The icons are hanging. Where to hang the Seven-Shot Icon in the house: Christian canons and pagan fictions

In the home of every Orthodox Christian there must be an icon of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Cross. This is the main icon for each of us.

Also in the home iconostasis it is good to have an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and saints revered in the family - the patrons of those who live in the house and those to whom they often pray. You should not have too many icons; in your home iconostasis it is better to have icons of those to whom you regularly pray.

There is no need to put photographs of loved ones - living or dead - in the iconostasis.

BOOK by Archpriest Sergius Nikolaev about HOME ICONOSTASIS

The material world that surrounds us, the world of objects - daily witnesses of our life - is not silent. A person’s home will tell about the owner, perhaps more than the owner himself. And if an Orthodox person on the street, on a bus, in a store does not stand out in any way outwardly, then his home still has its own characteristics. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to talk about the aesthetics of an Orthodox home.

The parish priest often visits the homes of his parishioners. He is called upon to bless the apartment, serve a prayer service at home, and is invited to perform the sacrament of consecration of oil (unction) to the sick person. During such visits, I always pay attention to what place is allocated to household icons, how they are kept, whether there are lamps or a candlestick in front of them. Is there a Gospel or spiritual books in the house?

It is a joy to encounter a beautifully decorated, kept clean, living holy corner with icons, a lamp lit in front of them, a clean veil under the images. How much love there is in such care! Yes, this is natural. The most precious thing for us is God. That is why images of the Savior, His Most Pure Mother, and saints of God are dear to us - holy icons.

But it’s a pity for the owner or mistress of a house where a warped paper image the size of half a palm, covered with dust, leans forlornly from a chest of drawers or sideboards, leaning against a random vase.

Sometimes, especially in those families where the Orthodox church tradition was somehow interrupted, believers and completely pious owners do not know how best to arrange new holy icons, lamps, and candlesticks for their home. After all, an icon is a shrine, but it is also a product that has its own shape, appearance, and price. How to “fit” it into the current familiar environment?

Where to hang an icon in an apartment?

Previously, all the decoration of a peasant's upper room came from the red, or holy corner with icons. Even the name “upper room” itself probably comes from a mountain place (in Russian - heavenly, upper), that is, the place where part of the sky is located - holy icons. And today it is better to determine a convenient, beautiful place for icons in a free corner or on the wall, even if this requires some rearrangement.

During prayer or on holidays, a lamp or candle is lit in front of the icons. The flame of a burning lamp, rushing upward, is a symbol of our prayer, our burning towards God. You can see that the lamp is safer in everyday life. But still, for special occasions or special occasions, it is good to have a candlestick and candles in the house. Lamps come in several types: hanging and standing. The owner of the house, based on aesthetics and convenience, can choose one or the other.

It is customary to place the icon not directly on the shelf, but on a small beautiful napkin, or, as it is called, a shroud. It can be decorated with embroidery, lace, frill. Here the imagination, taste and skill of the housewife can fully express themselves.

If there is no free corner or convenient part of the wall and at the same time it is a pity to disturb the existing interior, then the icons can be placed on a bookshelf, chest of drawers, low sideboard, piano. Temporarily, of course. In this case, you should pay attention to what books are on the shelf, whether they are completely combined with the shrine standing above them. Maybe it would be better to remove them or at least cover them with something. Look to see if there are porcelain dogs, gift cups or other household decorations that are not very necessary here next to the icons. The TV also looks ridiculous under the icons. And one more condition: nothing is placed above the icons. Clocks, paintings, photographs and other decorative elements should take place somewhat to the side. So once upon a time it was not allowed to build a building higher than a temple in close proximity to it.

The presence of a shrine in a house obliges the owners to take care not only of the external splendor of the interior, but also of the internal contents, that is, it moves them towards piety. Be sure to check whether everything in your house is in accordance with the shrine and whether there are any contradictions.

