Research work “The Image of the Teacher in works of Russian literature. Creative work "the image of a teacher in classical and modern literature" Excerpts from classical works about teachers

Schools are preparing to celebrate Teacher's Day.

A huge number of books have been written about teachers. Small lists of books by topic may be useful.


Teacher, student, school. These words are inextricably linked. Rich and

The world of the school is multifaceted, recreated in works of fiction.

In novels, novellas, and stories on school subjects, the image appears before us

TEACHERS, SCHOOLS, STUDENTS, various pedagogical issues are touched upon, and a colorful school life is depicted.


  • Aitmatov Ch. The first teacher.
  • Voronkova L. Girlfriends go to school.
  • Garin-Mikhailovsky N.G. Tyoma's childhood.
  • Koval Yu. Wormwood tales. Zero class. Nyurka.
  • Likhanov A. Kresna. Steep mountains.
  • Metter I. First lesson (in the collection “Teacher, before your name...” - M., 1985).
  • Platonov A. Still a mother.
  • Raskin A. How dad studied at school.
  • Solomko N. The white horse is not my grief.
  • Tolstoy L.N. Childhood. Philippok.
  • Ian V. Nikita and Mikitka et al.


  • Astafiev V. Photo in which I am not.
  • Belykh G., Panteleev L. Republic of Shkid.
  • Dragunsky V. Main rivers. What Mishka loves. "Silent Ukrainian night." A fire in an outbuilding or a feat in the ice. Fantomas et al.
  • Iskander F. The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules.
  • Nagibin Yu. Winter oak.
  • Platonov A. Sandy teacher.
  • Rasputin V. French lessons.
  • Sotnik Yu. Elixir Kuprum Esa et al.


  • Kolpakova O. How we studied in Rus'.
  • Konchalovskaya N. Our ancient capital (chapter “How they studied in Moscow, how they were treated in Moscow”).
  • Lurie S. Letter from a Greek boy.
  • Mathieu M. Day of the Egyptian Boy.
  • Jan M. Nikita and Mikitka.


  • Brustein A. The road goes into the distance.
  • Garin-Mikhailovsky N. Childhood Themes. Gymnasium students.
  • Gessen A. The life of a poet (chapters “Lyceum Republic” and “Lyceum Parnassus”).
  • Marshak S. At the beginning of life.
  • Pomyalovsky N. Essays on the bursa.
  • Tolstoy L.N. Childhood. Adolescence.
  • Charskaya L. Notes of a high school student. Notes from an institute.
  • Chukovsky K. Silver coat of arms.
  • Eidelman N. “Our union is wonderful.”


  • Belykh G., Panteleev L. Republic of Shkid.
  • Dragunsky V. Main rivers. "Silent Ukrainian night..." Fantomas.
  • Zheleznikov V. Life and adventures of an eccentric. Scarecrow.
  • Cassil L. Conduit and Schwambrania.
  • Korshunov M. September + September. Tragic hieroglyph.
  • Kuznetsova A. Bow to the ground.
  • Makarenko A.S. Pedagogical poem.
  • Nosov N. Vitya Maleev at school and at home.
  • Solomko N. White horse - grief is not mine. If I were a teacher.
  • Sotnik Yu. Elixir of Cuprum Esa.


  • Boroditskaya M. Truant and Truant.
  • Givargizov A. Tricky Zubov. Notes of an outstanding student.
  • Golyavkin A. Notebooks in the rain.
  • Davydychev L. The life of Ivan Semyonov, a second-grader and a repeater.
  • Druzhinina M. Medicine for the test. What is per-pen-di-ku-lyar, or Funny school stories. My fun day off.
  • Zakhoder B. On the back desk.
  • Lukashina M. Handstand in botany lessons.
  • Pivovarova I. Stories by Lucy Sinitsyna. Transformation of a porcelain pig. Three with a minus, or Incident in 5 "A".
  • Polyakov V. Berk of the Heavenly King (stories “The Unknown Country”, “Lion the Lion and the Hares”).
  • Rick T. Miracles in 5 a: Russian language in games.
  • Silin S. "Stop gnawing on the railings!"
  • Sochinskaya M. School life.
  • School "jokes": Collection of stories and poems.

Vasilyeva Tatyana, Ivanova Yulia

The purpose of the research project is to reveal the moral character of the Teacher using the example of works of Russian literature.






Research project

The image of the Teacher in works of Russian literature

Ivanova Yulia Sergeevna,

10th grade students

Supervisor: Malyukova Vera Fedorovna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature


CHAPTER ……………………………………………………………………. Page

I. CONTENTS …………………………………………………………… 1


About the project: theme, purpose and objectives of the project; material and subject

Research; relevance and novelty, project implementation……………. 2-4

III. RESEARCH RESULTS…………………………………. 5-14

1. Teacher of the XXI century. What is he like?............................................................. 5-8

2. The image of the Teacher in works of Russian literature…………….. 9-14

2.1. V. Astafiev. “Photo where I’m not in”…………………… 9

2.2. F. Iskander. “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules”………………………… 10

2.3. V. Rasputin. "French lessons"…………………………………... 11

2.4 . L. Nechaev. “Waiting for a friend, or confessing a teenager”………….. 12

2.5. A. Ivanov. “The geographer drank away his globe”…………………………….. 13

2.6. E. Grishkovets. "Boss"…………………………………………. 14

IV. CONCLUSIONS ………………………………………….................................. 15


VII. APPLICATIONS (photos, illustrations, diagram)



Your every action, teacher, is reflected on other people: do not forget that there is a person next to you.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky




The relevance of our project is dictated by time. Eras change, requirements for education and teachers change, but at all times it is the teacher who is the most important element in the structure of education. It is the teacher who shapes the future generation and helps the student adapt to the changes taking place in the world. And the literary image of the Teacher is confirmation of this.

The attitude towards a teacher in Russian society has always been ambiguous, because any of his actions are assessed from different points of view: students, their parents, colleagues, management, etc.

“Teaching is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul... directly. He educates with his Personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world,”- wrote Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev.

