Nina Kirso year of birth. “Freestyle” soloist Nina Kirso has been in a coma for more than a year

Last week, a concert of the legendary group “Freestyle” was held at the plant’s Palace of Culture, whose members presented the Zheltovod residents with their new songs and old hits: “Yellow Roses”, “Metelitsa”, “Oh, What a Woman”, “Three Pines on a Hillock”, “ Drop" and many others. The group’s 25-year creative activity has attracted many fans; there was a full house of them in Zheltye Vody!

The Freestyle group includes Nina Kirso, Sergei Kuznetsov, Sergei Ganzha, who have been performing in this group since its founding - that is, a quarter of a century, as well as two other professional musicians: Yuri Zirka and Yuri Savchenko. The audience warmly welcomed the artists; the tone of the concert, of course, was set by the charming and artistic Nina, who changed her outfits three times during the performance and generously shared her positive energy with the audience. “Oh, what a woman” - these words from the hit “Freestyle” perfectly characterize the “beautiful half” of the group. I was convinced of this by talking with Nina Kirso in her dressing room after the concert.

- For Epiphany?

– Yes, I’ve been plunging into the ice hole for Epiphany for 8 years now. In the last couple of years - even twice: on January 18 and 19.

– You are an extreme woman!

- You do not say! A pregnant woman took a dip with me, in her fifth month, and was afraid to give birth. She later gave birth to a healthy baby.

Thank you for sharing the recipes, and now, after all, let’s talk about creativity. For 25 years, you either found yourself at the top of Olympus, or somehow got lost...

Yes, these are subjective points. Previously, there was a TV program “Hello, we are looking for talents,” but now no one is looking for anyone. We have to make our way onto television, get there by hook or by crook. In addition to talent, you need to have connections and acquaintances. Therefore, we had to go through different periods. And now Freestyle has opened again...

- second wind?

Not even the second one. The first climb was at the very beginning. These are the songs “I don’t believe you”, “Yellow Roses”... And it ended with “It hurts me, it hurts” - this tremendous success. And suddenly the Union collapsed, all ties were severed, Ukraine went its own way. We are far from Moscow.

– Where do you live now, if it’s not a secret?

We lived and live in Poltava. We have a studio there. We were really looking forward to the moment when everyone wouldn’t have to go to Moscow. And, look, now, the same Seryozha Zverev is often in Kyiv, and other artists who host Russian news programs. The fact that at one time all the countries separated and each took its own path is actually not bad. Another question: how to live normally in the world without inventing enemies for yourself. My husband Anatoly Rozanov, founder and composer of the Freestyle group, was born in the city of Maykop and lived in Pyatigorsk. His family ended up in Poltava in the 70s. The fact is that his grandfather, the commander of a partisan detachment, a hero who was buried in Poltava where the Eternal Flame was lit, died there during the war. Therefore, my husband’s family was given an apartment in Poltava, where they moved from Russia. Anatoly did not know the Ukrainian language, but he fell in love with Ukraine. And now we have a desire to write a hit in Ukrainian. Such a “khityaru”! Shchob taka bula, like “Don’t joke with Chervona Ruta in the evenings...”. But it's hard to program. If the Lord grants us such a text... It must be deep, and we must be able to fulfill it properly... We, after all, are Russian performers. I seem to know English, but if I sing in it, it will be clumsy. The fact that children now learn English, French, and German at school is wonderful. In general, I am for the friendship of peoples, for good relations between nations. My mother's maiden name is Lukashenko. How, for example, can you not love Belarus after this? But the fact that my son did not speak Russian until the 5th grade is not good! This year my child read the first serious book in Russian - “Crime and Punishment” by F. Dostoevsky. This is the book that connected me with my husband.

- How?

– I was re-reading “Crime and Punishment” (I didn’t read this book in its entirety during my school years), and when Anatoly and I walked down the street after rehearsals, I retold to him several chapters I had read. With this I somehow conquered him, amazed him. By the way, I read War and Peace in its entirety at the age of 18. At school I only read about war and skipped about love, although the teacher said that all the children did the opposite. That's how my brain is.

– Nina, who, in your opinion, is worthy of respect from the cohort of young contemporary performers?

You know, all people deserve respect. Every person is unique, even a homeless person. And we have no right to look down on him, with contempt, condemnation. You just need to appreciate what you have and be happy about it, thank God for it. And don't judge others. Well, I got distracted by philosophy. As for young performers, I like many of them. It’s just that fate brings some people together, and you begin to become more interested in their work.