In the “Ancient Patericon” you can read an incident that happened to one hermit. Once, while praying, the monk saw the Most Holy Virgin standing on the threshold of his cell. She seemed to be about to enter, but then she moved away and disappeared. The vision was repeated, and the saddened hermit turned to the Mother of God: “Mistress, why don’t you want to enter my home?” To which the Mother of God answered: “How can I enter where my enemy is.” The hermit pondered for a long time over the words of the Most Pure Virgin and remembered that in his cell, among the books, there was a book with the works of a certain heretic, which the monk forgot to give to the owner. Immediately the hermit took the book out of the cell.

If the family is friendly, then such “enemies”, after discussion at the family council, can also be taken out of the house. And almost everyone has them. In this regard, I remember two cases. Last year they invited me to serve a prayer service in one house, where, according to the owners, it was “not good.” Despite the fact that the house was consecrated, some kind of oppression was felt in it. Walking around the rooms with holy water, I noticed the room of the young men, the sons of the owner, where an artistically executed poster dedicated to a famous rock band hung on the wall. Moreover, it is known for its satanic orientation.

After the prayer service, over tea, I carefully, knowing about the fanatical devotion of some young people to their idols, tried to explain that “bad things” in the house could well come from even such posters, that such images seemed to be trying to resist the shrine. The young man stood up silently and removed the painting in question from the wall. The choice was made right there.

But in another house, the indecisiveness of the owners deprived them of a wonderful shrine. A pious old woman gave one person a beautiful icon - “The Appearance of the Mother of God, St. Sergius of Radonezh.” The icon was beautiful in itself, and besides, it was painted and presented to its owner by a famous hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, which gave it some specialness. The new owner found a place for the precious shrine on the wall in the living room, but, unfortunately, three engravings hung opposite. Old engravings in beautiful frames, three female portraits: Venus, Leda and Cleopatra. Relatives persuaded the owners to remove these three images of the world's harlots so that they would not hang in front of the Virgin Mary, but the reluctance to destroy the interior and the not entirely correctly perceived concept of culture did not allow them to make the right choice.

The next morning, early, as early as decency allows, the phone rang: the pious old woman begged for the icon to be returned to her and returned as soon as possible. “I didn’t sleep all night, it seemed to me that something had happened to my icon. I will give you another one, and bring this one to me, I will give it to you later,” she asked. Of course, the shrine returned to its former owner, and lovers of ancient engravings received another icon as a gift. It was placed in another room on a shelf among other icons, since it was more suitable in size and design there. I don’t know whether Lyubov Timofeevna chose a replacement by accident or on purpose. This was also an image of the Mother of God, it was called “Mammal.” Perhaps there was a hint here about the spiritual age of her friends? True, the lesson was not in vain; after a while, three landscapes took the place of dubious portraits.

Where to hang the icon?

Sometimes the question arises: there are several rooms in the house, where is it more appropriate to place icons? There is no special rule. But you pray more often in the room in which you sleep. In addition, prayer requires some solitude. “When you pray, go into your room and, having shut your door, pray to your Father. Which is in secret…” (Matthew 6:6), we read in the Gospel. This means that it is wise to have icons in the bedroom in front of which you will read morning and evening prayers.

If you have a children's room, then there must be an icon in it. A child often turns to “God” in his own, childish way; it’s good if he can see the image. In addition, any holy icon is miraculous, and it will miraculously protect your child.

Remember that the whole family gathers in the common room, a common meal often takes place here, and the holy image should also be located here. Don't forget about the kitchen. The owner spends most of her time in it. The kitchen is the place for everyday breakfasts and dinners. It is better to say a prayer before eating food, turning your gaze to the icon. So, let there be icons in every room and in the kitchen. “...I wish that men would say prayers in every place, lifting up clean hands without anger or doubt” (1 Tim. 2:8), says the Apostle. “Every place...”

What icons must be in the house?

There is one more question. What icons are best to have at home? There is also no rule here, but only a pious tradition. Most of our prayers are addressed to the Savior and the Mother of God. It is reasonable to have an image of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother at home.

