 1. Criteria for assessing the reliability of the results of theoretical research. The result of theoretical research - a theory, concept or any theoretical constructions - constructions must meet the following criteria for any branches of scientific knowledge: 1. subject matter; 2. completeness; 3. consistency; 4. interpretability; 5. verifiability; 6. reliability.

CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE RELIABILITY OF RESEARCH RESULTS 2. Criteria for assessing the reliability of the results of empirical research: 1. The criteria must be objective (as far as possible in this scientific field). 2. The criteria must be adequate and valid, that is, they must evaluate exactly what the researcher wants to evaluate. 3. The criteria must be neutral in relation to the phenomenon being studied. 4. The set of criteria must cover with sufficient completeness all the essential characteristics of the phenomenon or process under study.

HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a model of future scientific knowledge (possible scientific knowledge). A scientific hypothesis plays a dual role: either as an assumption about one or another form of connection between observed phenomena and processes, or as an assumption about the connection between observed phenomena, processes and their internal basis. Hypotheses of the first kind are called descriptive, and those of the second are called explanatory.

CONDITIONS FOR THE VALIDITY OF THE HYPOTHESIS: 1. The hypothesis must explain the entire range of phenomena and processes for the analysis of which it is put forward. 2. Fundamental testability of the hypothesis. 3. The applicability of the hypothesis to the widest possible range of phenomena. 4. The maximum possible fundamental simplicity of the hypothesis.

STAGE OF DETERMINING RESEARCH TASKS A task is understood as a goal of activity given under certain specific conditions. The objectives of the study act as private, relatively independent goals of the study in the specific conditions of testing the formulated hypothesis.

STAGE OF BUILDING A RESEARCH PROGRAM (METHODOLOGY) Research methodology is a document that includes a description of the problem, object, subject of research, its purpose, hypothesis, tasks, methodological foundations and research methods, as well as planning, that is, the development of a time schedule for the implementation of the planned work.

STAGE OF TECHNOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF THE RESEARCH Consists in the preparation of experimental documentation, preparation of observation protocol forms, questionnaires; purchasing or manufacturing the necessary experimental equipment, creating the necessary software, etc. The stage of technological preparation of research is specific to each specific scientific work.
TECHNOLOGICAL PHASE OF RESEARCH Consists of directly testing the constructed scientific hypothesis in accordance with the complex of working materials and equipment developed at the stage of design and technological preparation of the study. The technological phase consists of two stages: 1) conducting research 2) reporting the results.

THE RESEARCH STAGE includes two stages: the theoretical stage (analysis and systematization of literary data, development of the conceptual apparatus, construction of the logical structure of the theoretical part of the study); empirical stage – carrying out experimental work.

REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSIFICATION: 1. Each classification can be carried out on only one basis. 2. The volume of classification members must be exactly equal to the volume of the entire class being classified. 3. Each object can fall into only one subclass. 4. Members of the classification must be mutually exclusive. 5. The division into subclasses must be continuous. The central system-forming element (link) of a theory can be: a concept, an idea, a unified research approach, a system of axioms or a system of axiomatic requirements, etc. In a number of branches of science, for example in chemistry, pharmacy, microbiology, etc., the fact of obtaining a new chemical substance, a new medicine, a new vaccine, etc. can act as a central system-forming link. CENTRAL SYSTEM-FORMING ELEMENT OF THE THEORY

STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS OF THE THEORY: algorithm, apparatus (didactic, conceptual apparatus, etc.); classification; criteria; techniques; methods; mechanisms (classes of mechanisms); models (basic, predictive, graph, open, closed, dynamic, model complexes, etc.); directions; justification; grounds; basics; paradigms; options; periodization; approaches; concepts (developing concepts, systems of concepts, etc.); techniques; principles; programs; procedures; solutions; systems (hierarchical systems, generalized systems, etc.); content; methods; facilities; scheme; structures; strategies; phases; essences; taxonomies; trends; technologies; typologies; requirements; conditions; phases; factors (system-forming factors, etc.); forms (sets of forms, etc.); functions; characteristics (essential characteristics, etc.); goals (set of goals, hierarchy of goals); stages, etc. In branches of science, the strong version adds more theorems, lemmas, and statements.

EMPIRICAL STAGE. EXPERIMENTAL WORK Experimental work, although it often takes up a significant and sometimes most of the researcher’s time budget, serves only to confirm or refute theoretical constructs previously made by him, starting with a hypothesis.

