What is marathon training for weight loss? Fitness marathons: a good way to lose weight or a dangerous test for the body? So, this online school has only one plus

Online weight loss marathons are exactly what you need!

  1. Going on a diet with someone for company is much more effective (the chance of significantly losing weight is 20% higher) than doing it alone.
  2. Weight loss marathons give excellent results, as there is a competitive effect.
  3. You always have support from your partners, which allows you to make the weight loss process more enjoyable and effective.
  4. For now it's absolutely free!

Feedback from members of the Diet-Service.org club

I never thought that I would ever face the problem of excess weight. At school I never paid attention to it, at the university, because of the partying and the eternal lack of money, excess weight is not a problem at all))) But when I got a job in an office, my old way of life began to go sideways, and in the literal sense of the word:-( ) And like everyone else, I started looking for how to quickly lose 10 kg in a week. The result, I think, is predictable: the weight went away, but came back just as quickly. Tablets are not mine, I can’t afford plastic. Dissatisfaction with yourself does not add to your mood. Until I came across this diet service. Of course, no one promised me a quick result, but progress is obvious. I've really lost weight and I'm not going to quit. What's cool is that they won't let me quit. Here is the world's first social network for losing weight, where girls will not let you give up.

Weight loss marathons are a really cool thing. And it’s very good when you don’t “run” yourself, but have people like you nearby. This strategy does not give the opportunity to back down - if someone can, then why can’t I. I just don’t like that there is a small selection of diets, although they may have been tested, but I still want more.

Oh girls, I'm so glad I registered here. There are so many cool things and diets to choose from, including diets that have long been tested by me and my mom personally. She and I have always been friends))))) It’s cool that you can add and invite friends, just like in a real social network and there are weight loss marathons. It would just be nice if you could repost girlfriends’ posts, like on VKontakte. And in general, anyone who wants to lose weight comes here.

In principle, the service is not bad. I like that it’s free, that in addition to the weight loss devices themselves, there is also additional information: scrubs, masks, exercises, etc. But there are really few diets. They may be proven, but if I don’t like eggs, then I don’t like them. We need some kind of diet where there are none. And so, the service is good, it’s especially great that there is support from other girls. Well done, great idea. Inspiration, to you!

Finally, they created a good and useful thing, especially good that it is accessible to everyone. Losing weight is, in principle, an unpleasant process, but understanding that you are not alone lifts your spirits and creates a desire. I have already involved my girlfriends in the process. Should I lose weight alone? It's more fun together :)

3 simple steps to a perfect figure

Register in the service (takes no more than 1 minute)

Sign up for the marathon (absolutely free)

Conquer weight loss marathons with your friends

Invite your friends, meet other members of our Diet-Service.org club and move towards victory together.

Upcoming marathons

With the words marathon and marathon runner, we have the most positive images - athletic and beautiful bodies, seductive relief and strength. Moreover, strength is manifested even in a glance, not even like that, especially in a glance. Everyone knows that marathons are one of the competitions in the Olympic Games, and therefore require effort and commitment. Since ancient times and to this day, participation in the marathon has been considered something privileged for the elite, for people who are strong in spirit. Hence the power in the look!

Therefore, the founders of our online diet service had the idea to create and tailor weight loss marathons for everyone. All our new participants and our experienced marathon runners need from you is just to subscribe to the new weight loss marathon, the nearest date of which you can see in the special section of Diet-Service.org “Marathons”. What’s important is that, unlike some marathons, our service is free, because our task is to help our participants overcome their fears and complexes.

Anyone can take part in our online weight loss service, both beginners and old marathon runners))).

Thanks to the forum, you can share your problems, successes, achievements or failures with fellow marathon runners like you. And not just share, but also comment. The same people with their weaknesses and strengths are running next to you. Perhaps you will find like-minded people or even friends with whom you can continue communicating in personal correspondence, thanks to our new and completely unique service “My Diary”, this is a social network for those who want to lose weight.

