How to celebrate Victory Day in the capital. Processions, concerts, volleys

Festive events on the occasion 9th May V Moscow began the day before, but the main events will take place today. How to spend this holiday and where to go in the capital? We have put together a small program of the most important and interesting events for you.

Parade on Red Square

The most important event on Victory Day on May 9, 2018 will be the military parade on Red Square. More than 12 thousand people and 120 units of military equipment will take part in this solemn parade. Among them will be presented Tiger vehicles, armored personnel carriers, missile systems, Iskander-M, S-400 and many of the best Russian tanks. The parade will end with an aviation show, where 73 helicopters and airplanes will take to the skies, including the newest Su-57 fighter.

By the way, the victory parade can also be watched from large screens that will be installed on the square of three stations, on Poklonnaya Hill and several other important celebration sites.

"Immortal Regiment"

The “Immortal Regiment” action, which has already become a tradition, will again be held in Moscow. It is dedicated to the memory of the relatives and friends of all people who lost someone in the war. The procession will begin at 15:00 from the Dynamo metro station along Leningradsky Prospekt and end on Red Square. People will gather from 13:00. All marchers bring with them portraits of their loved ones who gave their lives for the free future of the Motherland.

Main venues for Victory Day celebrations

In addition to the main events, Moscow will also host many other venues with concerts, entertainment programs, performances and much more.

On Theater Square from 19:00 to 22:00, veterans will enjoy an entertainment program with an orchestra and songs of the war years. Also, a large concert of military songs will be held on the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. At 20:00 on Tverskaya Zastava Square near the Belorussky Station there will be a concert of “Victory Songs” performed by the Turetsky Choir and the Soprano group.

Minute of silence

A minute of silence will be announced at 18:55. At this time, it is proposed to silently remember those who died defending their homeland.

Fireworks in honor of Victory Day

Of course, the holiday will end with a ceremonial fireworks display. According to the Ministry of Defense, on May 9, the Moscow sky will be lit up with five thousand fireworks. Holiday lights will come in 550 colors and shades. Fireworks will open at an altitude of 350 meters. To launch fireworks and salutes, installations of four calibers will be used - 105 mm, 125 mm, 195 mm and 310 mm. Moreover, on Poklonnaya Hill, at one of the fireworks sites, ZiS-3 guns from the Great Patriotic War will be used, which, as the military says, will “provide noise accompaniment” to complete the effect.

Mikhail Terentyev

An extensive program has been prepared for Victory Day in Moscow: residents and guests of the city will enjoy concerts with the participation of military bands and Russian pop stars, a master class on painting, reading letters from the front, an exhibition of secret documents and much more.

Festive program on Poklonnaya Hill

The celebration on Poklonnaya Hill will begin with the broadcast of the Victory Parade at 10:00. After this, a concert will take place here, at which the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra, the Central Military Orchestra of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, soloists of the Moscow Operetta Theater Vasilisa Nikolaeva and Vladislav Kiryukhin, the group “Respublika” and many others will perform.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence in memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War. Then Sergei Zhigunov, Ekaterina Guseva, Sati Kazanova, Marina Devyatova, Elena Maksimova, Ruslan Alekhno, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander Buinov and musicians of the Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia will appear on stage.

The concert will end at 22:00. Free admission.

Songs about war at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

At 10:00 the Victory Parade will be broadcast near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. From 16:00 to 18:00 there will be a concert where guests will hear popular songs about the war in modern interpretation. Golden hits of the Soviet stage and original songs will also be performed.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence. After it, the orchestra will perform under the direction of People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

At 20:30, popular Russian artists will take the stage to perform songs from the war and post-war years. Free admission.

War cinema on Pushkin Square

At 09:00 a film concert will begin on Pushkinskaya Square, and after it guests will see a broadcast of the Victory Parade. Films about the war will also be shown here, starting at 11:15 and 13:05. Viewers will also be told about how such films were created - from films shot during the war years to modern ones.

At 18:00 the concert will begin, Diana Gurtskaya, Sogdiana, the group “Brilliant”, Anita Tsoi and others will perform.

At 19:00 there is a minute of silence in memory of the victims. Afterwards the festive concert will continue. At 21:00 the karaoke program of the musical group “Turetsky Choir” starts.

At 22:00 the fireworks display will be broadcast on the big screen.