– Nina, according to tradition, I would like to hear your wishes to our readers.

– I wish that you always have work, but that you don’t forget to have a good rest! I wish that you learn to forgive your enemies, that the Lord will help your city, and that you live in peace, and even if some kind of revolution happens, let it pass peacefully. Love your friend and... a little “Freestyle”!

– What is the secret of the longevity of the Freestyle group? – we asked Sergei Kuznetsov, her soloist and keyboardist, author of the lyrics of the song “Farewell forever, last love” to answer this question ", "Yellow roses", "The candle is burning out"and many other hits.

“Perhaps, the thing that comes first for us, after all, is the song.” Many bands break up because they have difficulty finding suitable song material. And our leader and composer Anatoly Rozanov created 99.9% of all the music performed by our group. And I wrote the lyrics to more than 70% of our songs. We all trust each other in creativity and are friends in life. We spend holidays together. In general, it’s like one family. Thank you to the Zheltovodians for the warm welcome, for the fact that they love our old songs, this inspires us to further fruitful work!

“There is a problem with good authors,” another musician of the group, Sergei Ganzha, joins the conversation. – Those performers who are authors themselves have a greater chance of success. Our group was lucky with the composer and the authors of the poems. We are known in Ukraine and abroad, we are adults, accomplished artists, it’s a sin to complain about fate. Although, of course, I would like to achieve even more.

Elena KUBAREVA, news agency “There is an opinion”, photo by the author

With a song through life

“Freestyle” soloist Nina KIRSO: “Just write: “Nina didn’t give in the literal and figurative sense!”

The popular pop group turned 20 years old
Jokes aside, Nina and her team have a lot of work: despite the fact that “Freestyle” is extremely rarely shown on TV and all the artists live in Poltava, and not in Kiev or Moscow, the 20-year-old group remains in demand both in Ukraine and abroad.

The voice of “Freestyle” vocalist Nina Kirso is probably familiar to everyone. She sings about the viburnum that blooms, about the boat of love and three pine trees on a hillock. And of course, about my mother: “May the years, like water, never break the transparent thread that binds us. Happy birthday to you, my dear mother, may your good angel protect you.” This song is still ordered on the radio more often than any other. Poltava resident Nina truly felt the maternal theme, because she not only raised her son, but also helped raise the daughter of her husband, the creator and producer of the Freestyle group, Anatoly Rozanov. Recently, Kirso has also become a mother to her band, with whom she constantly goes on tour. “Andrey Danilko, my fellow countryman, says: “I recruited men and you use them!” - the singer laughs. - And I responded: “I didn’t take anyone, I got them like that!” Jokes aside, Nina and her team have a lot of work: despite the fact that “Freestyle” is extremely rarely shown on TV and all the artists live in Poltava, and not in Kiev or Moscow, the 20-year-old group remains in demand both in Ukraine and abroad.


— Nina, congratulations: your group has turned 20! Maybe you can finally tell me why they called it “Freestyle”?

— Initially, there were about 100 variants of names: “Olympus”, and “Olympia”, and “Aerobatics”... Then they selected 50 of the most acceptable words, and Seryozha Ganzha, our guitarist, put them into a huge IBM machine (this is the ancestor of the current computers) - she chose “Freestyle”. We decided to trust incorruptible technology.

— How did you get into the team?

— September 1, 1982 Sergey Kuznetsov (lyricist and vocalist of the Freestyle group. - Auto.) , with whom I studied at the Poltava Institute of Civil Engineering, brought me to Anatoly Rozanov for an audition - an amateur women's group "Olympia" was created at the Poltava Znamya plant.

I sat down at the piano and sang Alla Pugacheva’s song: “As soon as the flame of the night light flares up, you will come to me from afar.” Tolik immediately took me into the group. Later the girls told me: “Listen, you sang as if you fell in love with him!”, And I saw him for the first time in my life! But four years later I really fell in love with Rozanov. We've been living together since then. Freestyle was created in 1988.

— If I’m not mistaken, at first there were three soloists in the group, one of them was Vadim Kazachenko, who either went solo or returned again. What didn't work out for you with him?

- Oh, there is no desire to remember this, no pleasure...

- Why?