So, in order, after you have registered on our online diet service Diet-Service.org, you have a unique opportunity to apply for the next marathon on the diet that suits you best based on your personal preferences and characteristics. Then you will see how much time is left before it, which means you have the opportunity to prepare. What is the preparation, according to your choice of diet, for the required number of days you will have to limit yourself in food, force yourself to do basic physical exercises, that is, you need an attitude. Set yourself in the right mood and acquire incredible positivity, believe me, this is a very important point and it will help you not to break down when things get difficult.

Then you start running the marathon! Every day you will be provided with a diet menu, and you will also be able to look at the remaining days so that you have the opportunity to make the necessary purchases. Also, every day you will be able to record your weight not somewhere on a piece of paper, but on the service, which will help us determine the winner of the weight loss marathon. It is also important that none of the co-marathon runners will see or recognize this data. Only if you don't want to tell them yourself.

After the marathon, the service will determine the winners of the weight loss race! But don’t despair, this is not the end, but only the beginning, because if you want, you can immediately sign up for the next marathon.

Good luck to you, dear marathon runners!

Sometimes, due to age and some other individual characteristics, it is not possible to use traditional weight loss methods. For example, not everyone can take hormonal drugs or go on strict diets. And physical activity is not suitable for everyone (especially when you are over forty). What to do in this case, how to solve the problem quickly and with a guarantee? Pay attention to the “Weight Loss Marathon” - this is a new Orsk method developed by Natalia Mikhailovna Vaganova.

She is a specialist in such areas as suggestology, psychocorrection, energy informatics, and so on. For more than twenty years she has been dealing with issues related to excess weight. Many people, for whom Marathon was the only accessible and possible option, effectively lost weight with it. This system was practiced in Samara, St. Petersburg, Rostov and other cities of the Russian Federation. It has no analogues, it is not like anything else, but at the same time it has already been able to prove its high efficiency.

It involves two-hour work with a small group (no more than 25 people) over 2 days, starting at 10 a.m. and ending at 8 p.m. Sessions are conducted personally by the system developer. The essence of this psychocorrectional method comes down to a soft energy-informational effect on the subconscious:

  • Patients are placed in a light trance state.
  • In parallel, suggestive techniques are used.
  • A number of verbal as well as non-verbal methods of suggestion are used.

This weight loss system, reviews of which you can read on the Internet, is truly surprising in its effectiveness. Firstly, after the Marathon, the permanent feeling of hunger disappears. You take control of your appetite, while feeling cheerful and cheerful. No, you won’t starve, just even a small portion of food will be enough to fill you up. Secondly, immediately after the session, the mechanism of burning fat cells is launched, which is complemented by cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

The “Weight Loss Marathon” allows you to lose 15 kilograms every month without any extra effort. Metabolic processes in the body return to normal, and the psychological dependence on food completely disappears.

How are the sessions going?

It doesn’t matter in which city the “Weight Loss Marathon” is held (Ekaterinburg or Moscow). His scheme is the same everywhere. The classes are conditionally divided into two parts, where the first is theoretical, and the second is practical (introduction to a trance state). Already on the second day you will be able to verify the effectiveness of the system, losing from two to five kilograms.

But the most important thing is that the results achieved will last forever. However, only if you follow the recommendations given to you during the sessions. In addition, the “Weight Loss Marathon” has some other advantages:

  • you get rid of diseases (arthrosis, hypertension and other ailments);
  • you don't have to put in a lot of effort to lose weight;
  • it is affordable for everyone;
  • The author of the system gives a guarantee to each patient.

Who is suitable and who is not suitable

First of all, we note that such a system is health-improving and is primarily designed for those who suffer from diseases caused by excessive body weight. In addition, it is needed by all those who have not achieved any tangible results using express diets, exercise and other methods of losing weight. And, of course, “Marathon” is intended for everyone who has firmly decided to take fate into their own hands and change themselves for the better.