Modern society must respect the teacher and recognize his important role in the formation of a person’s personality. And a real Teacher (with a capital T) must meet the requirements that time places on him, while remaining a highly moral, creative person with extraordinary thinking.


Humanity is accustomed to recording all its accumulated experience in literature. We wanted to turn to works of Russian literature that reveal the moral character of the teacher and hisrelationships with students.

Purpose of the research work– reveal the moral image of the Teacher using the example of works of Russian literature.

Realizing that we will not be able to “embrace the immensity,” we have identified several main, in our opinion, tasks.

Research objectives:

  • Analyze works of Russian literature that reveal the image of a teacher.
  • Consider the moral aspect of the teaching profession in the development and formation of a child’s personality.
  • Determine the degree of influence of historical reality on the artistic image.
  • Understand whether changes are needed in education (and in this novelty of our work).

It is no coincidence that we focus on the moral aspect. One cannot but agree with the statement of N. G. Chernyshevsky that“In moral terms, the teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be, or at least he must sincerely and touchingly desire to be like that and strive for that with all his might.”


A true Teacher must always meet the requirements that time places on him, while remaining a highly moral, creative person, with extraordinary thinking, capable of making quick decisions and not being afraid of difficulties.


Research material- works of Russian literature.

Subject of study– the moral character of the teacher and his relationship with students.



  • familiarity with the materials of literary scholars on this topic;
  • studying changes in the relationship between the teacher and society in reality based on sources about the teaching profession.


  • “immersion” in the text – study of the texts of works;
  • meetings with specialists;
  • observation;
  • oral survey.

Methodology for processing the received data:

  • collecting material on the topic;
  • highlighting the main and secondary;
  • constructing a pie chart;
  • writing an abstract;
  • creating a presentation;
  • design of the project.




The choice of the project topic is not accidental. At the end of 2015 we were invited to participate in a regional social project“Hello, teacher of the 21st century!”

Participation in the social project interested us very much, and we decided to continue our research work, but in a slightly different direction..

Before turning specifically to works of literature, we would like to talk very briefly about this project.

Goal and tasks :

  • show the image of an ideal modern teacher(taking into account the opinions of high school students,parents, teachers, service personnel, administration of the educational institution);
  • correlate the opinions of all participants in the educational process with the requirements of the Professional Standards for Teachers;
  • present the research result in the form of a poster presentation.

Conclusions of the study.

Based on a survey of participants in the educational process and in accordance with the requirements of the Professional Standard for Teachers, we “drew” the image of a Teacher of the 21st century.

A modern school can develop and be in demand only with a good teacher. Teacher– the main figure in the educational process. The results of training and education largely depend on his activities. His work is not limited only to lessons, implementation of educational programs and norms determined by educational standards.

Teacher - This is a friend to children, their assistant, adviser, ally. Not a person who gives ready-made truths, but a seeker, a wanderer, always on the road, able to change his point of view, doing good and learning from his students.

On a presentation slide - the main requirements that the 21st century places on a teacher:

  • Love for your profession.A teacher should enjoy the process of teaching someone.
  • Active citizenship.A teacher must be ready to be active in the modern world and must defend his position.
  • Mobility. The teacher must be able to quickly and successfully switch from one type of activity to another.
  • Responsibility.A teacher must be responsible, because the future of the children he teaches depends on him.
  • Competence. A teacher must seriously and carefully prepare for lessons, because one of the main tasks of a teacher is knowledge of his subject. He must know the material well, be able to present it correctly and explain it to the student.
  • Self improvement.Every teacher must constantly improve himself, because this is what his professional growth depends on. He must not only know his subject perfectly, but also be erudite in other areas.
  • Tolerance (tolerance).A teacher works with children (teenagers), so he must find an approach to each student, treat everyone equally, and must also allow them to express their opinions.
  • Organized.A modern teacher must be able to organize his activities and his time.
  • Orientation in the realities of modern times.The modern world does not stand still, it develops. Technological progress is of great importance in it. So the teacher must be able to use technology, various methods, obtain knowledge from different sources, and use modern terminology. That is, keep up with the times.
  • Ability to work with information.The teacher must be able to select, process, systematize information, and use it correctly.
  • Patriotism. Very important for the teacherknow the history of Russia, respect and love your Motherland and cultivate patriotism in children.

So, 21st century makes certain demands on teachers. Are teachers ready to change?

We spent oral survey of primary, secondary and senior teachers (3, 7 and 5 people, respectively, took part in the survey):

“Are you ready to change in accordance with new requirements?”.

Survey results- in the diagram.

(80% percent of teachers surveyed responded that they are not only ready to change in accordance with new requirements, but have been working in this direction for a long time. They actively use information technology and constantly expand their knowledge.

15 % our teachers responded that they were not entirely sure that it was necessary to radically change their attitude towards teaching.

And only 5% teachers surveyed are not ready to change at all, believing that the “old” teaching methods are more effective.)

After analyzing our observations and the mixed results of the survey, we began to think.

Are changes needed in education? What does literature tell us about this? Is the image of a teacher static or dynamic? What is the moral character of a teacher? What is his relationship with his students?

And to find answers to the questions, we turned to works that reveal the image of the teacher and reflect different periods of our lives.


2.1. V.P. Astafiev. "The Photograph I'm Not in" (1968)

One of the most famous works in which the image of a teacher is present is the story of V.P. Astafiev "Photograph in which I am not present."

The author emphasizes that the teacher is a special person among the residents of the Russian village of those years (30s):“He was the main organizer, agitator and propagandist in the village club, taught the children games and dances, organized comedy and topical performances, and participated in all village celebrations.”.

In the years described by V.P. Astafiev, the teacher had very great authority. Probably the reason for this lies in the fact that it was very difficult to get an education; it required a lot of effort and money. That is why an educated person commanded respect.

In relations with the children, the expression was applicable to the teacher"second mom", "second dad" or "older friend". The inner appearance of the teacher was revealed in his inexorable concern for the school, in his boundless love for children. The guys completely trusted and deeply respected their mentor.