— It’s hard to find a more ungrateful person than Vadim: for 16 years (since 1992, when he left us) he hasn’t said a single kind word about Tolya, who wrote the best songs for him! And my husband not only forgave the “prodigal son,” but also began to help him become a star for the second time!

In 2003, Vadim decided to return to Freestyle, but we didn’t take him back. He traveled from Moscow to Poltava for six months to see Rozanov and persuaded him to believe him again! He turned on all his charm, repented that he left us in 1992, although he continued to sing Tolina’s songs... But as soon as new financial horizons loomed, Kazachenko’s remorse disappeared!

The old story repeated itself: Vadim accepted financial help from a lady of the Chicago spill, who became his director and wife. She matched him to Joseph Prigozhin and agreed on promotion. Calls and threats began: they say that the studio will be taken away from us, and bandits will be sent... In general, it’s a complete disgrace! But Kazachenko was no longer able to harm Freestyle. I told myself: “The year 1992 will not repeat itself in the history of the group! I will not give". And she didn’t. So write: “Nina did not give in the literal and figurative sense!” (Laughs).

- And what did you do?

“I just wrote to Prigozhin about everything!” And after 10 days, Joseph terminated the contract with Kazachenko, thereby confirming that he had nothing to do with the threats.

“I heard that after this, threats fell on Prigozhin...

- ... and he returned the money to Vadim. Honestly, I am grateful to this situation, because Joseph appeared on Kazachenko’s road and took the blow upon himself, shielding us from attacks at least for a while. I just wonder why such an experienced and successful producer contacted him? Even if they offered a million dollars, we would not agree to take Vadim back to our team!

— To be honest, I’m shocked: the impression of the artist was different... Now he actively performs in the popular TV show “Superstar-2008”, trying his best to regain popularity. Although they give him rather low marks...

- And as for me, they are quite high!

— Were you invited to this show?

— It would be difficult for us to decide which team to play for. (Smiles). There are only two - the USSR and Russia. And we live in Ukraine, in our native Poltava. Everyone is trying to go to Moscow to get some airtime, more money... We are not chasing this.

- And rightly so: free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap.

- Well, not really... Sometimes TV people themselves call the artists: “Could you come? We don’t have enough guests in the studio, we need recognizable faces.” NTV often invites us, but our tour schedule is quite busy - last year, for example, there were 100 concerts.

I watch different shows, but I don’t perceive them very joyfully, because for me what just shines is no longer of interest. When an old film is on TV, for example, “Girls,” even though nothing sparkles, we watch it. For the 20th time, but let's see! And sparkles, they tire. I look at this from time to time, because my profession requires me to be aware of what is happening in show business.

Previously, there were primarily personalities on the stage: Leontiev, Pugacheva, Antonov... It cannot be said that Leontiev is a super voice, like Pavarotti. But what an image a person creates! Unfortunately, there are no Leontyevs among the younger generation. Now it is very difficult to figure out whether a person has something inside. It often happens like this: they invest a lot of money in a performer, promote him, and then he disappears because he is empty.

— As I understand it, you often visit Moscow...

- Once five times a month. Sometimes even 10. I love this city, but there is so much advertising and all sorts of tinsel - you feel as if you are in a garbage chute. I look at all this, but I don’t need it, even though it’s lying around in shop windows and sparkling on billboards.

— How do you relieve stress?

- I’m reading. I always take the Bible with me on the road. She helps a lot. Especially if I don’t have time to go somewhere, I get worried - I immediately start reading a prayer. And everything works out! I am not one of those people who spend a lot of time in the temple, but I know what is written there - “remember your hour of death.” In the last hour, what will you show? Glitter, tinsel? What will you leave behind? I think such thoughts come to everyone - at a certain age. Sometimes I feel a bit wild: at the age of 45 I put on shiny dresses and go out to sing songs... But for now I’m coping. (Laughs).

— When did you start singing?

- At six months!

- Wow!

- Yes! When I was a baby, I was hospitalized and had some kind of surgery on my leg. And so, as my mother says, I was lying there after the operation, and the doctors came into the room and asked: “Well, how is Ninochka doing?” I didn’t cry, but rather hummed something drawn out: “A-a-a-a-a-a-a.” Therefore, the family believes that Nina already decided on a profession at six months.

