Konstantin Paustovsky (short biography) - presentation, video lesson on reading (grade 3) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "K.G

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (1892 – 1968)

Paustovsky studied at the Kyiv Classical Gymnasium. After graduating from high school in 1912, he entered Kiev University, the Faculty of Natural History, then transferred to Moscow University, the Faculty of Law. The First World War forced him to interrupt his studies. Paustovsky became a counselor on the Moscow tram and worked on an ambulance train. In 1915, with a field medical detachment, he retreated along with the Russian army across Poland and Belarus. At the front. 1915

During the Civil War, he served in the Red Army in a guard regiment, working for the newspaper "Sailor". From Odessa, Paustovsky left for the Caucasus, living in Sukhumi, Batumi, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Baku. During the Great Patriotic War, Paustovsky worked as a war correspondent on the Southern Front and wrote stories. At the front. 1941

In the mid-50s, Paustovsky gained worldwide recognition. Paustovsky got the opportunity to travel around Europe. He visited Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Turkey, Greece, Sweden, Italy and other countries.

Paustovsky’s first story “On the Water” (1912), written in the last year of his studies at the gymnasium, was published in the Kiev almanac “Lights”. In 1928, Paustovsky’s first collection of stories, “Oncoming Ships,” was published, although individual essays and stories had been published before that. In the same year, the novel “Shining Clouds” was written.

The story “Kara-Bugaz” (1932) The story “The Fate of Charles Lonseville” (1933) The story “Colchis” (1934) The story “Black Sea” (1936) The story “Constellation of the Hounds” (1937) The story “Isaac Levitan” (1937) The story “Orest Kiprensky” (1937) The story “Northern story” (1938) The story “Taras Shevchenko” (1939)

K.G. Paustovsky. Stories. Watercolor paints. Alexander Dovzhenko. Alexey Tolstoy. English razor. Badger nose. White rabbits. Valor. Road talk. The dense bear. Uncle Gilyay. Heat. Hare's feet. Golden tench. Ivan Bunin. Lump sugar. Cat Thief. Coffee haven. Lacemaker Nastya. Lyonka from Small Lake. Fever. Mikhail Loskutov. Marine inoculation. Fairy tales. The dense bear. Caring flower. Tree frog. The adventures of the rhinoceros beetle. Disheveled sparrow. Steel ring. Warm bread. Oscar Wilde. Sailing master. A pack of cigarettes. Guide. Lost day. Flow of life. Right hand. Order for a military school. Rubber boat. Reporter Rats. Timid heart. Reuben Fraerman. Storyteller. Snow. Old manuscript. Old cook. Telegram. Toast. Valuable cargo. Black networks. Label for colonial goods. and etc.

Questions for the work “Warm Bread” 1. Where did Grandma send Filka in search of advice? 2. How much time did Pankrat give Filka? 3. What did people do to save themselves? 4. What did the horse do after he ate the bread? 5. Why was the magpie angry?

Illustrations for the work

“A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind. Only then does he have the right to bear this high title - Man.”

K. G. Paustovsky died in Moscow and, according to his will, was buried in the city cemetery in Tarusa. The place where the grave is located, a high hill surrounded by trees with a clear view of the Taruska River, was chosen by the writer himself. The grave is located in a green square surrounded by paths. At the head lies a stone of unpolished red granite, on which the inscription “K.G. Paustovsky” is placed on one side, and “1892 - 1968” on the other.


Georgievich PAUSTOVSKY 1892 - 1968 Life And creation

Made up teacher of Russian language and literature high school No. 2 of Kapan city Asatryan Narine



Georgievich 1892 - 1968

Life and creation


Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky born May 31 (19), 1892 in Moscow.

Paustovsky's father was petty official, employee. Due to his restless, dreamy nature, he constantly changed jobs. Left his family when Konstantin studied in the sixth grade of the gymnasium.

During the early childhood of the future writer his family often moves from place to place until they settle in Kyiv.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1911 - Konstantin Paustovsky graduates from the first classical gymnasium and enters to Kyiv University to the Faculty of Natural History. After studying in Ukraine for another two years, he transferred to Moscow, to the Faculty of Law of Moscow University.