Adults also shared these feelings:“Respect for our teacher and teacher is universal, silent. Teachers are respected for their politeness, for the fact that they greet everyone along the way, without discriminating between the poor, the rich, or the exiles...”

2.2. F. Iskander. "The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules" (1964)

In the story “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules,” written by F. Iskander, the teacher has his own methodology, his own way of communicating with students, and to many it seems inappropriate.

The events in the story take place during the war years. In the practice of Kharlampy Diogenovich, the main principle was"to make a person funny". Many teachers note that humor can be very effective in the educational process. But not everyone can understand ridicule or irony, and sometimes it can result in a conflict between student and teacher.

In the analyzed story, the children perceive every joke of the teacher as a small punishment that they deserve. For them, his specific methodology is the norm; Kharlampy Diogenovich even commands respect for the fact that he immediately established exemplary silence in the class.

The main character evaluates the form of influence of the teacher from the height of his years and accumulated experience, and this assessment is clearly positive:“With laughter, he certainly tempered our crafty children’s souls and taught us to treat ourselves with a sufficient sense of humor. In my opinion, this is a completely healthy feeling, and I resolutely and forever reject any attempt to question it.”

The hero understands that the teacher’s irony was intended to educate students, eradicate their shortcomings and develop moral principles. Any act of a teacher is, first of all, assessed by himself, since it must resonate in the souls of students, even if outwardly the method of pedagogical influence does not seem acceptable.

2.3. V.G. Rasputin. "French Lessons" (1973)

This happens in the story “French Lessons”, where the action of Lydia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, is assessed from different points of view. Events take place in the post-war period.

In this girl you can find not only a mentor, but also a devoted friend: when it was necessary to help the boy, she did it. In addition, she was able to awaken the student’s interest in the French language, that is, she completed the main task.

However, some of the teacher’s actions caused a protest from the school management: in order for the student to have food, she dared to gamble for money. The administration regarded this act as unworthy of a teacher. Lidia Mikhailovna herself perceives it as a misunderstanding, an accident:“I’ll go to my place in Kuban,” she said, saying goodbye, “And you study calmly, no one will touch you for this stupid incident. It's my fault. Learn,” she patted me on the head and left. And I never saw her again."

Having analyzed these, in our opinion, significant works about the Teacher, we can say that the image of the teacher in literature is characterized positively. The relationship between student and teacher is based on mutual respect, trust, and moral values. This situation in the literature reflects historical reality.

Unfortunately, there are other images of teachers in the literature. And this is also a reflection of reality.

2.4. L.E. Nechaev. "Waiting for a Friend, or Confession of a Teenager" (1987)

In L. Nechaev’s story “Waiting for a Friend, or Confession of a Teenager,” the teacher is a person for whom the success of children serves, first of all, as a means of climbing the career ladder.

“I have a demonstration class,” said the teacher. “I will focus on strong students, I will work with strong ones...”.

The teacher is worried about the external performance of the class. She strives to stand out, she needs to be noticed, so she does not take into account the opinions of the guys. The student does not interest her as a person with his own desires, aspirations, and experiences.

This feature is especially evident in the episode of preparation for February 23:“Let the popes not come on the twenty-third of February with awards, orders and medals. We will praise them". That's what she said, and I thought:“She’s saying something wrong... Why didn’t she think that half the class didn’t have dads! Dads are divorced..."Little of. The same Rudoy stood up and said: “But my dad has no awards.” Then she said: “What kind of dad is this - no awards!”

Such an attitude towards children first causes them bewilderment and then the teacher’s rejection.

2.5. A. Ivanov. “The geographer drank his globe away” (1995)

The relationship between student and teacher in our time is sometimes characterized by a lack of mutual understanding and mutual respect. The student is focused only on his own rights and desires, this causes an appropriate reaction from the teacher. A reflection of this reality can be seen in the modern novel “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” by Alexei Ivanov.

The events take place in the 90s of the last century. The main character of the novel is Viktor Sluzhkin. For us, this image is interesting, first of all, because he becomes a teacher not by vocation, but because of hopelessness.

Due to the lack of experience in school, methodological and psychological knowledge, he cannot competently build relationships with students. The reason for this is also the reluctance on the part of students to recognize the authority of the teacher:“Sluzhkin waited until everyone was seated. Schoolchildren shouted, sharing desks. Finally, the continuous hubbub turned into a restrained hubbub, and the whole class stared expectantly at the teacher. Sluzhkin stood up:

“Well, hello, 9v,” he said.

Hello! - they squealed from the back desks.

“I see your class is cheerful,” Sluzhkin noted. - Let's get acquainted".

Lack of mutual respect leads to constant conflicts with students, as well as with the head teacher.

2.6. E. Grishkovets. "Chief" (2007)

In another modern work, the story “The Chief” by Evgeny Grishkovets, the central character is Vladimir Lavrentievich, a teacher at a photo club.

This is a teacher not by status, but by vocation. He is a master of his craft, and he doesn’t take everyone into his circle, but children with certain abilities for this type of activity, which also need to be seen.

To determine the status of each student in his circle, Vladimir Lavrentievich comes up with nicknames, such as “uncle” or “boss”. Each student in this circle tries to reveal his abilities and thereby earn respect and the right to be called “uncle.”»:

What did you do? Uncle! – he almost shouted. - You ruined such a shot! Where do your hands come from, huh? You scratched him! All! You ruined him!

Come on, Vladimir Lavrentievich! Do not swear! - muttered the young photographer. - This is my shot.

Yours, right? What the hell am I doing here? Is yours?! He's not yours! It was just a good shot!

This is a different type of human teacher, popular among teenagers, but not because of the short-term popularity of “their” person. He has authority, knows how to set his own rules that must be followed, but most importantly, he cultivates in his students a sense of beauty, the ability to show individuality, the ability to live and work in a team - in a word, what distinguishes a person from other creatures.


In accordance with the goals and objectives set by us, we tried to reveal the image of the Teacher using the example of specific works of Russian literature,written at different times and reflecting events of different historical eras.