STAGE OF REGISTRATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS Stage of approbation of results. Approbation is carried out in the form of public reports and speeches, discussions, as well as in the form of written or oral review. Stage of registration of results. Upon completion of testing, the researcher begins the literary preparation and publication of the results of his research. Scientific research ends with a reflexive phase - “turning back”: comprehension, comparison, assessment of the initial and final states: - the object of scientific activity - the final assessment (self-assessment) of the research results - the subject of the activity, i.e. oneself - reflection - systems of scientific knowledge - scientific reflection


The manual, written by RAO Academician A. M. Novikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, D. A. Novikov, from the standpoint of system analysis in the logic of the modern project-technological type of organizational culture, reveals the main characteristics, stages, forms and methods of an educational project as a full cycle innovation activity. Intended for public education workers, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students. First of all, for teachers of pedagogical universities and IPK when preparing courses/lecture cycles on issues of innovative activities in education, pedagogical systems and technologies for managing educational systems, etc.


Currently, there is a rapid development of interest among managers and teaching staff of educational institutions, workers and heads of educational authorities, scientific and methodological organizations in innovative activities, including conducting scientific research and experimental work in their educational institutions, in their regions, etc. d. This phenomenon is encouraging. On the one hand, it speaks to the awareness among education workers of the need for reforms in the industry. On the other hand, about their awareness of their responsibility for these transformations and the need to improve their qualifications, their scientific and pedagogical level. It is also gratifying that in many educational institutions the positions of methodologists and deputy directors for scientific work have appeared; more and more candidates and doctors of science are becoming part of their staff. In gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc. departments and faculties are registered. In many regions and municipalities, centers for the development of education have been created, and institutes (universities, academies) for advanced training have sharply increased their level. At the same time, the desire for scientific and experimental work is completely insufficiently supported by appropriate methodological support; mistakes are often made in planning innovations and in conducting experimental work.

Novikov Alexander Mikhailovich is an outstanding Russian scientist and teacher. The creator of modern methodology, the creator of modern educational theory. Born in 1941. Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, foreign member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, member of the Union of Journalists, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Currently he works as the head of the Research Center for the Theory of Lifelong Education of the Russian Academy of Education, and heads the department at the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University. M.A. Sholokhov.

Author of 300 scientific papers on the methodology and theory of pedagogy, theory and methodology of labor training and vocational education, psychology and physiology of labor. Among them are “The process and methods of developing labor skills” (1986), “Vocational school: development strategy” (1991), “English College” (1994), “Vocational education in Russia - development prospects” (1997), “Russian education in new era" (2000), "Development of domestic education" (2005), "Post-industrial education" (2008).

Co-author and co-editor of the textbook “Professional Pedagogy” (1997, 1999), “Encyclopedia of Vocational Education” in 3 volumes. (1999), “History of vocational education in Russia” (2003). Systematic publication of articles on problems of development of domestic education in the magazines “Specialist”, “Vocational Education”, “National Education”, “Pedagogy”, etc.

Methodological issues are covered in more detail on a specialized website

Books (11)

Introduction to the methodology of gaming activities

The brochure reveals the features, principles and stages of gaming activity, forms of its organization, methods and means from the standpoint of system analysis in the logic of the modern design and technological type of organizational culture.

Intended for a wide range of workers in various specialties (philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, teachers, etc.), practical psychologists, workers in the public education system, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students.


The book, from the standpoint of system analysis in the logic of the modern design-technological type of organizational culture, sets out the foundations of methodology as a doctrine of the organization of activities (scientific, practical, artistic, educational and gaming).

The work is intended for scientific and practical workers, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students. First of all, teachers of universities and advanced training institutes for use in preparing lecture courses on systems theory, systems analysis, research methodology, innovation, system design, project management, etc.

Research methodology

The book, from the standpoint of system analysis in the logic of the modern design-technological type of organizational culture, sets out the fundamentals of the methodology of scientific research (methodology of science, methodology of scientific activity - synonyms) as a doctrine of the organization of scientific activity.

The work is intended for researchers, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students.

Educational methodology

The book reveals the basic concepts of educational methodology from the standpoint of system analysis in the logic of the modern design-technological type of organizational culture. Intended for scientific and practical workers in public education, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students.

First of all, for teachers of pedagogical universities and IPK when preparing courses/lecture cycles on the methodology of pedagogical research, innovative activities in education, pedagogical systems and technologies for managing educational systems, etc.

Methodology: dictionary of the system of basic concepts

Dictionary written by RAO Academician A.M. Novikov and corresponding member of the RAS D.A. Novikov, contains about 300 articles revealing the content of the basic concepts of the methodology. The consistency of the set of concepts presented is ensured by the coverage of the subject area, the completeness and consistency of the connections between them.

The work is intended for scientific and practical workers, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students. First of all, teachers of universities and advanced training institutes for use in preparing lecture courses on systems theory, systems analysis, scientific research methodology, innovation, system design, and project management.

Foundations of pedagogy

The book by A. M. Novikov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, is dedicated to the construction of a conceptual-categorical apparatus and the logical structure of pedagogy in modern post-industrial society.

Post-industrial education

Humanity has abruptly moved into a completely new era of its existence - the post-industrial era. What caused and is causing radical changes in politics, economics, culture, in work, in the personal life of every person. In this regard, the education system around the world, including Russian education, is faced with the acute problem of a radical restructuring of its goals, content, forms, methods, means and its entire organization in accordance with the requirements of the New Time.