But seriously, I have always been musical. She learned to play the piano, sang in the choir and accompanied everyone at school concerts. Teachers brought me notes and said: “Someone is playing the violin there, I need to play along.” You know, as soon as you go into circulation, they immediately start using you. It seems that you don’t follow everyone, but they themselves come to you. That's how I was - a local star accompanist.

— Did your family have anything to do with music?

“My mother loves to sing and her intonation is very clear, but she is shy and has never gone on stage. And he knows all the hits and all the artists! At home, with his family, or when walking in the forest, he loves to sing. My dad, may he rest in heaven! - when guests arrived, he took out a beautiful concert accordion, which he brought from Germany after the war, and selected melodies; he did not play by notes. He really liked Sofia Rotaru and Alla Bayanova. He was such an intellectual - he didn’t like anything streetwise or vulgar.

I performed at home, with my family, and in the yard where we lived. The neighborhood kids and I organized concerts. I was about eight years old when I performed my first song on stage - “Moscow Evenings”. I sang, and my friend from music school played. Then, in other concerts, she and I played four-handed piano...

“My husband doesn’t carry me in his arms. HE CAN'T LIFT HEAVY THINGS"

— Did you receive flowers?

— Back then it was not customary to give flowers. Now, when they hold concerts, they even buy bouquets backstage to encourage the artists. In case the audience doesn't bring...

In general, I almost don’t remember my childhood; I can’t say: “That’s exactly how it was and no other way.” I don’t know if my childhood was happy or not, I’m used to living and seeing what’s ahead, but what has already happened disappears forever, and a void is formed. Remember the brilliant film “The Irony of Fate”? The heroine goes out on January 1st, and there... it’s empty, there’s no one! The holiday is over. Everything beautiful comes to an end and emptiness sets in. Maybe our main task in this life is to fill the void... But with what to fill it, everyone chooses for themselves.

My parents didn't have much control over my sister and me. My sister studied well, I graduated from school with straight A's. I also graduated from the institute with honors, and not on purpose: I’m just diligent and diligent. I always tried not to upset my parents. Now I don’t want to upset my husband.

— You are not only a soloist, but also a co-producer of a pop group...

— Well, since I go on tour with the team, I took on some responsibilities related to organizational work. We have our own website on the Internet, which we try to update more often. Sometimes I feel the support of my colleagues and see how the work is progressing, and sometimes I have to push a little and press on sore spots. But the guys are not offended - they understand. I am a woman, and it is men who should carry us in their arms, and not vice versa!

- Does your husband carry you in his arms?

- Never me! He’s about as tall as me, but I’m still meter seventy-three. I feel sorry for my husband. (Laughs). He shouldn’t lift anything heavy: when we got married, Tolya was 39 years old. He is a musician from the time when he had to carry heavy speakers himself, so he blew out his spine.

— Do you cook for him yourself?

- Yes, and mom helps. I try to do it with inspiration, to make it tasty and healthy. I love frying mushrooms that we pick ourselves!

- And, I suppose, cook some borscht - Ukrainian, Poltava...

“And I’m not entirely Ukrainian—my dad is Belarusian.” The last name comes from him - I still don’t know what it means... Apparently, that’s why it’s easier for me with mushrooms than with borscht! But now my husband can’t eat mushrooms, so we switched to fish and vegetables.

In the summer and autumn, Tolya fished a lot - he caught pike perch and crucian carp, and my mother and I cleaned it and fried it in sour cream. We give pike to our neighbors - with benefit: they then treat us to a good stuffed pike. Tolik is a very enthusiastic person, and in everything he starts doing, he tries to be the best: if he fishes, then he has the most sophisticated spinning rod, and a boat with a trailer in a separate garage... He even buys plastic fish for bait for 70 hryvnia apiece!

— Does your son want to follow in your footsteps?

- I don't know yet. We give the child freedom of choice. At the age of 10, Maxim is already composing music and wants to be a producer, like his dad. And before he wanted to be a driver, because he really liked Sashok from the TV series “Truckers.”

The lead singer of the Freestyle group has been in a coma for more than a year. Doctors do not yet give optimistic forecasts. The group continues to tour, but now performs Nina’s songs at concerts. The singer told us how she works in a popular group.

“I got into the team without casting”

- Nata, tell us how you became the soloist of “Freestyle”?