We saw that the personal development of a teacher, as well as the dynamics of his relationships with students, depend on the conditions of historical reality, which is reflected in the literature.

We have proven the correctness of the hypothesis that a real Teacher must always meet the requirements that time places on him, while remaining a highly moral, creative person, with extraordinary thinking, capable of making quick decisions and not being afraid of difficulties. This means that changes in education and the teacher’s attitude towards teaching are simply necessary!

One of the tasks of literature is to transfer the accumulated experience to the next generations so that they can take it into account and avoid mistakes. The problem of interaction between the teacher and the environment is still relevant, and in order to solve it, we need to more often turn to our literary and spiritual heritage, because our future depends on what the teacher and his relationship with students will be like.

We believe that our project has great practical significance. Research materials can be used in literature lessons, as well as in additional classes and extracurricular activities.


  1. Astafiev V.A. Last bow. Krasnoyarsk, 1996. – 248 p.
  2. “Education as the rebirth of a citizen, a person of culture and morality,” Pedagogy. No. 4, 1997
  3. Grishkovets E. Chief / Grishkovets E. Traces on me. M., 2007. 75 p.
  4. Ivanov A. The geographer drank his globe. M., 2004. – 306 p.
  5. Iskander F. Selected works. M., “Children’s Literature”, 1995. – 221 p.
  6. Leshchinsky V.I. Is the teacher always right?/ V.I. Leshchinsky, S.S. Kuznetsova, S.V. Kulnevich. – M., “Pedagogy”, 1990. – 160 p.
  7. Nechaev L.E. Waiting for a friend, or a teenager’s recognition/School years. Issue 2. - M.: "Children's Literature", 1990.
  8. V. Rasputin. Novels and stories. Novosibirsk, 1996. – 164 p.
  9. Troyanovsky V.A. Teacher in fiction. Krasnoyarsk, 1984.
  10. Professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).”
  11. Internet resources.The image of a teacher in literature

We spend an impressive period of our youth with teachers. They greet us as small children and send us out of school almost as adults. Books about teachers are dedicated to people in this responsible, but often thankless profession. Many of us only begin to appreciate our school mentors years later. Meanwhile, among the teachers there are true virtuosos of their craft, teachers at the behest of the soul and with great talent for presenting knowledge to fragile minds. They are different: educators, friends, tyrants, worst enemies, sympathetic interlocutors, eccentric, overly impressionable, brilliant. Books about teachers will tell stories about these people who are close, but not always clear to us.

The prototype of the main character of Galina Severina’s book was her husband, a physics teacher at Moscow School No. 127, who volunteered for the front in 1941 and died near Rzhev. “The Legend of the Teacher” became for her and millions of readers a kind of tribute to the memory of this great man.

The story of eight seemingly unrelated people who, under the guidance of an insightful, kind and tenacious Italian teacher, not only discover the language, but also learn to follow their dreams, be sincere with their loved ones and make new friends.

The novel is narrated by the youngest of the Brontë sisters from the perspective of the main character, the governess Agnes. She has to live among the arrogant and prim English aristocracy, who look down on the poor but noble girl. But time puts everything in its place.

The amazing world of Shakespearean passions, lofty ideals and beautiful images... All this was created by a talented English teacher in an elite Soviet school. However, how long can this magnificent, but divorced from reality world exist?

A light and bright book about a young Scottish teacher, a favorite of her students, who took in six orphaned children, not all of whom are easy to educate. The work is part of a series of books about Anne Shirley.

The story of a young Japanese teacher who managed to overcome many stereotypes imposed by society. Even in her most unsociable and strange students, she was able to discern a unique, amazing, but lonely personality, desperately in need of care and love.

A young, inexperienced literature teacher, faced with an absolutely uncontrollable class of disadvantaged teenagers, is forced to reconsider her usual views on teaching and learns to look at the world through the eyes of her students. This book, full of subtle psychology, is dedicated, first of all, to love... Love for art, one’s work and children.

An ambiguous book that has caused a lot of different, often opposing, assessments. In the center of the story is a weak-willed, somewhat spineless, but, on the whole, moral geography teacher, striving to reach for something bright, despite the dullness and hopelessness that surrounds him.

At the center of the narrative of this calm and romantic book is a girl who was brought up in an orphanage, and later headed it herself. Thanks to her sincerity and deepest morality, she manages not only to help her little pupils, but also to organize her own life.

“Chronicle of the life of Rudolf Steiner”, E. Kozlovskaya
. Philosopher, scientist, social reformer, great teacher... All these words refer to one of the most amazing people of the twentieth century - R. Steiner, who created a unique Waldorf pedagogical system, fundamentally different from traditional pedagogy.

The fate of a young teacher during the Great Patriotic War. Despite numerous difficulties, pain and hunger, Masha was able to maintain her love of life, perseverance, and desire for high things, finding inspiration in the pages of classical literature.

This bright and pure story tells us about a young and inexperienced geography teacher who, with the help of sincerity, love and reluctance to huddle in the inert and narrow framework of school formalism, managed to awaken in his charges the desire for goodness and justice.

A witty and full of subtle psychologism book about the Soviet school of the eighties. Due to circumstances, a young journalist becomes a school teacher of Russian language and literature, facing unusual difficulties and situations.
Touching memories of an adult about his French teacher - an amazing woman, ready to break established rules to help a sick child and who found herself superfluous in the inflexible system of school officialdom and pomposity.

“The Tale of Teacher Sukhomlinsky”, B. Tartakovsky
A biographical book that reveals to the reader the image of this great Soviet teacher. Elements of V. A. Sukhomlinsky’s author’s system, based on the principles of humanism and aesthetics, are still used in daily teaching practice to this day.

An autobiographical work by a graduate of the unique Moscow Physics and Mathematics School No. 2, which has become a real creative laboratory, created by an absolutely extraordinary teaching staff. Declaration of love in 23 parts.

One of the greatest European teachers of the twentieth century. through the eyes of her close friend and colleague. This brilliant book of memoirs tells in vivid and figurative language the story of the creation of a unique education system, built on the principles of faith in the child and his creative potential.