In a Russian Orthodox home, you will most often find a triptych: the Savior, the Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas. The veneration of St. Nicholas in Russia is so widespread that hardly any saint can compare in this sense with the Wonderworker of Myra. The reason for this is simple: as you know, people don’t go to a dry well for water. Saint Nicholas is loved and revered by us as a quick helper, intercessor and great wonderworker. Almost every family has experience of his miraculous help.

Pious people usually have the image of their heavenly patron, whose name they bear. Sometimes this or that saint of God turns out to be somewhat close to us. We find in his life some character trait that is close to us or that we love, we are admired by some deed or miracle created through “his prayer. There is a desire to have an image of this saint at home. Of course, prayer in front of him will be especially heartfelt. Our patriotic dispensation, love for the Fatherland can express itself in special veneration and warm prayer before the images of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, Righteous John of Kronstadt, noble princes Alexander Nevsky, Daniil of Moscow and Demetrius of Donskoy. Love for Russia is inseparable from love for the miraculous icons of the Diligent Intercessor, the Mother of God, through which so many miracles have occurred on our land. These are the icons of Vladimir, Kazan, Tikhvin, Derzhavnaya and many others.

The Feasts of the Lord and the Mother of God are also depicted on icons. You can have at home an icon of the Presentation, Annunciation, Baptism, and the Protection of the Mother of God.

Take a closer look at the “Nativity of Christ” icon. What a quiet, peaceful, family-like image. God the Child and the Mother and Betrothed, looking at the Little One in quiet tenderness; shepherds worshiping the Savior with the fear and joy of a simple and faithful heart; wise men-magi who brought gifts-symbols, a sign that earthly wisdom is just a part of heavenly wisdom. Peaceful night, and above everything is the Star of Bethlehem. How many thoughts and prayers will be born next to this icon.

And look at the image “The Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.” The parents brought their only, long-awaited, beloved child to the temple in order to leave him there. The girl is only three years old. How sweet the little ones are at this time, how pure and innocent! How the mere sight of them caresses a parent’s heart! But where is the best place to preserve and strengthen this purity? In the temple. Joachim and Anna gave Mary to be raised in the temple. Look, parents, your child must honor the Law of God, and your child must be in church. Looking at this image of parental feat and hope in God, pray for your children and think about your responsibilities.

We will find how much we need for our soul by looking at the icon “The Presentation of the Lord.” Meeting, in Slavic, meeting, that is, the meeting of the Savior and Elder Simeon. What wonderful words were spoken by the God-Receiver Simeon, receiving the Infant Jesus in his arms: “Now, Master, you are letting Your servant go in peace, according to Your word” (Luke 2:29). Because it was revealed to the righteous old man that he would not die until he saw Christ the Savior. And when we meet the Lord, whether in prayer, in His temple, in reading the Holy Scriptures, at the relics of His holy saints, we also part with earthly things, temporarily dying to the worries and sorrows of this life. “Now You are releasing Your servant, O Master...”

Why don't you have the image of the Life-Giving Trinity: three Angels sitting at a meal - a symbol of endless love and unity.

And what a consolation for an Orthodox person to see the omophorion of the Mother of God stretched out over the world on the icon of the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. Do not despair, man, and over you is the protection of the Diligent Intercessor.

Nowadays you can buy different icons. Any consecrated image is a shrine. And a paper lithograph, and a reproduction of an icon painter, and an old family image, and a rarity purchased in an antique store - all this is an icon. Of course, it’s nice to have a highly artistic image painted by a competent specialist isographer; today you can buy these in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, St. Daniel’s Monastery in Moscow, where they have their own art workshops. It’s great if you have old family icons at home. But modern reproduction should not be neglected. In Crimea, in Livadia, in the imperial palace in the office of Emperor Nicholas II, a very religious and pious man, the walls are literally filled with icons. Antique, precious icons, and next to them simple “village” letters, and here and there lithographs and photographs. And all these shrines - both dear and modest - met the prayerful gaze of the holy man who stood with a tender heart in front of them. It seems that the point here is not only about what icon is in front of us, but also about ourselves. I had to see indifferent empty faces both in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, and in front of the Trinity of Andrei Rublev’s letters. “The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21), said the Savior.