Lose weight with the Marathon, but remember that it is not suitable for:

  • pregnant girls;
  • nursing mothers;
  • people with mental disorders.

Otherwise there are no contraindications. High performance, minimum effort on your part and guaranteed results - all this is a weight loss marathon.


Natalia Gnezdilova is in touch.

I'll start from afar..

I have been helping people lose weight for a long time, more than 5 years, and during this time I have accumulated a lot of material, different tricks, as they say.

And every time I draw up training programs, I have a rather difficult task of what to “put in” so that the results for the participants are as good as possible.

When I attended several weight loss marathons this fall, I realized that the majority of trainers don’t bother with such questions at all))

They give the simplest things or the most stupid ones.

For example, eat only 7 vegetables and fruits a day, or transfer the amount of excess weight into chocolates or sandwiches.

It’s like all this will work and the person will stop eating chocolates, come to his senses and immediately lose weight. And also, I was simply amazed that all this is called

Therefore, I was encouraged by all this “marathon” weight loss, and I decided to run my own marathon, with a normal, working program. So, the marathon was held, and I really liked the results.

Participants – 385 people.

In my opinion, a lot, a lot, but I was once again convinced that a person’s desire works wonders, whoever wants will achieve everything. And whoever doesn’t want it, nothing will help him)

How many actually participated?

A little more than 150 people actually completed the tasks and got results.

To be honest, this was the first time I worked with so many people at the same time.

It was quite difficult, answering questions, giving recommendations, it took a lot of time.

Almost everyone (who did the tasks) lost weight from 0.5 – 4.5 kg in 10 days.

At the same time, everyone notes a decrease in cravings for sweets and a decrease in food in general.

There are people who haven’t lost weight, but have started to change their eating habits and started exercising.

I am very happy with these results, and at the same time I understand that these results are permanent, there will be no failures or setbacks - this is forever!

What else have I learned from working with so many people?

The example is contagious and motivates very much, as well as the support of like-minded people.

When a person sees that someone is losing weight and completing tasks, then he also wants to have results, and he begins to act - such support works 100%.

And yet, everyone had a desk neighbor, or several neighbors :)

They could communicate on Skype, exchange recipes, consult and discuss homework together.

I admire with all my heart those people who did not know how to use the social network VKontakte and still took part in the marathon. It was much harder for these people than for others, but they made it! Well done! 🙂

I really enjoyed working at VKontakte.

  • convenient format, everything in one place;
  • It is convenient for participants to write reports, and at the same time, no one outside will see these reports.

Will I hold similar marathons in VKontakte?

Now that the program has been tested and gives good results (confirmed by the feedback from the participants), the next marathon will be very soon.

Yes, you will be able to participate if you have a profile on VKontakte)) or you will need to create one.

Best regards, Natalia.

P.S. More than a month has passed since the publication of this article, and I decided to hold the next marathon stream.

Participation is FREE, and see the start date on this page

And some more reviews after the marathon:

With the beginning of the new year, each of us has grandiose plans and, to be honest, many want to transform themselves, regain their slim figure, and lose excess weight. But the desire to lose weight is often not enough; you also need strong motivation and the desire to take important steps towards achieving your goal.

If you yourself are not able to maintain your motivation and self-discipline in following new eating habits and nutritional systems, then weight loss marathons can come to the rescue. Today it has become very fashionable to participate in weight loss marathons: as they say, to look at others and show yourself.

But in order for a weight loss marathon to become truly effective and motivating for you, you need to know some details of such events. Let's talk about them...

What is a weight loss marathon?

A weight loss marathon is a kind of competition between several participants (participants) who want to lose excess weight. The rules and conditions for participation in such a marathon may be different. In general, all weight loss marathons are divided into the following types:

1. Online weight loss marathon

This type of marathon is held online, meaning you do not need to meet face to face with your
a trainer, nutritionist or coach, but you just need to register on a certain website or in a group on a social network, and then follow the given rules of the marathon.