This book is devoted to the analysis of these problems. It is intended for a wide range of readers - scientists, practical educators, as well as students, graduate students and doctoral students.

Professional pedagogy

A textbook for students studying in pedagogical specialties and areas.

Ed. S.Ya. Batysheva, A.M. Novikova.

The textbook reveals the laws of professional pedagogy, the content of vocational education, innovative teaching technologies, forms and methods of training and education of students, the integrated use of teaching aids in the educational process, issues of management of professional educational institutions and other topical issues of modern professional pedagogy.

Intended for students of universities and colleges studying in vocational and pedagogical specialties, for teachers and masters of industrial training of institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, additional vocational education, as well as employees of educational departments of enterprises and organizations, training centers, employment services, etc. .

Russian education in a new era

The book contains the author's concept of the development of Russian education in the conditions of humanity's transition to the post-industrial era of development. A comprehensive approach to the analysis of the development of education as an integral system from preschool to postgraduate education in all its main forms has been carried out.

The book contains an analysis of the paradoxes inherited by the Russian education system and the vectors of its further development in the form of four leading ideas corresponding to four main subjects - “consumers of education”: the individual, society, production (in the broad sense - both material and spiritual ) and the education system itself. Accordingly, these are the ideas: humanization of education, democratization of education, advanced education, lifelong education. Each idea develops in a set of principles, identified according to the strict principles of their classification and the conditions for their implementation.

I am an educator

The author shares his experience and thoughts about teaching and upbringing, about the activities of a teacher, methodologist, scientist, scientific supervisor, and administrator. A number of recommendations are given:
- how to become a scientist;
- how to write a monograph;
- how to supervise graduate students, doctoral students and applicants;
- and etc.
The book is intended for a wide range of readers: young people (senior schoolchildren and students), parents, scientists, practitioners, and managers.

As mentioned above, a research project as a cycle of scientific activity includes three main phases: design phase, technological phase, reflective phase. Accordingly, we will consider the research process in this logical structure, according to these three phases: research design; conducting research, including recording its results; assessment and self-esteem, reflection of its results.

Naturally, the division of the research process into phases, stages and stages - see Table. 5 (FOOTNOTE: To make reading easier, it is recommended to refer to Table 15 – Table 17, which provides a complete set of phases, stages and stages of scientific research as a scientific project) (the time structure of the research) is somewhat arbitrary.

Table5 . Phases, stages and stages of scientific research

In the process of conducting research, it is constantly necessary to compare the obtained intermediate results with the initial positions, with the research project, and, accordingly, clarify and adjust both the goals and the course of the research itself. That is, assessment and reflection constantly permeate all the activities of the researcher. And if we place them at the end of the specified logical chain, it is only because after completing one scientific work, the researcher, as a rule, begins the next one - a new cycle of research, but at a qualitatively new level - each successive study accumulates the experience of a scientist .

Scientific activity

Main works on methodology: Methodology (2007, co-authored with Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.A. Novikov]), “Methodology of Education” (2nd ed. - 2002, 2006), “Methodology of Artistic Activity” (2008), “Introduction to the Methodology of Game Activity” (2006), “Methodology of educational activities” (2005), “Scientific and experimental work in an educational institution” (2nd ed.: 1995, 1996), “How to work on a dissertation” (4th ed.: 1994, 1996, 2000, 2003 ), "Doctoral dissertation?" (3rd edition: 1999, 2001, 2003), etc. The works are posted in the free library on the “Methodology” website.

Major works on educational theory: “Foundations of Pedagogy”], “Post-Industrial Education” (2008), “Development of Domestic Education” (2005), “Russian Education in a New Era” (2000), “Vocational Education in Russia - Development Prospects” (1997), “Vocational School: development strategy" (1991), etc. The brochure "National Idea of ​​Russia / Possible Approach" (2000) is also posted there. Co-author and co-editor of the textbook “Professional Pedagogy” (1997, 1999, 2010), “Encyclopedia of Vocational Education” in 3 volumes. (1999), “History of vocational education in Russia” (2003). Systematic publication of articles on problems of development of domestic education in the magazines “Specialist”, “Vocational Education”, “National Education”, “Pedagogy”, etc.

Currently working Head of the Research Center for the Theory of Lifelong Education of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Department at Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhov, heads the research center of the Russian International Academy of Tourism.

Previously held positions:

2002-1995 – Academician-Secretary of the Department of Basic Professional Education of the Russian Academy of Education; 1995-1992 – Vice-Rector of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Education Workers in the Moscow Region; 1991-1977 – director, deputy director of the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center for Vocational and Technical Training of Youth; 1977-1966 – head. laboratory, senior researcher, ml. Researcher at the Research Institute of Labor Training and Career Guidance at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

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