I would like to wish you that holy icons will often appear before your eyes, moving you to prayer and contemplation of God, lifting you above the vanity of the world, calming passions and healing illnesses. Amen.


Icons in our house. About prayer. About alms. - M.: Danilovsky blagovestnik, 1997.- 48 p. - (Series “For advice from the priest”).

Faith in the Lord is our most precious wealth, the only true vector leading us through life, the greatest gift and grace. We must follow the laws of Holy Scripture with reverence and we must bring its blessing to the world. In addition to the fact that our soul follows the call of faith, in our worldly life there are many symbolic and holy things that help us, protect and illuminate us, our family and home. Among such holy things, first of all, one can and should include icons and faces of Saints.

An icon should be present in every home and apartment; with its light it not only gives a feeling of grace, but also helps to cope with difficult moments in life, it protects from evil thoughts and troubles, and preserves peace and happiness in the home. An icon and prayer must be present in a person’s daily life, because this is the connecting link between us and the Lord. People familiar with the canons of Christianity know what icons need to be hung and where, however, these rules can be repeated. We hope that for someone these tips will become useful and important and will help to let more Divine light into their lives.

If you have become the owner of a new home, have made renovations, or simply decided to strengthen your faith by bringing a piece of God’s grace into your home, then consecrate your home. To do this, the clergyman must perform a special ritual in the house.

The second step is the design of the “Goddess” or home iconostasis. In the house, icons should be located in a special place; it used to be called the ‘red corner’.

  • The goddess was usually located in the eastern part of the house, in a bright and clean place,
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the iconostasis; regular cleaning is a prerequisite,
  • It is advisable that the place where you will decorate the iconostasis be free of unnecessary objects.

Each person is characterized by individual characteristics and in matters of faith too. Therefore, icons revered in the family are used for the iconostasis, but do not forget about the church hierarchy:

  1. The Trinity or Crucifix is ​​hanged first;
  2. Below is the image of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God (left), Nicholas the Wonderworker (right);
  3. The faces of the apostles and saints equal to the apostles;
  4. Canonical images of the holy fathers of the church;
  5. Icons of the Great Martyrs and Martyrs of the Church;
  6. Images of saints;
  7. Next are the righteous and church saints;
  8. The bottom row is occupied by the blessed.

A properly designed iconostasis will help you find spiritual harmony and strengthen your connection with the Lord. But some people go further and hang holy images in other places, including above or opposite the front door. Let’s try to figure out which shrine you can choose for this purpose.

There are several Holy images that can be hung above the front door of the house and this will be energetically correct.

"Seven-shot Mother of God" - guardian of the house

This face of the Mother of God is unusual in that She is depicted alone and with seven swords that pierce her chest. This is a symbol of terrible earthly torment and sorrow. There is an option in which, instead of seven, six swords are depicted.

Such a shrine can be hung above the front door and it will protect the house from evil people and unclean thoughts, and the second option can soften hearts and establish harmony in the family. The image with six swords is called “Softening Evil Hearts”; this holy image helps to overcome discord in the family and home; by praying to it you can get rid of anger and bad thoughts towards loved ones.

The history of this image originates in Vologda, where epidemics constantly raged in troubled times. So one peasant, who was seriously ill, had already lost all hope of healing, but he heard the voice of the Lord, telling him to find the icon of the Mother of God and pray to her for recovery. The elder was ordered to search in the Theological Church, in its bell tower. She appeared to him on the steps of the bell tower, trampled and dirty. After the face was cleansed and they began to pray to her, she not only gave healing to the peasant, but also diverted the cholera epidemic from the population of Vologda and its environs.

The Seven-Shot Mother of God has enormous power and therefore it is necessary to treat her in a special way, let this choice become not just a tribute to fashion, but a deliberate, desired and blessed step.