1912 – Paustovsky’s story “On the Water” first published in the almanac “Lights” (Kyiv).

1913 – move to Moscow. As a student, Paustovsky changed many professions.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

First World War – Konstantin Paustovsky at the front, working on an ambulance train.

1915 - both of Paustovsky’s older brothers die at the front, and he returns to Moscow to my mother and sister. But soon again begins to wander, travels a lot around Russia. Works in Yekaterinoslav at a metallurgical plant and at a boiler plant in Taganrog, fisherman in the Sea of ​​Azov. At the same time, he is engaged in journalism and literature. His articles are published in local newspapers of the cities where he visits.

Summer 1916 - Konstantin Paustovsky marries Ekaterina Stepanovna Zagorskaya, with whom I worked on the ambulance train.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1918 – return to Ukraine, to Kopan, where Paustovsky’s mother lives.

1919 – position of proofreader in the newspaper "Kyiv Mysl".

1920 - transfer to the information and publishing department of the Odessa Provincial Special Military Commission for the supply of food to the Red Army.

1922 – early 1923 – Konstantin Paustovsky lives in Georgia, works for local newspapers.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1923 – second move to Moscow.

1924 – service in the large news agency ROSTA (Russian Telegraph Agency, later renamed TASS).

1925 – publication of the first book by Konstantin Paustovsky "Sea Sketches". In the same year he was born his son Vadim.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1927 – the second book “Minetoza” was published.

1929 – the novel “Shining Clouds” was written.

1932 - the story “Kara-Bugaz” was published. Paustovsky goes to Karelia to collect material for his next works. After the publication of this book, the writer leaves journalism in favor of professional literature. But he also continues travel around the country a lot.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1934 - “Colchis” was written.

1935 - the novel “Romantics” is published, chronologically this is the writer’s first novel written in 1916 - 1923.

1936 - Paustovsky gets divorced with Catherine and will soon marry on Valeria Valishevskaya, with whom I had a relationship already in the last period of marriage.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1937 – a series of short stories was written “Summer Days”, historical stories “Orest Kiprensky”, “Isaac Levitan”.

1939 - published story "Meshchera Side". In 1939, Konstantin Paustovsky met the actress of the Meyerhold Theater Tatyana Evteeva - Arbuzova, who became in 1950 his third wife.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1941 - 1942 - Konstantin Paustovsky, military correspondent from TASS, goes to the front. Publishes his reports in newspapers “For the glory of the Motherland”, “Defender of the Motherland”, “Red Star”. 1942 - return to Moscow, evacuation to Kazakhstan. In Almaty, Paustovsky continues to engage in journalism, works in the Soviet Information Bureau.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

In Almaty (Kazakhstan) it produces collection of short stories "Our Days".

1943 – return to Moscow. 1943 – filmed and released A film based on the script by Konstantin Paustovsky “Lermontov” will be brought to the big screen. 1943 - at the very end of the year, the premiere of his play takes place at the Chamber Theater "Until my heart stops." 1945 - Paustovsky writes an autobiographical story

“Restless Youth”, which became the second part of the series “Tales of Life”.)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

From 1946 to 1963, Paustovsky wrote an autobiographical story, the cycle “Tales of Life” :

  • « Restless Youth » - 1946 - 2nd part.
  • « Distant years » - 1946 – 1st part.
  • « The beginning of an unknown century » - 1957 - 3rd part.
  • « A time of great expectations " - 1959 - 4th part.
  • « Throw to the south » - 1960 – 5th part.
  • « Book of Wanderings » - 1963 - 6th part.

Paustovsky "The Tale of Life" 1946 - 1963

3. The beginning of an unknown century (1956)

2. Restless Youth (1954)

1. Distant Years (1946)

6.Book of Wanderings (1963)

4. Time of Great Expectations (1958)

5.Throw South (1959–1960)

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1948 - “The Tale of Forests” was written.

1955 - the writer buys a house in Tarusa (city in Kaluga region), away from the capital's noise.

1956 – trip around Europe on the ship Pobeda. In those years, it was rare for anyone to such opportunity. 1956 - the story “Golden Rose” was written.

During the same period, the writer comes world recognition, he receives opportunity to travel around Europe, and uses it successfully.