In almost every class there is a gloomy and unsociable child with whom classmates do not want to communicate and whom the teachers have given up on. Few people can and want to see in him a lonely and vulnerable baby, in dire need of understanding and love. But the heroine of this book is one of those who can lend a hand to the little “monster.”

The story is told on behalf of an inexperienced but self-confident history teacher working at an evening school for workers who do not always take the young teacher seriously. However, numerous difficulties do not frighten Nestor Petrovich; he manages not only to come to an understanding with his class, but also to grow spiritually himself.

This honest and sincere book perfectly describes the experiences of a young teacher who found himself in a completely uncontrollable class. Gradually gaining authority, small, at first hesitant steps towards, the first childhood discoveries - the Italian teacher Giovanni Mosca tells the reader about all this with boundless love and humor.

MBOU "Secondary school No. 101"

Sovetsky district of Kazan

Republic of Tatarstan

Direction: science of art, literature


“The Image of the Teacher in Works of Russian Literature”

Student: Khalilova Liliya


teacher of Russian language and literature

1 qualification category

Khuziakhmetova Liliya Nailievna


    The image of the Teacher in works of Russian literature……………...5

2.1. The image of the teacher in the story by A.P. Chekhov “Literature teacher..5”

2.2. “Brave fugitives” and their teachers in the story of the same name by A.I. Kuprina…………………………………………………………...6

2.3. “Pedagogical poem by A.S. Makarenko"..………………………..7

2.4. “French Lessons” by V. Rasputin…………………..………10

2.5. “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” by F. Iskander…………………11


    Used literature…………………………………………………….15


Teaching is the noblest profession. It is the teacher who gives the young generation a start in life. There is no person on earth who would not try on the profession of a teacher. The teacher has been before our eyes since childhood; Until we grow up, we see no one else at work, in action - only teachers. And therefore everyone determines their attitude to this activity. Everyone says to themselves: “I will be a teacher” or “I will not be a teacher.” A school teacher leaves such a deep mark on a child’s soul that many writers and poets, having become famous, turn to the image of their teacher.

I have had the good fortune to meet many wonderful teachers. Most of them are people of amazing integrity, distinguished by enormous spiritual generosity, sincere love for children and boundless loyalty to the teaching profession. They do not recognize work “from start to finish,” but devote all their time and energy to it. It was to such teachers that Russian writers dedicated their best works. A school teacher leaves such a deep mark on a child’s soul that many writers and poets, having become famous, turn to the image of their teacher.

All great Russian writers at some time in their lives were concerned about public education; many opened schools, worked as teachers, and taught their own and other people’s children. Derzhavin G.R. opened 6 public schools in Tambov, started a school in his house, ordered pencils and leads from Moscow, and examined students himself. Krylov I.A. taught the children of Prince Golitsyn. Zhukovsky V.A. was a court teacher, taught the future Tsar Alexander 2, compiled textbooks and maps. N.V. Gogol taught history and geography. Turgenev I.S. founded a school in the village of Spassky. Goncharov I.A. was a home teacher in the family of the artist Maykov. Nekrasov N.A. opened at his own expense a free “school for teaching peasant children to read and write.” For some writers, teaching was a joy, a relaxation, for others it was an everyday necessity; for Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy it was the main thing in life. He opened a school in Yasnaya Polyana and compiled his own “ABC”.

The research work makes an attempt to show the image of the Teacher in the works of Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries using the example of the following works: “Literature Lessons” by A.P. Chekhov, “Brave Fugitives” by A.I. Kuprin, “Pedagogical Poem” by A.S. Makarenko, “French Lessons” by V. Rasputin, “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” by F. Iskander.

The purpose of the research work: to show the image of the Teacher in the works of Russian writers.

Job objectives:

    Study the works of Russian writers who revealed the image of the teacher.

    Analyze the images of teachers presented in Russian literature.

    Consider the influence of the teacher on the formation of the student’s personality.

The novelty of the work lies in the fact that we tried, using the example of literary works, to show what difficulties representatives of the “teacher” profession overcame in the process of working on themselves before coming to the understanding that a teacher is a creative person, with extraordinary thinking, capable of making quick decisions, not afraid of difficulties.

Relevance is dictated by time. Modern society must respect the Teacher and recognize his important role in the formation of a person’s personality. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev wrote: “Teaching is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul... directly. He educates with his Personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world.”

    The image of the Teacher in works of Russian literature

2.1. The image of the teacher in the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Literature Teacher"

In 1894, Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote the story “The Literature Teacher.” For L.N. For Tolstoy, school was a joy, “a poetic, charming affair from which one cannot tear oneself away.” Unfortunately, this cannot be said about the main character of Chekhov's story - literature teacher Nikitin. The story of the soul of Chekhov's character is ordinary, but to the hero himself it seems like a deep drama. Let's try to figure this out.

Sergei Vasilyevich Nikitin is a lucky man who received both a decent job - a gymnasium teacher - and a secure family status. But the process of his “growing up” is not yet complete. Having achieved material well-being, he experiences dissatisfaction with life. What caused it? Chekhov writes: “He told himself with confidence that he was not a teacher at all, but an official, as mediocre and impersonal as a Czech teacher of Greek; he never had a vocation for teaching, he was not familiar with pedagogy and was never interested in it, he does not know how to deal with children; the meaning of what he taught was unknown to him, and perhaps he even taught what was not necessary.” The main character thinks that he is not capable of teaching children, since he himself is not sure of the right choice of profession. Although a minute earlier Nikitin reflects: “You are a teacher. You are working in a noble field. What other world do you need? What nonsense! In the process of long painful reflections, the mind wins, the hero comes to the conclusion that everything surrounding him now is an illusion. Everything that he previously considered to be true: prestige, wealth, “family well-being” is insignificant and meaningless. And the reason for everything is vulgarity, “there is nothing more terrible, more offensive, more depressing than vulgarity.” Everything that he previously considered to be true is insignificant and meaningless.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov creates the image of another teacher, history teacher Ippolit Ippolitich, “he considered drawing maps the most necessary and most important in geography, and knowledge of chronology in history; he sat for whole nights and corrected the maps of his students with a blue pencil or compiled chronological tables.” There was no talk of any creativity, search for truth, or debates in Ippolit Ippolitich’s history lessons. Even before his death, he repeated only truths familiar to everyone, and his soul remained in darkness. In moments of reflection, Nikitin comes to the conclusion that his colleague “was frankly stupid, and all his comrades and students knew who he was and what to expect from him...”