"Goalkeeper" - unbreakable defense

The prototype of this face was the famous domed mosaic from St. Sophia of Kyiv, located above the main altar. This image of the Mother of God with her hands raised to him, praying to the heavens, became a real stronghold of Kyiv for nine centuries; with the “Goalkeeper” it never fell. And the face gained worldwide fame as “Oranta the Defender”.

You can hang this face in your house both above the front door and on the wall opposite it. An interesting legend is associated with this image, according to which the old man was able to reach the desired city, along a sparsely populated narrow road guarded by the Mother of God from an evil giant. Many people were walking along the second wide and bright path opposite, but the monster caught them all in a net. A very symbolic image of faith and fortitude.

If this image hangs in the house, troubles and evil spirits, as well as people with evil thoughts, can be warded away from the family and monastery. That is why many advise hanging Oranta opposite or above the entrance.

Some revered holy faces can be seen both in churches, monasteries, and in Christian homes. These include the miraculous Seven-Arrow Icon: where is the best place to hang the image of the Most Pure Mother of God in the house, read on.

Icons depicting the Savior, the Mother of God, and Christian saints are not objects for interior decoration or ordinary amulets. Orthodox images are real shrines through which believers turn to God. They occupy a special place in a person’s heart, in his home, are carefully stored and passed on from grandfathers and fathers to children. Traditionally, iconostases were created in Christian homes, which consisted of the most revered, powerful and important images for a particular family. The icons were placed in a prominent place of honor.

Seven-shot icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

An ignorant person, looking at the face of the Mother of God of the Seven-Shot Icon, may be surprised. The Virgin Mary appears alone in the image, her gaze expresses restrained sorrow, her head is slightly tilted to the side. What is most striking is the image of seven arrows, which are aimed directly at the heart of the Virgin Mary. Three arrows (or swords) are written on the left side, and four on the right (although the reverse arrangement is possible).

There is also an icon on which there are three arrows on the right and left, the seventh is at the bottom. The last option is another icon, known under several names: “The Softening of Evil Hearts” or “Simeon’s Prophecy.” The images have almost identical meaning and prayer power.

Prophecy of Elder Simeon

To understand the meaning of the Seven Shot Image, one should turn to the Gospel narrative. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was translating sacred texts, was destined to die only after he saw the Messiah. The old man had been waiting for this hour for almost 270 years. And then the Holy Spirit appeared to Simeon with the message that the cherished day had come and he should go to the Temple of the city of Jerusalem.

On the fortieth day after the birth of the Infant Christ, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, together with her husband, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed, brought him to the Jerusalem Temple for dedication, as required by the traditions of the Old Testament. On the threshold, Simeon met the Holy Family with the Messiah, expected by all the people of Judea. He took Jesus in his arms and blessed him. Then, turning to Mary, he prophetically uttered the words that thanks to this Baby, some will ascend, others will fall, and the Mother of God herself will be pierced by a sharp weapon in her soul.

The last words about weapons, like many other moments in the life of Jesus Christ, have many meanings. First of all, this is an allegorical description of the severe hardships, suffering, and sorrow that the Most Pure Virgin Mary had to endure, seeing the crucifixion of the Savior Christ. The number seven itself in the Christian tradition means completeness, fullness of something. The icons, which depict a plot with seven arrows (swords) piercing the heart of the Virgin Mary, are illustrations of this prophecy, but carry a broader meaning applied to the human race. Seven sharp arrows are an allegorical image of the seven mortal human sins that cause suffering and pain to the merciful heart of the Holy Intercessor.

Finding a miraculous image

Today, no one can determine exactly when the image of the Seven-Shot Mother of God appeared, or who exactly was the author of the icon. The first time the image appeared to people in the 15th century, this event could not have happened without Divine Providence.

Not far from the city of Vologda (Kadnikovsky district) there lived a peasant who had been suffering from incurable lameness and painful weakness for a long time. He tirelessly turned to God asking for healing, since other tried methods did not help. One day the Most Pure Mother of God appeared to him in a dream. She ordered the man to find Her miraculous image in the bell tower at the Church of St. John the Theologian, to pray with great faith before it, and healing would be granted.