Free admission.

What the museums have in store

Military museums can be visited for free. The State Defense Museum of Moscow, the Zelenograd Museum, the Panorama Museum “Battle of Borodino”, the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia, the museum complex “History of the T-34 Tank” and others will not charge an entrance fee on May 8 and 9.

Each of them prepared a special program for Victory Day. For example, at 13:00 at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War there will be a presentation of a video for the song “Kite”, filmed by students of a creative film studio. In the Big Cinema and Concert Hall at 16:00, guests will see the play “I will return...”, which is based on front-line letters from Boris Vasiliev’s story “Exhibit No...”. At 17:30 they will show the documentary “How I Became a Teacher” about the writer and veteran of the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Japanese Wars Pyotr Mikhin.

The Moscow State Defense Museum invites you to the theatrical interactive program “Front Behind the Front Line”. One of the central themes of this day is the partisan movement. Guests will be told not only about their exploits, but also about their everyday life. Starts at 12:00 and 15:00.

The photo exhibition “Eternal Flame” will be presented at the Zelenograd Museum. It will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorial complex near the Kremlin wall. The exhibition will be open from 10:00 to 20:00.

Flowers will be laid at the memorial site of the Great Patriotic War at the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. A festive concert will also be held here.

They will teach you how to paint military-historical miniatures at the Battle of Borodino panorama museum at the Steadfast Tin Soldier master class. Starts at 14:00. At the “History of the T-34 Tank” museum, guests will be invited to complete interactive creative tasks.

May 9 is the last day when you can see the exhibition “1942. At the Victory Headquarters" in New Manege. It is unique in that for the first time it shows documents from the highest authorities, whose decisions influenced the outcome of hostilities in 1942. The exhibition itself runs until June 25.

No pre-registration required.

Military equipment and field kitchen: holiday in the parks

IN Gorky Park the holiday will start at 10:00 and end at 22:00. An installation of letters from soldiers from the front will appear on the walls of the main entrance. Their texts will be heard from the speakers. A live broadcast of the Victory Parade will be shown on the balustrade, and a concert will take place on the main stage.

You can see military equipment and try field cuisine on Pushkinskaya Embankment. There will also be areas where park guests will dance to the music of the war years.

In the Muzeon art park they will tell you how many days the Battle of Stalingrad lasted, how many bombs were dropped on Moscow and how many cities turned into ruins during the war.

Festival Square Sokolniki Park will turn into a chessboard. Figures representing the armies of the USSR and Germany will fight there. Air fountains “Tongues of Flame”, tantamaresques in the form of guns of the Great Patriotic War and signs with poignant lines from the last letters of soldiers from the front - this and much more will also be seen by guests of the park. In addition, congratulations to veterans can be left on the installation in the form of a large triangular letter. A festive concert will also be held here. The events will take place from 13:00 to 22:00.

For visitors Tagansky Park prepared a documentary play “Katya + Sergey. Letters." The production was based on the correspondence between Major General Sergei Kolesnikov and his wife. The choir of the Mishanyan and Co. Orchestra and the Valery Bukreev Orchestra will perform on the park stage. Everyone will learn to dance in the style of the 1940s. The holiday will end with a children's parade - young Muscovites will march through the stadium and park alleys in homemade costumes. Event times are from 10:00 to 22:00.

The atmosphere of the 1940s will be recreated in Hermitage Garden. Guests will see Soviet vintage cars and hear music performed by a military brass band and a male chamber choir. The Victory Ball “At six o’clock in the evening...” will begin at 18:00. Everyone will dance with the veterans to the songs of the war years, and at open lessons, guests will learn to dance the Krakowiak, tango and waltz. The celebration will end at 22:00.

The Walking Band Festival will take place in Bauman Garden. The brass bands “Mosbras”, ½ Orchestra, “Polite People”, “Second Line” and Pakava It will perform here. Master classes on graffiti, beatboxing and freestyling will be held for young people. There will also be a retro zone with treats. Starts at 13:00. The events will take place until 22:00.

IN Biryulevsky Arboretum at 12:00 the celebration “Gratitude of Generations” will begin. The program includes performances by creative groups, congratulations to veterans and master classes. Everyone can make paper flowers.