Paustovsky House in Tarusa

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

The result of his travels are the works of the 1950s and 60s: "Italian meetings" "Fleeting Paris" "Lights of the English Channel" and others.

1957 - released first collected works K.G. Paustovsky.

1958 - trip to Italy, to Turin for the congress European Writers' Community.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

1962 – trip to France.

1965 – Paustovsky's works were published in Sweden and Italy in the "Nobel" series.

1967 – autobiographical essay written "A few fragmentary thoughts."

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

Paustovsky died the 14 th of July 1968 in Moscow and, according to his will, was buried in the city cemetery Tarusy (Kaluga region).

Paustovsky's grave in Tarusa

1915 - at the front

K.G. Paustovsky with a dog. Tarusa. 1961

Paustovsky with his son Alyosha and last wife Tatyana Arbuzova.

Paustovsky's house in Tarusa (Kaluga region)

May 30, 1967 K.G. Paustovsky awarded the title "Honorable Sir city ​​of Tarusa.

Paustovsky House-Museum in Tarusa

  • Heart, imagination and mind - this is the environment where something is born, what we call culture.
  • We must be the owners of the art of all times and all countries.
  • There is an abyss of poetry in any area of ​​human knowledge.

Statements, quotes and aphorisms of Paustovsky

  • Voice of conscience and faith in the future do not allow a true writer to live on earth, like a barren flower, and not to tell people with complete generosity all the huge variety of thoughts and feelings, filling himself.

Statements, quotes and aphorisms of Paustovsky

  • Human it should be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind.

Only then does he have the right to bear this high title -

Human .

  • Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days.

"Book of Wanderings"

"A Tale of Forests"

"Old Man in a Shabby Overcoat"

yellow light

Golden Rose

Constellation Hound Dogs

In 1958 collected works published K. Paustovsky in six volumes in 300 thousand copies .

Paustovsky Monuments

Paustovsky Memorial Museum in Odessa

Motor ship "Konstantin Paustovsky" in Crimea

Paustovsky Monuments

Monument to Paustovsky in Tarusa

Paustovsky Monuments

Paustovsky, depicted in the form of a sphinx, everything in this life of one who knows and keeps secret knowledge: about the world, about people, about Odessa, looks at others with philosophical wisdom.

"Sphinx - it is a symbol of time, a keeper of wisdom.”

Monument to Paustovsky in Odessa

Paustovsky Monuments

Grave of K. G. Paustovsky. According to his will, he was buried at the local cemetery in Tarusa. On May 30, 1967, Paustovsky was awarded the title "Honorary Citizen" of Tarusa.

Paustovsky Monuments

Paustovsky Museum in Moscow

Every minute, every casually thrown word and glance, every deep or a playful thought, every imperceptible movement of the human heart, just like the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a night puddle - all these are grains of golden dust.

We, writers, have been extracting them for decades, these millions of grains of sand, collecting them unnoticed by ourselves, turning them into an alloy and then forged from this alloy your “golden rose” - story, novel or poem.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky 1892 - 1968

No! There is no way for a person you can't live without your homeland, how you can't live without a heart.

Presentation on literature “Biography and creativity of K. G. Paustovsky” 5th grade

MBOU Kerch RK Secondary School No. 1 named after V. Dubinin

Chaplygina Galina Viktorovna

He was not a storyteller...

He was a storyteller who made it easy

the story of the difficulty of good .

V.B. Shklovsky


The writer was born on May 19 (31), 1892 in Moscow in the family of a railway statistician. His father, according to Paustovsky, “was an incorrigible dreamer and a Protestant,” which is why he constantly changed jobs. After several moves, the family settled in Kyiv. Paustovsky studied at the 1st Kyiv Classical Gymnasium. When he was in the sixth grade, his father left the family, and Paustovsky was forced to earn his own living and study by tutoring.

... Kiev forever remained in the writer’s biography as the city of his youth, about which Paustovsky wrote with extraordinary insight and warmth, which he knew well and loved until the end of his life: “Spring in Kiev began with the flood of the Dnieper. One had only to leave the city on Vladimirskaya Hill, and immediately the bluish sea opened before our eyes. But, besides the flood of the Dnieper, another flood was beginning in Kiev - sunshine, freshness, warm and fragrant wind. Sticky pyramidal poplars were blooming on Bibikovsky Boulevard. They filled the surrounding streets with the smell of incense.