Not daring to disobey and believing in the power of the Mother of God image, the peasant went twice to the indicated temple. But they didn’t want to let him in, simply not believing the story. And only the third time they allowed us to go to the bell tower. The icon with the Mother of God pierced by seven arrows was found very quickly; it was located face down at the turn of the stairs. The monks and bell ringers felt confusion, because without knowing it they had stepped on the icon many times. The seven-shot image was cleaned of dirt. They brought him into the temple and served a prayer service. The peasant kneeled with faith and prayed to the Mother of God for healing and intercession - and the illness went away.

This was the first miraculous healing, the fame of which quickly spread many kilometers from Vologda. Other cases followed. In 1830, outbreaks of cholera suddenly appeared in the villages of the Vologda region. The epidemic spread quickly, then people began to fervently pray to the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God and walked around the temple in a procession of the cross. After this, the disease began to fade away, and the people began to recover. Since then, the icon has gained fame as an assistant in the fight against cholera and other terrible diseases.

Where to place the Seven Arrow Icon

Favorite Orthodox icons most often hang above the front door, at the head of the bed, or in a special place such as an iconostasis. The seven-shot image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most powerful, which is why it is often chosen for home.

There are no strict rules regarding the location of the icon, but some advice given by priests should be heeded:

  • It is advisable to place the Seven-Shot Image of the Virgin Mary on one of the eastern walls of the apartment/house. If this is not possible, hang it at the head of the bed, above or preferably opposite the front door.
  • When planning to allocate a corner to set up a home iconostasis, make sure in advance that the place is within easy reach for cleaning. Icons should be kept clean.
  • There should be no household items (cosmetics, jewelry, toys, talismans, aroma lamps, souvenirs) on the shelf or wall next to the icon or home iconostasis.
  • Personal photographs and paintings also have no place near the icons. When saying your prayers, turn to the Mother of God, Jesus, the saints, and not to archival photos of even people very dear to you. Store such photos in other places or hang them on another wall. Even paintings on biblical themes are inappropriate next to shrines.
  • If you want to have a large number of icons at home, do not place them on one small shelf. Relics should not cover one another. Plan out the composition on the wall, try to arrange the images symmetrically so that each one is clearly visible and accessible.
  • Traditionally, you should not hang one Seven-Arrow icon over the dining table. The image of the Savior would be more appropriate here. In Christian families, the Lord's Prayer is read before meals. Sometimes cooked food is also sanctified with Thanks to the Lord.
  • The seven-arrow icon is close in content to the image “Softening Evil Hearts,” so it can be hung in a nursery next to or instead of the face of the Guardian Angel or the child’s patron saint.

Before the Seven Arrow Shrine one should pray for an end to troubles and quarrels; it will give peace and tranquility to every home, preserve and strengthen family ties, improve relationships and mutual understanding between spouses. Prayerful appeals to this image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary help soften the hearts of unkind people, envious people, and ill-wishers. The Mother of God will protect you from serious illnesses and injuries, and if an illness appears, she will help you overcome it faster. The main thing is to remember that it is not enough to buy an icon you like and hang it on the wall. Sincere constant prayer with faith in the mercy and power of the Heavenly Queen is necessary. And by faith, everyone will be granted prosperity and healing.

Many traditions of Christianity have been erased from memory and lost over the centuries. Elderly people still remember the old traditions, preserve the memory of sacred prayers and rituals, but the younger generation is lost and is afraid to make mistakes when converting to faith. The question of how and where to place home icons worries many; we will try to give a simple and understandable answer.

Where to install the iconostasis and individual icons

Canonically, the home iconostasis was placed in the eastern part of the house. Temple altars are also located in the eastern part of the church. However, one should not confuse a house with a church. A house is only a continuation of the temple, there is no need to confuse and confuse concepts, a house is first and foremost a family hearth, so the “red corner” can be located in any part of the room. The only condition is that there must be enough free space in front of the “goddess” so that all family members can gather for prayer. In addition to the general iconostasis, it is recommended to place one icon in each living room.