As a result of long thoughts, Chekhov’s teacher wanted to create, “to speak from the pulpit, to compose, to print, to make noise, to get tired, to suffer.” “He wanted something that would captivate him to the point of oblivion of himself, to the point of indifference to personal happiness...”

2.2. “Brave fugitives” and their teachers

in the story of the same name by A.I. Kuprina

The description of the “state-owned orphanage” reflected the impressions of A.I. Kuprin. from the Moscow Alexander Orphan School, where he was for about three years, before entering the cadet corps in 1880. The portraits of teachers and types of children are very interesting. Kuprin's story shows how a bright child's soul, full of vitality, fights for its right to develop freely. We see how great the distance can be between a child and a teacher if the second has chosen a profession not according to his vocation.

The main character, the boy Nelgin, after many humiliations, was finally lucky enough to meet a teacher who treated him with his inexhaustible and monstrously lush imagination with understanding, respect and affection. Princess L. not only did not punish the boys for running away, but also saw in Nelgin, who took someone else’s guilt upon himself, a person worthy not only of compassion, but also of respect. Kuprin writes that the classy ladies who came to him in his infirmary room spoke in French: “Nelgin understood absolutely nothing, but, as best he could, he still translated the conversation into his own language. It seemed to him that the former boss said:

Shouldn't we flog this boy?

And the other said:

No, why, he is so small and thin.

"The first caress from a stranger." This is exactly how Princess L. (Elena Alexandrovna Lieven) managed to awaken trust in an adult in a child’s soul. He “whispered enthusiastically with tears in his eyes:

For you!.. That's it!

No, in my opinion, there is more praise for a teacher than words of gratitude from a student.

2.3. “Pedagogical poem” by A.S. Makarenko

Pupil A.S. Makarenko Kolos I.G. recalled: “For us, Anton Semenovich Makarenko was everything that a family can give to its children, a teacher, friend, mentor, father.” These are reviews of the great teacher, the author of the “Pedagogical Poem,” whose 120th birthday was celebrated on March 13 by the entire teaching community. Anton Semenovich raised difficult teenagers. He simply lived next to his students and worked with them. He tried to find “his own key” for each one. Makarenko’s life credo: “It is always very difficult to see the good in a person…. The good in a person always has to be projected, and the teacher is obliged to do this.”

Makarenko in his work revealed the image of an innovator teacher. The Teacher's activity is presented as a struggle for a child's soul. Maxim Gorky wrote: “I congratulate you on a good book, I warmly congratulate you!”

Even in his youth, A.S. Makarenko showed himself to be sincerely devoted to his work, talented, and looking for new ways in educational work. The words of the council of the institute where the future teacher was educated turned out to be prophetic: “He will be a very good teacher in all subjects, especially the Russian language.”

Six kilometers from Poltava on the sandy hills there are two hundred hectares of pine forest. There is a clearing in the forest. In one of its corners there was a new colony for offenders. It was in this colony that a small but purposeful team worked, which was to give young criminals a start in life. Who were the teachers to whose lot such a lot fell?

“Lidiya Petrovna was very young - a girl. She recently graduated from high school and has not yet cooled down from her mother’s care.” A.S. Makarenko wrote about her: “...Lidochka is the purest creature, I count on her, kind of like a vaccination.” The second teacher of the colony, Ekaterina Grigorievna, “was a seasoned pedagogical wolf.” Their first students had a “rich past” - armed residential robbery, and the younger ones were accused of theft. But no difficulties could deter these teachers who were passionate about their work.

The students’ first reaction to their teachers was as follows: “In the first days, they didn’t even insult us, they just didn’t notice us.” A week later, one of them was arrested for murder and robbery. The teachers were shocked by this news. In addition, robbed villagers came to the colony and “begged for help in tragic voices.” This situation prompted Makarenko to read a lot of pedagogical literature. “At first I didn’t even understand, but simply saw that I didn’t need book formulas, which I still couldn’t apply to business, but immediate analysis and immediate action.”

At this time, the colony more and more resembled a “thieves’ raspberry.” Anton Semenovich committed an act, which he was ashamed of all his life, but which changed the attitude of his pupils towards him and became a turning point in their relationship.. For the first time he hit his student for disrespectful attitude towards the teacher. “...not for a single minute did I think that I had found in violence some kind of all-powerful pedagogical means.” But in the eyes of the students, Anton Semenovich’s authority increased. Reflecting on this fact, the teacher came to the conclusion: “Zadorov is stronger than me, he could cripple me with one blow. In this whole story they do not see beatings, they see only anger, a human explosion. I took an action that was dangerous for myself, but human and not formal.” The same courage was required from Makarenko when he read a report on discipline, in which he “allowed himself to doubt the correctness of the principles generally accepted at that time, which stated that it was necessary to give full scope to the child’s creativity, that one should rely more on self-organization and self-discipline.”

Every day, patiently, step by step, Makarenko and his associates approached their cherished goal. Soon the guys were entrusted with the protection of the state forest. Which “really raised us in our own eyes.”

In search of new forms of education, Anton Semenovich concluded: “It was not so much moral convictions and anger, but rather this interesting and real business struggle that gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone.” He tried to keep his pupils busy with all kinds of work: he bought pigs, acquired horses, organized the fight against moonshiners among village residents, taught military exercises and the basics of military science and developed a communard system of work in detachments, etc.

“Much has passed and much is forgotten... Every spring, the Communard workers’ faculty graduates dozens of students to universities, many dozens of them are already approaching graduation.” Isn’t this an indicator of the effectiveness of a teacher’s work? Makarenko’s work was not in vain; he managed to raise a man, a full-fledged citizen who will work for the good of his Motherland.