The fact is that literally in March last year, Nina Kirso and the group performed in one of the Odessa restaurants at the boarding house where I worked as a singer. Members of the Freestyle Children group often came there. Actually, I met the musicians and Anatoly Rozanov (the founder of the group, Nina Kirso’s husband. - Author).

After the old New Year, the sound engineer of “Children of Freestyle” called me and said that the director, Anatoly Rozanov, wanted to talk to me. The team urgently needed a soloist. To be honest, I didn’t know about the situation with Nina Kirso. I haven't followed the latest news. When they told me about this, I was very upset. They told me to urgently send my videos. As a result, they offered to come to their studio in Poltava. I thought there would be a casting, but they said it would only be me. On February 3, I crossed the threshold of the Freestyle studio (smiles). That's how I appeared in the group.

- Did you immediately agree to sing in the group?

I thought a little and agreed.

- Did you consult anyone?

Only with my family. I was worried about the children, because they would soon go to first grade. Mom said we can handle it. This chance must be seized!

- Do your children live in Odessa now?

Yes, with mom. Relatives also help.

- Do you live in Poltava now?

I live in Odessa, but I come to Poltava and record songs in the studio.

- Have you ever dreamed of a big stage before? Perhaps you have taken part in television competitions before?

Of course, I've been working towards this for a long time. I did not participate in “The Voice of the Country” or “The X Factor”. I didn’t have any particular desire. When I moved from Crimea to Odessa, I thought about feeding my family. Therefore, there was no time for competitions. In general, the fact that I became the soloist of “Freestyle” came as a surprise to me. My life has changed dramatically. I was very worried. After all, I came to the legendary group, in which Ninochka Kirso was the lead singer. It’s exciting to perform in her place. I never wanted to replace someone, but due to this situation I had to. I want Ninochka to recover. But the Freestyle group needs to develop further.

- Honestly, have you listened to “Freestyle” songs before?


- What are your favorite songs?

I even sang “Viburnum is in bloom” and “Happy Birthday, Mom” in a restaurant at one time. Of course, she sang along to the song “Oh, what a woman.” I knew and heard many of the songs many times.

"Compared to Nina Kirso"

- Do you remember your first performance as a soloist of “Freestyle”? Were you very worried?

There was excitement in my voice. On February 3, I came to the group’s studio, and on February 15, I went on stage. I was worried, but I think I managed. Moreover, not all people knew about what happened to Nina Kirso. For many this came as a surprise.

- At first, you were probably compared to Nina Kirso?

Certainly. Anatoly Rozanov immediately warned me that this would happen. He told me not to worry about it.

- Have you read the comments under the video of your performance as part of the group?

They wrote that at the concert I sang to the soundtrack of Nina Kirso. We have different voices, but perhaps there are slight similarities. I have a soprano, and Nina has an alto. Normal fans should know the voice of their idol. And if they compare, it means they are inattentive.

- Didn’t that offend you?

I was warned that this would happen. I knew that I needed to move forward, so I didn’t lose heart. Now I’m not as worried as I was at first. The group members supported me. I am grateful to them for this.

- Are you already recognized on the street?

Not yet. Perhaps after the release of the new video they will start to find out.

- How do you like working in a male team?

Very good. The guys support and advise. They didn't let me get confused. I listen to their advice. We get along great.


- Before becoming the lead singer of the group, did you review the performances of “Freestyle”?

Yes. After all, I needed to know how the band members perform. They had practiced movements, for example, during the performance of the song "Kiss Me Hot." Whether you like it or not, you must repeat them. At the concert we perform both new songs and those that Nina sang. After all, people love them, they should sound and bring joy to people.


"I don't imitate anyone"

- What advice from the group members do you remember most?

Remain yourself. There will be excitement in any case, but the main thing is not to get lost, smile, be joyful, no matter what they say. Be confident on stage. Of course, I was worried, because I had to sing in the place of everyone’s beloved Ninochka Kirso. But I remained myself, did not imitate anyone. Yes, they talk about similarities with Nina Kirso, but this is people’s opinion. I never aspired to be like anyone!

The lead singer of the pop group "Freestyle", which was popular in the 1990s, fell into a coma again. Doctors say that the condition of the 55-year-old artist is quite serious.

What happened to Nina Kirso

Nina Kirso suffered a stroke on June 1, 2018, and the very next day doctors performed surgery on her. The artist was found unconscious in a private house in Poltava. According to media reports, her acquaintances called her, but she did not answer the calls for a long time, after which they went to her home. Her husband (leader, composer and producer of the Freestyle group) Anatoly Rozanov and his son Maxim were on tour at that time.