Gottlieb Walker Gymnasium in Kyiv

Early 20th century room

Friends, high school students

In the last years of his life, he worked on a large autobiographical epic, “The Tale of Life.”

Konstantin Paustovsky died

Paustovsky wrote a series of books about creativity and people of art: “Orest Kiprensky”, “Isaac Levitan” (1937), “Taras Shevchenko” (1939), “The Tale of Forests” (1949), “Golden Rose” (1956) - a story about literature, about the “beautiful essence of writing.”

B – draw illustrations in fairy tales by K. G. Paustovsky

  • Born in Moscow, in the family of a railway employee. He was the fourth child. Due to his father’s profession and his character, the family often moved from place to place. Mother is a domineering and not affectionate woman.
  • In 1911, he graduated from high school in Kyiv and wrote his first story, which was published in the literary magazine Ogni.

  • During his long life as a writer, he visited many countries in our country and changed many professions. During World War II he was a correspondent
  • But he especially fell in love with Meshchera, a fabulously beautiful region between Vladimir and Ryazan.
  • Thanks to this, many stories about nature and the short story “Meshcherskaya Side” appeared.

  • Konstantin Georgievich was a very kind, honest, hardworking person. He was observant, knew how to fantasize and see the unusual in his surroundings. He tried to convey these important human qualities to children through his works.

  • 1935 - “Kara-Bugaz”
  • 1957 - “Telegram” (short film)
  • 1960 - “Northern Tale” (film)
  • 1967 - “The Disheveled Sparrow” (cartoon)
  • 1973 - “Warm Bread” (cartoon)
  • 1979 - “Steel Ring” (cartoon)
  • 1979 - “Frog” (cartoon)
  • 1988 - “Tenants of the Old House” (cartoon)
  • 1983 - “A Soldier’s Tale” (cartoon)
  • 2003 - “Island Without Love” (TV series; based on the story “Snow”)

  • Paustovsky's books have been translated into many languages. He was awarded for his efforts.
  • Awards:

1967 - Włodzimierz Pietrzak Prize

1995 -Medal “For the Defense of Odessa”

1997 - Medal "For Courage"

2010 - Jubilee medal “65 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

  • The following names are named after the writer: Paustovsky Street in Moscow, streets in Odessa, Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Tarusa.
  • On August 24, 2012, a monument to Konstantin Paustovsky was inaugurated on the banks of the Oka River in Tarusa.
  • The minor planet, discovered by N. S. Chernykh on September 8, 1978 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and registered under number 5269, is named in honor of K. G. Paustovsky.

  • V. S. Pilipch, Belotserkovsky district, Kyiv region, there is a Paustovsky Museum.
  • House-Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in Tarusa.
  • Literary Museum-Center K.G. Paustovsky in Moscow.
  • Kyiv Museum K.G. Paustovsky.
  • Memorial Museum of K.G. Paustovsky in Odessa.

Genres of works

Genres of works

K.G. Paustovsky

plays of the story

fairy tales, stories

The presentation “Paustovsky” is dedicated to an amazing and talented man of the last century, who, even in difficult times, sought to maintain optimism and convey it to others through his creativity. Paustovsky's stories reveal everyday stories, often with autobiographical motives or real events of that period. The writer’s creative path began in his youth, so during the lesson it is difficult to talk in detail about the fate of Paustovsky and his merits in literature.

The presentation is rich in portraits of the author and photographs from the period, it features illustrations of famous works, and the key information is organized in an accessible manner. Regardless of the class, each student will be able to glean important information from visual material and compile a complete outline that will be remembered for a long time. Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich wrote many wonderful stories, for which he was awarded awards and prizes. You can learn about all his merits from the presentation about Paustovsky’s biography.

You can view the slides on the website or download a presentation on the topic “Paustovsky” in PowerPoint format from the link below.

Biography of Paustovsky
Singer of Russian nature
About wonderful people

First story
Main motive
Return to Moscow
Tarusa, 1955

Main works
Tale of life
Paustovsky with his son

Paustovsky with his son and wife
Paustovsky in his office

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