Such marathons can be either paid or free, depending on how long they last and who organizes them. Participating in them is easy, since you can choose any marathon you like, but it is worth remembering that any events that take place online require high self-discipline from participants.

If you are not sure that tomorrow you will turn off your computer while going to a nearby store to buy buns, then it is better to choose an offline weight loss marathon, which involves personal communication with the organizer and other participants in similar weight correction competitions.

2. Offline weight loss marathon

This type of marathon involves personal communication with a nutritionist or nutritionist-coach, as well as with other marathon participants. Most often, such marathons are paid or require the purchase of additional services from the organizer.

For example, if the organizer is a fitness trainer-nutritionist who has completed courses in dietetics and has an appropriate nutritionist certificate, then he can set as a condition for participation in a free weight loss marathon the purchase of a subscription for the required period for training under his leadership. That is, you do not pay for the marathon itself, but you buy a subscription to training within the marathon from its organizer.

An offline marathon motivates better, since you will regularly have to communicate with the organizer, from whom you will no longer be able to hide your real weight. In addition, the organizer will be able to personally check your food diary and give individual recommendations on your diet without delay, as is often the case in large-scale online marathons.

And you will also have to look other participants in the eyes regularly, which means you will be embarrassed to show bad results and will want to brag about your weight loss achievements.

3. Online marathons in closed groups

Thematic forums often hold similar weight loss marathons. Actions also take place in
online mode, except that you know those with whom you are competing, in any case, you have previously communicated with them, at least in correspondence on the same forum or in a group.

This gives high motivation, as they say, not to lose face, and the desire not to be worse than your friends. Plus, you get excellent support during the marathon from like-minded women who won’t let you just break down and give up everything. For motivation and control of actions, this is just the thing.

4. Offline marathons for nutritionist clients

Nutritionists can also organize weight loss marathons among their clients. This gives clients good motivation and instills in them a spirit of healthy competition and enthusiasm. The nutritionist, in turn, receives a new round of popularity and loyal clients who are ready to act to achieve their goals.

Would you agree that losing weight by competing with someone is much more pleasant than rearranging the menu at home alone and regretting the uneaten cake?

5. Weight loss marathons among friends

A weight loss marathon can also be held with friends who want to lose weight. Such a marathon will definitely be free, the spirit of competition among girlfriends is at the proper level, and the mutual support of loved ones will allow you not to break down in difficult moments.

The main thing is to restrain yourself from envying other people’s results if they turn out to be more significant than yours, and to be sincere in your advice about losing weight and training. As a bonus, participants in the weight loss marathon among their girlfriends receive company for visiting the fitness center and the absence of temptations when eating together (since everyone is losing weight, that means everyone is eating properly and balanced).

6. Television weight loss marathons

These are real TV shows, which are not so easy to get into. Participants in such marathons immediately find themselves in harsh conditions and are under the guidance of truly professionals in their field.

If you are not afraid of difficulties and publicity, if you are not embarrassed that thousands of television viewers will watch your story, then you can apply.

Features of weight loss marathons

Like any group event, weight loss marathons also have their positive and negative sides. Before participating in them, thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

Pros of weight loss marathons:

– You will not be alone in your aspirations and achievements of your goals; like-minded people and reformers of their way of life, just like you, will walk side by side with you;

– You will have additional motivation to take action, because you can openly boast of your achievements among other marathon participants and their organizers, earning the trust of people and the respect of your coach;

– You will have a competitive spirit and the passion to win the marathon or at least show one of the best results, and competitions, as we know, are much more interesting than lonely movement towards the goal;

– Above you will always be the watchful eye of your like-minded people and coach, whom you are unlikely to want to let down and upset with weakness of spirit and intemperance;

– You will have a large support group of other participants who will be able to support you in difficult moments and dissuade you from leaving the distance before the coveted finish;