If a family gathers at a common table in the kitchen, it is worth hanging an icon of the Savior there, since a prayer of gratitude is addressed to him for their daily bread. An icon of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to the house.

How to properly design an iconostasis

The Church condemns the proximity of icons with decorative elements, modern entertainment household appliances (TV, tape recorder), paintings and various posters of modern stars. It is also forbidden to place icons with books of non-theological content. You can decorate the iconostasis with fresh flowers.

On Palm Sunday, willow branches are placed near the icons, and on Trinity Day, the house and the red corner are decorated with birch branches. The iconostasis and icons hanging separately can be decorated with embroidered towels. This tradition has ancient roots - these towels are used in the sacrament of baptism and wedding ceremonies, which are carefully stored and passed on by inheritance. After the water prayer service, it is customary to wipe your face with these towels. Since ancient times, girls have collected several embroidered towels as a dowry to decorate the iconostasis in the new home of a young family.

What icons should be in the home iconostasis

Traditionally, the icon of Jesus Christ and the icon of the Mother of God are displayed in the red corner. Canonically, as in a church, the icon of the Savior is on the right side, and the icon of the Mother of God is on the left. Select the remaining icons yourself or with the help of a spiritual mentor.

It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with an Orthodox cross. There is no strict set of necessary icons, just as there is no single design rule. It is only necessary to observe the principle of primacy and hierarchy: you cannot place icons of saints above the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior and the Mother of God. The composition should look complete, neat, systematized.

It is desirable that all icons be made in the same artistic style. If you have an icon that is passed down by inheritance, it is advisable to install it in the center of the composition, like a home shrine (but below the main icons). You should treat icons with care; if the colors have faded and faded, then it can be stored in a shrine behind other icons for some time, and later given to the church.

The iconostasis can be supplemented with icons of local saints and patrons, saints in whose honor family members are named. In Russian Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Peter and Paul deserve special honor.

The best adviser will be a priest - the confessor of the family. He will help you choose icons for your home.

Often believers think about hanging an icon above their front door. Placing a holy image not only serves as an additional decoration, but also fills the house with positive energy. Its influence on the inhabitants of the apartment depends on which image you choose.

Today, many people can find an icon in their home.

Features of placing icons in the house

Often people who want to place an icon in their home wonder: is it possible to hang it above the front door and what is the best way to place it? Usually a special corner is set up in the house for arranging the icons that are most significant to a person. There are no special requirements in this regard, but there are still a number of recommendations:

  • It is best to install the icon in the eastern part of the apartment, especially for the main image, but nevertheless, to attract positive energy, it is permissible to hang it near the front door.
  • It is necessary to ensure the cleanliness of the corner. Constant cleaning is a prerequisite, so the item must be within reach of the owner.
  • It is advisable to complement the face of the Saint with a towel.
  • Clear the space in the place where you plan to hang the icon; do not use other amulets and talismans.
  • You can place the image opposite the entrance to protect the house from evil spirits and negative energy.

It is not advisable to place icons near photographs of family members, as well as other images and household appliances.

To repel negative energy, you can hang the icon in the children's room on the eastern wall

What does an icon bring with it?

For some people, placing an icon above the door is just another fashion trend or some tradition passed down from the older generation. Religious Orthodox people take this issue more seriously. Regardless of the reason why you decide to use such a symbol, the icon carries with it a certain semantic and energetic load.

What does the face of the Saint bring with it? First of all, it is generally accepted that it helps a person maintain a spiritual connection with God and higher powers. The icon also serves as a kind of amulet against bad influences from the outside, especially if it is located directly in front of the entrance. Overall, it fills the house with positive energy and brings with it a blessing for its inhabitants and their guests.

It is also believed that some images have a specific influence. For example, some of them are able to positively influence a person’s character and prevent quarrels in the family, while others are responsible for health and heal illnesses. Patrons have a special influence, they are chosen individually, so in some cases it is allowed to place several images near the doors.