After the stroke, the woman fell into a coma; already in early May 2019, the woman came out of the coma. However, her condition did not improve. After some time, she felt bad again. According to the songwriter of the Freestyle group Sergei Kuznetsov, despite the fact that her eyes are open, she has no concentration, so it’s impossible to call it coming to consciousness, because it’s not consciousness.

Biography of Nina Kirso

The future star was born on August 4, 1963 in Poltava. Since childhood, the girl loved music, so when she grew up, her parents enrolled her in a music school. There she sang in the choir and performed at local concerts. In 1985, Kirso became a certified engineer, but she never managed to connect her biography with this profession.

Nina Kirso

At the university, the girl did not miss a single concert, so she subsequently joined the musical group "Olympia", whose leader was Anatoly Rozanov. When the group began to gain popularity, Rozanov decided to expand the team. Thus the famous group "Freestyle" appeared. Among the group's compositions you can hear pop, chanson, disco and rock.

The group's composer, Anatoly Rozanov, eventually became Nina Kirso's husband. The group gained real popularity in the 1990s. It was then that the group became one of the most popular musical groups of the Soviet stage. All fans knew the songs “Boat of Love”, “White Birch” and “Viburnum Blossoms”.

Nina Kirso helped her husband in organizational matters. She was responsible for printing, group photos, advertising posters and posters, also negotiated concerts and resolved administrative issues.

The singer's personal life

As you know, Nina’s husband was her stage colleague Anatoly Rozanov. At the time they met, he already had a family and a daughter from his first marriage. The artist happily accepted the girl into her new family, and already in 1998 she gave her husband a son. Having matured, the son began performing with his parents.

Nina Kirso with her husband

Vesti found out how the group has been living for more than a year in such difficult circumstances

Trouble happened to the lead singer of the popular group "Freestyle" more than a year ago -On June 1, 2018, she was found unconscious in her home .
The stroke and the failure to provide timely assistance (at the time of the attack, the artist was at home alone and she was not immediately discovered unconscious) led to Nina Kirso ending up in a hospital in a coma. They tried to treat her in Kyiv, but then they returned her to the hospital in her native Poltava. The artist’s circle continues to hope for a miracle, but, alas, it does not happen.

At the same time, the Freestyle group continues to live. When it became clear that Nina Kirso would not return to work soon, the musicians decided to find a new soloist. Nata Nedin quickly mastered the repertoire and “Freestyle” went on tour with a new soloist.

At first, it was not easy for this artist, because she was constantly compared to Nina Kirso. But time flies, “Freestyle” constantly travels around the country with concerts and people are already gratefully applauding the new soloist for her voice and charm.

August 4 was Nina Kirso's birthday. The singer of the group, musician and poet Sergei Kuznetsov told Vesti about the singer’s condition today and how the Freestyle group is doing.

"Alas, there is no comforting news regarding Nina’s condition., says the musician. - On her birthday, Anatoly Rozanov ( leader of the group "Freestyle" and husband of the artist - "Vesti" ) came to the hospital in the morning and congratulated Ninochka".

Nina has been in a coma for a year and a month, and it is unknown how long it will last. Do you have enough money for hospital expenses?

In Poltava, prices cannot be compared with Kiev. It's uplifting. In addition, fans raised money for Nina’s treatment; many of our colleagues helped with large sums. And Sofia Rotaru, and Taisiya Povaliy, And Andrey Danilko, and Olya Sumskaya. A lot of people helped and are still helping. The hospital provides good care, where Nina is provided with massage and artificial feeding. It is not possible to take her home, because both Anatoly Rozanov and Max (Nina Kirso’s son) are constantly on tour. And it is impossible to provide care at home with such a diagnosis.

There were rumors that Nina came out of her coma and opened her eyes...

Nina opens her eyes a long time ago, but this does not mean that she has regained consciousness. She doesn’t react to anything, and her eyes look into nowhere.

How is your new soloist coping?

How are “Freestyle” doing with concerts?

There is creativity, there are tours. On August 10 we are going to Minsk to the “USSR Disco”, on August 18 our friends “Lisapetny Battalion” invited us to their festival. We’re already looking at September, but it’s not clear what will happen with the elections.

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