2.4. “French Lessons” by V. Rasputin

In Valentin Rasputin's stories and stories, the main attention is paid to the study of human characters, the psychology of heroes, and their moral quests. The most famous story is “French Lessons,” which examines important school issues.

Valentin Rasputin dedicated the story “French Lessons” to the mother of playwright Alexander Vampilov, Anastasia Prokopyevna, who reminded him of his teacher. Rasputin said: “Looking into the face of this amazing woman, not aging, kind, wise, I more than once remembered my teacher and knew that the children had a good time with both.”

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin warmly recalled his school years, teachers and, of course, the teacher who later became the heroine of the now textbook story “French Lessons.” This is the same Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova. The Trud newspaper published an article about Lydia Mikhailovna: “True, she did not immediately agree to an interview: they say, her memory is not the same at 78 years old, I’m afraid of mixing something up... As it turned out, my interlocutor has an excellent memory, and her fears can be explained simply: she is offended by the press. In a story shown by one of the local television companies, its authors directly stated that, if it were not for Lydia Mikhailovna, Valentin Rasputin would not have become a famous writer, and would have died of starvation in his Siberia as a child.” Lidia Mikhailovna recalled: “Everything was wrong! And I didn’t give him the pasta, and I didn’t play “chika” and “measuring”. He was just one of my many students. It so happened that Valya became a famous writer, but I don’t want reflections of his glory. I have an interesting life of my own, I’ve traveled all over the world. I worked in Cambodia, and in Algeria, and in France... Only I taught there not French, but Russian - for those who spoke French. She was born and raised in Moscow, but my dad was sent to work in Transbaikalia... After three and a half decades, she taught at the university in Saransk...”

Lidia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, taught not only the academic subject, but also kindness lessons that were not prescribed in the schedule. She tried her best to help the boy. Rasputin writes: “Lydia Mikhailovna, as in the story, always aroused both surprise and awe in me... She seemed to me an exalted, almost unearthly being. Our teacher had that inner independence that protects against hypocrisy. Still very young, "A recent student, she did not think that she was educating us by her example, but the actions that came naturally to her became the most important lessons for us. Lessons of kindness."

2.5. “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” by F. Iskander.

The theme of Fazil Iskander's short story is an ordinary story that could happen in any school and in any class. This story begins with the appearance of a mathematics teacher at school, who was very different from previous teachers who taught mathematics. The name itself could not have been more suitable for the mathematician. The Greek Kharlampy Diogenovich resembled Pythagoras in appearance and gave the impression of a special person, when his appearance in the class the students “freeze.”

With the arrival of a new mathematics teacher, the students learned what “fun, organized from above by the teacher himself,” was. And this “fun” did not interfere with the conduct of the lesson; on the contrary, “dead” silence was established in the class.

The narrator, on whose behalf the story is told, and his classmates soon gained respect for this calm man, who unwittingly forced the students to take their studies seriously. Over time, the ironic Kharlampy Diogenovich made it clear to the resourceful younger generation that avoiding responsibility is punishable. And you need to accustom yourself to this from an early age, remembering that Hercules has already accomplished all possible feats for the benefit of humanity. Kharlampy Diogenovich - Teacher with a capital T.


Almost all Russian writers in one way or another talked in their works about teachers, about the relationship between student and teacher, about the formation of the younger generation.

Having analyzed several works of Russian literature, let us draw several conclusions:

    Every child has a memory of a school teacher, whether good or bad depends on the personality of the teacher;

    The character and behavior of the teacher were influenced by the historical era and the state of society;

    We were clearly convinced that a teacher is not only a profession, it is a calling of the soul;

    Since the end of the 19th century, the image of the teacher in literature has changed greatly. The definitions of “monster in a skirt”, “angry, loud, nervous”, “impatient, picky”, “crying with irritation”, convinced of the “steadfastness and truthfulness of moralizing anecdotes” were replaced by the definitions “neat, smart, beautiful, with attentive eyes , “the purest being,” a person capable of “immediate analysis and immediate action,” convinced that it is impossible to find “in violence some kind of omnipotent pedagogical means.”

Twenty-five centuries ago, one of the wisest writers in the world, Sophocles, said:

Both in the past and in the future

Only one law is omnipotent:

Doesn't pass peacefully

Human life.

Human life does not pass serenely. It is safe to say that the work of the Teacher does not pass without a trace. Next to these eternal lines, I will not be afraid to repeat the words of our school graduates: “We will never forget our native school, those teachers who raised us, giving all their love, patience and knowledge...”.


    Novels and stories. A.P. Chekhov / comp. A.M. Turkov.- M.: Sov. Russia, 1983. - 345 p.

    Citizenship education/Comp. R.M. Beskina.- M.: Education, 1988. – 304 p.

    Stories. Kuprin A.I./Il. Yu.S. Gershkovich. - M.: Pravda, 1983. - 512 p.

    The hour of apprenticeship. Soloveichik S.L. – Reprint. – M.: Det.lit., 1986.- 383 p.

    Literature. 6th grade Textbook-reader for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock / bus. – comp. V.P. Polukhina.- M.: Education, 2002.- P. 119-170.

1) Duyshen Tashtanbekov - the hero of the story by Ch. Aitmatov– a real teacher, a person capable of titanic work and unparalleled courage. Teaching village children, he accomplishes a real feat every day. Without any living conditions or means of education, and constantly faced with skepticism from the villagers, Duishen works every day for a great idea. He not only teaches children, he raises them to be true patriots and helps them in difficult times. The story presents not only the image of an exemplary teacher, but also a person with a capital letter.

2) In the story V. Rasputin “French Lessons” The topic of Russian teachers is covered. We learn about the young French teacher from the words of the main character, a student at a district school. The boy remembers his teacher with warmth and respect, who accomplishes a real feat in the eyes of the hero. Lidia Mikhailovna helped the starving student in every possible way (including gambling for money), who was having difficulty making ends meet. Perhaps, from the point of view of the school charter, the teacher’s actions are unlawful (which is why the school director fires the young teacher), but from the point of view of humanism and morality, this is the only thing that a real person, a teacher with a capital T, could do.