– You will be able to receive support, advice and professional tips from trainers and nutritionists;

– Your food diaries will be checked on time, and your diet will be adjusted as necessary, the same applies to training – during weight loss marathons, participants are given personal recommendations on physical activity;

– You will be given a clear time to achieve the goal, when you will have to present the results obtained, and, therefore, you will not be able to put off actions until later and give yourself delays;

– You will be able to be proud of the results obtained in weight correction, you will be able to find new friends during communication within the marathon and you will learn a lot about dietetics and weight loss;

– Many marathons have a prize fund that is awarded to the winner or several winners of weight correction competitions, and everyone loves to receive gifts (the prize fund consists either of the entry funds of the participants, when the winner takes all the “bets” of the remaining participants, or is formed at the expense of sponsors marathon).

Disadvantages of weight loss marathons:

– In online marathons you should rely only on your own discipline, because you always there is a temptation to disconnect from the Internet and continue the same lifestyle;

– In weight loss marathons there is a risk of meeting non-professionals who pose as experts. In this case, they may impose a restrictive diet on you and give you incorrect recommendations and advice.

Therefore, always be interested and, if possible, check whether the organizer of such a marathon has a nutritionist certificate, whether he has undergone training as a nutritionist, any courses in dietetics, including online courses in dietetics;

– In weight loss marathons, you run the risk of encountering network marketers who pose as experienced nutritionists, but in fact they promote some kind of weight loss products, dietary supplements, sports supplements and dubious weight correction schemes.

It is better not to get involved with such people at all, if you do not want to become a person on whom the effect of some drugs or “miraculous” devices is tested;

– During competitions, you may find that your results are much worse than others. At such moments, it is important not to lose motivation and self-confidence, continuing to pursue the goal without unnecessary envy and anger;

– It is equally important during weight loss marathons not to become proud when you see your good results.

Rejoice in your achievements, but do not reproach those behind you with them, and also make sure that narcissism does not play a cruel joke on you, taking away your motivation and desire for further victories.

Remember, today you may be a winner, but tomorrow you may be left behind by those who did not boast, but confidently moved towards the goal.

It’s up to you to decide whether to participate in weight loss marathons or not. If you have been looking for like-minded people for a long time and need additional support and motivation from the outside, then this is a great opportunity to start taking action.

But if you are not sure that the marathon organizers are professionals in their field, then it is better to look for something more reliable. In such a situation, the support of a personal nutrition coach will be much more effective. Good luck to you!

Did you find this article helpful? Then like us and write in the comments, have you ever participated in weight loss marathons and are you planning to participate?

And if you yourself want to start your own weight loss marathon, then you will probably need the appropriate knowledge, which you can get in dietetics courses, see below for more details...

The attractiveness of online marathons for losing weight is that they are available to everyone. Participation in some projects is free. Others require a small deposit, but they also promise substantial cash prizes for the winners. In addition to the figure of your dreams. The essence of the projects is approximately the same. The person is part of a group led by a curator: most often a sports coach, a psychologist, or simply a person who has managed to lose weight and offers to follow his experience. Participants are sent daily workout videos along with nutritional instructions. The responsibility of the “marathon runners” is to take photo and video reports every day and send them to the organizers. The one who completes all the tasks, reaches the final and who receives the most votes from other participants becomes the winner.

At first glance it is tempting. If you don’t have the willpower to exercise and eat right, you can use a “stick” in the form of an online trainer who will force you. Plus, in such a gambling situation, the effect of competition and competition is triggered. I want to prove that you are no worse or better than others. Another advantage of collective weight loss: you can share experiences with your fellow sufferers, seek advice, and receive moral support.

However, this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone. Ekaterina Burlyaeva, a physician of the highest qualification category, nutritionist, head of the clinical diagnostic group “Healthy and Sports Nutrition” of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety” tells what mistakes potential participants in the online marathon should not make.