The icon will bring prosperity and peace to the family

What icons are most often hung above the front door? The most popular are the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Shots” and “Goalkeeper”. Personal guardian angels are also very popular.

Rules for installing an image near the front door

In order for the holy image to benefit your home, you must follow some rules regarding its placement. First you need to choose which icon to hang near the front door. To do this, you need to pay attention to its meaning and the properties attributed to it.

It is better to place some images just above the opening, so that everyone entering the house seems to receive a certain energy charge. At the same time, it will additionally endow your home with positive energy. If you hang an icon opposite the door, you will be able to push away all the negativity from the outside, however, there are no strict recommendations regarding the choice of place, the main thing here is the purity of your intentions and compliance with the general rules for placing icons.

Let's take a closer look at several of the most popular images, which are most often hung near the entrance. Perhaps one of them will be the most suitable for you.

The images of shrines above the doorway give each person who enters part of their energy

Mother of God "Seven Shots"

One of the most widely used images of Saints is the icon of the Mother of God with Swords. In other words, it is often called “Seven Shot”. It depicts the Mother of God alone. She holds swords in her hands, seven or six of them, depending on the variation of the icon, they seem to be piercing her chest. This arrangement is a kind of symbol of the Mother’s suffering. The knives can be positioned in three positions:

  • three on the left and four on the right;
  • three above the palms and one in the center below them with the handle down;
  • three on each side.

The power of the icon lies in its ability to heal illnesses and protect its owners from negativity. She is known for the legend of her appearance when she healed the man who found her under the steps of the bell tower.

For a home, the Seven-Shot Mother of God is valuable primarily because it is able to protect it from the penetration of thieves and other ill-wishers. In addition, it improves the emotional situation and prevents the occurrence of domestic quarrels; its alternative name directly indicates these properties. It drives away bad thoughts and helps cope with negative emotions. The power of the icon does not depend on whether it was consecrated or not; it is such a strong image that even an ordinary copy or an embroidered picture can be used.

The seven-arrow icon in the house protects family members from any negative condition

This is another icon depicting the Mother of God, which is perfect for placing near the front door. It is also known as the "Unbreakable Wall" or "Oranta". According to legend, she guarded Kyiv and while the Holy Face was in the city, it was never conquered.

The properties of this image are attributed to miraculous powers aimed at protecting the house. It helps protect the home from ill-wishers, thieves, as well as evil spirits and witchcraft. The power of the image is directed towards all the inhabitants of the house and protects the home even during the absence of its owners. If guests come to you with bad intentions or negative thoughts directed in your direction, “Goalkeeper” will help turn them away. Soon, ill-wishers will leave the house themselves, as they will feel some discomfort.

“The Goalkeeper” is one of the most important Orthodox shrines, protects against a variety of negative events, from home invasion by thieves and ill-wishers

Guardian angel

Another win-win option when choosing a suitable icon for placement at the entrance to the apartment is the face of your personal patron or guardian angel. Here you first need to determine the specific Saint who is assigned to you.

You can determine your patron by date of birth. This image will serve as protection for a person and will bring him success in life.

Guardian angel helps in any trouble

There is a whole order to determine your angel. The most common way is to correlate with your date of birth, but this is far from the only option. You can refer to the name under which you were baptized in the church. Usually it corresponds to the name of some martyr or great martyr. The image of this person will help you cope with the difficulties of life and bring peace and prosperity to your home.

You can also choose a patron yourself. The determining factor in this case is the specific goal that you want to achieve with the help of the icon. For example, it could be an image of a Saint, which has the ability to strengthen family ties and enhance the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding between household members. For other people, it will be more useful to place a face above the entrance to heal illnesses and improve health. Each specific case has its own list of suitable icons. Of course, this does not mean that it will somehow miraculously solve all your problems for you, but at least you will have confidence in your abilities and inspiration on a spiritual level.

Regardless of which icon you choose, it will in any case have a beneficial effect on your home and create positive energy. When moving to a new apartment, you can also consecrate your home to bless its inhabitants.

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