3) A.I. Kuprin "Taper"

Anton Rubinstein, the great composer, having heard the talented piano playing of the unknown young tapper Yuri Azagarov, helped him become a famous musician

4) V. Rasputin “French Lessons”

Teacher Lidia Mikhailovna taught the hero not only French lessons, but also kindness, sympathy, and the ability to feel someone else's pain.

5) V. Bykov “Obelisk”

Teacher Moroz became a model for his students in everything, he even died with them, believing that a teacher should always be with his students.

6) A. Likhanov “Dramatic pedagogy”

“The worst thing that can exist in this world is a teacher who does not recognize, does not see, does not want to see his mistakes. A teacher who never once said to his students, their parents, or himself: “Sorry, I was wrong” or: “I failed.”

7) A. Aleksin “Third in the fifth row”

Teacher Vera Matveevna, reflecting on methods of education, is forced to admit that she was wrong in trying to educate all her students the same way: “You cannot suppress a person... everyone must do good in their own way... The dissimilarity of characters should hardly be mistaken for incompatibility.”

8) A. Aleksin “Mad Evdokia”

The teacher Evdokia Vasilievna was convinced: the greatest talent in her students was the talent of kindness, the desire to come to the rescue in difficult times, and it was these character traits that she cultivated in them.

9) A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince”

The Old Fox taught the Little Prince to comprehend the wisdom of human relationships. To understand a person, you need to learn to peer into him and forgive minor shortcomings. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can’t see it right away.

10) B. Vasiliev “My horses are flying...”

The narrator remembers with gratitude his first teacher, who raised her students to be true citizens of the Fatherland.

1) L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Anatol Kuragin invades the life of Natasha Rostova to satisfy his own ambitions.

2) A, P. Chekhov "Anna on the Neck"

Anyuta, having become the wife of a wealthy official by convenience, feels like a queen, and the rest - slaves. She even forgot about her father and brothers, who are forced to sell the most necessary things so as not to die of hunger.

3) D. London “In a distant land”

Wetherby and Cuthfert, having gone to the North for gold, are forced to spend the winter together in a hut located far from inhabited areas. And here their boundless egoism appears with cruel obviousness. The relationship between them is the same competitive struggle, only not for profit, but for survival. And given the conditions in which they found themselves, its outcome could not be other than in the finale of the story: the dying Cuthfert, crushed by the body of Wetherby, whom he killed in an animal fight over a cup of sugar.

4) In drama “At the Bottom” Maxim Gorky shows how absolutely callous, soulless, heartless people can turn the life of an individual person who depends on them into hell. Vasilisa Kostyleva, being the owner of a flophouse where people offended by fate live, humiliates, insults them in every possible way, and destroys the light that remains in their souls. Vasilisa shows callousness not only towards the inhabitants of the shelter, but also towards her own sister, whose happiness she ruined forever.

5) During the recent war in the Caucasus, an incident occurred that caused justifiable indignation in society. A wounded soldier was brought to the hospital, but the doctors refused to admit him, citing the fact that their institution belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the soldier belonged to the Ministry of Defense. While they were looking for the necessary medical unit, the wounded man died.

6) V. Rasputin “Live and Remember”

Andrei Guskov's desertion, his selfishness and cowardice caused the death of his mother and the suicide of his pregnant wife Nastya.

7) L. Andreev “Judas Iscariot”

Judas Iscariot, betraying Christ, wants to test the devotion of his disciples and the correctness of the humanistic teachings of Jesus. However, they all turned out to be cowardly ordinary people, like the people who also did not stand up for their Teacher.

8) N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk"

Sergei, the lover and then the husband of the merchant Katerina Izmailova, committed the murders of her relatives with her, wanting to become the only heir to a rich fortune, and subsequently betrayed his beloved woman, calling her an accomplice in all the crimes. At the hard labor stage, he cheated on her, mocked her as best he could.

9) S. Lvov “My childhood friend”

Arkady Basov, whom the narrator Yuri considered his true friend and to whom he entrusted the secret of his first love, betrayed this trust, exposing Yura to general ridicule. Basov, who later became a writer, remained a vile and dishonest person.

10) A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"

Vanka Zhukov is an orphan. He was sent to study as a shoemaker in Moscow, where he had a very hard life. This can be learned from the letter he sent “to grandfather Konstantin Makarovich in the village with a request to pick him up. The boy will remain lonely, uncomfortable in a cruel and cold world.

11) A.P. Chekhov "Tosca"

Cab driver Iona Potapov's only son died. To overcome melancholy and an acute feeling of loneliness, he wants to tell someone about his misfortune, but no one wants to listen to him, no one cares about him. And then Jonah tells his whole story to the horse: it seems to him that it was she who listened to him and sympathized with his grief.

1) L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Petya Rostov, on the eve of his tragic death, in his relations with his comrades, shows all the best traits of the “Rostov breed” that he inherited in his home: kindness, openness, the desire to help at any moment.

2) V. Astafiev “Last bow” Grandmother Katerina Petrovna imbued her grandson Vitka with deep human wisdom and became for him a symbol of love, kindness, and respect for people.

3) I. Polyanskaya “Iron and Ice Cream” The negative psychological atmosphere in the family and the callousness of adults became the cause of the serious illness of Rita, the little heroine of the story, and the cruelty, cunning, and resourcefulness of her sister.

4) A. Fadeev “Young Guard” In a lyrical digression about his mother, the author says that a mother and her care instill in any of us morality and the ability to appreciate life.

5) K. Vorobyov “Aunt Egorikha” The orphan Sanka in the story will become orphaned again when he loses his aunt Yegorikha, who has become more than a mother to him.

6) V.P. Astafiev “Participating in all living things...” The author states: if he were given the chance to repeat life, he would ask his fate for one thing - to leave his mother with him. The writer missed her all his life, and he appeals to everyone with a request to take care of their mothers, because they come only once and never return, and no one can replace them.

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