1.Participate in a marathon without first consulting a doctor. To be fair, it should be noted that the organizers of some projects recommend visiting a doctor before starting classes. It is advisable to do this for those who consider themselves healthy. Many people simply do not suspect that they have some kind of problem or disorder that does not allow them to play such games. People with diabetes, second and third degree obesity (for such people, even ordinary squats can lead to joint injury), and other chronic diseases are strictly prohibited from participating in such marathons.

2. Believe fantastic promises.“In 2 weeks you can lose 10 kg.” Or: “After finishing the marathon, you will get an ideal figure.” After all, a lot depends on what weight a person initially had. If it is too big, it is unlikely that in a month he will be able to lose weight to normal levels. Yes, this is simply dangerous. You need to understand: if the weight comes off very quickly, it means that the diet is most likely unbalanced and extremely low in calories. Sharp and rapid weight loss is also dangerous because it is usually achieved through the loss of muscle mass. Moreover, if a person has just started playing sports, then at first the weight may even increase, and not decrease at all, because muscle tissue will be actively formed, and muscles are heavier than fat.

3. Ignore any discomfort that arises while participating in the marathon. If joint pain appears, swelling of the limbs increases during exercise, the heartbeat changes (usually patients describe this figuratively: “the heart beats like a bird in a cage”) or any other manifestations of deterioration in well-being are observed, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

4. After completing the marathon, return to your previous diet (with buns, sweets and sausages) and forget about exercise. In this case, the previous kilograms will return. And it is possible that with interest. This does not mean that you need to sit on a low-calorie diet for the rest of your life and torture yourself in the gym. The achieved result must be maintained with a balanced diet and reasonable physical activity.

5. Do not take into account your own character. As a rule, such open events, where participants exchange personal information with each other, post their photos on social networks, are designed for extroverts, that is, people who know how to openly express themselves, present themselves, show their results, including not the best, together worry with others, with strangers. If you are not one of these types of people, then it is better not to even start participating. You will either quit the race at the very beginning of the journey, or you will experience such psychological stress that it will block even the possible benefits of the exercise.

6. It is naive to believe that the coach or organizers bear any responsibility for their actions, for example, if participants develop health problems. Since people running online marathons, as a rule, do not have a medical education, their activities are not licensed or regulated in any way. This means that the demand from them is corresponding.

7. Hope that the trainer will select a diet that is suitable specifically for you. Typically, nutritional recommendations are standard and fairly general, such as how much protein, fat, and carbohydrates should be in the average participant's daily diet. An individual diet can only be compiled by a specialist (dietitian) after a personal visit and, preferably, a detailed examination of the patient. After all, the diet differs depending on the goal that a person sets for himself: to lose weight, maintain existing weight, build muscle mass, etc. By the way, each person can calculate his personal need for calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates independently, without any trainer-mentor. To do this, just look on the Internet for methodological recommendations developed jointly with the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (formerly called the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences): “Norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation” dated 18 December 2008. They describe in detail, depending on gender, age, physical activity: what the total caloric content of the diet should be, how much protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals (and which ones) should be consumed per day.

8. Do not take into account the peculiarities of well-being on a particular day. Exercising through pain and force can be dangerous. For example, increased physical activity is not recommended for women with heavy menstruation in the first 2-3 days.

9. Not be interested in the preparation, education, certificates of marathon organizers, consultants, reviews about them on the Internet. You need to understand: you are not just playing a game of chance, you are trusting these people with your health. For example, most of us prefer to have our car repaired by professionals, so why is there such indifference towards ourselves?

10. Don’t be tempted by prizes in the form of plastic surgery on your breasts or a snow-white smile., which are offered in some marathons. After all, a person may initially have good external data. But, trusting the organizers of the project, who thus sell and advertise such aesthetic services, a person, seeing such a “tasty carrot” in front of him, begins to think: maybe he also needs this, or maybe artificially made breasts are good and right ? Still, the prizes should be more humane and neutral.

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