Victory Day at the Moscow Spring festival

In the living room pavilion on Tverskaya Square, visitors will be taught how to decorate photo albums and postcards for veterans. Classes will be held from 11:00 to 16:00. All guests are also invited to the concert “Poems and Songs about War.”

At the venue next door, on Stoleshnikov Lane, guests will be treated to a retro program “Songs and Music of the Soviet Period.”

Performances by young musicians, dance master classes and much more will take place on Novy Arbat. The concert will begin here at 12:30. The children's group "Inspiration", the children's and youth choir "Joy", the choir of school No. 1060 and the Popov Big Children's Choir will perform. At 19:00 the traditional jazz ensemble Moscow Trad Jazz Band will take the stage.

At 12:00, the “Field Hospital” will open on Revolution Square. The youngest guests will be taught first aid. There will also be a lesson on making bouquets of fresh flowers that can be given to veterans.

Greeting cards using the scrapbooking technique and military hats will be made in the park near the monument to Karl Marx. A front-line album and a brooch from the St. George ribbon will be made on Kuznetsky Most (near the Central Department Store).

You will learn how to bake bread from rye flour, cook jelly and prepare a dessert in the shape of a star at the culinary studio on Klimentovsky Lane. Master classes will be held from 12:00 to 18:45.

Content: On May 9, 2018, huge screens will be installed in many Moscow parks, on which the parade from Red Square will be broadcast.

In Gorky Park

From 10:00 the performance of the orchestra of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia will begin. Also here on May 8 and 9 there will be an exhibition of military equipment “Weapons of Victory”.

On Pushkinskaya embankment

Residents and guests of the capital will be able to see a regimental mortar, a howitzer, an anti-tank gun, tanks, a divisional gun and other wartime equipment. During the day, the KinoZvuk symphony orchestra will perform here, and from 13:00 to 15:00 a French chanson from Philippe Dares will be played.

Master classes will be organized for young guests of the event, during which they will be able to make crafts and souvenirs.

Also, according to established tradition, the park will host an Open Microphone and everyone will be able to tell their family stories related to the war and Victory.

At 21:00 the film “Once upon a time there was a girl” will be shown here.

In Victory Park

On May 9, the Symphony Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater will perform a big concert on Poklonnaya Hill. It will perform works of classical music, modern compositions and wartime songs by popular performers and groups.

The highlight of the holiday will be the horse show “Traditions of Russia”. Cavalrymen will appear in front of the public, and there will be a parade with the flags of the hero cities.

In Izmailovsky Park

On May 9, a procession of veterans, a big concert and an interactive show with dances and songs are planned. The park will show a theatrical production on a military theme and invite you to master classes.

A minute of silence will begin at 18:55.

Fireworks will be launched at 22:00.

In Babushkinsky Park

On May 9, creative master classes and classes dedicated to the Great Patriotic War will open. There will also be an exhibition of models of military equipment, and the cooks of the military field kitchen will treat park guests to buckwheat porridge with stew and hot tea.

Also in the park there will be an interactive stand “Wall of Memory”, where everyone can enter the name of heroes and participants of the Great Patriotic War, write congratulations on Victory Day and wishes.

In Kuzminki Park

In honor of Victory Day, a military orchestra will perform songs and marches of the 40s and 50s. This will be followed by performances by musical and theatrical groups, a Victory Ball, tea party and an entertaining interactive program. Guests of the event will also be able to try field cuisine.

In Perovsky Park

Visitors will be treated to a performance by a military brass band and a concert.

Master classes will be organized for children on assembling various models of military equipment from LEGO constructors.

In the Garden named after Bauman

A festive concert will take place on May 9. Soloists and musical groups from Moscow will sing songs about love and war. There will be a photo exhibition documenting the feat of Soviet soldiers.

Master classes on designing postcards and cards will be organized for children. The field kitchen will be operational.

In Sokolniki Park

The music program will begin at 13:00. Famous performers and Russian pop groups will perform popular songs. In addition, gaming and dancing competitions and quizzes are planned here.

Tagansky Park

will consecrate the turning point of the Second World War in 1943 - the Battle of Kursk. A military-historical quest-walk will be organized for park guests, during which participants will be asked to follow the trail of events on the Kursk Bulge and answer tricky questions.

A big concert and entertainment program will be held on the stage of the park.

In the master class area you will be able to write a front-line letter, make a paper carnation and a greeting card.

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